Friday 15 March 2013

Spell Check my Delphi source code -

Earlier I used Visual SssX in Visual Studio and it had a very good spelling that was checking on Likhax was.

Is there something similar to the visual assistant spell checker present in Delphi?

This should be the name of the check method name, class name and specially reinforced and verbatim spelling.

The closest I know is that in the code proofreader

PHP strategies for retrofitting a namespace around 3rd party code -

मैं एक अर्द्ध-विकसित वेब परियोजना में एक तृतीय-पक्ष PHP लाइब्रेरी का उपयोग करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं। दुर्भाग्य से, जैसा कि मैं तृतीय पक्ष कोड का उपयोग करना शुरू कर रहा हूं, मुझे पता चल रहा है कि कई चर और वर्ग नाम की टक्करें हैं मुझे यह जानने के लिए उत्सुक था कि क्या इस नए कोड के आसपास एक नामस्थान को वापस करने के लिए एक रणनीति मौजूद थी।

... और हाँ, नाम स्थान का उपयोग न करने के लिए खुद पर पारित होने के लिए समान दावे हैं

मेरे सिर के ऊपर से मैं हर .php फ़ाइल को संपादित करने पर विचार कर रहा हूं और जोड़ रहा हूं:

  नाम स्थान चेहरापैम;  

लेकिन मुझे पता करने के लिए उत्सुक था कि क्या कोई और अधिक सुरुचिपूर्ण समाधान हो गया है। खासकर के रूप में कोड के अतिरिक्त संशोधन जारी किए जाते हैं, मुझे न तो स्पर्श करना होगा; 30 + फ़ाइलें संपादित करें।

एक नाम स्थान केवल एक फ़ाइल के लिए सेट है, और एक फ़ाइल में केवल 1 नाम स्थान। मुझे डर है कि आपके पास ऐसा करने के लिए अन्य समाधान नहीं हैं I [संपादित करें] मैंने अभी जांच की और एक फाइल में कई नामस्थान हो सकते हैं लेकिन आपके पास इसे किसी फ़ाइल के शीर्ष पर स्थित परिभाषित किए बिना एक नेमस्पेस नहीं हो सकता है।

arrays - Optimized method for calculating cosine distance in Python -

I wrote a method to calculate the distance of cosine between two arrays:

  Def cosine_distance A, B): If LAN (A)! = Lane (B): Returns wrong digit = 0 denom = 0 in dinob = i i category (lane (a)): degrees + a = i [i] * b [i] denoma + = abs (a [i]) * * 2 denomb + = abs (b [i]) ** 2 results = 1 - fraction / (sqrt (denoma) * sqrt (dinob)) returns result  

running this one The large array can be very slow. Is there a customized version of this method that will run fast?

Update: I have tried to do all the tips till today, including sliced. Here's the version of the beat to include suggestions from Mike and Steve:

  def cosine_distance (a, b): if len (a)! = Len (b): Increase valueError, "a and b should have the same length" #importes = 1 = 0 denom = 0 = 0 for = 0 in dinob = 0 i optimize the mean: AI = a [i] # This is the result of diploid + = bi * bi = 1 - fraction / (sqrt) only once BI = B [I] fraction + = AI * bi # exponent (barely) denoma + = ai * ai #strip abs () (Denoma) * sqrt (dinob)) Results Results  

If you use SciPy You can use the cosine from Local Distance :

If you can not use SciPy, you can get a little speed by typing your python again (edit: but this does not work Was doing as I thought it would be, see below). Importing izip from math copy to itertools from

  Ort sqrt def cosine_distance (a, b): if LAN (A)! = Lane (b): increase the value, "a and b should be the same length" fraction = sum (tup [0] * tup [1] Izip for a tup (a, b) denom = sum (avalue ** 2 For avalue) dinob = amount (for bvalue in bvalue ** b) result = 1 - fraction / (sqrt (denoma) * sqrt (dinob)) returns result  

A and b The length of the mismatch is better when lifting an exception.

sum (for using the generator quote inside the call)) You can calculate your values ​​with most of the functions being done by C code inside Python. The should be faster than using for the loop.

I have not given time, so I can not guess how fast it can be. But SciPy codes are almost certainly written in C or C ++ and should be as soon as possible.

If you are doing bioinformatics in Python then you should actually use SciPy.

EDIT: Darius Bacon finished my code and found it slow. So I ended my code and ... Yes, it is slow Lesson for everyone: When you are trying to speed things up, do not guess, measure.

Why is the slow attempt to do more work on the C-Internal of Insanity, I tried to do it for the list of length 1000 and it was still slow.

I can not spend much time trying to hack Python cleverly if you need more speed, then I suggest you try SciPy.

Edit: Without time, I have just tested by hand I think that for small A and B, the old code is fast; For long time A and B, the new code is fast; The difference is not large in both cases (now I am wondering if I can trust the timetable on my Windows computer; I want to try this test again on Linux.) I work to get it faster I will not change the code and once I urge you to try a sympiune. : -)

licensing - If I modify and dynamically link against a modified LGLP Lib, do I have to make the changes available? -

I got a bug in LGPL Lib that I currently link in dynamically.

  • If I understand Lib that I make available source files with the application Will it be right?

    You are redistributing the modified code of the LGPL library, so you have to issue the source of that library Will be (your bug fix). This does not mean that you need to release the source code of your entire application for the LGPLLD library.

    Also keep in mind that GPL / LGPL will only give you source code to anyone, which you give to the binary, it is not necessary for you to download the source on the web, put anyone in the world . One sure way to comply is to pack the source of your distribution so that people get it with Binaries, then do not complain that the source was not available.

    python - in protocol with regard to sequence -

    How has this been implemented at a dragon level?

    I have found a thing that has been shown for one part (the last time I should have only the subclassed word, but I did not want to repeat the codebase again, and I I want to know about future context), which looks like something

    self (self, key, value): self._config [key] = value __setig

    but E.g. call

    ex> t = config.Thinger () t.populate () #International method that gives it some useful data If the T: DSTF ()

    is being resulted in 'key' because possibly for `in the protocol 'for the Kashmir getitem ( ) Does the look in the question ey? Do I need to take exceptions to tell it that it is not there? I did not want to do something like this instead.

      Try: keyError: pass pass: doStuff ()  

    except for [deBUG]]

    There is stupidity in 'these': (<1 )

    With a stack of trace prints, I can see that the program calls for configuring instant. Getitem (0)


      t = {'rawk': 1, 'rawr': 2,} t [ 0] # arises keyError 'thing' in t # returning fault  

    it seems Do you want to overload the operator?

    You can do that the method is included in __ :

    java - remove element in dom4j -

      & lt; रूट & gt; & Lt; एल्म आईडी = "1" / & gt; & Lt; एल्म आईडी = "2" / & gt; & Lt; एल्म आईडी = "3" / & gt; & Lt; एल्म आईडी = "4" / ​​& gt; & Lt; / जड़ & gt;  

    मैं id = "2" को dom में छोड़ना चाहता हूं,
    कैसे domj4 अन्य तीन को निकाल सकता है?


      & lt; रूट & gt; & Lt; एल्म आईडी = "2" / & gt; & Lt; / जड़ & gt;  

    आपने अब तक क्या किया है? ठीक है, मैं खरोंच से जाना होगा

    • दस्तावेज़ का उपयोग करके DocumentHelper.parseText (xmlStr) प्राप्त करने का प्रयास करें

    • फिर Document.getRootElement ()

    • का उपयोग करके दस्तावेज़ का मूल तत्व प्राप्त करें, मूल तत्व प्राप्त करने के बाद, आप सभी बच्चे के माध्यम से पाश कर सकते हैं Element.getElements () या इसके वेरिएंट्स का उपयोग करने वाले तत्व, और Element.getAttributes () या इसके वेरिएंट्स का उपयोग करके प्रत्येक एलीमेंट की विशेषताओं को जांचें।

    • इसके बाद सभी तीन तत्वों का निर्धारण करना, जिनकी आवश्यकता नहीं है। आप दस्तावेज़ से उन लोगों को निकालने के लिए detach () विधि का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए elm1.detach () , elm2.detach () , और elm4.detach () । बेहतर अभी भी उन तत्वों की एक सूची बनाते हैं, आप हटाना चाहते हैं, और फिर अलग करें एक लूप में।


    नोट: दस्तावेज़। निकालें (एलिमेंट एएमएम) विधि काम नहीं करेगी, यदि तत्व तात्कालिक बच्चे नहीं है अधिक देखने के लिए।

    .net - Tabcontrol: How can you remove the tabpage title? -

    I have been used to display more than one image file in an application. When I only display one tabpap, I would like to remove the title of TabPep, so I can use that screen space for the image. (This is similar to unchecking "Always show tab bar" in Firefox.)

    Is it possible to do with the taborer? Or is it better to use panel control when I open a single file (tab)?

    Yes, this is possible. Add a new class to your project and paste the code shown below to compile. Drop new control over your form from the toolbox.

      using the system; Using System.Windows.Forms; Public category MyTabControl: TabControl {Private Int mPages = 0; Private Zero checkonpage () {if (Israelwide) {int pages = mpages; Mpages = this.TabCount; If ((Page == 1 & amp; amp; amp; amp; & amp; 1;); (pages & gt; 1 & amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; ; & Amp; amp; amp; amp; mpages == 1)) This RectateHandle (); }} Safe Override Zero OnControlAdded (ControlEventArgs e) {base.OnControlAdded (e); CheckOnePage (); } Safe Override Zero OnControlRemoved (ControlEventArgs e) {base.OnControlRemoved (e); CheckOnePage (); } Hide the tab by trapping the Safe Override Zero WndProc (Ref message message) {// TCM_ADJUSTRECT message if (m.msg == 0x1328 & DesignMode & this.TabCount == 1) m.Result = (IntPtr) 1; And base Weedproc (Ref M); }}  

    security - Comcast's two step login -

    The Comcast has changed its login process so that it is in two stages. Instead of two input boxes for the username and password, you submit your username for the first time. Then on the second page you enter your password.

