Friday 15 April 2011

iphone - Memory Management of Interface Builder Outlets -

I use @property (nonatomic, retain) for my IBOutlets for an iPhone application I am doing. However, I'm not sure that to ensure that I am organizing the memory with them, IBOutlets have been installed in all interface builders, so I never call alloc manually I am here. This means that I am not sure where and when to notify them or to set them to point to zero .

What are the best practices for ensuring that no memory is leaked at once? If you use @protectives for your iBotletlet and make connections in IB, then your controller is

When you are done with them,

In each case, you should be setting your property self.propertyname = zero in your viewDidUnload method And again in each view controller's dealloc .

It's fairly straight forward, the IB manages everything.

.net - Detecting Process Creation -

Let me have a third-party NET application process will be detected. My goal is to inject a plugin DLL to increase the functionality of this app. I like to inject it as soon as possible so I can catch the initial events of the application. Is there any way to find out that when this process is made and the main is injected before DLL?

The common solution is to replace the target address image with a stub, which launches the original image under controlled parameters Does.

There are other ways, such as, but they are meant for debugging for normal operation.

html - Validating Form Data and Displaying Graphics with JavaScript -

I have not really used JavaScript before, but I am trying to validate the form elements because they are filled Are there. I have an X and a check mark that I am trying to show next to the field to display whether it is valid or not. I know that this is partly correct because I can use a warning, but I'm not sure how to change the fields of graphics.


  function validate_field (field) {var value = document.newAccount.fname; If (value == zero; value == "") {document.fnameX.visibility = visible; Document.fnameOK.viewability = Hidden; // warning ("unsuccessful"); return false; } Other {document.fnameX.visibility = hidden; Document.fnameOK.visibility = visible; // warning ("true"); Back true; }}  

Some HTML:

  & lt; Form action = "xxxxx" method = "post" name = "newAccount" & gt; & Lt; Table width = "78%" range = "0" align = "center" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td colspan = "2" & gt; & Lt; Strong & gt; Personal info: & lt; / Strong> & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td width = "24%" & gt; & Lt; Div align = "right" & gt; First name: & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; TD width = "76%" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" onchange = "return validate_field (this)" onfocus = "return validate_field (this)" name = "fname" tabindex = "1" size = "50" /> & Lt; Img name = "fnameX" src = "redx.jpg" style = "visibility: hidden" alt = "x" width = "18" height = "18" /> gt; & Lt; Img name = "fnameOK" src = "Checkmark.jpg" style = "visibility: hidden" alt = "ok" width = "18" height = "18" /> gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; Div align = "true" & gt; Last name: & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "lname" tabindex = "2" size = "50" /> gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt;  

It is possible to use CSS classes for something like that.

. Valid (padding-right: 15px / *) or the width of your graphic * / background: url ('checkmark.jpg') center is not correct-repeat; / * Remember that the URL is relative to the stylesheet. /}. Valid (padding-right: 15px background: url ('redx.jpg') center is not correct-repeat;}

Then your valid work is done:

  function validate_field (field) {var value = field.value; if (value == faucet} value == "") {field.parentNode.className = 'invalid'; description is false;} other {field. ParentNode.className = 'valid'; return true; Keep in mind the entry, keep in mind that unless you are using a warning or using the accessibility facility, Users are going hard times with your form.  


An example of your code where I change the background of the form input Color of the original table cell.


And this is an example where I got rid of those layout tables and gave them a Fieldet with , and modified javascript in a bit. If you are not familiar with jsbin , You can add / edit in the url to view / modify the code.

ierrorhandler - Implement 'Ping' functionality using Message Inspector causes WCF runtime to throw NullReferenceException -

I am using WCF to implement a web service. This web service requires a 'ping' feature in the form of a health monitor for each service. This functionality is implemented using the IDispatchMessageInspector and is configured for each endpoint of a service. This is due to the need to have as close to the actual service code as possible for 'Ping'. Also, I did not want to pair it in the code of each service implementation and the IDIPF Message Inspector looks a good fit.

This service uses the request-answer MEP. Each request message contains an element that specifies which resource is needed. Then the message will use to determine how this message will process the data. The use of the same element is used to define a 'message' as the 'heartbeat' probe.

The 'Ping' message inspector will later post the request message in the process of the next, and if it determines that the request is a 'heart beat', it will then produce the correct reaction and the first syndrip ( ) The method is obtained through a correlation object since the latter is afterReceiveRequest (). According to the reference, AfterReceiveRequest () is set to clear the message parameter, then to stop the message from being processed by the service implementation code.

The technique to set the request message was found to be zero in a web site or blog which I can not remember nor find the URL. This technique works very well on itself and I can stop the service implementation code if it is requested to 'heartbeat'.

Unfortunately, to send empty messages in the Message Inspector to the WCF Runtime always throw a NullReferenceException stack trace, I still have to run the Runtime message object (which go through the 'Ping' message inspector Will be empty after) send to the sender and when the sender wants to delete an empty message object, NullReferenceException happens.

However, my system also applies IErrorHandler to capture and log any unrestricted exception in the service. This means that requests for every successful 'heartbeat' will generate the log entry for the tone reference option and 'heartbeats' can occur as often as each minute.


What can I do to stop the entry of 'useless' when the 'empty space' was dropped, the extension was thrown when 'Ping' service execution code canceled Prevents the request from being set.

Many thanks in advance.


Not the most attractive solution but the potential solution (which I have not tested ), But where do you find your ping call in the inspector code, can not you throw your own custom exception type i.e. PingRequest Expression, and when it returns to the client, can handle it? Do you avoid killing the WCF runtime code, thus avoiding logging of obsolete exceptions.

Otherwise, you can try to use the base service inherited by all of your services (on the other side of the WCF Runtime Code), which ping requests in the manufacturer before hitting the actual service code And handles. / P>

C# System.Net.WebException Retrieving custom 404 message -


I am working for a client that works with a standard status code (404, 200 etc.) -with custom json also gives message

I can not find a property of webexception that includes a custom message.

Any ideas on how to catch a message?

The real webRPS is available in the Response Property in Web Expression. Here's a matter of handling responses normally:

  Private static JsonParseException ProcessException (WebException webEx) {var stream = webEx.Response.GetResponseStream (); (Var memory = new memorystream ()) using {var buffer = new byte [4096]; Var read = 0; Do {read = stream. Read (buffer, 0, buffer lang); Memory. Write (buffer, 0, reading); } While (read> gt; 0); Memory. Composition = 0; Int pagesize = (int) memory Long; Byte [] bytes = new byte [page size]; Memory. Read (byte, 0, page size); Memory. Search (0, SeekOrigin.Begin); String data = new streamrider (memory) .ddtd (); Memory.Close (); Default Meta Meta = Jason Convert. Directoryal Object & lt; Default M & gt; (Data); New JsonParseException Return (Meta Meta, Meta Meta Error, WebX); }}  

I am using the NewtonSoft Jason Library to resolve Jason's response

Find the port of the server the application is running in java -

Hi, I have an application running in the Tomcat, as well as weblogic and webserver I need to determine which port is being turned on and display on UI that there is a Java API to know

If your app has already reached through that port, you can easily access it by HttpServletRequest < / Code>.

php - Adding a block of XML as child of a SimpleXMLElement object -

I have this simple assemble object which is similar to the XML setup with the following ...

  $ Xml = & lt; & Lt; & Lt; EoX & lt; Books & gt; & Lt; Book & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; ABCD & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; / Book & gt; & Lt; / Books & gt; EOX; $ Sx = new simple assemment ($ xml);  

Now I have a name class that includes information. I can also exclude the book's information about the same classes about each book. In the above (nested block) XML format. Example,

  $ book = New Book ('EFGH'); $ Book & gt; GenXML (); ... will generate & lt; Book & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; EFGH & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; / Book & gt;  

Now I am trying to figure out a way by which I can use this generated XML block and attach it as a child of that type so that it is now Looks ... for example

  // non-existent member method for illustration purposes only $ Sx-> Adxmlbid ($ book-> gnxml ()); ... XML tree now looks like this: & lt; Books & gt; & Lt; Book & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; ABCD & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; / Book & gt; & Lt; Book & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; EFGH & lt; / Name & gt; & Lt; / Book & gt; & Lt; / Books & gt;  

I have read on SimpleXMlelement, from the document, addChild () will not be done for you because it does not support XML data as a tag value is.

Two solutions First, you can do it with the help of libxml / DOMDocument / SimpleXML: Importing the code is $ sx , create a DOMDocumentFragment and use:

$ doc = dom_import_simplexml ($ sx) - & gt; Master document; $ Piece = $ doc- & gt; CreateDocumentFragment (); $ Fragment- & gt; AppendXML ($ book & gt; genXML ()); $ Doctor & gt; DocumentElement-> AppendChild ($ piece); // Your original $ sx is now already modified

You can also extend from SimpleXMlelement and add a method that is providing it. Using this specific object, you can easily allow the following to be created:

  $ sx = new MySimpleXMLElement ($ xml); $ Sx-> AddXML ($ book & gt; genXML ());  

Another solution is to use an XML library which has already created this feature such as SimpleDOM . You grab and you use insertXML (), which acts as an ADXMLBID () method that you were describing.

