Tuesday 15 February 2011

windows - How to Inspect ODBC communication, to see the SQL being passed through? -

Is there a device for windows that we can use to inspect any SQL command, which is a specific ODBC Go through the data source?

You can log in to Odbi, whatever is happening:

Attribute to connection to SQL_OPT_TRACE_ON by calling SQLSetConnectAttr and SQL_ATTR_TRACE

/ code> . Therefore, doing so will allow you to enable / deactivate it for connection period.

firefox - Why does Internet Explorer prevent me from accessing the parent window's JavaScript? -

मेरे पास IFrame इसमें एक बटन है, और यह onclick है है:

< प्री> नई विंडो। Parent.UI.Image ('xyz')। AddToCart ();

फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स में, मुझे इस कोड के साथ कोई समस्या नहीं है। IE में, हालांकि, मुझे एक "अनुमति अस्वीकृत" त्रुटि मिलती है।

क्या मुझे एक अलग तरीके से जावास्क्रिप्ट को मूल विंडो में एक्सेस करना चाहिए?

मैंने "विंडो" को हटा दिया और अकेले "माता-पिता" का संदर्भ दिया और यह इसे ठीक करता है।

php - Mp3 Download not functioning -

I am offering a preaching download site and I have a user facing a problem with its download Have any idea how I can improve this code, or maybe send a better header ...

  $ path = "http://www.domain.com / Sermon_files / ".date" Y ", $ array [" Promoted "]). "/". $ Array ["filename"]; $ CorePath = "/home/user/public_html/sermon_files/".date("Y", $ array ["Promoted"]). "/". $ Array ["filename"]; If (! File_exists ($ corePath)) echo "An error has occurred with this download."; } And {header ("PAGMA: public"); // Required header ("End: 0"); Header ("Cash-Control: Required-Modified, Post Check = 0, Pre-Check = 0"); Header ("Cash-Control: Private", Incorrect); Header ("content-type: audio / mp3"); Header ("content-dispute: attachment; filename = \" $ array ["title"]. "\"; "); Header ("content-transfer-encoding: binary"); Header ("Content-Length:". Philips ($ Core Path)); Readfile ($ path); Go out(); }  

Take a look at this thread, I have similar problems: Also consider using Fidler to capture the exact HTTP headers being sent.

jquery - The 'charCode' property of a keyup event should not be used. The value is meaningless -

HTML कोड:

  & lt; input type = "text" id = "गोपनीयता" नाम = "गोपनीयता" आकार = "3" maxlengh = "3" / & gt; दिन  

Jquery code:

  $ ('# गोपनीयता') .keyup (फ़ंक्शन () {चेतावनी ("ठीक");});  

त्रुटि संदेश:

किसी कुंजीप घटना की 'चारकोडा' संपत्ति का उपयोग नहीं किया जाना चाहिए। मान अर्थहीन है।

Jquery कोड काम नहीं करता है.जब मैं कुछ "गुप्तता" में इनपुट करता हूं, तो एक चेतावनी नहीं निकलती.क्या गलत है?

क्या आप डोम तैयार होने तक घटना को बांधने की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हैं?

ऐसा कुछ मदद कर सकता है: < / P>

  $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ('# गोपनीयता')। कुंजी (कार्य () {चेतावनी ("ठीक");});});  

ios - How to style UITextview to like Rounded Rect text field? -

I am using a text visual as a comment composer.

In the property inspector I can not find anything like a border style property so that I can use a round rack, like UITextField .

So, the question is: How do I like a UITextView like a UITextField with a rounded rectangle?

No built-in style that you do not have to choose, in this quartzakor structure It involves writing some code using:

  // First, you #import & lt; Quartzcore / Quartzcor j & gt; // // // I add the UITXView to the code here, if it is also added to the IB, then it will work if IITextView * textView = [[UITXXL ALL] InitVithframe: CGRactMake (50, 220, 200, 100)]; // UITEFFESTFIELD to see the boundary [textview. Players SetborderRall: [[[UIColor Gray Color] Colophon with Colophon: 0.5] CGColor]]; [TextView.layer setBorderWidth: 2.0]; // The circular corner part, where you specify the corner radius of your view: textView.layer.cornerRadius = 5; TextView.clipsToBounds = Yes;  

It only works on OS 3.0 and above, but I think this is actually the real platform.

soa - Is MSMQ obsolete? -

I'm just talking to a Microsoft MVP, and he told me that MSMQ is obsolete. Is it true? What is the infrastructure for SOA? Well, they released a new version (4.0) with Vista, and it's a clear in WCF:

I have created new services on the basis of this in the last six months, and there is no official MS document. I know that it is aware of it going away.

If you need a reliable message, then there are not very good options if you are already deep in the database land, the service broker can understand, but otherwise ... MSMQ

< / Div>

sql - Cross Database Unions -

My warehouse datamart data is divided into 3 databases on the same server. This proof has three conclusions with the concept project that were loaded in the personal database.

While dragging into a cube, I am essentially doing this:

  SELECT * FROM DB1.dbo.Fact_Pres select Union * DB2.dbo.Fact_Pres union Selection * from DB3.dbo.Fact_Pres  

Should I really strengthen the data in a table? Will this make my processing faster?

I have no problem with disk space - I want to apply the best solution.

In either case, can you help me understand why, why do you suggest that it will be optimal? Cross-Database Query (to a lesser extent) is slower than the database, if you click

If there are three separate tables, then it is advisable to use different schemas within the same DB. If this is a fact table, then it is best to load and use split in a single fact table if the size is very large.

When it comes to ETL, this suggestion should be loaded into a separate schema in the ETL staging table - such as ETL - within the same DB and the fact sheet from there.

Recommendations are from .

Also keep in mind that the foreign key can not be used in the database.

Find <a> with image extension in href (jQuery) -

I need to find (and hide) all the links with images (.jpg, .png, .gif) because they Href

  $ ('A'). Filter (function () {return $ (.) .attr ('href'). Match (/. (Jpg | png | gif) / i);}). Hide ();  

ruby - Rails - Why can't I use a method I created in a module in my tests? -

I have created a module in the Linux directory and I can freely call different methods involved in my tracks app ( ModuleName after adding) is no problem.

However, when it comes to testing, they complain that there are no such methods present. Anyone can try to include the module with any luck in my test assistant.

  4) Error: test_valid_signup_redirects_user_to_spreedly (UsersControllerTest): NoMethodError: Undefined method for spreedlyTools `spreedly_signup_url ': module /test/functional/user_controller_test.rb: 119: in` test_valid_signup_redirects_user_to_spreedly' / code> < / Pre> 
  Module spreadlitles protected def spreedly_signup_url (user) Returns "Blblahah" and End  

  class ApplicationController & lt; ActionController :: Base Assistant: All #All Helpers are included, all time protect_from_forgery # ActionController :: RequestForgery View spreedlyTools for details .... end  

  ENV ["RAILS_ENV"] = "Test" requires File.expand_path (File.dirname (__ FILE__) + "/../config/environment") 'test_help' class ActiveSupport :: TestCase includes SpreedlyTools. .. end  

  requires File.dirname (__ FILE__) + '/../test_helper' requires 'users_controller' # caught by the controller Extend errors again. Classroom UsersController; Def defending_action (e) boost end; Last category UsersControllerTest & lt; ActionController :: Test Sez .... def test_valid_signup_redirects_user_to_spreedly find: new assert_response: success post: create, user = & gt; {: Firstname = & gt; "Bobby" ,: Last_name = & gt; "Brown" ,: email = & gt; "Bobby.brown@gmail.com" ,: email_confirmation = & gt; "Bobby.brown@gmail.com" ,: Password => "Bobby1" ,: password_confirmation = & gt; "Bobby1"} assert_response: User = redirect (redirect) (user) assert_redirected_to spreedlyTools.spreedly_signup_url (user) end and  

Here are some different errors. First, when you create a module and you combine the contents of the module in a class, then the class becomes a square of methods within the module.

He said, the following line does not mean <

Assume that you compose modules in a user category, you must use the method

< Pre> should call.

assert_redirected_to user.new.spreedly_signup_url (user)

Also note the new statement. Because you have the include module in the class and you do not have extension class, the method is not an example method, a class method

  assert_redirected_to user.new .spreedly_signup_url (user) # valid assert_redirected_to user.spreedly_signup_url (user) # invalid  

For this reason, the following line doesn '

  class ActiveSupport :: test Season includes predi ... 

computer vision - Emgu CV SURFFeature Error -

I've downloaded the EmuVV (Computer Vision) Library and I'm just looking at the Surffecture example.

I am trying to insert two new images to compare compared to two examples, but on this line I get an error with new images:

  Image & lt; Gray, byte & gt; ModelImage = New Image & lt; Gray, byte & gt; ("Me.png");  

I get this exception:

OpenCV: array should be CVMAT or ipl image

I understand Why is not it coming out of my image, will not accept any idea?


I use Emgu CV 2, and I'm the same The code was written, but there was no problem in my program. If you use this version, and try to solve this problem then try this solution:

Bitmap BMP = new bitmap ("me. ");

Image Gray, Byte> Model Image = New Image Gray, Byte> (BMP);

html - How do I prevent DIV tag starting a new line? -

I want to output a tag to a line of text in the browser. When it is sung, it appears that the DIG causes a new line. How can I include content in the div tag on the same tag - this is my code.

  & lt ;? Php echo ("& lt; a href = \" pagea.php? Id = $ Id \ "& gt; page A & lt; / a & gt;")? & Gt; & Lt; Div id = "contentInfo_new" & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "getData.php? Id =  

I have tried to clean it here. How can I do this display on a single line?


Code> span element, which is inline.

If you want to use actually div , enter style = "display: inline" . (You can also put it in a CSS rule)

Add a table in codebehind, getElementById it using javascript? asp.net -

If you create a table and add it, the client ID property in the back code does not reflect the ID in the actual file , Therefore the document. GetElementById does not work.

How can I add a control, and only access it via Java, only its ID (like 'Table 1')?

You have to present "client id" in the browser and then use that value through javascript Must be able to.

Starting with .NET 4.0, it will no longer be a problem because you can change the behavior of iNamingContainer and ID structures.

Sql Server 2005 AutoCompletion -

Do anyone know whether auto completion is provided when typing stuff in SQLServer 2005?

