Saturday 15 August 2015

c# - How can i find a control in the footer template of a data repeater -

Text after "

ASPX: code

& lt; ASP: Repeater ID = "Repeater" runat = "Server" & gt;

& lt; HeaderTemplate & gt; & Lt; / HeaderTemplate & gt;

& lt; ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; / Item timeplay & gt;

& lt; Footer & gt; & Lt; Asp: Verbatim id = findme runate = server & gt; & Lt; / FooterTeplate & gt;

& lt; / Asp: repeater & gt;

What I'm seeing is to be able to get the source code within the control of the data rapist footprint. Im basic with "FindControl" when I do a DataBind or are looking for control within the page itself, but are I familiar with how a data repeater can get control within a footer template?

Is this also possible?


I need to be able to do this after i database

  Protected sub repeater 1_ItemDataBound (ByVal as the sender object, System byVal and .UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs) Repeater Supports I.itemDataBound if E. ITEM ITemType = ListItemType.Footer then dim Dims = CType (e.Item.FindControl ("findme"), literal) end as the end  

regex - How do I grab only one capture out of a Perl regular expression? -

In addition to following a match, it is an easy way to catch only one element out of a match:

  My $ date = ($ xml_file = ~ m / (\ d +) - sys_char /) [0]; # Or my $ date = $ 1 if $ xml_file = ~ / (\ d +) - sys_char /;  

Is there any flag to specify that the meter does not return an array, but all $ # matches have only one consistent value, so can I?

  My $ date = ($ xml_file = ~ mSOMEOPT / (\ d +) - sys_char /);  

Delete from the end?

you want:

my ($ date) = ( $ Xml_file = ~ m / (\ d +) - sys_char /);

This will get you $ 1 in the $ date . For the second part of your question, there is no way to get all the matches counted in the same variable, but you can get them all in one array:

  my @matches = ($ Xml_file = ~ m / (\ d +) - sys_char /);  

These are actually the same syntax: When there is an array on the left hand side of such a match, then an all array array is returned to

update ruby to 1.8.7 -

I am working on a project that I want to use Ruby 1.8.7. I'm using today, Ruby 1.8.6+ Mac OSX Darwin This Ruby 1.8.6 was installed with OS, it is a developer package from Apple. My question is: How can I update this package? If I run the port, it does not search for my current installed package and installs a new Ruby version with different paths and breaks my RubyGames in this form (I know how to fix it, But it's always working on work solutions).

Is there a clean way to update the default Ruby that comes with OS or is better for deleting it and can manage it by port? Please reply like this

have you tried rvm gem? It manages the versions of Ruby, Ruby versions (if not all) allow real (and archival) to compile the most, actually sets the appropriate environment variable pointing to the Ruby version.

  $ gem install rvm $ rvm install 1.8.7 $ rvm 1.8.7 --default  

php - Finding a newline not immediately followed by a newline -

(In PHP ...) I am trying to get a block of text and remove all hard line breaks so that It can be re-wrapped for a specific line length using Wordwrap ().

However, after having many paragraphs in it, I'm assuming that I want a way to remove a new line, but not two lines.

If this is correct, how can I say \ n but \ n \ n Not in a regular expression? Or am I coming wrongly?


  Preg_replace ('! (? & Lt ;; \ N) \ n (?! \ N)! ',' ', $ Input);  

See how it works.

This removes any new lines that are not before or after a new line if you have this combo then you have to do otherwise:

  This is something The text is \ n \ n  

will not match first (not according to Newline New Line) as it will be done after a new line, but the second will be because it is a new line (But it's already one).

Alternatively you can:

  preg_replace_callback ('! \ N +!', 'Replace_newline', $ input); Replace function_new ($ matches) {Return strollen ($ matches [0]) == 1? '': $ Matches [0]; }  

In addition to this I have also assumed that you are just new lines and not even \ r as well. Either the solution can be adjusted for it.

iphone - Storing and Fetching images with text data from database(Sqlite-3)CRASH the application..! -

I am new to iphone so please help me solve my problem ... Actually, with text Collecting and receiving "Pictures" data from database (scalte-3) crash application .. !! I am using these data in the search table. After getting all the data, after 2-3 minutes the application crashes -> What is the best way to store or fetch image data? - or I should store the image after reducing the size, if it is to reduce the size that I am currently using the blog, then I am using the blog.

Waiting for quick reply Thanks ...

Or why data is teasing if they can be stored directly in the database using

  NSData * imgData = UIImagePNG report (your.image); Sqlite3_bind_blob (insertStmt, 0, [imgData bytes], [imgData length], NULL);  

And when you want to get them, you can do this ..

  NSData * Data = [[NSDT allocates] Init Withbits: Sqlite3_column_blob (selectStmt, 0) Length: sqlite3_column_bytes (selection STMt, 0)]; UIImage * urImg = [UIImage imageWith data: data];  

If you want to go into details then you can get it

Hope it helps

php - View in MVC, what is a layout and how to create one -

I did not understand what the layout is, in the view I already asked about templating in PHP, but I still did not understand enough. I think that you create a general layout for the site and then include each specific view within that layout .... I would like to know how to know about doing this. Also, the template should be done using html just because I have called these assistants .... I am just confused over the scene of MVC, and the actual templates and how they make them. I learn the best with examples, if you have any questions.

In addition to this, another important question is that I have a form that the user only logs in when he is logged in, I control it, or in the controller ?

So what will I do

  contains 'header' in the controller; If (isset ($ _ session ['userID'])) {include 'form'; } Include 'footer';  


  in the template & lt; Html & gt; & Lt ;? Php if (isset ($ _ session ['user_id'])):? & Gt; & Lt; Form & gt; .... & lt; / Form & gt; & Lt ;? Php endif ;? & Gt; & Lt; / Html & gt;  


So, to see a specific visual template, there is a included statement from within the layout? I hesitate to answer this question only because of religious jealousy around the devotee.

To get a good understanding of the issues behind general concepts, see this wiki article of MVC The surrounding discussion page is

Here is the rule of thumb which I want to follow (use the BTW I CodeIgniter and it's like sounds like you):

There is almost no logic in "view" should be there. It should be in HTML (web world) with PPP, which is only ace variable In your example, you will break the form in your own view and the controller will determine whether it has been loaded or not.

I like to see it like this: This scene should not have any concept where the data comes from or where the model is going Ageless should look at the controller looking at the model's data and looking at it - And it takes input from the scene and filters it into the model.

Theapp.php (App Controller)

  increases class Theapp controller {var $ _authenticated; var $ _user; var $ _ menu} // array of menu function // __ composition () {session_start (); if (isset ($ _ session [' Authenticated ']) and $ _SESSION [' authenticated ']) {$ this-> _ = certified = $ _SESSION [' authenticated ']; // or something like $ this-> _user = $ _SESSION ['User'];} $ this-> _menu = array ("logout", "help", "more"); parent Ta: __ build (); $ this-> loadView ("welcome"); // loads main welcome view - but not necessarily a complete "html" page} function index () ( If (! $ This-> _authenticated) $ this-> LoadView ("Login Form"); Else {$ viewData ['Menu'] = $ this- & gt; _menu; $ ViewData ['user'] = $ This-> _user; $ this-> LoadView ("Menu", $ ViewData);}} Function Login () {/ code to authenticate the user} / / function logout () {/ * Code to select logout menu} Function Help () {/ * Code Help menu selection process more for more menu selection * /}}  


  & Lt; H1 & gt; Code to process) Welcome to this quick and dirty app! & Lt; / H1> All kinds of good HTML, Javascript, etc. will be added!  


  & lt; Form action "/ Theapp / login" method = "post" & gt; User: & lt; Input id = 'user' name = 'user' & gt; Near: & lt; Input id = 'pass' name = 'pass' type = 'password' & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'submit' & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt;  


  Hi & lt ;? = $ User? & Gt ;! & Lt; Br> Here's your menu & lt; Br> By & lt;? Forex Currency ($ menu $ as option) {? & Gt; & Lt; Div class = 'menu option' & gt; & Lt; A href = '/ theapp / & lt ;? = $ Option? & Gt; ' & Gt; & Lt ;? = $ Option? & Gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; By & lt;? }? & Gt;  

Hope it helps.

iphone - Zooming in UIScrollView is not smooth -

I created a Minesiper clone game in the iPhone. My implementation of the cells in the grid is, I created a UIView and added buttons in UIView and then I added UIViewView to UIScrollView, but every time I zoom out or zoom in by using the Zoom Output method, the UIScrollView's zooming Not easy and the zoom out got distorted. How to implement smooth zooming in the UIScrollView?

While scrolling I will try to present your content view in a bitmap image or zooming , And replaces a large grid of buttons with bitmap until scrolling / zooming is complete. The UIScrollViewDelegate Protocol should provide you with the required information when you want to swap bitmap or after that. A part of the problem is that your content is so computational intensive to render the view (all buttons).

A more sophisticated approach, touch the coreanimation and more basic event handling to re-implement your game grid at the least level, but it may be that if the bitmap hack works well Does.

c - What does each entry in the Jmp_buf structure hold? -

मैं उबंटू 9.10 (कर्मिक कोआला) चला रहा हूं, और मैंने jmp_buf संरचना को देख लिया जो सिर्फ 12 ints की एक सरणी है जब मैं setjmp का उपयोग करता हूं, और एक jmp_buf संरचना में & mdash; 12 प्रविष्टियों में से 4 को सहेजा जाता है I ये 4 प्रविष्टियां स्टैक पॉइंटर, फ़्रेम पॉइंटर, प्रोग्राम काउंटर और रिटर्न पता हैं। अन्य 8 प्रविष्टियाँ क्या हैं? क्या वे मशीन-निर्भर हैं? क्या एक और प्रविष्टि खंड तालिका आधार रजिस्टर है? किसी थ्रेड / प्रक्रिया के वातावरण को ठीक से बहाल करने के लिए और क्या जरूरत है? मैंने मैन पेज, अन्य स्रोतों के माध्यम से देखा, लेकिन मुझे setjmp के लिए विधानसभा कोड नहीं मिल सका।

मैकोड एक्स 10.6.2 पर, हैडर & lt; setjmp.h & gt; को & lt; i386 / setjmp.h & gt; का उपयोग करके समाप्त होता है, और इसमें कहा गया है:

