Saturday 15 March 2014

maven 2 - m2eclipse and Eclipse WTP -

I have a very large workspace with around 30 projects, I'm using Eclipse 3.5 with m2eclipse. I check out my Subversion repository using the default to import projects into my workspace.

I'm making a Tommack server example, and publishing my web project to the Tommak server is easy enough.

The problem is that it does not seem that sensor dependency is being automatically added to the container for my other projects, so when the container starts I get class exception exception etc. / P>

I go into the properties of the web project, and I think Java EE module dependencies are not used for some infected dependencies. I check them out, and everything works properly until I do a project clean build, when the Java EE module reliance automatically gets reset and it is reset, I have to check it again. It is painful, and I was hoping that eclipse was a way to automatically pull all the sensory dependencies while working with WTP.

I should say, using the standard Maven build works fine, and everything gets better as a result in the war file as appropriate. It does not work very well with WTP for some reason.

You need to make sure that you have the "Maven integration for WTP" facility installed from M2eclipse A simple tutorial is available

Which WTP and m2eclipse are you using? Verify the dependency version of the project declared in pom.xml matches with the declared version in Vertical Project and ensure that Workspace dependency resolution is enabled.

In addition, you can try to run "Maven / Update Project Configuration" from the Project Popup menu and check that there is no error in the log of Magan Console and Eclipse itself.

If the above does not help, try to reproduce the issue on a small project and then submit it with a bug report

How do I cancel event bubbling in -

क्या नियंत्रण वस्तु क्रम को बुदबुदाते हुए आइटम कॉमांड या नियंत्रण घटना रोकना संभव है? मेरे पास एक नियंत्रण है जिसमें बाल उपयोगकर्ता नियंत्रण शामिल हैं जो कि हो सकता है या पहले से ही ऐसा कोड न हो जो उनके आइटम कॉमांड ईवेंट्स को प्रबंधित करता हो मैं क्या करना चाहूंगा, बच्चे नियंत्रण को आइटम कॉमांड को उस स्थिति में पैरेंट कंट्रोल के साथ पास करने का फैसला करने की अनुमति देना है, जो पहले से ही इसके कोड-पीछे की घटना को संसाधित करता है।



अपने उपयोगकर्ता नियंत्रण वर्ग में, OnBubbleEvent () ओवरराइड करें यदि आप सत्य वापस करते हैं, तो आप माता-पिता के नियंत्रण में "बबल अप" को रोक देंगे।

  संरक्षित ओवरराइड बूल ऑनबबलइवेंट (ऑब्जेक्ट स्रोत, इवेंटआर्ग्स एल्ग्स) {// संभाला वापसी सही; // नीचे बुलबुला (अनियंत्रित) // वापसी का आधार करने के लिए नीचे uncomment लाइन। OnBubbleEvent (स्रोत, आर्ग्स); }  

किसी और चीज के बारे में सोचने के लिए कुछ सुव्यवस्थित बात यह है कि मुझे इस पर टिंकर करते हुए पाया गया, जो कुछ उदाहरणों में उपयोगी हो सकता है ... आप उस कमांड नाम को बदल सकते हैं जो 'बुलबुले' में है नियंत्रण के रूप में अच्छी तरह से heirachy अपने बच्चे के उपयोगकर्ता नियंत्रण में, OnClick के बजाय OnCommand का उपयोग करें।

तो, कहें कि आपके पास उपयोगकर्ता नियंत्रण में एक बटन है, इससे कोड बदलें:

  & lt; asp: button id = "mySpecialButton" onClick = "mySpecialButton_OnClick" runat = "सर्वर" & gt;  

इसे करने के लिए:

  & lt; asp: बटन id = "mySpecialButton" CommandName = "mySpecialCommand" कमांडअर्जमेंट = "myArgument" OnCommand = "mySpecialButton_Command" runat = "सर्वर" / & gt;  

फिर codebehind में,

  संरक्षित शून्य mySpecialButton_Command (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, CommandEventArgs ई) {RaiseBubbleEvent (यह, नया CommandEventArgs ("हैंडल", ई) ); }  

इस प्रकार, आपके पैरेंट कंटेंट के मद-कॉमांड हैंडलर में आपको बाल कंट्रोल से मूल कमांड नाम की बजाय इस नए कमांड का नाम मिलेगा, जिसे आप फिट दिखने के साथ कर सकते हैं। / P>

How to implement dependency checking for C/C++ sources -

I started adding support for a Studio 2005 third-party toolchain (IAR compiler).

So far, I have been successful in implementing the required MSBLUDE functions (compilation, link and assembled) and Visual Studio add-in to support the * .proj file.

The next obstacle is managing the dependency for the header. I'm not sure what the best way is about this.

The IAR compiler provides a command line switch to get a list of header files, depending on the source, but how should I provide this information in Visual Studio / MSBild?

All sources have their source files 'use files in the header' pseudo-folder in a given project You see, when you expand the project node, it defines the source dependency on the header. - Where are the code gen templates for .xsd datasets? -

Do they exist? We have a website with a huge DAL that uses strongly typed datasets. I think it would be great if I had a way to make some tracing calls before and after every database call, I do not see any events, nor any other way of hiding in the TableAdapter is that I I can receive tracing calls before executing SQL

I know that I can make a file of partial class which may possibly reach me what I see, but it will need to create hundreds of partial classes

Any suggestions?

Docs for xsd.exe, the device that generates XSD is:

Unfortunately I do not know the name of a template, so I'm afraid you can not modify them.

security - EventLog permission failing in ASP.Net on Win7 -

I have an app. Pure 3.5 is SP1, which is running in Win7. During the login process, ASP writes some security logs (this sounds acceptable to me) in the event log within the Net login control. The problem is that it appears that the app is not allowed to do this. There is an error:

Details : Security policy attempted to not allow any action Please contact your system administrator for the required permissions to the application or change the trust level of the application in the configuration file.

Exceptions Description: System.Security.SecurityException: request for such permission 'System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermission, System, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = B77a5c561934e089 'has failed.

Stack trace does not display a line of code from everyone in its application, its outline. Last 5 rows: System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.Check (commodity demand, StackCrawlMark & ​​amp; stackMark, Boolean isPermSet) +0 System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.Demand () +61 System.Diagnostics.EventLog..ctor ( LogName string, string machineName, string source) +125 System.Diagnostics.EventLog..ctor () +24 System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry (string source, string message, EventLogEntryType type, Int32 EventID, Intl6 category, byte [] rawData ) +52

This same app works fine on XP SP2 I have hunted around and can not allow. I have tried to run the HTE Pool Pool as a local system and apppill identi.