I have seen options many times, but this option can not be found which surprisingly supports as many other SQL editors

No, this is not the intelligence well in SQL Server 2008, or you can see Redgat.


localhost - Allowing "Cross-Site" calls between local ports -

I am working on a Google Web Toolkit driven site that communicates by AJX on WCF server. Once the GWT code is deployed it is run as a WCF service in the same domain, but when running locally / debugging, they run both as separate processes and therefore on different ports. This is the reason for my browser to believe that I am cross-site calling and immediately block any server / client communication. As you can imagine, this does not debugging a happy case.

I can do anything to convince my browser that it is okay to local host: 1234 Talk to local host: 5678?

(primarily focusing on Chrome and Firefox, BTW)

After a few days after IE, I finally found a very useful solution for this. I am now running a HTTP proxy serverlet (which is one of those) that captures my server-bound requests and sends them to the right port

Since this is servlet, it is our source control Easily distributed through the system, it starts debugging automatically, and when compiled, the result is not thrown with javascript! Almost a perfect solution! The only thing that can make it better, if Google has packed a hint signal

with GWT

c# - Why use System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement instead of minus? -

I changed some c # code on vb.net and converter. Tilik.com started it:


In this:

  System.Math.Max ​​(System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement (i), i + 1)  

The current terminology for C # in code> i - is to return the current value of i (i.e., the value is before the decrease) and then a <<> code

So, we need to convert him to VB. We can not use i - = 1 because it does not return the current value of i before it decreases. Therefore, we need an operation that reduces i , but the value of i comes back to the value, like something:

  Function DoPostDecrement (I as integer) ByRef integer as I - = 1 return i + 1 termination function  

But to write a method to perform this To avoid being suggested to use the following:

  System.Math.Max ​​(someValueThatIsEqualToiMinusOne, someValueThatIsEqualtoiBeforeTheDecrement)  

but V B.NET will not use you to replace me - = 1 or i = i - 1 in the some valueIsquateTimionOn . However, System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement (i) is valid and the value of i-1 is equal. Once you have done that, because the parameter is correct, the someValueThatIsEqualtoiBeforeTheDecrement is left to be evaluated to i + 1 (execute on that point decreasing i + 1 is the decreasing value.

Note that the above method is DoPostDecrement and System.Math.Max, System. Threading.Interlocked.Decrement creation can be different semantically in a multi-reference context.

objective c - Why use (id) in a method signature when (NSObject *) would be more precise? -

Whenever I apply a method to my own code that can accept or return items from more than one class I always try to use the most specific superclass is available. For example, if I was going to implement a method which could return an NSArray * or an NSDictionary * based on its input, then I would use that method I give NSObject * of a return type because all this Sector general common superclass Here is an example:

  @ interface Maypars () - (BOOL) stringExpressesKeyValuePairs: (NSString *) string; - (BOOL) stringExpressesAListOfEntities: (NSString *) string; - (NSArray *) parseArrayFromString: (NSString *) string; - (NSDictionary *) parseDictionaryFromString: (NSString *) string; @end @implementation MyParser - (NSObject *) parseString: (NSString *) string {if ([self stringExpressesKeyValuePairs: string]) {return parseDictionaryFromString: string]; } And if ([self string accresololostoffics: string]) {returns [self-purserefrostration: string]; }} // etc ... @end  

I Foundation and noted several cases in other APIs which Apple uses in some ways the signatures (ID) when (Ansobaijekt *) Will be more precise. For example, here is a method of NSPropertyListSerialization:

  + (id) propertyListFromData: (NSData *) data Priwartnshiltaopsn: (NSPropertyListMutabilityOptions) opt format: (NSPropertyListFormat *) format Trutidiskripshn: (NSString * *) error string  

type possible drawback to this method Ansdita, Ansstiing, Ansaara, Ansdapshn, Ansdit and Ansanmber. It seems that there will be a better option than a return type (NSBact *) (ID), because the caller will then be able to call the NSOB method such as maintaining it without type-cast.

I generally try to emulate idioms established by official settings, but I should also understand what has been inspired by them. I am sure that the use of such cases Apple (ID) to some valid reasons, but I will tell the compiler to use not see it my ID is that it will be an object of unknown type I

using NSObject Compiler you will only be required to use the messages available to NSObject. So ... if you know that an array has been returned and it is placed as an ID, then you can call the objectautandex: without compiler warnings. While returning with an artist of NSObject, you will receive warnings.

sql server - Strategies for testing against a live system -

मुझे इस परिदृश्य का वर्णन करें:

हमारी VB.NET वेब अनुप्रयोग एक तीसरी पार्टी डेटा प्रदाता से बात करता है Webservices के माध्यम से यह एक विशाल SQLServer डेटाबेस में डेटा को भी बचाता है जिसमें संग्रहीत procs और ट्रिगर्स में व्यापक व्यावसायिक तर्क लागू होता है। Webservice प्रदाता भी जटिल व्यापार तर्क को रोजगार देता है जो काफी गतिशील है।

दुविधा यह है कि दोनों webservice प्रदाता और sqlserver अनिवार्य रूप से जीवित सिस्टम हैं और हमारी कंपनी का सामान्य संचालन (वेब ​​और एसक्यूएल कॉल) इसके अंत में सहायक समर्थन की पेशकश भी नहीं की जाती है।

इसके अतिरिक्त, webservice के पास कोई 'परीक्षण मोड' नहीं है और सभी कॉल्स को लाइव ट्रांजैक्शन के रूप में माना जाता है।

तो, मेरा सवाल यह है कि:

कैसे इस प्रणाली में से किसी में तर्क की नकल करना संभव नहीं है, न ही sqlserver डीबी की एक कॉपी मिलना संभव है।

कैसे क्या आप इन लाइव सिस्टम के विरुद्ध हमारे VB.NET अनुप्रयोग के किसी भी तरह के परीक्षण (मैनुअल या स्वचालित) करते हैं?

आपके सुझावों की सराहना की जाएगी।

अपनी धारणा को चुनौती देने से शुरू करते हैं "इन दोनों में से किसी भी तर्क में तर्क करना संभव नहीं है"

बेशक आप व्यवहार का नकल कर सकते हैं, यदि आप सही उपकरण का उपयोग करते हैं आपका सिस्टम डाटाबेस ऑब्जेक्ट के माध्यम से डेटाबेस से संपर्क करता है; आपके सिस्टम को वेब सेवा वस्तु के माध्यम से वेब सेवा से संपर्क करना चाहिए। इन दोनों वस्तुओं या तो दोनों एक उचित मजाक ढांचे के उपयोग के माध्यम से हो सकता है। डेटाबेस ऑब्जेक्ट के लिए किसी भी यूनिट टेस्ट कॉल के लिए, आप उस ऑब्जेक्ट के लिए एक नकली बनाते हैं, अपनी अपेक्षाओं को सेट करते हैं और कॉल के लिए परिणाम देते हैं, और फिर 'असली' डेटाबेस ऑब्जेक्ट के बजाय अपने कोड अंडर टेस्ट (क्यूटी) को नकल करें आपका कोड मॉक कहलाता है, जो फिर पूर्व-निर्धारित अपेक्षाओं के विरुद्ध अपनी तर्कों की तुलना करता है, और अपेक्षित परिणाम (डेटाबेस के साथ वास्तव में संचार करने के बजाय) को वापस हाथ में डालता है। आपका कोड परिणाम पर चल रहा है यदि विधि तर्क अपेक्षाओं से मेल नहीं खाता है, तो नकली ऑब्जेक्ट अपवाद फेंक देगा।

आप नकली ऑब्जेक्ट्स और यूनिट टेस्टिंग के बारे में लेख यहां पढ़ सकते हैं। यहां यहां:

ध्यान दें, जैसे उपकरण और काम आसान बनाते हैं, लेकिन यह अभी भी कठिन है - आपको अपना कोड न सिर्फ परीक्षण करना चाहिए कोड पहले और प्रार्थना करें कि आप इसे बाद में जांच सकते हैं।

आप अपने webservice प्रदाता से बात करना चाह सकते हैं - हर तीसरे पक्ष की webservice जिसे मैंने कभी भी सरल प्रश्नों से परे बातचीत की है, एक परीक्षण मोड (आप परीक्षण क्रेडेंशियल और एक परीक्षण सर्वर का उपयोग करते हैं लाइव सर्वर) टेस्ट सर्वर के लिए कोई भी लेन-देन दिन के अंत में साफ हो जाता है। अगर वे नहीं एक परीक्षण सेवा और अपनी सेवा में सरल प्रश्नों से अधिक शामिल हैं, तो मुझे एक और सेवा प्रदाता खोजने की दृढ़ता से सलाह है।

एक अन्य रणनीति है जिसे आप कुछ परिस्थितियों में डेटाबेस के साथ काम करने के लिए ले सकते हैं: लेनदेन का उपयोग करें जब आप एक यूनिट परीक्षण के दौरान अपना डेटाबेस कनेक्शन खोलते हैं, लेनदेन खोलें। प्रत्येक इकाई परीक्षण के अंत में, लेन-देन को रोलबैक करें यह एक सरल विचार है, लेकिन शैतान विवरण में है, और यदि आप पेंच और गलती से लेन-देन करने पर अराजकता होगी मैं इसकी सिफारिश नहीं करता, लेकिन मैंने 2 साल के लिए एक परियोजना पर काम किया।

c# - How to determine if a string is a valid variable name? -

I want a quick way to determine (in C #) that the string is a valid variable name or not. My first experience is to alert some Regx to do this, but I'm thinking that there is a better way to do this. Perhaps a secret method of some kind is hidden somewhere deep, which is called IsThisAValidVariableName (string name), or there is some other clever way to do this that does not suffer from errors that may arise due to the lack of raggex skills.