    Due to some recent security fixes, we now require you to enter your username and password in two different steps.

    What is the security system likely to be in this system? If anything seems less secure because you can confirm the existence of usernames with your password.

    Any ideas on what they are completing here? My guess is that they are targeting specific phishing / key logging software that is used to "find all".

    Login information on the same page This is making some malicious software work harder.

    If you use the "Automatically fill your forms" feature of many browsers, then this will separate the login information into two separate entries in the browser's data store, then any The software makes things a bit difficult for those who can try to take advantage of this feature.

    PHP production server - turn on error messages -

    This question has previously been said in general terms. I want to display an error message on a particular page on my production server, and I do not have access to the php.ini file.

    I have tried ERROR_REPORTING (E_ALL); .

    To enable errors, you should use before those points where they are triggered (for example, the script at the beginning of your PHP) :

     < Code> error_reporting (E_ALL);  

    and the displayed error is, you should configure:

      ini_set ('display_errors', 'on');  

    (This should be disabled on a production server, which means that you may still be able to error_reporting ) after configuring it.

    Of course, if all this can be explained in a if block, to ensure that you can only see error messages - especially if you do It's on a live production website; For example:

      if ($ _SESSION ['is_admin']) {error_reporting (E_ALL); Ini_set ('display_errors', 'on'); }  

    And to make things a bit pretty, you can also configure:

      ini_set ('html_errors', 'on' );  

    Delphi, Copy string to Byte array -

    What I have done, but I see that the fastest way to copy a string into pByteArray is

    from sysutils

      PByteArray = ^ TBiiteArere; TBITE array = array [0..32767] byte; Assume  

    one and s is setup correctly

      a: pByteArray; S: string;  

    A quick way to do this is to copy something like

      i: = 1 for length - 1 ^ ^ [ii]: = ord (S [ii]);  

    Delphi 7

    Be careful with the use of move if you Instead of using Delphi 2009, it may fail, instead, use it:

    Go (S [1], a ^, length (s) * size off (four));

    You can also use Class Tencoding in SysUtils.pas (Delphi 2009/2010 ++ only) to work.

    javascript - Opening Print-HTML-Popup from Flash? -

    Whether it is possible to open an HTML popup window from flash and print from flash Should ... and all this only in AS3 and Javascript (since no server-side scripting is available)?

    Yes, you can write a javascript function to open the popup, and it can be accessed via the external interface Can link.

    Learn more here:

    wpf - How to disable a databound ListBox item based on a property value? -

    Does anybody know how and how to base the value of objects in a databound ListBox Can a property be disabled?

    I like DataTrigger which, when a specific property is false , disables this item (making it impossible to choose) without ListBox .

      & lt; ListBox & gt; In other things is affecting. & Lt; ListBox.ItemTemplate & gt; & Lt; DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; TextBlockName = "textBlock" text = "{binding description}" /> & Lt; DataTemplate.Triggers & gt; & Lt; Datatiger binding = "{binding ISEnabled}" value = "wrong" & gt; ?? & Lt; / DataTrigger & gt; & Lt; /DataTemplate.Triggers> & Lt; / DataTemplate & gt; & Lt; /ListBox.ItemTemplate> & Lt; / ListBox & gt; You can use ItemContainerStyle:  
      & Lt; ListBox & gt; & Lt; ListBox.ItemContainerStyle & gt; & Lt; Style TargetType = "{x: Type ListboxItem}" & gt; & Lt; Style.Triggers & gt; & Lt; Data Trigger Binding = "{Bearing YourPropertyName}" value = "False" & gt; & Lt; Setter property = "iced" value = "wrong" /> & Lt; / DataTrigger & gt; & Lt; /Style.Triggers> & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; /ListBox.ItemContainerStyle> & Lt; / ListBox & gt;  

    facebook like status update with php -

    How can I create a page like Facebook status updates, where users can see the activity of their friends?

    If I have two tables, then for users and other friends, users who can see other activities in their friends list. How can I do this?

    If you want to create a status update application, you do not have it if you want it scratched Start with the Working Open Source Status Update Project to create such as:

    "Open Source is a micro-messaging platform that helps you share and connect with your domain in real-time . "

    & nbsp;
    * StatusNet is implemented with PHP / MySQL

    and learn from it and / or optimize it.

  • >
  • / li>

    javafx - How to simplify SVG code? -

    Is it possible to simplify / clean SVG codes rather than use-tags with standard SVG elements? Maybe an inkscape plugin? Nothing Found ... ...

    Background: I am converting some SVGs into Javfix Graphics (.fz) with the production suite of Jawfix. More tools & lt; Use & gt; does not understand the element. Take a look at

    , an open-source Python script Which aggressively clears SVG files, removes many 'craft' which some equipment or authors embed in their documents. The purpose of scrape is to provide an equally rendered image (i.e. there should not be a visible visible difference from the original file in a scraped document).

    They also have the form of v.48, to use it, go to "Save As" and choose "Optimized SVG", be careful, and check your output, As I've found, it can get aggressive by too . , If they look ...

    Good: Original SVG, only a little bit .. Poor:

    Their claim And this is the only move ... but it was not working as 6/2011. Hopefully it helps you clean up the skiers who often oversee SVG. Sometimes I feel that I only know who is capable in this format!

    tfs - Building select projects only with Team Foundation Build -

    I am trying to set up Team Foundation Build and it works well with build, test and code analysis so far Used to be.

    My problem is, I can not understand how to create only one subset of the projects involved in the solution. I know how to use the configuration manager to create a custom solution configuration that will select / employ my projects but when I create a new build definition, then only get the default of "debug" and "release" configuration She goes.

    How do I set up a team foundation build in which only projects in a solution to choose?

    I know that I am completely wrong on the track here, but I'm digging for a while and by now it is my best guess.

    Your custom configuration will not appear in the Build Definition Wizard because we do not parse the solution file format. You can, however, type it and it will work fine without manually editing the TFSBuild.proj file.

    c# - How to serialize and save an object to database as Xml using Linq to SQL -

    I was using the filestream to stream XML to the object and save it to disk

      Stream Str = new file stream (@ "serializedstate.xml", FileMode.OpenOrCreate) XmlSerializer x = New XmlSerializer (TypeGridState); X.Serialize (str, new gridstate {GridName = txtGridName.Text, grid column = GetGridColumnStates ()});  

    This works fine and the XML file is generated on the disk. How can I use SQL as a SQL object in SQL column in SQL Server 2008 database from Linux?

    to serialize in an XElement

      XmlSerializer x = new XmlSerializer (typef (gridstate)); XDocument Document = New XDocument (); (XmlWriter xw = doc.CreateWriter ()) {x.Serialize (xw, using the new gridstate {GridName = txtGridName.Text, GridColumns = GetGridColumnStates ()}); Xw.Close (); } XElement el = doc.Root;  

    To use

      (XmlReader xr = el.CreateReader ()) {GridState myDeserializedObject = x.Deserialize (xr) as GridState; Xr.Close (); }  

    datagrid - Datatable update in different thread (WPF) -

    I have a Datatable assigned to a DataGrid in the main thread. I am updating the same data tiles from two separate thread classes. Although the rows are successfully updated in the datagrid control, I get the following performance:

    NotSupportedException Throwed Message, 'This type of archive view changes the source collection from its source collection Dispatcher thread does not support '

    How can I update the datatables in separate threads?

    Abdul Khaliq

    From your thread in your collection view, use < / P>

      this.Invoke (myUpdateMethod); Public ZERO myUpdateMethod () {// Get data from different threads and see archive}  

    objective c - how to hide iPhone keyboard when scrolling is done -

      - (शून्य) दृश्यविलएपीपर: (BOOL) एनिमेटेड {[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: स्वयं चयनकर्ता: @ सिलेक्टर (कुंजीपटल। श्लोक :) नाम: UIKeyboardWillShowNotification ऑब्जेक्ट: self.view.window]; [सुपर व्यूव्वलएपपर: एनिमेटेड]; } - (शून्य) दृश्यविदृश्यआप: (BOOL) एनिमेटेड {[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] हटायेंऑब्सर्वर: स्वयंनाम: UIKeyboardWillShowNotification ऑब्जेक्ट: शून्य]; [सुपर दृश्यविशेष: एनिमेटेड]; } - (शून्य) कुंजीपटलखोलः: (NSNotification *) नोटिफ़ {NSDictionary * info = [notif userInfo]; NSValue * एवल्यूज = [जानकारी ऑब्जेक्टफोरकी: UIKeyboardBoundsUserInfoKey]; CGSize कीबोर्ड शैली = [aValue CGRectValue]। आकार; Float bottomPoint = (text1.frame.origin.y + text1.frame.size.height + 5); // फ्लोट डाउन पॉइंट = (text2.frame.origin.y + text2.frame.size.height + 5); // फ्लोट डाउन पॉइंट = (टेक्स्ट 3.फ्रेम.ओरीगिन.ई + टेक्स्ट 3.फ्रेम.size.height + 5); ScrollAmount = keyboardSize.height - (self.view.frame.size.height - नीचे प्वाइंट); अगर (scrollAmount & gt; 0) {moveViewUp = हाँ; [स्वयं स्क्रॉलःदृश्य: हाँ]; } और कदम ViewUp = NO; }} - (शून्य) scrollTheView: (BOOL) चले गए {{UIView शुरूअनुमतियाँ: शून्य संदर्भ: NULL]; [UIView सेटअनिमेशनकरण अवधि: 0.3]; सीजीआरसीटी रीक्ट = self.view.frame; अगर (चले गए अप) {rect.origin.y - = scrollAmount; } और {rect.origin.y + = scrollAmount; } Self.view.frame = rect; [UIView commitAnimations]; } - (BOOL) पाठ 1 शॉल्ड रीटरन: (UITextField *) theTextField {[theTextField resignFirstResponder]; अगर (चालव्यूउप) [स्वयं स्क्रॉलव्यूज: नहीं]; हां वापसी; }  

    मैंने इस कोड को दृश्य स्क्रॉल करने के लिए लिखा है लेकिन जब कुंजीपटल गायब हो जाता है तो वह वापस नहीं आ रहा है।

    आपने UIKeyboardWillHideNotifcation में सदस्यता नहीं ली है, केवल दिखाएं - इस प्रकार यह कुंजीपटल छुपाए जाने पर कुछ भी नहीं करेगा।

    ajax - AjaxControlToolkit.dll.refresh -

    AjaxControlToolkit.dll.refresh फ़ाइल की भूमिका क्या है?