  Include 'SimpleDOM.php'; $ Books = simplest_load_string ('Books & gt; & lt; Book & gt; & lt; Names & gt; ABCD & lt; / name & gt; & lt; / book & gt; & lt; / books & Gt; '); $ Books- & gt; InsertXML (' Book & gt; & lt; name & gt; EFGH & lt; / name & gt; & lt; / book & gt;'); - how to return a .htm page as a view from controller action -

<। Html>

मेरे aspx पेज में मेरे पास ऐसा कुछ है:

  & lt; select id = "Seltemp" onchange = "calltemp ()" & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "0" चयनित = "चयनित" & gt; खाका चुनें & lt; / option & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "1" & gt; टेम्पलेट 1 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "2" & gt; टेम्पलेट 2 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "3" & gt; टेम्पलेट 3 & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "4" & gt; HTML टेम्पलेट & lt; / option & gt; & Lt; / चयन & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; फ़ंक्शन calltemp () {document.getElementById ('datashow')। InnerHTML = ""; Var id = (document.getElementById ('seltemp')। मान); अगर (आईडी! = 0) {डीबगर; $ .get ("/ Templates / Select /" + id + "/", फ़ंक्शन (परिणाम) {$ ("# Renderthisdiv")। Html (परिणाम);}); }} & Lt; / script & gt;  

और टेम्पलेट कंट्रोलर में

  सार्वजनिक एक्शन रिजल्ट का चयन करें (इंट आईडी) {...... ...... रिटर्न व्यू ("/ दृश्य /Templates/Temp1.htm "); }  

कृपया मुझे "रेन्डरिशिव" div

<पूर्व> रिटर्न फ़ाइल (" ~ / दृश्य / टेम्पलेट / Temp1.htm "," text / html ");

- संशोधित

regex - (rails) validating URL help with regexp -

I'm using the following to verify if a URL is formatted correctly: / P>

  validates_format_of: website ,:with ==> URI :: RJXP (% w (http https))  

However, when the URL does not start with http: // or does not work or https: // . Are there some similar ways to validate the URL with URI :: regexp (or URI ) and it is to include a valid URL which is http: // ? (For example, is valid, as is )

provides a strong regex:

  \ b (([\ w-] +: //? | Www [.]] [^ \ S () ] + (?: \ ([\ W \ d] + \) | ([^ [: punct:] \ s] | /)) ) Improvement in (NB Newline and Indentation has been added here for clarity, see the post for a more expanded version with explanation):  
 < Code> (? I) \ b ((?: [As] [\ w -] +: (?: / {1,3} | [a-z0- 9%]) | www \ d {0,3} [.] | [A-z0-9]. [-] [[.] [Ed] {2,4} /) (?: [^ \ S ( ) <+ + | \ (([^ \ S ())  | + | (\ [[^ \ s ()] ] + \)) * \)) + (?: \ (([^ \ S ())  | + | (\ [[^ \ s ()] ] + \)) * * *] = [^ \ S`! () \ [\] {} :: '., <<>  URL :: regexp  is a URI in its definition of loose (although it requires http ...). 

You can use a virtual attribute or filter to add before_save to a http: // if necessary On url

c++ - opencv multi channel element access -

I am trying to figure out how to use OpenCV's new c ++ interface.

For elements of multi-channel matrix, for example:

  matte (size (3, 3), cv_32 fc 2); For (int i = 0; i  

What is the easiest way to do this? Some cvSet2D like the old interface - What is the most effective way? Similar to using direct pointers in the old interface.


  typed fip elem_ {float F1; Float F2; } Elem; Elem data [9] = {0.0f}; Cvmat mat = cvmt (3, 3, cv_32 fc2, data); Float F1 = CV_AMEEDMEM (Matt, AMM, Row, Call). F1; Float F2 = CV_AMEEDMEM (Matt, AMM, Row, Call). F2; CV_MAT_ELEM (mat, AMM, line, cola). F1 = 1212.0f; CV_MAT_ELEM (mat, AMM, line, cola). F2 = 326.0f;  

Update: OpenCV 2.0 for

Select a type to represent 1 element

Mat (or CvMat) has 3 dimensions: row, call, channel.
We can reach an element (or pixels) in the matrix

CV_32FC2 means element 2 with 32 channels Bit floating point value.
Elem is an acceptable representation in the code given above CV_32FC2 .

You can use other representations of your choice. For example:

  typedef struct elem_ {float val [2]; } Elem; Typedef struct elem_ {float x; Float y; } Elem;  

OpenCV2.0 adds some new types of elements to the element in the matrix, such as:

  template & lt; Typename _Tp, int cn & gt; Class CV_EXPORTS Vec // cxcore.hpp (208)  

so we can call Vec & lt; Float, 2 & gt; You can use to represent CV_32FC2 , or use:

  typedef Vec & lt; Float, 2 & gt; Vec2f; // cxcore.hpp (254)  

To find more types, see the source code that can represent your element.
Here we use the Vec2f

element 2

The easiest and most effective way to use the element in mat is Mat :: at .
There are 4 overloads in:

  templates & lt; Typename _Tp & gt; _Tp & amp; At (int y, int x); // cxcore.hpp (868) template & lt; Typename _Tp & gt; Const _Tp & amp; At (int y, int x) const; // cxcore.hpp (870) template & lt; Typename _Tp & gt; _Tp & amp; At (point pt); // cxcore.hpp (869) template & lt; Typename _Tp & gt; Const _Tp & amp; At (point pt) const; // cxcore.hpp (871) // cxmat.hpp (454-468) / we can use the element like this: mat m (size (3,3), cv_32 fc 2); Vec2f & amp; Elem = & lt; Vec2f & gt; (Line, color); // or M.AT & lt; Vec2f & gt; (Point (call, line)); AMM [0] = 1212.0F; AMM [1] = 326.0F; Float c1 = & lt; Vec2f & gt; (Line, color) [0]; // or M.AT & lt; Vec2f & gt; (Point (call, line)); Float c2 = & lt; Vec2f & gt; (Line, color) [1]; M.T. & Lt; Vec2f & gt; (Line, color) [0] = 1986.0 f; M.A.T. & Lt; Vec2f & gt; (Line, color) [1] = 326.0F;  

Conversation with old interface

Mat gives two conversion actions:

  // headers Converts to CVMAT; No data has been copied // cxcore.hpp (829) operator cvmat () const; Converts the header to IplImage defined in // cxmat.hpp //; No data copied operator IplImage () const; // We can negotiate a mott object with the old interface: Mat new_matrix (...); CvMat old_matrix = new_matrix; // Be careful about your lifetime CV_MAT_ELEM (old_mat, elem, row, col) .f1 = 1212.0f;  

events - jquery add more to a click function -

I have a function that is bound to some JavaScript pages for some page objects that are loaded on every page .

I need to add some more functionality to the already defined event handler. Here's an example of what I mean here.

With the currently defined click event the object closes the pop-up division on the screen. When it is clicked (only on this fixed page), I need to reset some elements on this page.

Therefore, I can easily open click events, and make a custom one reboot, but it will have to copy a lot of code from the original closed event

if worse Worse, I can do this, but I would like to save the copy of that code for this special case.

Is there any way, more code for any insights?

bind to another handler with just added functionality


c# - How to store System.Windows.Controls.Image to local disk -

How can I store on a System.Windows.Controls.Image disk that says: \ data \ 1 .jpg: thanks to

You might try some on the pattern of this method:

Private Zero SaveImageToJPEG (Image ImageToSave, string location) {RenderTargetBitmap renderTargetBitmap = New RenderTargetBitmap ((int) ImageToSave.Source.Width, (int) ImageToSave.Source.Height, 100, 100, PixelFormats.Default) ; RenderTargetBitmap.Render (ImageToSave); JPGbitmap encoder JPEGBitMapEncoder = new JPEGBitMapEncoder (); JpegBitmapEncoder.Frames.Add (BitmapFrame.Create (renderTargetBitmap)); (Filestream filestream = new filestream (location, Flamemode.)) Using {jpegBitmapEncoder.Save (fileStream); FileStream.Flush (); FileStream.Close (); }}

To get what you want, you may need to mess with the sizes in RenderTargetBitmap, but she should get a job. You can also use different encoders as compared to the JPEGMapmap encoder.

Sql server 2008 installation failure -

When I install SQL Server 2008 in my PC, I get an error signal.

Error message

Object context is not set to an instance of an object

On my PC Windows XP Professional SP2 Its going on. Strange as this may sound, whenever I focus on a separate window, While setup for SQL Server was started. It was, though, on Windows 7. When I made sure to not focus any window while ensuring setup, the installation was OK.

c# - Rendering sharp lines in WPF -

If I present the following:

  & lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; Canvas snap toolwise pixel = "true" & gt; & Lt; Fill Path = "# FF 2000000" SnapToVideo Pixel = "True" Data = "M 0.00,0.00 L 2.50,0.00 0.00,10.00" /> & Lt; Fill path = "# FF 260014" snaptwoDevice pixel = "true" data = "m 2.50,0.00 l 7.50,0.00 2.50,10.00 0.00,10.00" /> & Lt; Canvas.RenderTransform & gt; & Lt; ScaleTransform ScaleX = "{binding element name = slider, path = value}" scale Y = "{binding element name = slider, path = value}" /> & Lt; /Canvas.RenderTransform> & Lt; / Canvas & gt; & Lt; Slider x: name = "slider" min = "0" max = "50" value = "30" /> & Lt; / Grid & gt;  

I get this result (cx):

Keep in mind the thin white line between the two sizes. I searched around and found out what to do with pixel alignment I hope the settings will be enough to get rid of the SnapsToDevicePixels = "True" line, but that does not work!

Any idea how to get rid of white line? << P>

In this way, try rotating edge aliasing with rendereroptions (see grid properties)

  & Lt; Grid render ops. Edzmoda = "Uncredited" & gt; & Lt; Canvas snap toolwise pixel = "true" & gt; & Lt; Fill Path = "# FF 2000000" SnapToVideo Pixel = "True" Data = "M 0.00,0.00 L 2.50,0.00 0.00,10.00" /> & Lt; Fill path = "# FF 260014" snaptwoDevice pixel = "true" data = "m 2.50,0.00 l 7.50,0.00 2.50,10.00 0.00,10.00" /> & Lt; Canvas.RenderTransform & gt; & Lt; ScaleTransform ScaleX = "{binding element name = slider, path = value}" scale Y = "{binding element name = slider, path = value}" /> & Lt; /Canvas.RenderTransform> & Lt; / Canvas & gt; & Lt; Slider x: name = "slider" min = "0" max = "50" value = "30" /> & Lt; / Grid & gt;  

Qt ClickToFlash -

I have installed the ClickToFlash plugin on my Mac machine. When I have Flash pages in QWebview, I have a crash in QTWebKit. Is there a single problem? How can I solve it?

Thank you, Gennady

If, and only then, To generate more detailed information (like a crash log), provide some more details and some example codes, you can probably expect a serious response to your problem.

compiler construction - Your favourite Abstract Syntax Tree optimization -

If you were building a compiler, would it be best to optimize at the AST level?

Compared to AST (rather than CFG) is one of the easiest optimization tail mail customizations: See a sub-line of:

  returns the call f. ergus x, y, ...  

You can jump it from F . If f (a, b) is a function that appears in tail-call, the replacement is as simple as:

  a = x;  

I think it is easiest to represent a jump as a special "restart" statement, which treats AST-> CFG first hand as an edge node. Jumping into other functions is a bit complicated because you can not just set local variables, you really need to think in advance how the arguments are passed and ready to translate it at the lower level. For example, AST may need a special node which can direct with the argument to overwrite the current stack frame next to the next and jump accordingly.

design - How to handle with older IE versions and webdesign? -

It may be completely wrong to deal with my blindness, but yes, now I am in a bad situation I am

Since the month I am making an auction platform, at the end of the project - the time limit is decreasing and now - we do a browser test with older browsers (for example, and worst : Ie6).

What should I say? The full design fails in IE6 logo is not transparent, log in to know the button in God that the monitor and the entire menu bar is 100px where IE 7, IE 8, Opera 10 and FF3 are all very fine, no The problem is not exactly right.