Is this the easiest way to walk? If I have security holes opened by my local dev machine and I do not care, as long as I need code (ie I solutions as the need to modify a inetmgr change or web.config or local permissions, etc. to happen ).

Thank you!

This appears to discuss your issue. I'm not sure about the differences between vs Win 7, assembly writing though the event log (and all calling assemblies) must EventLogPermission default CAS on XP (Code Access Security).

You can add attribute or sign Assembly with A.

odbc - Quickbooks SQL dump Code from QODBC -

I need to remove the Cookbook SQL structure, from which I can create a diagram about tables with which to work with me is. Could this be possible? I think Qodic can solve the issue of my connection but I do not know how to remove the SQL dump.

Thank you in advance

You can not directly use the QuickBooks SQL structure, So you are out of luck. Most versions of QuickBooks are not based on a SQL Backend (Enterprise Edition only), so it is also not applicable to those versions too.

QuickBooks provides an XML-based API / add / modify / query / delete data in it, but does not provide direct access to SQL. QODBC is a cover around XML-based API that changes XML requests in SQL requests, and vice versa. It is nothing reverse-engineering, it only changes data from one format / protocol to another.

You want to either use the XML API, such as using QODBC, or using XML APIs and converting XWX into SQL-friendly format, what is being done by QDDC. I have done something similar to my PHP code, schema and the code written below:

algorithm - how to partition the 2d arrays among the processes for "The Game of Life" -

I am making an assignment using MPI to implement the Life of Life. I was thinking that I should use block-line partitions, split a cyclic row or block-checkerboard?

What are the professional and the opposition between the types of partition? I tried to find out the terms of partitioning (which starts to bind with parallel processing), but in such a way it was difficult to find without knowing my head. :)

Try one that fits your needs most, because it is an assignment , you should try the simplest first and allow other times.

silverlight - How to pass a collection of Entities to .NET RIA Data Service? -

Is it possible to pass the collection of objects in the RIA data service query? I have no problem sending an array of one unit, one int or primitive types, but as soon as I declare a method like this

  Public Zero GetLessonsConflicts (Lesson [] lesson) {}  

I get a compilation error

"The Operation Name 'Gatelesses Conflicts' is not in accordance with the required signature parameter type one unit type or predefined Serializable type "

I save the data First, I'm just trying to do some validation on the server side. I have tried the list, IEnumerable etc.


I think that The problem is actually the lack of a return value as I think, you can identify domain operations by conference or specialty. You are not showing an attribute, so the RIA is trying to match the Convention.

For example, by convention, an insert method:

  • Include, add or create a method name prefix, e.g.

A query method:

  • be public
  • A custom domain operation

    • be public
    • back zero
    • as a first parameter Is the unit.

    Edit: See Rami A's comment below. I believe that this time it was true but I am not currently working with this technology, so I am not sufficient to update this reply except by leaving this note that it can be wrong.

    Or you can use features like [insert], [delete], [update], [query], [custom], from my docs, all features require name conferences - It's not clear from them, what do I, [query] and [custom] attributes get?

    As well as domain operations, you can define services operation (using the [ServiceOperation] attribute) and invoke operation.

    Maybe it can be helpful (though I think it's a bit old).

osx - Get mach_absolute_time/UpTime() in nanoseconds in Python -

Since the start of the nanosecond from the Python program running on Mac OS X 10.6, I need to pass the time.

I use the following carbon call to get it in C code:

  AbsoluteTime uptimeAbs = AbsoluteToNanoseconds (uptime); Uint64_t elapsedTime = ((uint64_t) uptimeAbs.hi << 32) + uptimeAbs.lo;  

Is it possible to use these functions in a carbon or POBJC module in Python? I tried:

import * uptime ()

but name "error: name 'uptime' is not defined".

How can I use this value from Python on OS X?

In one of the codes in the answer, I found - [NSProcessInfo systemUptime], Available in 10.6 available . It gives me time in decimal seconds, which I can multiply:

  from Foundation Import * NSProcessInfo.processInfo (). SystemUptime () * 1e 9  

The result is the accuracy of nanoseconds, and should work well for my needs.

Update: The following method also works, and is also compatible with 10.5:

  from Quartz Quartzcore Import * CacRRTM MediaTime () * 1A9  

persistence - Where is the data stored when we implement Blackberry persistent apis to store data? -

When we use the Blackberry Persistent Store to save data in our applications, where is the data stored? Is this a removable SD card or device memory?

This device is stored in memory (built-in flash memory).

Eclipse-C++-Debugging: see content of an Array -

Is it possible to see the contents of the array allocated dynamically, such as:

  Int * Array = new int [dimension];  

I only see the value of the pointer.

Edit: Just got the option "displayed in the array", but I have to manually enter the size of the shape array is it possible to get it automatically? In the eclipse, to view the contents of a dynamic allocated array (

Make sure that you are in a debugging perspective.
  • Right click on the ARA variable
  • Click display as an array
  • If you do not see it, then click "window"> "Show view"> "variable".
  • Eclipse does not know how big your array is, so for the start index A type 0 and length number of elements dynamically allocated.

  • python - Download html page and its content -

    There is no way to download the entire HTML page and its contents (picture, css) into the URL in the local folder URL. Update local local content to be taken locally

    You can use the module to download individual URLs but this will simply return the data to HTML And will automatically download things like CSS files and images.

    If you want to download the "whole" page, then you have to find out the other things needed to parse and download the HTML.

    There is some sample code that is doing well.

    List and kill at jobs on UNIX -

    I have created a job with at command at Solaris 10.

    It is working now, but I want to kill it but I do not know how I can get a job number and how to kill that job or process.

    You should be able to find your command with the ps version:

      ps -ef ps -fubob # if your job user id is bob  

    Then, once located, use kill to kill this process There should be a simple matter (Allow permissions).

    If you talk about getting rid of jobs in ' at Q (which is not yet running) Are you, To use code> atq , you can use them and atrm to get rid of them.

    How to check code generated by C++ compiler? -

    Just like the subject - is there any software to open (what?) And I do not even know what to open - Files with object code or xe? My today's questions (only nowadays;)) may seem a bit awkward but I'm going through BS excersises in "C + Programming Language". And sometimes I just get stuck on specific questions. Sometimes the style of this book (Excellent in many aspects) is troubling me that he (BS) asks some questions which you will not find in your book how to do it or even Where to start from:

    To run some tests to see if your compiler actually generates equivalent codes to index using the indicator , If a different degree of appeal can be requested, see how and how the quality of the generated code affects.

    Chapter 5 Question 8 At this point anywhere in this book there is no mention of trial and analysis code generated by compiler anyway, if anybody can help me with this I will be great thanks.