  #if परिभाषित (__ x86_64__) / * * _JBLEN निम्न सहेजने के लिए जरूरी संख्या की संख्या है: * rflags, rip, rbp, rsp, rbx, r12, r13, R14, r15 ... ये 8 बाइट्स प्रत्येक * mxcsr, fp नियंत्रण शब्द, सिग्मास्क हैं ... ये 4 बाइट्स प्रत्येक हैं * भविष्य के विस्तार की जरूरतों के लिए 16 ints जोड़ें * * / #define _JBLEN ((9 * 2) + 3 + 16) टाइपिंगफेस इंट jmp_buf [_JBLEN]; टाइपिंगफ इफ sigjmp_buf [_JBLEN + 1]; #ELSE / * * _JBLEN निम्न सहेजने के लिए जरूरी संख्या की संख्या है: eax, ebx, ecx, edx, edi, esi, ebp, esp, ss, eflags, eip, * cs, de, es, fs, gs = = 16 ints * onstack, मास्क = 2 ​​ints * / #define _JBLEN (18) typedef int jmp_buf [_JBLEN]; टाइपिंगफ इफ sigjmp_buf [_JBLEN + 1]; #endif  

आपको शायद लिनक्स पर ऐसी ही ज़रूरतें मिलेंगी- jmp_buf में जरूरी स्टेट को स्टोर करने के लिए पर्याप्त जानकारी है। और, इसका इस्तेमाल करने के लिए, आपको वास्तव में यह जानने की ज़रूरत नहीं है कि इसमें क्या है; आपको बस इतना करना है कि कार्यान्वयनकर्ताओं को यह सही मिला है। यदि आप कार्यान्वयन को बदलना चाहते हैं, तो आपको इसके बारे में समझने की जरूरत है।

ध्यान दें कि setjmp और longjmp बहुत मशीन विशिष्ट हैं उन्हें लागू करने में शामिल कुछ मुद्दों की चर्चा के लिए प्लागर का "" पढ़ें अधिक आधुनिक चिप्स वास्तव में अच्छी तरह से लागू करने के लिए कठिन बनाते हैं।

python - Django best practice for displaying mostly read-only form, one field writeable -

I have a requirement where a user creates an 'example' of an object through a model. Another user of a different group has the facility of reading all the fields in the form, but only one field has to be updated. Think of a student who makes an examination object and then takes a test to teach and only needs to be put in one grade, the other exam is read.

What is the best way to do this? Do I just ask for the object, and should display each field individually, then just a form for a field (no model form)?

Do I query only for the object, and display each field individually Should, then a form for a field (not model model)? Create

This is the best way to go about it Note that Maybe use ModelForm for teacher form See, Django Documentation. You must manually display all other fields in your template, but you should probably have a separate template for this view (I will also use different ideas).

You can get some code to read just on the field, but it is generally better to be clear that which areas you are updating from each view

< / Html> is likely to cause more trouble than this - Url Rewriter works on localhost but not on production server -

I have found URLRewriter to work perfectly on my localot, but I get 404 errors on output.

> I am using IIS 6, and what I have read should only work.

Here's my web In config:

  & lt; Rewriter & gt; & Lt; Url = "~ / (\ d +) $" from = "~ / item / description. Aspx? Item id = $ 1" /> rewrite & lt; Rewrite url = "~ / item / (\ d +) $" from "" / "/ item / description. Aspx? Item IId = $ 1" /> & Lt; / Rewriter & gt; & Lt; Section name = "rewriter" required display = "wrong" type = "intelligencia.URLRIR configuration.referrer configurationActionHandler, Intelligencia.URLERI" /> & Lt; HttpModules & gt; & Lt; Add name = "ScriptModule" type = "System.Web.Handlers.ScriptModule, System.Web.Extensions, Version =, Culture = Neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31BF3856AD364E35" /> & Lt; Add name = "UrlRewriter" type = "Intelligencia.UrlRewriter.RewriterHttpModule, Intelligencia.UrlRewriter" /> & Lt; / HttpModules & gt;  

Does anyone have a similar problem and have solved it?

Thank you!

  and rewrite url = "~ / items / (\ D +) $" From = "~ / item / description. Aspx? ItemIdId = $ 1" />  

Does that parameter mean to be an ID? At present this item is idid.

Hope it helps.

html - How do I query XHTML using python? -

I have my ASP Net Web site has created a simple test harness in Python.

To get some value for me I have to look at some HTML tags in the resulting page.

What would be the best way to do this in Python?

e.g. (Page back):


will appear (in std out of Python):

  Error: .....  


& lt; Td id = "dob" & gt; 23/3/1985 & lt; / Td>

will be displayed:

  Date of birth: 23/3/1985  

Do you want to parse XML, as you specify in the title, or HTML of your question, as you do in the text of the question? For the latter, I recommend - download it and install it, then once, when you exit soup html, you can easily with a specific ID (or other attribute) Tag: example:

  errp = soup.find (attrs = {'id': 'ErrorPanel'}) If there is no errp None: print 'error:', Errp.string  

and similar cases (easily tweakable parallels such as you are looking for non-specific attributes May include, and so on).

regex expression for escaped quoted string won't work in php's preg_match_all -

I am trying to match the quoted strings within a piece of text and the quotes I also allow I tried this regular expression in an online examiner, and it works perfectly though, when I see it in preg_match_all, it fails on the first saving string.

Here is the code:

$ parStr = 'title = "My Little Website" year = "2007" Details = "with the original website ..." tech = "PHP, mySQL" link = "& lt; a href = \" http: // \ "& gt; & lt; / a & gt; ''; $ Matches = array (); Preg_match_all ('/ (\ w +) \ s * = \ s * "(([^ \\"] * (\\.)?) *) "/', $ ParStr, $ matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); // The match [4] [0] is' link = '& lt; a href = \ "'

This fails in the last match, only matches the first run out. When I try this but expression, it works perfectly.

The proper part of regex is:

  "(([^ \\"] * (\\.) *) *) " 

All lessons should be eaten for a quote or quotation from a surviving quote, after which eating alternative escape quote, from which the process is repeated twice or more, until one can not survive

Why will not it work in PHP? Why does not this work and how should it be decided?

I do not know why it is not working for a particular version of PHP, but using the idea of ​​a non-greedy match, I came up with this string that works Is:

  "(. *? [^ \\\])"  

Unless it encounters any DBL quote, No exodus happens before four, till then it matches all the non-greed. For some strange reasons, three backslashes are necessary or an unmatched brand. Kate has a php complaint. I am thinking that its presence requires a backslash before the bracket, but I'm not sure. Can anyone confirm that why are the three backslashes necessary?

/ Edit the range of white space

Is it possible for Django ModelForms to work with dynamically added fields? -

I distinguish additional fields based on the relationship between a specific example (eg. Such as 'type') and other models (such as 'product attributes'). Products have general properties like weight and price but in one book a page is counted and a computer has spectacles.

I want to be able to do this with a modelform so that I just form (), But I'm not sure what this would be the right approach to do or where to begin. First I thought it would be possible to override some methods, but then I looked around the file and it seems Is it that I have to add a lot of code to different places in order to handle additional places, i.e. enough work or am I easy to disappear?

Without special information, I can say that you are right. If additional fields are not part of the model, then at least, you have to override the SaveMF () method of ModelForm.

python - Mark string as safe in Mako -

I am using pylons with macro templates and I want to avoid typing it all the time:

  $ {h.some_function_that_outputs_html () | N}  

I want to mark the function in any way, or secure as a variable (you can do this in Django) so I need to do pipe-n all the time is not. any idea?

I just found out that if you put the html method in your class

<> def __html __ (self): Return Unicode (self)

So I did: / Code>

This is basically what h. Does literal.

question about coldfusion application names -

मैंने डी: \ ColdFusion8 पर coldfusion 8 स्थापित किया है।

दो फाइलें हैं डी: \ ColdFusion8 \ wwwroot \ page1.cfm और डी: \ ColdFusion8 \ wwwroot \ page2.cfm

अब मेरा प्रश्न है कि अगर application.cfm या आवेदन नहीं है डी: \ ColdFusion8 \ wwwroot पर डी: \ ColdFusion8 \ wwwroot \ page1.cfm और डी: \ ColdFusion8 \ wwwroot \ page2.cfm को उसी एप्लिकेशन के रूप में माना जाए या नहीं?

सख्ती से बोल, Application.cfm कोई अनुप्रयोग परिभाषित नहीं करता है; Cfapplication करता है यदि आप दोनों फाइलों में cfapplication शामिल करते हैं और एक ही नाम सेट करते हैं, तो हां, वे समान आवेदन हैं। यदि आप नहीं करते हैं, तो "एप्लिकेशन" की अवधारणा व्यर्थ है - कोई भी अनुप्रयोग-स्कॉक्ड चर नहीं है (जब आप लिख सकते हैं कि वास्तव में वे चर के दायरे में एक संरचना बना रहे हैं, न कि एप्लिकेशन का दायरा)।

database permissions - How to stop mySQL users calling "show" functions -

How can we "query the database" the query; Or "Show Table;" In mysql for any non-root user it's possible. If so, please provide an example or a suitable link ... it shows ..

Thanks in advance ........

< Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text">

The non-root user only looks at all the databases if they have global rights (such as GRANT some ON * . *) Therefore the solution is always giving everything on database names , never global.

c# - Add a document and metadata to a document library without creating 2 versions -

I need to add a file to the program in a program library with a metadata file and an event handler. I am using the following code in the asynchronous "ItemAdded" and "ItemUpdated" event:

  SPFile destFile = web.Files.Add (newUrl, newFile, true); SPListItem destItem; If (destFile.Item! = Null) {destItem = destFile.Item; } And {destItem = list.Items.Add (folder URL, SPFileSystemObjectType.File); } Foreach (Property Entry Property in Dictionary) {destItem.Properties [property.Key.ToString ()] = property.Value; } DestItem.Update ();  

However, each time a file is added, two versions are created, one after the files. Add method and when one is called SPListItem.Update method is there another way to do this where only one version will be created?

Thank you in advance!


  destItem.SystemUpdate (wrong); To avoid creating a new version In place of the update ()  

java - JPA and InnoDB, and JSP/JSTL questions -

कुछ प्रश्न:

  1. यदि मैंने एक ग्राहक के साथ मैप किया है I-var सूची & lt; आदेश & gt; आदेश एनोटेशन के साथ CascadeType.ALL, क्या मैं भी MySQL InnoDB पर DELETE CASCADE पर संबंध सेट कर सकता हूं?

  2. क्या & lt;% @ पेज सामग्री प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / html" पृष्ठ एन्कोडिंग = "यूटीएफ -8"% & gt; / कोड> हर जेएसपी फ़ाइल में? क्या मैं इसे वेब में एक कॉन्फ़िगरेशन पैरामीटर के रूप में सेट कर सकता हूं?

  3. क्या कंपाइलर को सबलेट मैपिंग यूआरएल और आपके लिए जेएसपी में यूआरएल की जांच करना संभव है, या किसी तरह से लागू होते हैं कि वे सिंक में हैं? उदाहरण: web.xml & lt; url-pattern & gt; / login & lt; / url-pattern & gt; में, और login.jsp: & lt; c: url value = "/ loginn" / & gt में ; (अतिरिक्त एन नोट करें) & lt; c: out value = "$ {value}" / & gt; और सिर्फ $ {value} के बीच का क्या अंतर है, दोनों काम करने के लिए (जब आप एक डिफ़ॉल्ट मान चाहते हैं)?

