Monday 15 April 2013

generics - Returning a List<SuperType> on a WCF service -

I am trying to get a WCF service to return a list containing examples of sections from A But the "underlying" connection is unexpectedly closed "when the service list returns."

I have the following

  [DataContract] [serialable] Public Class A {...} [DataContract] [Serialable] Public Class B: A {...} [Data Contract] [Serialable] Public Class C: A {...}  

Then I have a service defined

  [contact of service (namespace = "name space") ] Public Interface I {[OperationCactrext] list & lt; a & gt; GetList ();}  

If I try to return a list

 < Code> list & lt; a & gt; list = new list & lt; a & gt; () {new b (), new c ()}  

me in the proxy class above Error.

If the list & lt; B & gt; and just add it to BS, it fixes it, isel A. It is believed that it is related to the WCF, which is difficult subtypes.


So, is this possible? (Typef (b)) [service kentype (typef (c))]

To determine the class of A, there is no benefit.

To return a list of subtypes in the same list through WCF?

If so, am I wrong / wrong?

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide




java - Anyone using multicast with ActiveMQ -

I have trouble setting up multicast transport using ActiveMQ I have seen with version 5.2. There is a bug in it which prevents it from building the factory (fixed in 5.3). The fact is that the bug exists, I wonder if any multicast is using at all how it has been recently enabled when it can be tested?

It is possible to know that I will be very helpful thanks.


It is revealed that I was hanging on the connection build. SetClientID is a synchronous call, so the customer sits and waits indefinitely. This is a milestone for anyone using multicast, which makes a lot of calls in the AMQConnection object ensure Connection Infosyscent () does not respond to that block unless a response Do not get it. It is inconsistent with multicast.

I saw multicast transport work in development rather than in terms of production Although it seemed a bit fickle, and I did not trust to trust him, where money is on money.

IMO, ActiveMQ is a ridiculously buggy car. The most basic bug starts crawling regularly in the codebase, and it is very hard to believe that whenever the basics go wrong, they can work hard.

c# - How to use LINQ-to-Entity to query by contained objects -

Assume that I have a list of boxes and you can have many items in one box.

  • box (id)
  • item (id, box id)

I'm trying to create a linq for the unit query I can return all the boxes that contains all the specified items.

  list & lt; Box & gt; FindBoxContainingAllSpecifiedItems (list & lt; int & gt; itemIds) {var q = ctx from box Boxes where ??? }  

Thanks for the help

Depending on the implementation Ask for the box but for the moment that it has a property in which the item IEnumerable & lt; Int & gt; In that case you can see that the item is

  var q = box from ctx.boxes to box where box is used for everyone by using the intext extension method. ITEM Injects (Item ID) ) == Item ID Calculation;  

iphone - UIImageView: Rotated and Scaled. How do I save the results? -

I am trying to save a rotated and in position as a UIImage and zoom scale that user too UIImageView enhanced with edit But I can only manage to save the original image because it was before editing. How can I save the image as shown in UIMAJEW with the same scaling and rotation? I have read that I need to use UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (), but I get the same original image saved (but flipped) and not rotated one !! Suggestions and hints will really be helpful. Thank you very much. Al

  (UIImage *) getImage {CGSize size = CGSizeMake (250, 250); UIGraphicsBeginImageContext (size); CGContextRef Reference = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext (); CGMutablePathRef Path = CGPathCreateMutable (); // Path to the join circle CGPathAddEllipseInRect (path, zero, CGRectMake (0, 0, 250, 250)); CGContextAddPath (reference, path); // ****************** TouchImageView is my UIImageView ****************************** CGContextDrawImage (Reference, CGRectMake (0, 0, 250, 250), [Touch ImageView Image]. CGImage); UIImage * scaledImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); // Drag the clip and logo into the circle CGContextClip (reference); UIGraphicsEndImageContext (); Return scale image;  


I do not see anything in code Posted that an image rotates, did you forget to add it?

It seems that you are on the right track. Now you can use the Transform routine CGContextScaleCTM and CGContextRotateCTM to properly modify your conversion metrics. , And then (to avoid flipping), use - [UIImage drawAtPoint:] to attract UIImage instead of using CGContextDrawImage

windows - How can I grab exclusive access to the clipboard for testing purposes? -

I have an app, which is long story short, uses the clipboard for the part of its operation.

Sometimes, though, due to the reasons I have never taped 100% down, sometimes the clipboard is not available Sometimes RDC clients block it, sometimes it does not happen. And when you really need a type of deals, then one of the reproduces them is extremely difficult.

Can a small test program write while it is running, is not any other program allowed to access the clipboard?

I think you can call the Openclipboard and the Emptyclipboard, then just open it and close only Call the Clopboard exits from the testing application, or something like this ...


So this is what I must And I got the C # code to do this ...

  [DllImport ("user32.dll")] External static button Openclipboard Acdblyuend); [DllImport ("user32.dll")] External Static Hair CloseClipboard (); [DllImport ("user32.dll")] extern static IntPtr GetClipboardData (uint uFormat); Public Static Zero GetSomeDib () {OpenClipboard (System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess (). MainWindowHandle); IntPtr img = GetClipboard Data (8); MessageBox.Show ("Clipboard Lock"); CloseClipboard (); MessageBox.Show ("Unlock Clipboard"); }  

initialize a C string with multiple quoted strings -

I thought that a single string can be started with one and only one quoted string. I just wonder how this is right?

  four const help_message [] = "Usage:% s [Option] Files ... \ n" "\ n" "Options include: \ n" "--Babos -Yy Become a verbose \ n "" --help -h Print this help message \ n "" - Specify the output -o output file \ n "" \ n "; Printf (help_message, argv [0]);  

The adjacent string literal is added, and it is useful in two ways: Macros Which is like the wire and visualization of multi-line string literals , compare why this code will look otherwise:

  Four constellations Help_meas [] = "Usage:% s [Options] Files ... \ n \ nAdditional options include: \ n --Webows -VB verbose \ n --help -h print this help message \ n - Output -o Specify output file \ n \ n ";  

Instead try to maintain it. In addition, if you use a multi-line string, you must either save it from Newlines or deal with the source code that it uses, which will be '\ n' It can not be, and you should carefully consider your indentation, which makes all the code better in your example

Here is an example of a macro case:.

  #define STRINGIZE_ (v) #V #define STRINGIZE (v) STRINGIZE_ (v) #define location __FILE__ ":" STRINGIZE (__ LINE__) #define MY_ASSERT (expr) {\ If \ Some_function (expr)!) (Location ": claim failed" \ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ ":" #expr); \} (0)  

(There are alternatives for this to provide different parameters, and using GCC special __ PRETTY_FUNCTION __ It's like this, but everything else is easy and this is a decent "real" example, IMHO.)

Other issues have been brought into the code that should be known about:

  • Single # Preprocessor Stretch Operator ( ## Other special preprocessor to paste tokens
  • Without the second stratch macro, you do not break when using "filename.c: __ line __"
  • and the macro Need to be used as a statement instead of expression
    • Preventing use as an expression is not always helpful, but this is what you need to do, such as macros

Breaking if-else example:

  if (cond) MY_ASSERT (blah); other ();  

Its extension:

  if (cond) do {...} while (0); other (); Instead of  


  if (cond) if (...) ...; other ();  

Which is incorrect and surprising:

  if (cond) {if (...) {...; } and others (); }}  

c++ - EnumChildWindows or FindWindowEx? -

I have the option to use either the API EnumChildWindows or FindWindowEx.

Is API better performance oriented?

Does the know window use the Enhanced World to handle internally on specific windows?

"post-text" itemprop = "text">

It really depends a lot on your scenario.

The FindWindowEx function is used to search for windows with a specific class and there is a special part of the text alternatively in the window. The EnumChildWindows function is only to calculate hair windows.

I think performance should be your last concern. First of all, choose the right API. If you are actually searching for windows of a particular category then use FindWindowEx, otherwise there is no point in implementing a function using the EnumChildWindows Enmbield window, as is the behavior of similar to FindWindowEx.

Now after choosing the right solution, if a professor specifically tells you that the solution is very slow, then you should consider hand-applying a more specific task. not before.

.net - How to call a C# dll in ruby? -

How to make C # DLL calls in Ruby?

  • Write a COM cover (or write to someone) for your DLL ), If it is not already there, then use it to call the WIN32OLE library of Ruby;
  • Take a look, from which of the authors One, who went to work on IronRB in Microsoft (I do not think it has been retained at any time, and it's over version 2.0.
  • As mentioned before, it is a technical option if you have been mentioned before.

There is a thread on the subject. Note that the last post is actually John Lam (looks like March 200) where he is comfortable saying that Ruby CLR is still functional ...

javascript - Hiding the text input cursor (the caret) showing through overlayed elements Internet Explorer -

I have a form with a special widget that fills in text input when the text input is focused, the widget Appears above text input (deliberately from above) and the user clicks the option in it, when it is done, it disappears and fills in input IE has a problem with it, when the widget appears above the input Returns the field's caret (blinking input for the field) K input cursor) shows through the widget. Widget is a normal html / css dom structure. It still does this when I set the z-index for widget input. How can I get rid of carat or can I ensure that it is not bright? I want to set the focus for that focus somewhere that the widget is shown because the widget needs input.

widget is being shown, then off to end On the unselectable attribute. This is an IE specific feature, and if it works, you should see it in IE 8, because I'm not sure it is still supported.

jQuery excluding certain columns from selection -

I have a table where each line is clickable. Some columns in this table are linked. I want to exclude 'link' column from jQuery selection.

My first column, and the third column are links, so I'm working again after each row in the table:

  row.children ('td: Column for column 0 and 1  

column 3+ row.children ('td: lt (2)') // for gt (2) ') // What's the way Two lines?

  line.short ('td: gt (2), td: lt (2) ')  

Edit : Ah, Art defeated me.

