Saturday 15 January 2011

java - Is it possible to bind a Spring Form to an Object using the constructor or by mapping multiple fields to a single value via a custom Editor? -

I have an object that is internal representation that is not suitable for data entry. I have a class with many custom components, one of which is a range class.

I have a fully functional constructor which can handle multiple field options but I do not believe the range class is easy to use two text field inputs instead of a text field field. Spring gets any way to use the constructor instead of the setter injection. Am I wrong about that? If I am not, can it be possible to pair two form elements of the same object member using a custom property editor or some related method?

Thank you!

I do not think much about your problem, assuming that the range object 'range' Start 'and' RangeAndend 'properties. With a field & lt; Spring: Tie Path = "yourObject.rangeStart" & gt; Use and other fields with & lt; Spring: Bind Path = "yourObject.rangeEnd" & gt; .

html - jquery Jscroll Not Showing -

Jscroll can not seem to show up I have set a color in the style sheet to test it, but I can not find anything to show. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have spent some time today just around with jScroll I saw that your page is jQuery 1.2.3 Using - have you tried to update it to the latest 1.3.2? I believe that the latest version has many new properties / methods that were not available in the version you were using (innerwidth is one of them).

Good luck!

jquery - Don't auto-close dialog onClick -

How can I turn off the mouse by clicking on the jQuery dialog? It is okay to stop killing ASK, but I want to keep it open until it closes by clicking on the close-icon.

Any thoughts?

Post-text "itemprop =" text ">

You can use dialogue barclosures events to pass the callback function, whenever the dialog is going to close.

If you come back to false from this task, then the closure will be canceled.

  $ ('selector'). 'Dialogbeforeclose', function (event, ui) {...});  

You can do something like check the element that results from the event Was given, and its use was determined For the user clicked to turn on X or on anything else.

visual studio 2008 - Simultaneous connections, excel -

I have the beginning of the session and preventing time, in the format like this:

 < Code> 23/11/09 15:18:32, 23/11/09 15:18:40 23/11/09 15:20:02, 23/11/09 15:20:32 23/11/09 15 : 20: 10, 23/11/09 15:20:40  

It is currently in Excel, in the second, start a date time in a column end datetime.

What I really want to do is post processing on this data. I'm not sure what to use yet, whether it's developing your own application, or just use Excel, which I was hoping for help. Period x Ask for simplicity, hours 15:00 - 16:00 based on these sessions, I want to know about how many simultaneous connections between those hours.

Suggestions of any ideas, how, what use? Excel? Vs2008?

I think this is a good thing about keeping excellence, so I can easily generate charts ... etc ... and I'm always struggling to work with versus versus objects I am

I believe this is not an easy problem. Let me reassign your issue: You can consider each connection as a segment on a line, with the starting value and the last value. Whatever you are trying to find is the largest sub-group of those segments in which there is a non-pointless intersection; The number of elements in that subset is the number of concurrent connections. If you can solve it, it should be trivial to find the answer for a limited time period (just "sort" each connection so that the beginning of the starting price period starts from the beginning connection period) . The reason I think it is difficult is that if you take three sections, say, from 1:00 to 2:00, 1:00 to 1:15 and from 1:45 to 2:00, all 3 overlap , But you have only 2 concurrent connections just to check how many connections overlap, how many connections will not be enough, you really have to consider how overlap overlaps speak.
Most things can be done in Excel, at least if you use VBA, I do not think that this is actually your problem - the issue itself is algorithm.
Edit : I dig up a little early, and feel like what you are trying to do. I'll dig some more, but this can give you a starting point.
Edit 2 To get a decent answer, a "cheap" way, break the period at which you are considering, at small intervals (ex: in 5-minute sections Break an hour) and for each segment, calculate the connections which overlap. There should clearly be a fast way of identifying a section where most of the segments pierce each other!

iphone - How to crop image after taken from UIImagePicker Camera? -

I am trying to allow users to take 16x9 aspect ratio images, such as they are good HD photos. I am using the overlay black salad on both ends of the camera view overlay, but when the image is taken, how can I crop above and below without changing or changing the image?

Thank you.

There are various posts like how to scale / crop the UIIm coming back from the camera. / P>

This is a bit easier than expected, because camera images are rotated, so you have to think about rotation even if you are just planting.

c# - using the where clause + new constraint with args? -

मेरे पास ऐसा कोड है जो इस तरह दिखता है:

  सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक T CreateSomething & lt; T & gt; (SomeType a) जहां T: कुछ MicrosoftBaseClass, नया () {var newElement = new T {SomeProperty = a}; कार्य करना(); नए एलेमेंट लौटें; }  

और अब मुझे कोड को बदलने की आवश्यकता है, इसलिए मैं कुछ माइक्रोसॉफ्टबेस क्लास के बूलियन तर्क के निर्माता को पास कर सकता हूं - जो मैं केवल निर्माण पर सेट कर सकता हूं।

< P> चूंकि "नया ()" बाधा को सार्वजनिक पैरामीटर-कम कन्स्ट्रक्टर की आवश्यकता होती है, और जब से मैं किसी इंटरफ़ेस का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता या कुछ माइक्रोसॉफ्टोबस क्लास को संशोधित कर सकता हूं, तो मैं इस तरह प्रतिबिंब का उपयोग कर रहा हूं:

  var newElement = (T) (टाइपफ (टी) .GetConstructor (नया प्रकार [] {टाइपफ (कुछ प्रकार)})। आह्वान करें (नया ऑब्जेक्ट [] {a}));  

क्या यह करने के लिए कोई और अधिक सुरुचिपूर्ण तरीका सुझा सकता है?

शायद आप इसका उपयोग कर सकते हैं:

<पूर्व> var newElement = (टी) उत्प्रेरक। बनाएँइंसेंस (टाइपफ (टी), ए);

.net - Project code managment using SVN -

I have started working on a project. I would like to store this project using demolition I use VisualSVN Server and I have installed TortoiseSVN. I

This project includes several small projects, some of them I need all the time, some of them are no questions:

  1. Should I store the whole project in a dissection project directory?
  2. What about the solution file (* .sln)? Should it be stored in SVN also?
  3. There is a structure on the project (it will be used later in other projects) but whenever I am working with the base project, I still need it
  4. < Li> What should I do if I need to work on a portion of the project? Do I have an easy way to checkout / export my SAVN directory at a time?

    1. Yes, in a nutshell - but you will be able to

        Project / Branches Project / Trunk Project / Tag  

      You initially have all your code Put in the trunk and then, if necessary, later create tags and branches.

      You want to start keeping everything in a svn project folder structure together because it is simple (you do not have to roam with the solution file).

      If you prefer to choose brake parts of projects later in different SVN projects in your own right, then you can rename a 'svn' and create standard branches, trunk and tag folders for them. You just need to modify the reference in the solution file or use the svn: externals approach.

    2. Absolutely - you should store everything that is not generated on svn: ignore attributes (such as obj and bin directory) on a built-in folder, therefore 'svn status' Forgot to add an important file when you will get useful feedback.

    3. A mechanism is svn: external which enables you to create a link in a subdivision repository (or external overhead repository) in another location - which gives you a folder You might want to check with STV for the specific level of virtual level: You may want to consider creating external references so that other people's changes in the framework do not break your project.

      svn: External things can make things very confusing with caution.

    4. You can check the folder hierarchy at any level in the subdivision

How to create thumbnail images in classic asp? -

I found the best solution

but to enable it, I would first register the com object Will happen .

Is there any other way of making thumbnails with using a third party?

For example, we have to use CxImageATL.dll. If we can not do without the third party, then is this DLL use to enter the DLL on the server? "Text">

CodeProject solution cxImage.dll is a wrapper. The problem is that you can not access the Windows API directly from ASP, so you need a third party (or your own) com DLL.

If you do not want to register any object, then I suggest you to use the ASP.NET page to make a thumbnail job, definitely the ASPN.NET server Is installed and you do not need to register anything.

sql server ce - SQLCe connection error 0x80004005 -

When I am trying to open a database in Pocket PC Emulator or error with the program with the connection open Receive () method (C #) .. Here is:

Description: Internal Error: SQL Server has an unsupported request for compact host operating system.
Can anyone say that this error may be due to the fact that the database and application are on the storage card (shared folder from the PC on which everyone has read / write permissions)

Thank you.
Fond is because of the DB storage on the storage card (after moving the database to 'My Documents' error), but still do not know the cause of the error.

itemprop = "text">

There was a buggy operating system installed on my PPC because it was restored after the SqlQuery analizer normal form Has started working from and the error has ended.

vba - Convert a file into PDF with a Visual Basic script -

I want to know how to convert a file to PDF when I am programming in VB, do you have a script Or is there a pre-defined function, what is its name?


Check it out:

visual studio - Is there a planned StyleCop release for VS 2010? -

Do anyone know when the stylecap will be released to integrate into VS 2010. I know that you can make changes to config files to integrate it at the moment, but it is not possible to see the UI.

A beta was released on January 4, 2010. It's easy through Google

ruby on rails - Write current svn version into text file -

I have a rail site, I would like to write the current SVN version in public / version.txt, again Start, so that I will put it in a comment in the page header.

The problem is currently happening. Local version of SVN - I'm a bit confused.

If, for example, I update svn on a file that is not updated in some time Has been "get me the revision at 4571". However, if I do svn info, then I get the path

repository route:
repository UUID: #########R संशोधन: 4570
Like node: Directory
schedule : General
Last converted author: Max
Last modified Rev: 4570
Last change date: 2009-11 -30 17:14:52 +0000 (Mon, 30 Nov 2009)

Note that, the revision 4570 is less than the previous command.

Can anyone set me to show me how to get just the current version number?

Thanks, Max

Subversion comes with a command to do this :.

Usage: svnversion [options] [WC_PATH [TRAIL_URL]]

Creating compact 'version number' to work Copy path WC_PATH TRAIL_URL to determine the last part of the URL For whether WC_PATH is the only switch (does not trust TRAIL_URL to detect the switch within WC_PATH). The version number is written on standard output. For example:

  $ svnversion / Repos / svn / trunk 4168  

Working copy is not a revenge, unsmoded, switched and URL with which TRAIL_URL Logic matches if the working copy is abnormal then the version number will be more complex:

4123: 4168 Combined modification work copy
4168m Modified work copy
4123S functional copy switch
4123 : 4168MS Mixed Amendment, Modified, Switching Working Copy

If such an independent Is applied to complaints and s is not a copy of the work, says an exported directory, program output "will export.

