Friday 15 February 2013

sql - Eliminate stray whitespace between textboxes on a report -

I have a body of 4 stacked text boxes in the body of an SSR report and a horror space / extra line between the text box Getting 3 & amp; 4.

This is an address block - for name / title / email / website, you can not put them in the same text box, which has email and website links. I have tried to format vertical space to remove it; To calculate the situation, the exact position was calculated by adding up to + height. And of course I have tried to position it, so there are actually 0 pixels between the text boxes. If I'm # 3 & amp; Rendering # 4 looks the same, so it does not wandering formatted characters in the data field.

The solution is to wrap vertical boxes in a rectangle

I also get this problem good It was as long as I did not start on the second part of the form, my brain got blasted. The new boxes used to work completely until I moved to the second set of other text boxes that wrapped a few words in them. I realized that the boxes made according to the word were directly connected to those flaws which I was looking at the set of the correct text box. I think there is some kind of poor markup going on, which tries to prepare things horizontally and closes the set of text boxes in a rectangle, it saves them.

git - deleted a file in local master branch, how do I get it back from the remote? -

I have deleted the default.aspx.cs file in my local master branch by mistake.

Do I withdraw this file from my remote repository master?

If you have not phased or promised to delete then a simple one:

< Pre> git checkout - default.aspx.cs

will retrieve the file from the version in the index.

If you really have to go back to the version of Remote Master (which will only be different if you made other changes to the file before removing it or after that), you can do this:

  GIT Checkout Main / Master - default.aspx.cs  

performance - What's the limit to the number of members you can have in a java enum? -

Assuming you have a hypothetical enum in Java (for display purposes like this), this code is not Seriously expecting to use):

  Example example {FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, ... LAST; }  

The compiler prevents you before what the maximum number of members can be?

Secondly, there is a difference in any runtime when your code says with a NAM, there are 10 members in opposition to 100 or 1,000 (except for a clear memory overhead required to store only the larger category) ?

The best way to answer this type of question is to try to generate Java files Start with a little Python script for:

  n = input () print "class A {public static zero main (string [] a) {} enum B {" print ',' ("C% d" in the range (n) x) Print '}}'  

Now try with 1,10,100,1000 ... works fine, then Balm:

Agava: Code too large C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11, C12 , C3, C14, C15, C16, C17, C18, C19, C20, C21, C22, ...

It seems that I have some kind of It is not certain that it is a documented limitation, if it is dependent on the specific version of the compiler, or if it hits the internal border Stm dependent limit but the limit for me around 3000 and it is related to the source code size. You may be able to write your own compiler to bypass this limit.

javascript - Dynamic Div Height Calculation - JQuery/AJAX -

I have written a small lightbox plugin for jQuery (yes, there are many ready-made packages - unfortunately, Co. Does not like any of them).

I have a small problem - I am using .load () to load dynamic flash content in the lightbox device. I am enclosing Dim in DOM, determining hidden visibility, and using .outerHeight (true) and .outerwidth (true) to achieve dimensions. In Internet Explorer, I'm getting a height of 61px (margin + 1px).

Context: Content Container is already attached to body dom fr

  var remote = $ (document.createElement ("div")); Remote.css ("margin", "30px"); Var loadURL = $ (this) .attr ('href'); If (typeof (isImage) == "undefined" |! IsIge) {console.log ("Loading" + loadURL); ContentContainer.append (remote); Remote.load (loadURL, function) (contentContainer.css ("left", (currWindow.width / 2) - (contentContainer.outerWidth (true) / 2) .css ("top", document.body.scrollTop + (CurrWindow.height / 2) - (contentContainer.outerHeight (true) / 2)); overlay.css ("visibility", "visible"); Content Container CSS ("Visibility", "Visible");}); }  

With a set height and width, a basic div that is being loaded in a remote.

Any suggestions? I think there is some stupidity about it when I am trying to calculate the height and width. Although it worked with an original image ...


Around Try the contents of the callback in a window.setTimeout will wait to open the current call stack before executing it with 0 milliseconds. In my experience, this callback fixes some IE issues over time, when the browser event executes the callback after the fire, but before that IE redens the window.

c++ - Is there an string equivalent to LPTSTR? -

Is there a string equal to LPTRS? I know about strings and wstring is there any tstring?

You can define one:

  typedef std: : Basic_string & lt; TCHAR & gt; Mystring; ... mestring test = _T ("Hello world!");  

Playing sounds in Visual C# -

I want to add sound effects to my Visual C # program. What is the easiest way to do this?

  system. Media. Sound Player Sound = New System Media.SoundPlayer ("ringout.wav" @); Sound.PlaySync ();  

iphone - Force portrait orientation on pushing new view to UINavigationViewController -

I have a tabbed base application, which supports Landscape orientation only for a particular view (Rootview of a UINaviagtionController). Now I want to emphasize the portrait orientation for all other scenes for this navigation controller. I have tried to use

[[UIDevice currentDevice] SetOrrentation: UIDivisOrmentation Portate]

but it works very well but this code The piece is a private API call and I can not be at risk of app disapproval.

I have also tried to rotate the next scene manually but it will only rotate the view, not the navigation or tab bar.

Is there a similar way to force orientation change?

There is currently no way to do this. Take a look at this, I have the same problem with a tabbar application, you need to do everything that is autorotate, or nothing. You can find different answers on each scene for the urgency, but in fact it does not work. I do not know whether this is an intentional behavior or bug, anyway, the only viable solution that I know (using without document API) is to manage rotation by itself, and do not rely on autorotation.

It means in other words that you need to start Orientation Notification (see UID device, there are ways to start and stop information about device orientation), then you register for each view To rotate as an inspector, and manually manage the orientation, do not remember (where I have found this snippet):

  // changes the scene . CGAffineTransform transform = Cegfint TransformMarketation (M_PI / 2); Self.view.transform = transform;  

function pointers - How can I create a type based lookup table in order to implement multiple-dispatch in C++? -

I am trying to create a messaging system containing messages based on any class work "messageable" HandleMessage () is overloaded for example:

  class messageable (public: zero message taking) (message and message) {it-> Sending message (message); } Secure: Zero lock function (std :: type_info type, / * needs help here / / func) {m_handlers [type] = func; } Zero send message (messages and messages) {m_handlers [Typid (message)] (message); } Private: std :: map & lt; Std :: type_info, / * Need help here * / & gt; M_handlers; }; Class Test Messaging: Public Messageable (Public: Test Message) (This-> Bind Function (Typid (Visual Message), Zero (Test Messaging :: * Management Message); This-> Bind Function (Typid (dance message), zero (TestMessageable :: * Management) (dance message);} Conserved: Zero Handle Message (Visual Messaging Visual Message) {// Do something with visual message} Nine handset message (Dance message dance The message Sh) {// do something here with dance}}};  

In short, I want the correct version of the handle message based on the RTTI value of any message.

I look at the Double Dispatcher pattern without any type of monolithic switch / case statement

See information.

You should be able to implement VisualMessage as a class in this way:

  Class VI For dual message: public Message {public: virtual void dispatch (Message-qualified and message-qualified) {InMessageable.handleMessage (* this); }};  

And then call it like this:

  Message & amp; VMessage = Visual message (); Message worthy & amp; Tmessageable = TestMessageable (); VMessage.dispatch (tMessageable);  

This will then call TestMessage :: Message (visual message and visual message)

The reason for this is that the message: The sending view will be based on the message type. Then when VisualMessage :: Dispatch call in these messaging. Handle message (* This) will call the correct handle message because * This type of pointer is a visual message, no message.

naming - Which name is more correct in my case: manager or factory (or something else)? -

मेरे पास अगला कोड है:

  PhotoFactory फ़ैक्टरी = PhotoFactory.getFactory (PhotoResource.PICASA) ; फोटो सत्र सत्र = कारखाना। ओपन सत्र (लॉगिन, पासवर्ड); फोटो एल्बम एल्बम = कारखाना। सृजित एल्बम (); फोटो फोटो = फैक्टरी.क्रेतेफोटो (); Album.addPhoto (फोटो); अगर (session.canUpload ()) {session.uploadAlbum (एल्बम); } Session.close ();  

मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि मैंने सही नाम चुना है। यह इतना महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है, लेकिन मैं सिर्फ मेरे मामले में आपने जो चुन लिया था, उत्सुक हूँ। एक और संस्करण प्रबंधक है:

<पूर्व> PhotoManager manager = PhotoManager.getManager (PhotoResource.PICASA); फोटो सत्र सत्र = सत्र (लॉगिन, पासवर्ड); फोटो एल्बम एल्बम = manager.createAlbum (); फोटो फोटो = manager.createPhoto (); Album.addPhoto (फोटो); अगर (session.canUpload ()) {session.uploadAlbum (एल्बम); } Session.close ();

UPD: मैं अभी हाइबरनेट जावडॉक्स पर अगले उदाहरण पाया है:

  सत्र सेस = कारखाना। Open सत्र (); लेनदेन टीएक्स; {Tx = sess.beginTransaction () का प्रयास करें; // कुछ काम करते हैं ... tx.commit (); }  

क्या यह नामकरण गलती है?

बहुत बहुत उच्च स्तर, मैं इसे एक फैक्टरी कहता हूं अगर यह कक्षाओं के उदाहरण बनाने के लिए ही जिम्मेदार होता है; और एक प्रबंधक अगर वस्तुओं की चल रही अस्तित्व की निगरानी की जरूरत है, और वे अन्य वस्तुओं से संबंधित हैं, आदि।

आपके द्वारा पोस्ट किए गए कोड स्निपेट में आप केवल ऑब्जेक्ट बना रहे हैं और इस प्रकार, मेरे राय, फैक्टरी एक उपयुक्त नाम है हालांकि आपको यह ध्यान में रखना चाहिए कि कक्षा की अवधारणात्मक जिम्मेदारियां क्या हैं और क्या भविष्य में विस्तार हो सकती हैं।

उस ने कहा, मैं क्लासिक रूप से उम्मीद करता हूं कि एक कारखाने को सत्र बनाने के बारे में चिंता करने की आवश्यकता न हो, बल्कि आवश्यकता के अनुसार अपने createFoo कॉल में सत्र समाप्त हो गए हैं, इसलिए निश्चित रूप से कुछ निराशता कारक के रूप में चीजें स्थापित की जाती हैं। मुझे लगता है कि व्यक्तिगत तौर पर मुझे सत्र बनाने के लिए कुछ अन्य सार तत्व जिम्मेदार होगा, और फिर इन्हें PhotoFactory में पास करें।

Is it possible to use CSS to update parts of an HTML page in a way similar to frames? -

Is it possible to use CSS to work as a frame?

I mean, when we use the frame (for example, left, right), clicking on the left will only refresh the correct section using the 'target' attribute

< P> Is it possible to make an impact with CSS?

Thank you.