    *। Dll.refresh फ़ाइलें एक बहुत ही सरल फाइल है जहां बाहरी संदर्भ मौजूद है।

    वे प्रोजेक्ट को संदर्भ को अपडेट करने की अनुमति देते हैं। यदि आप इसे एक पाठ संपादक में खोलते हैं, तो आप देखेंगे कि यह संदर्भ के लिए एक पथ रखता है।

    Windows: Getting glyph outlines for substitution characters from other fonts -

    I glyph shapes to the world of 3D games is necessary to render the fonts, so I use Getifiollain outline function wants to convey the texture, however, I want to handle the case where the characters do not exist in the font (as is often the case in Asian international text). Windows text rendering will automatically transfer the fonts that have the required characters. But GetGlyphOutline will not exist, how can I identify this issue, and get the framework for the replacement glyph? In Mac OS X Core text there is a function to get matching font for a given font and a string - is there something similar to windows?

    learned that I need to know what the required functionality in particular, Mancitrfont method The replacement font on which the window should be used should be used.

    python - Passing a list to eval() -

    There is a way to pass a list as function argument for eval () or do I convert it to string And then parse it as a list in the function?

    My simple example looks like this:

      eval ("func1 (\ '+ + + + +" \ "))  
    < P> I'm not sure that there is a better way of taking fords as a list than a string instead

    Note: The list is given from JSON

    Edit: Ok here's my There is a bit more of the class, there is a better understanding of how I am using eval

      def test (arg): print arg # add to map all the functions in this list Dictionary to secure_link = ['tess Secure_dict = dec ([(k, local). For safely (for the list) for Kashmir (k, none)) Valid values: def __init __ (self, value, f, name, frags): eval (Fname + "(\ '" + fArgs + "\')", {"__builtins __": none}, safe_dector)  

    It is wrong to think, but in my opinion This is a safe use Eval because Functions that can be told are those that are listed in the Safe_link dictionary Funk to run Action and rationale for the function to be removed from the JSON object. Arguments have to be structured in the form of a list, with the joining in the list "," can be interpreted as a real argument or just an argument?

    If you are using Python 2.6.x, you will see the Json Module (see py doc). If not, the Python package is available through the index. Both of these packages will provide a reader to parse JSON data in the appropriate Python data type.

    For your second problem of calling a function defined by a message, you can do the following:

      def foo (): print 'i foo!' Def bar (): pass def baz (): pass funcs = {'func_a': foo, 'func_b': bar, 'func_c': baz} funcs ['func_a'] ()  
    < P> This approach can be a bit safer than eval because it prevents 'unsafe' python library functions from being in JSON. However, you still need to be cautious that the data given to your function can not be manipulated to cause problems.

    SQL (Server) Update performance -

    मेरा सीमित एसक्यूएल ज्ञान इस पोस्ट को प्रेरित करता है!

    मेरे पास एक संग्रहीत कार्यविधि है जो अपडेट की एक श्रृंखला चलाती है ।
    6 अपडेट स्टेटमेंट हैं, जो एक बड़ी अद्यतन कथन में बहुत अच्छी तरह से मसला हो सकता है, लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि प्रदर्शन के लिए इसका क्या मतलब होगा।

    तालिका मूल बातें: 6 टेबल हिट हैं जिनमें से 3 के बारे में 5000 से अधिक रिकॉर्ड नहीं होंगे, जिनमें से 3 अनिश्चित काल तक (वर्तमान में लगभग 1-2 मिलियन रिकॉर्ड, ठीक से अनुक्रमित, आदि) बढ़ेगी। सभी तालिकाओं में शामिल होने और 6 बड़े अद्यतनों को बनाते हुए एक बड़े पैमाने पर अद्यतन कथन करने के लिए क्या कोई गति लाभ है?

    मैं इसे करने का सबसे कारगर तरीका तलाश रहा हूं, भले ही वह दूसरी बार बंद हो।


    संपादित करें:

    सभी के लिए मेरी क्षमायाचना मैं केवल एक टेबल को अद्यतन कर रहा हूं, लेकिन एक तालिका को अपडेट करने के लिए सभी 6 से डेटा की पुष्टि कर रहा हूं। (यानी यह देखने के लिए जांच रहा है कि क्या टेबल 2 कोरम वेल्यू रिक्त है तो तालिका 1 में "त्रुटि" के रूप में रिकार्ड ध्वजांकित करें)

    < P> यदि उन्हें जोड़ना संभव है, तो हाँ, आपको उन्हें जोड़ना चाहिए।

    यदि आप एक मेज से एक से अधिक कॉलम अपडेट कर रहे हैं, तो उन्हें इस तरह संयोजित करें:

      अद्यतन करें mytable SET foo = bar, fizz = buzz, whiz = bang WHERE zing & gt; 2081  

    के बजाय

      अद्यतन करें mytable SET foo = bar WHERE zing & gt; 2081 अपडेट करें mytable SET fizz = buzz जहां ज़िंग & gt; 2081 अपडेट करें mytable SET whiz = bang WHERE zing & gt; 2081  

    यह लगभग 3x जैसा कुशल है, क्योंकि इसे केवल एक बार तालिका में जाना पड़ता है।

    विभिन्न तालिकाओं में फ़ील्ड के अपडेट को अलग से करना होगा ( के रूप में सेड रौक्स का उल्लेख किया गया है, इसकी भी संभव उन्हें एक ही समय में करने के लिए नहीं)।

    यहां तक ​​कि अगर आप जटिल परिसर में उपयोग कर रहे हैं, तो केवल एक मेज पर अद्यतन किया जा सकता है पहर। कुछ ऐसा है:

      खाता इतिहास अद्यतन SET LastPurchaseDate = i.PurchaseDate खाते से एक INNER खाते खाता इतिहास पर एक .AccountID = एच। एसीसीआईटीआई INNER में शामिल IO.AccountID = a.AccountID पर शामिल करें जहाँ मैं । ख़रीदना & gt; '2009-11-30'  

    केवल खाता इतिहास को यहाँ बदला जा रहा है, भले ही स्रोत डेटा को किसी शामिल होने के द्वारा एक्सेस किया जाता है।

    3d - Shockwave How Would I Start? -

    I was just wondering, how would I create a browser-based 3D racing game to be a shockwave game?

    Any link and tutorial will be very useful


    < P> Tutorials

    Too many links

    and the mailing list of Summoshors, is still alive:

    related to - Why does Velocity lose session after only a few minutes? -

    I have set up season management with a distributed distributed cache. I have 3 servers hosting cache and

      New-Cash Sessions - Seconds 1 TTL 1440  

    and the following is the .config file in my web.

      & amp; Lt; Section name = "datacash client" type = "Microsoft.Data.Caching.DataCacheClientSection, & amp; #xD; & amp; #xA; cacheBaseLibrary" permission = "correct" permissions = "everywhere" /> & Lt; Session Location Mode = "Custom" Custom Provider = "Velocity" & gt; & Lt; Providers & gt; & Lt; Add name = "velocity" type = "Microsoft.Data.Caching.DataCacheSessionStoreProvider" cacheName = "session" /> & Lt; / Providers & gt; & Lt; / SessionState & gt;  

    Any help would be appreciated.

    It looks like being ejected, cash is expelled by default, i.e. stored objects in the cache Can be ousted. You should create a non-expired cache using the new cash command. Example: None of the new cash-no-set

    Set as per the requirement of other cache properties.

    c# - OrderByDescending() per MSDN, what on earth does this mean? -

    Can someone please help in separating the elements here and help me understand what they are?

      public static IOrderedEnumerable & lt; TSource & gt; Order-bizdetting & lt; TSource, TKey & gt; (This IEnumerable & lt; TSource & gt; source, Func & lt; TSource, TKey & gt; key selector)  

    What is TSource and TKey? What is a major selector? What is IOrderedEnumerable?

    What does Func>

    Why is MSDN so secret?


    • tsros: the type of elements in this collection is , Which needs to be ordered
    • TK: The type of key by which the elements are ordered.
    • Func & lt; TSource, TKey & gt; : The representative who will return a key for the given element in the collection

    This function is basically a sorting function such as it needs a way to compare the elements of the collection. This particular method assumes that there is a similar key value for a given object by which it can be sorted.

    For example, take a low grade student

      class student {string name {get; Set; } ...}  

    If I want to sort the collection of student examples by their name then I can do the following:

      IEnumerable & LT; Students & gt; Col = GetTheStudents (); Ordered var = col.OrderByDescending (x => x.Name);  

    The values ​​in this case will be as follows:

    • TSORS: student
    • vaccine: String
    • Func & lt; TSource, TKey & gt; : This has been passed in Lambda expression x = & gt; X.Name

    database - mysql - table design for embeding system -

    I am working on an embedment section on my site where the user will be able to access various services from various services, YouTube, Myspace Music, VMEOO Can embed Etc.

    I am trying to prepare the best way to store it. Users do not need to embed all the options and only one of each type (for example a video) can be embedded.

    Initially, I thought that there is a table similar to one row according to an itemized item:

    But then I realized that something embedded Eligible items require many arguments such as MySpace Music, I thought ID made a table where each user had a line.

    • User id, YouTubeEid, vimeoide, MySpaceID1, MySpace2

    But this is not particularly a problem for users as a default error. May be a little clumsy as if someone has a better solution?

    • The 'Embedded Itam' table contains the common column for all items
    • < Li> youtube , vimeo , myspace are only specific columns for each one.

    silverlight - where did PixelFormats and WriteableBitmap.Lock go in Silverlight3? -

    A few months ago I had created some online samples such as use the WriteableBitmap class in Silverlight.