Try it out:

  // System.CodeDom.Compiler Using; CodeDomProvider Provider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider ("C #"); If (provider.IsValidIdentifier (YOUR_VARIABLE_NAME)) {// valid} other {// not valid}  

Cocoa: create drop zone for files -

I want to create a drag and drop zone (using an NSView) for any file in my coke app. How do i do this

read. You want your custom view to be a "dragging destination." You will need to understand the pasteboard and file path types of the pasteboard, how to add a visual subclass (a normal NSView for your own custom class, or an existing view like NSImageView) and appropriate dragging source methods.

c++ - What is the copy constructor bug causing parsing errors? -

I am writing a compiler for a small language, and my parser class is currently in charge of making AST for use. However, recursive expressions are not working correctly because the children nodes in each AST node are not working correctly. Currently, my AST header file looks like this:

  class AST {public: enum ASTtype {nil, fdecl, pdecl, vdecl, rd, wr, set, rdlv, setLV, exprLV, Add, sub ,,,,,,,,,,,,, nem scalar type {TNA, Tinnavad, tint, TLOG, TB OOL}; AST (); AST (AST constant & amp;); AST (Esteppi); AST (Estept, STD :: string); Add Zero Child (AST); ASTtype getNodeType (); Std :: string text; Type ASTtype node; Integer shape; Scaler type evalType; Std :: vector & lt; AST & gt; children; };  

Here is the expression parsing code that is causing the problem:

  void Parser :: e (AST & parent) {AST expr; AST :: Estimate Check = AST :: Zero; Bool binOp = false; Switch (letterhead type) {Case Lexer :: End: check = AST :: A and; BinOp = true; break; Case Leaser :: or: Czech = AST :: AOR; BinOp = true; break; Case Lexer :: No: Check = AST :: Not One; break; Case Leaser :: Neg: Check = AST :: ANGG; break; Case Lexer :: Plus: Check = AST :: Joint; BinOp = true; break; Case Leaser :: MINUS: Check = AST :: All; BinOp = true; break; Case Leaser :: SPLAT: Czech = AST :: MUL; BinOp = true; break; Case Lexer :: FSLASH: Czech = AST :: Divide; BinOp = true; break; Case Leaser :: MOD: Check = AST :: MOD; BinOp = true; break; Case Lexor :: EQ: Check = AST :: EC; BinOp = true; break; Case Leaser :: LT: Czech = AST :: LT; BinOp = true; break; Case Leaser :: GT: Czech = AST :: GT; BinOp = true; break; Case Leaser :: GTE: Check = AST :: GT; BinOp = true; break; Case Leaser :: LTE: Czech = AST :: LTE; BinOp = true; break; Case Lexer :: NE: Check = AST :: Ne; BinOp = true; break; } If (check! = AST :: Zero and Binop) {match (letterhead typed); Expr = AST (check); E (expr); E (expr); } And if (check! = AST :: Zero and BinOp) {match (lookahead.type); Expr = AST (check); } And if (letterhead type == lexer :: idit) {if (symbols.resolve (lookahead.text) .sym_type == symbol :: FUNC} {expr = AST (AST :: Ficol, Lookahhead Text); Match (Lexer :: Chairman); While (lookahead.type! = Lexer :: BANG) {E (XPR); } Match (Lexer :: Bang); } And {expr = AST (AST :: Expr); Lv (expr); }} And if (lookahead.type == Lexer :: T) {match (Lexer :: T); // true expr = AST (AST :: T); } And if (lookahead.type == Lexer :: F) {match (Lexer :: F); // false expr = AST (AST :: F); } Other {expr = AST (AST :: Enconst, LookAhead.Text); Match (Lexer :: NUM); } Parent.children.push_back (expr); }  

An example expression that does not work is + 1 + 2 + 3 4. It should be parsed in an AST like this: + [1, + [2, + [3, 4]], but instead I get this: + [1, + []]

Any advice on doing wrong?

guardian.backs Push_back (expr) copies the expression Therefore, it calls the AST :: AST (AST const & amp;) . A bug in that can certainly be the cause of the problem you see, though without the code, we can not find bugs in it.

sql - SQLCE 3.5 FIPS compliance on Windows Mobile 6.0 -

In relation to FIPS compliance, what is the situation of SQLCE 3.5 while running on Windows Mobile 6.0?

I have read many different reports about this and need a definitive answer, which comes from a reliable source (please provide link)

I read this "SQL Server Compact 3.5 has encryption mode FIPS compliant if FIPS mode is enabled at the OS level."

Is this true? If so, then how is it enabled at the OS level?

This means that you support AES 128 in the OS image and if it is there, then SQL Compact engines will use it. In Windows CE, if you are creating OS, which part of the crypto can you decide, and I believe AES128 is a part of the standard crypto offering (I can not verify because I do not have a PC.

For Windows Mobile, you can not do anything to turn it on or off - it is either or it is still available on the platform builder for me. T. Early versions (e.g. old Kocket PC and Pocket PS 2003 IIRC) were sent only as OEMs in the form of 56-bit encryption. Based on Microsoft's published information, it looks like WinMo 5.0 and later all the codes are compatible. < / P>

regex - ReplaceAll function in javascript -

I am getting a string "test + test1 + asd.txt" and I convert I want the str = str.replace ("/ + / g", ""); "test1 asd.txt" in the exam

but it is not working

relationship, hemat

  str = str.replace (/ \ + / g, "");  

algorithm - Check the sortedness Of An Array -

I need an algorithm that is used to find the N-element randomly sorted integer array Already sorted or not. / P>

Just loop through the array, you can find the element that is less than the previous one. Phony Code in C / Java:

  int prev = array [0]; Boolean sorted = true; For (int i = 1; i & lt; array.label; i ++) {if (array [i] & lt; prev) {sorted = false; break; } Prev = array [i]; }  

SQL Help (For Each) -

I am trying to write a SQL statement which needs a loop through the list of departments, like each for.

What do I still have

  Select Average (Pay), Assigned-> Name fROM edu_ucla_cs241_termproj_schema.InstructorImpl Where Assign-> Name = 'Anthropology'  

This will give me a table of average salary department 90.15 Anthropology

However, I want a loop through each department. Can I take this query through variables and loop through each department name?

you can not use

  SELECT avg (salary) , Assign-> Name FROM edu_ucla_cs241_termproj_schema.InstructorImpl Group Specified-> Name  

sql - Drop 0 value in decimal places -

I want to ask if anyone knows the query to drop the value of 0 in the decimal.

for example: fields these values ​​in the name percent


770.00000000000000000000, 340.670000000000000000000, 96.00000000000000000000, 4400.56000000000000000000, 109.89000000000000000000, 109.0000000000000000000000, 370000000000000000000000, 37.0000000000000000000000,

Currently I am using the query "Select ([percent] as decimal (9.2)) as the result of [percent] table" and result

G: I want to really get the result: ->

770, 340.67, 96 , 4400.56, 109.8 9, 109, 37,

You can use a combination of DECIMAL and FLOAT . To round it in two places of DCAML, select first decimal, unwanted 0

for example

  (decimal ([percent] as decimal ( 9.2)) with the example of float [percent]  

340.69999999999999, it is in the 340.70 era, so it takes zero by giving you 340.7. As anyone Some precision will be lost with the goal.

shell - Simple way to colour alternate output lines in bash -

I need a complete directory for a string, and I get about 50 results. I would like to colorize each other line, either the color of the text color or background. The best would be a script which I can pipe the output of any command, and similarly (though colorful output) spits.

is not very beautiful, but the trick is:

( Foo.bash and whatever, wherever .bash )

  #! During reading / Bin / bash, read the echo-e "\ e [1; 31 m line" line] echo -e "\ e [1 32m $ line" echo-e "e [0] You can find it here. 

html - can we use rowspan and colspan in displaytag? -

I have to create a table, which is structured like this

 | ------ -------------------------- | |  col1  |  col2  |  col3  |  col4  | | | |  Col3.1  |  Col3.2  | | | ---- | ---- | -------- | -------- | ---- | | ---- | ---- | -------- | -------- | ---- | 

Is it possible to create such a datagrid using the display tag?

Check out Decorator Example (), this is your best bet.

Another way to do this is to manually add the contents of a cell, such as:


If I miss the correct way, then my table was defined as:

  & lt; Display: table name = "test" requesturI = "some_uri" defaultsort = "0" id = "test" export = "right" excluded parachum = "*" & gt;  

You can use the current element using test , so if the object you showed is a multiplier id You can enter the current object list by typing a getter id , you test.id .

But I try to use a decorator first (you can add decorations per iirc), the second option is very messy.

Spring Web Service Unit Tests: java.lang.IllegalStateExcepton: Failed to load Application Context -

"itemprop =" text ">

I'm getting the error" java.lang.IllegalStateExcepton: Failed to load the application context "when I run my unit I'm trying to Testing from inside the eclipse

The unit looks very simple in the test:

  package com.mycompany.interactive.cs.isales.ispr.ws.productupgrade; Import org.junit.assert; Import org.junit.Test; Import org.junit.runner.RunWith; Import organization Source: Import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner; @RunWith (SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration (locations = { "/ applicationContext.xml"}) public class ProductUpgradeTest {@Test public void getProductUpgrade (throws Exception {//System.out.println (PrintClasspath.getClasspathAsString ())); Assert.assertTrue (true); }}  

But no matter what I start doing with , @ContextConfiguration .

applicationContext.xml I still get the same error file is within a folder / etc / ws, but even if I put a copy in the same folder, it's still me errors is.

I am very new to Java, Spring, Eclipse and Ant, and in fact it is not known why this is going wrong.

The problem is that you specify your @ContextConfiguration annotation now That your applicationContext.xml is located in the root folder of your system (where this is probably not, because you say it is on / etc / ws). I see two possible solutions:

  1. Use @ContextConfiguration (locations = { "/ etc / ws / applicationContext.xml"})
  2. move your project (your applicationContext.xml file for example) in your WEB-INF folder and using @ContextConfiguration (locations = { "classpath: applicationContext.xml"})

If in 2, you will need to make sure that the directory in which you place your application is located in your classpath. This can be configured in your project property in Eclipse.

c# - Copy/Paste in Windows Forms with custom controls -

I am writing a small application in C #. I want to let my users copy and paste data around the application and also have some custom controls, for example, there is a color picker.

There is a copy of some default controls (at least text box) and paste the functionality already in the same way I want to do the same thing with my color picker, and at the top to copy and paste Want an 'edit' menu.

At the moment, I can not see how to do this Ctrl + c and Ctrl + V is my best way to capture commands and menu clicks and go through a function that uses some calls to search for focused control and then control the data or to control ( With a large scale if based on the type of statement centered control) copy No returns.

Optional every custom control starts writing important handling, but by this method I am not sure how to include the editing menu function.

How can I do this in an elegant or more 'standard' way?

The easiest way is to activate keypreview in the form and after that Follow the logic in the keydown event.

But another way might be useful:
If you have your win app a menu (for example, edit & copy> (copy)> copy (paste)).