Correct MySQL JOIN format to avoid nested SELECT -

मेरे पास दो अलग-अलग SELECT कथन हैं:

  SELECT VCe.VId FROM `VCe 'WHERE `वाईआईडी` = 9 007 और` माईड` = 76 और `मोइद` = 2851 का चयन करें r_pts.p_id से r_pts जहां r_pts.v_id IN (57202, 57203, 69597, 82261, 82260, 69596, 69595, 82259)  < / Pre> 

जब वे अलग से चलाए जाते हैं, वे दोनों .05sec के तहत पूर्ण होते हैं, लेकिन जब मैं दूसरे के अंदर पहली बार घोंसले करता हूं, तो यह नाटकीय रूप से 3.3 सेकंड तक बढ़ जाता है।

मैं एक शामिल करना चाहता हूं इसलिए कि मैं दूसरे चयन में आउटपुट को IN () के लिए निर्धारित परिणाम के रूप में पहले चयन का उपयोग कर सकता हूं, लेकिन मुझे यह पता नहीं लगा कि एक JOIN में WHERE स्थितियों को कैसे शामिल करना है।

संपादित करें: इसके अलावा क्या मैं अनुरोध कर रहा हूँ के रूप में शामिल करने के लिए सही सिंटैक्स?

आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद, इसकी सराहना!

  का चयन r_pts.p_id r_pts से, 'वीसीई' कहां r_pts.v_id = VCe.VId और VCe.YId = 9007 और VCe.MaId = 76 और VCe.MoId = 2851  

जुड़ने का मूल लक्ष्य यह है कि दो तालिकाओं से संबंधित कैसे हैं। मैंने आपके उदाहरण से अनुमान लगाया है कि आरआईपीएस तालिका में v_id कॉलम एक विदेशी कुंजी थी जो वीसीई टेबल में विद प्राथमिक कुंजी का संकेत था। जब आप क्वेरी में एक शब्द जोड़ते हैं (जैसे "r_pts.v_id = VCe.VId") जिसमें प्रत्येक तालिका से जुड़ना चाहते हैं जिसमें से एक फ़ील्ड है, जो डेटाबेस को बताता है कि "आभासी बनाने के लिए तालिकाओं के बीच की पंक्तियों को कैसे मिलान किया जाए पंक्तियाँ "में दोनों तालिकाओं से स्तंभ होते हैं आपकी अन्य क्वेरी शब्दों की सीमा से सीमा निर्धारित की गई है।

web services - Using flag to identify spoken language -

I'm in the webpage, I need to identify the language people are talking. Wanted to use the flag but I have some problems. For example, if you speak French, you can put the French flag. But if you speak English, then you can either mix a US or UK flag or a mixture of both.

Which flag is to choose Arabic? Flag of Saudi Arabia? Algeria? Morocco?

I think a kind of graphic piece of the language

  • English < / Li>
  • العربية
  • For example:

    • English
    • frança
    • русский язык

  • crystal report to print details of employees side by side -

    I need to create a crystal report that shows the employee's address label, in 2005 using crystal reports I Created by Crystal Reports and Data Sources and Everything Recovers and Reports Really Produce, it is

    Ashok (1 AMP)

    Station Road



    Kiran (second AMP)

    Air port road


    address 2 ...........

    suresh 4th emp)



    etc. Only in linear way but I want from two employee details such as


    Ashok (1 employee) ............................. Kiran (second employee)

    Station road ....... ................................... air port Road

    Hedarbad ......................................... ....... Mumbai


    Ravi (3 employees) ............. ...................... Suresh (fourth) Employee)

    Address 1 ............... ........................ ............ Address 1

    Address 2 ...................... ....................... address 2

    thnks in advance

    Right click in the Details section, section Select specialist.

    A new tab should be displayed after checking the "format with multiple columns" check box.

    You can create column data using the settings of this tab.

    Yesterday I had spent a lot of time with the soul provided by you, but I am unable to see the report in my desired format, yet all the results are coming under one, but I am the first EMP The other side of the description is needed, with the EPP details mentioned below the third EMP fourth EMP description, I am paying a lot on this problem, all the project was completed, but I had to print the report But it was struggling with a small problem. Please help, right click in the details section, submit section expert, Regards

    A new tab should appear after checking the "format with multiple columns" check box.

    You can create column data using the settings of this tab.

    Based on OP comments:

    What do you want to add to the report field (if you are planning 2 columns, just leave half of the report, leaving only 3 columns left Let, and so forth).

  • Right click on the details and select the section specialist.

  • Check the format with multiple columns, it should show the Layout tab next to the color tab.

  • For your example, change the printing direction from the bottom to the Layout tab, down again. Change width of width to width.

  • It should be so.

    scroll - C#, RichTextBox: how to implement scrolling line by line? -

    I have a RichTextBox in a C #-application with both horizontal and vertical scrolling enabled.

    Current behavior: When I reach the last row of the visible text field, horizontal scrolling comes up. But scroll is created by pixels, not by line, so I think that I can not see the text I am writing because the line is automatically oval (or completely invisible) until I scroll vertically with the arrow button I am pulling or pulling vertical scrollbar.

    Expected behavior: I want to make Rich TextBox scrolling equal to scrolling in Notepad. In Notepad, I always look at the line I am writing. It's really smooth line-based scrolling.

    Any thoughts? Some underlying settings in RichTextBox? Anything else? Thanks,

    Add event handlers to text child events, and check out programmatic scroll down: - Embedding Custom font in aspx StyleSheet.css -

    I embed your new fonts with StyleSheet.css as

      @font Trying to do -fess {src: url (../ font / helvetica NUELTSTTD-LTOFT); Font-family: "helvetica nanimalite"; Font style: normal; } .helveticaclass {color: red; Font-size: 12px; Font-family: "helvetica nanimalite"; }  


      and asp: label id = "Label1" runat = "server" text = "My custom text Helvetica font" EnableTheming = "false "Class =" helveticaclass "& gt; & Lt; / Asp: label & gt; And located in the root street sheet. | CSS | | StyleSheet.css  

    and is located in the font

      root | | Font | |  

    but I'm unable to apply the font

    Any solutions or suggestions appreciated higly

    thanks in advance Thanks


    You can take a look at this that states that cross browser font How to embedding

    encoding - data porting in mysql -

    While porting another database from a mysql database, there have been some issues such as apostrophes being converted into a field Is the story Why did this happen and now what should I do to correct the new database?

    I have phpmyadmin access to only two databases.

    Take a look at the charatersets used by your database. You can do this by entering \ s in the MySQL client. Example output is:

      Server letter: latin1db alphabet: latin1 client password: latin1con. Letters: Latin 1  

    Which characters do you get and what do you expect?

    c# - Changing DefaultWebProxy causing WebRequests to time out -

    I am working on this project, we have a desktop program that contacts an online server for store Because it is used in schools, getting the proxy setup is difficult, we have to allow users to specify proxy details to use them, otherwise it uses IE Attempts have also been attempted to bypass the addiction details, so the code tries to specify the specified proxy, if the default fails, if it fails, with credentials, if it fails, then zero.

    The problem I am facing is where the proxy settings have to be changed in succession (for example, if their registration fails because the proxy is incorrect, they change a small thing and again Try, take seconds.) I end up with calls for HTTPRequest. Get Response (Timing Out), which allows the program to be frozen for a good time. Sometimes, if I leave one or two minutes between the changes, it is not stable, but not every time (just after 10mins it is tried again and it has time again).

    I can not see anything such a code can be caused by that - although it looks a bit messy I do not think this server can reject the request, unless it is a normal server behavior, As I have tried to do it with our server and other requests like

    I am posting in hope that there is a code that can be able to spot something that is wrong with it, or very simple about what we are trying to do Know the way

    The test that we run is without any proxy, so the first part is usually left. ApplyProxy is run for the first time, it works fine and the first attempt is to eliminate everything in the block. Second, it can be time-out on GetResponse for the first time and then go through the rest of the code, or it can work there and expire on the actual requests made for registration.


    Apply zeroprocess () {

      Boolean ProxySuccess = true; String WebRequestURI = @ ""; If (UseProxy) {try {String ProxyUrl = (ProxyUri.ToLower (.) Contains ("http: //"))? ProxyURI: "http: //" + ProxyUri; WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = New WebProxy (ProxyUrl); If (! String.IsNullOrEmpty (ProxyUsername) & amp;! String.IsNullOrEmpty (ProxyPassword)) WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy.Credentials = New Network Credentials (ProxyUsername, ProxyPassword); HttpWebRequest request = HttpWebRequest.Create (WebRequestURI) as HttpWebRequest; request. Method = "received"; HttpWebResponse response = Request HTTP Web Response as GetResponse (); } Hold {ProxySuccess = false; }} If {(ProxySuccess ||! UseProxy) {try {WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy (); HttpWebRequest request = HttpWebRequest.Create (WebRequestURI) as HttpWebRequest; request. Method = "received"; HttpWebResponse response = Request HTTP Web Response as GetResponse (); } Catch (exception E) {// Try with credentials // WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy () from default; String newProxyURI = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy.GetProxy (new URI (WebRequestURI)). ToString (); If (newProxyURI == String.Empty) {// We actually result in WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = null; Return; } // continue WebProxy NewProxy = new WebProxy (newProxyURI); NewProxy.UseDefaultCredentials = True; New Proxy Credentials = Credential Cash Default credentials; WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = NewProxy; Try {HttpWebRequest Request = HttpWebRequest.Create (WebRequestURI) as HttpWebRequest; request. Method = "received"; HttpWebResponse response = Request HTTP Web Response as GetResponse (); } Hold {WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = null; }}}}}  

    Is not it the case to set up a timeout property HttpWebRequest? It may be that the connection is being made, but not servicing (for example, incorrect type of proxy server or stolen server), this may be the case that waiting for the timeout period before the end of the request - a The short time may end here.

    jQuery - Open all links in id in new window -

    Can anyone tell me a way to open all links within an ID in a new window?