Using frames is usually a bad idea

Answer your question Not to give, CSS can not be used to work as a frame CSS is used to change the style of HTML and thus, actually the content of a page Can not change it, it can be used to hide content, but I do not think F you need it.

However, I think in this case you are asking the wrong question Frame is usually incorrectly done.

When the web design begins, frames look like a great idea You can separate your navigation from your content, your site will load quickly because Navigation does not load every time and the menu is always visible even when the page is loading.

However, in fact,

  • Your users can not book individual pages
  • Printing is broken
  • Standard features in the browser
  • Users can not copy / paste web pages for a particular page

Frames are used for them ( Such as Google Image Search), but are not recommended for standard navigation menus. Try creating a page in a dynamic server language such as PHP or ASP.NET.

In these languages ​​there are ways to create standard elements such as your navigation menu without the use of frames.

ip - Netmask to CIDR in ruby -

I am using an IP address address and it does not appear that the netmask form  

In CIDR form

  / 24  

Does anyone have any ideas , Which is to be changed later in the latter?

quick and dirty paths

  require 'ipaddr' Ipadder NUU ("") is called. To_i.to_s (2) .count ("1")  

This should be the right job, I can not find it, so I just count "1". >

If you are going to use the function in many places and don 'port in the mindpatching, it can help:

  IPAddr.class_eval def to_cidr "/" + self. To_i.to_s (2) .Count ("1") End End  

Then you get ('') . To_cidr # = & gt; "/ 24"  

Dot '.' in XML-Tags / Transforming w. XSLT -

I have an XML that can be changed using XSLT but "." It does not work because of the tag and its reason. But, he . What is allowed in XML-tags can someone give me an indication of changing such a file: XML:

  & lt; Root.element & gt; & Lt; Test.element & gt; Hello World & lt; /test.element> & Lt; /root.element>  


  & lt; Xsl: template match = "/" & gt; & Lt; Test & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Select the value = "root.element / test.element" /> gt; & Lt; / Test & gt; & Lt; / XSL: Templates & gt;  

XSLTproc (libxslt) converts it properly. But you can try pushing it in uneven:


jQuery: manually close dialog -

I have my own visit visit widget inside a jQuery dialog I have the following dialog attribute for the dialog:

  • Close ASC
  • But do not auto-do the dialog when clicked

I before : function () {return false;} P> does not work anymore to stop by SCC;

  • When my list view is clicked on, I'm trying to manually close the dialog using this.div.dialog ({beforeclose: Null }); But it does not help.

  • So I can not stop the dialog at all. : /

    Any ideas to fix?

    The first callback seems like a function before the call dialog is closed. You need to see a click event or element that has a click event connected and try to stop it.

    java - What does 4j mean? -

    I think many Java libraries use this as a suffix:

      Log4j, couchdb4j, neo4j, launch4j, etc.   

    Number 4 (for English ) for is a name for the promotion, it is being used to indicate that the library is for Java .

    In. Net, sometimes libraries are prefixed with n to indicate that they There are NET versions. For example, Java has to be in Hibernate and NET has EnhiberNet. You also have issues where Java follows this "conference" such as jUnit (where nUnit of .NET).

    As a beginner developer, I was also confused with the 4J naming convention, I thought it was a version indicator, unless I had been taken care of several libraries carrying the suffix.

    Perhaps now a Google search will trigger a meaningful result for "4j" :)


    I find the original of 4j suffix I'm unable to, but my best estimate will be that it has started with log4net, log4php, such as log4cxx

    visual studio - Creating & using an MFC static library -

    Is it possible to create MFC static library (.lib) and it is possible to link it to a non-MFC C ++ application ? If so, does anybody know about making MFC static library? There is no such template in Visual Studio.

    Well, it has been found that is for an MFC static library A template; It's just well hidden & mdash; This is in Win32 templates instead of MFC templates.

    You only need to create a standard Win32 project and choose "Static Library". At that point the MFC checkbox is enabled and you are good to go.

    wpf - Binding to a single element inside a CompositeCollection -

    I am trying to create a list of servers to browse on a network, such as it's a tree Produces a scene that looks like this:

    - Local Server - End point 1 - End point 2 - Remote - & lt; Double-click to add a server ... & gt; - Remote server 1 - End point 1 - End point 2 - Remote server 2 - End point 1 - End point 2

    My view model looks like this:

      ... public server local server; Public supervision & lt; Server & gt; RemoteServers; ...  

    So, how is it known about creating a list in XML with bindings for a list of an object and objects? I am completely wrong about this, but what my mind really wants to do is something like this:

      & lt; Compositecollection & gt; & Lt; Single element content = "{binding lockser}" & gt; & Lt ;! - ^ ^ On the lines of a content presentation - & gt; & Lt; TreeViewItem header = "remote" & gt; & Lt; TreeViewItem.ItemsSource & gt; & Lt; CompositeCollection & gt; & Lt; TreeViewItem Header = "& amp; lt; Click to add ... & amp; gt;" / & Gt; & Lt; Archive archive = "{binding remote server}" /> & Lt; / CompositeCollection & gt; & Lt; /TreeViewItem.ItemsSource> & Lt; / TreeViewItem & gt; & Lt; / CompositeCollection & gt;  

    I think that should be the basic element which I am remembering which prevents me from being able to specify what I want here. Children in that single item I tried to use a ContentPresenter, but for whatever reason, it picked up the HierarchicalDataTemplate to display correctly, although it was not expandable. Update

    For now, I have exposed a property on this visual model that wraps one element into one A archive dialogue could force him to. I really would like to hear people's views on how to do this, though. This is very basic.

    I have posted your questionable question regarding the composite resolution:

    This is clearly a bug in WPF, whether it is trust or not here is a post accepted by an MS employee as much:

    Composite compilation is not free, but should be. This makes it difficult to add non-stored elements to a collection. This is a common scenario for many things, for example, the "One One One" element above Cambodia filled with other database objects will be good, but you can not declare it in a declarative way.

    Anyway, I'm sorry it's not the answer, but hopefully it helps you to see why this is not working so that you thought about it.

    visual studio 2010 - Why is StyleCop SA1305 not respecting the allowed prefixes list in VS2010 (or MSBuild)? -

    I upgraded a project from 2008 to 2010 beta 2 and the Stylespog is now reporting SA1305 (Hungarian Notation) warnings on Vierbian names.

    The prefix 'is' is 'certainly' in the list of allowed prefixes.

    Is this a known issue? Is anyone else walking in this problem? This code was definitely compiled without any warning in 2008.

    Update : It has been discovered that this view may do the required work in the studio, but then could fail via MSBuild. See the answers below for answers.

    You can manually add the "Exceptions" exception to the settings. Style coop:

    & lt; Analyzer & gt; & Lt; Analyst Analyst I = "Microsoft Style Co. Csarp. Naming Rules" & gt; & Lt; AnalyzerSettings & gt; & Lt; Collection Property Name = "Hungarian" & gt; & Lt; VALUE & gt; & Lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; / CollectionProperty & gt; & Lt; / AnalyzerSettings & gt; & Lt; / Analyzer & gt; & Lt; / Analyzer & gt;

    c# - How to create and manage several datasets -

    What is the best way for me to do many datasets?

    I thought about making it a routine to create a dataset with one number in my names, every one with the desired data, but it is not very intelligent (though it may work)

    I want to create that "like data" "Vb:


    and how many datasets I see in this "array" Eligible I

    Anyone in C # or VB Pure welcome! (Although I'm developing in

    I have tried to do it like an array

      dim dayof as directinfoone = New directoryInfo ("c: \") dim finfo FileInfo () = dinfo.GetFiles ("* .xml") Dims as Ds (DataSet = nothing for a = 0 to finfo.GetLength ( 0) Step 1 DS (A) .ReadXml ("c: \" "+ FinFoo (A) .name) Next  

    and find me

      The object is not set for an example of object. ** *  

    So I think this is not just that.

    (obs, I have loaded a dataset to a dataset of a code and it works perfectly


    / div>

    The answer to last Marcello is not so Datasets are large, and by using one you 're already consuming too much memory

    What did I do:
    Made a dataset and used it (The fields I wanted) then cleaned it :

      In the form of a new dataset of the slow data   

    this line of code was in for , where I used to write every file Loaded, so it flashes every time. It worked perfectly.

    delphi - How to put a relative path for a DLL statically loaded? -

    I have a DLL in Delphi 7 / Windows XP, which I want to load in the host application on Windows permanently Delphi, too). I am using this line of code:

      process Prepare_HTML_Email (var mailmessage: tid message; constant fileadder, adstatel, alarms type: string); Stdcall; External DLL_ADDRESS; Where  DLL_ADDRESS  should be the location, DLL is  

    . But at this point I have a problem, the host application is a service, so it's running in C: \ windows \ system32 , but I want to put DLL in another directory, not C: \ Windows \ System 32 \ / Code>. The "external" keyword does not allow it to conform with a function, it only accepts continuous expression, so how do I get the path of DLL?

    First of all, you are not doing "static loading" anything. D stands for DLL dynamic ; All DLLs are dynamically connected, regardless of where static linking is involved in how to include DCU and OBJ files in your program. You can not link to a DLL statically.

    You are talking about load-time dynamic linking , where the OS loads the DLL for you, because due to the functions listed in it run-time dynamic In opposing linking , where you want to call LoadLibrary , the import table of your program, when you define your work external Use the instructions, then you make an entry in the import table And as far as I know, meaningless relative path. Looks for the DLL on OS load time (and run time) using one. In general, this app has everything on its directory, current directory, system directory, Windows directory, and then the path environment variable.

    In your case, the current directory and the system directory are the same place, and you have no control over them anyway. Do not put your DLL in Windows directory; Which already has enough stuff that is not related there.

    Your best bet is to put your DLL in the same directory as you have inserted your service exe. If you do not want to, then you can put enough programs enough to bootstrap your program in a DLL in that program and then later with the LoadLibrary whatever personal DLL directory you want Are, can load everything.

    You can add your DLL to a location and then add that directory to the path environment variable. This variable is a shared resource, however, before you change it, think twice about it.

    How can I cache a dynamic page to a flat file in PHP? -

    I am trying to roll the caching system to reduce the load on the database.

    I want

    this code is here:

      $ cache_file = ""  

    $ _GET ['page_id'] '. Html '; Function cache () {// Here I want to get a timestamp of the file which was previously cached, // if it exists // if the file does not exist, then create it // if it exists, then the last modified Check the time, if it is too long, overwrite the file / file $ Ob = ob_get_contents (); File_put_contents ($ cache_file, $ ob); } Function loadFromCache ($ page_id) {$ file_name = $ page_id '.html'; If (! File_exists ($ file_name)) {return false; } Readfile ($ file_name); Back true; }


    You can use the modification time for the file to receive. - When exactly is a value returned from Eval() converted to a string? -

    I thought Eval ("JobTitle") returns the value String , but this does not look like, because given by Eval ("JobTitle") GetSelectedJobTitle () has object And not string , which means that "objects can not be converted from string".