Enable keyboard shortcut menu for them

  // // editToolStripMenuItem // this.editToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.AddRange (New System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem [] { This.copyToolStripMenuItem, this.pasteToolStripMenuItem}); This.editToolStripMenuItem.Text = "edit"; // // copyToolStripMenuItem // ** this.copyToolStripMenuItem.ShortcutKeys = ((System.Windows.Forms.Keys) ((System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Control | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.C))); ** this.copyToolStripMenuItem.Text = "& amp; Copy"; // // pasteToolStripMenuItem // ** this.pasteToolStripMenuItem.ShortcutKeys = ((System.Windows.Forms.Keys) ((System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Control | System.Windows.Forms.Keys.V))); ** this.pasteToolStripMenuItem.Text = "Paste & Paste";  

So you have your shortcuts to copy paste. Now just manage your menu clicks

  Private Zero copyToolStripMenuItem_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {Image myData = this.ActiveControl.BackgroundImage; Clipboard.SetImage (MyData); } Private Zero pasteToolStripMenuItem_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {Image myData = Clipboard. GetImage (); This.ActiveControl.BackgroundImage = myData; }  

Of course, you can make your menu invisible, if you do not want it to be shown to the user.

=========================================== ==================================== UPDATE for many controls < / P>


  Private Zero CopyToolStripMenuItem_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {ICopyPasteable Control = ICopyPasteable as Sender; If (control! = Null) {control.CopyToClipboard (); }} Private Zero pasteToolStripMenuItem_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {ICopyPasteable Control = ICopyPasteable as Sender; If (control! = Zero) {control.PasteFromClipboard (); }}} Public Interface IcopyPasteable {Zero CopyToClipboard (); Zero pasteframeclipboard (); } Public class mytextbox: textbox, iCapPableable {#region ICopyPasteable Membres Public Zero CopyToClipboard () {clipboard .set text (this.Text); } Public Zero Paste Frameclipboard () {If (Clipboard Content Content) {This.Text = Clipboard.GetText (); }} #endrian}  

Can you execute another EXE file from within a C# console application? -

Can you execute another EXE file from inside a C # console application?

  • Can you pass arguments?
  • Can you retrieve the exit code?
  • like this:

      var proc = new Process (); Proc.StartInfo.FileName = "something.exe"; Proc.StartInfo.Arguments = "-v -s -a"; Proc.Start (); Proc.WaitForExit (); Var exitCode = proc.ExitCode; Proc.close ();  

3d - Rotation of camera used for perspective projection -

I am trying to launch a simple approach to various 3D structures, which is defined as the plural of 3D polygons (different z),

The structure with a multiplicity of each digit will be seen by many different cameras which I define. These cameras are defined by putting a world camera (eye) on the coordinates of my world (0,0, z), (0,0,0) and above (0,1,0) and alpha by the World Axis Rotating to (about x-axis), Beta (about) and gamma (about z), making my local coordinate system for that particular camera [I realize I can do this with OpenGL But I will try and do it myself and understand it I use black box instead of using the black box)

The base of my global camera is defined using vectors, V and w where w = (eye-shape) .normalised = (0,0 , 1); U = Up Cross (W) = (1,0,0) and V = w.cross (U) = (0,1,0)

I am working with uniform coordination so that For my conversion metrics U_dashed, v_dashed, w_dashed appears as follows:

T (px, py, pz) = [1,0,0, px; 0,1,0, py; 0,0,1, pz; 0,0,0,1] and R = [U, 0; V, 0; W, 0; 0,0,0,1]

Then I get it by putting it together

TR = T (i-look) x r 'x r_ x x r x t (- (Eye-sight)) where R 'R and R_x's transposes are combined forward rotation matrix (world => local coordinates) I again define the orthogonal projection matrix (o) combined change with perspective matrix (p) () Multiplication for:

C = o xp x trance

Finally Proj = (Cx4pointpoint) and perspective divider i.e. (proj.x / proj.w, proj.y, pro.w)

Or would I be better at determining the coordinates of each camera I R_zyx x [0; 0; Z; 1] and you, by R and x, v and w [ux, vx, wx, 0; Uy, vy, wy, 0; Uz, vz, wz, 0; 0,0,0, 0]?

OK I think I have understood it as a core MC (see matrix) (as here ) = T (color of eyes) x r 'x r_g xx r x t (- (eye-look)) xt (- (eye-look)) = [u', 0; V ', 0, w', 0; 0,0,0,1] 'x (t (- (eyesight))

C = O x PX MV

then 4Dproj = C x [4Point]' and 2Dproj = (4proj.x/4proj.w, 4proj.y/4proj.w)


security - Is it secure to use a controller, module or action name to set include paths? -

I want to include the path (and other routes, such as the View Script Path) based on the access to the module. is it safe? If not, how can I safely set up the path dynamically? I'm doing something like the code below (this is from the control plugin.)

  Public function sending loop startup (Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $ request) {$ modName = $ request- & gt; GetModuleName (); $ ModulePath = APP_PATH. '/ Module /' $ ModName '/ Classes'; Set_include_path (.. get_include_path () PATH_SEPARATOR $ modulePath); }  

I'm not sure whether it's safe or not, but it's the best ' What will be the sound like practice if a person enters a module name like .. / admin / ? You must prioritize the module name before using it.

java - How do i input a string from a buffered reader? -

I also used the scanner and wanted to try to use a buffer reader: I still have to Have done something

import java.util. *; Import java.io * *; Public square ice cream cone (// variable string taste; int numScoops; scanner flavorIceCream = new scanner (System.in); // constructor public ice cream cone () {} // methods public string getFlavour () throws IOexception {try {BufferedReader KeyboardInput = New BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader (System.in)); System.out.println ("Please enter your taste ice cream"); ​​taste = keyboardInput.readLine (); Return keyboard input .readLine ();} Hold ( IOexception e) {e.printStackTrace ();}}

im to get an integer By the way, you can say that

  integer. ParseInt (keyboardInput.readLine ());  

But what should I do if I want the string < / P>

keyboardInput.readLine () already gives a string so that you can

  return keyboard input .readLine ();  


ReadLine throws a IOException method. You throw either an exception:

  public string getFlavour () IOException throws {...}  

or you handle it in your own way.

  public stable string getFlavour () {BufferedReader keyboardInput = null; Try {keyboardInput = new BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader (System.in)); System.out.println ("Please enter your taste ice cream"); // In this case, you do not need to define this extra variable / string taste. KeyboardInput.readLine (); // return taste; Return keyboard input .readLine (); } Hold (IOException e) {// handle this e.Pintstaxress; } Return tap; }  

SharePoint - moving from Enterprise to Standard -

We are gladly running on MOSS 2007 Enterprise for a while. However, we are facing the need to take our 2007 example to a standard running farm.

What do I need in our existing implementation, which can prevent us from fulfilling this achievement? I know that there are, but I need to make this assessment quickly and I do not have to compare the first two versions of this week.

Actually, I'm looking at our important sites to determine if they use anything that prevents us from going to the standard.

It is also an acceptable response that the content / functionality running in a new MOSS 2007 standard farm from existing MOSS 2007 Enterprise Farm (with the expansion on why this is the case) is not possible. I have copied my production content / operating system into a new farm running enterprise but never going to standard.

You really should not do this assessment quickly if you miss something, you actually Can shoot themselves in the foot.

Major enterprise functionality is BDC, forms, excellent services and other special functionality. If you are not using those areas, then you are probably fine, but you need a more detailed evaluation.

Java Reflection: Count of methods with an annotation? -

This works fine to filter methods with annotation:

 For  (Method Me: ParseTree.class.getMethods ()) {if (m.isnnotationPresent (Analyze.class)) { 

What if I just got a Counting, without looping? Is there any way to give a definite interpretation on how many methods of a particular class?

This is a very special case, so I doubt there is a way in the Java Refaction API .

But even if there is such a method, it will do the same: Repeat all the methods of a class, annotate and report the number.

I suggest that you can implement a static method for this task in some utility classes.

  Public static count annotationInclass (class  

asp.net - Is there any way on how we could detect and get the attributes (which do not have properties) from a user control tag? -

  & lt; uc1: UsercontrolTest आईडी = "UsercontrolTest" runat = "सर्वर" हैलो = "विश्व" / & gt;  

आप देखते हैं, हैलो UsercontrolTest वर्ग की संपत्ति नहीं है, लेकिन हमें पता करने और उस विशेषता को प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है। क्या हमें ऐसा करने की अनुमति है? धन्यवाद।

क्या निम्नलिखित काम नहीं करता?

  UsercontrolTest.Attributes ("नमस्ते")  

संपादित करें:

: उपयोगकर्ता में घोषित सभी विशेषता नाम और मान जोड़े का एक संग्रह हो .aspx फ़ाइल में नियंत्रण टैग।

SQL Server Database schema versioning and update -

For my application, I must support update scenarios and the database may be affected.

I want to be able to update from the old version to the latest without installing intermediate versions. Let's say I have version A (oldest), B (intermediate) and C (new version). I want to be able to update the version directly to version C It's easy for application files, I just change old ones with new ones. Although for the database I do not want to generate a SQL script to convert the database schema directly into C, instead I want to change the schema from A to change the schema and from B to C

How do I store a database version for a SQL Server database? Is there a special property that I can set to apply a version table instead? In my code (.net) I want to read the database version and accordingly update the updated SQL script in the proper order.

I will use both SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008.

"post-text" itemprop = "text">

I use database extended properties, see:

  SELECT [value] to :: Fn_listextendedproperty ('MyApplication DB version', default, default, default, default, default, default);  


  EXEC sp_updateextendedproperty @name = N'MyApplication db version ', @value =' 1.2 '; Go  

c# - Datagridview export to Excel using XML format -

Attempted to export datagrid video to extract Excel 12.0 object library. I want to save the file rather than open Excel. I do not have Excel installed where I'm going to run this application. Can I save as an Excel file using XML format anyway? I have seen an example of XML using a dataset. But I would like to export data directly from DatagramViewView. Please tell me

Thanks for any thoughts ..