  4. क्या सर्वोलेट में इनपुट पैरामीटर (फॉर्म से) को मान्य करने का एक बेहतर तरीका है:

      स्ट्रिंग संभव यूसरआईडी = Request.getParameter ("userid"); अगर (संभव यूसरआईडी == शून्य) {errors.add ("यूजर-आईडी मौजूद होना चाहिए"); } Else {if (possibleUserID.trim ()। लंबाई () == 0) {errors.add ("यूजर-आईडी भर में होना चाहिए"); } // etc}  

किसी तरह के वेब-फ़्रेमवर्क के बिना?

qt4 - Qt - what is required for a QTDIR to be considered valid by build tools? -

One of my clients has made Qt against VS 2005. They now want to keep it under source control, but they do not want anything they do not need.

What is the correct way to remove temporary items like "TMP" directory without deleting the output lubs / DLL or QDIDIR is invalidating the tree for use as a target?

If there is no prebit method to do this, then which files are safe to delete? (MacFile, Release, VC 80PDB, etc.)

I do not know in any appropriate way.

At least you can copy these things (copy-paste from the script used for binary packaging):

Makefile Makefile Release Makefile. Debug * .sln * .vcproj * .ib_pdb_index ./tests/ ** / tmp / obj / ** / tmp / moc / ** / tmp / rcc / ./.git/

Is there a way to ask the Linux Kernel to re-run its PCI initialization code? -

I am either looking for a kernel mode call that I can do with a driver, the user utility, or system The call that asks the kernel to see the PCI bus, and then its initialization is completely re-launched, or starts a specific device. Specifically, I need a kernel to identify a device that was just added to the bus after that and after that address location, blocking, and other configuration parameters were configured, and finally enabled the device so that I can load the driver for it (as long as all the drivers are in the form of a load.)

I'm stuck for this at the 2.4.x series kernel, and currently 2.4 .2 I am working with 0, but it is moving forward for 2.4.37 if this is the case. This disto has been stripped from a running Red Hat 7.3 running in a RAM disc, but I can add whatever it is necessary to do this work (which they play well with the 2.4 series).

If I'm trying to do some background, it will help to clarify: From a cold boot, once in Linux I use GPIO to do an FPGA program. A part of the FPGA, after the program, applies a simple PCI device. For the time being, after FPGA programming, I reboot the system and after the Linux device arrives, it identifies and loads the driver for it.

Instead of requiring that reboot , I want to ask the Kernel to do whatever it takes to boot PCI devices to search I have configured the kernel to find PCI devices on my computer, instead of asking the BIOS for that information, so the BIOS will not need to know about this device (I hope)).

I believe the Linux program is able to view the device after the program, but before rebooting, because scanpci I will show the device after the program. , As will be lspci -H 1 . I need a way to configure and enable it in / proc / pci .

You can speed up reboots with consances, if you can not understand how to scan a PCI scan To be recovered. If you are not already, you can ask it on LKML.

Does not help to unload / reload the module, right? - How to consume different proxyclass versions (production or test) of ASMX webservice -

I got an ASMX webservice as a separate project in Visual Studio 2005. In pursuance of the "separate assembly", my proxy class is in a separate class library project that has no code - a Web named ASMXproxy with reference only Thus, when I compile, I have a FileServiceProxy.dll , context, app.config , .disco and .wsdl files.

To consume this WS, I have the same web app project, which is called Flamesassadado in a similar solution. It does not have any web context, but instead there is a "regular" reference for FileServiceProxy.dll. In my default .aspx.cs file, I can access my WS through these snippets:

  using FileServiceProxy.ASMXproxy; Public Partial Class _Default: System.Web.UI.Page {ASMXproxy.FileService BrokerService; Protected Zero Page_Old (Object Sender, EventArgues E) {Try {BrokerService = New ASMX Proxy. Fileserve (;);  

So when things work right in this way, I find it strange when I want to test a deployment version or change the "localhost" version. I just can not make changes to app.config:

  & lt; Application settings & gt; & Lt; FileServiceProxy.Properties.Settings & gt; & Lt; Setting name = "FileServiceProxy_CSSMXProxy_FileSyver" serializeAs = "string" & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; Http: //localhost/TRIMBrokerService/FileService.asmx< / Pricing & gt; & Lt; / Settings & gt; & Lt; /FileServiceProxy.Properties.Settings> & Lt; / ApplicationSettings & gt;  

In short, when I have to publish my web app to any other server, then I have to change the web context in the proxy class and recreate it. Then when I want to debug it on my localhost, then I have to change the web reference to the local host (above).

Ideally, I'd like to expose any type of option (such as a radio button or a text box to replace a URL on runtime) in my web app demo project, as if I was a type of "Late binding" can do the desired FileServiceProxy.dll to be used on runtime, others have sketched the offers, but I've stuck on how to do this. Must Ojekt and therefore other DLLs - maybe Failsewayrprokseepiardi DLLs - it seems strange and even though I'm not sure that I do.

Actually, you can use the same context. Simply change the proxy instances URL properties:

 using  (var svc = new WebServiceProxy ()) {svc.Url = realUrl; Var result = svc.ServiceMethod (); }  

authentication - Is Facebook an OpenID provider? -

Is Facebook an OpenID Provider? I know that they are an openIP supporter, but can they allow people to authenticate with other sites through their Facebook credentials via OpenID?

No, they are not an openID provider. They use their own OpenID-like system, which is called Facebook Connect, which you can use to authenticate users with other features on your site.

You can see it here: - How do I access a string(index) in .Net 1.1? -

I changed this existing C # .NET 2.0 code (which takes a string with a letter and only Returns the numbers in that string):

  Private static string stringimmin (string min) {string result = string.Empty; Int digit = 0; (Int i = 0; i  

This VB.Net .Net 1.1 code:

  Private function StripMan (String as ByVal min) String as a result of the String = In the form of a string, the empty number as an integer = 0 is equal to the negative integer = 0 while I & lt; the minimum. Lengthen me System message. Text = "in four" + I + ":" + min (i) if TryParseInteger (min (i). Ostring (), digits) = true result = = minute (i) termination system.math.max (  

I'm getting an error message on line 6 of VB minutes

(I) Net code on . The error message reads:

  "Expression is not an array or a method, and there can be no logic list"  

I am very well aware No 1.1 and can not find the alternative solution to solve this error. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can access each letter in this string and verify a number of it and can return only the number of strings in .Net 1.1?

Your problem is changing in VB, not a changeover Try using min.Chars (i) . See, indicating that the indexer property (where you are viewing in minutes [i] in c #) is named character in VB)

However , I would rather try something like this:

  Private string stringman (string as Walt Minute) as string result for new stringbilder () as at least every time If four ISDiGit (C) results then Append (C) ends if end and end results for the result. Toastring () and Function  

python - Determine complete Django url configuration -

Is complete any way to get the DNS URL configuration?

For example, the Debuging 404 page of DjGo does not include the URL configuration, so it is not a complete configuration.

"" * Depth, entry. Arghte Pete Tern If the hat-trar (entry, 'url_patterns'): show_arls (entry.url_patterns, depth + 1) show_urs (url.retlatpatrans)

Django is Python, so introspection is your friend.

In the shell, import urls . By looping through urls.urlpatterns and possibly by drilling through several layers of URL configurations, you can create a full URL configuration.


list urls.urlpatterns in the RegexURLPattern and RegexURLResolver objects.

For a RegexURLPattern object p you can display with regular expression

  P.regex. Pattern  

For a RegexURLResolver object q , which represents an included url configuration, you can display the first part Regular expression with


  q.url_patterns  Use 

will return another list of RegexURLResolver and RegexURLPattern items .

Getting DebugBreak to work in Fortran -

I found the following article:

Unfortunately when I applied it I tried this code and compiled I got the following error:

Error 1 Error # 7286: This symbol has announced the majority $ DEC $ ATTRIBUTES ALIAS attribute. [DEBUGBREAK] 176

I am using the Intel Fortran compiler

No additional insights are highly appreciated.

If you do not get the answer because it is a question about a particular product, then you One of Intel's Fortune Forums can find the answer:

Reporting Services formatting -

IM is currently developing value list using SQL Reporting Services. I

that In the report I have a list that represents an item range, the list is attached to the datasource and the database is built for each category

inside my list is a table that contains all the objects in that category Outputs to

Everything is working as expected, first I show class names and then list all the items in that category. My problem is that there are so many products that are sometimes using multiple pages. The name of my category is appearing on the first page but only items are shown on the next pages.

I want to show the name of the category again on the next page so that the user can see which category of items are from without returning a page.

Does anyone know how to do this, tell me in the right direction!

Use a GROUP line in your report and that group must have a category. Then highlight this row in the reporting services and look at the Properties section One of the properties is: "Again page" set this to True and you will see this category on later pages.

Here's a sample for you:

alt text < / P>

c# - WPF- Catch the clicking of a button that was added to a style (ListBoxItem) -

I added a button in a template for ListBoxItem. I want to know how to click for button (Listbox item Do not select).

The button just clicks ok on the UI, but I do not know how to wire the code so that I can hold it.

I tried to use it:

& lt; EventSetter Event = "Click" handler = "button_click" & gt; & Lt; / EventSetter & gt;

But it seems that he wanted to be on ListBoxItem.

  & lt; Window x: Class = "WIAssistant.Main" xmlns = "" xmlns: x = " Xaml "title =" my app "height =" 587 "width =" 1246 "name =" mainform "fontism =" 14 "& gt; & Lt; Window.Resources & gt; & Lt; Style x: key = "checkbox list" target type = "list box" & gt; & Lt; Style.Resources & gt; & Lt; Style TargetType = "ListBoxItem" & gt; & Lt; Setter Estates = "Template" & gt; & Lt; Setter.Value & gt; & Lt; ControlTemplate TargetType = "ListBoxItem" & gt; & Lt; Grid ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll = "True" margin = "2" & gt; & Lt; Grid.ColumnDefinitions & gt; & Lt; Column width = "Auto" /> & Lt; Column width = "Auto" /> & Lt; Column width = "Auto" /> & Lt; Columns Definition / & gt; & Lt; /Grid.ColumnDefinitions> & Lt; Checkbox vertical element = "center" iiscaphed = "{binding assists, relative saras = {relative values ​​typical parent}, mode = twoway}" /> & Lt; Text Block Vertical Element = "Center" Grid. Column = "1" margin = "5,0,5,0" text = "{binding id}" /> & Lt; Text Block Vertical Element = "Center" Grid. Column = "2" margin = "5,0,5,0" text = "{binding title}" /> & Lt; Button horizontal tracing = "right" grid. Column = "3" margin = "5,0,5,0" width = "25" & gt; - & amp; Gt; & Lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Grid & gt; & Lt; / ControlTemplate & gt; & Lt; /Setter.Value> & Lt; / Setter & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; /Style.Resources> & Lt; Setter Property = "ItemPanel" & gt; & Lt; Setter.Value & gt; & Lt; ItemsPanelTemplate & gt; & Lt; WrapPanel Orientation = "Vertical" /> & Lt; / ItemsPanelTemplate & gt; & Lt; /Setter.Value> & Lt; / Setter & gt; & Lt; Setter Property = "BorderTitches" value = "0" /> & Lt; Setter property = "background" value = "transparent" /> & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; /Window.Resources> ... liters (which later into a code in a grid) and; ListBox SelectionMode = "Multiple" style = "{StaticResource CheckBoxListStyle}" name = "lstQueryResults" SelectionChanged = "lstQueryResults_SelectionChanged" & gt; & Lt; / ListBox & gt;  

Any way to capture clicks for the button will be appreciated. (Note that simply adding an click event on the button calls an error to use a EventSetter .