So, how can I handle this fact that my complete design in IE6 is simple unsuccessful? Any ideas to save my head? =)

First of all, do not panic. Layout work in IE 6 is not hard to do. Many things are possible with IE 6, you only have to do it in a slightly different way. This page does not take much time to get IE6 compatible (most of the time).

The main issues are from the top of my head:

  • First, conditional comments are your friends to use them to drag IE6 versions of your CSS files.
  • There is no transparent PNGs
  • No clear: left or clear: right either transparent GIF, non-transparent images Or for IE 6 Transparent PNG hack. Simply use the clear: both .
  • The list of the lists below shows up at the top of the lights below: There are many solutions available, either hide the dropdown or use the iframe trick before displaying the foreground div (one of the size of the foreground diva Create IFrame and place it under the divider below, which will hide the dropdown)
  • No Status: fixed . You have to be with that you can try some code instead of status: absolute , but it will actually slow down. (Simply say, the speed of javascript execution is not one of the great powers of IE6).
  • IE6 has CSS gradient and CSS shadow (like FF and Safari) but you access them differently, more to know the Google IE CSS filter.
  • Try to use jQuery or some other JavaScript library, they hide very complexity and browser incompatibilities.
  • The rest is negligible with dimensions only. It takes some time but it is not difficult.

Good luck!

e commerce - Is there an XML standard for Ecommerce Products? -

Is a standard way of transferring product data between e-commerce websites?

I think there are many cases where a company wants to include products from other companies inside its store, how will it be accomplished?

I think a XML feed is the way to go, but a standard for something on the lines of product names, product codes, stock levels, color options, image file names Is the price, discount eligibility etc.?

I know that Magatton uses XML / Import products, but is it based on a recognized standard?

I do not know whether e-commerce is specific to web sites or not. But of course, EDI (electronic data interchange) among businesses is somewhat more common to do. The standard is defined by NPO which is called. See their website for the name's standard.

osx - Testing web application on Mac/Safari when I don't own a Mac -

Recently, when I displayed a web site completely on IE, Firefox, Chrome and Safari on Windows, but It was corrupted when using a Safari on Mac (by a potential customer), then how should I start testing my sites when I see it on Mac?

There is a problem, I do not have Mac.

I tried to make a browsercomamp, which claims to provide VNC access for Mac, but many browsers are installed, but unbelievable after finding it (so far, this last 5 days I have worked 1 day) I need another solution.

Any suggestions?

The best site to test the website and see the realtime on Mac Safari

By using

they have to test for 25 minutes for the first time and then 10 free minutes every day ... You can also test your pages using your web tunnel feature from your local PC

I tested browserstrack like 7 to 8 pages from the browser ... and I Zhe think they have a Java debugging tools in the upper right corner, which is very helpful

css - what does this element do? -

HTML में निम्नलिखित तत्व का क्या अर्थ है ...

  मार्जिन: 0 0 847px **! महत्वपूर्ण; ** मार्जिन: 0 0 0 848px ..  

क्या यह ब्राउज़र से संबंधित है ???

< Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text">

इस विशेष क्रम का कारण यह है कि इंटरनेट एक्सप्लोरर ने महत्वपूर्ण को संस्करण 6 तक नहीं समझा। इस प्रकार, दूसरा मार्जिन निर्देश इंटरनेट एक्सप्लोरर पर लागू होता है & lt; = 6 केवल।

इसे एक ब्राउज़र हैक कहा जाता है। ब्राउज़र हैक्स पर एक अच्छा सिंहावलोकन है।

multithreading - Building a multithreaded work-queue (consumer/producer) in C++ -

I have the following scenario: I have a thread that wants to fill a container with a pair of integers (summarize In, job description), and I have a large number of worker thread (8-16) that should take the element from this container and do some work.

I thought that the problem can be easily solved with a blocked queue - like removing items, synchronizing access to the thread queue, and sleeping if no data is available.

I (maybe wrong) I believe that something like that should be present in STL or Boost, but I am unable to find anything.

Do I really have to implement that thing myself? It seems that such a general scenario ...

If you apply it yourself, So implementation should be a fairly simple combination of a semaphore, muteux, and a line item.

Here's some pseudo-code:

  Generate {pthread_mutex_lock (& ​​amp; mutex); Queue.push_back (someObjectReference); Pthread_mutex_unlock (& ​​amp; amp; mutex); Sem_post (& amp; availabilitySem); } {Sem_wait (& amp; availability); Pthread_mutex_lock (& ​​amp; mutex); Queue.pop_front (someObjectReference); Pthread_mutext_unlock (& ​​amp; mutex); }  

java - HTTP Request (POST) field size limit & Request.BinaryRead in JSPs -

First of all, my Java is out loud and I have never used JSP or servlet, but I have to help someone else I am trying to solve a problem.

A form provided by Javascript is being posted back to JSP. Some of the fields in this form are more than 100KB size but when the form field is being received on the JSP side, the area value is being scaled down to 100 KB.

Now I know that there is such a problem in ASP request. Use the form which can get around from the request. Is BinarRed an equivalent in Java?

Or alternatively there is a single setting in WebSphere / Apache / IBM HTTP server that gets around the same problem?

Since the post request must be in-store to provide the functionality needed by the servlet server by the servlet container To be kept, most of the servlet containers have a configurable size limit to prevent dosage attacks, because otherwise a small number of bogus clients can excite the server to run out of memory.

This is a little strange, if the webspreader is quietly reducing the request rather than failing properly, but if this is the reason your problem is, you can get the configuration options.

sql server - Recommendation system experimentation -

I am reading book programming collective intelligence and trying to apply what I have learned against the Northwind database. Although I have not yet convinced in my understanding of the introduction of algorithms, I am starting to get the views of common concepts.

  1. By using the Northwind database, I am trying to show a list of "bought XYZ bought" by using the following pretenders

    1. Search for other customers
    2. Rank items of items based on the purchase
    3. Return the top n items from the previous step

    I am working with the question given below:

      Deactivate @ Customerless (5), @ Producted Ent; Set @customerid = 'ALFKI'; Set @producted = 59; - Find other products from those customers - who have also bought my producer, in the top order, from 10 od.productid, c.categoryname, p.productname, p.unitsonorder, count (od.productid) [order details] od inner inner Order o o.orderid = od.orderid internal included product p.productid = od.productid in internal categories c c categorid = p.categoryid where o.customerid & lt; & Gt; @customed and odd.product & lt; & Gt; Group by @productid and p.discontinued = 0 od.productid, c.categoryname, p.productname, p.unitsonorder command 5 characters, 4 desc  

    I think my next step To break the query so that I can filter recently based on purchases (as opposed to all historical purchases) and match the customer compared to all the customers purchased by my customer. Can anybody provide any signal? Am I going in the right direction? Should I take a completely different direction?

    At this point, my goal is to display accuracy, because I know that I do not yet have the experience of implementing algorithms for their full benefit. I'm just trying to implement the concept. Once I am satisfied, I understand it well, I want to test this query against a larger database with more realistic customer data.

    text ">

    It is commonly called" market basket "analysis or" affinity group "and it is not as simple as it seems, due to most combinations. The first thing is that the minimum of cases For example, suppose we have 1 M baskets and 10 people who had bought the product B in the same basket as the product A had bought. In 10 cases, It is worth noting that "those who have bought it have also bought B". For this reason, using "recent" purchases is a bit difficult. This idea is to create a table of product pairs, but if we have N Products, The number is N * (N-1), so for 1000 product stores, we have 999000 combinations, so the algorithm which is not it is simple.

    The order of objects to consider one more thing And the value of each is for example cy Customers who purchase only can buy a "LED light" (add) But, if someone puts a LED light in a basket, then can the system present a bicycle in the list?

    In this meditation Keeping that you are using SQL Server, I use the "MS Association Algorithm" for this purpose to you , using the same data, you have your results against "business solution" The Lna can.

php - sql server output charset -

Is any method to get the MSSQL server described by local database encoding? <

Itemprop = "text">

What is the column type of your data? Is it varchar or nvarchar?

To get results in Unicode, just insert varchar columns as nvarchar: Cast selection ( Nvarchar (size) table as column

Get Application Server name or ip and port in Java -

We want to identify and display the server and port that is running behind a Java application proxy web server That returns the getServerName () and getServerPort () proxy and the server name of its port (80).

We have two application server examples that run on a physical box and therefore there are two active ports, ie the box is 9080, 9 081. Let me & lt; Application Server Name & gt ;: & lt; Application Server Port & gt; to display.

Any thoughts? I'm the whole Java Nob, sorry that this is a basic question.


  • returns the local IP.
  • Returns the local port.
  • Returns the local port.
  • Returns the local port.

  • c# - Same code acts differently on different machines - what might be the cause ? (CLR version issue ?) -

    I fixed a problem debugging, where our program crashed on the production server, but never on development machines.

    I have made this small program, with which I can reproduce the issue:

      using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Namespace runtimebug {class program {static zero main (string [] args) {var coll = new collection {{"" test, new data ()}, {"test2", new data ()}}; Var datacuesen = coll.Cast & lt; Data & gt; (). ToList (); Console.WriteLine (dataSequence.Count); }} Category Archive: Dictionary & lt; String, Data & gt ;, IEnumerable & lt; Data & gt; {The public new INMM & lt; Data & gt; GetEnumerator () {value in value v (value v) {yield returns} v; }} Class data {}}  

    while printing on my machine, this code prints "2". While running on the production server, it fails with the following exceptions:

      Unchecked exception: System. UnknownCast exception: Unable to remove type 'object'. System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair `2 [System. To type string, runtime bug.Data 'RunTimeBug.Data' on System.Linq.Enumerable & lt; CastIterator & gt; D__b0`1.MoveNext () on system Colllections.Generic.List`1 .. on the system (IEnumerable `1 archive) system. In LINQ.Enumerable.ToList [TSource] (IEnumerable `1 source) RunTimeBug.Program.Main (string [] args)  

    On these machines I can only find the difference, that is Version 2.0.50727.4927 on CLR runtime machines, where it works, and on version 2.0.50727.1433 machines where it does not work.

    As far as I can tell, the cast extension method gets the wrong version of IEnumerable on older machines, but "right" on a new machine.

    Can anyone explain why I see this? What has changed in the 2 CLR runtime versions, due to which can it be?

    Please note, I have already set up, and I know that the collection class in the above code is poor design because it implements 2 different IEnumerable found in our product "in the wild" , So I really want to know the exact reason.

