Tuesday 15 May 2012

objective c - iOS: What happens between init and loadView? -

I have a programmable app, a programmatic view created for which I see strange (me) behavior I am here. In particular, there is a long break (maximum 30 seconds) between the end of the init method and the beginning of the loadView method. I can not see anything from normal when installing breakpoint at those places, so I'm thinking that the system What is doing between init and loadView, and what I am doing is that point

Edit: Adding some code below (brief for clarity)

The app records and records the video. This view controller reviews a video that has just been recorded but has not yet been saved / has been posted.

  // Check this on the navigation controller stack - (id) initWithURL: (NSURL *) FileURL {self = [super init]; If (self) {self.localFileURL = fileURL; SessionManager = [[Session Manager alloc] initWithURL: fileURL]; } NSLog (@ "Returns Self"); Self return; } - (zero) load views {nslog ("start" load load "); Self.playView = [[PlayView alloc] initWithFrame: screenRect]; Self.view = self.playView; }  

A break between two logging statements is generated.

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