    & lt; Editing item template & gt; & Lt; Asp: DropDownList ID = "EditJob" runat = "server" selectIndex = '& lt;% # GetSelectedJobTitle (Eval ("JobTitle"))% & gt; Data source = '& lt;% # header% & gt;' & Gt; & Lt; / ASP: DropDownList & gt; & Lt; / EditItemTemplate & gt; Public int GetSelectedJobTitle (String title) {...} Public string [] Title {...}

    a) Then the conversion (from object )

    b) return from Eval ("JobTitle") ) and if Eval does not convert , what way?



    I think that In our example, GetSelectedJobTitle () is said before the evaluation of Asp.Net (and it converts to a string) inside of & lt;% #%> is the expression inside?

    Eval return "object" If you know that you will get a string, .

      & lt; EditItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; Asp: DropDownList ID = "EditJob" runat = "server" selectIndex = '& lt;% # GetSelectedJobTitle (string) Eval ("JobTitle"))% & gt; Data source = '& lt;% # header% & gt;' & Gt; & Lt; / ASP: DropDownList & gt; & Lt; / EditItemTemplate & gt;  

    The conversion occurs during the databind event.

    EDIT: Answer better comments here.

    Our big difference is that statement:


      <% # getSelectedJobTitle (Eval ("JobTitle"))% & Gt;  

    I also give error 2 logic '1': can not be converted from 'object' to 'string' p: \ WebSite1 \ Default.aspx 19


      & lt;% # getSelectedJobTitle ((string) Eval ("JobTitle"))% & gt;  


    sql - Stored Procedure(s) slow on initial execution -

    Groups, I'm still learning SQL, and I'm running into a new problem. I have some stored procedures that are slow on their initial execution / connection. For example, I have a stored procedure (SP) that I use in an application to view prices for a product. The first time I run the SP in the morning, it may have to be executed for 20-40 seconds. After that it takes only 1-2 seconds ... we also run daily updates on the tables used by SP (SA) and after the update the cache is cleared and then it will be used for initial run of 20-40 seconds And then 1-2 seconds later.

    Is there a way around this? Not sure if I should add my SP to Daily Update after update (which may be messed up) or if I can add anything to my SP who does not want to clear the cache (which creates space issues Can do).

    Any suggestions are very appreciated.

    Text "itemproc =" text ">

    Possible reasons are you see the difference in speed due to caching. Once you run an SPCR, the execution plan goes into the cache and it is very fast. Whatever was done in its environment, it was used to run its more used spros as a fixed work for around 7:30 so that they could start their workday For "hot" at 8 o'clock.

    java - How to connect to machine ip address & port via grails app -

    I'm running Mac OS 10.6 with the default settings for my machine with Internet Saving.

    Do you need to configure to allow access to my machine's gaile / jetty frequency at a particular port?

    I can do "along with" but if I run my Gay App to run on a specific port, I can not use it with it: ".

    The browser can not establish a connection to its own machine with this address and I know that I need to install an accessible port in some config files.

    I was able to do this before upgrading to the last version of OS, but it has been so long I do not remember what I did last time.

    Note: I can use 'grails run-app-serverver.port =' to specify a port number for the JT to run my Grails application, but it is still my machine Does not allow access to IP addresses; Port number

      grails run-ap-dserver.port = & lt; Port number & gt;  

    Run-app runs a Grails app using the default JT Container The default http port is 8080. This command line can be customized by adding --Dserver.port =

    For more information, see.

    javascript - jQuery : simulating a click on a <input type="file" /> doesn't work in Firefox? -

    संभव डुप्लिकेट:

    मेरे पास एक वेब पेज है जो इस तरह दिखता है

      & lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; title & gt; फ़ाइल अपलोड टेस्ट पर & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" src = "" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; div onclick = "$ ('input [type = file]')। क्लिक करें ()" & gt; क्लिक सिमुलेटर & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "फ़ाइल" & gt; & lt; / input & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt;  फ़ाइल इनपुट  पर एक क्लिक ईवेंट को बढ़ाएं, और यह ठीक तरह से काम करता है जैसा कि मैं ' आईई और क्रोम में होने की उम्मीद है, लेकिन फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स में काम नहीं करता (जब आप  div  पर क्लिक करते हैं तो कोई भी फ़ाइल ब्राउज़र नहीं खोला जाता है)। 

    क्या यह काम करने का कोई तरीका है एफएफ में

    क्या यह काम करने का कोई तरीका है?

    नहीं, और यह IE के सबसे आम संस्करणों में काम नहीं करता है, या तो आईई संवाद खोलेगा, लेकिन एक बार आपने इसके साथ एक फाइल का चयन किया है तो फॉर्म वास्तव में जमा नहीं होगा।

    त्याग आशा नकली फ़ाइल अपलोड बॉक्स का एकमात्र तरीका पारदर्शिता तकनीक का उपयोग कर रहा है, और यह वास्तव में बिल्कुल भी अनुशंसित नहीं है क्योंकि ब्राउजर फाइल अपलोड बॉक्स अलग-अलग आंतरिक रूप से रख सकते हैं (या यहां तक ​​कि एक फ़ाइल अपलोड नियंत्रण प्रदान करते हैं जिसमें ब्राउज वार्तालाप शामिल नहीं है), यह अत्यधिक संभावना बना रहा है कि आप एक अप्रभावी रूप से समाप्त हो जाएंगे।

    ग्रे फ़ाइल अपलोड फ़ील्ड से प्यार करना सीखें, या जहां उपलब्ध है वहां फ्लैश से प्रतिस्थापित करने के लिए प्रगतिशील वृद्धि का उपयोग करें।

    javascript - Suckerfish dropdown omitted in IE7 -

    Usage of sucker fish dropdown here:

    Client does not see the dropdown ("About us "Go) In IE7 Vista, I am unable to reproduce this issue at my end.

    I know CSS very well but I am stumped. Any advice?

    I think this span tag wraps about us. Try removing the span tag so that "about us" is wrapped only with anchor tag and see if it works or try adding a display: inline-block in the span tag They had a similar problem and resolved it.

    I wish I could be more helpful, but I do not have IE 7. Hope it helps. mvc - In MS MVC, are Poco classes to be defined in the Models namespace but outside of a repository class? -

    I think I'm about to collect a MVC repository correctly, but individual loss on Fringe. I created a MVC project with a repository and successfully returned the data, but is not correct because it is related to DDD. Please tell me where I am wrong in the case of strict DDD assembly. I think the topics are very detailed, a book suggestion would be OK. I hope that I am quite specific in my question.

    It was a question, but I separated them for clarity: do you create a namespace for all the stototti classes which are called Mystore.Modals? Create a repository category like the product within the model namespace for each unit? Do you put the pocus in your classrooms in the model namespace but are not part of the repository class?

    I am currently using POSC to figure out the institutions with the Linux statement, IQueryable Rappers therefore I think you can remove any IQueryable and replace it with some kind of lazy load? How do you load lazy without relying on SQL from the original linux?

      Public IQueryable & lt; Products & gt; GetProducts (...) {Return to db.Products in P ... where new myProductPoco select // Linq id = a poco cut from p.ID, name = p.Name, ...}); }  

    Then references to these MVC views within the heirs page directive:

      System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage & lt; IQueryable & lt; MyStore.Models.Product & gt; & Gt;  

    However, Nested Generic looks incorrect. I think it needs a re-factor. Where do you define defining model classes in which there are references to entities? Within the control class (nested class)?

    As book suggestions, try Eric Evan, and maybe Martin Fowellers.

    NSData writeToFile gives a "may not respond to" message on iPhone SDK -

    मुझे NSData वस्तु -writeToFile: विधि के साथ एक समस्या है , और NSString ऑब्जेक्ट के साथ भी।

    जब मैं सॉफ़्टवेयर का संकलन करता हूं, तो यह NSData (या NSString कोड>) -writeToFile: संदेश का जवाब नहीं दे सकता है।

    जब मैं सॉफ़्टवेयर चलाता हूं तो यह इस पंक्ति तक पहुंचता है और अपवाद करता है।

    डेटा, मैं एक फाइल में लिखने की कोशिश करता हूं, जिसमें एक एएससीआईआई फाइल है, जिसमें इंटरनेट से डाउनलोड किया गया है।


    मैंने इसे सीधा परिणाम प्राप्त करने की कोशिश की है, लेकिन संकलन एक ही चेतावनी संदेश देता है क्या मुझे यहाँ कुछ अनदेखा है?

    यहाँ मेरा कोड है यदि कोई भी मदद कर सकता है।

      NSString * docs डायरेक्टरी = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains (NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) objectAtIndex: 0]; NSString * पथ = [डॉक्स डायरेक्टरी स्ट्रिंगबैपैडिंगपैथकंपोनेंट: नाम]; NSFileManager * fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; एनएसईआरआर * त्रुटि = [[एनएसआईआरआर आलोक] इनिट]; [FileManager को निकालें ItemAtPath: पथ त्रुटि: & amp; त्रुटि]; NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString: @ ""]; NSMutableURLRequest * liveRequest = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL: url]; [लाइव विन्यास सेटकाच नीति: NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringCacheData]; [LiveRequest सेट वैल्यू: @ "हेडवावल्यू" के लिए एचटीटीपी हेडरफिल्ड: @ "हैडरफील्ड"]; NSURLResponse * प्रतिक्रिया; एनएसडीटा * मायडाटा = [एनएसयूआरकनेक्शन भेजना सिंक्रोनसआरएइजस्ट: लाइवआरसीसी लौटते हुए रिस्पांस: और एक्शन त्रुटि: & amp; एडिशन; NSString * myString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: myData एन्कोडिंग: NSASCIIStringEncoding]; [MyString writeToFile: पथ स्वचालित रूप से: हाँ एन्कोडिंग: NSASCIIStringEncoding]; [MyData release]; [मायस्ट्रीन रिलीज]; वापस सच;  

    चेतावनियां निम्न हैं

    / यूज़र / एंड्रे / डॉक्यूमेंट्स / लक्सोर / क्लासेस / लक्सोरफ़ाइल। M / 48 / / यूज़र्स / एंड्रॉइड / डॉक्यूमेंट्स / लिक्सर / क्लासेस / लक्सोरफ़ाइल। M 48: चेतावनी: 'एनएसएसटीइंग' '-writeToFile का जवाब नहीं दे सकता है: स्वचालित रूप से: एन्कोडिंग:'

    / यूज़र्स / एंड्रॉइड / डॉक्यूमेंट्स / लिक्सर / क्लासेस / लक्सोरफ़ाइल। M 48 / उपयोगकर्ता / एंड्र / दस्तावेज / लक्सर / क्लासेस / लक्सरफ़ाइल .एम: 48: चेतावनी: (मेलिंग पद्धति के हस्ताक्षर के बिना संदेश