"post-text" itemprop = "text">

event handler To keep the style in window resources, try the following:

  & lt; window; Resources & gt; & gt; DataTemplate x: key = "ListBoxItemTemplate" & gt; Grid ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll = "Right" margin = "2">  
ColumnDefinition width = "Automated" /> gt; & lt; & lt; ; ColumnDefinition wide E = "Automatic" /> ColumnDefinition width = "Automated" /> TextBlock VerticalAlignment = "Center" Grid.Column = "1" margin = "5,0,5,0" text = "{ID}" / & Gt binding; & lt; TextBlow CK vertical alignment = "center" grid.column = "2" margin = "5,0,5,0" text = "{binding title}" /> & Lt; Button HorizontalAlignment = "right" Grid.Column = "3" margin = "5,0,5,0" width = "25" = "Button_Click" & gt; - & amp; Gt; & Lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Grid & gt; & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; /Window.Resources>


  & lt; List box item template = "{static resource listbox} template") & gt;  

The event setter also works in the template, but apparently the design scene in VS stops working.

rotating axis labels in R -

In R, how can I parallel the X axis instead of parallel to the Y axis label of a (bar) plot? What does the axis mean?

Not sure what this means, but las = 1 . Here's an example:

  is required (grDevices) tN & lt; - Table (Ni & lt; - Statistics :: rpois (100, lambda = 5))  barplot (tn, col = rainbow (20), las = 1)  

This axis represents the style of the label (0 = parallel, 1 = all horizontal, 2 = all vertical axis, 3 = all vertical)

linq - Convert a dictionary<string,string> to xml -

मैं एक शब्दकोश & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; इस XML में:

  & lt; root & gt; & LT; कुंजी & gt; मूल्य & lt; / कुंजी & gt; & LT; कुंजी 2 & gt; मान 2 & lt; / कुंजी 2 & gt; & Lt; / जड़ & gt;  

क्या यह कुछ फ़ैंसी linq का उपयोग किया जा सकता है?

नहीं भी विशेष रूप से फैंसी प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है:

  var xdoc = नया XDocument (नया XElement ("root", शब्दकोश। चयन करें (प्रविष्टि = & gt; नया XElement (प्रविष्टि। Key, entry.Value)) ));  

पूर्ण उदाहरण:

  सिस्टम का उपयोग कर; System.Collections.Generic का उपयोग कर; System.Linq का उपयोग कर; System.Xml.Linq का उपयोग कर; कक्षा परीक्षण {स्थैतिक शून्य मुख्य () {var शब्दकोश = नया शब्दकोश & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; {{"कुंजी", "मान"}, {"key2", "मूल्य 2"}}; Var xdoc = नया XDocument (नया XElement ("root", शब्दकोश। चयन करें (प्रविष्टि = & gt; नया XElement (प्रविष्टि। Key, entry.Value)))); Console.WriteLine (xdoc); }}  


  & lt; root & gt; & LT; कुंजी & gt; मूल्य & lt; / कुंजी & gt; & LT; कुंजी 2 & gt; मान 2 & lt; / कुंजी 2 & gt; & Lt; / जड़ & gt;  

jquery - Append <th> Class to <td> in the Same Column -

I am now searching all over the net on the net, but I still can not figure it out.

  & lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th class = "name" & gt; Name & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th class = "age" & gt; Age & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th class = "nick" & gt; Nick & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; John & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; 30 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Johnny & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Robert & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; 35 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Bob & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt;  

Is there any way to tag classes with those headers to tag TD in the same column?

"itemprop =" text ">

I will do it like this:

  $ ("Table th") each (function (i, val) {var var = $ (this); var selector = "td: nth-child" (+ + (i + 1 + +)); th.parent () . Sister (). (Selector) Search .attr ("class", th.attr ("orbit");});  

This is effectively the same & lt; Td> is used to get

Note: You must add an index to the index because the index is every () on

is null-based but : nth-child () is one-based.

In addition to this, you can not select the : eq reference as it matches only one element.

coldfusion - Value for my session variable? -

Here's my code to create a session variable:


I have to put a value in = "" , but I have to change the value of having a user ID, depending on which user is logged in has been done. So I can not just keep any number etc. what I have to do?

Actually, you are going to do this when you log in your user in. These routines may look like the following:

  & lt; Cfquery data source = "cfgossip" name = "signin" & gt; Use via Select ID_Users = & lt; Cfqueryparam cfsqltype = "cf_sql_varchar" value = "#form.unpose" /> And PW = & lt; Cfqueryparam cfsqltype = "cf_sql_varchar" value = " #" /> & Lt; / Cfquery & gt; & Lt; Cfif signin.recordCount & gt; & Lt; Cfset session.idUsers = signin.id_users/ & gt; & Lt; / Cfif>  

Until they are logged in, you can not know which value you need? However, once you determine that they are those they say they are and you are going to go to them, then you can set session variables.

Advert Click Validation -

I am working on a smart advertising exchange system

Most people have dirty interfaces more than crappy codes

I want to separate something.

What should I consider when validating clicks and impressions to ensure the integrity of the system.

Thanks in advance.

  1. Define what constitutes a valid click.
  2. Define what is a valid impression.
  3. Ensure that your code can determine which actions cross the definitions and which do not.

.net - How to most elegantly iterate through parallel collections in C#? -

  var a = नया संग्रह & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; {"एक", "बी", "सी"}; Var बी = नया संग्रह & lt; int & gt; {1, 2, 3};  

"a1", "b2", "c3" परिणाम के एक सेट की उपज के माध्यम से दोबारा काम करने का सबसे शानदार तरीका क्या है?

< Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text">

इसे "ज़िपिंग" या "जुड़ने के लिए" दो दृश्यों के रूप में जाना जाता है। एरिक लिपरेट और एक कार्यान्वयन प्रदान करता है।

iphone - How to animate a UISearchBar sliding in and out of the view without a UISearchDisplayController? -

मेरे पास एक ऐसा दृश्य है जिसमें एक UISearchBar का उपयोग कर

  searchBar.hidden =! खोजबीआरएचआईपीएफ़;  

खोजबार बाहर जाकर परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए एक वेब सेवा को पूछता है और फिर उन्हें कभी भी UITableView या एक स्थानीय डेटा स्रोत या कुछ भी उपयोग किए बिना उपयोगकर्ता को दिखाता है जैसे कि मैं एनीमेशन करने के लिए वास्तव में एक UISearchDisplayController का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहता हूं।

क्या एनीमेशन को मैन्युअल रूप से कोडिंग के बिना इस स्लाइडिंग को चेतन करने के लिए कोई रास्ता नहीं है?


आगे बढ़ो और UISearchDisplayController का उपयोग करें। यह एक भारी हेवीवेट ऑब्जेक्ट नहीं है अपनी कार्यक्षमता को बदलने के लिए जो भी कोड आप लिखते हैं, वह निश्चित रूप से UIKit में एक वर्ग के उदाहरण की तुलना में बड़ा पदचिह्न करने वाला होगा।

python - why Ghost Process appears after kill -9 -

In my Python script, I first launch a subprocess by subprances. Popen (). Then later, I want to kill that subprosession by using the kill-9 pid .

What has I found that after the execution of the murder, the subprocess "closed" because the GUI window disappeared immediately after that process. But when I do a ps "aux" immediately after the murder, then the same process (with the same plague) is still shown in the result. The difference is that the command of this process () is included in a pair of like () below:

root 30506 0.0 0.0 0 s000 Z + 6:13 PM 0: 00.00 (Sampling Process)

It recognizes my process as rational because the dead process can still be found by ps

Why is this happening to anyone?

Thank you! From the manual page of

Z Definct ("zombie") process ends, but is not changed by its parents.

This means that parents did not have waitpid () for the child of death.

In addition to Waitpid (), you can avoid using it while executing the child.

PNG to JPG Java ImageIO problem -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P>

  • 5 जवाब

मैंने दोनों पंक्तियों की कोशिश की है कोई लाभ नहीं करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए कोड कोड जेपीजी, या जीआईएफ के साथ ठीक काम करता है, लेकिन यदि कोई पीएनजी छवि गुलाबी हो जाता है।

  ImageIO.write (इनपुट, "जेपीजी", प्रोफाइलफ़ाइल); RenderedOp op = JAI.create ("filestore", इनपुट, pFileName, "jpeg");  

कोई भी इस समस्या में चला? मैं समाधान खोजने में असमर्थ हूं।

आपने अपना प्रश्न दोहराया है और सूर्य की लाइब्रेरी और समाधान और लिंक में रिपोर्ट बग के बारे में उत्तर है।

awk - How to filter different files from one file -

It says that I want different files starting from "process" with "next" process For example, input file

 process = 0 we like questions which can be answered, not just discussed, provide details clearly and just write. If your question is this About the website, ask instead on the meta. Infection = 1 We like questions which can be answered, just discuss, provide details, write clearly and clearly If your question is about this website, it Puchia.prkriya = 2 Meta we can all have questions prefer that answer is, not only to discuss Kikvivrn, write clearly and simply. Your question is about this website, instead of asking it on the meta. 

Expected output should be in the file

 process = 0 We like questions which can be answered, not just discussed. Clearly and just write. If your question is about this website then ask on the meta instead. 

must be in file_1

 process = 1 We like questions which can be answered, not just discussed. give details. Write clearly and simply if your question is about this website, then ask it on Meta. 

should be in file_2

 process = 2 We like questions which can be answered, not just discussed. give details. Write clearly and simply if your question is about this website, then ask it on Meta. 

This creates the file for each section and outputs text to them. If there is a text before the first "process", then it is placed in a file called "premble".

  awk -F '[=]' 'BEGIN {file = "preamble"} {if ($ 1 == "process") file = "file_" $ 2; Print & gt; & Gt; File} 'inputfile  

reflection - How-to programatically access private members trough privileged Aspect in AspectJ? -

I was wondering if I was adding a method to take these initiatives to AspectJ. Check for each object of the class ruby ​​object () This method is considered as a string spitting like # (fullclassname, var1 = val1, var2 = val2, ...)