    Debugger will help you Most debuggers stop the program and see disassembly. The good thing is they tell you that the way you set the breakpoint to line, not just for all the compilation results. Start a breakpoint program at the beginning of the code of interest, when it is stopped, then I open the disassembly and immediately see the code related to that C ++ code.

    c++ - Passing pointer argument by reference under C? -

    <पूर्व> #include & lt; stdio.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; stdlib.h & gt; शून्य getstr (चार * और amp; retstr) {चार * tmp = (चार *) malloc (25); Strcpy (टीएमपी, "हैलो, दुनिया"); Retstr = tmp; } Int main (शून्य) {char * retstr; getstr (retstr); Printf ("% s \ n", रेटस्ट्रेट); वापसी 0; }

    gcc इस फ़ाइल को संकलित नहीं करेगा, लेकिन #include & lt; cstring & gt; को जोड़ने के बाद मैं इस स्रोत को संकलित करने के लिए जी ++ का उपयोग कर सकता हूं फ़ाइल।

    समस्या यह है: सी प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा का समर्थन संदर्भ से सूचक तर्क को पारित करता है? यदि नहीं, तो क्यों?


    नहीं, सी का समर्थन नहीं करता संदर्भ। यह डिजाइन द्वारा है संदर्भ के बजाय आप सूचक को सी में सूचक में इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं। संदर्भ केवल C ++ भाषा में उपलब्ध हैं।

    Conversion from exponential form to decimal in Java -

    मैं दशमलव को घातीय रूपांतरित करना चाहता हूं जैसे 1.234 ई 3 से 1234

    यह है वास्तव में कोई रूपांतरण नहीं है, लेकिन इस बारे में कि आपने संख्या को प्रदर्शित कैसे किया। आप यह निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए उपयोग कर सकते हैं कि संख्या कैसे प्रदर्शित होती है।

    अंतर की जांच करें:

      डबल संख्या = 100550000.75; संख्याफ़ॉर्मेट फॉर्मेटर = नया दशमलवफल ("# 0.00"); Println (संख्या); Println (formatter.format (संख्या));  

    Add URLs to list of urls to send pingbacks to in Wordpress -

    Is it OK to ask questions about wordpress development here? Either way I have a plugin that displays some information from our site to put some HTML in a post. The plugin is located here:

    The problem is that when the post is displayed our content is added to the post by JavaScript, so we always get "fresh" data Therefore, WordPress does not send a pingback to the URL that the plugin will add to the post and the author does not get the link back through our pingback system.

    I need to see in a way the content of the posted post, our shortcode gets, changes the URL to the URL, and adds that URL to the list of URLs in Ping.

    How does anyone have any suggestions on this? I am not experiencing this with either PHP or Wordpress Please be gentle :)

    If you All need to purse the content of a post for a brief tag and when the post is provided, replace it with another value, check the "the_content" filter hook:

    The source for this Take a look at the code It looks at the content of a post and the post ID is divided into two square square brackets (like [[123]] Finds and changes with the contents of that post ... that looks like the same line as you are targeting (well or short)

    Hope there is some help! < / P>

    xsd - Define flexible typed element in XML-Schema -

    मेरे पास XML का निम्नलिखित भाग है:

      & lt; आइटम & gt; & Lt; आइटम प्रकार = "सरल" & gt; कुछ पाठ & lt; / item & gt; & Lt; आइटम प्रकार = "जटिल" & gt; & lt; b & gt; अन्य पाठ & lt; / b & gt; & lt; / item & gt; & Lt; / आइटम & gt;  

    मैं "आइटम" तत्व को डीटीडी के साथ परिभाषित कर सकता हूं, जैसे:

      & lt;! ELEMENT आइटम (#PCDATA | b) * & gt;  

    मैं इसे XML स्कीमा (एक्सएसडी) के साथ कैसे परिभाषित कर सकता हूं?

    < P> एक्सएमएल स्कीमाओं में इन प्रकार के सुर्ख़ सार प्रकार हैं जो इस बात को बहुत आसान बनाते हैं जब तक कि आपके वास्तविक एक्सएमएल में टाइप विशेषता पर एक्सएसआई उपसर्ग होने पर आपको परेशान नहीं होता है आप निम्न में बता सकते हैं कि आपके ऊपर क्या है:

      & lt;! - आइटम तत्व - & gt; & Lt; xs: तत्व का नाम = "आइटम" & gt; & LT; XS: complexType & gt; & LT; XS: अनुक्रम & gt; & Lt; xs: तत्व रिफ = "आइटम" maxOccurs = "unbounded" / & gt; & Lt; / XS: अनुक्रम & gt; & Lt; / XS: complexType & gt; & Lt; / XS: तत्व & gt; & Lt;! - व्यक्तिगत आइटम तत्व - & gt; & Lt; xs: तत्व का नाम = "आइटम" प्रकार = "आइटम" / & gt; & Lt;! - आइटम प्रकार का सार बनाएं ताकि आपको एक्सएमएल फ़ाइल में इसके प्रकार को घोषित करने के लिए मजबूर किया जाए - & gt; & Lt; x: जटिल टाइप नाम = "आइटम" सार = "सच" / & gt; & Lt;! - अपनी साधारण प्रकार - मिश्रित सामग्री को घोषित करें ताकि आप एक जटिल प्रकार में पाठ कर सकें - & gt; & Lt; x: जटिल टाइप नाम = "सरल" & gt; & Lt; x: जटिल कॉन्टेंट मिश्रित = "सच्चा" & gt; & Lt; x: एक्सटेंशन बेस = "आइटम" & gt; & Lt; / XS: विस्तार & gt; & Lt; / XS: complexContent & gt; & Lt; / XS: complexType & gt; & Lt;! - अपने जटिल प्रकार घोषित करें - & gt; & Lt; x: जटिल टाइप नाम = "जटिल" & gt; & LT; XS: complexContent & gt; & Lt; x: एक्सटेंशन बेस = "आइटम" & gt; & Lt;! - उस जटिल तत्व में जा सकने वाले सामान को परिभाषित करें - & gt; & LT; XS: अनुक्रम & gt; & Lt; xs: तत्व नाम = "b" प्रकार = "x: स्ट्रिंग" / & gt; & Lt; / XS: अनुक्रम & gt; & Lt; / XS: विस्तार & gt; & Lt; / XS: complexContent & gt; & Lt; / XS: complexType & gt;  

    और आपके परिणामी XML निम्नानुसार होंगे:

      & lt; आइटम xmlns = "your-namespace" xmlns: xsi = "http: // www / 2001 / XMLSchema-उदाहरण "& gt; & Lt; आइटम xsi: प्रकार = "सरल" & gt; कुछ पाठ & lt; / item & gt; & Lt; आइटम xsi: प्रकार = "जटिल" & gt; & Lt; b & gt; अन्य पाठ & lt; / b & gt; & Lt; / मद & gt; & Lt; / आइटम & gt;  

    Web services authentication with remote IP -

    I am developing a small application that connects to a web service that authorizes access on client IP basis is. While developing on my local machine at home, I do not allow the use of web services, unless I request authorization for the random IP received from my ISP.