    I think Jason has mentioned the fix mentioned in that article in which your code will be later Have to work on release. I do not have access to the Pre-SP1 version of Enumerable. Cost is a bit difficult to guess.

    One thing is for sure: Once this code creates an enumerable table. The catastator () is not guaranteed to work in your case. It sets an iterator to convert IEnumerable to IEnumerable & lt;> and is the GetEnumerator () to initialize the itater block to iter block. It can only make a dictionary call. The gate annotator (), does not make the keyValuePair casting that data will fail if this IEnumerable return fails, because the exception tells you.

    The current version of Enumerable.Cast () tries to turn on IEnumerable & lt;> and the works that the creator () is not used.

    How to chain these constructors (C#)? -

    I'm getting the concept of reducing consultants, but I did not know that these two special constructors together, therefore I appreciate it if someone can help me


      // default constructor // Objective: to minimize data members Start / Parameters for: None // Returns: Any Public Line () {startPoint.xCoord = 0; StartPoint.yCoord = 0; EndPoint.xCoord = 0; EndPoint.yCoord = 0; } // Parametragged Constructor // Purpose: Start the data for P1 and P2 parameters to the members: Points and P2 / Returns: Any public line (Point P1, Point P2) {startPoint = p1 ; End Point = P2; }  

      public line (): this (new point (), new Point ()) {}  

    ASP.NET Contact Form - output to email and access database -

    I'm new to ASP.NET, and I'm trying to create a contact form that, along with the submission Sends an email on storage to data in a database.

    I have read many tutorials, and I am quite comfortable with a basic contact form for email setup - but I am having trouble in its database part.

    Please tell me if you have ever done this, or if you can provide any information that would help me with this work.

    I am running ASP.NET 2.0

    Thanks to C # and I am very new to ASP.NET (first year IT student).

    Here is the code for ASPX. Attached in CSI file form:

      using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Web; Using System.Web.UI; Using System.Web.UI.WebControls; Using System.Net.Mail; Using System.Data; Using System.Data.SqlClient; Using System.configuration; Public Partial Classroom Contact: System.Web.UI.Page {Secure Zero Page_load (Object Sender, EventArgE) {} Reset event code (will reset form data): Protected Zero Reset (Objects, EventAgds E) {Fname. Text = ""; Lname.Text = ""; E-mail. Text = ""; phone. Text = ""; Comments.Text = ""; } // Code for SendMail event; The email will be sent and the information will be sent to the database in the email: Protected Zero SendMail (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {MailMessage mail = new MailMessage (); similarity. From = new mailaddress (email. Text); Mail.To.Add ("The email address where you sent the message"); Mail.Subject = "Contact Us"; Mail.IsBodyHtml = True; Mail.Body + = "First name:" + fname.Text + "
    " similarity. Body + = "Last name:" + lname.Text + "
    "; Mail.Body + = "Comments:" + comments.Text + "

    "; Mail.Body + = "Phone Number:" + Phone Text + "& lt; br / & gt;"; SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient (); Smtp.Host = "SMTP Relay Server Name"; Smtp.Send (mail); } Secure Data Interfo (Object Sender, EventAgps E) {SQL Connection iConnection = New SQL Connection (Configuration Manager Connection Connection ["WEB.CONFIG CONNECTION STRING NAME"]. ToString ()); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand CMD = New System.Data. SQLLient.SqlCommand (); Cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text; Cmd.CommandText = "Include table name (fan, lin, email, phone, comment) in prices (@funam, @ name, @mail, @ phone, @comments)"; Cmd.Connection = myConnection; Cmd.Parameters.Add ("@ fname", fname.Text); Cmd.Parameters.Add ("@ lname", lname.Text); Cmd.Parameters.Add ("@ Email", Email Text); Cmd.Parameters.Add ("@phone", phone. Text); Cmd.Parameters.Add ("@ Comments", comments. Text); MyConnection.Open (); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); MyConnection.Close (); }}

    Efficient Linux sockets (DMA/zero-copy) -

    I am creating a very high performance Linux server (based on Apollo, non blocking sockets, and async disk IO [Based on Io_submit / io_getevents / eventfd)). Some of my standards tell me that the way I handle sockets is not enough for my needs, especially, I'm concerned about receiving data from a network card with a userspace buffer and receiving data on the userspace buffer from the network card ( For now ignore the sendfile call).

    Calling on reading / writing on non-blocked Linux sockets, which I think is not completely asynchronous - this system makes call blocks while copying buffers from userspace to the kernel (or on the other side) , And then only get returns. Is there any way to avoid this thing in Linux? Specifically, is there a completely asynchronous writing call that I can create on a socket which will return immediately, DMA will set userbus buffer as essentially a network card, and set event / issue upon completion? I know that this is an interface for Windows, but I did not find anything about it in Linux.

    Thank you!

    There was some discussion about providing an API with some lines recently on the Linux kernel , But the sticking point is that you can not do DMA from the common user-space buffers with the network card because:

    • Userspace looks like infected data in linear address space, probably not in physical memory , Which is a problem if the network card collects Skeeter-DMA Does not;
    • On most machines, all physical memory addresses are not "DMA-enabled"

    On recent colonies, you can see the vmsplice and Can try to use. You want to send - vmsplice pages (with SPLICE_F_GIFT ) in pipes, then pairing with them in the socket ( With SPLICE_F_MOVE ).

    unix - Finding out how when google last crawled -

    I have to find out how much a copy of Google's cache of a wide set of current pages is,

  • Check to find the user-agent "googlebot", then
  • Export a list which is available for each Page and when it was last visited
  • I think this may be a cron job which runs weekly. If this is correct, how do I write the script? If this is wrong then what better way would be?

    Google already provides this information. I've used it for the past three years - Works great -

    Add your site to sitemap and create a generic Sitemap XML for your site on your web server (Google for the website that offers free Is), then relax Google, there is a section in the Sitemap named Crawl Stats what you want.

    Get Google's view of your site and diagnose problems

    Check that Google crawls and indexes your site And we can learn about the specific problems that reach them.

    Search your links and query traffic

    View, classify and compile comprehensive data about your site's internal and external links with new link reporting tools download. Find out how Google search queries drive traffic to your site, and see when users will arrive there.

    Share information about your site

    Tell us about your pages with Sitemaps: Which are the most important to you and how much You can also tell us what kind of URLs we indicate.

    how to create windows 7 jump lists via python/pyqt? -

    I have a pyqt project that I am interested in using to play with the new window 7 jump list feature;

    Has anyone found an easy way to stop it here? Is the pywin32 module marks of Hammond a proper cover?

    Thank you!

    I don 'q' have not supported jump lists, you can get a little more info

    Support for Qt 4.6 Windows 7 has been added and it was released today but I do not think that they have added this specific feature and I do not think that PETT supports this release.

    c# - Chess Logic in XNA -

    So I have created a 2D Chess Game Board with all the pieces using the XNA Library and all. Although I do not know how to run pieces, if I click them. This is one of my knighthood arguments.

      if pressed (mouse.LeftButton == buttonstate and mouse.x == wknight1.position.X & amp;; Amp; mouse.W == wknight1.position.Y) { }  

    How do I select the piece to allow it to move?

    I'm not particularly familiar with XNA but I will give some suggestions. For one thing, you probably want to place the piece in the 2D array or instead of being in its own variables (like wknight1). Otherwise, you have to check each variable the user clicks on.

    I'm assuming that you want a system, where the user clicks on a piece to select it, then clicks on an empty square to clear it. Here are some pseudo-codes, such as (I mean an empty square here means an empty square):

      if pressed (mouse.LeftButton == buttonstate & amp; Board [mouse.x] [mouse]!! = Null & amp; fragment selected == tap) {piece selection = board [mouse.x] [mouse];; SelectX = mouse.x; SelectY = mouse.y} and if (mouse leftbutton == buttonstate.Pressing & amp; board [mouse.x] [mouse] == blank and select pseudo! = Null) {board [selected x] [ Selected w] == faucet; Board [mouse.x] [mouse.] = Fragment selected; Piece selection = null; }  

    You can add in such situations as isAvalidMove (piece type, starks, starkey, finish, finish) where you check that the player is trying to move his piece and It is a legal chess take etc. You can probably make it even more elegant (and / or event-driven) (and add-click-and-drag etc.), but I keep it easy to explain basic logic.

    delphi - Is an update to D2010 really meaningful -

    I am trying to migrate my own projects in Delphi 2010. But it seems very difficult.

    1. I use TntControls for older projects. If I remove this library, then some runtime functions should be implemented by me again. For example: Convert UnicodeString to a specified code page.
    2. "SizeOf", "Length", FillChar () still confuses me, the compiler will throw a warning, if SizeOf () should be replaced with length () but I'm stupid for me - Secure Tutorials are not found.
    3. A misleading warning, when trying to insert an anestring into the Unicode string. This conversation will not let you lose any data, right?
    4. Many codes (zip, string utility, etc.) should be re-entered.

    Too much headache ... Can Delphi share the experience of migrating existing projects by an existing Delphi 2010?

  • The compiler warns you when changing the UnicodeString from AnsiString because it is not a simple string assignment, but a conversion guarantees to allocate more memory and at the same time the same character Copies. This is a demonstration warning, not a data-loss warning. Conversions both in the opposite direction (even when specifying Utf8String, which technically will never lose data from UnicodeString, if it is only filled with valid Unicode characters). The best way to avoid warning is to avoid using an anise string in the first place. Except such codes, use plain old string, which in fact requires the code page to know how to encode things.

  • I do not think the "retention" argument is very strong. Library code should specifically contain unit tests that you have re-compiled every time. Check again is something that you do several times a day;

  • There is no special effort involved.

    naming conventions - Is putting class name in member routines redundant? -

    कहें कि आपके पास एक क्लास ब्लॉक है ...

      वर्ग ब्लॉक { 

    और इसमें एक फ़ंक्शन है जो आपको स्क्रीन पर ब्लॉक दिखाने की अनुमति देता है। क्या आप इसे कहते हैं ...

      शोब्लॉक (...)  

    या बस

      दिखाना (.. ।)  

    यह मुझे परेशान कर रहा है, और मैं अन्य विचारों को सुनना चाहता हूं। एक तरफ, जब भी प्रयोग किया जाता है तो शोब्लॉक पूरी तरह स्पष्ट होता है। हालांकि, चूंकि इसे किसी ब्लॉक से कहा जाएगा, यह अनावश्यक हो सकता है ...

      m_SomeBlock.ShowBlock (...);  

    यह है। विधि वर्ग का एक सदस्य है, इसलिए यह हो जाता है:

    ब्लॉक :: दिखाएँ ()

    फ़ंक्शन हो जाता है ब्लॉक का सदस्य है। यदि विधि का नाम शोब्लॉक था, तो उसे दिखाया जाएगा कि शोब्लॉक ब्लॉक का सदस्य है।

    python - How can I use pywin32 with a virtualenv without having to include the host environment's site-packages folder? -

    I am working with Python 2.6 which is partly supported due to the messenger that was revealed by MS Which now affects Python as it is now compiled by MSVC 8.