    Revisiting today, with the latest Silverlight 3 installer (3.0.40624.0), the API has changed.

    I have made some changes. For example, the WriteableBitmap array accessory has disappeared, but I found it in new pixel property, so instead of written:

      bmp [X]  

    I can write

      bmp.Pixels [x]  

    for these calls What are the same substitutions, or have it used patterns change?

      BMP = new writable bitmap (width, height, pixel format.brg 32); Bmp.Lock (); Bmp.Unlock (); Can someone work for me using the updated API?   

    If you use lock and unlock Do not do and only if the WritabelBitmap (int, int) constructor is not used? What things break?

    It seems that this API has changed between SL3 beta and release.

    Is there anything to convert HTML special characters in files to normal characters? -

    I have some source code files that came to me by an HTML output, so they are very useless.

    I have such things:

     % include & amp; Quot; Macros.mac & amp; Quot;  

    Which one should be:

     % include "macros.mac"  

    Is there a script (sh , Pearl, Batch, ...) are suitable characters to change each file (about 200)? In the letters & amp; Lieutenant; , & amp; Gt; , ... (I place a location in the middle so that they do not convert them to

    thanks, it has been highly appreciated.

    < / Div>

    If it's just four & " characters, Sed is about (1) can help:

      sed 's / & amp; quot; / "/ g; s / & amp; lt; / & Lt; / g; s / & gt; & gt; / g; s / amp; / amp; / amp; / g>  

    Update : My original offer was following and there was a bug:

      sed 's / & amp; amp; / & amp; g; s / & Amp; quot; / "/ g; s / & amp; lt; / & gt; / g; s / & gt; & Gt; / g ' 

    This should be changed in ">" & amp; gt; that is false.

    optimization - Write to two cells at same time excel vba -

    I need to write in a different VBA application for writing the same data in two separate cells. Can write loop and data through twice, but I was hoping to do this in one pass

    This is an example of what I am doing (very complexity has been removed).

    Write subdirectory set (shortcut set as writeOutDivision "Division1", 10 WriteOutDivision "Division1", 20 End sub-private sub Write Worksheet set (ByVal DivisionName, ByVal rowNumber) worksheet = CurSheet.Cells (row number, 1) with sheets ("Company Scorecard") .value = divisionName. Ball = True Finally Android 1 end sub

    Is there anything that I can do to write line 10 column 1 and row 20 column 1 at the same time?

    You can define a non-conjugate range and change the range of the region. For example:

      Set the worksheet dim range, especially as a dim cut sheet, set the range Sheetset = Sheets ("Company Scorecard") set rngSpecial = curSheet.Range ("A1, A3" ) RngSpecial.Value = "whatever"  

    "whatever" will be written in A1 and A3.

    javascript - FileUpload show waiting message while PostBack is excecuting -

    For this scenario:

    I have an ASP.NET file upload control and a button Postback for uploading selected file.

    I would like to know what I can do with javascript:

    1. Start showing an image (image loading) when someone clicks on that button
    2. When the file upload is complete, stop showing the image

    Ban: I can not use AJAX in this case.

    You can do something like that.

      & lt; Asp: FileUpload id = "FileUpload" runat = "server" /> & Lt; ASP: Button ID = "BTN Upload" Runat = "Server" Text = "Upload" OnClientClick = "DisplayWaiting ()" /> & Lt; ASP: Image ID = "Image 1" runat = "server" image URL = "~ / images / wait. Jpg" style = "display: none;" / & Gt; & Lt; Script language = "javascript" & gt; Function display () {var img = document.getElementById ("Image1"); = 'block'; } & Lt; / Script & gt;  

    Any default display attribute of the image tag is not set when the upload button is clicked when the DisplayWaiting () function to block the display attribute It is said, after showing the picture, after the page post, 'the image tag is set around any of its display attributes, hiding the image.

    wcf - .net 4 ws-discovery endpoints -

    I am using YS-discovery in .NET 4.0 and it is working well. I have a question about how to deal with services that are not working For example, I have an AISIS on Server A and Server B. Suppose this service is broken on server A (duplicate this application by blocking the pool). Your customer still receives 2 services, so when you try to use the service, you can not guarantee that it is working.

    So my question is, do you have to do it by looping it through endpoint and if one fails first, what is the way to get only "services" at the next try or search? Or am I missing this point from somewhere - quite possibly: -)


    I found it a common problem in WCF discovery. Such a problem occurs when a server is sitting on two networks, the search will return both good addresses, but of course, the customer can only access the server through one of these networks.

    The solution I am using is to add the "zero ping ()" function to the server. After the search, the customer tries to call the "ping ()" function at all searched end points. Those who have responded back, they are good, others are bad.

    I pushed it one step further and created a thread which continues to call this "ping ()" function occasionally, then when a good server disappears, the thread 'good' Removes Yuri from Ur's collection.

    I feel your pain.

    Android: Can listviews dynamically update the UI output when the database it's binded to changes? -

    I have a database that gets updated by the background thread, what is possible for UI output (using a list view) When is the database entry added / deleted? I have seen examples of using the SimpleCursorAdapter and listViewAdapters and I'm not sure which one to use and if it also works.

    I got a "efficient" listAdaptator that would work great for me because it does not often look like ViewById and I can change the data structure that I really want, but I do not know it How to hook into your database adapter so that it gets dynamically updated output when a database change occurs Example:

    Thanks for any advice.

    a SimpleCursorAdapter , and requery () Call the cursor on. This will get the latest data and update the associated ListView .

    php - Using Tidy to clean HTML, HTML content is being changed, encoding problem? -

    I'm taking HTML from a smart template and it needs to be cleaned (just want to remove extra white space, and Format / Indent HTML well), I'm using a systematically to do something like this:

      $ html = $ smarty-> Fetch ('foo.tmpl'); $ Clean = New Clean; $ Tidy-> parseString ($ html, array ('hide-comments' => TRUE, 'output-xhtml' => TRUE, 'indent' => TRUE, 'wrap' => 0)); $ Tidy-> cleanRepair (); Refund $ Clean;  

    Although this work is fine for English, multilingual support seems to break it. For example, I have Arabic characters right in HTML $, but after getting streamlined I get some dirty encoding Is:

    & ugrave; And daggers; And ugrave; & Bdquo; And Oslash; & Pound; And ugrave; & Dagger; & Oslash; & Ordf; And ugrave; & Hellip; & Oslash; & Ordf; & Oslash; & Pound; And ugrave; & Fnof; & Oslash; & Macr; And Oslash; & Pound; And ugrave; & Dagger; And ugrave; & Fnof; And Oslash; & Ordf; & Oslash; & Plusmn; And ugrave; & Scaron; & Oslash; & Macr;

    Is there a setting clear, which will format HTML, but leave HTML alone? I looked at this post: But it seems that this will not work because I'm gripping my HTML smartly.

    Any suggestion appreciated

    parseString to set encoding in Second Try to use logic

    javascript - How can you tell when a <div> is full of text? -

    Imagine a website with an element that the site wants to run some JS that fill the div with random text When div should complete it and it should start. Yes, I know that sounds strange but the question is when does J.S. know when the completion is complete, and will the overflow start?

    By 'complete', I mean that now more text can not be kept. Div I think this is a point, a scroll bar will be enabled / visible.

    What you can do is actually text in an internal div, with a fixed width of the container But there is no definite height, then allow you to grow the internal content with your content, and check that its height is at the height of the parent

    JQuery UI: Drag-and-drop disables mouseover events? -

    I am trying both events on mouseover and leaving drag and drop using JQuery and JQuery UI.

    I currently have a working prototype ..

    As you can see, if you move your mouse over the images, the artwork is tied on the left by the hover event, a different related division has been hidden / shown It works fine but once you drag and drag an artwork on the areas of the dotted line, the hover no longer works.

    Here the hover code is:

      $ (". Current (function) () (forums) {var hoverid = $ (this) .attr ('id $ ('' Explanation ''); $ ("#description" + hovernum) Show; ();}, function () {$ ('Explanation'). Hide ();});  

    It seems that disabling some hover effects in the jQuery UI? I'm not sure how to fix it , And I have tried to use mouseover / mousestate; it is like that.

    Any thoughts? Thanks!

    The object has to reassign it after leaving the object.

    Drag and drop is possibly removing old objects and new locations Instead of maintaining the same element.

    I just tested this by using the console in FF3 and it works. Keep that argument in the method which the end Can be called by drag or drop event.

    Ruby Datamapper table inheritance with associations -

    I started learning and what I liked about it is that I can write my model with real heritage.

    Now I wonder, if it is possible to be more advanced about:

      Class events include DataMaper :: resource property: ID, serial property: launches , DateTime Property: Type, Discrimination End Square Talk & lt; Event Properties: Title, String related_to: Meeting and Class Meeting & lt; The event is near: the negotiation ends  

    that code fails to create the : title column talk and of course, the discriminating column It is of little value here, because of the database view, both talk and meetings .

    So, finally, I want to share the same properties as defined in talk and meeting in event With possible additional properties and 0..1: n relationship (I can talk with sevro in one meeting but without meeting without interaction.) Is this column without leaving the definitions and / or Virat Is there any way to complete?


    To give another example: The part that I like about inheritance, that is the usual event Can be questioned separately, therefore, when I want to know, if there is a certain : beginning on the date, then I do not need to see two or more tables, but Only the event table, the following structure can fit my needs. In the class event, the DataMaper :: resource property is included in the: ID, serial property: start, DateTimeCall DataMaper in Talk Talk :: resource property: ID, serial property: title, string related_to: Event Attende: In the meeting and class meeting, DataMaper :: resource includes the property: id, serial related_to: event is n: the negotiation ends

    However, in order to use it, Every left And I have to manually create a event , I want to create or edit a talk , that's it, I'll call talk.begin or Talk.create (: start = & gt; time.No) can . Is there no way around it that without patching and merging properties to all the facts? When using the model, I do not want to be reminded of the underlying structure.