WC_PATH will be the current directory without any argument if applicable. Valid options: -n [- No new line]: Do not output the previous new line-up [- committee]: Last change instead of current modifications - h [--help]: This help displayed Do - Distortion: Show version information

java - how to write javascript file in Netbeans IDE 6.7.1 -

I am new to Netbeans, I have created a web project, now I want to write javascript for an html page, I How do you want to create a .js file: File -> New File ... -

> Other -> Javascript file

or at the top of your HTML page & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; ... & lt; / Script & gt; Add

python - How to pack and unpack using ctypes (Structure <-> str) -

This could be a silly question, but I could not find a good answer in docs or anywhere.

If I struct have 2 symmetrical methods (pack and unpack) for defining a binary structure, struct serialization and ascending, it seems like ctypes

  ctypes * class example (structure) by import: _fields_ = [("index" , C_int), ("counter", c_int),] ctype_instance: buf = string_at (ByRef (ctype_instance), sizeof (ctype_instance)) Return def unpack bUF (CTYPE, buf): cstring = create _string_buffer (buf) ctype_instance = cast (indicator (cstring) indicator (CTYPE)) content. Return ctype_instance if __name__ == "__main__": e = Example (12, 13) buf = pack (e) E2 = unpack (for example, buf) loud (e.index == e2.index) emphasis (e.counter == E2.counter) # Note: E == E2 is incorrect for some reason ...  

There is a solution for this

FAQ:. How do I copy the bytes from a ctypes.structure

  send def (self): return buffer (auto) [:]  

normal Q: How do I copy the bytes to a CTPP? Structure from Python?

> def receiveSome (auto, bytes): fit = minute (lane (byte), ctypes.sizeof (self)) ctypes.memmove (ctypes.addressof (own), bytes, fits) pack is , and received something is such a pack_into . If you have a "safe" situation where you are unpacking in the same type of structure in the original form, then you can write a one-line memmove (addressof (y), buffer (x) [:], sizeof (Y)) to copy x to y . Of course, you probably have x . Instead of a literal packing of

, there will be a variable as the second argument.

.net - How do I use KnownType to enable polymorphic return values in a WCF service contract? -

I am converting a remote interface to WCF, though I have a method to return the "object" Has been declared and

(I am using a common contract assembly that contains all types, instead of generating all types are a client proxy if it makes a difference.)

OK, know the type of etip An example of using uT is to note that it allows multiple attributes in the same class, so you can identify more than one polymorphic hair type.

It is quite limited functionality because it allows you to specify known types at design times, so it does not really fit into the expandable and maintenance mindset, which normally makes us use polymorphism in the first place. Does.

Air Force, this limit is mainly due to barriers to WSDL / XSD, for which WCF contracts are often translated. We should always remember that only messages travel in the wire - objects not the other one at the other end. The NET application can not be at all, so for the sake of difference, it is our acceptance of obstacles.

I usually find that a more stable resize interface of service is often a better solution. You can also look in the form of an object, which will translate into XS: Anyone, but obviously you will lose the type of security in the way.

WCF has an advanced option that allows you to share the type between the server and the client, so it can also be a solution for you. However, if you do this, you lose interoperability and many other goodness, so keep this in mind before choosing this option carefully.

Best Possible algorithm to check if two linked lists are merging at any point? If so, where? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट:

यह एक साक्षात्कार प्रश्न है जिसके लिए मेरे पास कोई जवाब नहीं है दो सूचियों को देखते हुए, आप सूची को बदल नहीं सकते हैं और आप लंबाई को नहीं जानते

  • अगर किसी भी बिंदु पर दो सूचियां मर्ज हो रही हैं तो जांचें:

    1. जांचें कि क्या दो सूचियां किसी भी बिंदु पर विलय कर रही हैं?
    2. यदि विलय हो रहा है, तो किस बिंदु पर वे विलय कर रहे हैं?
    3. यदि मैं आपको सूची को बदलने की अनुमति देता है तो आप अपने एल्गोरिदम को कैसे संशोधित करेंगे?
  • मुझे यह मानते हुए कि हम साधारण लिंक्ड सूचियों के बारे में बात कर रहे हैं और हम सूची तत्व संकेतकों की एक हैश तालिका को सुरक्षित रूप से बना सकते हैं।

    प्रश्न 1: दोनों सूचियों के अंत में विच्छेदन, यदि संबंधित अंतिम तत्व समान हैं सूचियों को कुछ बिंदु पर मिलाएं

    जटिलता - ओ (एन) , अंतरिक्ष जटिलता - O (1)

    प्रश्न 2:

    1. एक सूची के सभी तत्वों को एक हैश तालिका में रखें
    2. सूची के प्रत्येक तत्व के लिए हैश तालिका की जांच करने वाली दूसरी सूची में दोहराएं। पहली हिट (यदि कोई हो) मर्ज पॉइंट है, और हमारे पास दूसरी सूची में स्थान है।
    3. पहली सूची में स्थिति प्राप्त करने के लिए, पहली सूची पर फिर से दोबारा जानने के लिए उस तत्व की तलाश में पिछले चरण।

    समय की जटिलता - O (N) । अंतरिक्ष जटिलता - ओ (एन)


    1. Q1 के रूप में, लेकिन यह भी सूची संकेतक की दिशा को उल्टा करती है।
    2. फिर पिछले सामान्य तत्व की तलाश में उल्लिखित सूचियों को दोहराएं - जो मर्ज बिंदु है - और मूल क्रम में सूची को पुनर्स्थापित कर रहा है।

    समय जटिलता - O (N ) । अंतरिक्ष की जटिलता - O (1)

    c# - How to create a Silverlight Screencast? -

    I would like to create a screencast that can be played by a silverlight player or embedded in a silverlight application. What program can I use to create screen cast and how do I use output with Silverlight?

    Expression Encoder contains the program to record and edit your screencast.

    java - Registering a shutdown hook in Spring 2.5 -

    I have a spring application that is not calling methods to destroy bean on shut down. I have seen this in the context of being instant in a Bean Refactory, and it can be manually inserted on the application context through the Callout Shutdown (). This method has disappeared from version 2.0 - 2.5 in spring.


    Itemprop = "text">

    This method is still available and Is implemented.

    So you may be able to do this

      ApplicationContext ctx = ...; If (ctx example configurable application link) {(configurable application link) ctx) .registerShutdownHook (); }  

    Alternatively, you can simply call (Configure AppliesContacts) CTX). Close () While closing yourself or closing your own self:

      Runtime.GetReight (). AddShutdownHook (new thread) (run public) (if (ctx example configurable application link) {((configurable app content) ctx) .close ();}}});  

    open source - Is it possible to save MySQL Workbench files as plain XML? -

    There was a lot of mess of DB designer but an outstanding feature was that database models were saved in plain XML by default .

    This allows the user to compare different file versions through SEVN , easily searching any changes made to the database.

    Unfortunately, the Db designer's succsssor, MySQL workspace, stores files in a proprietary MVW file format , which is unreadable.

    Is it possible to save MySQL workspace as XML?

    No, the current version (5.2.10 beta) does not support it.

    However, the file format is not owned - it has a simple ZIP archive, it has a single XML document that is the complete database model. I wrote a few months ago with the same goal as you think. I wanted to be able to do svn diff model.mwb

    there, I got help writing a small script that unzipped the file before going to the diff tool . It worked fine and if you are interested then I can post it anywhere.

    I too started about this issue recently. Hopefully anyone on the development team can provide some more input on this.

    EDIT: Now it is being tracked with the goal of 6.0.

    encoding - what is tpkeys in vb 6.0 -

    tpkeys as slow vkeys

    is a code, but I do not understand what its Meaning

    You are declaring a variable named vkeys Which are tpkeys .

    Apply CSS to jQuery Dialog Buttons -

    So I currently have a jQuery dialog with two buttons: Save and close I use the code given below I create dialogs:

    dialog.div.dialog ({autoOpen: false, modal: true, width: 600, resizable: false, button: {Cancel: function} // Cancel code Here}, 'Save': function () {// Save code here}}, close: function () {// Close the code here (coincidentally, similar to cancellation code)}});

    However, both codes are the same color when this code is used. I want a different color from my save button my save. Is there any way of using jQuery to use some of these options? I did not receive much help from the document

    Note that I am canceling button is a pre-defined type, but I am not defining myself to 'save' myself to ensure that there will be no effect on this issue.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. Update It was agreed that there were two rides to travel here:

    1. Inspecting HTML using a Firefox plugin such as Make and note CSS classes that are applying for jQuery buttons, and override them takes a stab. Note: In my HTML, both buttons were not exact same CSS classes and no unique IDs, so this option was out.
    2. Use a jQuery selector for the dialog, I want that button, and then add a CSS class.