    My question : Is this an easy way to solve this problem, because I have no fixed IP at home? Proxy, VPN, etc ... through a webserver with an authorized IP? how?

    Thank you in advance :)

    I think this is your problem: you Can only connect to authorized_IP system with remote_system

    If you can authorize SSI from your home PC, then you can set up a SST tunnel which is Port 8080 with Port 80_ port of Remote_system port 80 Ssh command if you are authorized_IP Run Linux on the system, so it is very easy. Windows is more complicated with Saigwin SSDD, it is possible.

    php - Adding an array to a MySQL column in SELECT -

    I have an array with a set of users and their related actions:

      $ Some_array = array ([user_id] => array ([0] = & gt; 4 [1] => 3 [2] => 5 [3] => 1] [karma] = > Array ([0] = & gt; 12 9 [1] => 87 [2] => 13 [3] = & gt; 20))  

    I was thinking that when you are retrieving the user data from a MySQL table, you can add an additional column with the Karma array and sequence by that extra column:

      $ Query = 'select user*, Extra_column as {{$ Some_array ['karma']}} WHERE IN '. (Implode (',', $ some_array ['user_id']). 'Order by extra ID';  

    Any ideas? Is this possible?

      SELECT id, ELT (field (id, 4, 3, 5, 1), 129, 87, 13, 20) Choose Karma (Select 4As Union Union All Select All as Union All 5 Union Select All 1 AS ID) Q Where ID (4, 3, 5, 1) Order By  

    php - Help with a DB query -

    So I have a category table set. There is a field named "id", "name", "fk_parent_cat_id" (and more) within this table. "Fk_parent_cat_id" basically just connects a specific category to a parent group.

    Okay. It's being said, how I capture information on a category that is a query, but it also captures information on the parent category. My main concern is that I am only grabbing the parent ID, which is good, but I do not need to run another query to identify the parent class name.

    A general query result

      id: 2 name: category 1 fk_parent_cat_id: 1  

    And, I should have the result

      id: 2 name: category 1 fk_parent_cat_id: 1 fk_parent_cat_name: top class  

    Does this question seem to understand? I think there is a way to do this so that anyway ...

    Thanks for any epithet!

    You can complete this with Inner Join just to make sure that your table and foreign key columns The names are in your database (because you have not provided any information about the column names in the parent category table). Keep in mind that if you have a single category table (i.e. all your categories are stored in one table) then there is nothing wrong in joining itself to the same table - you need to name the names of the tables in your query. The need is sure they are not ambiguous.

      Select,, C.category, P.parent_cat_name Child Credential C Inincluded ParentCategory P on C.fk_parent_cat_id = P.parent_cat_id  

    xaml - WPF ComboBox DropDown using PlacementTarget -

    मेरे पास ContentControl एक बटन , विभाजन और एक कॉम्बो बॉक्स मुझे ComboBox ड्रॉपडाउन को नियंत्रण के बाईं तरफ के साथ लाइन में सेट करना है, जैसा कि ComboBox के बाईं तरफ के विपरीत है मुझे कोड में एक विधि मिली है लेकिन मैं सोच रहा था कि क्या यह xaml में पूरा किया जा सकता है।

    यह मुझे नियंत्रण का नाम देता है:

      ToolTip = "{बाध्यकारी पथ = नाम, रिलेटिव सोरस = {रिलेटिव सोर्स FindAncestor, AncestorLevel = 2, AncestorType = {x: Type Control}}} " 

    लेकिन मैं नियंत्रण के लिए एक संदर्भ चाहूंगा:

      प्लेसमेंट = "निचला" प्लेसमेंट लक्ष्य = "{बाध्यकारी तत्व नाम = [फैंसी-सिम्नी xaml यहाँ जाता है!]}"  

    कोई विचार?

    यदि आप AncestorLevel और AncestorType निर्दिष्ट करते हैं तो एक रिलेटिवससोर्स ठीक काम करता है >:

    <पूर्व> प्लेसमेंट = "निचला" प्लेसमेंट लक्ष्य = "{बाध्यकारी रिलेटिव सोरस = {रिलेटिव एसस खोजअनिस्टर, पूर्वज = लेवल = 2, पूर्वज प्रकार = {x: प्रकार ग्रिड}}}"

    c# - Query Post code Lookup Web service Via Code -

    I have a URL that normally indicates a postcode lookup webservice from:

      "http: //loklhost/afddtakpce?siriyl=ksksksksksks∓pasward=<pasward>∓usserid=<unme>∓deta=adres∓task=propertilukup∓failds=list∓mskwantiti=200∓lukup= BD1 + 3RA "get me using the URL calls need to, perhaps Actitivibaraiveit and output an XML string (see example):  
      & lt;? XML version = "1.0"? & Gt; & Lt; AFDPostcodeEverywhere & gt; & Lt; Results & gt; 1 & lt; / Results & gt; & Lt; Error Text & gt; & Lt; / Error text & gt; & Lt; Item value = "1" & gt; & Lt; Pincode & gt; BD1 3RA & lt; / Postcode & gt; & Lt; PostcodeFrom & gt; & Lt; / PostcodeFrom & gt; & Lt; Key & gt; BD1 3RA1001 & lt; / Key & gt; & Lt; List & gt; BD1 3RA City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, Fountain Hall, Fountain Street, Bradford & lt; / List & gt; & Lt; CountryISO & gt; GBR & lt; / CountryISO & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / AFDPostcodeEverywhere & gt;  

    My problem is that when I type a URL into your browser, I get XML in your browser, but I can not get through the code to the XML string I am Anyone can help me in the PLZ !!! Actually very important! I need to request a soap from what I have read, but I do not know how to do it !!! thank you in advanced!

    You can get XML response HttpWebResponse object if under (System.Net namespace I remember )

    In order to get a HTTP web response you must first create HTTP WebBarm object.


    And you can use the following To convert code into XMLDocument that you can cross:

      HttpWebRequest HttpWReq = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (" Uk / afddata.pce? ... "); (HTTP WebBasings HTTPWRESP = (HTTP Webbations) is using HTPWREK gate response ()) (xmldafle xmlDoc = new XMLDC ()); XmlDoc.Load (HttpWResp.GetResponseStream ()); }  

    Edit (1):

    In the question-making company, it looks like you will be able to consume in your. NET application to get the required data. .