, so far it is good Is it .getClass (). GetFields () I want all visible fields and this. GetClass () Meet with the Modifier.isPrivate (field.getModifiers ()) (). I give a list of all the private sector ..

The problem here is that I am not able to retrieve the value of private areas as I do with a visual I think that This is normal because the reflecting API I am using is not part of the epitouch, so they do not know that I am running a so-called privileged aspect here.

Since I am in privileged mode, I

Thank you for your help


Code> Reflects the public privileged aspect {Private Static Hashmop & lt; Classroom & lt;? Object & gt ;, Arreelist & rt; RubyObject & gt; & Gt; Oostor = new Hashmap & lt; Classroom & lt;? Object & gt ;, Arreelist & rt; RubyObject & gt; & Gt; (); Personal Boolean RubyObject.hasBeenImported = false; Parents Announcement: ca.concordia * Implements Ruby object; // format string # & lt; Classname, var1 = val, var2 = val, ... & gt; // Unfortunately, private data is not received because the privileged aspect may not be with the field. Object (object) public string ruby ​​object Inspect () {string result = "# & lt;" + This.getClass () GetName (); (Field area: this.getClass (). GetFields ()) {try {result = =, "+ field.getName () +" = "+ field.get (this);} hold (exception e) {result = "," + Field.getName () + "= (???)";} // should never be;} (Field field: this.getClass (). GetDeclaredFields ()) {If (Modifier.isPrivate (field .getModifiers ()) Results + = "," + field.getName () + "= (private)";} result = = "& gt;"; return result;}

I had only one problem, and it seems that it is as simple as changing

  Result + = "," + field.getName () + "= (private)";  


  field.setAccessible (true) ); Result + = "," + field.getName () + "=" + field.get (this);  

Hope this will help someone!

sql - Multivalued Dependencies -

एक रिलेशनल स्कीमा टेचिंग के लिए (कोर्स, बुक्स, लेक्चरर)

कैसे कोर्स -> - -> पुस्तकें और पाठ्यक्रम ---> -> व्याख्याता बहुवार्षिक निर्भरता ??

एक कण के पाठ्यक्रम के लिए हम किताब नाम के बारे में निश्चित नहीं हो सकते! जितने किताबें संभव हो! तो यह कैसे पहले मामले में एफडी है ??

ये कार्यात्मक निर्भरता नहीं हैं, लेकिन बहुआयामी निर्भरता (वे हैं आमतौर पर दो-सिर वाले तीर से चिह्नित होता है)। पाठ्यक्रम -> ---> पुस्तकें का मतलब है कि पाठ्यक्रम तय होने के बाद सभी व्याख्याताओं को सभी पुस्तकों का उपयोग करना चाहिए, यानी, जब भी (एल 1, बी 1) और (एल 2, बी 2) एक निश्चित पाठ्यक्रम के अनुरूप हो, तो ऐसा होना चाहिए (एल 2, बी 1 ) और (एल 1, बी 2)।

कोर्स -> ---> किताबें तुच्छ का अर्थ है पाठ्यक्रम -> ---> व्याख्याता, क्योंकि दोनों ही पुस्तकों और व्याख्याताओं की एक ही जोड़ी का उल्लेख करते हैं। सामान्य तौर पर, जब भी X -> -> वाई यह भी मानता है कि एक्स -> -> आर- Y जहां आर सभी गुणों का सेट है।

localization - what is the OSGi bundle package structure? -

I'm new to the OSGi standard. I want to know more about the structure of a bundled package file.

  1. This is the OSGI-INF folder, the specification outlined about L10 N and permission, I wonder if the OSGI-INF folder? Can I put other stuff in it?
  2. Where to store jar files referred to by bundle?
  3. In addition to OSGi-INF and OSGi-OPT there is a folder defined by OSGi standard?

Thank you very much.

Only OSGI bundle elements that are mandatory are bundle specific entries in the Meta-INF / MANIFEST.MF file.

Both OSGi-INF and OSGi-OPT are optional.

Take a look at this for a brief review of what the OSGI bundle makes:

and describes how DS (declarative services) use the OSGi-INF folder Are:

c# - I want to use 2 dropdown list in a way so that second dropdown list show remaining items of the first dropdown list except the selected one -

I want to use 2 dropdown menus in a way that excludes the second dropdown list and the remaining items in the first dropdown list Show one If you have a solution, please send me as soon as possible at rsolanki

This problem is called "cascading dropdown" ,.

iphone - how HUD speedcam application was made? -

Iphone HUD + application that shows "projects" on screen, the ability to flip the screen into the mirror Interesting together. How is any idea done?

Every UIView has a transform property which can be converted into any affine conversion Can be set. You can change the leopard x-1 (plus translate the screen to the largest) on the largest view (window).

If you want to know how the developers of the application did this in question, why not ask them directly?

How can I make a jQuery UI Dialog Modal during the show-effect? -

I have a jQuery UI dialog, this is the model and a bounce effect shows that I use such a theme Where the background is blurred from the striped image, the dialogue opens for the first time, the striped background also covers the dialogue during bounce effect. After the bounce effect ends, the dialog becomes modal and appears in front of a striped background. When next opens, bounces the dialog right in front of the background.

How can I show dialogue in front of the background now?

Dialog & lt; Have been wrapped in.

Div class = "ui-effect-wrapper" & gt; which is ready to make an impact in the UI. Effects.core.js I added a parameter "z-index = 1005" (to make sure only).

Then it looks like this in jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js

  createWrapper: function (f) {if (f parent () .is (".ui-effects-wrapper")) {return f.parent ()} var g = {width: f.outerWidth (true), "z-index": 1005, height: f.outerHeight (true ), "Float": f.css ("float"); F.wrap ('& lt; div class = "ui-effects-wrapper" style = "font-size: 100%; limit: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; z-index: 1002" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; ');  

Make sure this is the best way, but it works.

java - Why does ClassCastException not show the class name? -

In Java 1.4.2 and earlier versions, if you get a classless option, you can see the exception stack trace but Class No Name If you want to find out the range of objects for which castings have failed, then you have to debug.

Is this the same in later Java versions? If so, then when was it changed?

This has changed with Java 5, when the exception message starts with actual name of the class name of the object Being cast should have been there from the beginning, it took ages to add it.

How to search a (Default) registry entry with value (value not set) from WIX? -

How can we find a (default) registry entry with value (value not set) from WIX? I tried using the registry search without the name attribute still not working. Any help would be appreciated.

(value not set) / code> is not a real value When you are not actually set the value for the (default) key, then this is just what you see in regedit.

If you do not set the Registry Search value, or a registry key that does not exist, then in both cases the Windows Installer property will not be set. You can not distinguish between the two.

So how do you verify that the registry key exists or not? The easiest way is to find another value that is always set when the key is present, instead of searching for (default) . Usually there is one. If not, then you have to write in the form of your own custom action form.

NHibernate Criteria, select by count of property -

Sorry for the secret title ..

Can you help me, how to make a selection Based on a property count using criteria? I have an item with a pool, and I want to select all the pools. More than 5 pooled elements

Try it out:

  isolated order dCriteria = Isolated Cerebrum For & lt; PoolItem & gt; ("PITIM"). Add STO Projection (Projection.Count ("ID")). (Restriction. EProperty ("PITIM. Police ID", "Pool.ID")); IList & LT; Post & gt; Positions = session. Creatitivity & lt; Pool & gt; ("Pool"). Add (Subcategories GT (5, DCRTERIA)) List & lt; Pool & gt; ();  

Assuming the PoolItem table, the PoolID column is in the form of the foreign key of the pool table. Relationship is multiple-by-one If you do not have a pool ID property in the poolITIT category and you have multiple-to-one object mapping named "pool", then "pItem.PoolID" with "pItem.Pool.Id" Change to different criteria.

Change field in Django Flatpages Admin -

Using Flatpages with default administrator, I can choose with or with a predefined options for a text input for radio Need to change template area from It's easy to do this with one of my own apps - just use the option feature in the model.

I have tried some things - if necessary then I will add details about those efforts - but does anyone know a good way to do this?

"itemprop =" text ">

A custom defined flatpages uses the ModelAdmin class which is by default but inherits from a Custom Form On this form, override the field, the widget you want. Then unpublish the flatpages administrator and re-register it with your custom class.

< / Html>

hibernate - Guice, bind different database provider based on yaml config -

I have an application config file that looks something like this:

  Database: Type: [db-type] Username: [name] password: [pw] server: [ip] database: [db-name]  

db-type is any of the following May be: {postgresql, Mysql, mssql, file} I want to configure binding, such as this (it is based in hibernation) Ape is a special provider that is based on Sistine Factory And is used, which means that Postgresclseshnfinetprovenr.

The problem is, that the guide also takes care of injection of one instance of Config.class to that class, which it needs to be accessed. Now I need to use config, setting binding ... this is a chicken-egg problem.

How do I get around this?

I have found a way to do this. This can not be the best way to do this, so if you know better then I will also see the answers.

The issue is, that the binder has to be fully configured so it should provide an example of Config.class.

That's why I came with a custom provider for the session Factory.class, which needs an expert and the director himself needs the injector, so that all information slurped by Guise It is meant to provide implementation on a different basis by configuring it.

  Public category SessionFactoryProvider provider provider & lt; SessionFactory & gt; {Private Configuration Config; Private Injector Injector; @ Inject public SessionFactoryProvider (Config Config, Injector Injector) {this.config = config; This.injector = Injector; } @ Override Public Session Session () {Switch (config.database.type) {case postgresql: return injector.getInstance (PostgresqlSessionFactoryProvider.class) .get (); Case mysql: return injector.getInstance (MysqlSessionFactoryProvider.class) .get (); Case File: Return Injector. Gate Instance (filebasexensefancy provider.class) .get (); / * Some other providers ... * / Default: Return Injector .get instance (FileBasedSessionFactoryProvider.class) .get (); }}}  

What do you think? Is there a good way to do this?

c# - Under what conditions it is good to have a "partial class?" -

Give it to your class. When is it good idea to separate in C and to be partially square?

Do some signs show that it's time to go with partial orbit?

Thank you!

When you have to manually create a part of those classes and write the rest of the class content manually .

This is because you have the advantage of doing a file-handled material and hand-coded code in another file, so that when you have to recreate the source code, your hand-coded The part will not have to be erased.

Thus MS prepares class materials for your GUI designers (Think about those *. Designer.cs file), and you have your logic in other related files Allows to put the meat of ( * .cs )

php - What is the best to learn next to aply extra functionality to CMS templates? -

I have learned CSS and HTML, what should I do if my goal is to create a template for Joomla and WordPress? Ajax? Php? Js?