    / यूज़र / एंड्रॉइड / डॉक्यूमेंट्स / लक्सकोर / क्लासेस / लक्सोरफ़ाइल.एमएटीएटी / उपयोगकर्ता / एंड्रॉ / डॉक्यूमेंट / लक्सर / क्लासेस / LuxorFile.m: 48: चेतावनी: आरम्भिकरण किसी कलाकार के बिना सूचक से पूर्णांक बनाता है

    / उपयोगकर्ताओं /ेंड्रे / दस्तावेज / लिक्सर / क्लासेस / लक्सोरफ़ाइल। M 48 / उपयोगकर्ता / एंड्र / डॉक्यूमेंट / लक्सर / कक्षाएं / लक्सरफ़ाइल.एम .: 48: चेतावनी: अप्रयुक्त चर 'लिखने के परिणाम'

    / यूज़र / एंड्रॉइड / डॉक्यूमेंट्स / लिक्सर / क्लासेस / लक्सोरफ़ाइल। एम .68 / / उपयोगकर्ता / एंड / दस्तावेज / लक्सर / क्लासेस / LuxorFile.m:68: चेतावनी: 'NSString' '-writeToFile का जवाब नहीं हो सकता है: atomically: एन्कोडिंग:'

      - (BOOL) writeToFile: (NSString *) पथ परमाणु रूप से: (BOOL) ध्वज;  

    वह विधि है जिसे आप चाहते हैं तो,

    <पूर्व> ... BOOL परिणाम = [डेटा लिखतफ़ाइल: पथ परमाणु: परमाणु रूप से]; ...

    इसे करना चाहिए।

    .net - What strategy should be used for converting real world measurements to WPF units? -

    We have an application that will have to read the real world dimensions from DB in the dematrators, presented the values ​​to the user then Currently in the WPF I will be using the following strategy when I am reading the following example by multiplying the object by MilimetresPrWpfUnit data accumulation.

      public cut double millimeterpirch = 25.4; Public Construction Double WpfUnitsPerInch = 96; Public Constance Double-Millimeters PerWpfUnit = WpfUnitsPerInch / MilimetresPerInch;  

    While loading and creating objects, I am converting into objects, although this problem produces that when the user selects the object on the screen, then the size of that object Should be changed back to the real world size, it is not much of a problem, but a lot of conversions are going on.

    Is there a utility in WPF to convert the unit size to a metric? This can be the best solution.

    Optional is to create a IValueConverter which will be converted from / to metric units, although I'm afraid that there may be a performance effect.

    A few ways to reach it ...

    The IValueConverter method is definitely a way to deal with this, or you can write the method that changes the data into metrics When the data is being loaded, everything in it is actually a design-specific scenario and some where one will need to see more code or make more general details of the algorithm for making any appropriate recommendations. Pvt Would be appropriate.

    jax ws - Axis client with changing keystorefile. General security error (No certificates for user user1 were found for signature) -

    I have a problem with Axis2- customer within JAX-WS Web Services. It Jead-WS Web service within Tomket container is dynamically retrieved from Keystorefile database. So when I started Tomket I am using commonly YS-client and it works fine, but if I restart I Tomket that fails with Staktrres shown it down would change the keystore it works exactly what some static variables Rambat or Tomket which are not fly until restart Tomket? I use Rampart-Module 1.3 to sign messages for a secure web service. I think the inflow and outflow configuration are right because I'm printing them in logging.

    In stacktrace log in Tomcat Catalina:

    org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Error while signing :; Nested exception is: org.apache.rampart.handler.WSDoAllSender.processMessage ( were found for a certificate signed for general protection fault (user user1) On organization. apache.rampart.handler.WSDoAllHandler.invoke org.apache.axis2.engine.Phase.invoke ( on org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.invoke ( (AxisEngine. java: 251) org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.send ( on org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.send ( on org.apache.axis2.description .OutInAxisOperationClient.executeImpl on org.apache.axis2.client.OperationClient.execute ( (

    Well, I learned to solve this trick was to use Nitishit configuration. I was using old parameter-based configurations. Login Here's a link to a great blog by thilina:

    Remember to define the time policy.xml file follow this tutorial. It was something I forgot to do before :)

    content management system - TYPO3 - how to set the <base> tag in the header of generated html pages? -

    I inherited the ownership of running a website on TYPO3 version 4.2.1. There are two pages that are not correctly rendered, and it seems due to the failure to load CSS and JavaScript files. While examining the page source, I can see that from the page header, & lt; Base href = "blah ..." /> tag is missing.

    Q: How on earth are I setting up a base URL property in TAPO 3 !?

    I have inserted on the Tipto 3 website, have edited various "TypePost" files, offering holiness to PHP Gods, none of the generating code is not included in the tag yet.

    Kindly appreciate any help please note that "Upgrading to the latest version" is not possible for me, and my PHP knowledge is non-existent.

    To add this line to the "Setup" field of your site's main typo template, it should: < / P>

      config.baseURL = & lt; The URL is here & gt; "TSRef" (TypoScript Reference) is a major document for each TYPO3 site administrator - available online at: 

    I If you recommend printing a copy to keep it at the desk, you will often refer to it (they also provide it in the OpenOffice format to make it easier.)

    Section 1.6 ("Setup" ) Describes all the properties that you want to do through the typeface of the typeposcript. You can:

    Although I'm not going to recommend you download the latest version to fix this problem, I will You are advised to download the latest version to ensure that you have not left any security patches.

    php - Getting last 6 values from an multidimensional array -

    I need to get the last 6 values ​​from a multi-dimensional array, I was trying to do something like this

    {$ stats = array_shift ($ stats); }

    But then after the first array_shift, I receive the following error

      PHP Warning: array_shift (): Argument must be an array  < / Pre> 

    Is there any work that can be done in PHP?

    You can use:

    $ stats = array_slice ( $ Figures, -6);

    The reason for this is that your code is not working because

    1. draws from the front of the array - so that you remove the first 6, which The last 6 is not the same as receiving, as long as your array does not have 12 items ...
    2. The array_shift edits the array in place and removes the item

    How can I make Inno Setup ignore empty directories? -

    मेरी इनो सेटअप स्क्रिप्ट में एक निर्देशिका शामिल है:

      [files] ... स्रोत: सी:। \ MyProg \ उपकरण \ * *; Destdir: {app} \ Tools ...  

    लेकिन कभी-कभी यह निर्देशिका खाली है और उस स्थिति में Inno Setup एक त्रुटि "कोई भी फाइल से मेल नहीं खाता ..." बंद हो जाता है।

    मेरे वर्तमान समाधान उस निर्देशिका में रिक्त डमी फ़ाइल जोड़ रहा है।

    क्या मैं इनो सेटअप को इस निर्देशिका को अनदेखा कर सकता हूँ यदि यह खाली है?

    क्या आपने skipifsourcedoesntexist ध्वज की कोशिश की?

      [फ़ाइलें] ... स्रोत: सी: \ MyProg \ उपकरण * *। *; Destdir: {एप} \ उपकरण; झंडे: skipifsourcedoesntexist ...  

    c# - Optimising XDocument to XDocument XSLT -

    Text after "

    The following code works but is messy and slow. I am using XSLT2 with Saxon to replace an XDocument for another XDocument, optimized using SaxonWrapper:

      public static XDocument HSRTransform (XDocument source) {System.Reflection.Assembly thisExe = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly (); System.IO.Stream xslfile = thisExe.GetManifestResourceStream ("C2KDataTransform.Resources.hsr.xsl"); XmlDocument xslDoc = New XmlDocument (); XslDoc.Load (xslfile); XmlDocument sourceDoc = New XmlDocument (); SourceDoc.Load (source.CreateReader ()); Var sw = new stringwriter (); Xls2 processor processor = new xsl2 processor (); Processor.load (xslDoc); Processor.Transform (sourceDoc, new XmlTextWriter (sw)); XDocument outputDoc = XDocument.Parse (sw.ToString ()); Return output dock; }  

    I realize that the slow speed can actually be in bits, I have no control, but what better way to make all the changes between XDocument and XmlDocument and the use of authors is?



      XDocument outputDoc = new XDocument (); Processor.Transform (sourceDoc, outputDoc.CreateWriter ()); Return output dock; Apart from this, other recessions may be in succession and instead of using the old XmlDocument - instead of the fast cousin. 

    Maven Grails Building with 'mvn clean install' doesn't work -

    मैंने एक मेवेन Grails प्रोजेक्ट का निर्माण किया है जो कमांड mvn grails: war

    हालांकि, मानक mvn install का उपयोग करने में काम करने में विफल रहता है - मुझे यह शिकायत है कि उपयोग जावा वर्ग (grails-app / util फ़ोल्डर के तहत आयोजित) संकलन नहीं कर सकते हैं क्योंकि यह डोमेन कक्षाओं में से एक नहीं मिल सकता है।

    मैं किसी भी पैकेज संरचना का उपयोग नहीं कर रहा हूं, इसलिए डोमेन वर्ग को उपयोग कक्षा में आयात नहीं किया जाता है।

    मुझे लगता है मेरा पहला प्रश्न है - क्या मेवेन ने एक मीवेल वाले ग्रील्स परियोजना की पूरी तरह से सहायता की है? मुझे काम करने के लिए mvn install की अपेक्षा करनी चाहिए?

    मेरा दूसरा प्रश्न है - अगर मुझे mvn grails: war का उपयोग करके ऐप का निर्माण करने के लिए मजबूर होना है - मैं इसे कैसे लागू कर सकता हूँ जब मूल प्रोजेक्ट / पॉम एक आश्रित मॉड्यूल के रूप में है?

    मेरा मानना ​​है कि मेरा पहला सवाल है - क्या मेवेन ने एक शानदार ग्रील्स परियोजना की पूरी तरह से सहायता की है? क्या मुझे काम करने के लिए mvn install की उम्मीद करनी चाहिए?

    के अनुसार, हां, निश्चित रूप से क्या आपने विस्तृत चरणों का पालन किया? क्या आपने प्रोजेक्ट बनाने के लिए गीलों की मूलरूप का उपयोग किया था? क्या यह वास्तव में grails-app ?

    का एक पैकेजिंग का उपयोग कर रहा है मेरा दूसरा प्रश्न है - अगर मुझे mvn grails का उपयोग कर ऐप का निर्माण करने के लिए मजबूर होना है:

    -app , grails: war लक्ष्य पैकेज चरण के लिए बाध्य है। दूसरे शब्दों में, कुछ भी आपको grails: war कॉल करने के लिए मजबूर नहीं करता है, बस कॉल एमवीएन पैकेज (और वास्तव में, आपको यह करना चाहिए) या पैकेज के बाद के किसी अन्य मानक चरण को कॉल करें। / P>

    तो, अपने प्रश्न का उत्तर देने के लिए, गेलल्स मॉड्यूल के लिए एक & lt; पैकेजिंग & gt; grails-app & lt; / packaging & gt; का उपयोग करें और मेटेन एक रिएक्टर बिल्ड के दौरान अपनी नौकरी करेंगे। / P>

    sqlite3 - Execute multiple queries in one shot in SQLite C#? -

    I know how to execute a statement, but one of the easiest ways to execute blocks of statements The way. I just want to delete a column from the table.

