Wednesday 15 June 2011

java - Get netbeans to run my project with sudo? -

I am working on a project in Netbeen for which the running project requires root privilege.

I want every time that I push the "Run Project" (F6), my project is run as root, so with the equivalent of "Geckado Javac Maine" Because there is a GUI in it.

One option is to start with NetNeans with root privileges, easily by editing the shortcut "Gaxdo Netbeen". But as I have many projects in Netbeen, this means that for every project I should run Netbeen with basic rights, this is not what I need.

Another option, of course, just open my project, but it is not ideal either.

I think these projects are possible by changing the build.xml file, but I am having trouble finding out how

after some research it would seem that this An Apache ant question is, I have access to build.xml, which I can modify so that I need to know how ant can sudo / gksudo your project However, I can not understand how to do this or if it is possible.

It is believed that a "Java SE" project (such as a web app or Ruby First, stop compiling on Save as a compilation in Project Properties

Second, add build.xml to:

  Lt; Target name = "-init-macrodef-java" & gt; & Lt; Macrodef name = "java" uri = "" & gt; & Lt; Attribute default = "$ {main.class}" name = "classname" /> & Lt; Attribute default = "$ {run.classpath}" name = "classpath" /> & Lt; Element name = "customize" option = "true" /> & Lt; Sequential & gt; & Lt; Exec executable = "gksudo" failonerror = "true" & gt; & Lt; Arg value = "-" /> & Lt; Arg value = "java" /> & Lt; Arg value = "- classpath" /> & Lt; Arg path = "@ {classpath}" /> & Lt; Arg line = "$ {run.jvmargs}" /> & Lt; Arg value = "@ {classname}" /> & Lt; / Executive & gt; & Lt; / Sequential & gt; & Lt; / Macrodef> & Lt; / Target & gt;  

There are other things that you can fix but you should be enough to get it started.

Trouble using CollectionViewSource in Silverlight -

I'm having some trouble executing collection ViewSource in SilverView. I'm new to this topic, so basically I Want to search through the web? Even I am trying to do this.

I am creating collection ViewSource in the resource tag:

  & lt; UserControl.Resources & gt; & Lt; CollectionWeasource x: key = "testcvs" & gt; & Lt; CollectionViewSource.SortDescriptions & gt; & Lt; Scm: sorted descriptions property name = "value" direction = "ascend" /> & Lt; /CollectionViewSource.SortDescriptions> & Lt; / CollectionViewSource & gt; & Lt; /UserControl.Resources>  

Then I am binding my TestCVS in a HierarchicalDataTemplate:

   & Lt; Roadfinition /> & Lt; /Grid.RowDefinitions> & Lt; Grid.ColumnDefinitions & gt; & Lt; Column width = "Auto" /> & Lt; Column width = "*" /> & Lt; /Grid.ColumnDefinitions> & Lt; StackPanel Orientation = "Horizontal" Horizontal Alignment = "Left" & gt; & Lt; TextBlock TextWrapping = "Wrap" text = "{MyClassField binding}" /> & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; & Lt; / Grid & gt; & Lt; / Border & gt; & Lt; / Common: HierarchicalDataTemplate & gt; & Lt; / Common: HierarchicalDataTemplate.ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; / Common: HierarchicalDataTemplate & gt;  

Now, in the back code, I am specifying the source of test CVS in an asset such as:

  Private Observation Collection & lt; MyClass & gt; _my class; Public Supervision Collection & lt; MyClass & gt; MyCalus {_MyClass;} set {var testCVS = (this is the "Resource [" testcvs "] collection as a collection); if (testCVS! = Tap) testCVS.Source = value;}}  

After checking it, I realize that the information is not being displayed on the screen and I do not really know how anyone can help me in this matter?

Hope Thank you in advance!

I do not think you want to reset the source You need to use it.TestCVS = CollectionsViewerGet default view (my collection); Add a completed event and then add and remove it from myCollection You get notification of free changes with the freezingclass. Has not been fully tested, but should work in principle.

EDIT: It has been found that GetDefaultView is not present in Silverlight Only WPF I have used PagingCollectionView (myCOllection) successfully for grouping.

python - Can I find all of a certain base model in App Engine? -

Looking at a class-like relationship:

  Class A (DB model): Pass Class B (A): Pass  

Can I get all the base classes? Query:

  models.A.all (). Fetch (1)  

returns an empty list.

Datastore has not supported this kind of polymorphism - but you can use it to do this You can. Instead of the model, the successor from Polymodel and things will behave as much or less as you would expect.

version control - heroku using git branch is confusing! -

OK, so I have a big github project that I do not want to merge my small stasa branch. However, it appears that Heroku only takes the Master forward seriously. It seems that I pushed my branch, but for example if I have a branch, then it works like there is no code on the server. I can not be established since my gem My file is in my branch.

Actually I do not even want to know Heroko that there is a master. I just want to use my exam Stacia branch but it is ignoring my local branch. Is there any way of doing it? And again, I do not want to write anything on the main Github repository (EEK!), But it is okay if I had my branch on both the master and my branch and merged them there.

I am a total GIT newbie (not less on windows) so please stand by me.

The first step is to make sure that you have leased your local branch to the top of your master (value Take that it is in your repo 'Main Guitars')

  git fetch mainGitHubRepo master git checkout -b mainGitHubMaster mainGitHubRepo / master  

then return to your branch Go back and play it again at the top of the Main GlitzHost:

  git checkout Stacia git rebase mainGitHubMaster  

As mentioned in the comment, Branch do not need to make major Githbstr : You can rebase directly on top of fetching branch.

  git checkout Stacia git rebase mingithubreppo / master  

After that, you push your C, and then make one.

To proceed with a local branch in an established branch, you just need to use:
If you do not want to use the same name on the remote branch, you can use it:

(which is outlined in: git has pushed its OQ Branch: Master ) NOTE: If you have GitHub If you have your thorn, you can work directly on 'Master' for this fork, which means that your bridge request will have to come from the 'Master' branch, which enhances your possibilities.
But the above process remains valid: for your bridge request, which will integrate your changes, there should be trivial merge, so the rebase phase is created locally.

java ee - Some questions for j2me -

I have some questions that always make me very confused.

(1) Why do we install J2me, first we have to install jdk? [For my understanding, they are free 2 versions, one is embedded, another is for desktop application)

(2) How to install J2 AME environment in phone or embedded device? Do we need to first install JDC? (It seems that JDK can not be installed on the phone and embedded device).

(3) What is the relationship between J2ME, J9, Phonema, JMVM? When using them in an embedded device, the pre-requirements also are JDK? (Do you have to first install JDK?)

Thank you very much!

A very raw profile ...

  1. You need JDK to compile Java code - J2mm provides an API for your app, but no compiler.

  2. Your target device will come with a JVM and J2ME environment, so there is no need to worry about this directly as a developer.

  3. I think you have two questions here: you do not need JDK on target device; Only when your app compiles but see 1. - You need JDK to compile your app.

and VMs I'm not familiar with; Hopefully others will also have chip.

Especially. (Especially.) Also see related questions on the right side of this page.

actionscript 3 - high performance encryption in adobe air / flash -

project while searching for class / function related to encryption in Action Script / Air / Flash.

This provides an option v. Good choice, but I'm a little worried about what it means to present numbers when they are used to decrypt a local media file when it is chosen about the choice.

I'm looking for security vs. performance balance

For video / music , decode it faster So that the player uses Run it easily - which is depending on the format , but in all cases delay waiting to decode the whole file is less than.

The hardest part comes from using it for flash apps also because afaik do not wait to do anything Unless this assumption is incorrect, this is the place where as3crypto page looks the best performance algorithm in the list very slow i.e. 1.5 MB x seconds, to understand the meaning of 20 seconds 30 MB flash app for .

The main question is with me:

  • Is there any other other libraries with high performance? Can anything happen in Adobe Air?
  • For videos / songs , what would be a good number of MB x seconds for to be playable
  • Totally waiting until a flash app is loaded before it runs anything?

I'm curious what encryption you are using symmetric or asymmetric crypto? In the case of asymmetrics, try switching to symmetrical.

In the case of symmetry, use a stream cipher (RC4, or other flavor, Google for the name only), as the name indicates that you can encrypt / decrypt in streams This caters to your needs, as far as I am reminded that the RC 4 gives the best performance of most stream ciphers (still used in WEP and WPA1)

Another option In ECB (Electronic Code Book) mode Using Odk is used to encrypt each block of I 64/128/192/256 bits / decrypt, so it makes you able to partially encrypt / decrypt. Note that ECB mode is less secure than normal CBC (chain block cipher) mode, but here you can completely encrypt / decrypt content.

BTW, note that I can not give you any information on the performance of these algorithms, but I think you can benchmark it.

Instruct WCF Service to return JSon -

I want to know that the WCF Web services return JSON data by default. And if any JSON can not back I can configure the most simple WCF web service.

Thanks in advance.

The easiest way I know is that the VS with WCF "AJX-enabled WCF service" template . In service (I VS 2008). This will give you boilerplate code for JSON-enabled WCF service.

Objects that take the form of logic and returns should be marked with the [datacentrite] attribute, and each property that you want to include in the JSON serialization marked with [datamember] And should have a waiter and setter (even if the setter does nothing).

ms access - How to refresh listbox -

What is the best way to refresh a list box in MS Access? The way I've tried does not seem to work: -

This is my current method (onClick event of a button on the same form):


I also confirmed



  form; Currentorders .orders.Requery  

But none of them seems to refresh the contents of the list box - I do not find any new items, even if I know There are some types of closing the form, and then reopening it shows new items, though.

You can try the first form and then you need the listbox then

Where can I find information about NOSQL implementation patterns? -

Just came in this article about the NOSQL pattern (not mine). It covers many patterns of implementation of NOSAL, from the perspective of the developers (such as the Hissing and Replica Pattern).