    You will need a password and a serial number (which you can get from the URL).

    silverlight - Datagrid cannot sort on some fields - object, object subfield, base type -

    जब एक सिल्वरलाइट डेटाग्रिड का प्रयोग IList व्युत्पन्न डेटा स्रोत के साथ होता है तो संभव है कि इसके द्वारा क्रमबद्ध करने के लिए एक कॉलम पर क्लिक करें, CanUserSortColumn / CanUserSort गुण झूठे नहीं हैं।

    हालांकि मुझे कुछ किनारे वाले मामलों को हल नहीं किया जा सकता है - मान दिखाए जाते हैं, लेकिन स्तंभ पर क्लिक करने से कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ता।

    पहली किनारे मामलों को बहुत सरल सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; लगता है, जो मान दिखाता है, लेकिन सॉर्टिंग की अनुमति नहीं देता है यह बहुत मायने नहीं रखता है कि स्ट्रिंग इलैप्मेंट आईसीपरपरबल।

    दूसरी किनारे का मामला बहुत अधिक जटिल है, और इसके आसपास काम की आवश्यकता हो सकती है दूसरे मामले में फ़ील्ड और उप-प्रकार के प्रकार ऑब्जेक्ट शामिल हैं।

      सार्वजनिक वर्ग कंटेनर आईटम {सार्वजनिक ऑब्जेक्ट चाइल्डवैल्यू {get; सेट;} // अन्य गुण}  

    बालवॉल का मान ग्रिड में प्रदर्शित किया जा सकता है, और यदि बालव्यूअल को असाइन किया गया प्रकार गुण है तो हम उन्हें (बाल वैल्यू) से बाध्य कर सकते हैं। > संपत्ति ), लेकिन हम कॉलम को सॉर्ट नहीं कर सकते हैं।

    यह स्पष्ट है कि परिभाषित प्रकार की कमी एक मुद्दा है - यहां स्पष्ट रूप से समस्या हो सकती है यदि वस्तुओं, जहां विभिन्न, असंगत प्रकार ।

    ऐसा लगता है कि मुझे एक काम के आसपास की जरूरत है - मुझे कंटेनर आईटम वर्ग की परिभाषा पर नियंत्रण है, मेरी विशिष्ट स्थिति में मैं इसके साथ अटक गया क्योंकि ChildValue को गतिशील रूप से असाइन किया गया है। , और बाल वैल्यू के गुणों को बाइंडिंग हमेशा एकवे (केवल कंटेनर आईटम के निश्चित गुणों को दो तरह से बाध्यकारी का उपयोग करते हैं)।

    क्या मैं संभवतः सॉर्टमंबरपैथ का उपयोग कर सकता हूं और इसे कंटेनर आईटम की कुछ सरणी संपत्ति में बाँध सकता हूं, जहां प्रत्येक तत्व सरणी का एक कंटेनर आईटम कॉम्पैरर ऑब्जेक्ट है जिसमें कॉलम की बाध्यकारी जानकारी से भरी वस्तु है, जिससे वह दो बाल मूल्य गुणों के मूल्यों को खींच सकता है, उनकी तुलना कर सकता है, और डेटाग्रिड के बिना नतीजे को लौटा सकता है कि संपत्तियों नग्न वस्तुओं हैं?

    मुझे लगता है कि पहले किनारे का मामला बहुत कृत्रिम है। आप तारों की सूची को एक डाटाग्रिड में बाँध क्यों करेंगे? यह शायद काम नहीं करता है क्योंकि इसके लिए कोई प्रॉपर्टी नाम नहीं है जैसा कि एक तरह से मार्ग के रूप में उपयोग करना है

    गतिशील रूप से क्रमबद्ध करने के प्रश्न के लिए, आप शायद अपने संग्रह में कार्यान्वित करना बेहतर होगा। फिर आप मैन्युअल रूप से छँटाई को नियंत्रित कर सकते हैं, लेकिन इसे सॉर्टिंग से निर्मित कार्य को लागू करने की कोशिश किए बिना इसे संभाल करना चाहते हैं।

    Programmer-friendly search engine? -

    Google is not literally suited to search strings with letters like $ and # Are there any search engines that are literally stars Supports Search for?

    I know that was asked some time back at that time, but no good answer was found. If I still can not find the answer, then I am ready to reward. Of course it is possible that there is no one but I want to make sure :)

    Edit: Citations do not work while quoting Google quotes.

    Example query: "$ & lt;" To create, $ & lt; Variables in Makefiles


    This seems to solve your problem iconhound one A search engine that does not ignore symbols or special characters in a web query like Google does not find a source code search, either hope that helps!

    Java TreeMap containsKey invariably returning true? -

    I am writing a Java program which is using the TreeMap interface, and I have some problem in it . This fact is also returning when I give something like something that I know there is nothing in the treemark.

    What could be the reason?

    Thank you very much earlier.


    Edit: I am writing a program that counts the occurrence of words in a text file. Words are parsed and each is a new example of a class. In these classes, equal and hashcode methods are overridden because words are considered equal, even if they are different objects.

    The field "text" is a string that contains the word text.

      public boolean par (object obj) {word temp = ((word) obj); Return this return.text.equals (temp.text); } Public Action Hashod () {return.text.hashCode (); } To compare Public Int (object x) {Word temp = ((Word) X); If (this.text.compareTo (temp.text)) & lt; 0) {return -1; } And if (this. Text.equals (temp.text)) {return 0; } And {return1; }}  

    My guess is that you are using a key type in which false Implementation of equals (and possibly hashcode ), or that comparator does not correspond to equal

    if you We can prepare a small but complete program that demonstrates the problem, so we can confirm it.

    ssms - SQL Server Management Studio-- widen active files dropdown? -

    I am using SQL Server 2008 management studio and had a question about opening more than one query window etc. . If I run seven or eight times, then clearly their tabs will not fit perfectly on the screen. But when I go to the "Active Files" dropdown, often the names are shortened with the oval in the middle, and I can not tell which files are in the list.

    What tabs are there in the UI settings or any other way? There is such a feature in Visual Studio 2008, but for some reason I can not remember any file name. P> You can do this.

    PHP Regex match first newline after x characters for a trimming function -

    I am writing a trimming function that takes the string and gets the first new line \ n characters After 500th character and returns a string to the new line, in fact, if I have \ n on the index of 200, 400 and 600, then I want to return 600 characters before the function string. ( \ n ).