    If you want to repeat the attributes of the event in talk and meeting, then you take it into a module Go to:

      Module EventFields def self.included (base) in database base.class_eval :: Resources includes the property: id, datamaker :: type :: serial property: initiation, datetime # Other fields here include EventFilled property in End End and Class Talk: Title, Related to String: Meeting End This will give you different tables, but this means that the repetition will be reduced, near the eventfield, in the meeting meeting, the negotiation ends  


    c# - Setting the form icon for an XNA window? -

    Is there any way to change the icon for an XNA game form (i.e., which appears in the top left corner , And on the taskbar)?

    I currently have a multi-icon that is embedded in different sizes, including 16x16 one. Unfortunately the project property uses "apps -> resources -> icon and manifest" 32x32 and instead it scales down instead of the original one.

    I want to set the icon manually to use 16x16 I am in the icon, and if possible, change it dynamically on run-time.

    Thank you. After reading

      Fixed Zero main (string [] args) {using (game1 game = new game1 ()) {((System.Windows.Forms.Form) System.Windows.Forms.Form.FromHandle (game.Window.Handle)). Icon = New system Drawing Icon ("file.ico"); Game.Run (); }}  

    file.ico should be copied to the same location as your executable location.

    You have to refer to these assemblies in your solution:

    • System.Windows.Forms
    • System.Drawing

    You can also change Game.ico in your Solutions folder, which is the same effect.

    python - How can I programmatically obtain the max_length of a Django model field? -

    कहें कि मेरे पास एक ऐसा डीजेंगो वर्ग है:

      वर्ग व्यक्ति (models.Model ): Name = models.CharField (max_length = 50) # ...  

    मैं programatically max_length मान नाम फ़ील्ड?

    व्यक्ति._meta.get_field ('name')। Max_length आपको यह मान देगा लेकिन _meta का उपयोग करने से यह पता चलता है कि यह आपको सामान्य उपयोग में नहीं करना चाहिए।

    संपादित करें: जैसा कि कार्ल ने बताया, यह नामकरण भ्रामक है और इसका प्रयोग करने में काफी स्वीकार्य लगता है:

    iphone - What is initWithCoder? -

    कृपया मुझे बताएं कि क्या initWithCoder है?


    < P>

    initWithCoder: का एनकोडर प्रोटोकॉल का हिस्सा है, जो कोको के क्रमिकरण का हिस्सा है प्रणाली। पढ़ें।

    javascript - How often should a web chat client check for updates? -

    I am creating a web based chat facility for any such application that includes Facebook chat or Google Talk within Gmail Will work as well. I am thinking that someone has any advice on how often should they check for updates? Every 2 seconds? Every 5 seconds? 10 seconds?

    Also, do I want to call setTimeout in the callback function of setTimeout, or in the callback of the AJAX request for updates? Basically, should this call be between second or second seconds to complete the final request and the beginning of next?

    Thank you

    You can sometimes ping the server (server) You can use (ARA reverse AJAX) for a permanent connection.

    Otherwise, I should have a good range of 2-3 seconds. Nothing less will be put inappropriate pressure on the server, and nothing will make the apple feel longer.

    c++ - How can I use a custom type for keys in a boost::unordered_map? -

    I am currently using the implementation of the hash map boost, and I want to implement a custom type For the key I am trying to do, I have four unsigned integers which I want to combine in a 128-bit datatype to use as a key.

    I have created a straight with a 32-bit integer array of four elements, which acts as my storage, to be honest, I'm not sure how Boost's Hush map works , So I'm not sure what I'm doing here, but I follow Boost documentation () to promote: hash, and I've created a hash function, as well as a custom comparison operator.

    I have this type of header defined in my header: This is my code:

      #ifndef INT128_H_ #define INT128_H_ // Custom 128-bit datatype is a weak hash operation The results are used to store and compare. Struct int128 {unsigned full storage [4]; / * Assignment operation that takes 32-bit integer array of four elements. This works a lower and less painful operation of values. * / Zero operator = (Suspicious unsigned int input [4]) {for (int i = 0; i <4; i ++) Storage [i] = input [i]; }}; Bull Operator == (int128 const & amp; o1, int128 const & amp; o2) { [0] == [0] & amp; [1] == [1] & amp; Amp; [2] == [2] & amp; [3] == [3]) True; return false; } // hash function to work int128 with hash boost. Std :: size_t hash_value (int128 const & input) {boost :: hash & lt; Unsigned long & gt; Aquatic machine; Unsigned long time = input Storage [0]; For (Int i = 1; I  

    Now when I actually use this in Boost's unmodified map, my code is compiled, but fails to link Linker claims that my Many symbols have been defined several times in the object files. I really want to work my 128-bit type with this map. Do I have to screw up, or is there a better way to do this but any suggestions?

    The unorod-map is almost casual about the problem you are facing, the real problem is That you are defining the hash_value and operator == in each file that contains the header.

    You can either treat it either

    1. define both as inline function
    2. just Declare them in the header

    If you do later (and this is what you usually want) you define those functions as a .cpp Files (or extensions used for C ++ source files). You will then compile that file and link the resulting object with your second code which uses the int128 type.

    EDIT: You can still make your comparison cleaner, like something:

      BULL operator == (int128 const & amp; o1, int128 const & amp; O2) {Return [0] == [0] & amp; Amp; [1] == [1] & amp; [2] == [2] & amp; Amp; [3] == [3]); }  

    python - reusable application for django site wide announcements that displays a message only once per user -

    I want to show different messages to registered users only once in my own app. I came to know that what I wanted to do was doing this - but I found in the examination that it reads the messages using a session variable, which disappears if the user logs out, it means that someone A message is shown to the user again, when they dismiss it when logged in, log out, and then re-enter.

    I wonder if a person should be aware of an application that I can use here without searching the wheel again.

    See it is used by PNX, there seems to be what you are searching for. At least it saves the situation in DB.


    Comment From Comment


      Notification. ([To_user], "friends_invite", {"from_user": from_user})  

    Therefore it should work:

      notification.send (user. Objects.all (), "friends_invite", {"from_user": from_user})  

    and if one query is not correct:

      notification.send (U.O.Obs.Obsites.All for U), "Friends_Invate", {"from_user": from_user})  

    c# - How can I use DataSets to store my application data in an XML file? -

    I have datagroup view in my main window that I want to display my data. My app lets users input, change, and delete data. I told my friend the best method to do this so that they asked to store information in the XML file. So now I'm wondering how to use XmlSerializer. Can I create an XML document or dataset and value it, but still be able to read, add, and change those values ​​(via DataGrid view)? Apart from this, I would like to check whether the XML file has been created (if this is the first time, make XML; if not, then use the created XML file).

    Also make sure it's in C #!

    View XML as a data source for the DataGrid view

    php - Manually Building a Tree in CakePHP -

    I am currently working on creating an application in CakePHP. There is a fairly comprehensive current data set which is a tree but was not stored as the first one, what does that mean, there is no real relationship defined in the data.

    The problem I have is that cake is working properly with the behavior of the php tree. Because I have to set all the values ​​on the existing data - as the structure of the cake is set in the form of elements - I need to understand how Lft / RGTT values ​​work.

    So, I think the question is:

    How does the structure data work, especially the lft / rght values? How can I set it so that the data is rationally excluded, at one time without inserting them into one? This is a 2-level tree, with sections and sub-squares.

    Thanks for the help

    MPTT tree logic is rather simple and well in Explained. In essence, there is a left and right value in each entry, every entry left / right value is within another entry, which is the left-right border, the descendant of that (later) element such as the LCD node (5 / 6) is within the limits of your parent node, television (2-9).

    To create lft / rght values ​​for a "new", set the tree properly to all parent_ids and run on it. The cake will calculate the LFT / RGTT values ​​for you.

    html - Css trick to conjoin divs -

    Is there any way we can add three divs together?

      Hello & lt; Div class = "mainContainer" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "left dev" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "centerdiv" & gt; & Lt; Input id = "txtTest" type = "text" / & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "rightwing" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; world!  

    We have to present the code like this here:

    Hello & lt; * LeftDiv * & gt; & Lt; * Center with textbox * Device * & gt; & Lt; * Writeth * & gt; World

    I tried to use float: LeftDiv, CenterDiv and left on RightDiv but CSS also affects main container. I need to set height and width of left Dave and Wright on CSS, but I can not do this without float.

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit: The question was added - when Left Dive, Centrifuge and Writitude is released, why is the main container affected? I just want to meet three internal divs without affecting the behavior of the parents ...

    Display with display: Inline blocks do not work as expected but do spans.

      Hello & lt; Span class = "mainContainer" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "LeftDiv" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "centerDiv" & gt; & Lt; Input id = "txtTest" type = "text" / & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "wrightdiv" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; world!   

    and spans should not be a place among them because most browsers will present them with a white space in the middle ... =)

    (Answer for future reference)

    You use inline-block Can not "linebreak" before divs,

    / * for galco / display: inline-block; }

    Try the goog-inline-block class defined in the libraries - it is believed that all major browsers are included

    c# - Nested List Question -

    I have a question about nested lists

    I have a class like the following. .

      Public Class Orders {Private Guide ID; [Database] Public Gid ID {Get {Return ID; } Set {id = value; }} Private listing & lt; Items & gt; order items; [Database] Public list & gt; Items & gt; Order item (get {return order;} set {orderItems = value;}}} public class item {personal string itemName; [datamember] public string itemName {get {return itemName;} set {itemName = value;}}} < / Code> 

    It is okay till I write no reference within my code in the list

      if myItemName = this.order.orderItems [0]. ItemName  

    The problem occurs when I add "[0] .itemName" Can I help me with something missing?

    < P>

    Try compared to public property: (note the change of case)

    name = myItemName = this.order.OrderItems [0] .imername

    In addition, syntax looks awkward, what language are you using? Do you mean:

      if (this.order.OrderItems.Count & gt; 0 & amp; amp; amp; amp; myItemName == this.order.OrderItems [0] .ememame) ...  

    jquery select() problem in IE(8) -

    The selection of jquery () is not working in IE, but its work is well in Firefox and Chrome.