    Put it in the head:

      $ (function () {$ ('# Selector') .attr ('target', '_blank');}) mvc - Asynchronous generation of PDF - error handling -

    We have some code that uses a third-party component to generate a PDF from a URL (url page our Within the application). In code, we instantiate the PDF generator and it creates PDF in an asynchronous fashion.

    The problem I have is that if we pass the URL then there is a problem, there is no sign of it, the PDF generator, we have been created a PDF which has a 404 error page, or our custom problem page.

    I need something within my controller, first call this URL (which is another view) and check that the PDF generation does not make this error before calling. Can anyone tell me about this, how can I do this?

    If you receive 404 or 500 (etc) for an HttpRequest URL first, then Check that you have a problem.

    How to conserve parent detail when clicked on child menu in jquery -

    I have used jQuery in Oracle APX in the menu. The menu is such

      parent1 My problem is that when I only click on 1 child's parent 1 and 2 children have to show, but in my case every parent should be expanded goes. And users can see all the children who should not be a user, they should be able to see the clicked guardian and child details.  

    My code is as follows.

      $ (document) .ready (function () {var msg = false; $ ('. Dropdown menu') click (function () {msg =! Msg; if (msg) $ ('.parent_menu'). ('. Child_menu') .slideDown ("slow"); and $ ('. Child_menu') Hide (); return returned;});});  

    If you provide some HTML, So, I'm assuming you're using this HTML Sorry, I look at the comment you gave me.

    This script should work with HTML to:

      $ (document) .ready (function () {// menu $ $ ('# menu a') Disable links in (Function () {return false}); // hide child menu $ ('. Child_menu') Hide (); // Enable accordian menu $ ('. Dropdown menu'). () {$ (This) .Parent (). ('. Child_menu') toggle ("slow"); description is false;});}); Edit: I made the following changes:  
    • I only disabled the dropdown menu link, Therefore, the child_manu link will now work
    • To close the second hair menu when clicking on a new parent, I added an "active" class, then only when you Click Hiding Then
    • The script now looks at the window hash for the location ID from the child menu, to determine which child is to display the menu. I do not know how you are changing your child's menu links (I could not go into it and add the ID to it: "f: NO :: P17_LOCATION_ID: 17"), but in some way you have to To add an ID (like # 17 ) at the end of the link: . The script will take this URL and the location id is 17 and open the Belgian hair menu when it gets the ID at the end of href (see I have experimented on this selector). # Edit: You requested that the child forgot to stop the parents from hiding from hiding, so now only a single parent will be hiding the child by clicking.

    Using this HTML (You are provided in a comment below):


    with this script:

      $ (document) .ready (function () {// menu disabled Austrian link $ ('.downloaddown_menu a '). Click (function () {return false}); // hidden child menu $ ('. Child_menu '). Hide the current location id from the window. Hash var hid = window.location. Open and open the child menu that matches hash; hid = Hid.substring (1, hid.length); // id $ ('. Child_menu a [href =' '+ + +' + hid + ''] '). '. Child_menu'). And Class ('Active') Slide Down ("Slow"); // Enable Adyion Menu $ ('.d Click (function () {// to prevent hiding the hair menu if it is already open ($ (this). (). ('. Child_menu') .haxel ('active')) Return; // Find a previously active menu and close it and open a $ ('active'). RemoveClass ('("."). ('. Child_menu ') AddClass (' active ') toggle ("Slow"); returning;}};});  

    Finally, I can not do anything with this script which you've added to the comment, You are not HTML either Give in

    Delphi OpenOffice automation scalc center cell text -

    Hello Anyone can help me with the following: I'll send text through Delphi in a Scalek Open Office spreadsheet cell I want to focus on the OOoTools Toolkit.

    The following code does not work:

      sRange: = '$ A $ 3: $ A $ 3'; Ooperm: = Createunocostructure ('', 1); Ooparam [0] .name: = 'ToPoint'; Ooparam [0]. Price: = Range; ExecDispatch ('.uno: GoToCell', Ooprum); Ooperm: = Createunocostructure ('', 1); Ooparam [0] .name: = 'horizontal justification'; Ooparam [0]. Value: = 'com.sun.startable.cellhostify.exe'; ExecDispatch ('.Upon: Horizontal Justification', Ooprum);  

    Why do not anyone have any ideas? It seems that horizontal justification needs a value, but you're giving a string. You will need to see the value of and your ooParams [0]. Fill it with the value .

    Here's a way to see an envival:

    In your case, equals 2, so that you Required:

    Ooperm [0] .name: = 'horizontal justification'; Ooparam [0]. Value: = 2;

    Service instances in WCF -

    I am using perfone to check my service behavior What do I do, on different machines Launch 6 instances of client application and send requests to the server in 120 threads (20 customer per customer application).

    I have checked the counter and maximum number (I use per session model and set the number of 100 examples) 12, which is strange to me because my response time is about 120 seconds Revolves ... I thought that increasing numbers of examples would cause WCF to create more examples, and the response time would be quick.

    Any idea why WCF does not make another example of service?


    WCF services are throttled by default - this There is a service behavior, which you can easily do.



      & lt; Service Trafficking Maximum Resources Call = "16" MaxCentureStensance = "Int. Maxwell" MaxSystem Session = "10" />  

    With these settings, you can easily control how many sessions or concurrent calls can be handled, and you can be sure that your server is overwhelmed with requests And it has been brought to its knees.

    javascript - preloaded data in html -

    What would be the best way to load data in HTML and then use it with javascript I do not use the variable in javascript Do not want to save or save an AJAX query.

    Could this hidden divise contain an XML data? .


      1; Europe 2; Latin America ------------------ 2, 1, Argentina 2, 2; Brazil 2, 3, Chile 1, 4, France 1, 5, Spain 1, 6; Italy  

    It needs to be loaded into data selection based on the country you selected. There are too many data and need to be fast, I have already been loaded it.

    The edit solution, based on the proposed solutions:

      & lt ;! DOCTYPE HTML Public "- // W3C // DTD XHTML 1.0 Transcription // N" http: // www.">" target="_blank"> html xmlns = ""> gt; Top & gt; Lt; Meta content = "text / html; Charset = UTF-8 "http-equiv =" content-type "/> & lt; script type =" text / javascript "src =" .2 / jquery.min.js "> 

    I really appreciate it if someone can help / advise me.

    I have a file, probably about 50000 lines are long, these files are generated on a weekly basis

      address ^ name ^ notes  

    But I need it. A switch should be able to switch the address with me (on each and every line). Therefore, after the switch, the names will be first, and then the addresses and notes, such as:

    Result file:

      name ^ address ^ notes <50,000 that day is not so much , So read the entire file and output just in the bus. The desired format should work fine for you:  
      string [] rows = file. Read all files (filename); String newLine = string.Empty; Foreach (string line in lines) {string [] items = line Split (myItemDelimiter); NewLine = string.Format ("{0}, {1}, {2}", item [1], item [0], objects [2]); // Add new file here ...}  

    Polymorphism and array of pointers problem in C++ -

    I am working on a project and it is in a phase that I do not know what is wrong. Here is the simplified version:


      class base {// This base square is a pure essence public: virtual ~ (base); // Virtual BaseFunk () = 0 required to trigger Destructors in expected classes; }; Class DeriveA: Public Base {Public: DerivedA (SomeClassUseBase * tmp) {tmp - & gt; Register (this); } ~ DerivedA (); Void baseFunc () {// something here is only for DeriveA}}}; Category DerivedB: Public Base {Public: DerivedB (SomeClassUseBase * tmp) {tmp - & gt; Register (this); } ~ Davey B (); Void baseFunc () {// something is here only for DerivedB}}}; Class SomeClassUseBase {Private: Base ** basePrt; Unsigned index index; Public: someClassUseBase (integer number) {basePrt = new base * [number]; // Create an array of points on the objects index = 0; } Zero Register (Base * Base) {// I tried * (BasePR [index]) = * base, but found the basis of the same problem [page] [base] index = index + 1; } Zero checklist () {for (int i = 0; i  


    The code was not found for the first time, sorry ...

    You are making 5 objects (derivaid A / B) in Array Base * B [5], but you do not have access to them in your checklist. Either try to get this array in TMP somehow or try to make the A / B objects generated within the TMP immediately.

    At present, two angles are not connected within TMP and inside the main (), and for this reason, in TMP


    Also check that the type of unsigned integer matches the type of your loop variable i (currently integer) in the index . The next attempt is to make their methods explicitly in DeriveA / B, virtual (also discard!). Depending on the compiler, this may be an issue that resolves your call to basefunction () still the 'empty' body of the base. Finally, if it is actually C ++, then you can try to work with references, so your constructor looks like this

      DeriveA (SomeClassUseBase & amp; tmp) {Tmp.register (this); }  

    Note the use of dot-operator instead of '->', it makes things easier to read and maintain. - Why am I unable to access "System.DirectoryServices" from any namespace but my presentation layer? -

    मैं System.DirectoryServices पुस्तकालय के साथ सक्रिय निर्देशिका तक पहुँच रहा हूं, वर्तमान में मेरी वेब परत में है हालांकि, मैं एक कोड-पीछे की फ़ाइल से फ़ंक्शन को किसी अन्य नाम स्थान में VB वर्ग में स्थानांतरित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, और मुझे लगता है कि उस स्थान के भीतर से उस वर्ग तक पहुंच नहीं सकता है। क्या करता है?!

    मुझे लगता है कि जिस वर्ग को आप तर्क को दूसरे स्थान के अंदर ले जाने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं प्रोजेक्ट?