    I went with the second option, and using the jQuery search () method, I think it is more appropriate to use: First or: first child B / C The button I wanted to change did not necessarily have the first button listed in the markup. Using Search, I can simply specify the name of the button and thus I can add CSS. Code I has ended with:

    dialog.div.dialog ({autoOpen: false, Model: true, width: 600, resizable: incorrect, button: {Cancel: jobs) } // cancel code here}, 'save': function () {// save code here}}, open: function () {$ ('.ui-dialog-buttonpane'). ('Button: Cancel ") '. AddClass (' cancelButtonClass');} Close: function () {// Close code (coincidentally, similar to cancellation code)}});

    I am posting again as a question because no one can post it Here's and it's very cleaner and nipper:

    Use the optional button property syntax:

      $ dialogDiv.dialog ({autoOpen : False, modal: {Text: "Cancel", "class": 'cancelButtonClass', click: function () {// cancel code here}}, {text: "save": true, width: 600, resizable : False, button: Click "Class": 'saveButtonClass', click: function () {// save code here}}, close: function () {// here Close the code (coincidentally, similar to the cancellation code)}});  

    Configuring Windows Workflow from an App.Config file -

    I have done this before, so I know that this is possible, but I really remember how to accomplish this Can not do I have to set the loading intranval and instance ownership diary from App.config, can someone please mark me in the right direction. I am currently using the following which is not working:

      & lt; Runtime & gt; & Lt; CommonParameters & gt; & Lt; Add name = "ConnectionString" value = "*****" /> & Lt; / CommonParameters & gt; & Lt; Services & gt; & Lt ;! - Persistence - & gt; & Lt; Type add = "System.Workflow.Runtime.Hosting.SqlWorkflowPersistenceService, System.Workflow.Runtime, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35" UnloadOnIdle = "true" InstanceOwnershipDuration = "10" LoadingInterval = "30" / & Gt; & Lt ;! - Tracking - & gt; & Lt; type = "System.Workflow.Runtime.Tracking.SqlTrackingService, System.Workflow.Runtime, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35" UseDefaultProfile = "true" / & add gt; & Lt ;! - Data exchange - & gt; & Lt; type = "System.Workflow.Activities.ExternalDataExchangeService, System.Workflow.Activities, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35 adding" ConfigurationSection = "Workflow / ExternalDataExchangeServices" / & gt; & Lt ;! - Default workflow scheduler - & gt; & Lt; Type = "System.Workflow.Runtime.Hosting.DefaultWorkflowSchedulerService, System.Workflow.Runtime, Version =, Culture = Neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35" /> Adding; & Lt ;! - Work batch service - & gt; & Lt; type = "System.Workflow.Runtime.Hosting.SharedConnectionWorkflowCommitWorkBatchService, System.Workflow.Runtime, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35" EnableRetries = "true" / & add gt; & Lt; / Services & gt; & Lt; / Runtime & gt;  

    the following parameter name

    to open System.Workflow.Runtime assembly with cracked reflector and found for SqlWorkflowPersistenceService:


    I setup after me like persistence configuration line and everything Is:

      & lt; Add type = "System.Workflow.Runtime.Hosting.SqlWorkflowPersistenceService, System.Workflow.Runtime, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 31bf3856ad364e35" UnloadOnIdle = "true" ownership Taimautsackend = "10" Lodintrvolsekand = "30" />  

    java - Rich calendar component for Swing application -

    My company is adding some rich calendar functionality to our swing application. We want to do it as a calendar of Outlook.

  • Some of our requirements are:

    • Views for the day, week and month
    • Specified the level of the calendar to the level of the minutes
    • Printing support
    • Feels optimizable and feels
    • / Li>
    • 508 compliance support will be a big plus

    Right now, we are planning to go with it, but I was thinking that Equal efficiency with other swing components with new person.

  • I have not used it personally (yet), but I know others who Satisfied:

    flex - Pages with Flash won't load until user clicks the X (stop) button on IE -

    I am creating a Flash application using Flex from time to time, I see an issue in IE 7 and 8 Where the user logs in to the site and the browser content panel is completely grayed out and the entire page (HTML, Javascript and Flash) will not load until user clicks X (the) button next to the address bar. As soon as X is clicked, html gets loaded and swf file loads instantly.

    This is not on the project for me or any other developer, so it is very difficult to diagnose that the user is using the latest Flash Player is the only difference between our setups which I can think of We have a debug version of Flash Player and probably will not do it.

    Has anyone seen this behavior?

    It seems that there may be a long-running script-generation request execution, which Dumpload is said before. Try to go to all your JS, include it at the bottom of the page, and assign requests until any dom-heading or DOM loads.

    java - PHP login system? -

    What is the best way to create user login systems using PHP?

    I want to use

  • iPhone
  • Java
  • Desktop
  • >
  • Flex
  • I do not want to use cookies.

    I do not want to use cookies

    This limits your potential possibilities. You can not go around the URL now - re-write to add session identifier to URL.

    Cakephp Shopping Cart -

    I was wondering which php based vehicles would be the easiest to integrate with kppp

    I have heard about it, but I have no information about whether magenta is equal to cubic or other karts. It's been a while since they updated the information on bakesale (August 2008). Therefore, if anyone has any information that is reliable and safe bakel or better then any other information will be appreciated using other php cart.

    How tightly it wants to integrate the integrated car with the rest of your Cakephp app.

    I have tried to backstage the online store, and after a lot of complaints from the client, I dumped it for Zencart. I tried backx because it seemed easy, but it was very easy. It does not have all the features of Magento or ZenCart

    Bakesale is a good cake app, but in reality the mark is remembered as an ecommerce solution.

    Development on both bakesale and phpshop looks beautiful dead. I would suggest making your cake application different and then set something like a store. There are still ways to talk to each other.

    c# - EF 1.0 during creation -

    A strange problem in using EF 1.0 to me ... my problem only occurs during the creation and I Do not find anything on many thread threads.

     System. Anvaidopreshn exception: related entity, either in a standby position or different positions and MergeOption basically Notreking merge option System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityCollection / 1.CreateSourceQuery (on System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.RelatedEnd.CreateSourceQuery) Mergeoptosis) Microsoft.Data.EFLazyLoading.LazyEntityCollection`1.CreateSource (on Microsoft). Data Aflaji loading. Lazy Entity Collection (1). LeadStab () in mptrad model. ContextObject The moon use Atachents (Chanson Chansn, Chansn Rikest request) in (Solusndir) \ Projektkpring \ Knteks object \ Cansnvॅpr CS line 115 

    What is the real problem? I happen to try to add an entity to another list when I created an order to create an entity.

    IE: aCommand.Songs.Add (new song () {name = "SongName"});

    Thank you for and sorry for my english; Come from Quebec and speak French in general!

    UPDATE # 1

    Chansnwapr my line # 115 (meaning "songwriter"):

    aCommand .Songs.Add (new song () {name = "SongName"});

    UPDATE # 2

    Sorry, I was trying to simplify the code to write, but I think that This is very confusing because of my real code:

      SongWrapper songWrapper = new SongWrapper (this.m_Context); Song song = songShamarthak. Lod (request. Solid); ACommand.Songs.Add (song);  

    For my song this. Mcontektek sure my song I "was returned in a Command" or similar terms to other units I've tested this part I can load in / after, so we know it works. One thing has changed, that is, we went into "LazyLoading", which we were not using before. More funny, updates work fine! Mei Support: OP!

    This is definitely not EF 1.0. It should be 4.0 beta I think it may be a bug in lazy loading. You are doing (from a back revise of your question) if (aCommand.songs.Count ()> gt <0> for an entity in the connected state, should not try to load this song lazily. but it seems that might try to do. My only suggestion bugs to work out a way around this:

      if ((aCommand.EntityState! = EntityState.Added) & amp ;; (ACommand.songs.Counts.)> 0))  

    ... which is a little bit stupid, or lazy loading for this. If you can boil it down, in case of a reputable test, you can report it to Microsoft Connect.

    By the way, you should generally like:

      if (aCommand.songs.Any ())  

    . From calculation ()> gt <0> because it is more efficient and readable. But this is irrelevant here.

    c# - Efficient way to send images via WCF? -

    I am writing, writing WCF, LINQ and some other technologies from scratch, such as custom remote control applications like VNC I Keeping three main goals in mind:

    1. Instead of full desktop access, the server will provide 'remote control' at the application level (i.e. seamless window).
    2. Customers can select any application that runs on the server and can receive a flow of images from each of them.
    3. A customer can connect to more than one server simultaneously

    Right now I am using WCF which sends an array of bytes that will be sent The window represents:

     using  (var ms = new MemoryStream ()) {Window.GetBitmap (). Save (MS, Image format.jpg); Frame Snapshot = MS ToArray (); }  

    GetBitmap implementation:

      var wRectangle = GetRectangle (); Var image = new bitmap (wRectangle.Width, wRectangle.Height); Var gfx = graphics.from image (image); Gfx.CopyFromScreen (wRectangle.Left, wRectangle.Top, 0, 0, wRectangle.Size, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy); Return image;  

    This is then sent through the WCF (TCPBinding and it is always on the LAN) and sent to the client without any such limit as a blank window. Goes:

     using  (var ms = new memorystream (_currentFrame.Snapshot)) {BackgroundImage = Image.FromStream (ms); }  

    I would like to make this process as efficient as possible in both CPU and memory usage with the bandwidth that comes in third place. I aim to connect 10+ applications per server to connect the customer to a 5+ server.

    Is the best method of my current method (continuing to use these technologies) and I can do anything to improve

    • Thoughts that I (But I have no experience):

      • Instead of using the Open Source Graphics Library to capture and save images.
      • Saving as a PNG or other image type instead of JPG.
      • Send Delta Image Every Time Instead of A Full Image
      • Try and create a compressed video stream instead of 'Record' windows and snapshots (MPEG?).
      • You should be aware of this point:

        • Transportation: TCP / Binary message encoding will be the fastest way to transfer your image data
        • Image Capture: Invite you to access P / your screen data, because it stores faster and more memory Consumption can happen. Some examples:, and
        • You should reduce your image data before sending;
          • Choose your image wisely, because the original compression in some formats (as JPG)
          • should be an example
          • to send a different image only , You can crop it and just send it to non-empty areas
        • Try to inspect your WCF messages This will help you understand how to format messages And it will help you identify how to mess up messages Small things done.

        Just after is going through all these steps and satisfied with your final code, you can download. This applies, "A simple protocol for remote access to graphical user interface, as it works at the framebuffer level, it applies to all window systems and applications, which include X11, Windows and Macintosh. The protocol used in RFB VNC is Virtual Network Computing). "

    windows - How to run installed python script? -

    I have used distutils to install my Python package, this


    On linux / mac, it works as expected:

     % hello World%  

    On the windows, the script "PLUG" does not start:

      C: \ Python 25 \ scripts & gt; Plugh 'plugh' has not been identified as internal or external command, operative program or batch file. C: \ Python25 \ script & gt;  

    I have found that bug report when I added the workaround described in that ticket when I added the Scripts directory to the PATH when I installed the python (i.e. C: \ Python 25 \ script to PAT)

      c: \ Python 25 \ scripts> path path = c: \ Python 25 \ scripts; C: \ Program Files \ Legs \ nsr \ bin; C: \ Windows \ system32; C: \ WINDOWS; C: \ WINDOWS \ System32 \ Wbem; C: \ Program Files \ QuickTime \ QSystem \; C: \ python2 5; C: \ local; C: \ wINDOWS \ system32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0  

    Is there something that just does not work on Windows? And if so, how do you want to use Python script on a python machine?

    I think I can recognize Windows, and I will add an additional script to the list, which is called "plugh.bat" like:

      @echo off c: Python25 \ python.exec c: \ python25 \ scripts \ plugh% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9  

    But really the correct answer is here? I would have thought that with all the optimization that the distillates will have windows, there would be a better answer.