I poked around and did not get a question which is similar, so I posted it to

Both Joomla and WordPress are PHP applications, so to understand what really happens with your templates and to successfully override template parts, learning some basic PHP is definitely a good idea.

Now Javascript and AJX gloves have two separate pairs and these words are of two different levels.

Javascript is a script / programming language, while AJAX is a technology that uses JavaScript. Learning Javascript is definitely a must if you are in UI design area. And once you know this, using AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript communication with server) scripts will be one of your prospects.

So, if I were you (but it also depends on the task at hand) I learn Javascript (jQuery as a library) before and after in some basic PHP.

c# - Adding and removing events in ASP.NET -

I recently discovered this technique in my ASP.Net code base, which I maintain. What does it do and how do I use it? And perhaps more importantly is whether ASP.NET Are All Simulated Pages Using Life-Cycle-Events?

  Cancel Public Event EventHeader Event {addButton.Click + = value; } Remove {cancelButton.Click - = Value; }}  

Rushkar says that the use of this program is now unused and I've never seen this technique before. Usually I wire my events on OnInit.

  cancelButton.Click + = HandleClick;  

This is only assigning event handling - when someone clicks your CancelEvent Event, just adding that event handler to the cancelButton click on event and so on.

This means that your type is just highlighting a program representing the cancellation rather than highlighting the button. Of course, if anything does not want to use that incident, then in this case It's useless - but it's an interesting technique to know.

assembly - How to merge sort ordered lists in MIPS? -

So I need to correct a program in the MIPS assembly language, my instruction is as follows:

Write a "merge" program that integrates the list of two commands into a new indexed list. For example, in the form of two compliant lists (9, 6, 4,1) and (7,3,2,0) input arguments, "merge" should be prepared in a new list (9, 7, 6, 4) , 3, 2, 1 0) whose order has been ordered. To create another example (6,0, -3) and (9, 54, -2.0) 9 (9, 6, 4, 3.0, -2, -3) may be. / P>

"merge" program assumes that two input lists (in descending order) integer are stored in the field of data. It loads the integer and merges them into an order list. The resulting command list (for example, 9, 6, 54, 0, -2, -3) should be stored back in the data area.

This is your choice on the data area (i.e. lists) Organized, and whether the list of results is written on the original two lists, but be sure to label it meaningful and clearly indicate (by label or comments) where the merged list is stored. Prior to this, it should print the merge list, which should be in the decreasing order.

Note: Please do not apply any sorting algorithm! If you do this, then you should enter zero (0) A grade will be received.

* I think the instructions are not really clear here. I am not sure whether I should give lists or these lists should already exist. Also examples or advice / work The sequence will be very helpful!

An example in the desired, awesome Java:

  import java.util. *; Class merge {// data area / static linked list list 1 = new linked list (arrays.asList (9,6,4,1)); // Static Linked List 2 = New Linked List (arrays.asList (7,3,2,0)); Static Linked List 1 = New Linked List (arrays.asList (6,0, -3)); Stable linked list list 2 = new linked list (arrays.asList (9,5,4,0, -2)); Stable linked list list 3 = new linked list (); // code area public static zero main (string [] args) {ListIterator & lt; Integer & gt; List1Iterator = list1.listIterator (); ListIterator & LT; Integer & gt; List2Iterator = list2.listIterator (); Integer i1 = (); Integer i2 = (); Whereas (true) // endless, breaks when a list ends {if (i1> i2) {list3.add (i1); If (list1Iterator.hasNext ()) {i1 = (); } And // did not leave any element in the list, fill list 3 with list 3 and break {list3.add (i2); While (list2Iterator.hasNext ()) {list3.add ( ()); }                 break; }} And {list3.add (i2); If (list2Iterator.hasNext ()) {i2 = (); } And // do not leave any element in list 2, fill list3 with rest list 1 and break {list3.add (i1); While (list1Iterator.hasNext ()) {list3.add ( ()); }                 break; }}} System.out.println (list3); }} // class merge  

Java SwingUtilities.invokeLater() illegal start of expression error -

I have come across an unusual problem. I've submitted my code for grading and it seems that when my professor compiles / runs my Java program, then he does not run on his computer. I've tried both windows and Mac machines and it just runs fine And compile. I'm guessing that's because of the old Jedi. If you want the full code of my project (which is too long), I can provide it with the following error:

  Programs. Java: Illegal start of expression SwingUtilities.invokeLater (() -> gt; {0} I believe that error is due to syntax, but when I call it multiple IDE on multiple OS I do not show that error at any time, it is going on in the same way as I am. 

twitter python script generates error -

That's why I installed Python 2.7.9 and Twitter followed Beat on Twitter. I really do not know what I'm doing, but when I try to use the command I get an error. This results in tracerback (most recent call final) in twitter_follow_bot import auto_follow_followers_for_user results from this : file "& lt; pyshell # 2" gt; Line 1, & lt; Module & gt; Auto_follow file from twitter_follow_bot import "", line 21, & lt; Module & gt; Twitter import from Twitter, OAuth, TwitterHTTPError import command: name can not import Twitter Any ideas that I did wrong I do not ever use python, if you can explain it to me by step then it would be great . Thnaks

in the Twitter import from Twitter, OAuth, TwitterHTTPError "Twitter" Is not present in "Twitter", try to download again or double check that the file is also in "Twitter".

firefox - How to create an array of items which are members of a specific group within the bookmarks toolbar? -

संदर्भ के लिए:

यह काम नहीं करता:

  चलो {खोज, बुकमार्क, समूह, सेपरेटर, सहेजें, निकालें, मेनू, टूलबार, UNSORTED} = आवश्यकता होती है ("एसडीके / स्थान / बुकमार्क"); Var डु = []; खोज ({समूह: TOOLBAR}) पर ("डेटा", फ़ंक्शन (आइटम) {यदि ( == "workMode990") {du [du.length] = आइटम; console.log ("मैरी" , डु); // = UNSORTED; // save (आइटम);}});  

एक सरणी कैसे बनाएं, जैसे कि बुकमार्क पैनल का क्रम?

आपका कोड लिखित रूप में काम करता है या नहीं, हो सकता है। यह संभव है कि आप इस तथ्य के लिए लेखा नहीं कर रहे हैं कि फ़ंक्शन एसिंक्रोनस है।

मैं संभवत: इससे थोड़ा अलग तरीके से कोड करूँगा:

  let {search, बुकमार्क, समूह, सेपरेटर, सेव, निकालें, मेनू, टूलबार, UNSORTED} = आवश्यकता होती है ("एसडीके / स्थान / बुकमार्क"); // नोट: उपरोक्त पंक्ति में आपके कोड में एक वर्तनी त्रुटि है: सेपरेटर को विभाजक से अलग होना चाहिए; Var duValid = false; खोज ({समूह: TOOLBAR}) पर ("अंत", फ़ंक्शन (searchResultArray) {// यह तब निष्पादित होता है जब खोज पूर्ण हो जाती है। // searchResultArray बुकमार्क आइटम की एक आदेश सूची है। Du = searchResultArray.filter (function ( ResultItem) {// जब परीक्षण (कंसोल लॉगिंग) किया जाता है, तो केवल निम्न पंक्ति की आवश्यकता है: // रिटर्न परिणामइटम.group.title === "workMode990"; यदि ( === "workMode990") { कंसोल.लाग ("वैध परिणाममूलम:", परिणामइटम); सत्यता वापस करें;} // else console.log ("अस्वीकृत परिणाम आईटीम:", परिणामइटम); वापसी वापस;}); duValid = true; // यू यहाँ वैध है। जो कुछ भी आप इसके साथ करने जा रहे हैं उसे यहां पर करें, या // एक फ़ंक्शन कॉल करें जो प्रसंस्करण जारी रहता है।}); // डु यहाँ मान्य नहीं है  

इसके कारण मैं इसके बजाय इस्तेमाल करेगा:

  1. आपको खोज ()। ("अंत") को पकड़ने की आवश्यकता है घटना वैसे भी जानना है जब आपकी खोज पूर्ण हो गई है और आपके पास सभी मान्य डेटा हैं यदि आप इस घटना को नहीं पकड़ते हैं, तो आपके पास खोज पूरी होने पर जानने का कोई तरीका नहीं है।
  2. खोज का उपयोग करना ()। पर ("डेटा") परिणाम आपके कोड पाया प्रत्येक डेटा आइटम के लिए एक घटना को संभालने। आपको यह इस तरह से संभालने के लिए कोई वास्तविक आवश्यकता नहीं है, और यह एक घटना के बजाय प्रत्येक घटना के प्रसंस्करण के अतिरिक्त ओवरहेड में परिणाम है। अगर आपको लगता है कि आप स्मृति सीमित हो सकते हैं, तो यह एक बेहतर समाधान हो सकता है हालांकि, ऐसा करने से वास्तव में खोज की आंतरिक प्रसंस्करण के आधार पर किसी भी मेमोरी को नहीं बचाया जा सकता है।

मैंने अस्वीकृत खोज परिणाम आइटमों को वैध लोगों के अलावा कंसोल में प्रिंट करना जोड़ा है यदि हम डीबगिंग के लिए लॉगिंग करने जा रहे हैं, तो हम यह सत्यापित करने के लिए भी लॉग इन कर सकते हैं कि खोज अपेक्षित परिणाम लौट रहा है, और अपेक्षित लोगों को स्वीकार / अस्वीकार कर दिया जा रहा है।

एक महत्वपूर्ण कारण मैंने लॉगिंग अस्वीकार किए गए resultItem s के कंसोल के लिए यह है कि मुझे उम्मीद है कि आप du में कुछ भी नहीं करेंगे, जो आपके वर्तमान तर्क को दिया जाएगा। हालांकि मैंने इसे परीक्षण नहीं किया है, मेरी उम्मीद यह है कि आपका खोज ({समूह: TOOLBAR}) सभी बुकमार्क जो कि बुकमार्क टूलबार में हैं वापस करना चाहिए। हालांकि, आप तब सभी बुकमार्क को फ़िल्टर कर सकते हैं जो workMode990 समूह में नहीं हैं। यह सभी बुकमार्क को फ़िल्टर करना चाहिए क्योंकि TOOLBAR नहीं है।

क्योंकि आपने मेरे मूल प्रश्न का उत्तर नहीं दिया है "आप क्या प्राप्त करने की उम्मीद कर रहे हैं?" यह निर्धारित करना संभव नहीं है कि आप वास्तव में पूरा करने का प्रयास क्यों कर रहे हैं। इस प्रकार, अनुमान लगाना जरूरी है।

मुझे संदेह है कि जो भी आप करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं वो सभी कोड को workMode990 समूह में मिलते हैं यदि ऐसा मामला है तो निम्न कार्य करना चाहिए:

  चलो {खोज, बुकमार्क, समूह, सेपरेटर, सेव, निकालें, मेनू, टूलबार, UNSORTED} = आवश्यकता है ("sdk / places / bookmarks "); // नोट: उपरोक्त पंक्ति में आपके कोड में एक वर्तनी त्रुटि है: सेपरेटर को विभाजक से अलग होना चाहिए; Var duValid = false; खोज ({group: "workMode990"}) पर ("अंत", फ़ंक्शन (searchResultArray) {// यह निष्पादित होता है जब खोज पूरा हो जाती है। // searchResultArray बुकमार्क आइटम की एक आदेश सूची है। Du = searchResultArray; duValid = सच है; // du यहां वैध है। जो कुछ भी आप इसके साथ करने जा रहे हैं, या // कॉल करें, एक फ़ंक्शन जो प्रसंस्करण जारी रहता है।}); // डु यहाँ मान्य नहीं है  

python - Require character anywhere in a match -

I'm working on a regex to match F. Supp or F.3d but not june or foobar

By now, I have < Code> [az] []? [Az | Az | \. | ] [A-Z | A-z | \. | | 0-9] + . It's almost there, but it still matches June . Me a . (period character) is required, but I want to allow it to be anywhere in the match.