In all it is very useful because nobody asks about the question itself:

Where can I find information about NOSQL implementation patterns?

So added a question here, please feel free to add more answers!

A great article about NOSQL patterns is found here:


  • P> Data Segmentation (Continuous Hashing)

  • Data Replication

  • Subscription Changes

  • State Transit Model

  • Operation P Transfer Model

  • Reduce map performance

  • Hand Ing removal

  • Storage Implementation

  • c++ - How do I factor code to ease testability? -

    I'm learning about unit testing and want to know how to write the write code. But, I'm not sure how to write a write-up code without complaining it, I will take the famous car and engine problem to describe the problem.

      class car {Private: engine m_engine; Public: car (); // the rest of the car}  

    I came up with the following solutions to make the code above checkable.

    1. To replace the engine as a parameter, then replace the car maker then copy and test the engine. But, if I do not have different types of engines, then the constructor seems inappropriate to make the parameter, to make it only testable.

    2. Using a setter and then a duplicate engine flows in the same way as above the setter.

    3. To test the engine first and then test the car with a proven engine (or using a stub engine).

    What are the options to test the code above? What are the strengths and weaknesses of each method?

    If you have only one engine type, then you are trying to create a new object ? If you do not plan on swapping engines, then do not create another abstract layer just make the engine of the car part.

    Instead of using the components again, you can be weak to reduce the complexity of good judgment. In which case, I can say that 3 is your best bet - validate your lower level components, then use a higher level code which calls the lower level object.

    In reality, something like the engine database is likely to happen. And you want to change your constructor to use a different database (test reasons, or other reasons), but you can leave that lie for a while.

    iphone - openURL and YouTube -

    With a defined search query, is there a way to open the YouTube app from my app? If not, is there any way of YouTube without just playing a video, open ? I think there are ways to play all the videos.

    If you only see http: // , this Clearly, "simply open without playing any video," - so I think you're after some fans, but I can not guess what. to open with a search query for foobar , again, what < / Strong> OK Are you in the post, apart from issues such as primary mashups?

    Passing coordinates from a java client to a java server -

    First of all I know that Coordinate is probably the wrong terminology? I thought I just passes the X and Y variables, but coordinates tell it better.

    Now I should be a server, which can be accessed by 2 clients, it is a racing game and for this, each client needs to be able to run a race factor together, each Using a different control scheme, but it's neither here nor there.

    I was hoping someone could be able to help me when he came to send X and Y posts of a racecard on the server and the server was sent to the next player and For this, to move both the rider on the same window at the same time, I have only made simple server stuff, such as knocking on the sun's website, and a simple echo server Repeats Tring will send what I server.

    When I tried to use int instead of string I got an error which I wanted was that the difference was dynamic (obviously turns into every movement) and static (using readInt and writeInt Can not be passed)

    The desired movement on both the client windows through the server will be appreciated.


    A simple solution is to use it:

      class coordinates the SerialJobile {...} ObjectOutputStream Out = New ObjectOutputStream (...); Out.writeObject (new coordinate (...)); - Custom dictionary object? -

    I want to extend the VB.NET dictionary dictionary, so that the object is already in the associative array. >

    This is what I want to do:

      The public class acquires BetterDictionary system. Object, object (object object). The ByRef key  (if) as the object, ByVal value, then I (key) = value other I.Add (key, value) end if end sub end class  

    My problem is now: How can I change the (object, object) line to be a normal / customizable type of dictionary?

    Define your heritage class as:

      public Take the Class BetterDictionary (TKE, TVL) system. Colllections.Generic.Dictionary (TKey, of TValue)  

    What is the "revpos" value used for in CouchDB attachments? -

    यहां एक उदाहरण है:

      "_attachments": {"002-imgsq.jpg "," सामग्री ": सच है," सामग्री_प्रकार ":" छवि / jpeg "," लंबाई ": 80074," revpos ": 3}," 016-imgsq.jpg ": {" stub ": सच है," content_type " : "Image / jpeg", "length": 100095, "revpos": 4}, "MASTER_img-square.jpg": {"stub": सच है, "content_type": "image / jpeg", "लंबाई": 70611 , "रिवॉप्स": 2}}  

    अनुलग्नक revpos है डॉक्टर के आरईपी उपसर्ग ( एक अनुक्रमिक संख्या) जब लगाव जोड़ा गया या अपडेट किया गया था। मेरा मानना ​​है कि प्रतिकृति प्रतिलिपि से बचने के लिए यह केवल वास्तव में प्रयोग किया जाता है जो अंतिम प्रतिकृति के बाद से नहीं बदले हैं।

    Flash image rotator - does it cache xml? -

    I am planning to use Flash Image rotator based on XML where paths from all images are defined and rotated What I wanted to do was to use random images to rotate this rotator. Every time the page is refreshed the new XML file has been created (the current one has been replaced by one). Well, I was thinking and came to do this: - A XML file is created with a visit page, path for some random 10 images, images are starting to rotate - when user A slideshow Seeing, the user comes to B page and then the existing XML is being replaced with a new one. Will this effect be a user's A slide show?

    To be more concrete: Whether the Flash file reads the entire XML file, its memory is stored in it and reads it from memory or it reads the first line of XML and executes it , Then the second line and it executes and so on ...

    The whole thing reads what you You have got to be safe with him. You can add a cache breaker at the end of the XML request by appending a random number at the end of the query string:

    Split file based on string delimiter in -

    इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P>

    • 10 उत्तर

    मेरे पास यह फ़ाइल है। Csv :

    <प्री> निर्देशांक 1, निर्देशांक 2, मान 1 11111, ए 1, 65 11111, ए 2, 32 22222, बी 1, 9 22222, बी 3,55 33333, सी 5,12 33333, सी 9, 16 निर्देशांक 1, निर्देशांक 2, मान 2 54656, a1,65 21342, ए 2, 32 23543, बी 1, 123 1233, बी 3,55 568568, सी 5,12 568568, सी 9, 16 123123, बी 3,55 568568, सी 5,12 568568, सी 9, 16, समन्वय 1, समन्वय 2, मान 3 23543, बी 1, 39 123123, बी 3,55 568568, सी 5, 12 568568, सी 9, 16 123123, बी 3,55 23543, बी 1, 123 1233, बी 3,55 568568, सी 5,12 568568, सी 9, 16 123123, बी 3, 55 11111, a1,65 11111, ए 2, 32 22222, बी 1, 9 22222, बी 3,55 33333, सी 5, 12 33333, सी 9, 16

    अब मैं इस फाइल को विभाजित करना चाहूंगा 3 फाइलों में, हर कोई केवल डेटा के ब्लॉक होता है

      एसई: 1 ° संचिका निर्देशांक 1, समन्वय 2, मान 1 11111, ए 1, 65 11111, ए 2, 32 22222, बी 1, 9 22222, बी 3,55 33333, सी 5,12 33333, सी 9, 16 एसई: 2 डिग्री फ़ाइल निर्देशांक 1, समन्वय 2 , मान 2 54656, ए 1, 65 21342, ए 2, 32 2343, बी 1, 123 1233, बी 3,55 568568, सी 5, 12 568568, सी 9, 16 123123, बी 3,55 568568, सी 5,12 568568, सी 9, 16    "post-text" itemprop = "text"> 

    उदास से चोरी हो:

      awk "/ YOUR_TEXT_HERE / { N ++} {प्रिंट "gtc: / P> 

    अपनी शर्तों के साथ इसे बदलकर, a.txt की एक इनपुट फाइल के साथ # file.txt पर आउटपुट भेज रहा है:

     $ Awk '/ coordinate1, coordinate2, value? / {N ++} {print> n "file.txt"}' a.txt $ ls 1file.txt 2file.txt 3file.txt a.txt $ बिल्ली 1file.txt समन्वय 1, समन्वय 2 , मान 1 11111, ए 1, 65 11111, ए 2, 32 22222, बी 1, 9 22222, बी 3,55 33333, सी 5,12 33333, सी 9, 16 $ बिल्ली 2 File.txt समन्वय 1, समन्वय 2, मान 2 54656, ए 1, 65 21342, ए 2, 32 23543, बी 1, 123 1233, बी 3,55 568568, सी 5,12 568568, सी 9, 16 123123, बी 3,55 568568, सी 5, 12 568568, C9,16 $ बिल्ली 3file.txt समन्वय 1, समन्वय 2, मान 3 23543, बी 1, 39 123123, बी 3,55 568568, सी 5,12 568568, सी 9, 16 123123, बी 3,55 23543, बी 1, 123 1233, बी 3,55 568568, सी 5,12 568568, सी 9, 16 123123, बी 3,55 11111, ए 1, 65 11111, ए 2, 32 22222, बी 1, 9 22222, बी 3,55 33333, सी 5,12 33333, सी 9, 16  

    c# - When to use StringBuilder? -

    I understand the benefits of StringBuilder.

    But if I want to add 2 strings, then I think that it is better to do without stringbillers (fast) is it correct?

    Which point (wire number) gets better for using stringbuilder?

    SQL count(*) and distinct -

    Why can not we use count (different *) in SQL? As the count of all the different rows?

      Select (*) from (different from MyTable) as T  

    However, I firmly recommend that you think any queries that use DISTINCT again. In a large percentage of cases, GROUP BY is more appropriate (and faster).

    Edit: After reading the question comments, I should say that you should never get results Ask DBMS to do more work than actually need to. If you already know that there are no duplicated rows in the table, do not use DISTINCT .

    Unicode string literals in C# vs C++/CLI -

      सी #: char z = '\ u201D'; Int i = (int) z; सी ++ / सीएलआई: wchar_t z = '\ u201D'; Int i = (int) z;  

    सी # " i " हो जाता है, जैसा कि मुझे उम्मीद है, 8221 ($ 201D) दूसरी ओर सी ++ / सीएलआई में, यह 65428 ($ FF94) हो जाता है क्या कुछ दयालु आत्मा मुझे यह समझा सकता है?