    What can be the problem with selection () in IE, particulary in IE8?

    IDEA 1

    one click in your checkbox Try adding the trigger:

      $ (selector_to_checkbox) .click (function () {$ (this) .change ()});  

    It is possible that IE is not properly triggering the event of change.

    IDEA 2

    Clearly blurring the checkbox before calling . Selection

      $ (selector_to_checkbox) .change (function () {$ (this) .blur (); $ (selector_to_textbox). Selection ();});  

    coloring product images in flash/flex approach? -

    I will redesign a product page that contains vases, ceramic plates and more products, customize the product's colors can do. Now I want some advice that will be the best fit, I plan to use Flash / Flex / Action Script to implement it; In this way, I can reduce many JPAG loads for the product, as well as to make the page more interactive, I see that I have given some examples to start.

    Thank you!

    I had the same problem for my current employer, which sells clothes, you actually have a good mask ( And color is solid) can not colorize any item without providing, I also think that drawing masks for every product are very complex and expensive, which are 3-4 photos for each.

    Is there a way to mount Android .img to access the AVD (Android Virtual Device) contents? -

    I think something is developing on an emulator for Android and the file system on ADD (.img) Not able to see. ).

    Is it a way to mount Windows or Linux, so that I can see at least file listings and content?

    The bonus is okay with the permission to write it.

    Thank you.

    You can only mount the device in Linux:

      Sudo mount -o loop ~ /. Android / AVD / & lt; Myvirt & gt; / Sdcard.img & lt; Destdir & gt;  

    .net - Parsing SAP IDOC files -

    We are currently planning to communicate with a partner running SAP. The problem is that our ERP does not offer any way to communicate with SAP and we will need to remove the necessary information from IDOC files.

    Is there an easy way to do this in .NET? Like all the library (free / commercial), does all the hard work?

    I'm just the 'IDC Library. Purse (file) 'and it will take me back a collection of such objects which translates directly to the order etc. in the idoc file.

    I had read about some types of SAP .NET Connector. Is it able to do what I want to do?


    SAP .NET Connector is not an option that looks like

    Specifically, different data from IDOC SAP to parse the field Net connector has no functionality. To know whether the format of IDOC, and how to extract data from IDOD, is the program to receive.

    There is a C ++ Library from SAP which handles IDox, but this is very Old: Not sure if you can still get the software and if you are going to help today.

    Most new libraries are being developed for Java (one example can be found) .. I think if you are looking for Net Natal then this will not help you.

    However, as I have suggested in your comment on your question, you may be able to get IDO (Exchange Integration) / PI (Process Integration) - Infrastructure (which is Java based). In an XML format it should be very easy to deal with "plain text" ...

    seo - How Do Google and Other Search Engines Determine Keywords? -

    First of all, it seems that this question is not related to the program, although I still have to post this question here. If you feel that this is wrong then feel free to remove it if you feel that it is wrong.

    How am I curious how Google and other search engine keywords determine? Do they just search for keywords like we do CTRL + F and counting, or do they use some obscure semantic technologies for individual keywords?

    I ask the question that when I check the cached pages in search engines, they usually present keywords in various colors. By the way:

    But it seems that they do not count the keyword car in the words like carpad though That you know, carpad to CTRL + F cont car

    then my question Is it possible that if I name a company named Carpad , or Cardor in my site, then is it helpful for the keyword of the car?

    Disclaimer: The car, the carpad and the URL I provided are just examples. And I hope I made myself clear.
    Thanks in advance!

    is one of the basic techniques that is the text of keywords placed in the links of that site. For example, when you link to an article about it - note that link text was "Obama Party Crushers" Google could determine that the destination site is about that topic.

    Next, it is using recursive frequencies if I know that site A and B are about the subject X, and they both link to the site C, then I can assume that Site C is also about subject X.

    Next, it is the actual text mining of the material. Techniques that are used to determine more relevant keywords than the contents of a given page.

    c# - How do I create a selective Windows Authorise in ASP.Net MVC -

    I want to use Windows authentication within an MVC app, but only in certain areas of the site (i.e. admin area) for.

    Currently I have set up in web.config; But unlike Form One, it seems to force authentication on the whole application, though the [authorize] filter is not in control.

    Is this facility built in it or should I have to resort to enrolling in people? A form based security?


    Using a IIS auth in a good answer (as I could not get the ad user / pass)

    < Personally, I will use the form authentication using the IIS Windows Authentication instead of using the Active Directory Provider / Div>

    In this way you still interact with the form authentication in your code as if you normally want, but the information will be stored in Active Directory as you wish.

    ... it's just me.

    php - Multiple consumer one queue -

    Is it possible for many consumers to share a single queue in RabbitMQ? I currently use it to work with RabbitMQ, along with 2 similar examples of running a consumer script, though, but will answer only one passed message ...

    If you want to see all the messages from both consumers, Queue and tie them in the same exchange.

    sql server - fastest way to query database in java -

    I have an MSSQ database, and I have a stored procedure for any possible question, most of them only data Return a line of 3 columns or just execute INSERT
    How to Connect to DB and execute a stored procedure in Java, and retrieve some data Do you? There is a big difference in a connection pool such as

    that can save connection time this way.

    The query can help the database to skip parsing.

    When you are performing the statement again and again, help.

    The correct setting is another optimization for the query.

    ipod - How to programmatically detect earpiece in iphone? -

    I am currently working on a project that involved in playing music from iphone music library within the application. I am using MPMediaPickerController to allow the user to choose his music and play it using the iPod music player within the iPhone.

    However, I insert the user into my earpiece and remove it when the problem occurred. Music will suddenly stop playing for no reason. After some testing, I came to know that the iPod player will stop playing after the device unplugs its earpiece. So is there any way to programmatically detect whether the earpiece has been unplugged so that I can start playing music? Or is there any way to stop the ipod player from stopping user unplug your earpiece?

    How do you change notification AudioRoute must register and introduce you want to handle getaway changes

      changes // register audio path listener callback function AudioSessionAddPropertyListener (kAudioSessionProperty_AudioRouteChange, audioRouteChangeListenerCallback, self);  

    Within the callback, you may cause the rerouting

      CFDictionaryRef routeChangeDictionary = inPropertyValue; CFNumberRef routeChangeReasonRef = CFDictionaryGetValue (routeChangeDictionary, CFSTR (kAudioSession_AudioRouteChangeKey_Reason)); CIT 32 Way Change Reversion; CFNumberGetValue (Route Change Regener, KCFNumberCIT32 Type, and Route ChangeResionation); If (routeChangeReason == kAudioSessionRouteChangeReason_OldDeviceUnavailable) if (routeChangeReason == kAudioSessionRouteChangeReason_NewDeviceAvailable) is plugged into {// headset ..} is {// headset unplugged ..}  
    < / Html>

    Is it possible to add an event to the calendar in Outlook with a webpage form submit in C#? -

    Is there a way to add Outlook to an event from a webpage into an exchange? I want to add an event to a special calendar on the server side with .NET.

    The scenario is as follows:
    An incidental order has been made on the cafeteria calendar with an employer order coffee description for a meeting.

    It is also possible to do this by creating a request through the code and then the cafeteria calendar account Emailing If a person manages the cafeteria calendar, at least they will see that they will first request and accept rather than directly display in the calendar.

    Perhaps some managed libraries to create an iCal file somewhere (see). In the past, I have saved a calendar request on my desktop, opened it in Notepad and then used it as the basis of my meeting requests

    When I have a request Comes to send, then I have the code replaced by the respective bits.

    direct3d - OpenGL for space simulators -

    With this few friends we have launched this amateur platform-independent Java based project for a space war simulator game (for a long time ) Started the dead saga of Wing Commander). None of us is a 3D programmer, so the road will be for a long time.

    My question is whether at our place you will start learning OpenGL (perhaps through GLUT) or today is a better prospect? What about Direct 3D? Can you tell that any books?

  • Dave Shiner's OpenGL Programming Guide
  • The OpenGL Game Programming of Luke Benzsted
  • Thanks: -)

    Consider using or using an open source 3D engine. In this way you can focus on creating a game: content, gameplay

    Both engines define an abstract layer which can map direct 3D or OpenGL backends.

    EDIT: Firstly I notice 'you mentioned Java, both the engines support Java binding anyway.

    Using php web site as a portlet in JSR 168/268 portlet container [in Oracle BEA Weblogic server] -

    I have an existing PHP website which uses a lot of jQuery and AJAX. Our client needs to integrate it into Oracle BEA Weblogic Server as a Portlet and their preferred specification is JSR168. I'm totally new to Java portlets and so I have some questions about portlet.

    1. Can we integrate Java website (which is in another server) into Java Portlet Container? Or is it only for jsp web sites? I am asking this because there may be a difference in session handling in the client side in PHP and JSP and this can cause problems.
    2. Can we use AJAX while using the portlet without decreasing the large performance?
    3. What changes should we make in existing websites to make it compatible with existing JSR168?

    Thank you for taking the time to read my issue. Thanks & amp; With the implementation of the JSR 223 script, I think, Manula

    1. the API In the form of Java Slate, you will be the best way to expose the existing PHP application. Once you have implemented the servlet via PHP, then it will be forwarded from a portlet which will be similar to forwarding to another servlet or JSP. Alternatively, you can call your PHP scripts directly from your portlet code. May be able to.

    2. It is possible to use AJAX with portlets AJAX request is made as portlet resource requests which is the proxy through the portal which is using the portal. It naturally implies some execution overhead, but no more when using Portlets in more 'traditional' mode.

    3. In the context of porting an existing website, you will need to decide how (and why) you want to expose portions of the application as Portlets are the same The easiest way to expose the entire site in the form of a portlet, but it is missing in that way and you can present the site only in the iframe. As discussed in 1, beyond the technical challenge of getting the PHP application to come in contact with Java, this part really needs to be answered by your customer.

    c# - Initialize Dictionary in .Net 2.0 -

    Is there a dictionary that is a property that can be started in the initial form or should I Is the constructor add?