    यदि ऐसा है तो आपको उस प्रोजेक्ट पर System.DirectoryServices असेंबली के संदर्भ को जोड़ना होगा।

    web services - How to use xslt to add namespaces to xml -

    I have a SOAP web service that has been defined before the contract - request and response xml is defined by xsds which That is the number of different namespaces, and 100 elements defined in XSDS. However, the web service calls a legacy layer which does not use namespace in xml. So I have a change layer between the web service and the legacy layer, which uses XSLT to change the request and response XML. On the way in the transaction layer, the use of xslt is to throw the namespace prefixes from xpareille xml, which is working fine, because against it there are only a small number of namespace prefix for the match.

    While on the way I need an XSLT which will add the prefix of names back into the reaction, and I'm not sure how to do it. Reactions can include dozens of different element types; Which can be one of several different namespaces in xsds. For example, I could have a response like this:

       & Lt; Customer Name = "Jim" /> & Lt; / Order & gt;  

    I need to make changes to:

      & lt; Order xmlns: types1 = "" xmlns: types2 = "" & gt; & Lt; Types1: item name = "table" /> & Lt; Type 2: Client Name = "Jim" /> & Lt; / Order & gt;  

    Is this the only way to do that there is a large table in XSLT, which matches the element name of the reaction against the prefix (e.g., "item", "customer") must be used?

    Or would it be better to correct some code that is loaded in xml in xsd, and then matches elements of the elements in xsd and thus gets the correct namespace?

    I think that something like this can work:

       & Lt; / XSL: Copy & gt; & Lt; / XSL: Templates & gt; & Lt ;! - Elements have been recreated with names - & gt; & Lt; Xsl: template match = "*" & gt; & Lt; Xsl: variable name = "ns-uri" & gt; & Lt; XSL: Select & gt; & Lt; Xsl: when test = "name () = 'item' and name (..) = 'order'" & gt; & Lt; XSL: Text & gt; Http: //< / XSL: text & gt; & Lt; / XSL: When & gt; & Lt; Xsl: when test = "name () = 'customer' and name (..) = 'command'" & gt; & Lt; XSL: Text & gt; Http: //< / XSL: text & gt; & Lt; / XSL: When & gt; & Lt ;! - Otherwise: nothing - & gt; & Lt; / XSL: Select & gt; & Lt; / XSL: variable & gt; & Lt ;! - Create element with correct namespace - & gt; & Lt; Xsl: element name = "{name ()}" namespace = "{$ ns-uri}" & gt; & Lt; Xsl: apply-select template = "node () | @ *" /> & Lt; / XSL: element & gt; & Lt; / XSL: Templates & gt; & Lt; / XSL: stylesheet & gt;  

    The output for me is:

      & lt; Order & gt; & Lt; Item name = "table" xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Customer name = "gym" xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; / Customer & gt; & Lt; / Order & gt;  

    Without prefix, which you have, Infoset is exactly the same. - jquery - dynamically fill fields with json based on property name -

    1. mvc मॉडल ऑब्जेक्ट AJAX कॉल - $ .एजेक्स (
    2. प्रपत्र में फ़ील्ड आईडी के साथ फ़ील्ड हैं जो वापस जेसन ऑब्जेक्ट पर मिलान करने वाले गुणों के लिए है ( Html.TextBox ("NAME", Model.Order.NAME) )

    स्वचालित रूप से संबंधित JSON ऑब्जेक्ट गुणों के साथ खेतों (आदानों) को कैसे पॉपुलेटेड करें? मैन्युअल रूप से $ ("# NAME) .val (json.NAME) जैसा होगा) तो यह गतिशील कैसे करें? जावास्क्रिप्ट / jquery के लिए किसी तरह का प्रतिबिंब (जैसे सिस्टम। Reflection in c #)?

    शायद कुछ ऐसा यह:

      $ ("# formId इनपुट")। प्रत्येक (फ़ंक्शन () {$ (this) .val (json [$ (this) .attr ("id")]); });  

    ... जो सभी फार्म आदानों पर पुनरावृत्त होता है, और इनपुट आईडी के साथ एक JSON प्रविष्टि के लिए दिखता है।

    यहां नोट करने वाली बात यह है कि आप json.NAME के माध्यम से json ["NAME"] प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

    c# - Moving SPListItems between different ContentDatabases -

    I have many SiteCollections, each SiteCollection is associated with its own ContentDatabase, now some SPListItems is added to one of the SiteCollections Which can be moved into another site collection and so in other content databases.

    The question is how can I change the list between these different collections into another content database?

    One way could be to export items with SPExport and import it into the target database. But it is very ugly and there are so many in the list that comes in hiding time.

    This is the only way I could move a list item effectively. Unfortunately, you remove all workflows and version history associated with it. Naturally if you use this code then it will need a little bit change because I only move the list item within a single SPWB. In addition, you will need to check the content type to ensure that only one area is available in the destination list.

      Private Zero copyItem (SPListItem sourceItem, string destinationListName) {SPList Destination List = sourceItem.Web lists [destinationListName]; SPListItem targetItem = Destination list. ITEM Add (); Foreach (SPField field in sourceItem.Fields) {if (field.ReadOnlyField & Field.InternalName! = "Attachments") {targetItem [field.Title] = sourceItem [field.Title]; }} Foreach (string filename sourceItem.Attachments) {SPFile file = sourceItem.ParentList.ParentWeb.GetFile (sourceItem.Attachments.UrlPrefix + fileName); Byte [] imageData = file.OpenBinary (); TargetItem.Attachments.Add (filename, image data); } TargetItem.Update (); } - Displaying an XML code in the browser -

    This can be easy, although I have a problem finding solutions.

    When you see an .xml file in your folder, you can double-click it so that your main browser will display the contents of its code.

    I have a complete path to XML, and I want to create a link in Aspx (either with C # or which redirects XML to the browser.

      response.redirect ("")  

    --- update

    redirects it :

    It should be a different approach.

    As I said in the question, it would be easy:

      process. Start ()  

    This worked perfectly, thank you for all people. Honne helped me!

    datetime - PHP Converting a date to a timestamp -

    How do I change "9/7/2009" in a timestamp, such as time () ? Are you strtotime () ?

    , / P>

      $ time = strotom (' 9/7/2009 '); Echo $ time; // 1252278000  

    This will accept a format of mm / dd / yyyy, so try not to do it with a UK-style DD / MM / Yay date.

    To the other side, use

      $ date = date ('n / j / y', $ time); Echo $ date; // 9/7/2009  

    c++ - What's the point of g++ -Wreorder? -

    In the + + + + + + + + -Wall option, this option is described below, it is not clear to me why someone cares (Especially, enough to turn it on by default - Wall).

     -Wreorder (C ++ only) Warn when the code given in the code is not the order of initializers, in which the order should be executed. For example: struct A {int i; Int j; A (): J (0), i (1) {}}; In order to match the announcement order of compiler members, the member will reorganize the initiators and emit the warning for that effect. By this warning -Wall is enabled 


      Struct a {int i; Int j; A (): J (0), I (j) {}};  

    Now i is started in some unknown value, not zero.

    Alternatively, i can have some side effects for which order is important. E.g.

      A (int n): j (n ++), i (n ++) {}  

    parsing - How to parse a URI like this in Java -

    I am trying to parse the following URI:

    but found this error message: / P> Invalid character in index 34: http: // | En | You at $ parser.phile (URI Java 80809) $ Parser.checkChars at (, 982) $ Parser.parse ( )  

    "|" The problem with the character, if I "|" If you get rid of, then the Chinese axis is not causing any problem, what is the right way to handle it?

    My method looks like this:

     Browse (new URI (file_or_rl ("", "% 20"). Substitution ("^", "% 5E") )); } Hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); Thanks for the reply}, but the solution of BalusC seems to work only for an example URL, my method requires that I have to work with any url near it, how will it know where the URL is divided into two parts Only the starting point and the second part to cut into the encoding? 

    The character of the pipe is to use it in the URL, you can fix it by changing it. With its encoded hex counterpart, which will be "% 7C"

    However, changing the individual characters in the URL is a brittle solution that does not work very well when you believe that someone In the given URL, there might be a number of potentially many different characters that may have to be replaced. You are already replacing spaces, carats and pipes .... But what about brackets, and accent marks and quotes? Or question mark and ampersand, which can not be based on legitimate parts of the URL or not, how is it used?

    Thus, a better solution would be to use the language feature for the encoding of the URL, in case of Java it is in the case of Java, in the example of BalusC in the example of this question Use accordingly.

    Trouble understanding C++ `virtual` -

    I'm having trouble understanding what is the purpose of the keyword virtual in C ++ C and Java know very well but I am new to C ++

    From Wikipedia

    In object-oriented programming, there is a virtual function or virtual method Function or method whose behavior is overridden in a inheritance class by a function with a signature Can.

    However, I can override one method seen without using virtual keyword

      #include & lt ; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; Class A {public: int a (); }; Int A :: a () {Return 1; } Class B: A {public: int a (); }; Int B: A () {Return 2; } Int main () {B b; Cout & lt; & Lt; B.A. () & Lt; & Lt; Endl; Return 0; } // Output: 2  

    As you can see below, the function is successfully overridden with A: A: virtual

    < P> This statement about virtual destructors shaking my delusion is also from Wikipedia

    As explained in the following example, to ensure that the C ++ base class It is important to be a virtual designer for the most derivative category. Will be told.