      BEGIN transfer; Temporary table T1_backup (A, B); In T1_backup, select Insert a, b fROM t1; Drop table t1; Create Table T1 (A, B); Select T1 A, B to T1_back; Drop Table T1_backup; COMMIT;  

    The only way to execute each line as a separate query and transaction. I want to have some APIs to execute a group of questions once.

    svn - Subversion: Merging subtrees vs. merge-tracking -

    extended forward

    I have Two feature branches: "Feature" and "Featureb" FeatureA have been completed but merged in the trunk because it has not been confirmed whether it should go to the next release or not.

    Featurebase is in progress, and it has been found that there are some options actually required for some of the applicable changes

    I have a few options, one of which is only DBML and Merge related files. I know that the best practice is the merge / update / citt etc. from the functioning cloning route, but if I want to go ahead what are the problems?

    Post-text "itemprop =" text ">

    You can merge all the modifications in FeatureAir Branch from what you want (it is a good idea to note the dissection modifications - does the tool, but I want to keep myself a record). Then undo / remove those changes you do not want (like, as you commented earlier in the question, those amendments Is part of).

    I wanted to say: "Later, during the merger of feature trunks and feature B, if the changes made by you were independent of other changes in the Featurebank branch, then there should be no conflict." But I am not sure Is this true or not? That is, there is a conflict / double change if there is a general change in FeatureA and FeatureB, when these changes are merged into the trunk?

    A solution takes a safe approach There is a hard accounting and so that any change can not be done again when merged on the trunk later.

    A way to simplify the feature to turn on or off In this way, the FeatureA can merge with the trunk in the first place, thus using the flag in the code.

    arrays - Need help with declarations in C -

    मैं निम्नलिखित घोषणा कैसे करूं?

      int main (int argc, char * Argv []) {चार * उपयोगकर्ता [] = {}; चार * नाम [] = {}; OpenPasswd (उपयोगकर्ता, नाम); वापसी 0; } शून्य ओपनपास्वाड (चार और उपयोगकर्ता [] = {}, चार और नाम [] = {}) {}  

    मैं 2 चार सरणियों को आबाद करना चाहता हूं समारोह से वापस मुख्य कार्यक्रम तक।

    मैं यह कैसे करूँ?

    यदि आपको नहीं पता कि समय से पहले एआरएम्स कितना बड़ा हो:

      int main (int argc, char ** argv) {char ** users = null; // उपयोगकर्ता और नाम गतिशील रूप से आवंटित किया जाएगा arrays char ** names = NULL; // चार सूचकों के सूचक सूचक = 0; / ** * यहां और खुले पासवर्ड के बीच कहीं पता लगाएं कि एआरएड्स * को कितना बड़ा होना चाहिए * / openPasswd (& amp; उपयोगकर्ता, & amp; नाम, प्रविष्टियां); वापसी 0; } / ** * चूंकि हमें उपयोगकर्ताओं और नामों के लिए पॉइंटर्स के मूल्यों को संशोधित करने की आवश्यकता है, इसलिए हमें उन पॉइंटर्स को पॉइंटर्स पास करना होगा * / शून्य ओपनपास्वाड (चार *** उपयोगकर्ता, चार *** नाम, आकार_टी प्रविष्टियां) {size_t i; / ** * arrays आवंटित करें * * प्रकार के * उपयोगकर्ता == चार ** * प्रकार के ** उपयोगकर्ताओं == चार * * / * उपयोगकर्ता = मॉलोक (आकार ** उपयोगकर्ताओं * प्रविष्टियां); * नाम = मॉलोक (आकार * नाम * प्रविष्टियां); / ** * प्रत्येक प्रविष्टि आवंटित करें और कहीं से यूज़रनेम / पासवर्ड डेटा प्राप्त करें * get_user_length, get_name_length, get_user, get_name सभी * प्लेसहोल्डर हैं। * / के लिए (i = 0; i & lt; प्रविष्टियों; i ++) {/ ** * सबस्क्रिप्ट ऑपरेटर को उपयोगकर्ताओं और * नामों के मूल्यों पर लागू नहीं करना चाहिए, लेकिन उपयोगकर्ताओं और नामों के मूल्यों को * इंगित करने के लिए *। चूंकि * [] * पहले बाइंड करता है, हमें सही समूहों को लागू करने के लिए पैरों का इस्तेमाल करना चाहिए। * * का प्रकार (* उपयोगकर्ता) [आई] == चार * * प्रकार * * * (* उपयोगकर्ता) [आई] == चार * / (* उपयोगकर्ता) [आई] = मॉलोक (आकारओफ़ * (* उपयोगकर्ता) [i] * Get_user_length (i)); अगर ((* उपयोगकर्ता) [i]! = नल) {स्ट्रक्पी ((* उपयोगकर्ता) [i], गेट_ यूज़र (आई)); } (* नाम) [i] = मॉलोक (आकारओफ़ * (* नाम) [i] * get_name_length (i)); अगर ((* नाम) [i]! = नल) {strcpy ((* नाम) [i], get_name (i)); }}}  
    पर क्लिक करें

    php - Zend Framework - shared view script path ( global partials ) -

    How is it possible to partly make a partial view script path global partially within the Z framework?

    We know that you can make a partial call between the module

      example- $ echo-> partial ('partial' title ',' module_name ');  

    But we need to install a partial folder in the root (i.e. module below) so that it can access all the scenes.

    It has been suggested that to set up a shared visual script path, how is it done?

    Zend_View addcriptPath is a method, Therefore, in a Zend_Controller_Action subclass, you can do something like this:

      $ this-> View- & gt; AddScriptPath ("/ path / to / your / view / scripts /");  

    Now when you call render or partial loop or partial loop , in the path path will be attending .

    javascript - Writing to the DOM on body onload not working in Google Chrome -

    Google क्रोम में, निम्न कोड स्निपेट:

      & lt; html xmlns = "http : // "& gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; title & gt; उदाहरण & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; & Lt;! - फ़ंक्शन onBodyLoad () {var x = 42; Document.writeln ("x =" + x); चेतावनी ("लोड" पर); } - & gt; & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & Lt; body onload = "onBodyLoad ()" & gt; & lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; दस्तावेज़ में  

    लिख नहीं है

    x = 42

    चेतावनी हालांकि प्रदर्शित किया जाता है। पाठ और चेतावनी दोनों IE8 और FF 3.5 में प्रदर्शित किए जाते हैं। किसी भी विचार?

    आपको एक दस्तावेज़.क्लोज () करना होगा document.writeln () :

      फ़ंक्शन onBodyLoad () {var x = 42; Document.writeln ("x =" + x); चेतावनी ("लोड" पर); document.close (); }  

    देखिए: साथ ही।

    node.js - Node server not writing to file? -

    I'm running a little twitter stream with the NPM that Tweets print my console. I want to write them to disk, but my server is not on my routes.js file:

      var require condemnation = ( 'condemned'); // twitter API dotenv The top = requires ('dotenv') wrapper, used for // key - & gt; Receive from .env fs = require ('fs'); Module.exports = Function (app) {dotenv.load (); Var t = new condemnation ({consumer_key: process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY, consumer_secret: process.env.TWITTER_SECRET_KEY, ACCESS_TOKEN: process.env.TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN, access_token_secret: process.env.TWITTER_ACCESS_KEY}); Var Middleeast = ['29 .4 ', '33 .7', '37 .7 ', '46 .1'] var stream = ( 'Conditions / filter', {track: "#ISIS 'language : 'N'}) section. (On 'View', function (tweet) {if (tweet.geo! = Null) {console.log (tweet.geo.coordinates)} console.log (tweet.text) fs.appendFile ( ". / ISIStweets.json ", Tweet.text)})  

    They do not write anything to file. However, the same code in the same folder, as shown below, successfully writes the file. what gives?

      var fs = Required ('FS'); Fs.appendFile ( ". / ISIStweets.json", "Hi there! \ N")  

    What can be done here is a pair of things:

    Does the console log on to everything? Your tweeter stream may not actually be streaming anymore.

    Do you have permission to write in the ISIStweets.json file? If the file already exists, then it can be of someone other than the user who is running the node If the file does not exist, check that you have write permissions in this directory.

    ios - How to get Table Of Content in document view for Xcode 6.2? -

    After updating Xcode to 6.2, the table of contents is missing in the document viewer for most UI class references. Is anyone else facing this problem? Is there a way to show the table of contents in the document viewer that uses it?

    Enter image details here

    < I had the same problem - table of content pane. However, when I checked the preference / download, I noticed that Document Objects OS 8.2, OS X 10.10 And Xcode 6.2 were all available, but despite this the not yet downloaded fact is that "Check and install updates automatically" was checked Was.

    Once the manually selected and downloaded iOS 8.2 documentation, the table of contents was re-displayed normally.

    google play - Ionic App On Android Tablet -

    I'm just publishing my app on the Google Play store for beta testing, but I do not install it on my Android Could shot The app will not install on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10 tablet model number GT-P5113 android version 4.2.2, but this is not a problem on my Samsung S5 mobile phone.

    When I try to install an app, it tells Google Play Store that it is designed for phones and messages "Your device is not compatible with this version". I've checked the 'DEVICE Compatibility' section and my tablet version is checked.