    The problem is that the manifest depends on the embedding support extension, so that can be a pain because the host site-package is created without the folder (Kinda beat the point in a built environment) I installed the required extension Can not find a way to do so that they are accessible to PyInstaller.

    Has anyone got the solution to this issue?

    I found (now a dead link) that offered the following solution:

    1. Browse for the URL of the excel
    2. Activate your VirtualEngine
    3. Play easy_install http://PATH.TO/EXE/ DOWNLOAD

      This setup works with the latest versions of Autolocks (approximately February 2014, reported by Tovemed in comments).

      If you are using an earlier version of SetupOut or merged it back into Setup Tools), you may receive this error message:

      Error: c: \ users \ blah \ appdata \ local \ temp \ easy_install-ibkzv7 \ pywin32-214.win32 -py2.6.exe A legitimate distutils Windows. Exe

      In case that is not:

      1. Exe download yourself
      2. Activate your VirtualEngine < Li> Trying to run easy_install DOWNLOADED_FILE.exe

      I hope you try "Pip installation" instead of "easy_install" but this work Never, and will never happen (CI Finally, I found, but did not test the solution on which:

      Resolve it in my copy of the pywin32.pth file Virtualenv site -packages and paths Edit the file to indicate.

      If other options do not work for you, then maybe it will?

    java - How to control logging level in client library? -

    We want customers to be able to control the logging level in our client JR. What is the best way to do this?

    We currently have only a few statements that write to System.out. I know Log4J will solve this problem, though one of our biggest clients does not use Log4J and uses its custom logging implementation. Is there a clean approach to entering our client jar?

    The option we have considered: To set the logging level for clients, client can set special properties on jar classes (do not like it), our client jar can read an alternative . The properties file that clients can keep on their class (better but still a bit of a pain).

    Do not use a solid logging framework, so that you can exchange logging if You need it for the first time I start changing my system. Out was included in java.util.logging.

    If your customer uses any other logging framework, then either there is a bridge slf4j or you can write your own too.

    EDIT: We used it to simplify the entry of those external libraries which LOG4J is used in java.util.loogging which we use.

    embedded - Lua certified for use on an airframe or road vehicle? -

    Does anyone know if Lua has been certified to run on an airframe or road vehicle? Certification procedures such as DO178B (RTCA) or standardization such as ISO 26262 (road vehicles).

    Certification is the case and I will feel more confident of the language which should be realized that another company has successfully processed a process.

    I am not making any condition due to GC and dynamic facilities, but I thought I would question the crowd anyway. Cheers.

    DO178 level D will be suspicious and will be highly unlikely Lua VM uses a lot of dynamic memory allocation Level A. You need to show the source code to the object code tracability. I do not see you like this in Lua.

    In addition to this, you do not have equipment designed for things you need. When you feel the work required for Level C or higher, then doing everything yourself is not an option. Using a recognized device with a ready certification pack makes it very easy. Are there any statement and branch coverage tools for Lua? Is this device worthy?

    As you have said that the authentication is like the case and the authorities know the facts and if you use C, then there are not any questions. As soon as you use anything, you are opening yourself to everyone. Types of questions about interpretation and implementation

    I would love to use Ruby on an aircraft but I know that This is not going to happen.

    email - php mail function..... Iam getting output as "mail failed". can you please help me to get it done -

      & lt;? Php // ईमेल के रिसीवर $ को = '' को परिभाषित करें; // ईमेल के विषय को परिभाषित करें $ subject = 'टेस्ट ईमेल'; // संदेश भेजने के लिए परिभाषित करें प्रत्येक पंक्ति को \ n $ message = "हैलो" के साथ अलग किया जाना चाहिए; // हम चाहते हैं कि हेडर को पारित करना चाहते हैं ध्यान दें कि उन्हें \ r \ n $ headers = "से: \ r \ n उत्तर-प्रति:" के साथ अलग किया गया है; // मेल $ mail_sent = मेल ($ से $ $ विषय, $ संदेश, $ हेडर) भेजें; // अगर संदेश को सफलतापूर्वक "मेल भेजा गया" प्रिंट किया जाता है। अन्यथा प्रिंट "मेल विफल" $ mail_sent गूंज? "मेल भेजा": "मेल विफल"; ? & Gt;  

    मैं खिड़कियों के लिए xampp का उपयोग कर रहा हूं आप मुझे एसएमटीपी सर्वर कॉन्फ़िगर करने में मदद कर सकते हैं .....

    आउटपुट है

    चेतावनी: मेल () [function.mail]: "स्थानीयहोस्ट" पोर्ट 25 पर मेलसेवर से कनेक्ट करने में विफल, अपने "SMTP" और "smtp_port" सेटिंग को php.ini में सत्यापित करें या डी: \ स्थापित में ini_set () का उपयोग करें \ Xampp \ htdocs \ mail.php पंक्ति 13 मेल विफल

    PHP मेल () को एक मेल रिले की आवश्यकता है वास्तव में मेल भेजने के लिए सर्वर

    • आपके मामले में आपको जांचना होगा कि आपका एक्सएम्पपी बंडल किस प्रकार से आता है, यह आपके लिए संभव समाधान है। एक मेल सर्वर और सेटअप / इसे प्रारंभ
    • अगर यह एक मेल सर्वर के साथ नहीं आता है, तो आपको या तो अपने आईआईएस एसएमटीपी सर्वर निर्देशों को
    • पर सेट अप करना होगा या एक डाउनलोड मुफ्त SMTP सर्वर जैसे
    • आप एक php पैकेज का उपयोग भी कर सकते हैं जो सीधे एसटीएमटी से प्रमाणीकरण समर्थन के साथ कनेक्ट हो सकता है और रिलेिंग के लिए अपने वास्तविक एसएमटीपी सर्वर (हॉटमेल, याहू आदि, आईएसपी) का इस्तेमाल कर सकता है। इसके साथ किया जा सकता है और यह मेरे लिए भी काम किया है।

    testing - How to stress memory on windows 2008 64 bit -

    I want to stress the memory on Windows 2008 64bit.

    I saw the code that was on msdn megazin. But its window is not running on 2008 64bit.

    Know a good tool to emphasize memory?

    If you can use a native / unmanaged / C ++ application, then you can use it And this is a low processing simulation setting that will use the fault injection to simulate the errors in memory allocation (among many other things)

    You can also use consume.exe which can easily You can use lots of memory, disk space, CPU time, page file, or kernel pool See more about how your app handles lack of available resources. (Is this an accident? How is performance affected? Etc)

    coding style - Logical value of an assignment in C -

      जबकि (curr_data [1]! = (अहस्ताक्षरित int) NULL & amp; ((curr_ptr = (शून्य *) Curr_data [1]) 1))  

    दो भाग प्रश्न।

    क्या होगा (curr_ptr = (शून्य *) curr_data [1] ) मूल्यांकन, तार्किक रूप से TRUE ?

    इसके अलावा, मैं इसके बजाय हैक-आईश जानता हूं, लेकिन जबकि स्टेटमेंट कानूनी सी है? मुझे कोड में कहीं और असाइनमेंट डाल देने के लिए महान contortions के माध्यम से जाना होगा, तो मैं वास्तव में अच्छा होगा अगर मैं इसे वहाँ छोड़ सकता है, लेकिन अगर यह इतना बड़ा है कि यह हर किसी की आंखों में लपटों में फट जाएगा, मैं इसे बदल दूँगा ।

    अपने प्रश्नों का उत्तर देने के लिए:

    1. यह सच का मूल्यांकन करेगा अगर curr_ptr को NULL पर सेट नहीं किया गया है (अर्थात curr_data [1] नहीं है 0)।
    2. मुझे विश्वास है यह कानूनी है, लेकिन इस लाइन की कोड के साथ बड़ी समस्याएं हैं।

    फिर भी, मैं मान रहा हूँ कि आपने यह कोड नहीं लिखा है, क्योंकि आप इसे बनाम छोड़ने के बारे में बहस कर रहे हैं। इसे बाहर ले जा रहा है तो मैं चाहता हूं कि आप यह पता करें कि कोड की यह रेखा किसने लिखा है और उन्हें भारी कुंद वस्तु में पेश किया है।

    1. (अहस्ताक्षरित int) NULL हास्यास्पद है आप ऐसा क्यों करेंगे? यह संभवतः 0 लिखने के समान ही होगा (सुनिश्चित नहीं है कि यह मानक द्वारा गारंटीकृत है)।
    2. curr_data [1] में किस तरह का डेटा है? कोड> यदि इसे एक सूचक में डाला जा रहा है (और संकेतक इसे डाली जा रहे हैं)? यदि यह एक अभिन्न प्रकार के रूप में एक संकेतक धारण करना माना जाता है, तो आपको intptr_t या uintptr_t & lt; stdint.h & gt; में दी गई प्रकार का उपयोग करना चाहिए उस प्रयोजन के लिए (यदि आप संकलक हैं तो C99 ptrdiff_t को स्वीकार्य विकल्प नहीं हो सकता है)।
    3. || 1 अंत में बेमानी हो रहा है यदि curr_ptr = (शून्य *) curr_data [1] झूठी मूल्यांकन किया गया होता, तो हम इसे पहले शर्त में पकड़े होते।

    यह एक दर्द हो सकता है गधा में, लेकिन इस पंक्ति को फिर से लिखने पर गंभीरता से पुनर्विचार। यह IOCCC में एक प्रविष्टि की तरह दिखता है।

    Progress messages - user experience -

    You display normal messages when displaying progress bar, like:

    • "Working "
    • Loading more granular messages, such as
    • " as a result of improved user experience of additional encryption efforts "
    • " in progress "
    • " Team ""
    • "POL10283 Saving"
    • "Case 2 of 5 is loading"
    • "Team loading"
    • "POL10283 Saving"

    In addition, if you donate If we conduct the Dar messages, what do you control them from those objects which they relate, or sweeping views / modules which object to load?


    This makes a significant improvement in the applicability if you send the message to the user To tell how much time is left till the task is finished.

    So there is definitely better than some "processing" like "processing items 2"

    I also advise to avoid running from progress bars until it is finished, then just a profit and repeatedly it seems to tease users only: " It will be done in one minute. Ok, maybe in a minute.

    sockets - Bash script to connect to open port, send request, read response -

    I have a service running on the local host: Port I want to connect to this port in a Bash script, one I will send the request, and I will read the response - essentially automating the Telnet session. What is the best way to do this?