    Then virtual also tells the compiler to call the parents' killers? From my basic understanding of virtual it looks very different that "make the function overrunable"

    Make the following changes and you will see why:

      #include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; Class A {public: int a (); }; Int A :: a () {Return 1; } Category B: Public A {// Notification Public Added here: int a (); }; Int B: A () {Return 2; } Int main () {A * b = new B (); // Notice we are using a base class pointers cout & lt; & Lt; B-> A () & lt; & Lt; Endl; // It will print 2 instead of 2 removed b; // Removed for Free B return; 0; }  

    Now, to do things like yours:

      #include & lt; Iostream & gt; using namespace std; Class A {Public: Virtual Int a (); // notice virtual added here}; Int A :: a () {Return 1; } Category B: Public A {// Information Public Added here: Virtual int a (); // notice is added here virtual, but not required in C ++}; Int B: A () {Return 2; } Int main () {A * b = new B (); // Notice we are using a base class pointers cout & lt; & Lt; B-> A () & lt; & Lt; Endl; // It will print 2 as a desired print; // Removed for Free B return; 0; }  

    Note that you have included about virtual installers, OK. There is nothing in your sample that needs to be cleaned, but say that both were a disaster in A and B. If they are not marked virtual, which is going to call the base class pointers? Hint: This will work in exactly the same way that () was done as a method when the virtual was not marked.

    visual studio - Why do I need nhibernate.dll referenced in my mvc project? -

    All my data logic is in another data layer project that I refer to in my mvc project.

    Now if I call:

      CategoryDAO.GetById (1);  

    Everything works fine

    If I call:

      category DAO.GetBlah (1);  

    VSNT is complaining

      "Error 102: Type 'NHibernate.Criterion.Order' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. Assembly "NHibernate, version =, culture = neutral, publicKeyToken = aa95f207798dfdb4". " 

    If I use nhibernate.dll as a reference in my web project I add it in, so it works.

    Why is that so? The logic / code is in my data level, it gets back to GetById (1) as the call, why do I need to add context?

    I guess due to lazy-loading which is created in your objects. Creates a NHibernate proxy object that passes your class (This is why you need to declare your methods virtual). I'm guessing that the proxy object requires reference.

    migration - JVCL 2.10 and Delphi 2010 -

    Did you try using JVCL 2.10 with Delphi 2010? I have a Delphi 7 project that makes heavy use of the library's DB components and wants to take it to the new Delphi. I know that the transfer of the latest JVCL version from JVCL 2.10 would be very problematic, so it would be better if Delphi worked with 2.10 in 2010. Do you have any experience?

    JVCL provides a converter utility that will search for all Delphi source files and change the class for you Name and other direct string conversion They supply "scripts" to the old JVCL versions of the old converter as well as those libraries which they have absorbed over time (such as Rxlib). I thought it was quite straightforward and even in order to remove dependence in my libraries, my converter was used with some of my scripts, which I want to finish with the project I am upgrading.

    c# - how do i install a control that came as a dll -

    I just downloaded a control that I want to add to Visual C # .NET, this one. Dll came as a file.

    How do I install it?

    (Visual C # Express 2008)

    Go to the top menu: Tools , Select Toolbox ... , Browse ... and find your DLL. It will install all the projects on the toolbox.

    If you want to use control in only one project, add DLL as a regular reference to the project.

    jQuery tablesorter plugin styling -

    I have and jquery function is not executed.

    This should work as an example

    The jQuery function is working fine. It seems that you missed the implementation of the styles in your table.

      & lt; Table id = "myTable" class = "tableorter" & gt;  

    ASP.NET button and Jquery works together? -

    I have a ASP button , when I click on this button,

    After this progress, I want to turn on the Jquery function related to this code.

    How can I do this?

    Your server-side event handler can call ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript to call jQuery in the browser is.

    ruby on rails - Simple Authlogic Question: JSON login? -

    I have established a very simple site that allows me to log in, out and register. Except that I removed the "username" from the users, removed the table and relevant scenes, so only one email address is required)

    Now I have a new login operation Trying to do that I can log in via JSON.

    me the http: // app: 3000 / apilogin? Email = I would like to be able to get a request on the password I = P4ssw0rd and the Rail Application comes from the request of the IP address (if the login was correct) and the related feedback (in JSON)

    So far I have a section of controllers / user_sessions_controller.rb so that it goes:

      class UserSessionsController & lt; ApplicationController # ... def new_api response_to do | Format | Format.json end end end  

    to routes.rb :

      map.apilogin "apilogin" ,: Controller = & Gt; "User_sessions" ,: verb = & gt; "New_api"  

    But what am I at a loss as I have put in views / user_sessions / new_api.json.rb ! Can you help

    You do not have to define any view - just Jason back controller, just suitable

      def new_api @user_session = ({: email = & gt; parameter [: email],: password => params [: password]}) response_to do | Format | If @ format.json {render: json = & gt; {: Success = & gt; True}} and format.json {rendere: json = & gt; {: Success = & gt; Wrong, message = & gt; 'Incorrect username or password'} ,: position => : Unauthorized} End End  

    How to attach an event to IHTMLDocument2 link elements in Delphi? -

    I am using this code to get all links from IHTMLDocument2:

      Process DoDocumentComplete (CONSTIPIPP: IDISPH; var URL: OLE Variant); Var Document: IHTMLDocument2; Body: IHTMLElement; Link: IHTMLElementCollection; I: integer; Tmp: IHTMLElement; Start Try Document: = (PDISP as IWebbrowser2). Document IHTMLDocument2; Body: = Document Link: = Document.links; I: Start (Links.length-1) from = tmp: = (Links.item (i, 0) as iHTMLElement); //tmp.onclick: How do I add callback? //ShowMessage (tmp.innerText); End; Apart from E: Exception Show Message (E. ClassName + 'has been raised with error message:' + E. Message); End; End;  

    How can I add a function / process? Click to do a simple task, such as when a link is clicked, show an alert with anchor text?

    One way is to sync events from TWebBrowser with an object that uses IDispatch (such as )


      tmp.onclick: IDIspatch will set = TEventObject.Create (callback processor);  

    scripting - run command/script when lock/unlock windows station? -

    I have Windows 7 Pro at work. My problem is that I forget the clock / clock (using the intranet timesheet system ) I'm forgetting. Whenever I lock / unlock my station, is there a way to automatically run a script or command to open the Timesheet page to lock / unlock my station?

    Yes, the Windows 7 task scheduler allows a dizzying array of new ways to schedule tasks :

    One is logged on, and there is another incident that can be a security incident to lock the workstation.

    Administrative Tools - & gt; Task Scheduler - Create task - & gt; Trigger tab - & gt; New button - & gt; Task drop down box ... etc ...

    android - Search button event on the handset -

    When I want to open a screen, click on the handset to use @ search button ... How do I know that the search button Pressed on the handset ??

    Have you read this:

    .net - Get namespace in a static function -

    In an example method, I can easily find the execution namespace:

      public Instead of zero printnames () {Console.WriteLine (This. GetType (.) Namespace); }  

    Question: How do I do this in the Fixed function (no this is not available) without explicitly mentioning the square name? Can i do (Any typeof (MyClass) )

      console. WrightLine (typeof (TheClassThatContainsTheStaticFunction .namespace);  

    or by using a reflection:

      console. WrightLine (MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod (. DeclaringType.Namespace);  

    iphone - No Microphone error on iPod Touch -

    I have designed an iPhone app that should work on the iPod Touch, but I am getting reports that the app is Not working on touch. It is showing an error message that no mic is available on the device. The thing is that the app does nothing with audio, and I can not find anything related to the project settings. The other problem is that I do not have any iPod touch available to test this. Running version? Am I compiling the wrong firmware version? I wonder if I can not find anything about it or on Google ...

    Any help is appreciated

    I have found a" solution "of the problem.

    This error tells me, as the problem occurs, this is not the case when the app is run. The reason this error is displayed when you try to install the app from the app store is because you set it to "iPhone and iPod touch (2Generation)" in AppStore. The second generation iPod Touch has a microphone and so, if you keep it in the store with that setting, then it is believed that the app uses the microphone.

    The solution is to change this setting to AppStore

    sql - Database Server 100%, for no reason -

    We have a Windows Server 2003 (x64) running as a database server. The database is equipped with 32 GB RAM

    Usually, database memory usage is between 5-10%. Although sometimes the database shoots up to 100% and remains there, without any random changes and without any change in code or execution.

    All types of research, payment or by me, a stored procedure when the database is 100%, by disabling this process, the database will return to normal.

    Now it is quite clear but it is a strange part.

    The stored procedure is optimized and memory usage (from the execution plan) is 0.01, which is exceptionally good. I will also get immediate results as a result of the execution of stored procedures. I also provided a Rackspace Fanatic Support DBA to monitor it, and said that he does not see any problem in the stored procedure.

    Now the extra weird bit.

    • Running SP is an instantaneous.
    • When DB is 100%, SP is executed on minutes for minutes while running SP.
    • By disabling SP, 5-10% to DB
    • Although SP is capable, DB is 100%, if I open a new query window and run exact code from SP, but not as a question, as a result of SP, results It is immediately returned

    Therefore, although at first glance, it seems that the SP needs to be optimized, the actual code in SP is not a problem.

    I'm desperate!

    The execution plan can change depending on the input parameter for SP and size.

    You can try to add stored code to WITH RECOMPILE to get a fresh execution plan for each code. It will slow down, but sometimes SQL Server is stuck with unusually poor execution plans for most queries and recompile help in those scenarios.

    flash and jquery menu problem -

    I am using the jquery drop down menu and under the menu, I am using the flash banner, With swfobject_2_2

    My code is such as

      & lt; Ul id = "jsddm" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "index.html" & gt; Home & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "profile.html" & gt; Profile & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Product & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "1.html" & gt; Product 1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "2.html" & gt; Product 2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "accessories.html" & gt; Accessories & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "contacts.html" & gt; Contact us & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt;   

    & lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Swfobject.embedSWF ("test.swf", "myContent", "300", "120", "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf"); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Div id = "myContent" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; & Lt; IMG src = "" GIF "alt =" get Adobe Flash Player "/>

    Problems facing

    The sub menu goes to the Flash menu.


    "post-text" itemprop = "text">

    Strong> or opaque >
    i.e.: (important part in bold)

    var params = {
    wmode: "transparent",

    Swfobject.embedSWF ("someswf.swf", "flashcontent", "100%", "100%", "9.0.124", "Wherever / expressInstall.swf", Null, consultant ); mvc - Getting app root in MVC controller constructor -

    I have to capture the physical path in the App Route in the MVC project; I use it to do with a repository which keeps its items on the file system.