Have you tried it Library?

python - How to split a pandas dataframe that contains lists as fields into a multi-indexed dataframe? -

I have a panda dataframe in which lists are included as elements (not noded arrays) and it's sorted indexed The data structure you want to break in. Here's an example of what I'm trying to achieve: I have the dataframe of this form:

  | Model | Company | Url | Criteria | Rating 1 | Mode 11 Company 1 | Url1 [Criteria 1, criterion 2]. [Rating 1, Rating 2] 2 | Mode 12 Company 2 | Url2 [Criteria 4, criterion 5] | [Rating 4, Rating 5]  


  | Model | Company | Url | Rating ---------------------------------- Criterion 1 | Model 1 | Company1 | Url1 Rating 1 criteria 2 | Model 1 | Company1 | Url1 Rating 2 criteria 3 | Model 1 | Company1 | Url1 Rating 3 criteria 4 | Model 2 | Company2 | Url2 Ratings 4 criteria 5 | Model 2 | Company2 | Url2 Rating 5 criteria 6 | Model 2 | Company2 | Url2 Rating 6  

  import system # You do not need a string IO if you If you are reading data from a file then sys.version_info [0] & lt; 3: StringIO import from StringIO other: StringIO import pandes to PD dfstr = StringIO ("| | | | Company | URL | criteria | Rating 1 | Mode1 | Company1 | URL 1 | [criteria1, criterion2] | [Ratings 1, Rating 2] Mode2 | Company2 | URL 2 | [Criterion 4, Criterion] | [Ratings 4, Rating 5] "" ") df = pd.DataFrame.from_csv (dfstr, sep = '|' 'Df.columns = [' Model '' Company ',' URL ',' Criteria ',' Rating '] # No White Location Def Slist (Listed): # List-without-quotation is a pain reliever list. Strip ('[]'). Partition (', Def line 2 df (boonero): # Create a little sub-datafree for each line tmp = pd.DataFrame (Zip (slit (line [1].), Slit (line [1] .Rating)) val ['Model', 'Company', 'URL'] for line in Df.iterrows ()]: TMP [VAL] = Line [1] [VAL] Returns TMP Outdf = PD.cocket ([Line 2 DF] (Outline), # and criteria outdf.drop (0, axis = 1, inplace = true) outdf.column = ['rating', 'model', 'company', 'url'] #  

PHP Google Drive API authentication not required -

I am developing a PHP code that uses the Google Drive API, upload API files, when your The Google Account was the owner of the drive that was logged in. My question is, it is possible that it can upload files, even if the Google Account that is not owned by it, for example, no Google Account was logged in or another Google Account logged in Was there. I just want to say that the drive is public that any file can upload.

This is the code I used to have.

  & lt ;? Php function setGoogleDriveUpload ($ clientID, $ secret keys, $ redirectory, $ newfilemen, $ upload file) {session_start (); $ Url_array = 'Explosion ('? ',' Http: //'.$_SERVER ['HTTP_HOST']. $ _ Server ['REQUEST_URI']); $ Url = $ url_array [0]; Need_once 'google-api-php-client / src / Google_Client.php'; Need_once 'google-api-php-client / src / contrib / Google_DriveService.php'; $ Client = new Google_Client (); $ Customer & gt; SetClientId ($ clientid); $ Customer & gt; SetClientSecret ($ secretKey); $ Customer & gt; SetRedirectUri ($ redirecturi); $ Customer & gt; SetScopes (array ('https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive')); If (isset ($ _GET ['code'])) {$ _SESSION ['accessToken'] = $ client-> authenticate ($ _GET ['code']); Header ('location:' $ url.); Exit; } Elseif (! Isset ($ _ session ['access token'])) {$ client- & gt; Authenticate (); } $ Client- & gt; SetAccessToken ($ _ session ['AccessToken']); $ Service = new Google_DriveService ($ customer); $ Finfo = finfo_open (FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $ File = New Google_DriveFile (); $ File_path = $ uploadfile; $ Mime_type = finfo_file ($ finfo, $ file_path); $ File & gt; SetTitle ($ newfilename); $ File- & gt; Setdition ('this is a'. $ Mime_type. Document '); $ File & gt; SetMimeType ($ MIME_TYPE); $ Service- & gt; File-> Insert ($ file, array ('data' = & gt; file_gate_content ($ file_path), 'mimetype' => gt; $ mime_type); Finfo_close ($ finfo); } 

"My question is that it is possible that this file upload Even if it is the Google Account it owns, it is not logged in. "

Yes, in order to provide offline access to the account owner, your app Will get a refresh token, which you use for the store and an access token when you want to upload a file.

AmCharts adding dataset with only events -

There is no data point out of our series but only events playing with your example here, I commented on DataprodPride ( Set it to empty array):

  Dataprider: [], categoryField: "date", compared to: correct, stock events: stockEvents  

results Looking at, it seems that Emperatts do not support events without a datapout. Can anyone confirm?

I was able to confirm that this is actually the case, not providing events without related datapents Will go

java - Google app engine android generated client lib functions return null -

I have a client-server system with server Java, with App Engine's in the cloud-side Android device with Java.

In order to generate a library for Android, I explained in these steps:

In the server class test:

  Public int getTest () {return 9; }  

Using Client Libs in Android:

Test Test = New Test (); Logs. E ("Test:", test.getTest () + "");

test.getTest () prints blank instead of 9.

But if I get a function with the current parameter in test class then works well. Server:

  Private Ent Ultimate; Public difference getParam () {this refund. } Public Int Set Param (Int Ultimate) {Return to this. Ultimate = Ultimate; }  


Test Test = New Test (); Test.setParam (10); Logs. E ("Test:", test.getParam () + "");

OK test.getParam () print 10

concurrency - Send channel through a channel with Go -

I want to send an indicator to a channel via a channel. Is it possible to know? How are functions that accept such a channel defined?

I tried:

  Funk Exam () (chan * chan) Funk criterion (chan chan)  

There are always some types associated with a channel. Assume that type T is a channel of T:

  chan t  

is an indicator in a channel of T :

  * There is a channel of the indicator for Chan T's channel:  
  chan * chan T  

Accepting the function is the channel of the indicator for T's channel:

  func f (c chan * chan t) {}  

because the channel reference types are , You probably do not need to use an indicator

  func (fc chan chan T) {}  

< / P>

php - How to call `property_exists()` on a class property from within said class? -

अगर मैं इस तरह के वर्ग का उदाहरण बना

  $ template = new EmailTemplate ( सरणी ('templateFile' = & gt; 'template__test.php'));  

क्यों निम्नलिखित गूंज NULL ?

  class EmailTemplate {private $ templateFile; {$ This- & gt; {$ key}) फ़ंक्शन __ कन्स्ट्रक्ट ($ एआरजीज़) {foreach ($ arg = as $ arg = & gt; $ val) {if (property_exists ($ this, $ this- & gt; {$ key}) $ वैल; } Echo $ this- & gt; टेम्पलेटफ़ाइल; }}  

मैं "template__test.php" गूंज करने के लिए निर्माता की उम्मीद कर रहा था।

कोई भी मदद?

आपको इस तरह कन्स्ट्रक्टर को कॉल करना चाहिए:

  class EmailTemplate {private $ templateFile; फ़ंक्शन __construct ($ args) {// लूप की ओर से तर्क foreach ($ $ के रूप में $ args = & gt; $ val) {// जांचें कि मौजूदा वर्ग में परिभाषित वैरिएबल // $ val के मूल्य के रूप में नामित है अगर (property_exists ($ $, $ कुंजी)) {// यदि ऐसा है, तो इसे पास किए मूल्य के मूल्य $ the-> $ key = $ val; // यदि आप एकाधिक सरणी वस्तुओं को पास करते हैं, तो आपको $ $-> $ कुंजी; } // स्क्रीन के लिए परिभाषित चर को प्रिंट करें echo $ इस- & gt; टेम्पलेटफ़ाइल; }}}  
पर क्लिक करें

excel - SSAS 2005 The peer prematurely closed the connection RANDOMLY -

SSAS 2005, which was working fully for years, is now working oddly.

After a windows update, depending on the selected client, it throws random errors when it comes to both OleDb and AdoMD.NET drivers.

Here's what I got here

OleDbException (0x80004005): There was an error in the transport layer.
Peer closed the connection prematurely

First broke my SPN in Windows Update, so I had to fix it with the Kerberos configuration manager for SQL Server. Authentication back to the SQL Server Profiler (no more loans on the NTUserName column)

But exceptions, after installing the connection and some successful browsing in Excel seems completely random!

  • Depending on the selected members, Excel 2007
  • Excel 2013 based on selected members (except those in Excel 2007)
  • Website
  • Correcting
  • Fixing Excel 2007 on the server

When I Work Use the SQL Server Profiler on the MDX, there is nothing special in it.

Discovery Starts 4 - MDSCHAMAmbs
Discovery and 4 - MDSCAKMKBIS - Query Start 0 - MDXQuery
Query & 0 - MDXClite

And when I select a specific area (which is the cause of exception)

Discovery starts 4 - MDSCHEMA_CUBES
Search end 4 - MDSCHEMA_CUBES
Audit logout

Cubes are working, have they not changed for years any ideas?

SQL 2005: SP4
Windows Server: 2008R2
Both clients and servers on the same domain.

jquery - Load JSON Data into Highcharts Drilldown map Dynamicly -

I use PHP to create JSON files for my main US map and for drill down maps. I would like to include both data points in the map using the following example:

Someone has suggested this on the Hichchart platform:

The simple idea is not to use the drilldown, but to develop the solution through adding and removing the chain - these calls can use AJAX calls, so the data will be included in asynchronous.

Map data using the main code below:

main.js code that gets a call on my page

  function create_chart () {$ .getJSON ('/includes/data/states.json', function (data) {$ ('# container'). High Chart ('map', {series: [ {Name: 'state', data: data, map data: highchart map ['country / us / us-all'], by joining: ['HC-key', 'code'], type: map ' }],});}); } $ (Document) .ready (create_chart);  

Sample of key map data (states.json)

  [{"Drilldown": "AK", "Code "": "Value": "value": "1"}, {"drilldown": "al", "code": "we-al", "value": "22"}, {"drilldown": "Ar "," Code ":" us-ar "," value ":" 7 "}, ...]  

I added the JSON file Has drillown items. Here's the format:

Sample of drill data (counties.json)

  [{"code": "us-de-005" "Baldwin County, AL", "Value": "Name": "Suspense County, DE", "Value": "2"}, {"Code": "Us-al-03", "Name" 1 "}, {" code ":" us-al-39 "," name ":" covington county, al "," value ":" 2 "}, ...]  
< P> I think I need to adjust the following line in the example that is currently set to dummy random data:

line 46-51

  data = high Artskgejasn (Haicharts. Maps [Mapaki]); // Set a non-random bogus value $ .each (data, function (i) {this.value = i;});  

How can I include my Jason data instead of fake data?

