Tuesday 15 May 2012

compilation - Vim-LaTeX - How to auto close brackets and how to compile using vim-commands -

I would like to know how the typing (, {{or [once it was used once the Vime-Latex was used I would also like to know how to do this so that my cursor ends inside the bracket because the VIM closes the bracket. So far, I try to write the following in my .vimrc-file, but it does .tex-files Does not work in:

  inoremap {{}  Inoremap {{{inoremap {} {}  Left  & Gt; inoremap (()  Inoramap (((inoremap () () (& amp;) Left> Inromem [[]  Inoremap [[Inomemap [] [ ]  Anyone who knows how to solve this? Another question: I am currently compiling Latex files in VIM-Latex But is there a way to do this using vim-command?  

to define compile mapping

uses vim-latex specific pattern : it's Called depends on the plugin AP (or Aimapis?) If you want to define the mapping, while IMAP is nearby, you can make better use of its functions. Otherwise you will follow the weird behavior.

Regarding compatibility with the bracketing system and IAPAP, I find that mapping has been established before defining its mapping to define corresponding mapping. Characters opening brackets (assuming the () related pair will insert a placeholder (such as a Vimelet-Latex) + the cursor will be moved to the correct location (-> (& Lt; cursor & gt;) & lt; + placeholder + & gt; . And closing the bracket key will jump to the placeholder (and thus close the bracket pair) if the cursor is just before the closing bracket characters I'm not sure this is what you are looking for However, context can be analyzed for precise behavior. For example, see Markdown Bracket Mapping.

Edit: Regarding the command, you always (Untested)

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