    My goal code is a static map of coding to represent.

    Yes, you will need to start your dictionary on the class constructor.

    cocoa - Can Core Data content be edited directly? -

    I'm using core data for about a week, and actually love it, but a little The problem is that by default setting values, it is necessary to set a temporary interface to load the data, after which I prioritize the data. Is there a way to edit values ​​in a table, such as you Manipulating the values ​​in the MySQL database Scope of how to use phpMyAdmin for? Alternatively, is there a way to write a function to import seed values ​​like a number spreadsheet, if it does not detect the stored XML file?

    For your first question, you can edit the file directly but it is highly recommended That you do not do that. How to edit it depends entirely on the type of store you choose.

    Regarding importing or installing pre-generated data, of course: You can write code to manually insert unit components into your managed object context. There is a dedicated section on this very subject. In addition, if you have too much data to import, even there is a section.

    How to design a database to save data whose structure is not always known during design, and could change later? -

    Allows sites like IBM's Eyes, Swivel etc. stores and their users to visualize them. How do they design their tables? For example, if you save data from the site in the database and allow your users to work on it, how do you know about designing tables? To maintain any type of data the structure should be normal. For example, there are many data in, some of them are more complex than others.

    The easiest way to answer your question is to use string-string dictionary. A popular structure and flexibility in its community is built with Python and Lua. You can be a domain expert for this by adding dimension of time - like, the hypertext does this.

    Any data model can be sorted in string string dictionary I do not know the features, but MyScale has BDB back-end BDB's Core Data Structures string string.

    ps, I'm half of a relational zealot, so if the data is important then I relationally model it: p

    c++ - Calling an overload with pointers without allocating new memory -

    अधिभार पर विचार करें:

      void foo (int) {std :: cout & lt; & LT; "Foo (int) कहा जाता है। \ N";} void foo (int *) {std :: cout & lt; & lt; "फू (इंट *) कहा जाता है। \ N";} void foo (चार *) {std :: cout & lt; & lt; "फू (चार *) कहा जाता है। \ N";} शून्य foo (bool *) {std :: cout & lt; & lt; "Foo (bool *) कहा जाता है। \ N";}  


      foo (int {});  

    पहले अधिभार को कॉल करेगा, नया आंत आवंटित किए बिना दूसरे अधिभार को कॉल करने का सबसे साफ तरीका क्या है?

      foo (static_cast और lt; int * और gt; (nullptr)) से बेहतर कुछ भी;  

    क्या मैं यहाँ एक साधारण सिंटैक्स लापता हूँ?

    जबकि < Code> foo (int * {}) काम नहीं करता, और foo ((int *) {}) केवल कुछ कंपलर पर काम करता है, foo (int *) 0) शायद सबसे छोटा, समझने में आसान और काम करने की गारंटी है।

    ruby on rails - Schedule Stripe Transfers -

    I'm new to the tracks and use the tracks to schedule payments in the Rail 4 application that is due in future .

    Customer pays for service in recipient 3 days from recipient B. Thus transfer is determined in the period of service within 3 days.

    Has anyone used SideSyke for this type of operation? Is this a good fit or is it best suited for these types of operations?

    I recommend that you see some things:

    1. / Li>
    2. Modern payment master
    3. Saas RailSquirt

    Hopefully one or more of these will help you solve your problem.

    c# - WPF Context Menu, Copy Menu Item is grayed out -

    I have a ListView that is databanked for the Observable Collection of a class. I'm trying to add "copy" menu items like ListView:

      & lt; ListView.ContextMenu & gt; & Lt; ContextMenu & gt; & Lt; MenuItem command = "{x: static app command.copy}" & gt; & Lt; / MenuItem & gt; & Lt; MenuItem command = "{x: static app commands.copy}" commandtaxbool = "{binding path = placement targets, relative resources = {relative alien ancestor type = {x: type menu}}}" & gt; & Lt; / MenuItem & gt; & Lt; / ContextMenu & gt; & Lt; /ListView.ContextMenu>  

    Now when I right click on a menu item .. the menu comes but the copy is grayed out .. My educated guess is that it seems that something for the copy It does not understand .. but when I right click on a list box item..I am choosing something to technically copy .. and the list item is selected because I Doing this..I selected this Want to copy At'm ListView.

    What do I have to do to get this work done? Overwrites a copy class in my class that is tied in the list view? I tried googling and not getting too far.

    I have just set an example that works for me:

    < Code> & lt; window. Commands bindings & gt; & Lt; Commandbanding command = "application commands.copy" canccqt = "commandbanning keyEXetcute" executed = "commandbinding aggregated" /> & Lt; /Window.CommandBindings> & Lt; Window.Resources & gt; & Lt; ContextMenu x: Key = "MyContextMenu" & gt; & Lt; MenuItem header = "copy" command = "application commands.copy" /> & Lt; / ContextMenu & gt; & Lt; Style x: key = "MyItemContainerStyle" TargetType = "{x: type list VIII}" & gt; & Lt; Setter property = "context menu" value = "{static resource mersex menu}" /> & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; /Window.Resources> & Lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; ListView x: name = "MyListView" ItemContainerStyle = "{StaticResource MyItemContainerStyle}" /> & Lt; / Grid & gt;

    Then in the back code:

      // a single string property private class MyData {public string name {get; Set; } Public Memento (String Name) {name = name; } Public override string toasting () {return name; }} Public key window () {InitializeComponent (); // Create some test data ObservableCollection & lt; MyData & gt; Name = New Observational Collection & lt; MyData & gt; (); Name. Add (New Myadata ("name1")); Name. Add (New Myadata ("name 2")); Name. Add (New Myadata ("name 3")); MyListView.ItemsSource = Name; } Private Zero CommandBinding_CanExecute (Object Sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) {e.CanExecute = true; } Private Zero CommandBinding_Executed (Object Sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs E) {clipboard .set text (MyListView.SelectedItem.ToString ()); }  

    This works if you select copy from the context menu or Ctrl + C


    How can I change the port for localhost in PHP (Apache, Xampp)? -

    I've updated my version of PHP (installing a new version of XAMPP), but I'm having trouble getting from the server. I

    Use the required port with PHP so that it runs the correct version of PHP.

    Due to well-documented conflicts for machines running Windows, I changed the Apache ports from 81 (80 sec) to http. For the .conf file: listen and < Code> server name localhost .

    It seems that it's running properly both Apache and MySQL are running in the XAMPP Control Panel

    Apache - Port: 81, 443, MySQL - Port: 3306

    PHP INI was set to 3306, and so I left it.

    http: // localhost: 81 shows that I'm running the correct version of PHP (version 5.6.3) ., But When I try to open a file at localhost: 81 , I get the following error message:

    The item was not found! The requested URL was not found on this server. If you have entered the URL manually, please check your spelling and try again. If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster error 404 localhost Apache / 2.4.10 (Win32) OpenSSL / 1.0.1i PHP / 5.6.3

    the sole The way that I am allowed to access files is , which is running an old version of PHP.

    Any suggestions how can I use the appropriate port and version of PHP?

    recursion - concept beind this version of fibonacci code in assembly -

    This is an alternative version of the Fibonacci code in the assembly used by my professor in this class, instead it is used as a new formula is.

      f (n-2) / 2 + f (n-1) * 2 then the sequence 1, 2, 4, 9, 20, 44, 98, 218  

    I just have a few things that confuse me.

    1. What does JB and J mean?

    2. Is one and two two local variables? Do they take a different part of the equation?

    3. [ebp-4] and [ebp-8], are they the registry?

    Please help me, I have really lost the concept behind this code!

    This code is

    this code is

      TITLE Mobonacci.586 Model FLAT, c. Mobonacci PROC; Will take N to EX; EBP Move EBP Push, ESP Mov EX, [EBP +8]; See that the eX is less than or equal to 1; CAPX, 2 JB one JJ JL1; Mobonacci calls; L1: Sub Special, 8; MOBO (N-1) * 2; Sub eX, 1 app call app call mobonachi; Mov Ebux, EX PopEx; 2 times ebx; SHL EBX, 1 Mop [EPP-4], EBX; Mobo (n-2) / 2; SubEx, 1AP Call App Call, Mobonkey MB EBX, EX POPEX; Divide the ebay from 2; Shr ebx, 1 mov [ebp-8], ebx; The sum of two numbers; Mov eax, add 0X, [EBP-4] add eX, [EPP-8]; neat pile; Mov esp, ebp jmp finished; Return 1; A: mov eax, closing 1 jmp; Return 2; Two: mov eax, 2 jmp finished; Return value in EX; End: Pop EBP ART MOBOONICIENDP End  
    post-text itemprop = "text">

    1) What is the JB and J mean?

    They jump into the x86 instruction set. Go to jb , and j jumps if they are equal, determine whether "down" or "equals" is correct, based on recent operation which is x86 The flag affects the register. Or, in other ways, for example you compared cmp eax, ebx ( eax and ebx registers), then Jb foo value down ebx value and je foo label foo Would jump for if the values ​​were the same. Google "x86 Jump Directions" for more information

    2) What is the one and two two local variables? What part of the equation do they take in the input?

    No variables are labeled, which indicate the location that can jump from other places in the code. If you combine this information with the question # 1, then with the code eax with 2 ( cmp eax, 2 ) and < Code> JB jumps to a label one if less than eax 2 (its price is probably 1), and If the value of jE eax is equal to 2 , two jumps to two label. Lastly, jumps to jl1 label L1 if the value of eax is above the value is 2. Note that the next instruction label is L1 , it has no functional effect.

    3) [ebp-4] and [Ebp-8] , are they the registry? Why are they elected?

    In the x86 architecture the code is the base pointer register. It usually has an address in the context of [ebp-4] and [ebp-8] view the values ​​that are in the place ebp-4 And in the ebp-8 memory (the value of that address decreased from 4 to 8 and decreased to 8) why such a thing is done in this way, Google "x86 stack frame" .