Therefore, you have this piece of code:

  $ .getScript ('http://code.highcharts.com/mapdata/' + Mapcars + '.js', function () {var mapData = Highcharts.geojson (Highcharts.maps [mapKey]); // Namespace // set Make a random bogus value $ .each (data, function (i) {this.value = i;}); ...});  

Which load map. Now, instead of setting the data, make another AJAX call:

  $ .getScript ('http://code.highcharts.com/mapdata/' + Mapcars + '.js', Function () {Data = Highcharts.geojson}; // Get the data: $ .getJSON ("myURL? Mapkey =" + mapKey, function (data_2) {// series data data to your data Assign Point = [] ... ... Update in Callback Charts: Hide the loading and add the series chart. Load (); Clear timeout (failed); chart.addSeriesAsDrilldown (e.point, {name: e) By joining .point.name,: ['HC-key', 'code'], type Type: 'map', data: data, data labels: {enabled: true, format: '{point.name}'}});}); ...});  

asp.net - Windows Security Is bugging me, popping up three times asking for user credentials -

Therefore some pages of my web application are flawlessly published and posted on a web application, whereas most of the other people have a report Creating Issues

1) Then I click on the link for the report, the report is generated !!! Enter the image details here

2) Then to convert the blue print button to PDF ITextSharp uses and print, basically reads the data in the report viewer, converts it to PDF, and opens with the print catalog, the picture below was taken from my local machine.

Enter image details here

3) When I Click the Print button from the server I get it Enter image details here

4 ) Provide credential after me I get this error page Enter image details here

Custom Error = Turned Off I changed my web Even in the config file, the results are still the same. I get the same error whenever I insert data into the database from my application.

I bet help As I have tried the Folder option for impersonation of most security options because the data is on the second server because of basic authentication because of online articles due to identity Impersonation goes well with basic authentication Enter image details here edit

Closed after custom error mode, its p There were six errors, now more research online

I tried to create a user called network service and gave full control to the folder and files received the heirs of folders permission. I went to the virtual director under the IIS and gave access to directory browsing but it still is not able to access the output PDF, some have suggested why the location has not changed in the Appadata folder, but I also Access denied, I know that there is no database error because I can see the data in the report, this one. Dll is not a problem because it is referred to in the Exchange's DLL project, Hmmm is definitely an authentication / security for the folder problem, any other suggestion would be greatly appreciated by the customs mode = "off"

< P>


This is because you want to stop closing CustomArsers mode so that there may be a real error on the server.


  -> & Lt; CustomError mode = "RemoteOnly" default redirect = "Generic ARRPG HTM" & gt; & Lt; Error status code = "403" redirect = "NoAccess HTM" /> & Lt; Error status code = "404" redirect = "file notoftHTML" /> & Lt; CustomArser's mode = "off" />  


Ensure that you are not posting code in a commented section of web.config

"- ->" and now you will see the real error.

Adding days to a date in a loop, javascript -

I think I'm missing something about this, I'm trying to add the current date of 7 days I'm 14, then 21. Whatever I end up is cycling the interval instead of the current date + 7, the current date 14+.

  var date = new date (); (Var i = 0; i & lt; 4; i ++) for {var tempDate = date; Var Rikutton = Tempdate. Date (date. GateDet) + (i * 7)); Var repeats = new date (repoton); Console.log (repeats); }  

Results in:

  "2015-03-17T21: 03: 13.326Z" "2015-03-24T21: 03: 13.326Z" 2015-04-07T20: 03: 13.326Z "" 2015-04-28 T 20: 03: 13.326Z " 

Instead of the desired, 24, 31 th & amp; 8th

var tempDate = date; from a reference to date . Similarly, setDate does not return a new date, it changes the date.

A solution must be made a copy:

var tempDate = new date (date);

Your loop can be simplified

  var repeats = (new date (date)). Set date (date.getDate () + (i * 7))  

javascript - Unable to skip files using grunt-contrib-clean -

For my life I can not get a clean job to leave some files.

  Clear: {empty_dist: ['./dist / ** / *'.! / Dist / home / config.js']}  

When I run it, my dist / DIR becomes completely empty, in which Dist / home / config.js , which I wanted to leave.

I use it by using Grint clean: empty_dist version ^ 0.5.0

its Apart from this, ** / * ' and ' * '

It looks as if the dist / home is being deleted, maybe you have your initial match ./t/ ** / *. Js should be replaced with (or code!! / Dist / home ).

matlab - Phased Array Toolbox and directivity of IsotopicAntennaElement -

Can not you explain which units directivity are calculated in the MATLAB step-by-step arrow toolbox is?

I run the Isotropic Antenna Element with them.

  myAnt = phased.IsotropicAntenaElement (); Angus = [-30, -20, -10,0,10,20,30; 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; Freq = 1e 9; It gives me:   d = 1.0e-03 * 0.1102 0.1102 0.1102 0.1102 0.1102 0.1102 0.1102 D = Directivity (Myant, Freak, Ang)  

The MATLAB manual states that directionality is the intensity of intensity in the given direction and the intensity of an isotopic antenna of the same power.

But what is hell, strong> Why does not it give a dob to the isotope antenna's directivity?

Does this mean that an isotropic antenna is less than an isotopic antenna? Or how should I understand it?

It is written as,

directivity Compute Element Directivity

D = Directivity (H, Frake, Angle) Combination of Directivity (in DBI) element ANGLE (degrees In) and for the specified instructions in the frequencies specified in FREQ (in Hertz).

Then it should be 0 for an aspirin antenna. You are receiving 0.0001102 , which is acceptable as 0 .

c# - Creating Multiple Levels of Properties within a Class -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P>

  • 9 जवाब

मैंने एपीआई के साथ काम किया है जो अन्य संस्थाओं के भीतर तरीकों का उदाहरण था, और मैं इसे समझने में सक्षम नहीं हूं कि यह कैसे मेरे लिए पुन: बनाएँ। उदाहरण के लिए, अगर मेरे पास "हाउस" नामक एक वर्ग है, और उस घर में अलग-अलग दरवाजे थे, और मैं एक दरवाजे में एक खिड़की रखना चाहता था, उदाहरण के साथ काम करने के लिए कोड कुछ ऐसा दिखाई देगा:

  हाउस myHouse = नया घर; मेरा हाउस। रूम ("लिविंग रूम")। दरवाजे ("मोर्चे")। प्लेस विन्डो ("चारों ओर पाले से छिद्रित");  

मुझे उम्मीद है कि मेरा प्रतिनिधित्व समझ में आता है। मैं महीनों के लिए VB.Net में रह रहा हूं, और हम बस सी # पर वापस स्विच करना शुरू कर रहे हैं। मैं वास्तव में इस बारे में उत्सुक हूँ.यह.यह.इस पहलू।

मुझे एक ऐसा ऑब्जेक्ट करना है जो यह प्रयोग करना आसान है और हेरफेर करना है, और मैं केवल गुणों और विधियों को भीतर ही रख सकता हूँ मेरे वर्तमान ज्ञान के साथ एक वर्ग मुझे यह नहीं पता कि खोज इंजन में किस प्रकार खोजना है कि यह किस तरह का वर्ग बनाना है (या यह किस प्रकार का संकलन है)। अगर कोई मुझे सही दिशा में चलाने में सक्षम हो, तो यह बहुत ही मददगार होगा।

कुछ प्रकार के खतरों हैं दृष्टिकोण का; हालांकि, अगर आप ऐसा करने की इच्छा रखते हैं, तो आप केवल हर ऑब्जेक्ट को उस बच्चे-ऑब्जेक्ट के साथ बनाते हैं, जो आप चाहते हैं।

आपके उदाहरण के लिए आप इन का निर्माण करेंगे:

  सार्वजनिक वर्ग हाउस {निजी रीडोनली सूची & lt; कक्ष & gt; _rooms = नई सूची & lt; कक्ष & gt; (); सार्वजनिक कक्ष कमरे (स्ट्रिंग रूम नाम) {रिटर्न _ रूम। सिंगल (एक्स = & x; नाम। == कमरा नाम); } सार्वजनिक शून्य AddRoom (स्ट्रिंग रूमनाम) {_rooms.Add (नया कमरा {name = roomName}); }} सार्वजनिक वर्ग कक्ष {निजी रीडोनली सूची & lt; दरवाजा & gt; _doors = नई सूची & lt; दरवाजा & gt; (); सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक दरवाजा दरवाजे (स्ट्रिंग का द्वार) {रिटर्न _डोरर्स। सिंगल (एक्स = & gt; x.Name == doorName); } सार्वजनिक शून्य AddDoor (स्ट्रिंग doorName) {_doors.Add (नया दरवाजा {नाम = doorName}); }} सार्वजनिक वर्ग द्वार {निजी रीडोनली सूची & lt; विंडो & gt; _windows = नई सूची & lt; विंडो & gt; (); सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक विंडो विंडोज़ (स्ट्रिंग खिड़कीनाम) {वापसी _windows.Single (x = & gt; x.Name == windowName); } सार्वजनिक शून्य स्थान विन्डो (स्ट्रिंग विंडोनाम) {_windows। जोड़ें (नई विंडो {नाम = windowName}); }} सार्वजनिक वर्ग विंडो {सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग नाम {get; सेट; }}  

c - How to change character in char array -

My function gets a four array as input if it contains the character e So it changes with a and returns the new four array. This is my code:

  Four eminent (four words []) {int total = 0; Int i; Four finals [5]; For (i = 0; i <5; i ++) {if (word [i] == 'e') {last [i] == 'a'; } And {final [i] == word [i]; }} Return final; }  

I call it the main () function like this:

  int main () {char a [] = "Hayley"; Printf ("The new string is:% d \ n", the azer (a)); }  

This gives me this output:

  is the new string: -48  

What do I remember Is here?

There are many errors in your program, assuming the length of the string. NULL is not allowing the terminator to write, or the write indicator is not returning == where you mean = A local variable is trying to return.

  #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; #include & lt; String.h & gt; Four * echanger (four * words) {int len ​​= strlen (word); Int i; Four * final = maulok (lane + 1); For (i = 0; i & lt; = len; i ++) {// Terminator included if (word [i] == 'e') last [i] = 'a'; And the last [i] = word [i]; } Return final; } Int main () {char a [] = "helle"; Four * news; News = azanger (a); Printf ("new string:% s \ n", news); Free (news); // Molok Returns was 0; }  

Program output:

  is the new string: halla  

javascript - jQuery plugin stops working when assigning an id to an element -

I have an issue, I was hoping someone could help me, I currently create a weblist And I'm trying to use a jquery plugin to create a sticky navigation bar (for the first time).

When I provide the ID # to the ANI tag, and CSS accordingly, rules for implementing this specific NAV, the plugin stops working. The problem is that I would like to do some NAV on my page and I will not see any other option.

Any suggestions?

Thank you!

