Tuesday 15 May 2012

reverse engineering - How do libraries such as discutils/to interact with .PSD files work? -

I see a lot of projects, including some degree reverse engineering (some things I know very little). For example, there was an API to interact with .psd files (remove layers, add layers, add masking, etc.) on codeproject and also has a Desudit Library for C #, which interacts with ISO files. (Not sure the library's featuretakers are exactly).

I know that these types of applications need to be reverse engineering, but how can I get more information about such programs (code is open source and I will see it, but How do I have some guides to make such programs)? Obviously this is more than just putting the C # methods together.


Partial support for the management of GIMP PSD files on their implementation Take a look and start from there.

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