    > What you want to do NetCat , He should be able to do a lot.

    java - Unzip files created with WinZIP with I18N file names? -

    People these days create their ZIP archives with WinZIP, which allows for internationalization (i.e. non-Latin: Cyrillic, Greek, Chinese, English, Chinese, you name it) filename. Unfortunately, there is a problem trying to open such a file: Unix Unzip makes garbage-named files and directories such as "£ ¤ ¥ ¥ ì". Java and its jar commands fail miserably on such archives.

    Is there a popular way to open such files programmatically? Unix or Java

    Supports unicode and arbitrary encoding for filename within zipfiles, either read and write zip for.

    This is a .NET library. For the use of Unix, you have to use Mono as prerequisite.

    If the zipfile is correctly created by WinZip, in other words, if it is compatible then there is no need to do any special work at that time when you specify encoding while unpacking it. According to zip specs, two supported encoding zipfiles are used for file names: UTF-8 and IBM 437. One or more of these encodings are used in the zip metadata and any zip library can detect and use it. Dotnet Ziff automatically detects it when reading a compliance zip. In this way:

      (var zip = ZipFile.Read ("")) (foreach (var e in zip) {// e.FileName is used by name name E.Extract ("Extraction-directory");}}  

    Writing encoding wrt that are creating "noncompliance" zips. WinRar is a - on this computer In the default encoding will use a encoded zip in the use. In Shanghai it will use CP 950, while in Iceland, some more, and in Lisbon, some more "non-anonymous" The advantage for "LAN" is that Windows Explorer will display the i18n-ized file name in such a zip and display it properly. In other words, "noncompliance" often what people want, because Windows (yet?) UTF-8 Zip does not support files

    (What to do with all encoding used in the zipfile, not the encoding used in the files contained in the zip file)

    Zip S In other words, if you use CP 950 when you create a zip, your removal logic needs to be "addressed" when it is removed to extract the zip metadata. CP 950 is used - nothing in the zip file, that carries information In addition to this, of course, you use the Zip Library programmatically for removal They should support arbitrary encoding. As far as I know, Java's Zip library is not there. Dotnet zips such as:

     using  (zip file zip = zip file. Read (zipto extract, system .text encoding .gate encoding (950))) {foreach (zip in zip Enter) e.Extract (extractDirectory); DotNetZip is free, and open source. 

    java - problem subclassing ObjectFactory in jax-ws web service -

    In a jax-ws web service, I can not directly use the JaxbContext object. I used to add code to ObjectFactoryBase , then added

      public class ObjectFactory ObjectFactoryBase {/ /. Expanding Overriden methods}  

    Although invalid annotation exceptions came to publication on weblogic, because in the @XmlElementDecl currently Can not find in ObjectFactoryBase . When I work from this @XmlElementDecl to ObjectFactory , it works.

    There is no luck with connecting @xmlSeeAlso ({ObjectFactoryBase.class}. I) either.

    EDIT: Now I have found out that the jacked objectifier not even used is the above error message because the jaxws web service is not any more relevant any more Why the idea arises but it is not used?

    Any thoughts?

    JACAB ObjectFactorys are strange creatures, there are many aspects of your question, so I just answered with a bullet list

    • JAASAB1 relied on object-factor to create examples of bound classes, but everything with JACAB 2 becomes a Pazo and ObjectFactor, mostly unnecessary, still generated by XJC The partial rear compatibility For the reasons.
    • Comments on an ObjectFactory are complex and non-obvious, but since it is a generated class, it usually does not matter, and most people don do not see it anyway.
    • Object Factory is still useful on one occasion because it provides factory methods for bound sections which require JAXBElement wrapper, and using the provided factory To do this by hand with a very easy way
    • JAXWS Web Service can choose not to use the ObjectFactory, as it is not necessarily necessary. Although JAXBContext can still load and parse it, depending on how the context was initiated.
    • I have never tried to create an ObjectFactory; If the model XJC-is generated then the ObjectFactory generated is usually sufficient, and if you have a hands-written JAXB model, then ObjectFactory is usually completely unnecessary.

    php class for seo -

    मैंने हाल ही में महान php वर्ग कॉल का उपयोग किया है:। <25 p>

    Google प्लेसमेंट

  • (जहां मैं google # 325 या # 520 पर हूं)
  • Google पेज रैंक
  • Google अनुक्रमित पृष्ठ
  • ट्रैफिक रैंक
  • इनबाउंड लिंक
  • DMOZ निर्देशिका
  • याहू!

  • आप सभी एलेक्सिया एपीआई (एलेक्सा वेब सर्विसेज) से प्राप्त कर सकते हैं

    लेकिन नि: शुल्क नहीं

    $ 0.00015 प्रति अनुरोध (1,000 अनुरोधों के लिए $ 0.15)

    मैंने सोचा कि अतीत में एक अरब साइटों की व्यवस्था करने के लिए एक वेबसाइट बनाने के लिए, लेकिन चेकपॉइंट पर पहुंच गया

    सोम्बे वेबसाइट का उपयोग करें

    model view controller - ASP.NET MVC 2 beta Asynchronous RenderAction -


    27 से प्रारंभ करें : 15, रेंडरएक्शन पर 28:43 पर चर्चा की गई है कि एक रेंडरएक्शन एसिंक्रोनॉसिटी का हिस्सा नहीं है जैसा एक एसिंक्रोनस एक्शन विधि कहा जाता है।

    (हम कहते हैं कि आपका होम पोर्टल इंडेक्स एक्शन 1.GetNews 2.GetWeather 3 जीटस्टॉक असिंक्रोनस। आपके पास एक रेंडर एक्शन है जो उपयोगकर्ता के हाल ही में एक ही दृश्य पर पोस्ट प्रदर्शित करता है। (GetUserRecentPosts))


    क्या होगा अगर RenderActions स्वयं अतुल्यकालिक ?

    क्या GetUserRecentPosts को केवल घरेलू सूचकांक के क्रियान्वयन के बाद ही बुलाया जा सकता है?

    क्या रेंडर एक्शन डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से किसी दृश्य पर अतुल्यकालिक रूप से प्रस्तुत किया जाना चाहिए?

    मुझे नहीं लगता कि आप इसे सफलतापूर्वक कर सकते हैं जिस बिंदु पर आप असेंक प्रसंस्करण से लाभान्वित हो सकते हैं, वह पहले ही पारित हो गया है, जब आपके विचारों को प्रस्तुत करना शुरू हो जाता है। एमवीसी पाइपलाइन, जो आरंभ / अंत के तरीकों को सेट करती है, पहले से ही पूरा हो चुका है और दृश्य में उसी अनुरोध पर वापस लाने का कोई तरीका नहीं है। ऐसा लगता है कि आप तुल्यकालिक प्रसंस्करण के साथ फंस सकते हैं या अपने सभी डेटा को सामने लाने के लिए किसी तरीके को तैयार कर सकते हैं या इसे टेम्पपडाटा में कैश कर सकते हैं या कुछ रेंडरिंग के लिए।

    nhibernate - How should I be configuring spring and hibernate so that my Integration Tests replicate properly the behaviour of the Web application? -

    We have a web application based on NSpring 1.2 and NHibernate 2 and use the hibernate template. The web app is configured to use OpenSessionInViewModule .

    In our integration tests, however, the hibernate session has been marked as InitDeferredClose and for the most part it works fine for some of our service functions which are available for web applications Well done in the context of, but if unsuccessful, call from the Test Horn.

    For example: I have a function that creates and updates many objects within a transaction, the function is marked with the transaction attribute, but the test fails with the message:

    / P>

      Invalid attempt to associate a collection with two open sessions  

    Since the web application called, the transaction is successfully completed

    How do I make spring configuration? Should be in hibernation and so that my integrity test repeats the efficiency of the web application properly

    A session-scope example should be made in the up section and then it should be terminated (endow) at the end. This should duplicate the OSIV model very well. Here's a simple sample:

      using the system; Using NHibernate; Using NUnit.Fraamework; Using Spring.Data.NHibernate.Support; [TESTIFECTIONS] Public Class OCVICindOfTest {Private session-scope area; // Get local sessionfireers from anywhere // watch spring Testing Illegal and auto-injection personal eraistation fundamentals; [Set Up] Public Zero Onset () {Scope = New Session Squad (SessionFire, Empty, Truth, Flushmode, Anytime, Truth); } Public Zero TestSomething () {// Just a Dummy Demo Console WrightLine (sessionFactory.GetCurrentSession (. Statistics.AntityCount); } [Tyrund] Public Zero Tyrundown () {if (Scope! = Null) {scope.Dispose (); }}}  

    This sample expects that the localizationfishing object of the spring has set ExposeTransactionAwareSessionFactory to True

    LZW Decompression in C -

    I have a LZW compressor / decompressor written in C.

    In the initial table there are ASCII characters and to save it in the table, now each string has a prefix and a character saved in the list. is.

    My compression works but

      Little; Title & gt; Playful & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Playful & lt; / H1> & Lt;  

    ; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt;

    The output I get (note the missing 'E' and '<'):

      & lt; Title & gt; Playful & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; Agile & lt; / H1> & Lt; / Body & gt; / Html & gt;  

    This is the code I use (the relevant part):

      zero extension (int * input, int inputSize) {// int precode, currcode Int previousCode; Int currentCode; Int nextCode = 256; Start with a single dictionary of 255 characters; Init (); // prevcode = read code in a previouscode = input [0]; Int pointer = 1; // While (there is still data to read) (pointer  = next code) printf ("!"); // XXX has not been implemented yet! CurrentCode = decode (currentcode); // Add a new code in the string table dictionary Add (lastcode, currentcode, nextCode ++); // prevcode = currcode previouscode = currentCode; }} Int decode (int code) {int letter; Int temporary; If (code> 255) {// decode character = dictionary cursor (code); Temp = decode (dictionary;); // repetition} and {character = code; // ASCII temp = code; } Append character (character); // Output Return to Temp; }  

    Can you see it? I'll be grateful.