    संपादित करें : wchar_t का आकार यहाँ समस्या का नहीं हो सकता, क्योंकि:

      सी ++ / सीएलआई: wchar_t z = (wchar_t) 8221; Int i = (int) z;  

    यहां भी, i 8221 हो जाता है, इसलिए wchar_t वास्तव में मेरे सिस्टम पर 16-बिट पूर्णांक रखने के खेल पर निर्भर है ।

    आप चाहते हैं:

      wchar_t z = l '\ x201D' ; से  

    \ U अपरिभाषित है।

    oracle - Nhibernate date comparison -

    I am trying to solve this problem. I want to pass a date, then all of those who have been selected using that NHibernate on that date should be recovered.

    When I give order peacetime for the method given below, I do not want to exceed a date range, I just want to pass a date, neglect time, and if any item, The order exists with that pickup date.

      Public IList & lt; ItemOrder & gt; GetItemOrderByCriteria (int? ItemNumber, int? Warehouse number, Dinanktaim Order) ({NHibernate.Irriteria criteria = NHibernate session. Kriattitretia (Taipf (Core.ItemOrder)); if (itemNumber.HasValue) criteria. Ready Krengn ( "Item" "item"). add (Abhiwyktikisi ( "items. item number", the item number. value)); if (Veyrhausnanbrkhaslav) criteria. Add prepared Krengn ( "Warehouse", "Warehouse"). (expression. Ic ("Warehouse. Wahrhausnumber", warehouse number); if (orderPickDate.HasValue) Andnd. Add (expression. A ( "OrdPickDate", order PicDate)); return criteria. List & lt; core. Item Order & gt; ();} catch (NHibernate.HibernateException he) {DataAccessException dae = new Detaavesaksepshn ( " How to set this column in the mapping:  
      & quot; property name = ";  Ord Piccrdet "column = is" ORD_PICK_DATE "type =" date "Not- null =" true "/ & gt;  

    when I see SQL Naibernet, it says the following (section 12/1/2009 12:00:00 AM):

      WHERE this_.ORD_PICK_DATE = '2009-12-01T00: 00: 00.00'  

    If I try to run a query in a DB editor then I Receiving an error by saying "ORA-01861": The letter format does not match the string. "Should I take a different view in making my criteria?

    The problem you are describing comes from the fact that a date type in Oracle There is a point in.

    To search for a date you either:

    1. Compare with a date range ( between WHERE DT: D1 and D2 or WHERE dt> =: d1 and dt & lt; =: d2 )
    2. Compare the "day" part of the date (eg WHERE trunc (dt) =: d1 )
    3. only store of dates in your part (all rows trunc (dt) = dt or in other words, all the rows are "12:00 AM"), which are applicable primarily to a column constraint Are. In that case, WHERE dt =: d1 will work.

    In the case of all the trees, you will place a date type on both sides of the operation. I think that hibernation uses naturally the correct date when you specify "DATE". In SQL * Plus you'll obviously use the correct datatype with a to_date function:

      WHERE this_.ORD_PICK_DATE = to_date ( '2009-12-01 00 : 00 (00: 00 ',' yyyy-mm-dd hh24: mm: ss')  

    To express issues of performance: case (1) and (3) regular indexed usage The column will be able to do so while the case (2) will not be.

    I have root access to all my mysql databases. how can i export/import all the databases at once? -

    All mysql databases have root access. How can I export / import all databases at a time?

    mysqldump can do this.

      mysqldump --all-database & gt; Backupfile  

    to import

      mysql & lt; Backup file  

    You can also close the server and copy / copy / RCIN to mysql data directory, but it is probably hard to restore and I do not recommend it.

    c# - Working with State Machine Workflows in ASP.NET MVC -

    I have a state machine workflow in which there are many states in each state, there is an event driven activity which is managed by an external event Does. When that incident fires, I want to redirect the request to a different controller action or view .

    What is the best way when an event is removed in a state machine workflow, then redirect a different view or controller action?

    You just use the RedirectToAction method:

    The workflow determines how the action needs to be executed, call that method and the browser will be redirected and taken to that action. On the other hand, if you need to present a specific view, you can simply use the controller's view method and pass on the name of the scene you want to show:

    < / Div>

    php - How to solve this error? session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter -

    I encountered the error above and hit, thinking that for 3 hours is there any way to solve this? ?

    You are probably trying to start the session after the output has started. Setting up of HTTP headers in starting a session involves the header can be modified only before sending any output to the PHP script. Some PHP installations have output buffering enabled, so the session It is really possible to output the content before dealing with it - obviously the PHP engine will sort it automatically, it is disabled by default on your system php.ini or .htaccess < / Code> parameter in file Try setting. If this does not help, then review your code and check that if there is any HTML, email session_start () before calling. In addition, & lt ;? Php ? & Gt; Check the blank characters (new-line characters, tabs, locations) before and after the tag They all should go Finally, check your editor settings and make sure the Unicode Premier is off.

    Pull content render in sharepoint -

    I have a requirement where I have to pull information from some other non-sharepoint sites in the SharePoint page layout. I know that site is also in XML Nobody knows how to share it.

    You can use XML as a data source in SharePoint Designer and then display it in the data view Experiment with Web Part, which uses XSL for data style, which you can fully customize yourself, more information.

    server side - CSS syntax not for STYLE -

    I think CSS syntax and base principles can be very useful, not just for style, is there any PARSE engine Which can work with rules like CSS, for example XML?

    For example, we can create some similar profiles (yes, second one) in which we define the page in XML style (examples only, maybe very stupid or two complex): < / P>

      & lt; Page id = "index" url = "/" controller = "static page" /> & Lt; Page id = "about" url = "/" controller = "static page" action = "about" /> & Lt; Page id = "post" url = "/ post / (\ d +)" type = "regex" controller = "post" square = "" & gt; & Lt; Param id = "1" name = "post_id" /> & Lt; / Page & gt; & Lt; Page id = "post_comment" url = "/ comment / (\ d +)" type = "regex" controller = "post" action = "comment" class = "authneeded" & gt; & Lt; Param id = "1" name = "post_id" /> & Lt; / Page & gt; & Lt; Page id = "post_write" url = "/ write" type = "regex" controller = "static page" action = "type" class = "authneeded" />  

    And type a "CSS" for this:

      * {layout: "layout.html"; // default layout} * [action = ''] {action: "index"; // default action} #post_write {layout: "adminlayout.html"; } .authneeded {redirect: "/"; }. Athaned: Login {// pseudoclas which is only entered when the user has entered. // (Maybe post: log in. Only one // incorrect for implementing pseudoculse) Redirect: incorrect; // No, we do not have to redirect the user to log in}  

    Is not it an interesting way to configure? Even better, we can create an administrator script (jquery-inspired;)

      ./ admin # addoutClass authneeded ./admin "#post PARAM" attr id param_post  

    Is there any engine that can work with rules like CSS?

    Actually there is no CSS, but when you mention xml, always happens, Which can be used to convert XML to different ways. For example, you can create an HTML list from a simple XML file and similarly.

    java - Any way to force jidetabbedpane to show always the first tab -

    I need to display a tabbed pane, but the first tab should be fixed so I tried to use jidetabbedpane, Because it cares about the effect, that all the tabs are listed in a box, it is shipping, it can show the desired closed operation and similarly. But the only thing that I am missing is that option: set the first component steady or stable.

    Any thoughts to overcome that problem?

    Thanks in advance,

    Nils Druse

    That some master pages are always required, though the user is required I have a suggestion to create another tab while working:

    It contains nested Jetbuddpeen as you know, all of the component Can put tabs on 4 sides. So what will I do, which is just making a "primary" jetty with just 1 or 2 tabs, is actually your first "main" tab, after that, the second page of that component can either be empty or if the user The second page creates its first "secondary" page, the second page should be a JPT, perhaps a tab placed in a different direction; And all newly created secondary pages will be contained by this "inner" JTP. The user can flip around in the secondary pages, shut them down, and whatever, the tab for the main page will always appear outside the boundaries of the internal JTP.

    Then you can summon with details, such as the primary JTT tab in the form of a closed tab of the United Nations

    Alternatively, you can assign your primary and secondary content to CardLayout on different pages. And quickly give a button (or two) to go there (and back) depending on what your app keeps, it may require a little less space for you to make this button a action , triggered by an accelerator key ... very fast, very convenient it can make your boss / customer happy.

    testing - How do I setup FitNesse for use with .NET? -

    I am trying to get started with FitNesse for .NET on Windows Vista. In all the tutorials, I have been asked to execute the run.bat file found on the web, but when I get the latest I have a .jar-file when I download it, when I run it, the firestarter is unpacked and I I am browsing on the fitness server. Now, when I am trying to establish a test project, according to all the documents I think that I have to define the path of the Fitzgerald.dll, but I can not find this file anywhere that the file structure Was established in. Jar file What am i doing wrong Download Fatense jar from


      java -jar fite.jar  

    This will launch the web server and the folder FitNesseRoot will create. To check that he has started navigating on http: // localhost - you should see the fitness front page.

    Edit the front page - just add something like HelloWorldTest (There should be a camel case!) Save below and save. Click on the visible question mark and save a new page. Click Properties and make sure Page Type is Test . Download FitSharp to

    and remove it in the Fitfor folder next to your FitNesseRoot .

    Create net projects for tests, add references to fit.dll and just fitSharp.dll created Fitar folder Is located in

    Write a simple test in the net and compile it. For example, use a simple column stability as described above. Add a test table to our HelloWorldTest page.