    To use the expansion of windows file, determine how it will be run.

    Name your file and to indicate it to call.

    properties - C# property, is it possible to get around defining get without defining set (no backing variable)? -

    Let's say that you do not have 300 properties with any backing variables, each of these properties decimals / doubles.


      get public decimal math { Set; }  

    Now you have decided that each of those values ​​should be rounded.

    I am looking for the easiest way to refact it without writing all those properties again.

    Something that really works: D:

      public decimal point of view {Get Mathematics. Round (mathwell);} set; }   

    You can create a new value type that pretends to be decimal, But Return Goal Value is something like this: Structure Round Dissemail {Public Decimal Value {get; Private set; } Public globular decimal (decimal value): this () {this.Value = value; } Public stable built-in operator decimal (walking round d) {return mathematics. Round (D. Vel); / html>

    sql server - sql query problem, manipulate data -

    I have archived the archive which will tell us whether a new check is to be printed. Now I have to manipulate the data in the database table so that at least one check can be printed. I did not write this question. I tried, but at least one check was not printed on me. Can somebody help me out. Here is stored PROC

      Create process [proc_1250_SELCashiersChecksForPrint] Select t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.ControlNbr, t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.Audit_DateAdded, t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.BatchNbr, t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.SerialNbr, t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.CheckRTN, t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.CheckAccountNbr, t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.Amount as, t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.DateIssued, t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.Payee, t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.Address, t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.City, t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.State, t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.Zip, t_DATA_Reclamation.ClaimId, t_DATA_Reclamation.NoticeDate, t_DATA_Reclamation.FirstName, t_DATA_Reclamation.MiddleName, t_DATA_Reclamation.LastName, t_DATA_Reclamation.ClaimTotal , T_PCD_Claimant As the name of the agency, on t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.INDANTITYCOL on t_DATA_CashiersChecksInsued INNER JOINT_DAT A_Reclamation t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.ControlNbr = t_DATA_Reclamation.ControlNbr interiors include t_DATA_Reclamation.ClaimantCode = t_PCD_Claimant.ClaimantCode t_PCD_Claimant wherever (t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.SerialNbr IS NULL) and (t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.DateIssued zero) By t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.Audit_DateAdded ASC command, visit t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.ControlNbr ASC  


    Assume that the table has data, it will be updated for the first time row

      UPDATE TOP (1) SET t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued SerialMbr = zero, DataIssued = zero t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued within Join t_DATA_Reclamation on t_DATA_CashiersChecksIssued.ControlNbr = t_DATA_Reclamation.ControlNbr Insider on t_DATA_Reclamation.ClaimantCode = t_PCD_Claimant.ClaimantCode t_PCD_Claimant from  

    .net - C#: Unable to Bypass Cache (WebClient) -

      वेबक्लाइंट क्लाइंट = नया वेबक्लेन्ट (); Client.CachePolicy = नई System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy (System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel.BypassCache);  

    इस कोड को वास्तव में नॉट वेब क्लाइंट के माध्यम से कैश होने से साइटों को क्यों रोकना है?

      स्ट्रिंग xmlUrl = ""; वेब क्लाइंट क्लाइंट = नया वेबक्लेन्ट (); // windows क्लाइंट द्वारा फ़ाइल कैशिंग रोका जा सकता है। CachePolicy = नई System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy (System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore); // फ़ाइल की सामग्री को पढ़ें स्ट्रीम rssstream = client.OpenRead (xmlUrl);   

    संपादित करें : यदि यह काम नहीं करता है तो वेबरेक्स्ट / वेबप्रेंस के साथ प्रयास करें:

      वेबआर अनुरोध अनुरोध = WebRequest.Create (uri); // इस अनुरोध के लिए केवल कैश पॉलिसी को परिभाषित करें HttpRequestCachePolicy noCachePolicy = नया HttpRequestCachePolicy (HttpRequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore); अनुरोध। CachePolicy = noCachePolicy; WebResponse प्रतिक्रिया = अनुरोध। GetResponse ();  

    c# - Extension Method to return random alphabet -

    How to develop an extension method, which is characterized by random characters from alphabet (A, B, ....) Single character)).

      public static character random letter (this four random characters) {}  

    An extension method here is the wrong tool, because a random letter in the alphabet is not related to the input sheet (or am I missing something here?).

      Static String Alphabet = "QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM"; Stable random = new random (); Public static character Random Litter () {return alphabet (random) Next (alphabet lang)]; }  

    Edit (respond to comments):

    You create it in an extension method on random type:

    Can be: Public Static Characters Next Random Letter (This Random Random) {Return Alphabetical [Random Next (alphabet lang)]; }

    (I do not want to call it nextLetterOfTheAlphabet because it should be clearly random)

    Synchronizing thread-protection However, I think the whole locking process is more CPU taxing than pulling a random number:

      public static characters Synchronized ray Ndum litter () {lock (random) // Although the lock is not random;) {return alphabet (random) Next (alphabet lang)]; }}  

    c++ - Bignum implementation that has efficient addition of small integers -

    I am using Python's native bignam for an algorithm and converting it to C ++ Have decided to do When I used to work for a long time, C ++ was about 100x faster than Pygm, but when I used GMP binding in C ++, it was only 10x faster than the dragon (for the same cases Which are fit for a long time)

    Is there a better Bingim implementation for large number of small additions? For example, we have a large number, we add very few + 1, +21, +1 and every time and once more adds a bigger number M?

    one in the GMP library

      zero mpz_add_ui (mpz_t rop, mpz_t Op1, unsigned long end op2)  

    I do not know if gmpy uses that, but if it tries to add a normal python by creating an mpz vs mpz and mpz Attempts to add to mpz and see whether it is fast or not.



    I tried some benchmarking and found that it does not make any difference

      $ Python -m timeit - c 'gmi import mgg & gt; A = MP3 (10 ** 1000) "A + 1" 100000 loop, Best 3: 5.4 per pipe per python -M timit- MPEG import from MPZ A = MP3 (10 ** 1000);  

    So I do not use the GMI mpz_add_ui as I really expect That's too fast.

    c# - Access Database connection string error -

    So I'm building a website on the local host and I have a database in C: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ lollipops \ App_Data \ lollipopdb.mdb requires me to use on my website but when I try to make a SELECT statement on it, I give this error: "System.ArgumentException: The keyword is not supported: 'Provider'. "

    This is in my web .config file -

      & lt; ConnectionStrings & gt; & Lt; Name = "lollipopdbie" connection string = "provider = microsoft.jset.l.tdb..4.0; data source = c: \ inetpub \ wwwroot \ lollipops \ app_Data \ lollipopDB.mdb;" Providence = "System.Data.OleDb" /> & Lt; / ConnectionStrings & gt;  

    And works on the website PerformSQL which takes the name of a connection string and sql string to run.

      public void PerformSQL (string conn, string sqlStr) {sqlConn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings [conn]. ConnectionString; Sql.CommandText = sqlStr; Sql.Connection = sqlConn; // specify the connection string for the command frequency sqlConn.Open (); Sql.ExecuteNonQuery (); SqlConn.Close (); }  

    What is the type of sqlcon?

    It should be OleDbConnection. Similarly, the command should be ODDBI compliant.

    visual studio - VS2005: How can I print a selected piece of code without the highlighting? -

    When I want a piece of printed code, I can select it, and press the "Print" menu command; The correct piece of code is a printout, but with a highlighted background.

    How to print a selected tip code, as I see it, no information about it,

    You can print the selection

    Avoid printing as much as you can.

    iphone - How to get left-top and right-bottom latitude and longitude of map in MapKit -

    How to obtain the left-top and right-bottom latitude and map latitude in the Map Kit? I use this code, but it does not work properly How should I fix this?

      MKCoordinateRegion area = [map area]; Double topl, topgie, bottom, bottom; // If the latitude = 55 and the latitude delta = 126 is the top L-118 and it will not be at the top, it will be at the bottom of the screen = field. Center.latitude + region.span.latitudeDelta / 2; Headgear = Area center. Lame - area span.longitudeDelta / 2; CLLocationCoordinate2D lt; Lt.latitude = TOPL; Lt.longitude = topG; Annotation = [annotation new]; Annotation.cordinate = lt; Annotation.title = @ "Left"; [Add annotation map: annotation]; [Annotation release]; // If the latitude = 55 and the latitude delta = 126 is the floor L-7.23 and it will not be below, it will be below the bottom bottom of the screen = area Center.latitude - region.span.latitudeDelta / 2; Bottom G = Area center. Lame + area span.longitudeDelta / 2; CLLocationCoordinate2D RB; Rb.latitude = bottomL; Rb.longitude = bottomG; Annotation = [annotation new]; Annotation.cordinate = rb; Annotation. Title = @ "right"; [Add annotation map: annotation]; [Annotation release];  

    One very easy way to get those coordinates is ... Use your view, and convert:

      CLLocationCoordinate2D top lift, right down; TopLeft = [mapView Convert Points: CGPointMake (0, 0) toCoordinateFromView: mapView]; CG point pointbootmrite = CGPXMake (map view.frame.image.width, mapView.frame.size.height); Right below = [View map Convert Point: Pointbottom Right to Coordinate Frameview: Map View];  

    .net - Replace System.Net.Mail.MailMessage with manually created message and send it -

    I am trying to send an email that will bounce on a known mailbox. I am planning to use VARP. Unfortunately, the System.Net.Mail.MailMessage object does not allow me to set properly: and the sender: Header within my email - This assures values ​​so that the result includes 'Phrase from' in the email, And I do not allow proper control over relevant mime headers, so I'm planning to write Mim email messages directly to the pickup directory so that I can freely read A and could control from headers. My god box is Vista Box and so there is no SMTP server in it. I would like to configure the god box so that I have a SMTP server on. I can then turn off the SMTP server, write a message to pickup diary, then start the SMPT server and see that the email I wrote will behave (some distributed, bounced the bounce handler on some different email domains Gone, as directed by the sender) Two questions: 1. Can a SMTP server recommend that will monitor the pickup directory? 2. If I set the headings as follows; From:; From: then the recipient will see the email coming from an (and will not see any reference to, but if the mail bounces then the NDR will be sent to

    To do this it is a real pain, but let me system. Can not see any way to use NetMail.MailMessages without messing up my header.

    python - Why that compiled on one Mac doesn't work on another? -

    I want to use Python-MySQLDB library on Mac, therefore, to get under Mac 10, Code is compiled. 5 with my Intel Imac (i386)

    It works in my 2 MacAC and other MacBooks. I

    Does this mean that some machine-specific information is in the file Compiled?