    Alternatively, I can use dependency injection, but I have the same problem; I do not have any requested until someone makes a call, so I can not use the request. Physical application paths .

    You can do this in the controller:

      var root = Server.MapPath (Url.Content ("~ /");  

    security - Creating an SPListItem in a WCF service deployed to SharePoint -

    itemprop = "text">

    I used the following method in a WCF service, that has been posted to SharePoint using Shell Malik's Guide: < / P> <> [OperationContract] public string addItem (using string itemTitle, Guid? IdOfListToUse) {using portal = new SPSite (SPContext.Current.Site.Url, SPContext.Current.Site.SystemAccount.UserToken )) Using pre ({var web = portal.OpenWeb ()) {Guide list ID; Web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; If (idOfListToUse = Null & amp;! IdOfListToUse.Value = New GUID ()) {ListId = idOfListToUse.Value; } Other {try {listId = new navigation (web properties [propertybusinesstsetslist]); } Hold (exception before) {new miectionation ("List list (default list) could not find a list id!", Prior); }} Var list = web.Lists [listId]; String title = ""; SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges (Rep {var newItem = list.Items.Add (); newItem ["title"] = itemTitle; newItem.Update (); title = newItem.Title;}); Web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false; Return title; }}}

    The method goes from javascript when it is used (using Rick Straal's Best ServiceProxy.js) and it fails) ValidateFormDigest () because of newItem.Update (But it does not.

    Here's the kicker, when I move through the code it works! There is no exception!

    OK, got answer (here also 2: - D)

    First of all, dirty one:

    Set FormDigestValidatedProperty in context:

      HttpContext.Current.Items ["FormDigestValidated Second, a little less dirty version (basically leaving the open path for XSS attacks, but it is an intranet anyway) 

    objective c - Calling methods in ObjC -

    I have 8 methods in my application, and everyone is calling the same method - (zero) some functions, <

    / P

    All suggestions are appreciated.



    One way is for some functions Adding the int parameter and calling method itself can be identified with a unique value.

      - (zero) some function: (int caller id {// switch or if here STMT based on column ID}  

    Then calling method A will call function function with callerId 1, callerId2, and some more function call etc.

    Colorize UINavigationBar iPhone SDK -

    I with orange color with my navigation bar:

    Navigation controller Navigation BarTrint = [UIColor ColorWithRed: 0.88 Green Color: 0.52 Blue: 0.27 Alpha: 1];

    Everything is fine, every button is orange in the form of a bar, but when the IC custom is connected to the right item menu, it shows the blue. This is a screenshot:

    And this is the code for the right button:

      UIView * container = [[UIView alloc] init]; UIToolbar * tools = [[Uitoolbar alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0, 0, 80, 45)]; NSMutableArray * button = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 2]; UIBarButtonItem * bi = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem: UIBarButtonSystemItem Add target: Self-action: @selector (addGadget :)]; = UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered; [Button addObject: bi]; [BI release]; Bi = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "less.png"] Style: UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered Target: Self-action: @selector (setEditing :)]; [Button addObject: bi]; [BI release]; [Tool sets: Animated button: No]; [Button release]; Self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithCustomView: Tools]; [Device release];  

    Can someone help me fix this problem? (I want to be everything orange)

    You should set tintcolor The UIToolbar object must be the same as the UINavigationBar .

    Note that a UIToolbar is not such a UINavigationBar , background gradient / color is slightly different. Try setting the background color of the UIToolbar for + [UIColor clearColor]

    Also besides, you probably do not need container UIView , Because is a subclass of UIToolbar UIView , so you can also use it as a customview by yourself.

    windows mobile - Resco: AdvancedList and PNG images -

    When I use PNG pictures in my advanced list, they are shown in very poor quality in the designer and when I The project is corrupted, the emulator transparency disappears completely

    Is Resco not able to show a png picture or what's the problem here?

    You should check the risso stage or contact the Resco support team Support / form.aspx

    what software on a silverlight developer's laptop -

    I just found a new laptop and probably would be my main location for the next 3 years. I'm looking for suggestions for the software needed for the productive Silverlight developer. In addition to the basics of original studio, blend and SDK

    In addition to the device set

  • Redgate
  • Debugging HTTP proxy
  • / li>

  • editor - Visual Studio Windows Form Preview In Different Resolution? -

    I enjoy playing Visual Studio in 1680 x 1050 resolution However, our customers usually use 1024 x 768 . Is there any way that I can keep my editor in native resolution, but can I show the form designer in a different form? Thanks!

    I recommend that you get an additional monitor, configure it to 1024 x 768, and a desktop extension Use as UI development and test screen.

    javascript - How to check if property 'isElementContentWhitespace' is supported? -

    I want to use on text nodes,
    but not all browsers support it, so let me test it It is supported that it is
    if it is, use it, if jquery $ $ trim does not apply ...

    I tried to do something like that, on IE Not luck, good on FF:

      var testEl = document.createElement ('span'); TestEl.innerHTML = ''; Warning (testEl.firstChild.isElementContentWhitespace);  

    OK, I have been able to test for this support!

      var testEl = document.createTextNode ('text'); Alert ('ElementContentWhitespace' in testEl);  

    Works great in IE too ... :)

    c++ - Using WinInet to download an image with a URL -

    I am working on developing a type of web scrapper using WinInet.

    Effectively, the program takes some input and will attempt to download all pictures / videos on a certain page (.jpg, .png, .webm, etc.).

    How can I download with an image URL, said Image Using WinInet Library? I download the file on FTP but I do not think it applies here.

    I tried to use Liberty but could not understand how it is using Visual Studio 2013.

    Thanks a lot

    python - Can argparse handle more than one positional command line arguements? -

    In the examples I saw that all handle only a fixed command line argument, and the voluntary number of alternative command line arguments. So I wonder if it can handle more than one positional argument? If yes, then how does this and how commandline logic are specified? Thank you.

    So I wonder if it can handle more than one positional argument? If so, how does this and how the command line logic has been specified?

    Okay, for example, a long time ago in controlling several non-option arguments, maybe it's a good place to start.

    Here is a trivial example; Place the following code in :

      import argparse def parse_args (): p = argparse.ArgumentParser () p.add_argument ('- option1', '-1') p.add_argument ('- option2', '-2') p.add_argument ('commandline1') p.add_argument ('commandline2') returns p.parse_args () if __name__ == '__main__': p = Parse_args () Print  

    and then:

      Python Usage: [-h] [- Option 1 OPTION1] [ - Option 2 OPTION2] Commandline 1 Commandline 2 Error: Very Low Logic  


      Python Hello world namespace (commandline1 = 'Hello', command line2 = 'world', and Aeon 1 = no option 2 = no)  

    Exclude template tags in django compress -

    Is there a way to leave tags that are not within the compress tag? For example, it seems that it is trying to load other templatetags :

      invalid templates / user / david / desktop / articles / templates / Supporting website: The additional 'is not a valid tag library: you can import the imported loading app. Man templatetags.extras: can not import the name change_time_to_minutes found:' users / david / desktop / avails / templates / press_tyear_update / User / David / Desktop / Wills / templates / Sisi_chek html ...  

    c - Segmentation fault in int matrix -

    I was using some basic C code that defines the int matrix with the indicator is.

      typingf int ** matrix; Matrix vs. Matrix (intro, int column) {int i, j; Matrix M = (matrix) mauloq (size) * lines * column); For (i = 0; i  

    However, they are throwing the m [i] [j] access partition failure. What's wrong here? Too many asterisks?

    I was convinced that the indicator is effectively similar to a matrix in an indicator.

    Matrix Your allocation of data items assumes that you have given it a single index Are accessing linearly with. If you want to access it with two indices, example , m [1] [1] you must allocate each dimension:

      matrix m = maulok (size (integer *) * line); For (int i = 0; i  

    Note that you too.

    paypal - Listener not receiving IPN messages -

    I have made an audience to capture PayPal transactions in Salesforce from IPN. However, it is only a small of our PayPal transactions Getting the percentage.

    I have determined that he is not being sent always:

    1. Manually send (URL hack) never seen IPN on the listener's page String It immediately and completely processes.

    2. I go to PayPal and instruct the site to resend the same IPN

    Since this is a The known transaction my system sends an error message. I have verified it by repeating step 1.

    The message that should be produced by Step 2, never comes. The second IPN, which was submitted again during Phase 2, never appeared in the sales force.

    Your insights are greatly appreciated because it is surprisingly disappointing!


    Based on the advice in Andrew Annel's comment below, here's more information ...

    All IPN history looks like the following: Notice the notification url. Can my problem be that it does not include my audience page or even matches my IPN Notifier settings (which I have just checked)?

    In addition, all transactions have a response code of 200 and zero retries.

    Enter image details here

    < / Html>

    javascript - Remove Chrome's AutoFill pop-up -

    When I fill a text input (and perhaps on Firefox and Internet Explorer) within Chrome, I have an AutoFill pop- Up, which is hiding my auto-complete AJAX pop-up, see the photo below.

    Chrome AutoFill Overlapping 'Can' form with AJAX Autofill

    < P> I try to add autocomplete = "off" but it did nothing and I found out that modern browsers will not take them into account autocomplete = "off" No More Now

    How can I stop Chrome pop-ups in this useless AutoFill div, which hides my AJAX autosapple device?

    My problem is autofill popup, not autocomplete ...

    The goal is to disable Chrome completely popup when "Town / Zip Code *:", because I need to display my own AJAX popup with the list of cities.