    In my AndroidManifest.xml file, this is:

      Android: Android: anyDensity = "true" Android: bigScreens = "true" android: normalScreens = "true" android Can anyone tell me how to integrate my app with Android and iOS tablets? Thank you. Already  


    Here's the complete AndroidManifest.xml

     . & Lt ;? Xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'utf-8'? & Gt; & Lt; MANIFEST ANDROID: Hardware Accelerated = "True" Android: versionCode = "6" Android: VersionName = "" package = "" xmlns: Android = " / Res / android "& gt; & Lt; Android: Android: anyDensity = "true" Android: bigScreens = "true" Android: normal skin = "true" Android: resizeable = "true" android: smallScreens = "true" Android: xlargeScreens = "true" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.INTERNET" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" / & gt; & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /> & Lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.CAMERA" /> & Lt; Use-enabled Android: name = "" /> & Lt; Accessibility Android: name = "" /> & Lt; Application Android: Hardware Accelerated = "True" Android: Icon = "@ Drable / Icon" Android: label = "@ string / app_name" & gt; & Lt; Activity Android: configChanges = "orientation | keyboardHidden | keyboard | screenSize | Location" Android: label = "@ string / ACTIVITY_NAME" Android: launchMode = "singleTop" Android: name = "RsgApp" Android: screenOrientation = "Picture" Android: Theme = "@Android: Style / Theme Black Any Title" Android: WindowSoftwareInputMode = "Adjust" & gt; & Lt; Intro-filter Android: label = "@ string / launcher_name" & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.intent.action.MAIN" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; / Activity & gt; & Lt; Meta-Data Android: name = "" android: value = "@ integer / google_play_services_version" /> & Lt; Activity Android: configChanges = "keyboard | keyboardHidden | Orientation | Screen layout | uiMode | Screenshots | Small screen size" Android: name = "" Android: Theme = "@Android: Genre / Theme. प्रचलित "/> & Lt; / Application & gt; & Lt; Use-SDK Android: minSdkVersion = "14" Android: targetSdkVersion = "19" />  

    This is probably your minimum SDK feature 21 ( Android 5.0), then it will only work on devices with Android v5.0 Your minute-sdk and / or themes (if you used widgets available only in later versions of Android) need to be installed for API level 17 It can also be an issue with compatibility libraries. There is more information about page tags, and play a little filtering about Google.

    c# - Implementing a timeout on a function returning a value -

    I have a function that requests a read or write on the serial port and then returns the value that reads I went. I am using the Commstudio Express (I am implementing a class from Commstudio), but this time-out facilities do not work at all, so I am trying to finish my time, I currently have a timer that Port is set to request to read or write, and if the timer stops, the callback closes the connection due to an exception. I tried to throw an exception to the callback of the timer, but the exception is required to be promoted through a thread that calls the original reading / writing function, so it works in this way, but I think it Messy and there is a better way for me to do what I want to do.

    Here's a common solution that allows you to wrap any time in the range: < / P>

    This uses a useful overload which manually accepts timeout in milliseconds instead of using the timer. The only thing I do in a different way is to swap the flag of success and swap the result value to match the pattern:

      Public stable t performance & lt; T & gt; (Fax & lt; T & gt; func, int timeout) {T result; TryExecute (funk, timeout, outcome); Return result; } Public Static Bull TEEX Activated & lt; T & gt; (Fax  Funk, Int Timeout, Out T Result) {var t = Default (T); Var thread = new thread ((=) gt> t = func ()); Thread.Start (); Var full = thread .join (timeout); If (! Full) thread Assistant (); Results = T; Return complete; }  

    And this is how you will use it:

      var func = new Func & lt; String & gt; (() => {Thread. Sleep (200); return "success";}); String result; Debug. TryExecute (Funk, 100, Out Results); Debug Asset (Results == Free); Debug Asset (TryExecute (Function, 300, Outcome Results); Debug Asset (Results == "Success") ;  

    You can also add that surcharge which wants to execute a method that does not return the value.

    Char array pointer in C -

    I want to run this code but I can not I have just started learning pointer in C I am trying to get addresses of letters. The problem is printf ("adress:% p \ n", p [i]) ; 'Thank you'

      #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main (zero) {letter four; Int c = 0; Int i; Four patterns [7]; Four * p; Printf ("Enter a letter:"); Scanf ("% c", & amp; letter); Printf ("Enter a pattern:"); Scanf ("% s", pattern); P = pattern; For {I = 0; i <7; i ++} {if (letter == pattern [i]) {c ++; Printf ("Letter found in lt;% c & gt; pattern% s \ n", letter, pattern); Printf ("adress:% p \ n", p [i]); Printf ("index:% d \ n", i); }} If (c == 0) printf ("no letter in pattern is included"); Return 0; } This line of code has some potential problem which can be easily < / P> 
      scanf ("% s", & amp; pattern);  

    You can make it a little safer like this

      scanf ("% 6s", & pattern);  

    This is a 6 because you need an extra byte '\ 0' at the end of the string, which gives us

    Here you are assuming that all the bytes are non- null / code> which will be fine except that you scanf () and you do not make a byte larger than the number of characters that you want to store it, you should fill it with the scanf () array that means it is byte Beyond Write a byte.

    It is resolved by adding the "% 6s" length specification to the format string, but you can solve 6 non- null in the array < / Code> Store bytes, and other problem

     for  (i = 0; pattern [i]! = '\ 0'; i ++)  

    Better, because you do not need to know the length of the string in advance and at the end of the end you do not have the risk of reading the array.

    Try this:

      #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main (zero) {letter four; Four c; Int i; Four patterns [7]; Printf ("Enter a letter:"); If (scanf ("% c", and characters)! = 1) {printf ("Error: invalid input. \"); Return -1; } Printf ("Enter a pattern:"); If (fgets (Pattern, Size (pattern), stdin) == NULL {printf ("Error: End of file. \"); Return -1; } For (i = 0; pattern [i]! = 0; ++ i) {if (letter == pattern [i]) {c ++; Printf ("Letter found in lt;% c & gt; pattern% s \ n", letter, pattern); Printf ("adress:% p \ n", pattern + i); Printf ("index:% d \ n", i); }} If (c == 0) printf ("no letter in pattern is included"); Return 0; }  

    You had even printed the wrong address, because in the indicator [i] , the redirects the subscript operator indicator, it is * (poitner + I) .

    database - MySQL does not identify character '?' on select -

    I found the table in MySQL with the following columns:

      ID name email address borningDate  

    I have a form in the HTML page that submits this data to the servlet, responsible for saving it to the database. Due to the issue of characters (already fixed), I saved a line like this, when trying to store letters with accents:

      1 9? ? ? 2015-03-01  

    And now I want to delete this line.

    Yes, by doing so:

      remove the table from WHERE id = 1;  

    Good work is my alleged question: Why, if I try to do something like this:

    from where name = '? ';

    Does affect 0 rows , such as it ? Can not see as a valid character?


      SELECT id, hex (name) The boring date from hex (email), hex (address), table  

    will tell you what exactly is in the database, maybe this is not really ASCI question mark Question mark probably applied replacement characters When the MySQL attempts to convert the character set of the column on the character set of the connection.

    To manage it more specifically, create the table table and for the character set used for the look text column it might show at the end of the table definition. It is as if DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 or something like this but it may be specified in the definition of the column.

    Once you know the character set, issue SET NAMES Ksetset , for example, SET NAMES utf8 . Then release your orders again and see if you have ? Does the replacement character get better results? Obviously, it assumes that the client program you are using can handle the character set character.

    java - How to call a method and its variable in JSP? -

    Trying to display the current date on one page in JSP but getting a strange error code. Any thoughts that I am doing wrong?

      & lt;% date today = new date (); & Gt%; & Lt;%! Public string display date (date date) {return date.toString (); }% & Gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; Title & gt;! Welcome & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; & Lt; Center & gt; Today's date is: & lt;% displayDate (& lt;% = today%>);% & gt; & Lt; / Center & gt; & Lt; / H1>  


      & lt;% displayDate ( & Lt;% = today & gt;);%>  

    should be something like

      & lt;% = displayDate (today); & Gt%;  

    In addition, I recommend you move away from the screenplate.

    c - libVLC can't do overlay and record video stream together -

    I am using libVLC to process and record videos from an IP camera, but overlay work during recording Can not - that means I comment on the code that duplicates the stream to save a file - the overlay works but if I leave the code - the video is recorded but on the screen or Either an overlay in the file Is not used.

    Using libVLC 2.06 on Windows 7 (x64). But this problem is unchanged with the 32 bit version.

    Source in Visual Studio for the Console project:

      // Vlc_ConsoleApp.cpp: Defines the entry point for the console application. // # Include "stdafx.h" # Include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; # Include & lt; Vlc / vlc.h> #include & lt; Windows.h & gt; Int _tmain (int argc, _TCHAR * argv []) {libvlc_instance_t * inst; Libvlc_media_player_t * mp; Libvlc_media_t * m; Char * logic [] = {"-i", "dummy", "-igner-config", "-not-video-title", "-sub-filter = marq", "-plugin-path = C: /Software_Development/Software_Libraries/VLC/vlc-2.0.6_x64/plugins "}; Char * duplicateStreamOption = ": sout = # stream_out_duplicate {dst = display, dst = std {access = file, sub-filter = marq, mux = ts, dst = c: /temp/test_go.mpg}}"; / * Load VLC engine * / inst = libvlc_new (6, argument); / * Create a new item * / m = libvlc_media_new_location (inst, "rtsp: //@"); / * Add option to file duplicate stream * / / * If I comment on this - then Marque works * / // libvlc_media_add_option (m, duplicateStreamOption); / * Create a media player gaming environment * / mp = libvlc_media_player_new_from_media (m); / * No need to keep media anymore * / libvlc_media_release (m); Play / * Media_player * / libvlc_media_player_play (mp); Sleep (10000); / * Play it for 10 seconds * / / * A Marquee * / libvlc_video_set_marquee_int (mp, libvlc_marquee_Enable, 1); Libvlc_video_set_marquee_string (mp, libvlc_marquee_Text, "hello-marquee"); Libvlc_video_set_marquee_int (mp, libvlc_marquee_Opacity, 50); Libvlc_video_set_marquee_int (mp, libvlc_marquee_X, 10); Libvlc_video_set_marquee_int (mp, libvlc_marquee_Y, 10); Libvlc_video_set_marquee_int (mp, libvlc_marquee_Timeout, 4000); // 4 seconds libvlc_video_set_marquee_int (mp, libvlc_marquee_Size, 40); Libvlc_video_set_marquee_int (mp, libvlc_marquee_Color, 0xFF0000); Sleep (10000); / * Play more * / / * Stop the game * / libvlc_media_player_stop (mp); / * Media_player free * / libvlc_media_player_release (mp3); Libvlc_release (inst); Return 0; }  

    Try "- sub-source = marq" In your option instead of - - SubFilter = Mark "

    How can I trigger a YouTube video to play in browser on iOS by clicking on a play button instead of the embed? -

    On my site, I want users to watch embedded YouTube videos without leaving the page, but I do not want to have such stylish YouTube embeds Not visible before.

    It is entirely possible on the desktop, because you can use the YouTube Javascript API to trigger embeds to embed, but on iOS, if the player's programmatic triggers are blocked to play How can I do this on iOS?

    While thinking about this problem, I thought that an alternative route would be an opaque and styled layer But you can click through it. This would mean that the user thinks he is clicking on a beautiful button, when in fact he is just clicking to click on the embed.

    There is a way to do this by using fancy (unauthorized) CSS pointer-event property! Setting it to any means that the clicks are not registered, and instead of directly following the element, punch whatever happens. In this case, YouTube embeds iframe support iOS 6 +.

    This is for iOS (and maybe Android) - it uses the behavior in which the video will automatically be full screen when the game starts, if you see it on the desktop, the overlay remains Overlined ..