    = against a file check

      % File post "itemprop =" text "> mac-o 64-bit bundle x86_64

    Make sure that it is on the right architecture for Mac It has been compiled on which it is not working. If you are trying to use it on any PowerPC (PPC) Mac, then you have to compile a MySQLDB as a universal binary. For example, a universal binary (such as the Python of the pre-installed version) will look like this:

     % file / usr / bin / python / usr / bin / python: Mach-O universal 3 Architectures with binary / usr / bin / python (x86_64 for architecture): Mac OS 64-bit executable x86_64 / usr / bin / python (for architecture i386): Mac OS X i386 / usr / bin / Python (ppc7400 for architecture): MacO Executionable PPC  

    Then to answer your question: Yes, hey It seems that you may have compiled the module without universal support, although I can not answer this without any further information.

    sql server - Database Design for Filtering Database -

    I'm new to complex database design. I'm currently in a project where the user re-directs the instructions based on a combination of 18 columns. Can get.

  • ProcessCode
  • Your columns contain the following columns
  • Directors (FK of the instruction table)
  • While adding / modifying the instruction, he can choose multiple options in each, the stored procedure above the parameter will probably store the data in all the combinations, so that it can easily facilitate retrieval, because During search (retrieval) only one option was selected for each column Will go

    There may be several instructions for the same combination and the same instruction may apply to many combinations.

    I have somehow created SP for linking education but now it has been hit with modification when a new combination for my webpage SP passes, what is the best way to update the table?

    I can remove all existing rows and create new rows for new combinations, but I wanted to maintain the date created by creating the user column Also, make history of it in a separate history table. Need to keep

    Sorry for the length of the question ... and, thanks for the help.

    If you are trying to retrieve data based on a combination of parameters, then you You can set parameters to keep the default values ​​of eg.

      PROC SPProcName @FieldName INT = Create NULL  

    The second thing to see and compare the parameter values ​​is to set the WHERE section of the statement

      WHERE (or FieldName = @FieldName) or (@FieldName is a null))  

    Whether to use it for the query or not. Use the standard update query in the tables and in a similar form, but set the value in such a way as the default parameter value of zero:

      FieldName = ISNULL (@FieldName, FieldName) / Code> 

    which allows you to only update the given parameters.

    Hope is that whatever is after you, if necessary, I can give a complete example.

    Is close() necessary when using iterator on a Python file object -

    इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P>

    • 5 जवाब

    क्या यह करने के लिए बुरा व्यवहार है निम्न और नहीं स्पष्ट रूप से एक फ़ाइल ऑब्जेक्ट को संभालता है और इसके close () विधि को कॉल करें?

      पंक्ति में खोलने के लिए ('hello.txt '): प्रिंट लाइन  

    एनबी - यह अजगर के संस्करणों के लिए है जो अभी तक के साथ कथन नहीं है।

    मैं पूछता हूं पायथन प्रलेखन इस की अनुशंसा करते हैं: -

      f = open ("hello.txt") कोशिश: लाइन में f: प्रिंट लाइन अंत में: f.close ()  < / Pre> 

    जो आवश्यक है उससे अधिक शब्दशः लगता है।

    बंद हमेशा आवश्यक फाइलों के साथ काम करते समय, खुली फाइल को छोड़ने का यह एक अच्छा विचार नहीं है कि वह सभी जगहों पर हैंडल करता है। फाइल ऑब्जेक्ट को कचरा एकत्रित करने पर वे बंद हो जाएंगे, लेकिन आपको नहीं पता कि यह कब होगा और जब आप सिस्टम संसाधनों को बर्बाद कर रहे हैं, तो आपको हैंडल्स फ़ाइल की आवश्यकता नहीं रह जाएगी।

    यदि आप Python 2.5 और उच्च का उपयोग कर रहे हैं close () आप के लिए स्वतः के साथ कथन का उपयोग कर सकते हैं:

      से __future__ आयात with_statement # केवल ओपन ("हैलो.txt") के साथ पायथन 2.5 में आवश्यक है f: लाइन में f: प्रिंट लाइन  

    इसका आपके पास कोड के समान प्रभाव है:

      f = open ("hello.txt") कोशिश: लाइन में f: प्रिंट लाइन अंत में: f.close ()  

    साथ कथन सामान्यतः C ++ में उपयोग किए गए मुहावरे के लिए प्रत्यक्ष भाषा समर्थन है यह सभी प्रकार के संसाधनों का सुरक्षित उपयोग और साफ करने की अनुमति देता है, उदाहरण के लिए यह हमेशा यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए उपयोग किया जा सकता है कि डेटाबेस कनेक्शंस बंद हैं या लॉक हमेशा नीचे की तरह जारी किए जाते हैं।

      mylock = threading लॉक () mylock के साथ: पास # कुछ धागे सुरक्षित सामान  

    logging - Is it possible to read the log file using Chainsaw? -

    I have several log files [generated via log4j] I came to know that we used to read those logs [Although we can also read those logs in Notepad].
    But how can I open a stored log file to see its contents? The simple question is, is it possible to read the log file from the chain?

    I'm using on Windows

    There is an option in the file menu 'Load Log 4j File', which will allow you to open a Log4j XML log file.

    Of course, the file you are trying to open must confirm the log 4 J XML schema.

    r - how to vectorize with xml data? -

    हम कहते हैं, मेरे पास यह XML फ़ाइल है:

      & lt;? Xml version = " 1.0 "एन्कोडिंग =" यूटीएफ -8 "? & Gt; & LT; TimeSeries & gt; & LT; समयक्षेत्र & gt; 1.0 & lt; / समयक्षेत्र & gt; & LT; श्रृंखला & gt; & LT; हैडर / & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "10:00:00" मान = "0.0" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / event & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "10:15:00" मान = "0.0" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "10:30:00" मान = "0.0" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "10:45:00" मान = "0.0" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "11:00:00" मान = "0.0" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / event & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "11:15:00" मान = "0.0" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; / श्रृंखला & gt; & LT; श्रृंखला & gt; & LT; हैडर / & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "08:00:00" मान = "1.0" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "08:15:00" मान = "2.6" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "09:00:00" मान = "6.3" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "09:15:00" मान = "4.4" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "09:30:00" मान = "3. 9" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "09:45:00" मान = "2.0" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "10:00:00" मान = "1.7" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "10:15:00" मान = "2.3" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "10:30:00" मान = "2.0" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; / श्रृंखला & gt; & LT; श्रृंखला & gt; & LT; हैडर / & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "10:00:00" मान = "0.0" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / event & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "10:15:00" मान = "0.0" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "10:30:00" मान = "0.0" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "10:45:00" मान = "0.0" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / घटना & gt; & Lt; इवेंट की तारीख = "2009-09-30" समय = "11:00:00" मान = "0.0" ध्वज = "2" & gt; & lt; / event & gt; & Lt; / श्रृंखला & gt; & Lt; / TimeSeries & gt;  

    और हम कहते हैं कि मैं अपनी श्रृंखला के तत्वों के साथ कुछ करना चाहता हूं और यह कि मैं सद्भावना को 'सदिश करने योग्य' सलाह देने वाला व्यवहार करना चाहता हूं ... मैं XML पुस्तकालय आयात करता हूं और ऐसा करता हूं निम्नलिखित:

      आर & gt; लाइब्रेरी ("XML") आर & gt; डॉक्टर & lt; - xmlTreeParse ('/ home / mario / desktop / sample.xml') आर & gt; टाइम सिरीजनोड & lt; - xmlRoot (doc) आर & gt; श्रृंखलानोड & lt; - xmlElementsByTagName (टाइम सिरीजनोड, "श्रृंखला") आर & gt; लंबाई (श्रृंखलानोड) [1] 3 आर & gt; (कार्य (एक्स) {लंबाई (xmlElementsByTagName (x [['श्रृंखला']], 'घटना'))} +) (श्रृंखलानोड) [1] 6 आर & gt;  

    और मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि मुझे केवल पहले तत्व को फ़ंक्शन लगाने का नतीजा क्यों प्राप्त करना चाहिए: मुझे तीन मानों की उम्मीद थी, जैसे सीरीजनोड की लंबाई, ऐसा कुछ:

      आर & gt; Mapply (लंबाई, श्रृंखला नोड्स) श्रृंखला श्रृंखला श्रृंखला 7 10 6  

    ओह! मैं पहले ही जवाब के साथ आया था: " mapply का उपयोग करें:

      R & gt; Mapply (function (x) {length (xmlElementsByTagName (x, 'event'))}, seriesNodes) श्रृंखला श्रृंखला श्रृंखला 6 9 5  

    लेकिन फिर मैं निम्नलिखित समस्या को देखता हूं: R- नरक मुझसे कहता है कि मैं "पाश-छुपा रहा हूं", "वेक्टरिंग" नहीं है! क्या मैं लूपिंग से बिल्कुल बचा सकता हूं? आप xpathApply या xpathSApply / कोड> - ये फ़ंक्शन किसी XPath विनिर्देशन का उपयोग करके नोड सेट निकालता है और फिर प्रत्येक सेट में फ़ंक्शन निष्पादित करता है। इन दोनों फ़ंक्शन को XML पैकेज द्वारा प्रदान किया जाता है। इन कार्यों का उपयोग करने के लिए, XML दस्तावेज़ को xmlInternalTreeParse का उपयोग करके या useInternalNodes के विकल्प के साथ xmlTreeParse सेट होना चाहिए true:

      की आवश्यकता (XML) countEvents & lt; - फ़ंक्शन (सीरीज) {events & lt; - xmlElementsByTagName (श्रृंखला, 'घटना') रिटर्न (लंबाई (ईवेंट))} डॉक्टर & lt; - xmlTreeParse ("नमूना Xml ", useInternalNodes = T) xpathSApply (डॉक्टर, '/ टाइम-शृंखला / श्रृंखला', काउंटी एवेंट्स) [1] 6 9 5  

    मुझे नहीं पता कि यह कोई भी" तेज "है या नहीं लेकिन यह कोड निश्चित रूप से क्लीनर और बहुत ही स्पष्ट है जो XPath वाक्यविन्यास को जानता है और एक लागू फ़ंक्शन कैसे चल रहा है।

    php - Server error, why this error message appears when i use .htaccess -

    When I use the .htaccess file inside the code under the administrator's name

      AuthName "Alertme" is required for the Athlete Basic EtherUserFile / MBS / HTCPwad with valid-user  

    and .htpasswd file with the following code

     < Code> Rajasekhar: 66 ACSI 7Ge1A  

    When accessing a file in a folder, this server returns a error, The server encountered an internal error Mr. and unable to complete your request

    Why is this happening. Most likely that your Apache configuration now allows you * authoring * .htaccess in that directory and / or the location you can make sure that you are seeing error_log for that host, it seems that there will be a row: < [Pc]

      [Mercury December 02 22:13:14 2009] [Warning] [Client xxxx] /path/leading/to/.htaccess: AuthName not  

    For a client who tries to access this particular server / directory, "500 inches A server "will appear as an error.