    I tried:

      $ output = preg_replace ('/ ([^%] {500} [^ \ n] +?) [^%] * / ',' $ 1 ', $ production);  

    I used the percent mark because I could not find any square squares which simply included "ever anything" dot did not do this because it did not include new lines Unfortunately, my work fails badly, any help or guidance will be appreciated. Personally I would like to avoid regex and I will use simple string functions:

    Pre> // $ str is the original string $ nl = strapo ($ str, "\ n", 500); // first starts with $ 500 sub $ substr ($ str, 0, $ nl); $ Final = str_replace ("\ n", '', $ sub); You may also need to check for \ r \ n - i.e. first str_replace ("\ r \ n", "\ n", $ Str) .

    calculus - Using Taylor Polynomials Programmatically in Maple -

    I am trying to use a teller program in maple, but the following does not work ...

      t [6]: = Taylor (sin (x), x = p / 4,6); Convert (T [6], Palinom, X); F: = proc (x) convert (t [6], polynom, x); End proc; F (1);  

    None of the following work either:

    • f: = convert (t [6], palinom);
    • f: = x-> (convert (t [6], polynom, x)
    • f: = x -> 6], polynom;);
    • Convert to f: = x-> (t [6], plynom, x); .

    What is the f

    convert to definition of

    Defining T as the function may also be natural.

      T: = y-> gt; Subs (x = y, convert (teller) (x (x), x = p / 4,6), polynom); T (1);  

    Why is java.lang.ThreadLocal a map on Thread instead on the ThreadLocal? -

    Knightley, I expected that a threadline would be to type the value of some kind of weaker hashp thrah. So I had a little trouble when I came to know that the value of threadlocals is actually why it was done? I hope that will not be connected to the threadlocal if the price will be saved in the pulse.

    Explanation: I was thinking like something

      public class alternate, and Lieutenant T & gt; {Private Final Map & lt; Thread, T & gt; Value = collection. Synchronized maps (new WeakHashMap & lt; thread, T & gt; ()); Public zeros set (t value) {values.put (Thread.currentThread (), value); } Receive public t () {return values.get (thread.startThread ());}}  

    As far as I can see it will stop the strange problem, not the threadlock and Nor can be left at prices until the trash is accumulated till the death of the thread, if the value somehow references to the ThreadLocal (perhaps the most devious form of this is when the threadlocal is a value on a class There is a fixed variable in context. Now Rake has a large resource leak at the rearrangement in the application server, as neither the objects nor their classes can be collected.)

    Sometimes you get enlightened by only asking a question. :-) Now I have seen a possible answer: Thread-security If the value of the map is in the thread object, then entering a new value is a minor-if the map is on the threadline, then you have issues of general concurrency, which slow down things can do. (Of course you will use the Readwralock instead of synchronizing, but the problem remains.)

    Host no longer supports PHP functions for FTP! Workaround? -

    So my host has just updated all its hardware and software and they no longer support any PHP FTP functions Have decided (ftp_connect, etc.).

    Anyone know a way around this? Fortunately, I have categorized all my PHP functions so I'll only need to work once (if any?)

    Maybe upload using fSocket? Any examples / tutorials will be appreciated.

    Curl is a good option.

    File_get / put_contents can also be an option with reference.

    javascript - Is it possible to use the CommonJS libraries yet? -

    I'm interested in getting started.

    The JavaScript framework is fast growing all the time, and parsing engines and compilers make JavaScript incredibly fast, it is surprising that projects like the common JS have not been started soon. is.

    What is involved with running and running a test project? It depends on exactly what you really are looking to do.

    For example, there is a JSON database built on the top of the Rhino, but is capable of working with the generic JS module and moving ahead of the JSGI (Web Server Interface).

    A strong robot is looking to track JavaScript's library and especially the normal JS standard, Narillh runs on top of the Rhino by default, but you can get Javascript Coer (and possibly V8) Can be installed as an additional "engine". JSC is very fast

    Many web frameworks are available (in it).

    A fast, V8-based, event-driven network service is paying too much attention to the stack. The node for JS has recently been changed to use CommonJS modules.

    There is a branch ("Tiki") which is built on the normalJS module. Personally, I am using the time for which the customer side is completely normalGs module (Ironically, the server side is currently in Python, but we have a server on common jams But there is a plan to migrate.)

    The thing to remember about General GS is that this is an API spec. It is possible for many implementations so far, so far, the only part of Kalpana which is widely supported is the modules ... the rest is still baking, but it is coming well together.

    The common JS is not yet up to the level of the interop, CPython / Jython / IronPython, but it's definitely going to move forward.

    latex command reflection -

    मेरे पास निम्न उपयोग का मामला है: तालिका में एक अनुभाग, उपधारा या उपशब्ण शीर्षक है:

      \ section * {tableular} \ start {tabular *} ... \ end {tabular *}  

    क्योंकि तालिका खंड में दिखाई दे सकती है, उपधारा आदि। मैंने सोचा तालिका शीर्ष लेख और पाद लेख को मैक्रोज़ के रूप में परिभाषित कर सकता है और इसके अतिरिक्त तालिका शीर्षक (अनुभाग, उपधारा, उपशब्ण, अनुच्छेद ...) के प्रकार को पारित कर सकते हैं, इसलिए इसके लिए मुझे कुछ ऐसा होना चाहिए:

      \ # 1 * {टेबल नाम} \ आरंभ {सारणी}} ... \ end {tabular *}  

    जहां # 1 मैक्रो पैरामीटर पारित किया गया है क्या कोई मौका हासिल करने का कोई मौका है? इस तरह से?

    बहुत धन्यवाद, ओवेनस

    ज़रूर, लगभग मिल गया (यद्यपि वहाँ एक कारण है कि आप तालिका कैप्शन के बजाय अनुभाग शीर्षकों का उपयोग कर रहे हैं?)

     \ newenvironment {tablesection} [2] [\ section] {# 1 * {# 2} \ begin {tabular * }} {\ End {tabular *}} 

    और इसे

     \ start {tablesection} [\ subsection] {तालिका नाम} {cc} a & bb \ एएए के रूप में उपयोग करें। & B \\ \ end {tablesection} 

    यदि आप वर्ग के कोष्ठकों में वैकल्पिक तर्क को छोड़ देते हैं, तो \ section डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से उपयोग किया जाता है।

    याद रखें (ला ) टेक्स मैक्रो विस्तार के साथ काम करता है, इसलिए इनपुट में आप टोकन के किसी भी प्रवाह को मैक्रो परिभाषा में प्रतिस्थापन पाठ के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है। ("विशेष वर्ण" जैसे कि % और कुछ अन्य के साथ कुछ प्रतिबंधों के साथ।)

    ASP.NET Windows Authentication - Logging Off -

    I have an ASP.NET application that is using Windows authentication. The only way to log off the user at this time is to close the browser (this is a pain because closing the tab is not enough).