    Enter HelloWorldTest in the top of your fitness test page (in our example):

     ! Define COMMAND_PATTERN {% m -r Fitness. Firer. FitServer, FishRup \ Fit DLL% P}! Define TEST_RUNNER {fitsharp \ Runner.exe}. Path & lt; Path your test assembly and gt;  

    If you click on the test button and do not see any results, then TEST_RUNNER RunnerW.exe For troubleshooting

    There is a great book on using FitNesse. Net:

    gwt - How to include an Iframe within a Vaadin App? -

    I would like to include an iframe within my wadine app, how do I implement it? My initial idea was to wrap the GWT Frame Widget, the way the approach was used. Is it possible, or is there a better way?

    I think I did not read the booklet (Wadayan's book) is quite good. I got an answer to my question in the section

    internet explorer - Date is disappeared (ASP classic - VB Script) -

    I have a little problem but it makes me crazy I made an application using ASP and I created a text box Today will be filled with the date. It works well in my computer and other customers, but does nothing but it always asks the customer to input the date until it gets bored and no results ...

    First of all I Thought was due to the establishment of IE. I've restored the default setting, but it's a big o. Now I'm fed up with this thing ..

    What do you think about the reasons for this issue? Please need your help ...



    You are probably running in localization problems because you are probably trying to validate that date.

    You will need a more robust method to parse your date in the client or to post it to the server to use a browser independent implementation.

    git svn - GIT svn how to update a path -

    When using svn, I update a repository with the following command.

    TortoiseProc.exe / command: Updates / Path: "c: \ FoldToSVNRepository"
    TurtleProtection.EXA / Command: Update / Path: "c: \ FoldToSVNRepositoryTwo"
    ContosoProXA / Command : Updates / Path: "c: \ FoldToSVNRepositoryThree"

    How will you work with the command equal? Git svn?

    I have taken a look through the document but there is no way to specify the repository directory update.

      git --git-dir = C: \ repo \ .git svn fetch  

    git - How do I check if a repository is bare? -

    I'm getting a warning

      Warning: You specify any referrals to push Not done, and current Remote Alert: Has not configured any Push Rispacex. The default action in this warning: Case is to push all the mailing to the Riffspec, that is, warnings of all branches: both of which are locally and remotely, will be updated. This can be a warning: Not necessarily what you want to do. WARNING: WARNING: You can specify the action you want to take in this matter, and warnings: 'push.default' to 'Warning:' Nothing: Do not push any warning: 'Milan': all existing branches (Default) WARNING: Push 'Tracking': Push the current branch to anyone who is tracking this warning: 'current': push the current branch  

    (I think Is a warning that the remote is not bare, but still The purpose was to be a remote utility, and the directory (which is in foo.git ) does not have a .git directory. How do I check that it is useless?

    Additional Information : On the remote repository computer, with git, and git in the local repository is Both machines are Ubuntu - local is a Personnel Cola, Remote is an old version.

    How do I check that it is useless?

    As mentioned in (upvoted), if you have access to remote repos, then you can run in:

      git Rev-parse --is- Bare-repository  

    It was launched (September 2007) and.

    When the repositories are bare print "true", otherwise "wrong".

    You can use (from):

      git config --add push.default current  

      git config --global push.default match  

    to specify how you want to push by default < / Pre>

    If you have many repositories

    Present: Press the current branch in the branch of the same name.

    Also check that an error message of warning did not come in this way.

    Then your De Stanense repo can be a bare, but as stated in it:

    When you git pull , fetch, push and some others you want to specify a refspec for the current repository.
    A Riffface
    describes the mapping between the local context and the remote one, so that you can push (or drag) the master branch head and store it as your original branch head. You can. Basically it is a method of mapping branches between repo. See


    Note: This is true:

    "Currently in the checked branch " Git push " will be rejected by default.
    You receive the configuration variable on the type of push received document.

    But I do not think this is what you are seeing now.

    As mentioned in "" (below)

    To make this a "real" random repo, simply .git , then mv. GIT / * .; Rmdir .git . Finally, edit the file named config and replace bare = false with bare = true .

    So if your destination repository is in the config file with bare = true , then this is an unmatched repo is .

    c# - Calling Default Constructor from Parameterized Constructor -

    To make me your default constructor & amp; To start all items shown in my code snippet, I would like to call my parametric constructor to call the default constructor, so to create and start those objects, which, without the null reference expression in the paramedical constructor Can be used.

    In this situation, I am not really sure that the best (the most efficient, low code, etc.) way to use the consultants, I like to use constructor channing.

    Again, I have a very basic understanding of constructors, so if this is not possible, please tell me, and tell what will you do in this situation.

      square rectangle {left public line {get; Set; } Public Line Top {Received; Set; } Receive the public line correct; Set; } Public line {received; Set; } Public Rectangle (): This (New Line ()) {} Public Rectangle (Line Diagnostics) {Left = New Line (); Top = new line (); Correct = new line (); Down = new line (); Point start application DiagonalPoint = new point (); Point ending point = new point (); Beginner violet point = diagnosis Startpoint; Finished Degonial Point = Diagnosis End Point; Int begXC = beginner GnialPoint XCoord; Int begYC = ExternalDioialPoint ICoord; Int endXC = Finished DeGonel Point.xCoord; Int endYC = Finished DeGonel Point. ICoord; Point Writersend = New Point (); RightSideEnd.xCoord = endXC; RightSideEnd.yCoord = begYC; Point leftand = new point (); LeftSideEnd.xCoord = begXC; LeftSideEnd.yCoord = endYC; // ----------- Right Definitions ------------- right.startPoint = Finished Degonial Point; Right.endPoint = rightSideEnd; // ------------ Definitions of left side -------------- left.startPoint = startDiagonalPoint; Left.endPoint = leftSideEnd; // ------------ Top side definition ------------- top.startPoint = leftSideEnd; Top.endPoint = Finished DeGonel Point; // ------------ Down Definitions ----------- Below Start page = right sideend; Bottom.endPoint = StartDonePoint; Typically when you have chain constants it's a way around: Default Constructor calls with more specific constructors, with default values. Say you have a point constructor that takes X and Y coordinates. After that, you have the default point constructor called X = 0 and Y = 0. In this way, you only have to type the code to set the value once.  

    Here are some things that you can improve in your code:

    1. You can start for the new code and < Code> initialize the deagonable point and then you overwrite them with reference to diagnostic .startPoint and diagnonal.endPoint . You are making two new points and then leaving them. You do not need to make those new points.

    2. You create new consultants and new lines with the default constructor and set your fields manually. You can create a point constructor which gets two coordinates and sets them, and a line constructor that gets two end points and sets them. Your code will look like this:

      Right Sarvank = New point (AndXC, BEGIC); Point leftand = new point (BGXC, ANDYC); Right = New Line (Finished Degonial Point, Right Sideend); Left = new line (start application, leftendend); Top = new line (left sideend, end to denotiable point); Down = new line (right sideend, beginning application dagoni);

    html - How do I make a link that goes no where -

    Is it possible to create a link that does nothing? I want the item to be a link, so let me change the cursor over the mouseover. But I do not want this link to be really anywhere, because it is actually showing a division with additional functionality on the same page.

    The browser will add to history:

    & lt; A href = "#

    & lt; a href =" javascript:; "& Gt;

    c# - Real-time video encoding for mobile -

    Does a real-time video know a good way to re-encoding (target format 3GP S 263 AMR Enerband and MP4 MP4V is not Mp4a, but at the same time of the course.Input files can be WMV, but support for more input formats is better?)

    Currently we use a C # service Do asynchronous processing which is the ffmpeg command line, but a sink The idea of ​​doing this for aon request is a little sub-optimal because the user has to wait for some time before the playback starts (though, if it is the best condition then I know and I think that I I'll stay with it).

    It would be terrible if we could serve and save the file together (so that we could store it for future requests), but if we can not do this, then it will not be a disaster. .

    As a sidenote, I prefer to avoid a streaming solution because fewer devices will support it, but if I do not want to have any good methods then I would love to hear the option, even if Only Y streaming is included.


    To keep you up-to-date in order to keep you, I am currently playing with the idea of ​​writing a cover where I got it Called FEMPEG's DLL directly to CEE, to think that I can be able to achieve that methodology, I am in that way (instead of holding the data slowly, instead of finishing it once, Enough for enough time Quantity can be found).

    Still, it will work and it is trying to find the best samples of how it will work (even the ones written in C. will show the interface with DLL due to C # ). / P>

    For a streaming solution, we use it to convert any MGG based video to 3GP / H263 Worked fine for us for streaming in However, you should know exactly in terms of spectacles, formats, encoding etc. This is a large area and their product does not "interpret" some basic conditions, they believe that you already know what you are doing besides, as far as I miss, you can get audio and video Channels must be synchronized manually. Their demo app shows how to do this (but then, it's just a demo app, so you can end up with your optimization).

    I think you can use it for re-encoding as well as streaming, I have not tried it myself recently. How do you plan to output results? A System.IO.MemoryStream ?

    Another streaming solution is a well-known streaming server such as, and it is to use "back-to-back" technology: your handler receives a request and Requests for streaming server. The response to the streaming server is displayed to the customer. It's like a hack, but for some time this works very well for us.

    Your ffmpeg solution is fine, and if you can "tolerate" this low-level near-real time conversion, then it may be better to leave it.

    Update : If you wrap ffmpeg with Android, which seems like a great solution, because ffmpeg is a great library, if you can share your solution then it will be great we tried to play with it but we did not take enough time. - How can i create online support like this link? -

    How can I create online support like this link?

    "Contact us" (تماس با ما) Page:

    Help me in this web site?

    It appears that the page uses.

    You can use this service on your site at Yahoo! Messenger website.

    WPF alignment stretch -

    Can someone help me understand the WPF vibe alignment I often go into issues where I'm going to some area Need control for filling, but I have never understood what level at which vertical alignment = "stretch" should be placed. Especially when user controls are included.