    You have to add a "Allow orrothoid AuthConfig" so that Apache accepts the instructions in .htaccess. Details are in Apache Docs.

    query analyzer - How Oracle uses statistics data -

    I got a comment about Oracle's data:

    Oracle does not know that 50M Of course, there are figures in the number of rows, but they can be old and wrong - and Oracle does not allow itself to give wrong results because only the figures are wrong

    I'm pretty sure That's up to Oracle, while preparing the query execution plan. Recommendations were made to refresh the data periodically before version 10 and the statistics were automatically collected from 10 grams Oracle.

    Can anyone tell if the Oracle query analyzer depends on the data figures? Oracle figures too much to generate

    query execution schemes What does this (and not) do, uses those data in a manner that affects the query result , which you were trying to do with "ROWNUM & lt; 50000000" Statistics may be outdated, or may be unavailable. However, this would mean that Oracle may slow down in producing the right result, it does not mean that Oracle will return the wrong result.

    If Oracle had your expectation, then it could be decided that "ROWNUM & lt; 50000000" means "get all the rows" even though the table now has 60,000,000 rows 49,000,000). Fortunately this does not happen

    drop down menu - MVC how to get the value of the ID field for the list of items? -

    I have an application that shows a list of items related to typed models.

    Each item in the list has an ID from a lookup table.

    How is the value of the lookup data for each item displayed instead of the id?

    The best way is to link an HTML dropdown list to each ID, from which I can select the appropriate value.

    Thanks in advance


    well The first step is to ensure that you get all the prices that are in DropDownList, you should be able to get it easily from your database.

    Set the text of the dropdown list item to the text value for the lookup item, and set the value of the same item ID.

    When creating a dropdown list, make sure that a selected option matches the id of your modeled data item.

    c# - What's the best approach for creating visually appealing windows applications? -

    I am currently working on my final year project, I am trying to implement a system which Sound from the microphone as input and, according to that sound, the UI displays different images. For example, if I input the dog's voice, then a dog's image should be displayed. Similarly, if I input a cat's voice, then a cat image should appear.

    I want to create a windows application with a very attractive UI. I want to be able to add some pictures by changing the input image.

    With that, how can I use C # very interactive, dynamic, UI? Is there any graphical device, library or plug-in compatible with C # in Windows applications?

    On the one hand, I also see in the game created by XNA Game Studios, can those games be added to my windows app, if so, how can this be done?

    Any useful links or source code is highly appreciated.

    Thank you. GayanS

    One word, 3 letters: WPF

    Creating a good looking GUI ....

    The rest of the program is required ....

    (This will not solve the requirements of XNA ...)

    There The new book is on Amazon.

    mysql - SQL to update a table only if that table exists in the database -

    मेरे पास एक mySQL डाटाबेस है जिसका नाम जेसन नामक तालिका हो सकती है। डेटाबेस का एक अलग उदाहरण हो सकता है कि जेसन तालिका (इसमें सामान्य में अन्य तालिकाओं हो) हो सकता है

    मैं दोनों डेटाबेस के साथ एक साधारण अद्यतन चलाने के लिए चाहते हैं, लेकिन अद्यतन जेसन तालिका के लिए है।

    मुझे पता है कि मैं ऐसा कुछ कर सकता हूँ

      ड्रॉप तालिका यदि मौजूदा 'जेसन';  

    क्या इस तरह अपडेट को चलाने के लिए संभव है:

      अगर मौजूदा 'जेसन' अपडेट 'जेसन' सेट ...  

    मुझे काम करने के लिए कुछ भी नहीं मिल सकता है।

    बस अद्यतन कथन चलाएं , यदि तालिका अस्तित्व में नहीं थी, तो यह विफल हो जाएगी और कोई नुकसान नहीं होगा।

    jQuery toggle/vertical slider effect with multiple Divs -

    Actually, I'm new to jQuery and I am writing a sample page with jQuery functions. In this page I am using the toggle function. Please help me get the intention effect I am trying to get it but it is not working properly. What I am trying to implement is that;

    1. On the page there are 2 buttons, say button 1 and button 2.
    2. In it, div1 and div2 are called.
    3. Initially both the divisions are hidden and only 2 buttons are visible.
    4. If button 1 is clicked, then diva must be
    5. If div1 is in open position and click on button 2, div1 should go up a bit and below div2 Should fall.

    I have written some code with css applied to it. But I can not find the sliding effect because it only returns with a single device.

    I have written as Javascript;

      var IsPanelDown = false; Var IsPanel2Down = false; $ (Document) .ready (function () {// Expand panel $ ("#Open"). Click (function () {if (IsPanel2Down == false) {$ ("div # panel2"). "Slow" "(" slow "); slideshots = true;}); // collapse panel $ (" # off "). (Function () {$ (" Div # panel "). SlideUp (" Slow "); Click on" $ "(" # Toggle ") for" Sign In "in" Close Panel ". (Function () {$ (" # Toggle a "). Toggle ();}); $ (" # toggle2 a "). Click (function () {$ (" # toggle2 a "). Toggle ();} $ (" #Open1 ") Click Do (function SlideUp ("Slow"); IsPanelDown = false;} $ ("div # SlideUpdate" (IsPanelDown == Incorrect); {{(IsPanelDown == Wrong); IsPanel2Down = true;}) // Collapse Panel $ ("# close1") (function () {$ ("div # panel2"). SlideUp ("slow"); IsPanel2Down = false;});});   

    slide up / slide down control visibility, no status.

    Use CSS or document structure to control the relative position of the DIV.

    Rails XML Builder - Code refactoring -

    To generate XML, I have written the following code in my rail app. I use Aptana IDE for railway development I have been and the IDE shows a warning that code structure is similar in both blocks. What code changes can be made to remove duplicates in the structure? Is there any other way of writing this?

      xml.roles do @ rolesList.each do | R | Xml.role (: id = & gt; r ["role_id"] ,: name = & gt; r ["role_name"]) and end xml.levels do @ levelsList.each do | Lvl | Xml.level (: id = & gt; lvl ["level_id"] ,: name => lvl ["level_name"]) end  

    Use the method of sending me and & lt; Send: id & gt; 12 & lt; / Send: id & gt; There was only one problem with tags appearing like . To solve, I "tag!" way. So I think your code will look like this:

      def build_xml (node_name, node_lit) xml.tag! (Node_name.plicate) node_list.Each | Node | Id_str = node ["# {node_name} _id"] "" {{node_name} _name "] xml.tag! (Nod_name, id = & id; id_str ,: name = & gt; name_str) and end and end  

    visual studio 2008 - Shortlisting Intellisense -

    Do anyone know that in a way 2008 VS Intelligence is shortlisted to show only shows, events, or attributes? What's for Or perhaps there is a plug-in for it?

    I use Intelligence to go to the documents for classes and this "method to X" or "Property for Y" immediately without knowing its name.

    Thank you,

    I do not know what the visual assistant does or is it V.S. Is the origin of. But when you do your mouse clicks on your popup list box, you will only see buttons to display events, properties.

    alt text

    javascript - getelementsbyname doesn't work with var[x] -

    Let me hide some hidden feeds like:

      & lt; Input type = "hidden read" name = "check [0]" value = "5276de80e3b91e48cc7d3c99db785c40" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "check [1]" value = "836251738362638404843399db785c40" & gt; ...  

    getElementByName ("check") [0] .value only undefined returns. How do I get real values?

    This method is named getElementsByName , and it is a < Code> nodistist .

    Elements name check [0] and check [1] , there is no concept of elemental elements in HTML names, Is given the name.

    So, at one time you can get the necessary values ​​to access objects. Note that to bring the element back you will have to use [0] , since it is always a list, even if there is only one element:

      var Check0 = document getElementsByName ('check [0]') [0] .Value; Var check1 = document.getElementsByName ('check [1]') [0]. value;  

    php - Trying to make an authentication view for GET route but not POST in Laravel 4.2 -


    I've found that when the URLs are the same, the post is not the same Filling the used form also redirects the user to see auth, though its method is set to POST. It appears that the form method was set to GET, or I have defined a root :: any on that URL I neither

    the main question :

    So, there is a scene inside of my app that only the user should have access to a specific password (not their password as a user) and a specific e-mail. To accomplish this, I put one form in another view (accessible to everyone) and created a POST route as follows:


    < Pre> & lt; Form Action = "{{URL :: Way ('Team-Update-V5-Post', Array ('V5', $ Team_v5-> TeamName))}}" Method = 'Post' & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Team Password: {{$ team_v5- & gt; TeamName}} & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'password' name = 'password' & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'hidden' name = 'email' value = "{{Sentry :: getUser () -> email}}" & gt; & Lt; Input type = 'submit' value = 'edit' & gt; {{Form :: token (); }} & Lt; / Form & gt;


      Route: post ('/ sentry / team / {v} / {teamname} / edit', array (' As' = & gt; Team-Update-V5-Post ',' Usage '= & gt; TeamController @ postUpdateV5')); Route: get ('/ sentry / team / {v} / {teamname} / edit', array ('as' = & gt; team-update-v5', 'uses' => teamcontentor @ getUpdateV5 '));  

    So if the password is correct and the user's e-mail is authorized to access that view, then it works and the information passes through the controller.