    I make a log-off button easier to log-in as a separate user.

    Is it possible (IE and / or Firefox)?

    Thank you.


    java - Debugging Signature Verification failure -

    Using Java 1.4.2 with unlimited jurisdiction policy files is installed.

    I have a class that has successfully signed and validated, however, now I have changed the keys and the verification is failing suddenly.

    The key is generated:

      openssl genrsa -aes256 output_pivitap. 2048 openssl pkcs8 - Topk8 -nocrypt -in production_private.pem- Outfarm doorout output_web.adder openssl rsa -in output_pivet-p-p-out-outform dir-out production_public.reader  

    I have done using a verification using the PEM key and openssl:

      openssl dgst -sha1 -sign production_private.pem -out test.txt.sha1 test.txt for output Enter the pass phrase_private.pem: openssl dgst -sha1 -verify  

    but it is not visible that you can use the DIR key Not.

    No error is thrown. Signature.verify just returns false because it works with a set of keys and not another, my assumption is that it will be an important problem of some sort.

    How can I verify that KeyPair is correct but any additional thoughts? I do not want to know myself to find out the coding errors that this key is the source of the problem.

    I'm happy to share the source on request - I just do not want to be dirty until the problem is necessary.

    The default key format is PEM, you must enter DER,

      -keyform DER To use  
    this parameter must be added

    .net - Is using get set properties of C# considered good practice? -

    The question is simple, as well as similar properties in C #, in addition to writing the gutter and setter methods, Is considered better? When you use these properties, do not you have to declare your class data members as public? I ask this because my professor has said that the data members should never be declared in public, as it is considered bad behavior because never should be declared public.

    This ....

      class GetSetExample {public int someInt {get; Set; }}  

    vs. it ...

      class NonGetSetExample {private int someInt; }  


    Thank you for all! All your answers helped me, and I picked up your answers properly.


      class GetSetExample {public int someInt {get; Set; }}  

    In fact follows:

      class GetSetExample {private int _someInt; Public int someInt {get {return_someInt; } Set {_someInt = value; }}}  

    get ;

    In this way, you are not exposing a public member, you are defining;

    Provide a private member and get / set methods to achieve it.

    c# - Catch all routes not working using regular expression -

    I know that most of the paths in the first path will capture the path. However, also / product / editing / Bleblabla (I I'm also taking the ASP.NET routing debugger):

      Public static zero register routs {routes.IgnoreRoute ("{resource} .axd / {* pathInfo} "); ("Default", "{controller} / {action} / {id}", new {controller = "home", action = "index", id = @ "\ d {1,}"}); Routes.MapRoute ("catch all", "{* path}", new {controller = "error", action = "notepad"}); }  

    But this is wrong! Why? If the minimum length of 1 is not an integer, then the first path should not be matching. I should not get any control and action ... any thoughts?

    Many thanks!

    You must have expression in the fourth parameter. Read this: <3 p>

    <3> <3> Routes. ("Product", "Product / {Product ID}", New {Admin = "Product", Action = "Details"}, New {productId = @ "\ d +"});

    Regular expression \ d + one or more integer matches This bound reason causes the product route to match the following methods:

    • / Products / 3 /
    • / Products / 8999

    but not the following URL:

    • / Products / Apple
    • < Li> / product

    These browser requests will be controlled by any other route or, if there is no matching route, the resource is not found. error will be returned.

    forms - Problem rendering partial in the application layout (Rails) -

    यहां application.html.erb फ़ाइल में कॉल है:

      & lt;% = रेंडर: आंशिक = & gt; 'कार्य / _new'% & gt;  

    यहां आंशिक प्रदान किया गया है ( _new.html। एआरबी ):

      & lt;% form_for @task do | f | -% & gt; & Lt;% = f.text_field: body% & gt; & Lt;% = submit_tag "जमा करें"% & gt; & Lt;% end -% & gt;  

    यहां 'कार्य' नियंत्रक में विधि है:

      डीईफ़ न्यू @ टास्क = टास्क.न्यू प्रत्युत्तर प्रत्युत्तर दें | प्रारूप | Format.html # new.html.erb format.xml {रेंडर: xml = & gt; @ टास्क} एंड एंड  

    यहां मैं त्रुटि संदेश प्राप्त करता हूं:

      अनुपलब्ध टेम्पलेट कार्य / __ new.erb दृश्य पथ ऐप / दृश्यों में  

    और यह कहता है कि त्रुटि इस पंक्ति में है:

      & lt;% = link_to "कार्य", कार्य_पथ% & gt; & Lt;% = रेंडर: आंशिक = & gt; 'कार्य / _new'% & gt;  

    फ़ाइल सही निर्देशिका में है अजीब बात यह है कि फ़ाइल नाम में एक अतिरिक्त _ त्रुटि में है जब मैं आंशिक को __ new.erb से बदल देता हूं, तो मुझे ये त्रुटि मिलती है:

      नीला के लिए कॉल किया गया आईडी, जो गलती से 4 होगा - यदि आप वास्तव में शून्य की आईडी चाहता था, ऑब्जेक्ट_आईड का उपयोग करें  

    और यह कहता है कि त्रुटि इस पंक्ति में है:

      & lt;% form_for @task do | f | -% & gt;  

    मैंने कोड में _ बिना भी कोशिश की थी, जैसा कि पेट्रोस ने सुझाया था, लेकिन यह ऊपर की तरह ही त्रुटि देता है, शून्य के लिए कॉल आईडी ...

    क्या हो रहा है?

    आपको आवश्यकता नहीं है आपके कोड में _ _ यह होना चाहिए:

      & lt;% = रेंडर: आंशिक = & gt; 'कार्य / नया'% & gt;  

    पहली त्रुटि इसलिए है क्योंकि आपको अंदर से _ आंशिक पैरामीटर की आवश्यकता नहीं है। रेल उस की देखभाल करता है यही कारण है कि आपको डबल मिलता है क्योंकि रेल एक को आपके लिए रखेगा।

    दूसरा त्रुटि आपकी वास्तविक समस्या है त्रुटि बताती है कि @ टास्क शून्य है यह सच है क्योंकि आंशिक केवल जानता है कि कंटेनर दृश्य क्या जानता है, और उस विशेष क्षण में आपके विचार ने उचित नियंत्रक से कार्रवाई नहीं की है जैसा कि आपने (बेबी डिएगो) पहले से ही पता लगाया है और नीचे दी गई अपनी टिप्पणी में संकेत दिया है, आपको अपने आंशिक कार्य में एक कार्य का एक उदाहरण बनाने की आवश्यकता है। मुझे नहीं पता कि क्या कोई और अधिक खूबसूरत समाधान है, लेकिन शायद कोई भविष्य में कुछ बेहतर सुझाव दे सकता है।

    मैट मैककैटर को धन्यवाद करने के लिए धन्यवाद कि आंशिक खुद ही यह जान लेता है कि कंटेनर दृश्य क्या जानता है

    What method is needed to have the "-" ( subtract ) method working with Ruby arrays? -

    If I have two arrays, a and b , then the method What is the need to override the object, then the recovery method works - properly?