    Your decode function returns the first letter in the string. You should add this character to the dictionary, but if you should do it not set previousCode then your code should look like this:

      ... first-hand = decode (currentCode); DictionaryAdd (PreviousCode, First Time, next code ++); PreviousCode = currentCode; ... - Best way to refresh page -

    OK, I have a hyperlink on my page and it is organized in hyperlink user control. When a user clicks on that link, then it is used to remove an item on the page, so:

      & lt; A href = '& lt;% # string.format ("{0}? RemoveItem = true & amp; itemID = {1}", current page, container.datetime.ind)% & gt; 'Gt; Remove this item & lt; / A & gt;  

    On the click of the link, my user checks for the code-back of the control and checks for ITem bool and if set to true, then that item is deleted: < / P>

      RemoveSavedItem = Convert.ToBoolean (Request ["removeItem"]); If (removeItem) RemoveItem ();  

    And here is my RemoveItem () method:

      Protected Zero RemovItem () {int itemID = Util.ParamVal ("savedItemID", 0); If (item id> 0) service RemoveItem (itemID); }  

    But I need my page to refresh because it is removing it but my repeater is not showing the list with the item being removed, what is the best way to approach this is? Just make a rebound of the repeater or is there a cleaner way? Maybe it's just the standard way? Can I return it after removing it in this method?

    I prefer to redirect back to the same page.

    Feedback Redirect (Request.Path);

    xml - Help to convert this PHP code to VB.NET code -

    I have a code for sending XML through POST. But this code is in PHP and I need it in VB.NET is.

    Any help to change this code?

      $ XMLFile = (I have created an xml file here XML has been encoded INO-885 9) $ ch = curl_init (); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_URL, "URL where I send XML"); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_POST, 1); Curl_setopt ($ ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); Curl_setopt ($ CH, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "XMLDATA =". $ XMLFile); $ Result = curl_xac ($ CH); Curl_close ($ ch); $ Result = stripslashes ($ result); $ Xml returning = new simple assemment ($ result); If ($ xmlreturned-> NotificationResultHeader-> RRC == 0) {if ($ xmlreturned-> NotificationResultList-> NotificationResult-> NRC == 0) {Echo "Fine successor.";  

    And how do I convert this PHP code too:

      $ msg = htmlentities ($ msg); $ Msg = urlencode ($ msg);  

    You need to use more sections. The code will look something like this ( My VB is a bit wry these days ):

      In the form of a dim xmlDoc XmlDocumnet "You can prepare the XML document here. .. 'slow ASCIIEncoding = new ASCIIEncoding (encoding as in the form of) dim POSTDATA string POSTDATA = "XMLDATA =" + xmlDoc.ToString () as dim data () byte data = encoding.GetBytes (POSTDATA) as' Prepare web request as ... dim myRequest HttpWebRequest myRequest = CType ("here to post url"), http webbirst) myRequest.Method = "POST" myRequest.Co NtentType = "Application / X-www-Form-URLXode" myRequest.ContentLength = data.Length dim newstream stream = myRequest.GetRequestStream () Send data as' new stream. Write feedback (data, 0, data. Long) 'Get feedback as my response http web response myResponse = myRequest.GetResponse ()  

    css - Woocommerce add to cart button style -

    I am using woocommerce on my site () and I want the "add to cart" style button on my site Currently, text is showing as a link which is very boring.

    I am using CSS but it is not working

      .single_add_to_cart_button: hover {background: green! Important; } .single_add_to_cart_button {background: red! Important;  

    Any help would be appreciated

    I got stuck here

    add-to-cart.fp (wp-content / themes / your theme / woocommerce / loop / add-to-cart.php)

    You will find the 'anchor' tag there, just add the class to it

    javascript - Fullpage.js and SlimScroll -

    I am using it, and there is a question about it. I have several sections, and in some sections the content is higher than the browser's height.

    When this happens, I have suggested by documentation to complete overflow content. It maintains a good scrollbar within the section to access overflow content for the user. it works like a charm.

    Once the user scrolls down to this section, and then moves into a separate section, the Slim Scroll plugin does not reset with the overflow content at the top of the section.

    Can it be reset, and if so how?

    If my question is unclear, please ask for clarification and I will try to clean it.


      paddingtop: 70,  

    For example, see:

    How to convert date from mongodb to JavaScript or jQuery? -

    I have a montodube set and I am storing date and time with other data. The problem is that when I get the data, the date and time are in a strange format and I'm not sure how I can handle it with javascript or jQuery.

    My schema:

      var carSchema = mongoose.Schema ({carType: string, notes: string, created: {type: date, default:} });  

    This is getting me into javascript object:

      created: "2015-03-15T14: 01: 16.447Z"  

    How can I convert it to time and date?

    Can anyone help? Here I am giving some snippets of code that will help you to achieve your requirement.

    var created_date = new date (carcade. Cated); Var month = ['Jan', 'Fur', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Akt', 'Nov', 'This ']; Var year = created_data.getfulair (); Var month = months [created_date.getMonth ()]; Var date = created_date.getDate (); Var hour = created_data Guesthors (); Var min = created_date.getMinutes (); Var sec = created_date.getSeconds (); Var time = date + ',' + month + '+ year +' '+ + +:' + min + ':' + seconds; // The last date over time, you can use it according to your requirement or var timestamp = created_data.gate time (); // Get the time stamp, you can now change the date and time using the simple JavaScript function.

    You can set timezone for this time () to reset NMM

      var time = requirement ('time'); Created_date.setTimezone ("Australia / Sydney");  


    Pass -WhatIf flag to all cmdlets being called in powershell script -

    I have a test-spoken script, which I am trying to get the whatif flag for all the CMDlets in the script. In my script, I am calling 3 cmdlets new item, copy-item and new-custom CMDlet. The last one is custom CMDlet I wrote. I have added:

      [cmdletBinding (SupportsShouldProcess = $ this is true)]  

    For both test scripts and custom cmdlet. When I run this proof with concept script - two system CMDlets (new item and copy-item) that run in any manner but do not do custom. I had thought that if one supports CMDletts then what the shield process should do if it is running the script what to do then. This is the case for two systems cmdlets but not mine I have read other articles about viewing the call stack and I understand how to see what is set. For this example, I want the CMdlets to use the -whatif flag that was running with the script.

    Here the script is running with whatif flag: PSC:> script.ps1 -WhatIf

      [cmdletBinding (SupportsShouldProcess = $ True]] Ultimate () import-module c: \ mycmdlet.dll new item -ItemType item1.txt copiedItem.txt copy-custom file NewItem.txt copy-item test.txt CopiedTest.txt  

    Here is the CMDlet code:

     using the  system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Management.Automation; Using the system. Namespace poc.whatif.Cmdlet {[Cmdlet (VerbsCommon.Copy, "Custom")] Public Square CopyCustom: PSCmdlet {#region paramaters [Parameters (mandatory = true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true, ValueFromPipeline = true, condition = 0 , HelpMessage = "source file")] public string srcFile {get; Set; } [Parameter {mandatory = true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true; ValueFromPipeline = true; condition = 0, helpMessage = "target file"}] get public string targetFile { Set; } #endregion Protected Override Zero Start Process () {WriteVerbose ("Copy-Custom Start"); } Protected Override Zero Process Record () {WriteBugs ("Copying files from here"); } Protected Override Zero EndProcessing () {LPWerbos ("end-copy-custom"); }}  

    You are missing the attribute. Apart from this, you are also recalling the call to make sure that you will see and also use a Force parameter as well. See

    Repeat ProcessRecord for more information.

      Protected Override Zero ProcessRecord (if (ShouldProcess ("target", "action")) {ifContinue ("Do Stuff", "What to do for this object?") ) {WriteVerbose ("Copying from here"); }}}  

    oracle11g - sql inner table substitution -

    Let me assume that I have a SQL query, as the following (I know that this question can be written better, just bear with me):

      SELECT aT.NAME second click AT From, (SELECT ts.slot_id, tgm.trans_id, tagm.agent_id slot ts, transaction TGM, agents tag WHERE ts.slot_id = (12345, 678 9 10) and Ts.slot_id = tagm.slot_id and ts.slot_id = tgm Slot_id) INNER where INNER.trans_id = aT.trans_id and INNER.agent_id = aT.trans_id  

    Now it seems I want to break this query in two parts ... in the first place Internal quo I'll do some processing on the results RI will execute the code, and then will return to the outer part of the query to a lower setting. The question is, is there an easy way to simulate an internal table in SQL? For example, if 5 rows were returned in the results of internal query, but my program requires only two out of those lines, how can I write a SQL that I am trying to downgrade? Is there a way in SQL to declare a table in memory used in the query?

      SELECT at.Name second enabled AT, (SLOT_ID, TRANS_ID, AGENT_ID ------- ------------------ 230743, 3270893, 2307203 0784, 90, 230 9 7, 237021) Internal WHERE Internal.trange_id = ettrance_id and INNER.agent_id = aT.trans_id  

    Simply use a subquery:

      SELECT at.Name. Join AT to another (as SLOIDI 230743, 3270893 trance_id In the form, double selection from AGENT_ID to 2307203 as double from 0784 9, 230 9 7, 237021) ii. Trans_id = at trance_id and i.agent_id = aT.trans_id;  

    ios - CAKeyframeAnimation keyTimes set up -

    (शून्य) animateImages {self.emoImageView = [-


    यह मेरा कोड है [UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (100, 160, 50, 50)]; Self.emoImageView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; [Self.view addSubview: emoImageView]; NSArray * मान = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: (आईडी) [UIImage imageNamed: @ "smiley64_1_1.png"] CGImage, (आईडी) [UIImage imageNamed:। @ "Smiley64_1_2.png"] CGImage, (आईडी) [UIImage imageNamed:। @ "smiley64_1_3.png"] CGImage, (आईडी) [UIImage imageNamed:। @ "smiley64_1_4.png"] CGImage, (आईडी) [UIImage imageNamed:।। @ "smiley64_1_5.png"] CGImage, (आईडी) [UIImage imageNamed: । @ "smiley64_1_6.png"] CGImage, (आईडी) [UIImage imageNamed: @ "smiley64_1_7.png"] CGImage, (आईडी) [UIImage imageNamed:। @ "smiley64_1_8.png"] CGImage, (आईडी) [UIImage imageNamed। : @ "smiley64_1_9.png"] CGImage, (आईडी) [UIImage imageNamed:।। @ "smiley64_1_10.png"] CGImage, (आईडी) [UIImage imageNamed: @ "smiley64_1_11.png"] CGImage, (आईडी) [UIImage। ImageNamed: @ "smiley64_1_12.png"]। सीजीआईमेज, (आईडी) [ UIImage imageNamed: @ "smiley64_1_13.png"] CGImage, (आईडी) [UIImage imageNamed:। @ "Smiley64_1_14.png"] CGImage, (आईडी) [UIImage imageNamed:। @ "Smiley64_1_15.png"] CGImage, (आईडी)। [UIImage imageNamed: @ "smiley64_1_16.png"] CGImage, (आईडी)। [UIImage imageNamed: @ "smiley64_1_17.png"] CGImage, (आईडी) [UIImage imageNamed: @ "smiley64_1_18.png"]।। CGImage, (आईडी ) [UIImage imageNamed: @ "smiley64_1_19.png"] CGImage, (आईडी)।। [UIImage imageNamed: @ "smiley64_1_20.png"] CGImage, शून्य]; NSMutableArray * keyTimes = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: [एनएसएनम्बर संख्या के साथफ़्लॉटः 0.00 एफ], [एनएसएनम्बर नंबरविस्फोटः 0.04 एफ], [एनएसएनम्बर नंबर विथः फ्लोटः 0.08 एफ], [एनएसएनम्बर नंबर विस्फोटः 0.12 एफ], [एनएसएनम्बर नंबर विथः फ्लोटः 0.16 एफ], [एनएसएनम्बर] numberWithFloat: 0.20f], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.24f], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.28f], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.32f], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.36f], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.40f], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.44f], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.48f], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.52f], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.56f], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.60f], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.64f], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.68f], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.72f], [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.76f], शून्य]; CAKeyframeAnimation * anim = [CAKeyframeAnimation एनीमेशन]; [एनिमेट सेटकीट टाईम: कीटम्स]; [एनिमेट सेट वैल्यू: वैल्यू]; [एनिमेट सेट कीपैथ: @ "सामग्री"]; // [एनिमेट सेट क्लॉल्यूशनमोड: @ "असतत"]; [एनिमेट सेटप्रदर्शित संख्या: 90000]; [सेल्फ.मो इमेज देखें। प्लेयर एडएनिमेशन: एनीम फॉरके: नाइल]; }