    OpenShift Empty WordPress Repo -

    I signed up for OpenSaffe and created a new WordPress application. The specific WP setup in the browser went through the screen, and now there is a fresh example of WP. I need to start hacking on WP, so I

      git clone ssh: //  

    , but

      / path-to-my-project / php  < 

      / var / lib / openshift / & lt; Uid & gt; All WP sources in the / app-root / repo / php  

    folder are included. Why is the clone operation not dragging these files?

    When you install WordPress using Quickstart, it downloads WordPress and this is your Gears on gear, not using git. For more information, see the guidelines given in Readmade here.

    Certain Soundcloud stream_urls are not being resolved -

    I have tested the following request on the browser and mobile, and I am unable to stream: https: / / / tracks / 173752179 / stream? Client_id = XXX

    Is not it normal for top songs? Are some songs naturally buggy? The song is currently at the top of Soundcloud's popular music section (Skrillex and Diplo), if this is the case I want to add the Soundcloud API to my app, but if I have such common problems, then I stagger. Any suggestions are appreciated!

    Some artists have chosen to play their tracks solely via the official soundcloud site. Unfortunately for the API users, the only way you can tell if a track is unexpected is to try to resolve the stream URL to see if you get 404 or 302 (the redirect on the audio file).

      $ curl -i\?client_id\=YOUR_CLIENT_ID HTTP / 1.1 404 not found  
    < / Div>

    java - Getting error "cannot find or load main class HelloWorld" -

    मेरे पास यह सरल कोड है:

      सार्वजनिक वर्ग HelloWorld {public static void main (string) [] आर्ग्स) {System.out.println ("हैलोवाल्ड"); }}  

    और फ़ाइल नाम

    कमांड प्रॉम्प्ट में, मैं टाइप करता हूँ:

      javac Java HelloWorld  

    (उसी निर्देशिका)

    मुझे त्रुटि मिल रही है: "मुख्य वर्ग को नहीं मिल सकता है या लोड हो सकता हैलोवाल्ड"

    मुझे यकीन है कि यह है अनुचित अधिष्ठापन के साथ कुछ नहीं करना है क्योंकि मैंने दो बार jdk और jre को दोबारा स्थापित किया है।

    संपादित करें:

    यह पहले काम कर रहा था, और अगले दिन, कोई बदलाव नहीं कोड, डायरेक्टरी, या कुछ भी, इसकी शुरुआत करना एक त्रुटि है।

    यदि आपके पास यह व्यवहार हो सकता है CLASSPATH परिवेश चर का गलत / अनुचित सेटिंग; जैसे वर्तमान निर्देशिका कक्षापथ पर नहीं है (यह डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से है ...)

    इसे आज़माएं:

      जावा-क्लासपाथ। HelloWorld  

    यह सोचें कि काम ... समस्या "कक्षापथ" की अवधारणा के बारे में आपकी समझ है यह ओरेकल दस्तावेज़ीकरण द्वारा समझाया गया है:

    • & amp; कमांड प्रलेखन ... विशेष-क्लासपैथ तर्क

    apache - Syntax for mod_rewrite to exempt urls -

    What is the best way to say mod_rewrite to prevent processing rules on a list of URLs?

    Normally you can do something like this:

      Rivet condom% {REQUEST_URL}! ^ / Foo rewrite R [L]  

    If there are more rules, then you need to make sure that they are not re-applied to ^ / foo!

    What is a good way to say:

      RewriteCond% {REQUEST_URL} ^ / foo #no Rewrite Rules Anytime Apply  

    Since RewriteRule can automatically match the URI, you will see RewriteCond No need to use. A RewriteRule for which the action should be re-written only with a - hyphen with a [L] flag matching path.

      # Pre-write / FU before re-writing this rule matches / FU and * does not take any action. * The rewriting rule ^ Efu - [L] # Other rules may be followed. .. # A typical rewrite for example, rewinded% {REQUEST_FILENAME] in general use! -f RecriminateCount% {REQUEST_FILENAME]! -d RevertCand (. *) Index.php? Id = $ 1 [L]  

    Note: I will be used in the context of .htaccess assuming ^ foo . If you are using it at the server level, then you must include the leading / foo as the / .

    Eclipse-Accurev plugin site not working -

    मैं एक्लिप्स लुना (4.4) संस्करण & amp; Accurev प्लगइन को स्थापित करने की आवश्यकता है। नीचे दिए गए समर्थन साइट से, मैंने ग्रहण प्लगइन साइट यूआरएल का उपयोग इस प्रकार किया है: ""

    निर्देश निर्देश स्थापित करें:

    लेकिन ग्रहण त्रुटि कहता है "... में रिपॉजिटरी पढ़ने में असमर्थ" प्लगइन पढ़ने / लोड करने की कोशिश करते समय कोई भी हाल ही में स्थापित एक्चरव प्लगइन ?, आपकी मदद की ज़रूरत है कृपया!

    युक्ति: ग्रहण: लुना, 4.4 Accurev: 6.1

    धन्यवाद, सोमु

    Microfocus द्वारा AccuRev खरीद के साथ, AccuRev वेब साइट से अब सेवानिवृत्त हो गया है। हम ईलिप्स प्लग-इन को बोर्लैंड साइट पर होस्ट करने पर काम कर रहे हैं लेकिन यह अभी भी काम प्रगति पर है। यह सबसे अच्छा है कि आप प्लग-इन डाउनलोड करते हैं और स्वयं को निम्न यूआरएल पर डाउनलोड पैकेज तक पहुँचकर अपडेट साइट को होस्ट करते हैं:

    c# - PowerShell - Cannot call web service method passing and returning object -

    I'm trying to call the web service method from my PowerShell script but it has failed. Here is the C # code:

      Public MyTable Insert (MyTable Data) {var Data Contex = New MyIntees (); DataContext.MyTables.AddObject (data); DataContext.SaveChanges (); Return data; }  

    Thus I call it in PowerShell:

      $ uri = "http: //localhost/MyWcfService/MyService.svc?wsdl" $ Svc = New-WebServiceProxy -Uri $ Uuri -UseDefaultCredential $ t = $ svc.GetType () .Namespace $ attributes = New-object ($ t + ".myTable") $ attributes.Name = "Project X" $ attributes Comment = "This is an exam" $ resp = $ svc.InsertRow ($ attributes) $ resp  

    And this is what I get:

    A surcharge and logic number can not be found for "insert": "1" in line: 1 character: 1 + $ resp = $ svc.InsertRow ($ attributes) + ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Category Info : Not Specified: (:) [], Method Exception + Fully Qualified Error Id: MethodCountCouldNotFindBest

    What am I doing wrong?

    Update: This is built-in. NET type is when I call $ attributes. GetType ():

      IsPublic IsSerial name basetipe -------- -------- ---- -------- true true Microsoft . PowerShell Commands.New Vice Serviceproxy.Agogenerated Type WebServicesProxy1WCFservicesMaji Service ... ...  

    I left on to try PowerShell Call my rental web service in I used this tutorial and then used it to use C #. I have not tried it yet, but I should be capable (this requires my project).

    expand abbreviation with javascript in Codemirror/emmet -

    For I'am codemirror and my project Expanding the EMMT summarizes great works in the codemirror editor when interactively done (CTRL + E) I have to make a further step further by extending the summaries within the javascript code.

      & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta charset = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "codemirror / lib / codemirror.css" & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "codemirror / lib / codemirror.css" & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "codemirror / lib / codemirror.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "codemirror / lib / codemirror.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "codemirror / mode / xml / xml.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "codemirror / mode / javascript / javascript.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "codemirror / mode / css / css.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "codemir / mode / htmlmixed / htmlmixed.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "resource / emmet.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "editorcontainer" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var Test = {}; Test. Editor = null; Test.init = function () {Test.editor = CodeMirror (document.getElementById ('editorContainer'), {autofocus: true, lineNumbers: true, mode: "text / html", profile: 'xhtml', / * ammt Defines the output profile *); EmmetCodeMirror (Test.editor); Test.ol (); } Test.ol = function () {Test.editor.getDoc (). ReplaceSelection ('ol'; li * 3 ',' end '); Test.editor.focus (); ('wide_abet', test. Editor); }; Test.init (); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt;   

    By calling test.ol () ol> Li * 3 is inserted, but its following execution ('extension_base', test. Editor);  

    result in a typeError: editor.getProfileName is not a function emmet.js: 41541

    Can someone tell me that I What am I doing,

    Thank you very much!


    You CodeMirror editor example () instead of EmmetEditor . Anyway, the ultimate solution is only for the registered AMP command, for example

      Test.editor.execCommand ('emmet.expand_abence')  

    c++ - Error when trying to execute Qt app from shared library -

    I am trying to execute a simple QT app from other languages ​​(Target Java). My app looks like this:

      // TEMPLATE = lib target = HelloWald QT = core GUI widgets source = + main.cpp  

    C ++ source

      //main.cpp # include & lt; QApplication & gt; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {QApplication app (argc, argv); Return app.exec (); }  

    I compiled it with QMake but every time I try to load a shared library, I get segmentation error 11.

      // PS: Simplify code to load shared library from Python CTIP import * cdll.LoadLibrary ('libHelloWorld.dylib'). Main ()  

    I do not know where the problem is.

    PS: My goal is to communicate with QT5 in Java via JNI / JNA

    xcode - iOS Launch Image: set display time and customized file name? -

    I have two questions about the new iOS launch image:

    1. Manual says Can it be from a xib file how can a dynamic xib file load? Right now it is called "Launch Exhib" from the latest version of Xcode;

    2. How do I set when the launch image is displayed? I am trying to test in a multi-language environment, the launch image only shines by me, it is difficult to see whether the page has been displayed correctly ... especially when in a foreign language

    Thank you!

    You can change the file used in the settings for your goal under "launch screen" File ".

    To test my launch screen, I am setting the breakpoint in the first line of my app representative, you should stop the execution of the app without first launching this screen. You will not be able to rotate the view, but you can rotate the device And reload If you need to test several orientation.