    It can be tried to polish something more, to get it:

    • Handling the initial click and changing the UI so that they can immediately find the video.
    • Maybe resetting the video by hiding overlay, fading it or changing it to indicate "Loading ..." IFRAME

    You can do some difficult stuff with this technique, like a small player iframe is covered with a small button. Still fullscreen is going to go, so it will work fine.

    But even if you go there - the concept of playing a YouTube video on iOS is proof that users clicked without the embed. >

    How is a database schema change applied in entity framework using code first without migrations -

    I do not want to use migration at this time, but the first code.

    When I use Model Builder and create a new table with database properties, Fluent API

    How do I say "Apply changes now" when the first query hits the database What changes are made then? Or is there any other better way?

    There are many in your settlement, any one you use may differ based on your overall development goals. - Will be different.

    Initial is the most flexible of your options, so that you can add your model incrementally. This "migration" process is sometimes also known as "Data Motion".

    Another option is available to you, which is the default strategy in this strategy, for the first time when you access any category that requires database access, the database will not exist . If the database already exists, then nothing will happen if the database schema does not match the model, the transaction will fail and the error will be thrown too.

    Another popular initiator is the implementation of the ID Base Initiator that will change the model since the database was created, then it will remove the database, rebuild and optionally Again will give the seed.

    Finally, you have as much as you can expect, this is the implementation of the IDBS Instifier , which is always rebuilt and will restore the database again for the first time Which is used in any context in the AP domain.

    delphi - How to get the listview content of the task manager in Windows? -

    I work manager trying to get all the items in Windows, but all the lines I get - empty. I use the Red Studio XE7

      process wtff (hwn: thandle); Var list view: HWND; Process ID: Dedworlds; Process: Thandel; Size: Cardinal; MemLocal: Indicator; MemRemote: Indicator; NumBytes: NativeUInt; IconIndex: integer; IconLabel: string; Initiation ProcessId: = 0; List view: = FindWindowEx (H, 0, 'SysListView32', zero); GetWindowThreadProcessId (ListView, @ProcessId); Procedure: = OpenProcess (PROCESS_VM_OPERATION or PROCESS_VM_READ or PROCESS_VM_WRITE, false, ProcessID); If the process (try  gt0) then try the size: = sizeof (TLVItem) + sizeof (four) * MAX_PATH + 1; MemLocal: = VirtualAlloc (zero, size, MEM_RESERVE or MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); MemRemote: = VirtualAllocEx (process, zero, size, MEM_RESERVE or MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); If Assigned (MemLocal) and Assign (MemRemote) then // Assign strive for memory IconIndex so: = 0 SendMessage do (ListView, LVM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0) - Starting from 1 ZeroMemory (MemLocal, sizeof (TLVItem) ); ^ Do start mask with PLVItem (MemLocal): = LVIF_TEXT; IItem: IconIndex; PszText: = LPTSTR (Cardinal (Mmremote) + Cardinal (Size (TLVItem)); CchTextMax: MAX_PATH; End; NumBytes: = 0; WriteProcessMemory (getting process, MemRemote, MemLocal, size, NumBytes) and Boolean (SendMessage (ListView, LVM_GETITEM, 0, lParam (MemRemote))) and ReadProcessMemory (process, MemRemote, MemLocal, size, NumBytes) begin // if the text the IconLabel: = string (Pisihr (Cardinal (Memokl) + Cardinal (Size (TLVItem)))); If CaseSensitive then IconLabel starts: = LowerCase (IconLabel); AText: = lowercase (aText); End; Form1.Memo1.Lines.Add (IconLabel); /// Memo Add Finally; End; Excluding the End; If assigned (memremote) then virtualfreex (process, memerette, 0, mammules); If assigned (memokal) then virtualfree (memocal, 0, memorial); Finally CloseHandle (process); End; End;  

    So, in the memo, I only look at many empty lines.

    I tried some similar code. For any reason, this method works in some applications, but in some it is not (especially when foreign processes require high privileges).

    Perhaps foreign process window does not accept message. Send Message Error number 5 (Access denied) can give a possible solution I can see dll injection in the process and can issue ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx Accept the message from window to inside of that process.

    But it can be very troublesome and can increase the antivirus alarm ..

    java - Convert this for loop into a while loop? -

    This code is trying to convert a loop to a loop:

      Int endData = MyScanner.nextInt (); Int line = 0; Int cell = 0; Int rowcell = 0; System.out.println ("For Loop:"); (Line = 1; row & lt; = endData; row ++) {if (line% 2 == 0) {for (cell = 0; cell & lt; row; cell ++) {for (rowcell = 0; Rowcell & lt; = cell; Rowcell ++) {System.out.print (line); } System.out.println (""); }} Else {for (cell = row; cell>; cell--) {for (rowcell = cell; rowcell & gt; rowcell--) {System.out.print (line); } System.out.println (""); }}}  

    So far I have tried this code but it was completely wrong:

      row2 = 1; While (line2 and lt; = endadata) {if (row2% 2 == 0) {cell2 = 0; Rowcell2 = 0; While (cell 2 and lieutenant; line 2) {cell 2++; While (line2 and lt; = cell 2) {rowcell2 ++; System.out.print (line2); } System.out.println (""); }} And {cell 2 = line 2; Rowcell2 = cell 2; While (cell2> 0) {cell 2 -; } While (rowseil 2> gt; {rowcell2--; System.out.print (line2); } Println (""); } Row2 ++; }  

    For example, when the user inputs the value of 3, then gives the correct answer for the loop:


    But while loop output: 1

    2 333

    How to know about fixing

    Code> line2 = 0;

    It should be

     under  (cell2lft; line2) { 

    regex - C# Regular Expression Reversing Match -

    I'm looking to change a part of a string that is substringof ('is', verb) contains (verb, 'is')

    As you can see, what is changing is in substring Strong> is included and two parameters passed in the function.

    I'm looking for a common solution, using regex Using the preferred tag i.e. once I get two matches, I should be able to reverse the matches using $ 2 $ 1 (this is what I remember doing in Perl)

    You can use this regular expression code:

      var re = new Regex (@ " Substringof \ ('([^'] +) ', ([^]] +) "); String Output = Re. Replay (input, @ "in ($ 2, '$ 1')");  

    ssms - Retrieving data from specific columns of multiple rows in sql -

    I have a table that stores the information as follows and has the ID as the primary key:

    Link Table View:

    ID Timeline JobAir 1 hour 1 employee 2 hours 2 employees 3 hours 3 employees 4 hours 4 employees 5 hours 5 employees 6 hours 6 employees 7 hours 7 employees 8 hours 8 1 7/1/2014 W1A 8B 7C4D3 Faucet 0 NULL 0 NULL 0 NULL 0 2 7/1/2014 W2 B 8 C 8 0 0 0 NULL 3 7/1/2014 W3C8 A8E8F8 zero Nail nail nail nail nail nail nail 4 7/1 / 2014 w 4 d 8 b8f8 nail nail nail nail faucet null 5 7/1/2014 w5 e 8 c 8 nail nail nail nail nail nail nail nail nail tap null Null 6 7/1/2014 W 6 F8 D8 8 Nail Nail Nail NULL NULL NULL NULL Zero Null 7 8/1/2014 W1 G4 Zero Nail Nail Nail Nail Nail Nail Nail Nail Nail Nail 8 8/1/2014 W 2 A4 Nell nail nail nail nail nail nail nail nail nail nail null 9 8/1/2014 W3B For any special schedule date , only one can be WorkArea < / Code> (8) 8F8 8 8 Nell nail nail nail nail nail nail nail null

    ScheduleDate and WorkArea combinations are unique). Now, I want to know if there is no more than 8 hours of any particular employee at any one date. For example, an employee's special date (hours 1, hour 2 or table may be based on the placement of the employee) should not be more than 8 hours.

    Thank you

    Ally nicknames are not required on the E.D. queries:

     with  T (select the scheduledet, workararias, employee 1 as an employee, hour 1 as human union) Schedule dates, workers, employee 2 as employee, hours 2 hours as union ... ScheduleDate, employee 8 as employee, hours as 8 hours Select) t group ScheduleDate as ScheduleDate, employee, amount (hours), HRS) & gt; 8  

    javascript - How to create a set of dropdowns where the list reduces as you select? -

    मेरे पास ऐसा HTML फार्म है:

    सभी ड्रॉपडाउन में एक ही सूची है: विकल्प 1, विकल्प 2, विकल्प 3 और उपयोगकर्ता को प्रत्येक कुंजी के लिए एक मान चुनना होगा यह कोई चिंता नहीं के साथ काम करता है:

    यहां छवि विवरण दर्ज करें

    < P> हालांकि, मैं इसे बढ़ाने के लिए चाहता हूं दोनों कुंजी और विकल्प सूची अपेक्षाकृत बड़े हो सकते हैं (20 कहना)। एक-से-एक मैपिंग होने की उम्मीद है और आप दो स्थानों में मान का चयन नहीं कर सकते। लेकिन जब सूची बड़ी हो जाती है, तो गलती करना आसान होता है और दो जगहों में समान मूल्य का चयन होता है। डुप्लिकेट की जांच करने के लिए हम कुछ क्लाइंट-साइड सत्यापन करते हैं, लेकिन मैं एक यूज़र अनुभव को पसंद करता हूं जो अन्य ड्रॉपडाउन से चयनित विकल्प को हटा रहा है जैसे इसे फिर से चयन नहीं किया जा सकता । इस तरह से:

    यहां छवि विवरण दर्ज करें

    मैं कैसे कर सकता हूं इस बारे में जाना?