    एनीमेशन एक निश्चित UIImageView में होगा। फ्रेम के बीच का समय अंतराल 0.04 है। अगर मैं इसे चलाता हूं, एनीमेशन तेजी से गति के साथ खेलता है लेकिन अगर मैं इस अवधि को [एनिनि सेट सेटिशन: 0.76]; की तरह निर्धारित करता हूं, यह पूरी तरह से निभाता है मैं यहाँ क्या गलत किया है?

    मैंने पहले से ही इस पर आपके दूसरे प्रश्न के जवाब में समझाया एक ही विषय।

    महत्वपूर्ण समय में एनीमेशन के कुल अंतराल के अंश, दूसरे के भिन्न नहीं हैं।

    आपके द्वारा पोस्ट किए गए कोड में आप कोई भी अवधि निर्दिष्ट नहीं करते हैं बिलकुल। एनीमेशन के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट अवधि कुछ सेकंड की तरह कम होनी चाहिए, इसलिए जब आप कोई अवधि प्रदान नहीं करते हैं, तो आपको बहुत कम अवधि मिलती है। यदि आप लंबी अवधि निर्दिष्ट करते हैं, तो यह धीमी गति से चलता है।

    कहें कि डिफ़ॉल्ट अवधि .2 सेकंड है। आपकी कुंजी टाइम मान .04, और .2 * .04 = .008 सेकंड या एक सेकंड के 8 हज़ारवां से भिन्न हो सकते हैं। अगर मैं सही हूं और एनीमेशन की डिफ़ॉल्ट अवधि है .2 सेकंड, आप प्रत्येक फ्रेम देते हैं .008 सेकंड। किसी भी चीज से ०.०१६६६ सेकंड / फ्रेम (एक दूसरे के 1/60 वीं) में छोटे व्यर्थ है, के रूप में एनीमेशन फ्रेम को छोड़ करना होगा।

    वास्तव में, के बाद से डॉक्स एक डिफ़ॉल्ट अवधि निर्दिष्ट नहीं करते हैं, परिणाम जब आप किसी अवधि को निर्दिष्ट नहीं करते हैं, तो संभवतः अपरिभाषित हैं।

    dns - HTTP POST request from Android App denied on Domain but works using IP address‏ -

    I am trying to send an HTTP post request from my Android app to a PHP file on my web hosting server.

    That request contains the data of the app and it is valid or saved on the server, and then the PHP file sends a JSON response that is received by the Android device and verbs are logged or registered Etc. is taken according to

    The problem that has arisen is that I had not yet been paid DOMAIN instead of just a HOSTING service.

    That's why I added the URL in my Android code like this and the request and response were working perfectly. .

    I have now bought a domain name from and I am forwarding that domain name to the server IP and when I open it in the browser, it is working perfectly well.

      if ($ ($ _ POST ['' '' tag ']) & $ _POST [' tag '] =' ') {// tag $ tag = $ _POST [ 'Tag']; // do other authorizations do the same} and repeat "login denied";  

    The problem now is that when I'm using the server IP address to connect, this block and function goes right. But when I use a domain name it always rejects the entry.

    Show logs:

      03-18 02: 59: 08.780: E / JSON (30 9 2): Deniedn entry 03-18 02:59 : 08.780: E / JSON Parser (30892): Error parsing data org.json.JSONException: Enter the value java.lang.String JSONObject 03-18 02 can not be changed: 59: 08.780: W / Systems Er (30892): java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempting to open the virtual method 'java.lang.String org.json.JSONObject.getString (java.lang.String)' on a null object reference  < / Pre> 

    Now I do not know why a letter 'N' has been added after why 'not allowed to enter' nor why the request has not been brought correctly.

    PS I used forwarding instead of updating NS to domain. What could possibly be the reason for this issue?

    With your DNS configured to forward, your post-request lost. Check your server logs You have to set it to record Type A .

    c++ - Mysterious set iterator behavior -

    If I compile and run the following program with the input of "4 petr egor", then "2 2 2" But hope that the output should be "2 1 2", if for some reason the statement from bottom to second if I get the output * Ier get "2", and if I output * charMap.begin () -> second Start (), I get "1" Why is this happening?

      #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Vector & gt; #include & lt; String & gt; # Include & lt; Set & gt; # Include & lt; Map & gt; # Include & lt; Algorithm & gt; using namespace std; Int Hemingist (Const String and S, Constant Strings and T) {Int Count = 0; For (Int i = 0; I  second.size () == 1) {auto toRemove = removeIter; ++ removeIter; CharMap.erase (toRemove); to continue; } If (removeIter! = CharMap.end ()) ++ removeIter; } If (charMap.empty ()) {cout & lt; & Lt; Hummingstist (s, t) & lt; & Lt; Endl; Cout & lt; & Lt; "-1 -1"; } And if (charMap.size () == 1) {cout & lt; & Lt; Hemingdist (S, T) - 1 & lt; & Lt; Endl; Auto-id = charMap.begin () - & gt; Second. Bijin (); Cout & lt; & Lt; (* / * CharMap.begin () - & gt; seconds.bgin () * / iter) + 1 & lt; & Lt; '' & Lt; & Lt; (* (+++) + 1); // problem is here} and if (charMap.size ()> = 2) {cout & lt; & Lt; Hemingdist (S, T) - 2 & lt; & Lt; Endl; Auto-id = charMap.begin () - & gt; Second. Bijin (); Cout & lt; & Lt; ((* Eeter)) & lt; & Lt; '' & Lt; & Lt; (* (+++) + 1); }}  

    This indicates that it enhances "Immer" first and then 2 Does its output Change it:


    To do this:

      Cust & lt; & Lt; (* ENTER) + 1 & lt; & Lt; ''; ++ ITER; Cout & lt; & Lt; (* ENTER) + 1;  

    If it was decided then it was a seat problem in all, not set Iterator.

    PHP builtin server + SSL -

    I understand that the PHP underlying server does not support SSL can it get anyway?

    I tried to code all the codes to NGN proxy and proxy_passp to HTTPS requests, but when I Http: // to This causes the redirection loop.

      server {443 Listen ssl; Server_name; Ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/cert.crt; Ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/cert.key; Ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; Ssl_ciphers High:! ANALLET! MD5; Location / {proxy_pass; }}  

    How do you solve that issue?

    c++ - Wrong number of template arguments for member of template struct (1 should be 3) -

    मैं इतना

      नाम स्थान Binning_ {टेम्पलेट के & lt तरह एक struct है, typename DATA_TYPE, uint32_t Number_of_bins, बूल का उपयोग_इनटेगल्स & gt; संरचना बिनर {शून्य सेटअप (); / * ... * /  

    अब मैं इसे लागू करना चाहता हूं। बेशक मैं उम्मीद होती है मैं

    की तरह किसी भी तरह इसे लागू करने के लिए है कि
      नाम स्थान Binning_ {टेम्पलेट के & lt; typename DATA_TYPE, uint32_t number_of_bins, bool uses_integrals & gt; शून्य बाइनरी & lt; typename data_type, uint32_t number_of_bins, bool uses_integrals & gt; :: सेटअप () {/ * ... * /}  

    कंपाइलर मुझे टेम्पलेट तर्कों की गलत संख्या के बारे में बताता रहता है।

      /home/udo/dev/libraries/dcf77/dcf77.cpp:305:81: त्रुटि: टेम्पलेट तर्कों की गलत संख्या शून्य Binner करें & lt (1, 3 होना चाहिए); typename DATA_TYPE, uint32_t number_of_bins, bool uses_integrals & gt; :: सेटअप () {^ /home/udo/dev/libraries/dcf77/dcf77.cpp:259:12: त्रुटि: 'टेम्पलेट & lt प्रदान की; वर्ग DATA_TYPE, लंबे अहस्ताक्षरित int number_of_bins, bool uses_integrals & gt; Struct Binning _ :: Binner 'struct binner {^  

    हालांकि मुझे यह नहीं मिलता। बेशक मुझे 3 टेम्पलेट तर्कों को पार करना होगा। लेकिन क्यों करता है संकलक की संख्या में केवल 1?

    आप के लिए तर्क सूची में प्रकार दोहराना नहीं चाहिए < कोड> Binner :

      टेम्पलेट के & lt; typename DATA_TYPE, number_of_bins, bool uses_integrals & gt uint32_t; शून्य बिनर & lt; data_type, number_of_bins, uses_integrals & gt; :: सेटअप () {/ * ... * /}  

    काम करना चाहिए।

    Finding a Table's Contents in Another Table using BigQuery -

    I have two tables, Table A and Table B:

    A data stored in this way Gone is: Data stored in such a way:

      word1 word4 word2 word3  

    1 word 1 value 2 word 2 value 3 word 2 value4 word2 value5 word3 value6 word3 value7

    What is the query that I can use to create a table in Google BigQuery such as

    < Pre> word1 value1 + value2 word2 value3 + value4 + value5 word3 value6 + value7

    where words 1, word 2, etc. are string, Su value1, value2, etc. integer?

    It seems that you do not have to use Table A for this problem because the word Are also present in Table B And then this directly aggregation query

      SELECT term, SUM (value) from value B