    I always solve the problem by trying various things or by straining at all levels, but I understand how to do it properly.

    For example, I have now found:

    • I have a grid with a fixed size cell (which should be replaced with a grid-splitter I have a UserControl in this cell that has a StackPanel TabControl with
    • I have TabItems in TabControl which contains a ListView

    Is another UserControl or some in Pseudo XAML

      & lt; Ns: MyUserControl1 Grid.Row = "0" grid. Column = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt ;! - This MyUserControl1 - & gt; & Lt; StackPanel & gt; & Lt; TabControl & gt; & Lt; TabItem & gt; & Lt; Ns: MyUserControl2 & gt; & Lt ;! - This is in MyUserControl2 - & gt; & Lt; ListView / & gt; & Lt; / Ns: MyUserControl2 & gt; & Lt; / TabItem & gt; & Lt; / TabControl & gt; & Lt; / StackPanel & gt; & Lt; / Ns: MyUserControl & gt;  

    Now I want ListView to fill the entire grid cell (except TabControl and Fringe).

    Your list view will fill your MyUserControl2 - if you want to fit it across the entire tab You will need to make sure that you remove the height and width of the useramontrol in the xaml file (this will be the default for each)

    Edit: Apologies - I have an important part of your xaml Left ... MyUserControl1 container is a stackpane ... it pile up hair controls and theirs Will change the shape to fit; If you change it with a dockpanel (or grid), then hair control will fill the available space and will give you results later ...

    Take a look at the MSDN article ... hopefully help Does

    Are there any reliable methods of calculating the current bitrate of an internet connection? -

    I have experimented with a technique in which a web page is requested which you bit-rate based on bytes Use to calculate The time has passed, you can definitely average many data points, but is this like the exact bit-rate estimate?

    Is there any professional or less harmful technique available? (Or is it just one of the magical mysteries of the Internet?)

    How exactly is it dependent Does the speed information which you are interested in. You should be aware of many things:

    1. Speed ​​testing can be removed by caching
    2. CDN servers that catch a request
    3. DNS caching

    requesting my suggestion to test a reasonable amount of unique sites [inside a qualified margin of error]

    Many of them Test and take the average speed, this is the customer you can expect. The maximum is a projected maximum that the customer can receive. The minimum customer who can guarantee is 0 MBs.

    security - Secure(r) storage of MySQL login information? -

    First of all, I know that there is no such thing as a completely safe solution (and even If its usefulness can also be nonsense.)

    He said, how do you protect your MySQL database by downloading your code and placing it by compromising someone? Depending on your experience with PHP, it is compulsory to store it at a point or at some other code, which sends flags to me, I can see where the variable, continuous and (user-defined) function names Refactoring can be beneficial to obscure, but in the end it can still detect through it and find the file with DB login information.


    Usually MySQL authentication information is external MySQL user, which is used by the web-based configuration file, has no permissions like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and ALTER, DROP, DELETE Has been given. If you want to issue codes to the public, you will not include your personal config file, but instead a general / instructional / minimum config file.

    Storing MySQL auth information in an encrypted format is somewhat silly, as you need to store private key / unencrypted at the local level too. If the code or configuration files on your server are trivial to an unauthorized user, then there is no problem code - it is your server setup & amp; Config

    integer division operator in Prolog -

    This code is a part of the program that I am writing to solve cryptirimetic puzzles in Period. I am resolving it using CLPFD (SICSTUS Prologue). I am getting an error when using the Inbuilt Integer Division operator "//" (see below for details). I was not able to solve it, so I wrote my own integer division function.

    What should I know why "//" fail . Other arithmetic operators like +, -, /


      Hull 1 ([], [], [H], H) . Hull ([H1], [H2], [H3, H4], C): - H1 # \ = 0, H2 = \ = 0, H3 = (C + H1 + H2) Mod 10, H4 = = (C + H + 1 + H2) // 10 Hull ([H1 | T1], [H2 | T2], [H3 | T3], C): - H3 # (C + H + 1H 2) Module 10, C1 # (C + H1 + H 2) // 10, solution (T1, T2, T3, C1).  

    This is an error I got

    Error: Domain error: clpfd_expression 'expected, found (0 + _G1592 + _G1586) // 10 'exception: (12) throw (error (domain_up (CLPFD_ expression, (0 + _G3994 {0..9} + _ G3991 {0..9}) / 10), _G3976))?


      integer_divid (n, m): - m # = n / 10, integer (m). Integer_div (N, M): - N1 # = N Mod 10, N2 # = N-N1, M # = N2/10 solve1 ([], [], [H], H). Hull ([H1], [H2], [H3, H4], C): - H1 # \ = 0, H2 = \ = 0, H3 = (C + H1 + H2) Mod 10, Integer_div (C + H1 + H2), H4). Hull ([H1 | T1], [H2 | T2], [H3 | T3], c): - H3 # (C + H1 + H2) Mod 10, Integer_div (C + H1 + H2) , C1), solution (T1, T2, T3, C1).  

    It works perfectly, "//" was replaced by my own version of the integer division

    According to

    , CLP-FD uses for integer division.

    conditional operator - Php ternary statement -

    Hi I was trying to understand your code recently, so shopping cart was watching the pageinator class, so I could build my own pageinator in the following line of code, it looks like a threesome statement but written in a way that I have never seen before. I google it but I do not know what Google is, can someone tell me how it works and what is called it, so I can do a search for it and learn more.

    Return ($ output? '& Lt; div class = "'. $ This- & gt; style_link." "& Gt; $. $ Output. '& Lt; / div & Gt; ':' ')' & lt; Div square = '' $ This- & gt; Style_reets. ' '& Gt;' . Sprintoff ($ AT-> - $ total)? (($ Page - 1) * $ range) + 1: 0, (($ page - 1) * $ range) & gt; ($ Total - $ range)) $ total: (($ ($ page - 1) * $ range) + $ limit), $ total, $ num_pages) '& lt; / Div & gt; ';

    Just tell me if there is enough code to go to Andrew

    This is called a conditional operator and I abuse it about it.

      if (a == b) c = d; If the consultant operators are low, they may be useful in reducing the other. Other C = E; // can be written as: c = a == b? Day;  

    The given code can be written as:

      return ($ output? '& Lt; div class = "'. $ This - & gt; style_links '' & gt; '$ output.' & Lt; / div & gt; ':' ').' & Lt; div class = ''. $ This- & gt; style_resets. '& Gt;' Sprintoff ($ AT -> - $ total)? (($ Page - 1) * $ range) + 1: 0, (($ page - 1) * $ range) & gt; ($ total - $ range)) $ Total: ('$ page-1) * $ border) + $ limit), $ total, $ num_pages' '; / div & gt;';  


      if ($ output) $ str = '& lt; div class = "' $ This- & gt; Style_links '' & gt; '. $ Output '& lt; / Div & gt; '; Else $ str = ''; $ Str = '& Lt; Div class = "'. $ This- & gt; style_first.' '; If ($ total) $ first = (($ page - 1) * $ range) + 1; and $ before = 0; if $ ($ Page - 1) * $ range) & gt; ($ total - $ range)) $ second = $ total; and $ sec = ((($ page - 1) * $ range) + $ limit); $ $ Str. = '
    / Div>

    delay activity in event handling scope activity - windows workflow sharepoint -

    I am trying to create a scenario:

    • assigned a task to the user
    • To get a task, the manager is created to reassign the user function (do not ask, they want it like this)
    • An email The reminder is required to be sent to the task.

    Therefore, I have to use EventHandlingScope for it Thought:

    • I'm hearing for the work change on the main branch Eventhandieldcope activity,
    • Listening to reassign the job change in the event-driven branch - and if the task of reassignment is activated, then assign the user again to assign the first task
    • Use delay in another event driven branch activity and check periodically Make that User Defined Close to Rik and sending an e-mail reminder

    So, I though Gtnahndscop would be good for this, except delay activity is largely problem.

    If I put a delay activity in one of the event handlers branches it seems to fire once but not more. Whereas if I put an on-task change activity, then every time a job changes.

    So, is this the expected behavior? Why not delay activity loop? How can I separate it? My idea is with the CAG, but it looks a bit more complex ...

    UPDATE: The problem with the CAG is that till the delay is done, the whole thing is blocked, Even if the on-change event has been removed. It makes sense, but makes it a bit complicated to use.

    Update 2: I have changed the text again to make it clear to the candidate

    > Listen to activity .

    Listen to activity 3 EventDriven Activity is given for the first time. Your "user is completed work" branch for the first time, the second "changed the user assigned the manager" branch and the third one delay activity Your Email

    Listen to any branch in the activity can accomplish the activity and when listen, other activities will be canceled in the activity.

    To ensure you It will require that the "User Complete" sequence sets some values, while the loop can be tested by that when the user completes a task, then the loop is released.

    When the "User Function" Full "sh Apart from Aakha, no branch is responsible for fulfilling , listen to activity will bring back the workflow loop to listenActivity and all 3 including the DelayActivity The event will re-execute activities.

    Note that this is something different from the EventHandlingScope approach because "Users will listen to the task" will be canceled and will be executed again, whereas this will not happen with the Event HandlingScope. IMO is a better system because it means that the user acting at the beginning of the ear at present is finally guaranteed to be unchanged (because if it is changed then the whole activity is dismissed and A new start)

    Event handling: Why was it removed once in a spouse

    The set which you effectively set up is an opportunity that is listening to two incidents is. One of your managers changed the appointment of the user, the other was a "timer removed incident".

    Now, in the manner described in the document, it seems that some loop is included as if any of these activities are restarted, though it is not quite like it, it is actually the original Continues to listen for the incident and if any other incident is removed then the material will be replayed again.