    अंतिम समाधान

    मैंने शुरुआत में नॉकआउट समाधान चुना था लेकिन दूसरे विचार पर, मैं रिक हिचकॉक की सादे JQuery समाधान पसंद करता था क्योंकि मैं आसानी से बिना कहीं भी इसे प्लग कर सकता हूं कोई अतिरिक्त सेटअप यहां बताया गया है कि रिक रिकवरी के समाधान को और अधिक पुन: प्रयोज्य बनाने के लिए कैसे संशोधित किया गया है:

      फ़ंक्शन कम करने वाले ड्रॉपडाउन (ड्रॉपडाउन सेलेक्टर) {var $ dropdowns = $ (dropDownSelector); $ Dropdowns.change (function () {// सबसे पहले सभी विकल्पों को सक्षम करें। $ Dropdowns.find ('option')। Prop ('disabled', false); // फिर प्रत्येक ड्रॉपडाउन के लिए, इसका वर्तमान मान और // अक्षम करें अन्य ड्रॉपडाउन में यह विकल्प। $ Dropdowns.each (फ़ंक्शन () {var $ currDropdown = $ (this); var currDropdownValue = $ currDropdown.val (); यदि (currDropdownValue! == '') {var $ otherDropdowns = $ dropdowns । ($ CurrDropdown); $ otherDropdowns.find ('विकल्प')। प्रत्येक (फ़ंक्शन () {var $ option = $ (this); var विकल्पआइतए पूर्व चयनित = $ option.val () === currDropdownValue; अगर (विकल्पआप पहले से चयनित) $ Option.prop ('अक्षम', सत्य);});}});}); }  

    अब आप केवल अपने सभी संबंधित ड्रॉपडाउन को एक सामान्य वर्ग दे सकते हैं और कहीं भी इस तरह से कॉल कर सकते हैं:

      reducingDropdowns ('। MyDropdownClass' );  

    मदद के लिए आप सभी को धन्यवाद।

    पीएस: मुझे यह भी एहसास हुआ कि मेरे आवेदन के लिए, मैं उन विकल्प को अक्षम करना चाहता हूं जो पहले से ही इस्तेमाल किए गए थे उन्हें सूची से पूरी तरह से हटा दें।

    आप उपयोग किए गए विकल्पों को इस तरह से छुपा सकते हैं: < $ ('Select')। (फ़ंक्शन () {var val = $} $ ('select')। (यह) .वल (); $ (यह)। साइबलिंग ('चयन') .फिन्ड ('विकल्प') .फिल्टर (फ़ंक्शन () {वापसी $ (यह) .val () === वैल एंड amp; $ (यह) .val ()! == '';}) .hide ();});});

    वस्तुओं को हटाने का विकल्प उन्हें अक्षम करना है:

      $ ('चयन')। $ ('' विकल्प '')। ('अक्षम', गलत); $ ('चुनें')। प्रत्येक (फ़ंक्शन () {var val = $ (this) .val (); $ (यह)। साइबिंग ('चयन') .फिन्ड ('विकल्प') .फिल्टर (फ़ंक्शन () {वापसी $ (यह) .val () =) = val & amp; $ (this)। Val ()! == '';}) .prop ('अक्षम', सत्य);});});  

    ruby on rails - Error when trying to install therubyracer -

    When I try to install Mani thermbreser , I receive this error: / P>

      Mane installed Thermbreaker Building Basic Extensions. This may take a while ... Error: Error installing thumbnailer: Error: Failed to create gem country extension /opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2012.02/bin/ruby extconf.rb check for main () - lpthread ... yes warning! Libv8 ~ & gt; Unable to load 3.16.14. *** extconf.rb failed *** Could not make Makefile due to some reason, maybe there is a lack of necessary libraries and / or headers Check the mkmf.log file for more information. You may need configuration options. Configurable options available: - With-Opt-Direction - Without - OPTION DIRECTION - OP-IN - WITHOUT OPTION = $ {opt-dir} / include --with-opt-lib-without-opt-in -lib = $ {opt-dir} / lib - with-makeup -pag - without-make-handling --srcdir =. --Cardir - RBI = / opt / Rabbi-Enterprise-1.8.7-2012.02 / bin / Rabbi - with-perthable - non-perlabelable -enabled-debug-disable-debug / opt / ruby-enterprise- / Lib / ruby ​​/ site_ruby / 1.8 / rubygems / custom_require.rb: 36: `gem_original_require ': There is no such file to load - /opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7- to libv8 (LoadError) 2012.02 / lib / ruby ​​/ site_ruby / 1.8 / rubygems / custom_require.rb: 36: In `requirement 'from extconf.rb: 29 gem files will be installed in /home/speedup18meses/.gems/gems/therubyracer-0.12.1 . inspection. Login results in /home/speedup18meses/.gems/gems/therubyracer-0.12.1/ext/v8/gem_make.out  

    I use shared servers, therefore, me sudo I do not have access to my user I'm using it on a Rail app I tried to:

      Install Gem Install libv8 -v '' - along with system- Install V8 Gem Thermosolaser  


    I tried to install an especific version, and edit Gemfile, but neither works.

    I'm using it on a rail app

    Then add the line to your Gemfile:

      Mani 'thermbuser' then do it:  
      $ bundle Install  

    Then the bundler will handle the dependencies installed.

    When I try to install brain thermometer, I get this error:

    I do not get that error throw your computer and your Find the computer with the software I have installed.

    objective c - How did Buffer create the Share Menu feature for their iOS 8 app? -

    is a feature that lets you send an image to their app from the new iOS 8 share menu. The flow is like this:

    1. Open the iOS Photo App
    2. Select an image and tap the share icon
    3. Buffer from the menu (You may need to enable it first)
    4. The buffer app opens and the image is automatically attached to the composer window
    < P> How they manage the part To call your full app without using a small widget, like most of the A If somewhere apps?

    Here on iOS buffer iOS developer. Therefore, we use the new extension of iOS 8, using the share app extension according to the share type extensions here ... we actually use only one extension instead of the full app.

    We use the same composer code, by establishing our own cocopod sets with app and extension, which has been established as an app's dependency and expansion target. In this way we have only 1 codebase and it shares the same familiar form and experience.

    To set up a shared extension that you can follow with Apple's guide here ...

    Answer any other questions that are pleasing.

    Need assistance with Paypal -

    Questions about PayPal - How do I include "buttons" in an email, which I am sending? I made the button; However, the only option provided is an option for a website.

    You must set the URL for the image:

    & lt ; ARR = "" & lt; Img src = "apaypalbutton.img" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt;

    c++ - How can I std::getline() a string? -

    Assume that I have this string

      string myString = "This is the one I am How can I do this? 
      meets (mystring, temporary, '/ /  ');  

    I like output in a file and then using the getline (output, temp, '/') as always, but me Please feel free to help me. Thank you, please help me.

    < P> clearance from a stream; so you want to keep your string:

      #include  std :: stringstream ss (myString); gateline ( SS, Temporary, '/');  

    unity3d - Creating simplified bounds with an inaccuracy threshold -

    Looking at a set of non-rotated AABB limits, I'm hoping to create a simple set of straight lines from the original set,

    Some examples: solution example

    I am in unity with it I am working, but this is only the basic AABB comparison stuff, Unity is not unique I think that somebody had a system working for this at some point in the past, but I have no Do not look for luck. InkScooling Limit is easy, but it is difficult, because you are able Can not run from God. Sometimes a simple solution can be seen only by looking at the whole thing.

    Fast performance is not important, but good will inaccuracy is correct in both directions (i.e., the actual size or slightly more than can limit less ) if this help So, I can expect to connect all the borders in the original set somewhere - there is no free floating piece in a different group.

    I hope that anyone has a complete system to solve it, I am also hoping that it has already been solved or that it is possible to achieve one There is a clear process that I have not yet thought.

    It seems something that is controlled by surface area heuristics (SAH) can be done. SAH is generally used to make rays better for trees, such as structures triangle is stored. There are many sources to discuss more about this, a good chapter is 7.3.

    The original idea created by SAH starts with the whole space and divides it repeatedly. The decision of the position of the division is done on the basis of the calculation of the surface area of ​​both the nodes and the children through all the appropriate positions. In the proper position, the position of any triangle is upper or lower bound. After being widespread through all the candidates, the small total surface area division is used in children.

    If SAH is not a good idea for your application, then you can make equal use by all the candidates, but calculate, for example, extra space inside AABB.

    Referencing Field names in Access Query -

    Can I reference the field name in the access query used in the calculation query?

    I am using a cross-tab query and my header dates

    < P> No, but you can use as the source of the query and can open a record set, then RS will represent the RS (0) .. RS (N) field.

    jquery - Dropzonejs issues - Dragleave not working as expected -

    I am able to upload several files with drag and drop options.

    I am facing the following issues.

    1. I successfully locate the drag in the drag zone and drag a different preview div (dz) to the dragenter . On leaving the drag, the default preview should be shown again. Without defining the draggle function, the drawer function is working fine.
    2. For drag rays, the plugin is not responding as desired. It appears that drag-left is a super-drawn dronder function.

    This is my code


      & lt; Div id = "preview" square = "drop zone" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "dz-drag" & gt; & Lt; H2 & gt; & Lt; I class = "glyphine glyphine-arrow-down" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / H2 & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Drop files here & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "dz-preview default" & gt; & Lt; I class = "glyphicon glyphicon-plus" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;  


      var myDropzone = new Dropzone (document.body, {// make the entire body a dropzone url: "insert-status.php" Set the // url method: 'POST', the nomenclature: 'image', parallel uploads: 1, addRemoveLinks: right, uploadMulti: false, thumbnailsNorth: 80, ThumbnailHight: 80, AutocuAU: incorrect, // Make sure the files' T queued until manually added guideline: "Sorry, something went wrong, please try again.", Preview: Container: "#preview", // Container Definition Show the clickable preview to display: ".file-click, #preview", // Define all clickable elements for this drop zone acceptable files: "Image / JPEG, Image / JPG, Image / GIF, Image / PNG, Image / BMP, Video / MP4, Video / AVI, Video / MVI, Video / 3GP ", Drentor: Function (file) {$ ('.dz-preview'). Wrap (); $ ( '.dz-drag'). Show (); $ ('preview-cont'). AddClass ('added'); // How the former Observation container}, drelev: function (file) {warning ('leave'); Hide $ ('drag dz.') () .; $ ('.dz-preview') show () .; Removeclass ('added') $ ('preview remaining part') // Preview preview container $ ('preview-cont'). RemoveClass ('Added'); // Hide Preview Container - Not working}, drop: function (file) {$ ('.dz-preview'). Show (); Hide $ ('drag dz.') () .; }  


      .preview-cont: not (.added) {display: none; } .dz-preview.default {width: 80px; Margin: 5px 3px; Limit: 0.17 mm dashed RGBA (0,0,0,0.15); -webkit-border-radius: 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px; Border-radius: 2px; } .dz-preview.default .glyphicon {status: Completed; Margin top: 35%; Margin-left: 40%; Color: RGBA (0,0,0,0.15); Font-weight: 500; Font-size: 150%; } .dz-preview.default: hover {border color: RGBA (0,0,0,0.23); }. Dz-preview.default: hover & gt; .glyphicon {color: RGBA (0,0,0,0.23); }. Dz-drag {display: none; Width: 100%; Background: RGBA (255,255,255,0.7); Text-align: center; Limit: 2px dashed RGBA (0,0,0,0.2); -webkit-border-radius: 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px; Border-radius: 2px; }  
    1. Also, to know if a file that is already present in my drop zone, it should be added, garbled, uploaded Having or any other file status Is there a way by which I can detect the presence of the file, apart from being created in the GetFilesWithStatus function? My intention is to find out from a function call.
    2. I have handled the maximum filariasatch function by disabling / hiding the clickable link and button. Now, when the previous file is deleted, I want to re-enable all disabled links. I have not found any way for this operation.

    1. Try the drawer and dragge

      < / Li>
    2. View 1.

    3. Not sure what "search file presence" means, but with the help of the drop event?

    4. I used the deleted event event, and I only count how many preview templates are on the page if 0, the last file was removed.