I think I need to use a positive form, but my effort does not work: (? = [.]) [AZ] []? [AZ | Az | \. | ] [A-Z | A-z | \. | | 0-9] + .

I am using Python.

If you want in your string. You can use the in operand:

  if '.' With the term  

and with regex you can use a positive look-around to make sure that you have dot . in your string:

  ([\ w] +)? (? = \.) ([\ W] +)?  

regular expression view

excel - How to delete a special row -

शीट 1 में मेरे पास एक कक्ष A3 (52) है:

शीट 2 में, मैं पंक्ति को हटाना चाहता हूं जहां शीट 1 की A3 की संख्या है। यह संख्या केवल पहले कॉलम में हो सकती है।

स्क्रीनशॉट 2

< P> यहाँ मेरा कोड है, लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता है:

  sub delete_ligne () Dim I as Integer application.ScreenUpdating = I = 1 से 6600 के लिए गलत (कक्ष (i, 1 ) = "" "(" संशोधन ")। रेंज (" बी 7 ") मूल्य) तब सेल्स (i, 1) .EntireRow.Delete i = i - 1 End यदि अगला अनुप्रयोग। स्क्रीन अपडेटिंग = ट्रू एंड सब  

कोई भी समाधान?

अभी भी सुनिश्चित नहीं है कि "यह काम नहीं करता" इसका मतलब है, लेकिन यह मदद कर सकता है:

<पूर्व> उप delete_ligne () मंद रेंग के रूप में रेंज मंद WB कार्यपुस्तिका के रूप में मंद I जैसा पूर्णांक अनुप्रयोग। स्क्रीन अप Ating = False Set WB = 'आपकी कार्यपुस्तिका को परिभाषित करें यहां सेट करें आरएनजी = डब्ल्यूबी। शीट (2) .रेन्ज ("बी: बी")। खोजें (क्या: = WB.Sheet (1) .रेन्ज ("ए 3"), _ LookIn: = xlValues, LookAt: = xlWhole, MatchCase: = False) जबकि नहीं Rng कुछ भी नहीं है। Rows (1)। अंतराल। सेट करें आरएनजी = WB.Sheet (2) .रेंज ("बी: बी")। (क्या: = WB.Sheet (1)। रेंज ("ए 3"), _ लुकइन: = एक्सएलवील्यूज, लुक एट: = एक्सएलहोल्म, मैचसीज़: = फॉल्स) वेंड एप्लीकेशन। स्क्रीनअपडेटिंग = ट्रू एंड सब्

सही स्थानों को इंगित करने के लिए WB , शीट (2) , और शीट (1) को परिभाषित करने के लिए समायोजित करें।

। खोज 6600 पंक्तियों को पाशन की तुलना में काफी तेज हो जाएगा और उसे कोई आदेश नहीं मिल रहा है कि वह पंक्तियां पाती / हटाती है

आप एक बाहरी लूप जोड़ सकते हैं यदि अधिक कोशिकाएं जांचने हैं कि "A3"

ios - Coreplot annotations draw over the axis -

There is a picture here that I think this issue has been shown quickly. You just need to download an example from the Git Hub, go to the Curved Scatter plot example and tap on the point to reveal point dots, then scroll the graph to move the points from the graph.

Enter image details here

Then we generally like annotations that float above all, but there are times when we axis set additive, in this case we set them them:

  x.axisConstraints = [CPTConstrains constraintwithRelativeOffset: 0.5]; Y.axisConstraints = [CPTConstrains constraint with ourfolder: 0.0];  

We want the annotation that we add, and want to draw it as a gridline, plot line and plot point.

I have tried the following as a test, to see what will happen and it does not help.

  // reordering layer [annotation host level indices: annotation. Content layer atx: 0]; [Annotation hostile settings display];  

This will remove gridlines, aces on annotations, but the annotation will still close the graph.

I am using sample code from Corelot, there is a Gitbub and the chart I am using is the "Curved Scatter Plot" graph.

Update: I've been fooling around with masks and masks for ports Toba. It seems that if the axis is drawn in the boundaries of the boundaries, then masking will work on the border, which is not so. These clips have been seen around yaxis for other clipping codes but have not used any advantage.

Hide the content layers of any annotations that fall outside the desired area of ​​plot changes in space Use a plot space representative to monitor and hide or hide annotations as needed.

number formatting - Format Matlab data to only have digits after the decimal place -

I used dlmwrite to output some data to the following form:

   -1.7693255974E + 00, -9.7742420654 E-04, 2.1528647648 E-04, -1.4866241234 E00 What I really want is the following format:  
 < Code> -. 1769325597 E +0, -9 774242065 E-04, .2152864764 E-04, -14486624123 E + 00  

Before each number a place is required, after an indication, If the number is negative, and the number format comma has been divided into exponential form for 10 significant digits.

Only if Matlab is not able to write this format (-1769325597E + 00), so what is specifically called it so that I can find other ways to solve my problem?

While it seems morally wrong, using a regular expression to move the decimal point can do. What is this function

  myFormat = @ (x) regexprep (sprintf ('% .9e', 10 * x), '(\ d) \.', '. $ 1') ;  

In order to move the point, the input value is 10 times before formatting. Example: myFormat (-pi ^ 7) returns - 3020293228e + 04 .

The above mentioned tasks for individual numbers. The following version is also capable of formatting the ormes, providing a comma separator. Removes a comma behind the second regexprep

  myArrayFormat = @ (x) regexprep (regexprep ('% .9E,', 10 * x), '(\ d) \.', ' $ 1 '),', $ ',' '); Example:  myArrayFormat (1000 * rand (1,5) -500)  back 

  - 2239749230e + 03, personal For numbers,  myArrayFormat  works equally for ; 1 9 7026769e + 03, .1550 9 0040e + 03, -37373882648e + 03, -3.810023184e + 03  

My format .

regex - sed replace "func_name(old_args)" with "func_name()" -

I'm learning to use sed , I sed Investigate and try in many ways, but there are always some scenarios that I fail to cover.

Actually, give me func_name (old_args) to func_name () . old_args can be a lot of things, for example, foo () , foo (argument) , foo-> Ptr , foo_ptr-> Cotent , etc.

The question is, first I ( and next ) .

Any suggestions? Thank you very much

It is a bit difficult to do with regular expressions because the language you try To parse, in fact, is not regular, Sed can not be trusted on this, so we have to take support of Pearl.

Fortunately, Pearl Reggaez can describe more than regular languages; Specifically, they support recycling. You can write

  perl -pe 'BEGIN {$ / = ""; } S / func_name (\ (({^ ([^ ()] | (? 1)) * \)) / func_name () / g 'file name  

and get the following behavior:

  $ cat file foo, func_name (foo), xyzzy, func_name (foo (), bar (hawk () (), qux ()), cooks (), bar (); Buzz () $ perl -pe 'BEGIN {$ / = ""; } S / func_name (\ (([^ ()] | (? 1) * \)) / func_name () / g 'file foo, func_name (), xyzzy, func_name (), bar (); Falcon ()  

BEGIN {$ / = ""; } puts Pearl in slop mode (hence the multilanguage expressions match regex). So the heart of this trick is (\ (([^ ()] | (? 1)) * \)) is the group occupied, and especially (? 1) In that which is recursive.

It actually says: match with a string of an initial bracket ( \ () [^ ()] [[/ />] or Something that matches the regex to group 1 ( (? 1) ), followed by a closing bracket ( \) ) . Since it is itself regzox to capture group 1, it iterates itself and matches some string with the balanced bracket.

c# - Foreign key with Entity Framework -

I have two model classes User and Reclamation, a foreign key for the user object in the recession class, here my two classes I:

  public class user {{key, scaffold column (wrong), display (name = "id user")] public antioxidian user {set; get; } [Required, string lang (16), display (name = "login")] public string login {set; get; } [Required, string lang (16), display (name = "password")] public string password {set; get; }} Public Class Reclamation {{Key, Scaffold Column (false), Display (name = "id reclamation")} Public Ent ID idation {set; get; } [Foreign user ("iduser")] public user user {set; get; } [Required, Display (name = "id protector")] Public encryption user {set; get; } [Required, string lamps (30), display (name = "message")] public string message {set; get; }}  

For example, say I have a user with IDUuser = 1 when I create a new reclamation with idUser = 1 and then the database will be inserted, but the user with the object In the problem the user's information should not be included with idUser = 1, should I manually code the set property in the rewlamation class IDUser attribute or am I missing something?

You can add virtual properties to enable lazy loading in your unit class. In this way you will be able to load the related object when EF is requested. Public class user {{key, scaffold column (wrong), display (name = "id user")} public int idUser {set; get; } [Required, string lang (16), display (name = "login")] public string login {set; get; } [Required, string lang (16), display (name = "password")] public string password {set; get; } Public Virtual Reclamation Reaction {get; Set;} / * If you have many relationships, then use the collection & lt; T & gt; And this is the constructor reslation = start in new collection & lt; Reclamation & gt; (); * / Public virtual archive & lt; Reclamation & gt; Retrieve {Receive; Set;}}

Your second option is to use curious loading as mentioned above. Something like this:

  context. the user. Included (x = & gt; x. Recapitulation). Ollist ();  

ruby on rails - Goal of zero downtime, how to use upstart with sockets & (g)unicorn: -

My goal is to deploy zero downtime for the ecommerce app, and I'm probably trying to do it best.

I am doing this on a nginx / unicorn / django setup as well as on nginx / unicorn / rails setup for a different server.