    In case of delay activity there is some internal "timer removed incident", which is being used to listen when timelines are set when delay is first recorded. So that the timer set fire to the proper time, then he hears for the incident. Once the "timer removed incident" is heard, after removing the scope returns, there is no resume of the initial code which is timeout setup Does anyone so Mr. coming from "Timer Fired event".

    why Html form mail gives the coordinates of the image button in firefox -

    I have an html mail form and I was just wondering why I received the coordinates of the submit image button in my body The message in Firefox is a way to remove it.


      & lt; Form method = "post" action = "mailto: topic = password request enctype =" text / plain ">     

    php - curl not sending cookie value -

    I want to read a cookie value that I received after a login by sending a POST request.

    Then I want to send that cookie value to another action of the curl with another post request. But after sending it when I'm trying to see all the post headers, it shows that I have sent a cookie value. This value is not available for my posted URL, so is not able to access information due to authentication. Please tell me that I have done something wrong:

      $ ur1 = " group"; $ Postfields1 = "device = mapp and type = ajax & amp; name1 = rA & cc1 = 91 & amp; min1 = 90name2 = imm & cc2 = 91 & amp; min2 = 97"; // post request sends $ ch1 = curl_init (); Curl_setopt ($ ch1, CURLOPT_URL, $ URL1); Curl_setopt ($ ch1, CURLOPT_POST, 1); Curl_setopt ($ CH1, CURLOPT_COOKIE, 'JSESSIONID = 199FFF6355DEA87F3D72E692E7514AD2'); Curl_setopt ($ ch1, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); Curl_setopt ($ CH1, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); Curl_setopt ($ CH1, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); Curl_setopt ($ CH1, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $ Postfield 1); $ Result = curl_xac ($ c1); Print_r (headers_list ()); // displays all the post request data $ ret = ReturnVal ($ results); Print_r (get_headers ($ url1, 1)); // curl_close ($ ch1);  

    What is wrong with this code that is blocking the JSESSIONID value accessible as a cookie value?

    Find comments (or "cookies") on this page:

    Do not mention in the document that you have to set a file CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR to handle curl actually use cookies, if it is not set the cookies will not be parsed.

    Javascript + python url-en/decoding problem -

    Hello, I collided with url encoding between Python and JavaScript, I hope you can help me : S


      EncoderIconPonentant ('Lo'); - & gt; "L% C3% B4l"  


      import urlib test = container.REQUEST.form.get ('test') print print print urllib .key (test) - & gt; "Lail" - & gt; "LÃŽl" javascript encodes "lôl" twice but the dragon does that once, I do not know how to run away from it, because I get anyway that the prototype HTTP request "L% C3%  

    ** Edit it on a zope webserver

    zopo Already decodes the URL - the issue is that you are getting a UTF-8 biotech and print it on non-UTF-8 terminal Try to decode the string.

      x = 'l \ xc3 \ xb4l' Unicode_x = x.decode ('utf-8') Print Unicode_x  

    c# - TimeSpan.Parse time format hhmmss -

    In C # i 12:45:10 for the format like 124510 is the time in hhmms and I need to know the total seconds I have used the timepan ("12:45:10"). ToTalSeconds but this format does not take hhmmss. Is this a good way to convert?

    this can help

      system; Using System.Globalization; Namespace Console Application 7 (Class Programs {Static Wide Men (String [] ARGs) {Datetime D = Datetime. Purs Auxact ("124510", "HMMS", Culture Info. InverterTech); Console.light line ("Total seconds:" + D. Time of DadsSecunds); Console.ReadLine ();}}}  

    Note that this will not handle 24 hr time, HHmmss should be used. - Sort blank entries to bottom of LINQ query -

    I am trying to sort the SQL query with LINQ based on two fields. The first area is sometimes a tap that automatically goes to the top of an ascending query. Is there any way to make Zero entries like that?

    Here's an example:

      SampleDataContact.Exchange x to x command, x.Sequence_Number _x.Date, x.Sequence_Number  
  • 12/2/09, 5
  • 12/3/09, 2

    Desired order:

    • 12/2/09, 5
    • 12 / 3/09, 2
    • 12/3/09, 3
    • Zero, 1
    • NULL, 4

      If they are string:

       by  order (string.IsNullOrEmpty (x.Date)? " Zzzzzz ": x.Date)  

      If they are spaces:

        to order (x. Date? Datetime.maxvalue)  

  • Is it possible to partially decode and update JSON? (go) -

    I have to decode and update just one specific value of a JSON object. The issue is that I do not know the whole structure of the object. Encoding / JSN package "ignores" / removes not provided fields in the string so that these fields can be encoded. I am thinking that this is only the structure that I know, it is possible to update it and then martial it without reducing / removing the unknown structure / information.

    It seems that this is possible. Package main import ("Encoding / Jason" "FMT" "Log") Function Main () {Type Color Structure {Space String Point Jason. RAMSase / delay parsing until we do not know the color space} Type RGB structure {RUIT 8G UIT 8B UIT 8} Type YCBCCR structure {YUIT 8 CB int 8 CR int 8} var j = [] byte (` {"Space": "YCBCR", "Point": {"Y": 255, "CB": 0, "CR": -10}} `` Mistakes in Color Colors: = json.Unmarshal (j, & If the mistake! = Zero {log. FATALLN ("error:", error)} color space = "no space" b, err: = json.marshal (and color) if mistake! = Zero {terror ( Personality)} fmt.printf ( "b is% s", b) return}

    Meteor command not found -

    I have installed the same version from a computer and the command "meteor" runs normally, now I have another computer Trying to install in me but giving me the issue that "Meteor command was not found" I tried to add the path to the system variable, but it does not seem to work. any idea? You have discovered in Windows (using Windows 8.1) that you have to type the meteor.

    meteor.bat create Myapp

    javascript - Animated object showing up twice using wow.js -

    I am animated using the creation of a website homepage and using WOW. JS (), one of my animated divisions, is the Twitter feed. The issue is that before the animation the Twitter feed is pre-loaded and then reloads with the animation. Is there a way to stop it? (I'm pretty weird because it was not in the local installation of the website and I do not know what is the reason for it).


    Adding it to your CSS should solve that problem:

      .by {visibility: hidden; }  

    c# - WCF service with Windows Authentication accessed from desktop and web -

    The WinForms app that I have a Aspiknet Web site and connected to the same WCF service.

    web.config of WCF services, is binding on app.config of WinForm application, and website looks like web.config is:

      & lt; Ws2007httpBinding & gt; & Lt; Binding name = "lbidadding" message encoding = "ammut" & gt; & Lt; Security mode = "message" & gt; & Lt; Transport Customer Credential Type = "Windows" /> & Lt; Message client CredentialType = "Windows" /> & Lt; / Safety & gt; & Lt; / Binding & gt; & Lt; / Ws2007httpBinding & gt;  

    Both desktop applications Web site, I speaking DoSomething () service on Host function:

      l Client = New alcultant (); client.ChannelFactory.Credentials.Windows.ClientCredential.UserName = usernameTextBox.Text client.ChannelFactory.Credentials.Windows.ClientCredential.Password = passwordTextBox.Text client.DoSomething ()  

    username / password Windows domain credentials user name as follows: domain \ username

    both the desktop app and web site, Windows authentication does work correctly when the user enters combining the correct username / password < / P>

    However, the web site, when the user is a valid user Name, and enters the wrong password, and clicks on the submit button to validate your credentials, DoSomething method seems to "hang", in fact, it never makes the DoSomething () on the server I The desktop app has just waited for a few minutes, and the browser does not seem to go back to DoSomething () call.

    On the other hand, when the user enters a valid user name and wrong password, the default window security dialog appears. If the user enters the correct credential, then dosoming () is successfully called, if they enter the wrong password, then the same default window security dialog is shown again, asking the user to re-enter their credentials is.

    My questions are:

    1. Why does nothing () hang on the web site, but not on the desktop app
    2. Perhaps, there is something to do with the desktop app that is showing the default window security dialog? There is a way to shut it down
    3. Obviously, in IE, if you go to Internet Options -> custom level> User authentication and radio box "prompt for username and password" Select the default Select Window Security dialog, the user asks to re-enter their credentials I do not like this solution because the user needs to modify their IE settings So there is

      serviceClient.ClientCredentials.SupportInteractive = false;  

    C# DataSet DataTableAdapter Query Builder SQL options -

    I have a Windows Project C # project in a Visual Studio 2013. In this project, I have created a dataset and some datatile adapter and DataTables.

    When you right-click on a DataTableAdapter -> Configure, you get the "Query Builder" option, where you can create a query for your database (in my case, an ODBC connection) .

    Here is my problem. The query that I am allowed to receive in terms of the types of measures available to me is very limited. For example, I can not use Top or Serious:

      select id, record time, value by tbl ORDER Record time LIMIT (1)  
    < P> or

      select top (1) id, record time, value from tbl  

    Up to 2 questions will cause an error when I try to save it Will do But if I remove the top and the serious streams, I do not get any errors.

    A lot of what I am trying to achieve is to get just one row or the last line I can not find an easy way to do this.

    Choosing tools for animated data visualisation on a google map(or any other map provider). -

    Sorry for the unclear nature of the query I want to apply an application to visualize some geographic data on the map. To be clear, I have some latitude / long space in the textile file. How can I attract directly to the map using Open Layers or Google Maps API? However, I have some other data files, with each attribute related to each point I want to iterate over those files, read point attributes, and update the map (changing the radius of the respective point) such as the file I read my final goal is something that is done here. If someone can explain to me how to do this, or tell me in a set of tutorials, then I would appreciate it. Thank you.

    I think you can add all the points, Are array or list.

    Then you can find the circle and the function can change its radius.

    how to download and display an image from an URL in R? -

    My goal is to download an image from a URL and then display it in R.