    After several hours of searching, here's a work solution:

      & lt; Form method = "post" action = "" & gt; & Lt; / Br / & gt; For label = "address" & gt; Address: & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Input type = "article" id = "address" name = "address" value = "" & gt; & Lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" id = "address2" name & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Label & lt; Label = "adress2" value = "" & gt; Input = "display: none" /> Town / Zip Code *: & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" id = & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Label = "code" "code" name = "code" auto-integer = "off" value = "" & gt; & Lt; = "City" & gt; & lt; / label & gt; "value =" 0 for label = "hidden" id = "city" name = "city 
    gt; & Lt; Options & gt; France & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; For & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Label & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" name = "valider" value = "ok" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; Explanation: Chrome is parsing labels before field names, field values, and fields. If he detects that the word "address / city / zipcode" matches your form with the lexical field, then it enables autocomplete and auto-popup popups for all areas ...

    I changed the name of the input field and labeled with "code" instead of "zip", I added "code <"> input style = "display: none:" /> "before the zip code label text And it worked!

    Hope this will help!


    How to make an excel table that automatically sends email to someone on his birthday? -

    I have to write a formula that recognizes someone's birthday and triggers]

    I have a birthdays validation formula that creates "send email" hyperlink, but I must send it automatically (and delay up to 10am) non-mutually I did something in VBA but I only Managed to write code that sends that message to 1 person.

    Here is the birthday working-formula that has the customer's name in column C8: C100, in email D8: D100, DOBs are in E8: E100 and "Send mail" in hyperlink F Are:. 100

      = IF (text (E13, "dm") = TEXT (today (), "dm"); Hyperlink ("mailto:" & amp; D13 & amp; $ D $ 2 & amp; "& body =" & Substitution ("subject =?" Substitute ($ E $ 3, "$", C13); "@"; $ $ D $ 4); "pošalji "Pošalji čestitku" = Mail sending (Croatian language)  

    VBA code:

      private Sub CommandButton1_Click () PO_SALJIRONDENDSKEPESTITKE End Sub Public Function POVALJIRONDENDSKESTITKE () Dim olApp Outlook.Application set olApp = CreateObject olmail (olmailItem) as olMail = OlApp.CreateItem set olmail Outlook.MailItem set olmail ("App as Outlook."). To = Cells.Range ("D8: D1000") olMail.subject = "Sretan Rodjen Dan "olMail.Body =" Poštovani, "& amp; VbCrLf & amp; VbCrLf & amp; "Zillimo Wam Siten Rohenland" & amp; VbCrLf & amp; VbCrLf & amp; "Sway Nezbolje," & amp; VbCrLf & amp; VbCrLf & amp; The "Svinaweb" olMail.Send termination function  

    This code only has an email to send message when I click on the command button, but as I said I I want to be sent that

    I am using Excel 2013.

    MailItem class property represents a recipient collection that represents all the recipients for the Outlook item.

    The class provides the method to create a new recipient object and add it to the recipient object. The asset sets the type of returns or recipients, it can be one of the following constants: olBCC, olcc, ol ordinator, or olTo.

    Therefore, you can send a single email to all people, you must add them to the recipients store. Or, if you need different message bodies, you can create different email messages.

    MailItem allows the setting of a date stating the property's date and time that the mail message is delivered. / P>

    How to store two integers in one array (C++) -

    I would like to create an array which can store the ID and contents in a single cell. I want to store the information so that I can get both pieces of information from one part of the input.

    Currently I am doing it like this:

      int order [100]; Int content [100]; Int count = 0; // To add a new piece of method, zero setframe (Int nextOrder, int nextcontent) {order [count] = nextOrder; Content [count] = next communication; Count ++; }  

    This works, but I would like a way to call an array like array [i], and I will get two integers from it. How can I do this?

    Create a struct :

      Structure data {IT order; Int content; }; Data array [100]; Int count = 0; // To add a new piece of method, zero setframe (Int nextOrder, int nextcontent) {array [array] .order = nextOrder; Array [count] Material = next resource; Count ++; }  

    java - Make Executor dump part of queue -

    पल मैं निर्वाहक उपयोग कर रहा हूँ में:

      Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor ();  

    लेकिन मेरी समस्या यह है कि यदि मैं इसे बहुत सारे कार्य करता हूं, तो वे बहुत धीरे-धीरे निष्पादित होते हैं और मेरी UI लटकी जाती है, जबकि निष्पादक कार्य करता है। तो मैं इसे व्यवहार करना चाहता हूं, कि निष्पादक केवल एक समय में कार्य पर ही कार्य करता है। लेकिन जब कोई नया कार्य प्रस्तुत किया जा रहा है, मैं उसे पंक्तिबद्ध काम छोड़ने के लिए अगर वहाँ अधिक से अधिक 5 चाहते हैं।

    कि संभव है?

    निष्पादकों # newSingleThreadExecutor बस ThreadPoolExecutor के प्रत्यक्ष इन्स्टेन्शियशन है, जो आपको अधिक कॉन्फ़िगरेशन विकल्प देता है के लिए एक सुविधा है। आप एक ThreadPoolExecutor कॉन्फ़िगर कर सकते हैं किसी एकल थ्रेड और एक निश्चित लंबाई कतार उपयोग करने के लिए, और यह एक हैंडलर जो यह नियत है कि कतार की सामग्री है जब आप एक नया कार्य, कुछ इस तरह प्रस्तुत खारिज कर दिया जाना चाहिए देना :

      नई ThreadPoolExecutor (1, 1, // एकल थ्रेड 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS, // टाइमआउट, देख जावाडोक नई LinkedBlockingQueue (1), // क्षमता 1 नया ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardOldestPolicy साथ कतार () // कतारबद्ध कार्य की खातिर जब कोई नया आता है);  

    यहां महत्वपूर्ण भाग को निश्चित-आकार कतार (1, इस मामले में), और अस्वीकृति हैंडलर तर्क है:

    को अस्वीकार कर दिया कार्यों के लिए एक हैंडलर जो सबसे पुराना अनियंत्रित अनुरोध को रद्द करता है और फिर निष्पादित करने की कोशिश करता है

    mysql - Use AUTO_INCREMENT two insert two different IDs into one table -

    I wanted to add a second AUTO_INCREMENT field to my database in phpMyAdmin.

    But I get an error:

    wrong table definition; There may be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key

    This means that I only have one auto_increment field allowed.

    My problem is now, I have a shop and I want to include order_person_id and order_id in my table order I am How can I do this without auto_increment ?

    jsf - How to refresh pm:page header -

    I want to refresh the header of the page after signing in. (Because I think that when I navigate to the page, refreshing does not happen) = "" I want to display the log-in or logout button at the top if the user is logged in or not. When the user logs in, I set the flag login to the correct I (start the session)

     context.getExternalContext (). GetSessionMap () Put (PERSON_SESSION_KEY, user); Log = true;   & lt: pm: Page id = "first" swatch = "b" & gt; & Lt. Pm: Header id = "Header-First" title = "Mobilana Pieziera" & gt; & Lt; P: button style class = "ui-btn-right ui-btn-inline" value = "zaloguj" result = "# {bean.goToLoginPage ()}" sung = "# {! Bean logged in}" /> & Lt; P: button styleClass = "ui-btn-left ui-btn-inline" value = "wyloguj" result = "# {bean.logout ()}" rendered "" # {bean.loggedIn} "/> Lt; / hrs: Header & gt; & lt; hrs: Content & gt; & lt; p: Menu & gt; & lt; p: menu item = "pizza" result = "# {bean.gotopie page} "/>  gt; menu: value =" dania vegatarienski "result =" # {Bean.Gotovataiasiaejes ()} "/> & lt; / p: Menu & gt; & lt; / hrs: Content & gt; and lieutenant: pm: footer title =" bla bla bla "& g T; & lt; / pm: footer & gt; & lt; / hr: page & gt;  

    Is there a Map type in javascript similar to what is in Java? -

    इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P>

    • 5 जवाब

    मैंने कुछ शोध किया और इसे ऐसा लगता है कि हम या तो () का उपयोग कर सकते हैं या एक जावास्क्रिप्ट ऑब्जेक्ट बना सकते हैं: var नक्शा = {}; लेकिन उनमें से दोनों को समृद्ध कार्यक्षमताओं आसानी से एक नक्शा हेरफेर।

    एमडीएन में एक मानचित्र प्रकार लगता है, लेकिन यह केवल IE11 के द्वारा समर्थित है।
    क्या जावा में मौजूद नक्शा प्रकार के समान है जो जावा प्रदान करता है कार्यक्षमता, पूर्व, एक तत्व जोड़, नक्शे के माध्यम से दोबारा, उस जैसी चीजें? धन्यवाद!

    आप क्या चाहते हैं, इसके आधार पर आप सामान्य वस्तुओं का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

      var वस्तु = {संपत्ति: "मूल्य", अन्य प्रॉपर्टी: "अन्य मूल्य"};  

    यदि आप जावास्क्रिप्ट एपीआई और भाषा को जोड़ते हैं, तो आप वास्तव में लचीले होते हैं, आप ऑब्जेक्ट से जो भी जोड़ सकते हैं, हटा सकते हैं और एक्सेस कर सकते हैं, वे जो आपको जावा मैप्स पर मिलेगा।

    इसके अलावा वे बहुत मदद कर सकते हैं, अगर आप हैशप & lt;> s या treemap & lt;> s

    के लिए नहीं देख रहे हैं

    इस समाधान के साथ समस्या यह है कि तरीकों को एक वर्ग के रूप में संलग्न नहीं किया जाता है, लेकिन वे भाषा का हिस्सा हैं (ऑब्जेक्ट पर एक्सेस गुण), जो कि आपको भ्रमित कर रहे हैं।

    कुछ लिंक जो उपयोगी हो सकते हैं (वे बुनियादी सामान का एक सा है, लेकिन अगर यह किसी की मदद कर सकता है ...):

    एक हस्तक्षेप करने वाला उद्धरण ():