And here is a link to the full code:




  / * navigation settings * / # key-nav (position: absolute; bottom: 0; width : 100%; height: 70px; background: #fff;}  


  $ (document) .ready (function ( ) {$ (Window) .bind ('scroll', function () {var navHeight = $ (window) .height () - 70; if ($ (window) .scrollTop ()> navHeight) {$ ('# main AddClass ('fixed');} and {$ ('# main-nav'). RemoveClass ('fixed');}});});  

In CSS, # main-nav is more accurate .fixed Therefore, it takes precedence.

You can:

1) Change .fixed to # Status < / Code> to defined is set to ! 3) Do not use any ID, but a specific class for your NAV, and make sure that .fixed / Code> is defined after that new class

Wordpress "Warning: Missing argument 2" errors -

I have 2 super specific 'missing logic 2' errors, this is all good in Localhost, but once I have completed This is returning the errors online:

A) Warning: missing logic for add_category_to_single () in / home / content / 23/9090823 / html2 / extranet / printedcrush / Wp-content / themes / facepress / functions.php on line 89


  add_filter ('body_class', 'add_category_to_single'); (Line 89) function add_category_to_single ($ squares, $ square) {if (is_single ()) {global $ post; $ $ {$ Classes [] = $ category- & gt; as foreign currency ($ get_the_category ($ post- & gt; id)). Category_nickname; }} Return $ squares; }  

B) WARNING: Missing argument in /home/content/23/9090823/html/extranet/printedcrush/wp-content/themes/facepress/functions.php in my_class_names () On line 100


  add_filter ('body_class', 'my_class_names'); (Line 100) function my_class_names ($ classes, $ class) {if (S_single ()) {global $ post; $ $ {$ Classes [] = $ category- & gt; as foreign currency ($ get_the_category ($ post- & gt; id)). Category_nickname; }} If (! (Is_user_logged_in ())) {$ classes [] = 'Log-out'; } Return $ class; }  

Does anyone know how these errors can be fixed? Thanks in advance. :)

body_class filter hook accepts a single parameter, array of The sections have to be modified, such as:

  add_filter ('body_class', 'so29108478_body_class'); Function SO29108478_body_class ($ classes) {$ classes [] = 'my-class'; Return $ class; }  

PHP How to build a dynamic URL and then goto Location? -

First of all, I do not quite understand the location function in PHP, because if I take it a if ( Isset) or one if ($ _GET) statement is inside the second and mainly, I'm interested in creating a dynamic URL

This idea is when a user clicks on an href, So it adds $ PRODUCT variable to the first $ url, and then executes the href, displays the new page

me Although there is a problem using the href, as I think it actually executes before the $ _GET function, and therefore not loading in the variable before performing my $ url.

I've partially done this, but when I click on another href, it seems to add the url to value = ASC .

URL for PHP When inserting the variable


Take notice of the above snippet in Epherfeld and Add it to your code.

slick2d - Java Slick 2D Drawing With Keyboard -

I have pasted the key position below every time I take my keyboard to the object but it is refreshing the page . How do I create it so that the object does not refresh and it looks like image trails and it eventually draws.

  package javagame; Import org.lwjgl.input *; Import org.newdawn.slick. *; Import org.newdawn.slick.state. *; Public class menu BasicGameState provides {public static string mouse = "the mouse is not on the screen"; Public stable string keyboard = "hey"; Public static int keybodedx = 50; Public stable int keyboardbo Y = 50; Public static int xPos; Public fixed int yPos; Public Menu (int state) {} // to this method is to get started right away objects presented public void init (GameContainer gameContainer, StateBasedGame stateBasedGame) throws SlickException {} public void (GameContainer gameContainer, StateBasedGame stateBasedGame, Graphics g) SlickException {g .drawString throws (icons, xps, 500 - yPos); G Dre String (keyboard, keybox, key bodywork); } Public Zero Update (GameContainer gameContainer, StateBasedGame stateBasedGame, Integer Delta) throws SlickException {// Keyboard input input = gameContainer.getInput (); If (input.isKeyDown (Input. KEY_UP)) {keyBoardY - = 1; } And if (input.isKeyDown (Input. KEY_DOWN)) {keyBoardY + = 1; } And if (input.isKeyDown (Input. KEY_LEFT)) {keyBoardX - = 1; } And if (input.isKeyDown (input.KEY_RIGHT)) {keyBoardX + = 1; }} Public int getID () {return 0; A}}  

It's like "image trails and finally draws" look For, you actually keep redrawing the image in a pre-condition until you want it to disappear. Otherwise your method is only render the current situation will make again and there will be no "trailing" Shadow

may be an option Xy keep history limit the co-directions, and history on every render () calls To make everything again. To create the effect of fading / trailing alpha least you can do this by setting the font to Graphics rendering, a a font object color prior to use With a lower alpha value

python - Abbreviating IPv6 addresses -

There is an array with IP address I need a selected IP address to shorten. For example:

  ['fcef: b0e7: 7d20: 0000: 0000: 0000: 3b95: 0565']  

Short rule: If any part Dell is needed from start 0 part or for example there is 0000 to convert it to 0 . The last example after the abbreviation:

  ['fcef: b0e7: 7d20: 0: 0: 0: 3b95: 565']  

You should use the module from the standard library:

  & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import an iPad & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Str (ipaddress.ip_address ('fcef: b0e7: 7d20: 0000: 0000: 0000: 3b95: 0565')) 'fcef: b0e7: 7d20 :: 3b95: 565' & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Ip = ipaddress.ip_address ('fcef: b0e7: 7d20: 0000: 0000: 0000: 3b95: 0565') & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Ip.compressed 'fcef: b0e7: 7d20 :: 3b95: 565' & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Ip.exploded 'fcef: b0e7: 7d20: 0000: 0000: 0000: 3b95: 0565'  

This makes the IP smaller as per the actual rules.

With the only rule to minimize the IP, you can simply replace :

  gt; & Gt; & Gt; 'Fcef: b0e7: 7d20: 0000: 0000: 0000: 3b95: 0565'. ('0000', '0') 'fcef: b0e7: 7d20: 0: 0: 3b95: 0565' ' / pre> 

python - How to catch - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'something' -

I know what the error is:

  AttributeError: 'NoneType' in the object The feature is not something 'something'  

means, but I do not know how it can hold. Actually I want to see if my object has been created or not.

I have to do something like this:

  try: test = self.myObject.values ​​() except: print "error occurred"  

But every time I do this:

  attribute error: 'any type' object has no attribute 'value'  
< P> How can someone catch me?

You can use the hectar (object, name) method that returns true or false if If you try to use the attribute that does not exist, you will always get an exception.

If you still want to catch exceptions, then just try an exception / catch with the exception type 'attribute error'

Open Access Form with Filter VBA -

I'm having trouble opening a form using the filter The code that I am trying to run is: < / P>

  DoCmd.OpenForm "MyForm", "[ID] =" & amp; Me.MyListBox.Column (0), acFormEdit, acDialog  

When I run this line, it opens the form, but does not apply the filter.

The FilterOnLoad property is set to true, and I have verified that this is true in the Open Load event.

While in the Form_Load event, Me.FilterOn = False and Me.Filter = "".

What happened to the filter? What am I doing wrong? I tried to set the true.FilterOn property through VBA and then saved the form, but when I open the form again, it gets reset to false.

If I set VBA and then. Filleron property is correct, filter the form correctly I have verified that "Me.MyListBox.Column (0)"

is to say about the FilterName parameter in the DoCmd.OpenForm method help topic:

A string expression that is a valid name query in the current database.

But you are not giving it a query name. I think that you really want the parameter WhereCondition instead:

  DoCmd.OpenForm FormName: = "MyForm" , _ Where compilation: = "[id] =" & amp; Me.MyListBox.Column (0), _DataMode: = acFormEdit, _ WindowMode: = acDialog  

c# - What is the proper pattern for instantiating and showing a window that relies on a value selected in the current window? -

निर्भरता इंजेक्शन सिद्धांतों और एक डि कंटेनर का उपयोग करना, एक बाल संवाद को लॉन्च करने के लिए उचित पैटर्न क्या है जिसके लिए चयन किया गया है एक निर्भरता के रूप में मूल विंडो? उदाहरण: मुख्य विंडो पर एक सूची में एक व्यक्ति व्यू मॉडल चुनें, और विवरण विंडो लॉन्च करने के लिए एक बटन पर क्लिक करें।

  1. निर्भरता और उपयोग के रूप में बाल विंडो में पास करें ShowDialog पर कॉल करने से पहले बच्चे की विंडो निर्भरता प्रदान करने के लिए प्रॉपर्टी इंजेक्शन।
  2. एक व्यूफ़ैक्टर में पास करें जो बाल विंडो को हल करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है और शोडीयलोग को कॉल करने से पहले बाल विंडो निर्भरता प्रदान करने के लिए प्रॉपर्टी इंजेक्शन का उपयोग करता है।
  3. < / Ol>

    जो मैं देख रहा हूं वह आम तौर पर स्वीकार किए जाने योग्य परीक्षण योग्य पैटर्न है। डीआई के सभी उदाहरण जो मुझे लगता है कि केवल एक परत गहरी हैं या माता-पिता विंडो में चयनित निर्भरता की आवश्यकता नहीं है।


मैं एक अलग विधि सुझाता हूँ जिस तरह से मैं यह करने की सिफारिश करता हूं, वह संवाद विंडो प्रदर्शित करने के लिए एक छोटा प्रबंधक ऑब्जेक्ट बनाने के लिए है, जिसके द्वारा आप विंडो विंडो के दृश्य-मॉडल को पैरामीटर पारित कर सकते हैं, इससे पहले कि वह विंडो खुद बना सके।

अपनी खिड़की और दृश्य-मॉडल के लिए कारखाने बनाएं, और उन्हें इस तरह का उपयोग करें:

  सार्वजनिक वर्ग विवरणविंडो डिस्प्लेयर: आईडीअजिवंडोडिस्प्लेयर {निजी रीडोनली आईडीइजिवंडोएफ़ाफ़ार्क विंडोफैक्टर; निजी रीडोनली आईडीअड्ज WindowViewModelFactory viewModelFactory; सार्वजनिक विवरणविंडो डिस्प्लेयर (आईडीईज़िवंडोफ़ाइनरी विंडोफैटरिनेटर, आईडीइजिवंड्यूव्यूमोडेलफैटरी देखेंमॉडेलफैक्चर) {this.windowFactory = windowFactory; This.viewModelFactory = viewModelFactory; } सार्वजनिक शून्य ShowDetails (IPersonViewModel व्यक्ति ViewModel) {var windowViewModel = this.viewModelFactory.Create (personViewModel); Var विंडो = this.windowFactory.Create (windowViewModel); window.Show (); }}  