    I found a URL and found out how to download it. But the downloaded file can not be previewed because it is 'damaged, corrupted, or too big'.

      y = " 5/5D / Aaron Aichhatt 10 TIFF. JPGs" Download.php (y, 'y.jpg' )  

    I also tried

      in the image ('y.jpg'), but shows an error message:  
      Error in image.default ("y.jpg"): Logic matrix should be such as  

    any suggestions?

    If I try your code, it seems that the image has been downloaded. However, when the window image was opened with the viewer, it also says that it is corrupt. The reason for this is that you have not specified the mode in the download.file statement.

    Try it out:

    for more information about the mode? Download.file

    view> download.file (y, 'y.jpg', mode = 'wb') / code>

    At least the file you downloaded is working like this

    To see the image in R

      jj & lt; - readJPEG ("y.jpg", root = TRUE) plot (0: 1, 0: 1, type = "n", n = falls, axis = FALSE) raster image (jj, 0,0,1,1 )  

    or or

    c# - What is a more elegant way to use editorfor for nullable datetime -

      @if (Model.RecDateFrom.HasValue) {@ Html.EditorFor (मॉडल = & gt; model.RecDateFrom, नए {html गुणों = नया {@Value = Model.RecDateFrom.Value.ToString ("yyyy-MM-dd"), @ वर्ग = "फॉर्म-नियंत्रण इनपुट-एसएम छोटा-इनपुट-फिक्स"}}}) अन्य {@Html .EditorFor (model = & gt; model.RecDateFrom, नया {htmlAttributes = new {@class = "form-control input-sm small-input-fix"}})} @ html.ValidationMessageFor (model = & gt; model.RecDateFrom, "", नया {@class = "text-danger"})  

    आप मूल्य को सेट करने से पहले डेटाटैम रिक्त है अगर आप को कैसे संभालना है ऊपर देख सकते हैं मुझे मान सेट करना पड़ता है क्योंकि MVC किसी दिनांक इनपुट के लिए गलत प्रारूप का उपयोग करता है, जिससे क्रोम में सही डिफ़ॉल्ट मान नहीं होता है।

    मैं स्वीकार किए गए समाधान का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहता क्योंकि यह परिवर्तन इसके लिए डिस्प्ले का प्रारूप भी।

    मैंने संपादक टेम्पलेट्स का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की है, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि आपको शुरुआती दिनांक से शुरू करने के लिए संपादक टेम्पलेट का विस्तार करने की बजाय, खरोंच से शुरू करना होगा (यह MVC के एक बड़े दोष की तरह लगता है,

    यदि आप ब्राउज़रों एचटीएमएल 5 डेटपिकर रेंडर करना चाहते हैं, तो आपको बस आवेदन करने की ज़रूरत है आप के लिए सही गुण संपत्ति नोट करें कि प्रारूप स्ट्रिंग आईएसओ प्रारूप में होनी चाहिए। [डेटाटाइप (डेटाटाइप.डेट)] [डिस्प्ले फ़ॉर्मेट (डेटाफॉर्मैट स्ट्रिंग = "{0: yyyy-MM-dd}", ApplyFormatInEditMode = true) ] सार्वजनिक तिथि टाइम रिकडेट {प्राप्त; सेट; }

    और फिर दृश्य में

      @ Html.EditorFor (m = & gt; m.RecDateFrom, नया {htmlAttributes = new {@class = " साइड नोट: HTML5 डेटपिकर पुराने ब्राउज़र में समर्थित नहीं है और फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स में अभी तक बिल्कुल नहीं है, इसलिए यह हो सकता है कि एक jquery प्लगइन का उपयोग करने के लिए बेहतर (कम से कम अल्पावधि में) (और प्लगइन प्रारंभकर्ता में प्रारूप सेट करें) उदाहरण के लिए, jquery ui datepicker -  $ ('# datepicker') का उपयोग कर। Datepicker ({dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy'})  

    excel - recalculate currency by selection curency symbol from drop down box -

    Every time I select the currency from the user drop down box, the value needs to be re-calculated .

    Example <

    column A column B product 1 25 product 2 34 product 3 16

    Assuming that the value in column B is in the euro, There is a need to create a drop down box that includes Euro, USD, GBP and so on. Every time I select a currency from the drop down list, then I want Column B to recalculate on the basis of the currency rate between the euro and the selected currency.

    Any ideas how to do that?

    Add a column for the converted values, which is counted as the Euro value (column) E1

    Has been copied down to suit. D1 can hold your drop-down list, which operates from a lookup table, which holds the conversion factor next to the currency indicator (right on the right). Say that the table is H1: I3, then in E1:

      = VLOOKUP (D1, H1: I3,2,0)  

    SO29110827 Example

    ios - Parse issue, expected a type after copying files -

    I use SWTableViewCell files

    After trying to copy files to my project folder There are many errors in the file NSMutableArray + SWUtilityButtons.h and .m

    Image Details Here Enter

    I do not know what to do, I have used these files in other projects without any problems.

    I appreciate any help to solve this problem

    / div>

    Add @import UIKit; in the header of that file.

    excel - how to copy text from column of active sheet and past it to another sheet according to the specific row and column number which are in active sheet -

    I am new to excel vba. I want to write a macro which can copy the text value from column A to the last line from the first line and back it on another sheet of the same wordbook, but the complex part is that I have this text specific Line and column number that are given in the active sheet in column B and C.

    This is an example of my data in active sheet:

      column One way Column B. Column C text value row column aaaa 1 1aaa 1 2 bbbb 1 3bbbb 1 4 cccc 1 cccc 1 6 dddd 2 1 dddd 2 2 dddd 2 3 eeee 2 4 eeee 2 5 fff 2 6  

    and so on.

    The result sheet should be:

      column A column B column C column D column E column F ..... 1 aaaa BBBB BBBB CCCC CCCC 2DDDD DDDD DDD EEFFFF3 4  

    This should work for you.

      option clear sub copy_rng () as a working book, as ws1 worksheet, ws1 as the worksheet dim in the form of slow lane, as long as dim myArray () As the version set wb = ThisWorkbook set ws1 = wb.Sheets ("Sheet1") set ws2 = wb sheets ("Sheet2") Lowe = cells (rows.account, 1). End (XLEEP). Ro Mayer () = ws1. Range (cells (1, 1), cells (LLO, 3)). Price Version 2 Activate I = 1 for Ubound (myArray) cell (myArray (i, 2), myArray (i, 3)) Value2 = myArray (i, 1) if myArray (i, 4) = 1 then cells (myArray , 2), my array (i, 3). Internal. My color = xl theme caller accent 1 'blue alsieriarrierre (mine, 4) = 2 then cells (Marraye (I, 2), IARRA (I, 3)). Internal.IMFCLLR = XLThemeExenta2 'Red ALSIF MyAre (I, 4) = 3 then cells (MyEre (I, 2), IARRA (I, 3)) .IEEELER = XLThemeExchange 3' green Lei If Irene (I, 4) = 4 then cells (Mariere (I, 2), Mayor (I, 3)) Internal.IMELL = XLThemeClickerExchange 6 'Orange Closing If Next I End Substitutes  

    You can create an array with data from worksheet 1, and then use the column number from row to copy data from column A to right ales.

    amazon ec2 - Can I use anycast or latency-based routing with Cloudflare? -

    I am currently using Cloudflare because my DNS indicates load-balancer in EC2. I am not remembering this setup with two main features that really want to add:

    1. Try to reach the closest backend server to complete the request to my site to my site .
    2. Health check and automatic failure, so if I have several servers that can fulfill the request, and one of them goes down, it should be taken out of the pool, and no user sent there should go.

    Can I complete it with Cloudflare? Do I need to use something like rootfloor + root 5 or do I need to turn off CloudFlare completely?

    CloudFlare already uses.

    We fail this time automatically (something we are seeing), but you probably could pull out an IP to create a script through our API goes down.

    We now support round robin entries for many servers, but there is no way to implement it so that a visitor from a certain area hits a fixed server in your DNS settings. .

    / div>

    xcode - Flickering UIView in Simulator running from a Playground -

    I am running a playground, Xcode 6.3 (6D543q). So swift 1.2

    Playground import XCPlayground I make a UIView and I am calling it the XCPShowView () to render the simulator instead of the playing field. I am presenting the UIAlertView in the same way.

    The UIAlertView is normally visible. A UIView flickers between a bigger and smaller size about 5 times a second, proper irregular. I have tried resizing it but have tried to meet the limit of luck

    code below ....

      // playground - noun: There is a place where people can import imported iiKIT imports Foundation Import Expanded XCPlayground.XCPSetExecutionShouldContinueIndefinitely (continuINDefinitely: true) @objc Class AlertHandler: NSOBX, UIAlertViewyGate {Fan AlertViews (Warning View: UIAlertview, Clicked ButtonAtinday X button index: int) {if buttonIndex & gt; 0 {// see things .... go redRectangleFrame = CGRect (X: 0, Y: 0, width: 200, height: 200) to redRectangle = UIView (frame: redRectangleFrame) redRectangle.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor () redRectangle .setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints (false) XCPShowView ( "Red Rectangle", redRectangle) things to see // warning ... receiving Denalertuwu = Chetavnipradrshit to text = alertView.textFieldAtIndex (0)?. text println ( "\ (text!)") Println ( "button" \ (buttonIndex))}}} Let anAlertHandler = alertHandler () let Status = "Hey there!" Give the message- "Do you have a moment to talk about our God and Savior, Kathallu?" Let's cancel = "sound weird" fix = "oh yeah!" Let's warning = UIAlertView (Title: Status, Send Message, representatives: AnAlertHandler, CancelButtonTitle: Cancel, OtherButtonTitles: OK) alert.alertViewStyle = UIAlertViewStyle.PlainTextInput () XCPShowView ( "alert", warning)  

    field examples of some flicker simulator test game seen locally with some (example crashed for me (Version 6.3.2 (6D2105))

    (His animation was visible, but was flickering, and a Iwyapi)

    There are some limitations and drag it back into Uaiket in playgrounds. The priority is that there are some problems with the auto layout when used in the playgrounds. Some hurdles, in addition to the increase in compile time, can be the reason for runtime exceptions. Hopefully future updates of Xcode will solve this. While using XCPlayground another delusional playgrounds may be delayed because Xcode works with the running iOS simulator behind the gamecode.