    वस्तुओं और नक्शे की तुलना

    ऑब्जेक्ट मैप्स के समान हैं, दोनों में आपको सेट करने दें चाबियाँ मूल्यों के लिए, उन मानों को पुनः प्राप्त करें, कुंजियों को हटाएं, और पता लगाएं कि क्या किसी कुंजी पर कुछ संग्रहीत है या नहीं। इस वजह से, ऑब्जेक्ट्स को ऐतिहासिक रूप से मानचित्र के रूप में उपयोग किया गया है; हालांकि, ऐसे ऑब्जेक्ट्स और मैप्स के बीच महत्वपूर्ण अंतर हैं, जो मानचित्र का बेहतर इस्तेमाल करते हैं।

    एक ऑब्जेक्ट में एक प्रोटोटाइप है, इसलिए नक्शे में डिफ़ॉल्ट कुंजी हैं हालांकि, यह नक्शा = ऑब्जेक्ट का उपयोग करके बाईपास किया जा सकता है। बनाएं (रिक्त) किसी ऑब्जेक्ट की चाबियाँ स्ट्रिंग्स हैं, जहां वे मानचित्र के लिए कोई मूल्य हो सकते हैं। किसी ऑब्जेक्ट के आकार को ट्रैक करने के लिए आपको मैन्युअल रूप से मानचित्र का आकार आसानी से मिल सकता है। ऑब्जेक्ट्स पर मैप का उपयोग करें जब चाबियाँ रन टाइम तक अज्ञात होती हैं, और जब सभी की एक ही प्रकार की होती है और सभी मान एक ही प्रकार होते हैं।

    एक उदाहरण ():

      var नक्शा = नया ऑब्जेक्ट (); // या var नक्शा = {}; नक्शा [myKey1] = myObj1; मानचित्र [myKey2] = myObj2; फ़ंक्शन मिल (के) {वापसी का नक्शा [के]; }  

    यदि आप मानचित्र का उपयोग करना चाहते हैं तो PS ("यह एक प्रयोगात्मक तकनीक है")। ऑब्जेक्ट हर जगह होते हैं और सभी ब्राउज़र के लिए मानकीकृत होते हैं।

    draggable - Making angularjs bootstrap accordion and drag and drop play nicely -

    I am using bootstrap accordion and angular drag and drop

    Personally, they are okay Work, but I 've gone into a bug where I have an expansion of an element and I scroll down and then leave the draggable on a bootable top of the structure elements, I get two drops , One for the scene droppolle and one for the droppole that was scrolled But under the visible droppable I will keep a fiddle later this evening, but for now, I would just explain by giving an example of this kind of problem:

      droppable element / Expanded accordion // droppile element / 3 droppile element of droppable elements below 1 / droppable element. When things are kept like this, everything works well. . Without any problem, I can drop draggable to one of the four elements. But if I scroll, then element 2, 3 or 4 below 'element' 1, both elements, 1 and say that element 3 will get drop. How can I create an element that is 'down' that ignores the drop? I have tried to include $ $ in the link function of the instructions that make dropables (2, 3, 4), but there are no attributes (performance, visibility), which I have ever tried to make, other DND options None of the above provides much support.  

    I know that it can be difficult to imagine, I'll put a bela in a few hours to clarify the problem, but now I Other things will go on.

    > This is my code:


      & lt; Span & gt; Draggables & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li jqyoui-draggable data-drag = "true" ng-model = "draggables" ng-repeat = "drag in draggables" & gt; {{Drag}} & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Div jqyoui-droppable = "{onDrop: 'dropcomplete (1)'}" data-drop = "true" ng-model = "list image" & gt; Droppable target & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div style = "height: 100px; overflow-y: scroll;" & Gt; Compact items & lt; Ul collapse = "false" & gt; & Lt; Li jqyoui-droppable = "{onDrop: 'dropcomplete (2)'} data-drop =" true "ng-model =" list "ng-repeat =" item in list "" gt; {{Item}} & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;  


      'Strict use'; Angular.module ('dndApp'). Controller ('aboutCtrl', function ($ radius, $ window) {$ scope.listItems = ['item 1', 'item 2', 'item 3', 'item 4', 'item 5', 'item 6' , 'Item 7', 'item 8', 'item 9']; $ scope. Draggables = ['drag1', 'drag2']; $ scope.dropComplete = function event, UI, item) {$ window. Alert (item);};});  

    App. JS:

      'Use Strict'; Angular Modules ('dndApp', 'ngAnimate', 'ngCookies', 'ngresource', 'ngRoute', 'ngSanitize', 'ngDragDrop', 'ui.bootstrap']);  

    Run the code and scroll up the item list then drag a drag on 'Droppiece Item' You will get two alerts for a 'Dropple item' and one for the item item 'Dropplele item' Is hidden under 'when I am trying to exclude drop in the list.

    So, I was able to fix it using the following:

      var parentTop = angular.element ( Parent () [0] .getBoundingClientRect (). Top; // To see if the item has been scrolled above its parents or if (Parental Tap & gt; elemTop) {// if droppable is less than another droppable, then this model container. Drag from the Spice (Container, Lang-1). , 1); } And {// do other post processing}  

    c# - Do XmlReaders return XML Declarations? -

    I am trying to create a SQLLL scalar function which parses a nvarchar (max) string and returns XML . Data is always being returned as a snippet without an entire document instead of XML declaration -

      XmlDocument doc = New XmlDocument (); XmlDeclaration xDec = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration ("1.0", "UTF-8", blank); Doc.AppendChild (xDec); XMLAlmentRotnode = Doctor Crate Element ("root node"); Doc.AppendChild (rootnode); ... snippet ... XmlReader xread = new XmlNodeReader (doc); XmlReaderSettings xsetRead = New XmlReaderSettings (); XsetRead.ConformanceLevel = System.Xml.ConformanceLevel.Document; Return new SqlXml (XmlReader.Create (xread, xsetRead));  

    I can not determine whether I am misusing XmlReader or if it is the result of the SQLCLR environment. The only thing that I can find back in the SQL query is the root node and it's children.

    XML declaration PI, for example, & lt; ? Xml version = '1.0'? & Gt; , the XML declaration ( & lt;? Xml ...? & Gt; ) and its properties (Version / encoding / stand-alone) data is lost after being converted into xml XML declaration is considered as the instructions of XML Parser. XML data is stored internally as a UK-2 XML all other PIs in the example are preserved.

    Data is stored in internal representation that preserves XML content of data. This internal representation contains information about prevention hierarchy, document order and element and attribute values. In particular, the InfoSet content of XML data is preserved. For more information about InfoSet, visit InfoSet content can not be a similar copy of the text XML, because the following information is not kept: trivial white space, feature order, namespace prefixes, and XML declaration.

    java - HQL wildcards with elements/indices -

    I have a hibernate map unit that has a hushmap.

    If I want to find an example where there is a name like a key / value in the map: John I

    'names' and elements in the index I can write 'John' in (attributes)

    How can I get permission to use the wildcard to modify this HQL? I would like to find any such instances where the name starts with 'j' for example

    You can change the parameters in your query using wildcards, for example if you are using Hibernate then your query should be something similar:

      getSession (). CreateQuery ('index' in index and 'John' in elements: (value)) .setString ("index", "'%" + index + "%'") .setString ("value", '' '%' "+ Value +"% '");  

    Mongoose query to populate subdocuments from another model -

    I have seen some related questions at SO, but I can not find the correct solution to this problem. Below is a simplified version of my problem:

    I have two simple models: user and surf .

    The user model contains sub-documents: board . It has another property friend which is an array of references to other users.

    In the Surf model, as the owner of user surf, friend as a subset of user's friends (i.e. Which of your friends is surfed with), and also is a reference to board_id , which is part of the sub-document of the user described above. I am not registering bordesma with Mongoose.

    All the user's CRUDs operate and work well. When I pop the property of the surf shown in the controller, I am running a query to get all the surfs for a given user's friends, though it works, When I try to populate board_id with name and size , I get a Mongoose error: schema The model "User.boards" has not been registered for

    < P> user model:

      // requires user .model.js var mongoose = ('magos' ); Var Schema = Mongoose Sema; / ** * Board schema * / var boardschema = new schema ({name: string, size: string, category: string}); / ** * User Schema * / var UserSchema = New schema ({name: string, email: {type: string, lowercase: true}, board: [boardsize], friends: [{schema: type.object id, Referee: 'user'}]}); Module.exports = mongoose.model ('Users', Usascachema);  

    surf model

      // surf. Model.js var mongoose = is required ('navel'); Var Schema = Mongoose Sema; / ** * Surf schema * / var SarfSamma = new schema ({user_id: {type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, Reference: 'user'}, buddies: [{type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' } Type: date_id: {type: schema} type object id, re: 'user board', required: true}, comment: {type: string, required: wrong}, session date: {type: date, required: True},}, {collection: 'surfs' // mongo equalizes 'surf' to 'servers', so clearly defined}); Module Exports = Mongos Model ('surf', sarfuska);  

    Surf Controller

      // surf.ccontroller.js var mongoose = Requires ('Negula'); Var requires user = ('../ user / user.mold') var sarf = is required ('./surf.model'); Export.feed = function (Rick, Race) {var userId = req.user._id; Var userIds = req.user.friends; Surf ({User_id: {$ in: userIds}}) Populate ('user_id', 'name email') // Populate ('board_id', 'name size'). Populate ('friends', 'name email') .exec (function (error, surfers) {if (err) {return handle alter (res, err);} return res.json (200, surfs);}); };  

    In the controller .populate ('board_id', 'name size') has been commented which is the cause of the problem. I am not registering with BoardSchema with Mongoos because it is not a sub-document for the model is not I should be? Or is it another way to write this question to populate the board from the sub-document of the right user's board? Thanks for the help!


      board: {type: schema Type: Object ID, Ref: 'User. Board ', Required: True},  


      Board: {type: Schema.Types. Object ID, Ref: 'Userboard', Required: True},  

    It should work.

    Bourgesemma is not for sub-documents. This is a new collection, such as User Collections. Whatever you have done, the board documents are referred to with the boards property.