    Now, the problem is: I do not want to see anybody with any specific password other than that specific user, so I tried to type the URL in the browser Created the GET route. That route is considered an authentication view that inspires the user to fill in the required information. Here is the controller:


      public function getUpdateV5 ($ v, $ teamname) {return view :: create ('team.auth') - & gt; ; ('V', $ V) - & gt; From ('TeamName', $ TeamName); } Public function postUpdateV5 ($ v, $ teamname) {$ validator = validator :: make (input :: All), array ('password' = & gt; 'required | minimum: 6', 'email' = & gt; 'Required | email',)); If ($ validator- & gt; fails ()) {Redirect: root ('Team-Update-v5', array ('v5', $ TeamName)) - & gt; With partners ($ accredited); } And ($ team_v5 = DB :: table ('teams_v5') -> where ('TeamName', $ TeamName) - & gt; First (); $ Captain_v5 = Sentry :: findUserById ($ team_v5- & gt; Captain_ID; with ('Team_v5', $ team_v5) ('Team .updatev5') -> if (hash :: check (get input: ('password'), $ team_v5- & gt; - & gt; ('Captain_V5', $ captain_v5)} Other {Return Redirect :: Way ('profile-team', array ($ v, $ teamname)) -> ('global', 'wrong password ! '); Finally, what happens:  
    1. If I write the same URL for GET and Post Route, then GET is a work But after filling the first form in teamv5.blade.php , the user is redirected to at the view and prompted to type information (not good). < / Li>
    2. If I write a different URL or just comment on the GET route, the post works perfectly but when I try to reload the page or access the URL, then I HTMF METHOD Permission is not allowed (because, of course, the GET route is written for this URL).

    I want the user to reach both ways, if possible. I know I made it for a long time, sorry. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

    Mongoose one has many relations between Schemas -

    I know that this question has been raised many times ago and Mongo does not have "many" connections, but I So far, I failed to make the connection between the two schemas. Here's what I have:

    User model (user.js)

      var userSchema = mongoose.Schema ({post: {_id: {type: Schema.Type object) Id, ref: 'post'}, title: {type: string, ref: 'post'}}, facebook: {id: string, token: string, email: string, name: string}});  

    and post schema (post.js)

      var meetingsSharma = Mongoose Sema ({title: string, description: string, _owner: {type: schema} type id, referee: 'user'}, owner name: {type: string, ref: 'user'}, created_t: {type: date , Default: Date.Now},});  

    I use the schema population and it works right with the post: Owner of each one, however, it does not work well with users. I want to be able to recover the list of users who belong to those posts. In Routes Js I define an API call to the database

      app .get ('/ API / user', function (rick, ridge)) {user.find (function (mistake, user) { If (mistake) res.send (err) res.json (user);}) populate ('posts._id', 'posts.title');});  

    But, in the shell and (not surprisingly) clientide user.posts in the blank array. How can I tie these two models properly?

    Just a wild guess

    1. You are user.find all users.
    2. Then you return them all.
    3. Then you pop the post id and the title, which already too late because you have already sent users.

    See examples of population.

    In addition to this, I hope that .posts property to be an array, not just the aircraft article comment property view.

    Does python have a limitation on the amount of code in a module? -

    I wrote a python module designed to solve the Tetris cube tiling puzzle, and there is a lot of code inside it, But when I press F5 to run the program, the shell starts again, but then it stops working, even when I do not enable debugging anything, even when it does not want to run. I have placed a print statement at the very beginning of the program, even then it has not been executed, and I can not terminate the program using ctrl-c. I was able to fix this problem by putting some functions defined in a separate module, and now it works fine, but if I create a new function, and add enough print statements, then the problem looks again, but It can be fixed just by removing a statement that i use Python 2.7.8

    There has been a problem with the problem I had set up in Python Version

    A new installation is capable of running longer modules, by pressing F5 just before any noticeable delay.

    .net - C# date doesnt remove leading zero for non en-us locale -

    I do not want a leading zero in front of month or day, this N-US

      Datetime .Now.ToString ("d") works fine; // "3/17/2015"  

    However for N-GB I do not want to be in front of the month. I expect the resutl "17/3/2015" but I get the output I am now -

      DateTime.Now.ToString ("d") // "17/03/2015"  

    Locally for Japan I'm getting 0 a month ago.

    DateTime.Now.ToString ("d") // "2015/03/17"

    I am setting up a culture in the current thread < / P>

      threads Present. Garbage = Agriculture = Culture. Information.  

    Thank you in advance

    Because the day is not right or In the first place on the left side you will get leading zero

    If you do not have to do this:

      .stost ("yyyy / m / d")  

    Or nothing like this with your favorite order:. .string ("d")

    image - OpenCV Edge Detectors -

    I am using CV in C ++ to remove edges from different video views. I have tried to use Seni and Sobel operators I need that my edges are single pixel in width and continuous.

    There is nothing that I will know (and how do I vary in standards), how blurred on the video before, I always end up with vague edges, with small artifacts around the edge of the question.

    Is there any other technique that uses OpenCV to remove better straight edges?

    The edges made of a video sequence using SENne, the edges in the texture file are called Blur Circle I have been using textures since the gradient changes, because these errors are in the sensi detector - I am trying to write a program that will keep track of a players wins everything works except can anyone tell me why my if statement wont work? -

    I am trying to write a program that will keep track of players' victory.

    Everything works except someone can tell me why my if statement is not working?

      A clear choice on the public class on form 1 private player 1 string string as personal player2 string in private player1Wins integer private player2Wins as integer as in the form of personal tie integer personal sub btnExit_Click (as this object, e EventArgs) as handle btnExit.Click Me.Close () End sub Private sub frmMainForm_Load (as this object, EventArgs e) MyBase.Load Player1 = InputBox ( "Player Enter the name of 1: ") lblPlayer1.Text = (Player 1 +" score of: ") Player2 = Input box ("Enter the name of Player 2:") lblplayer2.Text = (Player2 + "score:") End sub personal sub btnRoll_Click (as the object, in the form of e EventArgs) handle btnRoll.Click "rolling the dice dim randGen New random dim intNum1 integer dim intNum2 integer dim intNum3 integer dim intNum4 as as as as the game integer Er 'random integer as dim Inteltebl 2 Intig integer as dim Intotl 1 to 6 intNum1 = randGen Next (1, 7) intNum2 = randGen Next (1, 7) intNum3 = randGen Next (1, 7) intNum4 = randGen.Next (1, 7) Select to display the correct image PicDie1 case intNum1 case 1 picDie1.Image = picOneDot.Image Episode 2 picDie1.Image = picTwoDots.Image Episode 3 picDie1.Image = picThreeDots .Image Episode 4 picDie1.Image = picFourDots.Image Episode 5 picDie1.Image = PicFiveDots.Image Episode 6 picDie1.Image = picSixDots.Image choose to display the correct image case end select 'picDie2 intNum2 case 1 picDie2.Image = picOneDot .image case 2 picDie2.Image = picTwoDots.Image Case 3 picDie2.Image = picThreeDots. Image Case 4 picDie2.Image = picFourDots.Image Episode 5 picDie2.Image = picFiveDots.Image Episode 6 picDie2.Image = picSixDots.Image Choose Ending 'picDie3 Case selection in the right image intNum3 case 1 picDie3.Image = picOneDot.Image Case 2 picDie3 .image = picTwoDots.Image Case 3 picDie3.Image = picThreeDots.Image Case 4 Display PicDie3.Image = picFourDots.Image Episode 5 picDie3.Image = picFiveDots.Image Case 6 picDie3.Image = picSixDots.Image Choose the right image in picDie4 Display Case Select intNum4 Case 1 picDie4.Image = picOneDot.Image Case 2 picDie4. Image = picTwoDots.Image Case 3 picDie4.Image = picThreeDots.Image Episode 4 picDie4.Image = picFourDots.Image Episode 5 picDie4.Image = picFiveDots.Image Case 6 picDie4.Image = picSixDots.Image end choose to calculate the total number display Points to be intTotal = intNum1 + intNum2 lblTotal.Text = intTotal.ToString () intTotal2 = intNum3 + intNum4 lblTotal2.Text = intTotal2.ToString () if Player 1 & gt; Player 2 then message box. Show ("Player wins 1") lblWins.Text = CST (Player 1 Vince) Player 1 Vince = Player 1 Vince + 1 Player 2 & gt; Player1 Then MessageBox.Show ( "Player2Wins") lblWins2.Text = CSTR (Player2Wins) Player2Wins = Player2Wins +1 Else: MessageBox.Show ( "TIE") lblTies.Text = CSTR (tie) tie tie = +1 end if End Sub  

    You are comparing two players' NAMES instead of prices and comparison for If the second player should be one for the first, if

      'is calculated and displayed the total number of dots intTotal = intNum1 + intNum2 lblTotal.Text = intTotal.ToString () intTotal2 = intNum3 + IntNum4 lblTotal2. Text = intTotal2.ToString () if Intralt & gt; IntTotal2 then message box. Show ("Player1 wins") Player1Wins = Player1Wins + 1lblWins.Text = CStr (Player1Wins) Otherwise if intTotal2 & gt; IntTotal1 then MessageBox.Show ("Player2Wins") Player2Wins = Player2Wins + 1 lblWins2.Text = CSTR (Player2Wins) or otherwise MessageBox.Show ("tie") tie = tie + 1lblTies.Text = CSTR (tie) end then  

    and label updates must be after the counter increase for win and relationship

    c# - Transferring data from controller to view - List<> / IEnumerable<>? -

    I am creating an ASP.NET MVC application using the Entity Framework, but the way I want it

    public class product {public product} (categories = New list & lt; grade & gt;); } Public int ProductID {get; Set; } Public byte [] image {get; Set; } Public string name {get; Set; } Public string description {get; Set; } Public decimal value {received; Set; } Receive public proposal proposal; Set; } Public virtual iconging & lt; Category & gt; Categories {Get; Set; }} Public category category {public category () {product = new list & gt; Products & gt; (); } Public Integer ClassIID {Received; Set; } Public byte [] image {get; Set; } Public string name {get; Set; } Public string description {get; Set; } Public Virtual Ilectronics & lt; Products & gt; Product {Received; Set; }}

    What I'm building now is a page to show all products in a specific category. So if you go, then say, all the products in class / 1 should be shown in Category 1. Currently I am doing this like this. I have this method in the controller:

      public action category (id) {Return View (db.Categories.Where (c => c.CategoryID == ID). Includes = & Gt; C. Products)); }  

    should load all the products in that specific category and send that data into view:

      @EmployableImumerable & webshop.models. Product & gt; @ {ViewBag.Title = "Category:" + @ ViewBag.CategoryName; } & Lt; H2 & gt; @ViewBag.CategoryName & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; @ Html.DisplayNameFor (model => model.firster default (.name) & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; @ Html.DisplayNameFor (model = & gt; model.firster default (.) Value) & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Details & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; @Vorch (Various products in the model) {& lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; @ Product.Name & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; @ Product.Price & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td> @ Html.ActionLink ("Details", "Product", New {ID = Product.ProductIdID}) & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; } & Lt; / Table & gt;  

    This should work, is not it? Not good if I go to Category / 1 then I get the following error:

    The model item given in the dictionary 'System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbQuery 1 [ Webshop.models.Category] ', but this model requires a model object called' System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable '[1] [Webshop.Models.Product]'.