    Display time format as (MM/DD/YYYY - HH:MM AM/PM) - Django/Python -

    Under the "Send_mail" function, I would like to change the "Start" variable to display as the date / time MM / DD / YYYY - HH: MM AM / PM In the email do anyone know how to do this is?

    Thanks in advance!

      date = coerce_date_dict (request.GET) initial_data = none of the date: try: start = datetime.datetime (date **) initial_data = {"start": start, "end" : Start + datetime.timedelta (min = 60)} Exclude writing error: Http404 except ValueError: Http404 enhanced example = If none does, event_id does not have any: example = get_object_or_404 (event, id = event_id) calendar = Get_object_or_404 (calendar, slug = calendar_slug) form = form_class (data = request. POST or none, example = example, initial = initial_data) if form.is_valid (): event = (commit = False) If the example is none: event.creator = request.user Event Calendar = Try Calendar: send_mail ('New Text', '% s'% s'% (request.user.full_name, Start) for a New lesson is determined, except '', [' ']): pass () next = next or reverse (' event ', args = [eve nt. Id]) next = get_next_url (request, adjacent) return to HttpResponseRedirect (next)  

    Start is an object, so we need to generate a formatted string Method can call.

    You want the format specifier % m /% d /% Y% I:% M% p

    for example, the current time (my StripTime Method: 03/17/2015 05:51 PM

    We can easily download your code In this way you can integrate:

      start = datetime.datetime (** date) Initial_data = {"start": start.strftime ("% m /% d /% Y% I :% M% p ")," end ": start + datetime.timedelta (minutes = 60)}  

    Note: Make sure you make this change and the other "Down the road" does not violate - initial_data ['start'] as was a datetime.datetime object, and now There is a string.

    decode - byte[] to png file in Android -

    Hi I'm working on the application that receives .png files in the byte stream from the server. When I got it, I try to make it with bmp and later convert it to a .png file, but the following method ( bitmap emg = bitmapfiredererakabaytrere (result, 0, result length); < / Code>) returns me empty.

    Here is my code:

      byte [] results bitmap img = bitmapfirederereakAbitArere (result, 0, result. Length); {File file name = new file (try imageUri.getPath (++); file parentFile = new file (imageUri.getPath ()); parentFile.mkdirs (); FileOutputStream Out = New FileOutputStream (file name); Img .compress (bitmap.compress format.png, 90, outside);} hold (FileNotFoundException e) {Log.e ("image downloaded", E. T. String ());} hold (exception e) {Log.e ( "Image download", estosting ());}  

    but the img bitmap is always empty. I uploaded the image as multi-part data and it was a png file Was parsed byte array, but now when I do it I want to retrieve me get this ugly null. Thanks for any help.

    gpgpu - openCL on consoles for General purpose GPU? -

    Can we use OpenCL on a console like Xbox One and PS4 for general purpose GPUs? If so, can we use OpenCL Framework like Arrayer -?


    While AMD GPU hardware supports OpenCL on the latest version of each console Similar to hardware hardware, console vendors do not offer OpenCL as programming API (unless it is public information and only available under NDA). If enough game gods asked for it then it could happen.

    node.js - AngularJS, Use passport without redirect/refresh on server side -

    I am using nodjs, angulars and passports and trying to use google + login using my .

    In the example I have added 2 routes:

    • / auth / google:
    • / auth / google / callback
    • < / Ul>

      In addition to this I saw that those routes are called through a link:
      & lt; A href = '/ auth / google / & gt; Sign in to Google & lt; / A & gt;

      What is the function in my app?

      However, I wanted to call the collier's way to avoid redirection - which means:

        $ When I tried to do it, Violation error has occurred  

      "No 'access-control-permission-origin' header exists on requested resource"

      (CORS rules added to my NodesJS server Had gone).

      Is this a way to use $ http should not redirect to back-end and not?

      from $ HttpProvider

        angular.module ('ngdemo') .config (['$ httpProvider', function ($ httpProvider) {$ httpProvider.defaults.useXDomain = true; Delete $ ['Ex-Requested-To'];}]); For more information,  

    jQuery Printing to the Screen -

    Hi guys, I have a problem displaying a message on the screen using jQuery. This is the code I have:

      $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# signup"). Submit (function (evt) {value = $ ('# Input '). Val (); if (value == ft = value == 0 || isNa (value)) {warning ("input error, please try again");} other value = value * 2.20462262; Alert (value);});});  

    I can do it with an alert but I need it to write directly on the screen in one place.

    Please help :)

    First of all, I believe that your < Code> #singup element is a form, since you are calling a submit event on it. A standard submitted form is a submitted event, so when you click on the submit button on that hull, they will execute whatever they set (in most cases what is in the action attribute). If you want to do something else by default, you call jQuery preventDefault () , then you, okay, stop the default job from here, whatever you want to do, you do Do more. In your case, you can add value from input field to #answer box or div or whatever.

    Then, your JS will look something like this:

    $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# signup"). Submit (function E) {e.preventDefault (); value = $ ('# field'). ('& Lt; p & gt;' + value + '& lt; / p & gt;';)}};});

    And ($ "answer") in your HTML, you have a #singup form, a #field input and your requested < Code> #answer field . This is one.

    Hope it helps! =)

    objective c - Layer hosting NSView within NSOutlineView -

    I am trying to create a custom NSView which is the CALayer To perform efficient performance hierarchy, it is embedded within a NSView then a NSTableCellView which is displayed by View-based NSOutlineView .

    The problem is that whenever I expand or collapse an item, all the rows are being moved, but the contents of the layer are displayed in that position to change the outline Happens before.

    > NSOutlineView seems to be refreshing the layers and they sync again with their rows in that row.

    I've debug this behavior from the devices and it seems that scrolling stimulates a layout operation that is a setPosition: call that occurs when the items are being expanded or collapsed was supposed.

    Here is some sample code for hosting a <00> code> NSVU subdivision. @ Interface testview: NSVUP @ export @ exploration testview - (Instantize) Intewithframe: (NSRact) fragment {self = [super intwthframe: framereach]; Casplayer * layer = [capsular layer]; Layer.bound = selfbound; Layer.position = CGExMake (NSMIDX (self bands), NSMIDY (self bands)); Layer. Path = [NSBZearpath BeeperPathwith Ovalline Protect: Self Bounds] .CGPath; Layer. Fill collar = [encoker red color]. CG color; Layer. Delegate = self; Self. Layer = layer; Self. Way Layer = Yes; Self return; } @ And

    I have tried many possible solutions to this problem, but I could not find any interesting method which is called on NSView example can be overridden to call [self. Layer Setnide Display] or [auto. Layer Setnad's Layout] . I have also tried different setters on CALayer like:

      layer AutoresizingMask = kCALayerWidthSizable | KCALayerHeightSizable; Layer.needsDisplayOnBoundsChange = YES; Self. Layer ContentRadra Policy = NSViewLayerContentsRedrawOnSetNeedsDisplay; Can anyone help me find out how it is a  NSOutlineView  

    I ended the answer to my question. The problem was not in the manner of implementing my test-scene. I missed only one step to enable CoreAnimation support within the application. The relevant reference is within the core animation programming guide.

    Basically, iOS is always enabled by default in core animation and layer backing. In OS X, it has to be enabled in such a way:

    1. Links against quartzakor framework
    2. Support one or more NSView objects for the following
        < Li> In your Nib files, use the View Impact Inspector to enable layer support for your views. The inspector displays the check box for the selected view and its subview. It is recommended that whenever possible you can support the layer in the country view of your window
      • For ideas created by you programmatically, call the Wentleire set of view: method and To assume that the layers should use the layers.

    Once I enable layer support on the parents of any NSOutlineView, different problems are resolved. - Owin SuppressDefaultHostAuthentication and existing HTTP Module -

    In an existing ASP.NET MVC application, I have added WebAPI. I have used the most template code which is a new one Is generated from the project.

    I have to face some issues related to authentication. I've added the API to avoid the usual login process:

      config.SuppressDefaultHostAuthentication (); Config.Filters.Add (New HostAuthenticationFilter (OAuthDefaults.AuthenticationType)); According to the default template,  


    However, I get an error by calling my API: "There is no OYIN authentication manager related to the request."

    I found out that the reason is that the custom HTTP module is active; Removing the module from the Web.config API works though the 'normal' web application requires this module.

    Is there a way to connect the HTTP module with OVIN authentication?

    The module is defined as such:

      Public class MGPContextInitializer module: IHttpModule {Public Zero Init (HttpApplication Reference) {if (context! = Null) {context.AcquireRequestState + = AcquireRequestState; Context.BeginRequest + = new EventHandler; }} Private Zero AcquireRequestState (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {If (HttpContext.Current.Session! = Faucet) {InitializeUserCulture (New HttpContextWrapper (HttpContext.Current) .GetSessionID ()); }} Private Zero BeginRequest (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {InitializeCustomer ((HttpApplication) Sender); } Private Static void InitializeInstantie (HttpApplication Application) {HttpContextBase ReferenceBase = New HttpContextWrapper (application.Context); Margadata RoadData = MargTab.Rout Geturoutadata (referencebase); If (Margaata! = Null) {var customer = Margaata Value ["customer"]; If (customer! = Null) {Initializer.InitializeCustomer (customer.ToString ()); }}}}