My strategy is preload_app = true in my / unicorn.rb file, then PID on server Reload and send a USR2 signal to run. It works as a process and it is of children and can pick a pre_fork / before_fork and send later QUIT signal

  # ... pidfile = '/ opt / run / my-website / my-website' pid '# socket quotid bind =' unix: / opt / run / my-website / my-website. Socket '# works but I would prefer socket for security # bind =' localhost: 8333 '# ... def pre_fork (server, worker): old_path_file =' / opt / run / my-website / my-website .pid.oldbin 'if os.path.isfile (old_pid_file): with open (old_pid_file,' R ') as pid_contents: try: Old_pid = int ( ()) if old_pid! = os.kill (old_pid, signal.SIGQUIT) Mistake except for exception: pass pre_fork = pre_fork  

And here is a selection from my sysv script which reloads:

  DESC = "My website" SITE_PATH = "/ opt / python / my-website" ENV_PATH = "/ Opt / env / my-website" RUN_AS = "myuser" settings = "my. Settings "STDOUT_LOG =" / var / log / my-webs ITE / my-website-access.log "STDERR_LOG =" / var / log / my-website / my-website-error.log "guncorn =" / op / and / My-website / bin / "CMD =" $ ENV_PATH / bin / python $ SITE_PATH / run_gunicorn -c $ goncoron> gt; $ STDOUT_LOG 2 & gt; $ STDERR_LOG "sig () { Test- "$ PID" & amp; Amp; & Amp; Hit - $ 1` cat $ PID`} (if {"$ (id -un)" = "$ RUN_AS"]; Then 1 $ SE-C "$ 1" - $ RUN_AS Reload the file () eval {echo "$ DESC reload" USR2 & amp; Amp; Echo reloaded Oko & amp; Exit 0 Echo & gt; & Amp; 2 "could not be reloaded" Action "$ CMD"} "instead of" $ DESC "action in reload case =" $ 1 ";);; Esac  

I chose preload_app = true for zero-downtime appeals, as the labels are loaded into app memory, even so long as I change the processes correctly It should emulate zero downtime results. Anyway it is thinking.

This works I am listening through a port but I am unable to work on it socket.

My questions are as follows:

  • How is it that you are doing all this?
  • Is there any better way, for example with HPP? I understand that you can not use preload_app = true though with HPUP.
  • Is it possible to use a socket? My socket is going on the quit and never coming back. My thinking is that the socket is more secure because you have access to the file system.
  • Is someone doing this with upstart instead of sysv ? I ideally want to do this and I saw PID coming up. This is a challenge with upper endeavor because once the performance of Gnichorn / Unicorn is done, the upstart is no longer monitoring the process that was originally managing it and to restore it somehow the wanted.

You should see your colleagues on GDS, which will be especially useful to manage it. Designed for:

Unicorn header is a utility, designed to help with the use of upstream and similar supervisors with Eutronic.

javascript - Show select options based on choice from previous se;lection -

मेरे पास निम्न है ....


  & Lt; चुनें class = "form-control" id = "गतिविधि" नाम = "गतिविधि" & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "" चयनित = "चयनित" & gt; गतिविधि चुनें & lt; / option & gt; & Lt; विकल्प आईडी = "1" मान = "1" & gt; पेंटबॉल & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प आईडी = "2" मान = "2" & gt; लेजर टैग & lt; / option & gt; & Lt; विकल्प आईडी = "3" मान = "3" & gt; स्प्लेटबॉल & lt; / option & gt; & Lt; विकल्प आईडी = "4" मान = "4" & gt; एयरसॉफ्ट & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; / चयन & gt; & Lt; चुनें class = "form-control" id = "session" name = "session" अपेक्षित & gt; & lt; / select & gt;  


  (फ़ंक्शन ($) {$ ('# गतिविधि')। परिवर्तन (फ़ंक्शन () {var विकल्प = ''; यदि ( $ (यह) .val () == '1') {विकल्प = '& lt; विकल्प मान = "1" & gt; सुबह: 09.30 - 12.30 & lt; / option & gt; & lt; विकल्प मान = "2" & gt; सभी दिवस : 09:30 - 16: 00 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; विकल्प मान = "3" & gt; दोपहर: 13:00 - 16: 00 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; ';} और यदि ($ (यह) .val () = = '2') {विकल्प = '& lt; विकल्प मान = "5" & gt; सत्र 1: 09:30 - 11: 30 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; विकल्प मान = "6" & gt; सत्र 2: 12:00 - 14: 00 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; विकल्प मान = "7" & gt; सत्र 3: 14:30 - 16: 30 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; ';} और यदि ($ (यह) .val () ==' 3 ' ) {विकल्प = '& lt; विकल्प मान = "9" & gt; सत्र 1: 09:30 - 11: 30 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; विकल्प मान = "10" & gt; सत्र 2: 12:00 - 14: 00 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & lt; विकल्प मान = "11" & gt; सत्र 3: 14:30 - 16: 30 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; विकल्प मान = "12" & gt; सत्र 4: 16:30 - 18: 30 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; ; '; } और अगर ($ (यह) .val () == '4') {विकल्प = '& lt; विकल्प मान = "14" & gt; पूर्ण दिवस: 09:30 - 16: 30 & lt; / विकल्प & gt;'; } $ ('# सत्र')। Html (विकल्प)। दिखाएं (); }); }) (JQuery);  

मैं केवल पहले चयन के आधार पर, दूसरे चयन बॉक्स में दिखाए जाने वाले कुछ विकल्प प्राप्त करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, लेकिन मैं काम करने के लिए खूनी बात नहीं पा रहा हूं। Devtools में कोई भी त्रुटि नहीं देख रही है।

एचटीएमएल के बाद अपनी स्क्रिप्ट ले जाएँ, यह काम करेगा।

delphi - Why freeing not empty TList<Int64> does not cause memory leak? -

खाली नहीं खाली TList & lt; integer & gt; स्मृति रिसाव का कारण नहीं है क्योंकि पूर्णांक में पॉइंटर के बराबर है आकार, और TList संकेतक पूरी तरह से हैंडल करते हैं। (यह जहाँ तक मुझे समझ में आता है।) खाली नहीं खाली TList & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; भी स्मृति रिसाव का कारण नहीं है, क्योंकि स्ट्रिंग स्वतः ही एक संकेतक है और इसे डेल्फी के आंतरिकों में कहीं ध्यान नहीं दिया जाता है जब यह अब नहीं है

हालांकि, किसी भी खाली TList & lt; SomeClass & gt; को मुक्त करने से हमेशा मेमोरी रिसाव उत्पन्न होता है, और यह क्यों समझा जाता है।

मुझे जो बात समझ में नहीं आ रही है रिक्त नहीं TList & lt; Int64 & gt; मुक्त रिसाव नहीं करता है।

TList & lt; T & gt; केवल T की गतिशील सरणी के आस-पास एक आवरण है। T का डायनामिक सरणी एक प्रबंधित प्रकार है और इस प्रकार स्पष्ट विनाश की आवश्यकता नहीं है

यह सरणी के तत्वों को छोड़ देता है चूंकि Int64 एक वैल्यू प्रकार है, इसे स्पष्ट विनाश की आवश्यकता नहीं है।

एक सामान्य नियम के रूप में, आपको केवल उसी चीज़ को नष्ट करना जरूरी है जिसे आपने बनाया था। आपने सूची बनाई है, आपको इसे नष्ट करना होगा आप तत्वों को स्वयं नहीं बनाते, इसलिए आपको उन्हें नष्ट करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है।

git - Homebrew: Could not create link for , as it conflicts with Homebrew/homebrew/libarchive -

Full error:

  Could not create link for: Warning: Collides with / homebrew / libarchive. When referring to this formula, you will have to use the fully qualified name, e.g. Brave installation error: failure during execution: Jiaiti Bridge B original riffs / Head / Master: Refiks / Rimots / Basic / Master  

is strange how it's , ? Not sure how to solve

  • CD $ (bro - prefix)
  • git clean -df
  • Run again again the same result?

    javascript - Using angular-google-maps, how can I add markers that have infowindows? -

    I am using an angular-google-map for a project, and I click on users a point on the map Need to drop a pin, and then customize the info window which comes with the window. I already have the ability to click on a map and drop a pin, but I do not know how to add an information to it. I am combing through the docs, but I am not getting a clear answer.

    I really need to know that for all the markers, the info window needs to go into a different array or if they can be assigned to each marker as part of the marker object. I have UI-GMAP-Windows Directive set, but really do not know exactly how to use it. Here's the beginning of my code to leave at least the pin ...


      $ = {center: {latitude: 38.2, Longitude: -98.5795}, zoom: 5};  


      $ scope.markers = []; $ = {click: function (map, eventName, handlerArgs) {$ scope. $ Apply (function () {$ scope.markers.push ({id: $ scope.markers.length, latitude: handlerArise [0] (), Longitude: HandlerRG [0] .latLng.lng (), SWONDAND: TRUE, OPTION: {ANIMATION: API.Animation. DROP, Title: HandlerRG [0] .latLng.toUrlValue ()}})}}; }}; Var API; UiGmapGoogleMapApi.then (function (googleMaps) {api = googleMaps;});  

    jquery setting form field value -

    Hi I'm new to jQuery, but I'm trying to set form input to equal value of '# textbox' Factual of the input by the user I have done such a thing on JSfield

    But what I want to know is, is there a better way of determining the factual value of input? $ ('# Textbox') Val (tmp);});

    Is there any more great way to set price for your own version?

    ios - Using auto-layout to make a perfect square -

    I have a view with an image view in it I want to be able to create that image image is always a full square Remains, but I'm not completely sure how to apply it with autolayout.

    My screen looks like this:

    Image description here Enter

    Image What I want to do is to be square, there is no width dimension. I think it can be done with obstacles, and I've tried, but ultimately unable to understand how to achieve it. This is probably due to my relative experience due to the normal development of autolayout, storyboard and IOS

    Obstacles for your square view: top space , key location , trailing spacing and aspect ratio . It has been shown: Enter image details here

    Make sure that your aspect ratio is square 1: 1 Enter image details here

    Hope it helps and auto Greetings layout with!

    javascript - dynamically create prototypes and push to array -

    I'm trying to dynamically create 'test' objects that are pushing into the array, I know That's the code given below, for reference to help solve my problem:

      var test = (function () {var blah; test.prototype .getNumber = function () {return blah;} test.prototype .setNumber = function (val) {blah = val;}}); Var array = (function () {var array []; array.prototype.get = function (index) {return array [index];} array.prototype.set = function (obj) {array.push (obj);} }); Var objArray = new array (); (Var i = 0; i & lt; 6; i ++) for (objArray.set ({setNumber (5);} = new test ());}  

    The first step is to make the works of your constructor properly. It seems that you can use the local variables and closures In that case you have to assign methods for example, not prototype:

      this.setNumber = function () {return blah;}; // test.prototype //;   

    for the array instead of setNumber = ...

    < P> To add an example, just call a new test for example and its setNumber method:

     for  (Var i = 0; i & lt; 6; i ++) {var obj = new test (); obj.setNumber (5); objArray.set (obj);}  

    Note: Constructor functions usually start with a capital letter.