    Adding .toList () does not work in the controller.

    Actually this makes sense, but I do not know any other way to do this. And whatever is, it is that I have followed Microsoft's Asp net tutorial, where they did this.

    I hope nobody can help me understand it.

    Your view IEnumerable & lt; Webshop.Models.Product & gt; , but your controller is returning collection of the method category objects.

    I will change my view:

      @model Webshop.Models.Category @ {ViewBag.Title = "Category:" + Model.Name; } & Lt; H2 & gt; @ViewBag.CategoryName & lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; @ Html.DisplayNameFor (model => model.Products.FirstOrDefault (.name) & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; @ Html.DisplayNameFor (model = & gt; models.products.firstor Default (). Value) & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Details & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; @forcha (Product in model. Products) {& lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; @ Product.Name & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; @ Product.Price & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td> @ Html.ActionLink ("Details", "Product", New {ID = Product.ProductIdID}) & lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; } & Lt; / Table & gt;  

    Then your administrator method is:

      public action category {int ID} {return see (db.Categories.Where (c = & Gt; c .CategoryID == ID). Finish (C => C. Products). First and default ()); }  

    You definitely want to make some inquiry to ensure that the category was found rather than returning an empty class because it will be given if given the ID < / Code> was not found.

    sql server - SQL selecting results from multiple tables -

    Hello I want to display results from unrelated tables where the text string is present in a column that is common to all the tables in the database is . I can get the desired results with this:

      from the selection Table 1 where the heading '% text%' has the table 2 where the title '% text%' ` / Pre > 

    However my question is that it is a more efficient way to go about it because I have to find dozens of TBLs. Thanks for any help you can give!

    The ps I am using supports most dialects, but I like to keep it simple with SQL Server, because I'm using it.

    is an SP script that you call online search aliables.

    When you call it string, it will return the table and column as well as the full string.

    You can modify it to work with other datatypes very easily. This is a great resource for you to be absolutely precise.

    html - Why do I have to suppress XML excaping in this scenario -

    I am working with a servlet that adds markup to text documents. For example, this

    & lt; Span class = "legalTerm" & gt; According to Plaintiff the contract was not signed

    In my jsp I have the following CSS, html and jstl: < / P>

      & lt; Style & gt; .legalTerm {background: light gray; color blue; Font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; Text-align: center; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; C: Out value = "$ {document}" & gt; & Lt; / C: out & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt;  

    When I run an app then the document displayed in the browser looks like this:

      according to & lt; Span class = "legalterm" & gt; The plaintiff's & lt; / Span & gt; The contract was never signed on  

    When I see the source of the page:

      according to & amp; Lt; Span class = & amp; # 034; Legal Teacher & amp; # 034; End Gaze; Plaintiff & amp; Lieutenant; / Span & gt; The contract was not signed  

    I was able to get the right behavior by pressing save XML


    My question is how should this be done?
    Or am I missing something that will eliminate the need to avoid XML?

    Yes, this is the right behavior and why avoid XXML - Allows you to prevent the engine to prevent Are there. The default value for escapes XML is "true" because in case of normal use it will need to be avoided.

    r - Using KNN for pattern matching of time series -

    I want to try implementing a KNN algorithm for pattern matching (or pattern recognition) in my time series data . Data consumption are of measurement. I have a table with some columns, where the first column is the datetime of the measurement and the other columns represent the measurement. An example is:

      Datetime Main Stove Kitchen Microwave TV 2013-04-21 14:22:13 341.03 6 57 5 2013-04-21 14:22:16 342.36 6 57 5 2013-04-21 14:22:20 342.52 6 58 5 2013-04-21 14:22:23 342.07 6 57 5 2013-04-21 14:22:26 341.77 6 57 5 2013-04-21 21 : 22: 30 341.66 6 55 5 0 I want to use the KNN algorithm to compare the patterns of the main signal with the patterns of other signals. Therefore my training set will include the measurements of labels for each device and the test data set will include key signal measurements. Its goal is to detect changes in the signal - in which time the device was turned on. 

    What do I really want to ask:

    • How to face that time-format? In which format should it pass KNN? (I wonder if there are some conversions for integer or generalization?)
    • Is the KNN algorithm suitable for this task?
    • How to match pattern with KNN generally? I have already tried - I tried to put a single vector in which pattern of pattern of pattern (of each device) was placed in KNN as a set of training. Gone and then put the main data as test set. I completely left the date time column

      Any thoughts?

    lua table - Lua weak reference -

    I know about the functionality of weak tables in Lua, but I want to make a weak reference with a single variable.

    I have seen the suggestion of an API as follows:

      - creation riff = weak (obj) - dereference obj = ref ()  

    Which would look ideal. Although it does not appear anywhere else in the document; Only weak tables

    Is there anything to suit Python's functionality?

    Something like this is what you want me to believe:

      part is optional but you have  ref ()  returns the call syntax without having to directly access version of Use. 

    parsing - Eliminating left recursion (can't seem to get it) -

    मुझे निम्नलिखित व्याकरण मिल गया है:

      S - & gt; एसए एस - & gt; बीबी ए - & gt; एबी ए - & gt; सी बी - & gt; बीबी बी - & gt; D  

    अब, बाएं पुनरावर्तन को हल करने के लिए सामान्य नियम को देखकर, मैं कह सकता हूं:

      B - & gt; डीबी 'बी' - & gt; ई | बीबी ' 

    लेकिन यह तब तक है जब तक मुझे मिल सकता है। मैंने S :

      एस -> का विस्तार करने की कोशिश की एसएए | बीबी एस - & gt; SaaB | Sac | बीबी   

    लेकिन मैं इसे एल्गोरिदम के लिए उचित रूप में नहीं प्राप्त कर सकता।

    मुझे क्या याद आ रहा है?

    मुझे आश्चर्य है कि आप क्यों "" विस्तार " एस की कोशिश कर रहे हैं यह प्रपत्र जो पहले से ही है,

      S - & gt; एसएए | बीबी  

    उसी रूपांतरण को लागू करने के लिए पूरी तरह से फिट होता है जैसा आपने बी के साथ किया था। यह हो जाएगा

      S - & gt; बीबीएस 'एस' - & gt; Ε | एए  

    अब, आप उस कोड का विस्तार कर सकते हैं यदि आप चाहें।

    java - JBoss jbpm-console deployment is failed -

    I am trying to install and run the Jbpm 6.2.0 final full installer and I started the service by the Ent Builder tried. While the initial jbpm-console has given exceptions.

      error [] (MSc service thread 1-6) MSC000001: Service jboss.deployment failed to start Entity "jbpm-console.war" .PARSE: org.jboss.msc.service.stepException service in jboss.deployment.unit. "Jbpm-console.war" .SEPARSE: JBAS018733: deployment phase failed PARSE procedure "jbpm ( on -console.war" [wildfly- Server-8.1.0.Final.jar:] at org.jboss Msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl $ StartTask.startService (ServiceControllerImpl.java1948) [jboss-msc-1.2.2.Final.jar: Lk2k2kfinl] at org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl $ (ServiceControllerImpl. java: 1881) [jboss-msc-1.2.2.Final.jar: Lk2k2kfinl] java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker ( [rt.jar: 1.8.0_05] Java. util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor at $ (ThreadPoolE [rt.jar: 1.8.0_05] at (Thredkjawa: 745) [rt.jar: 1.8.0_05 ] caused by: org.jboss.msc.service ServiceNotFoundException: service not found on jboss.ejb.default-resource-adapter-name-service org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceContainerImpl.getRequiredService ( [ Jboss-msc-1.2.2.Final.jar: 1.2.2.Final] rceAdapterName ( on (on 244) at (MessageDrivenComponentDescriptionFactory .java: 89) on (Annota) on (AbstractDeploymentUnitProcessor. Java143) ( 84) at ( [Wild- Rv- 8.1.0.Final.jar: 8.1.0.Final] ... 5 and 2015-03 -18 01: 34: 50,627 error [] (controller boot thread) JBAS014613: Operation ("deploy") failed - address: ([("deployment" => "Jbpm-console.war")])) - unsuccessful details: {"JBAS 014671: unsuccessful services" => {"Jboss.deployment.unit. \" Jbpm-console.war \ ". PARSE" => "Jboss.deployment.unit in Org.jboss.msc.service.StartException service. \" Jbpm-console.war \ ". PARSE: JBAS018733: The process of phase deployment \" jbpm-console.war \ " Failed: Org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceNotFoundException: service service jboss.ejb.default -source-adapter-name-service not found "}} 2015-03-18 01: 34: 50,780 INFO [ Server]] (ServerService Thread Pool - 28) JBAS 018559: Working on "jbpm-console.war" (runtime-name: "jbpm-console.war") 2015-03-18 01:34: 50,784 info [org.jboss. As] server] (ServerService Thread Pool - 28) JBAS 018559: "Dashboard-Builder. Air" (Runtime-Name: "Dashboard-Builder. ") Deployment 20l5-03-l8 01: 34: 50,787 information []. Controller] (Controller boot thread) JBAS014774: Service status report JBAS014777: The service which failed to start: service jboss.deployment.unit. "Jbpm-console.war" .PARSE: org.jboss.msc.service.StartException service in jboss .deployment.unit. "Jbpm-console.war" .PARSE: JBAS018733: Failed to process the pH ASE parsing of deployment "jbpm-console.war" 2015-03-18 01: 34: 55,711 information [ ] (Jsc) jbpm-console.war (runtime-name: jbpm-console.war) in 4652ms  

    Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text">

    You should start with the full profile server note that the installer is already doing it for you automatically when the ant ('AT's initial demo' Or in other options Do not use one):