फिर माता-पिता को देखने के मॉडल में आईडीइजिवंडोडाइप्लेयर इंजेक्शन लगाने का एक सरल मामला है, और ShowDetails विधि को बुला रहा है। यह एक सिंगल कॉल में डायलॉग को दिखाता है, और DetailsWindowDisplayer में केवल एक ही जिम्मेदारी है।

इसे पूरी तरह से परीक्षण करने योग्य बनाने के लिए, आपका विंडो फ़ैक्टरी इंटरफ़ेस वापस करना चाहिए। आप निम्न पदानुक्रम के साथ ऐसा कर सकते हैं:

  सार्वजनिक इंटरफ़ेस IDialogWindow {शून्य दिखाएँ (); } सार्वजनिक इंटरफ़ेस आईडी विवरणविंडो: IDialogWindow {} सार्वजनिक वर्ग विवरणविंडो: खिड़की, आईडीइज्डविंडो {// शो () विधि से IDialogWindow स्वचालित रूप से // WPF विंडो वर्ग द्वारा कार्यान्वित किया जाता है}  

अगर आप चाहें अपनी विवरण विंडो को सिंगलटन के रूप में रखने के लिए, आप खिड़की को DetailsWindowDisplayer के निर्माता में इंजेक्ट कर सकते हैं और या तो 1. इसे दिखाए जाने पर हर बार एक नया दृश्य-मॉडल सेट करें, या 2. इसे अपना दृश्य- एक सिंगलटन मॉडल को भी, खिड़की पर एक ViewModel संपत्ति डालते हैं और दृश्य-मॉडल पर एक व्यक्ति संपत्ति डालते हैं, और फिर व्यक्ति को सेट करते हैं हर बार नया व्यक्तिव्यू मॉडेल उदाहरण बनें।

flash - Incorrect Number of Arguments, expected 2 -

I am doing this avoider game tutorial for my class to better understand actionscript, the game just ended , But it must be closed after the initial contact with the enemy. I'm getting an error saying "wrong number of error, expectation of 2" And this line is singing out of 13, which is enemy = newInemi (); Is it simple as a missing class? I will also post the square below

  Package {import flash.display.MovieClip; Import Flash. Import flash.events.TimerEvent; Public Square AvoiderGame Movie Clip (Public Prize Foe: Amy; Public Game Game Timer: Timer; Public Avatar: Avatar; Public Work AvoiderGame () {Enemy = New Enemy (); AddChild (Enemy); Avatar = New Avatar (); Child (avatar); Avatar.x = mouseX; Avatar.y = mouseY; GameTimer = New timer (25); GameTimer.addEventListener (TimerEviventTMER, Onic); gameTimer.start ();} Public function onTick (timerEvent: TimerEvent ): Zero {enemy.moveDownABit (); Avatar.x = mouseX; Avatar.y = mouseY; if (avatar.hitTestObject (enemy)) {gameTimer.stop ();}}}}   


  package {import flash.display.movieclip; public class anime movieclip {public function anime (startX: number, starting number :) {x = StartX; Y = startY;} public function movesDownbyte (): zero {y = y + 3;}}  

Your enemy class has two parameters: startX and startY , so in this case, make an example of that class For what you have to do:

  var enemies: enemy = new enemy (value_of_startX) , Value_of_startY); Otherwise, the compiler will fire that error: "Wrong number of arguments, expected 2.".  

But if you want to make an example of your class without mentioning startX and startY , then you set some parameters like your parameters It can:

  // Your default value here is: 0, 0 public function animation (startX: number = 0, start: number = 0) {x = startX; Y = startY; }  

And then you can like it or you can call it without the ultimate.

Hope that can help.

java - I'm tryng to draw shapes in a JPanel extending a JComponent and then putting the component inside the panel but it won't work -

The title just tells me my situation in advance, to get more details, I've got JFRAM (500, 500) and I need the right half of it so that things get drowned in. I'm clearly doing something wrong! This is the code I used:

  Component of public class, JakkMonant (public zero color) (Graphics G) {Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D); G2.setRenderingHint (Rendering Hicks. KEY_ANTIALASING, Rendering Hints. VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); Size Row = New Rectangle 2D Float (50, 50, 50, 50); Size cerchio = New Ellipse2D.Double (100, 100, 50, 50); G2.setPaint (Color.BLUE); G2.draw (linya); G2.draw (cerchio); }  


  public class PannelloDx JPanel {PannelloDx () {this.setBackground (Color.CYAN) is extensible; This.setSize (Esercitazione_Berni1703.finestra.getWidth () / 2, Escartiazione 1703.finestra.getHeight ()); This.setLocation (Esercitazione_Berni1703.finestra.getWidth () / 2, 0); This.add (new component ()); }  


} Now, the output cyan shows the panel in the right half in Jeffram because it is considered .. it will not show anything !! Perhaps this is a stupid and obvious mistake for you and more experienced people. I'm learning for now ..

system - Getting Number of Drives in Java -

I have a very simple question.

How do I go to the number of system-driven drives?
Also, how can I determine whether they are HDDs, SSDs, or USB?

There is no system-independent way to tell the difference between HDD and SDD, Can guess by name. The best you can use FileSystemView:

  file [] path; FileSystemView fsv = FileSystemView.getFileSystemView (); Returns pathnames for files and directory paths = File.listRoots (); // path path for each path name (file path: path) {// print file and directory path System.out.println ("drive name:" + path); System.out.println ("Description:" + fsv.getSystemTypeDescription (Path)); System.out.println ("Type:" + fsv.getSystemTypeDescription (Path)); System.out.println ("Drive Is?" + Fsv.isDrive (Path)); }  

android - Toast.maketext error -

The red line below the code Toast.LENGHT_LONG

The package appeared after typing com.example.neomn Gives Myapplication1;

Import android.content.Context; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android.support.v7.app.ActionBarActivity; Import android.view.Menu; Import android.view.MenuItem; Import android.view.View; Import android.widget.Button; Import android.widget.Toast;

Public class main activity extends actionbarter activity {

  start button = (button) ViewById (R.id.btnstartservice); Button stop = (button) Find VVBIID (RID. BTNestops); @ Override Protected Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. NET (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Click Start.setOnClickListener (New View.OnClickListener () {@Override Public Zero (see V) {Toast. Make Text (this, "My first service was started", Toast.LnnGH_LOG) .show ();}} );  

Because, toast. The first argument is necessary Application context and in your code, there is no reference to activity in the onclick lecturer class of the this button.


  Toast Make Text (main activity., "My first service started", toast.LnnHH_LOG). Show ();  

c++ - How do I only change the texture coords once I've rendered a VBO? -

When I render a cube, it looks like this:

  glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vertexBuffer); GlVertexAttribPointer (vertexPositionAttribute, 3, GL_FLOAT, incorrect, 0, 0); Glubbindfuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, Texture Causesbuffer); GlVertexAttribPointer (Texture CoresAttribute, 2, GL_Flota, False, 0, 0); GlActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0); Globinated (GL_TEXTURE_2D, textured ID); Glubbind Buffer (GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, IndexBuffer); GlDrawElements (GL_TRIANGLES, IndexCount, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);  

I just want to change the texture course and I am not turning vertical or index. My question is, do I have to re-send top data and index data to render this cube again or should I just send new texture cores? And if I can just send a new texture, then what is the need to call OpenGL?

you can ); GlobeFatata (GL_ARRAIBFFER, Size, Data, GLDVNAMICADRAW);

Which means buffer the buffer again and call glBufferData on it

You create a new vbo with texture coordinates You can also create and set the glVertexAttribPointer (textureCoordsAttribute, 2, GL_FLOAT, false, 0, 0); GL_ARRAY_BUFFER with .

Vtiger 6.1.0 ERROR 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR with detail response error message is Premature end of script headers: index.php -

I have successfully run vtiger CRM version 6.1.0, along with the customer portal, has been loaded successfully in the local host. So I will migrate it to CPNL, I have changed all the config with

Then this 500 internal server error shows a detailed response error message. Expiration of script headers: index.php < / P>

Can anyone help me fix this?

Hope this answer can be helpful for you I suspect file permissions on your current server .

php - How to write wordPress Hook? -

I followed this instruction to write a hook for the form: author from third party integration plugin ()

Each activity is given as a hook in the 'hook' section of each service - # add_action ('Form 3rdPartyIntegration_service_a #', $ response, $ param_ref);

The hook for each service, provides a function that takes $ $, & amp; Results as $ arguments

Allows you to process further on service response, and change the processing results provided in the form of an array ('success'> false,' Errors' => false, 'enclosed' => '', 'message' => '');

Success = True or False - Attach the service request back to the array of messages with error "Error" = Error = = Attach to the end of the email body < / P>

Message = Message Notification (from CF7 AJAX response) is not shown below the form that the basic "success situation" may be enlarged by post processing here

I have come up with this function and it's my functions.php But it does not work. Am I doing something wrong?

  if class_exists ('Cf73rdParty_custom_message')) {class Cf73rdParty_custom_message {public function __construct () {// 2 parameters are required for actions: Third-party response, resulting placeholder /// Note: add_action ('Form3rdPartyIntegration_service_a7', array (and $ this, 'adjust_response'), 10, 2) in your service (in admin settings) Customize this hook name to match:} // - function __Construct universal Nick function adjust UI response ($ response, and $ result) {if (empty ($ response [ 'body'])) {if ($ response [ 'body'] = 'Grahkaksist'); {$ Response ['success'] = 'wrong'; $ Result ['errors]] = array (' user already exists'); $ Result ['message'] = 'A test already exists for this customer'; }}}}} $ Cf73rdParty_custom_message_ins = New Cf73rdParty_custom_message (); // Attached hook  

how to add google accouts package to my site built using telescope and meteor -

The telescope allows only three authentication methods to be chosen from the admin panel. Three ways are via email / password, Facebook, Twitter. I would like to add Google to authentication methods.

My local copy of the site folder has been deleted, otherwise I could use the command "Meteor Junk account-google" in the terminal, I also tried to execute the same command in the console, but Show its Errors

This would be useful if anyone could suggest adding a Google Account as an authentication method.

Have you removed the development copy of your site? This is a problem. You will need a local development environment to make changes to the app and refinance.

Meteor Junk Account - Google and a redeploy is your solution.