    Is it enough with eql?


    I am adding more details to my question

    I defined this class Is:

      class example attr_reader: id,: desc def initialize (id, desc) @id = id.strip @desc = desc.strip (other) @id == Other End DEEF EQUIL? (Other) Identical IDs (other) and @dcc == Other DCC end DEF () "# {ID}: # {descendant}"  


    Then I have filled two arrays with two different parts and I want to get the difference.

      A = instance New ("1", "asdasdad") B = Instance.New ("1", "A") C = Instance.New ("1", "A") P.A. (B) #false p b.eql? (C) #true x = [a, b] y = [c] should be left by z = x - y # because b and c are the same object "representation"  

    but this Not working, because being placed in the a and b array. I am thinking that for this, I need a method to work properly in my class.

    Do you have # eql? and the method needs to be redefined

    You can define it as:

      def hash id.hash + 32 * desc.hash end  


    To see what is being said in Ruby 1.9:

      % Irb> & Gt; Class logger & lt; Original Object & gt; & Gt; Def start (delegate)> & Gt; @delegate = delegate & gt; & Gt; End & gt; & Gt; DF method_mission (m, * args, and black) & gt; & Gt; :: STDOUT.puts [m, args, blk] .irpect & gt; & Gt; @ Delegate.send (m, * args, and blk) & gt; & Gt; End & gt; & Gt; End = & gt; Zero & gt; & Gt; Object = (object.New) [: inspection, [], zero] => # & Lt; Object: 0x000001009a02f0 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; [Object] - [0] [: hash, [], zero] [: inspection, [], zero] => [# And Object: 0x000001009a02f0>]] gt; & Gt; Zero = logger New (0) [: Inspection, [], Zero] => 0 & gt; & Gt; [Zero] - [0] [: hash, [], zero] [: eql?, [0], zero] => []  

    Ruby 1.8.7

     % irb18> & Gt; Class logger & lt; Object & gt; & Gt; Examples_imilities.each {| M | Undef_method m} & gt; & Gt; Def start (delegate)> & Gt; @delegate = delegate & gt; & Gt; End & gt; & Gt; DF method_mission (m, * args, and black) & gt; & Gt; :: STDOUT.puts [m, args, blk] .irpect & gt; & Gt; @ Delegate.send (m, * args, and blk) & gt; & Gt; End & gt; & Gt; End (IRB): 2: Warning: undefining '__send__' may be the cause of serious problem (IRB): 2: Warning: undefining` __id__ 'can be a cause of serious problem => Zero & gt; & Gt; Object = (object.New) [: inspection, [], zero] => # & Lt; Item: 0x100329690 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; [Object] - [0] [: hash, [], zero] [: inspection, [], zero] => [# And Object: 0x100329690 & gt;] & gt; & Gt; Zero = logger New (0) [: Inspection, [], Zero] => 0 & gt; & Gt; [Zero] - [0] [: hash, [], zero] [: eql?, [0], zero] => []  

    ruby on rails - Generate multiple XML files based on database -

    Does an SQL database provide an example of using Builder to create multiple XML files. I can easily create a whole database here ...

      DIF index response_to do | Format | Format.xml {@rides = Rides.find (: all)} End and  

    This will create a file called index.xml, based on a file named index.xml.builder It has the following code

      xml.instruct! Do Xml.rides do @ rides.each Ride | | Xml.item ("togive" => Ride togive, "totake" => Ride totake, "howlong" => Ride howlong, "isoffer" => Ride.Eoffer, "ID "= & Gt;," Contact "= & gt; Ride Contact) End of End  

    Here are the only lines of my routes. RB

      map.resources: ride map.connect ': Controller /: Action /: ID' map.connect ': Controller /: Action /: id: format'  

    This works fine, but how do I


    edit: convert from format.rss to format.xml create a new file

    I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve, but you have another way in your controller Which gives the final ride:

      DF When Kiri Uttr_ | Format | Format.xml {@last_ride = Rides.last} End End  

    And then in the visual template last.xml.builder you can do something like this:

      xml.instruct! Xml.rides do xml.item ("togive" = & gt; @last_ride.togive, "totake" = & gt; @last_ride.totake etc ...)  

    if you From this perspective you will need to modify your config / routes.rb file to add a new list action:

     < Code> map Source: Ride,: Collection = & gt; {: Final = & gt; From this you can access the route using   

    Alternatively, you can easily find the Make conditional calls in the index method of the controller so that all the rides or last rides can be found as appropriate, in this case you can see the current index.xml.builder The visual template should be able to reuse because it will only produce an archive that only one ride Switch to it.

    python - Does an entertaining guide exist? -

    I know about some commonly mentioned Python tutorials / guides / guides, but I was wondering if anyone Was also. . To go through more entertaining, I think.

    For example, in Ruby, has Haskell, PHP has set up a tutorial. Is a Python equivalent?

    For real entertainment, take it.

    iPhone - prepend data to beginning of an audio file -

    I am trying to write some data at the beginning of an audio file. But the file is overwriting. If I write 20 seconds of data to start the audio file using AudioFileWritePackets, then the data of the initial 20 seconds is overwritten in the original audio file.

    This is what I use

      audiofile open URL ((CFRRF) Floor, audiofiledreaddreampromotion, 0, and audio); // Start your 20 second data in the Buffer AudioFileWare Cakecat (Audiide, Falls, NumbytesTowWight, Faucet, 0, and PacketWoWite, PackBuffer); Can anyone tell me how I can get it (include 20 second audio in original audio file) 



    You need to open a new file, write it to your new data, and then copy the old audio Old file at the end of the new file.

    crosstab - Cross table update query in MySql -

    I can execute this type of query in SQL Server:

      update tblmembers set Hits_archived = (Select the count (*) from Tblhits where tblhits.target_id = and tblhits.hitdate & lt; '2009-11-01') where tblmembers.regdate & lt; '2007-09-28'  

    How can I do this in MySql 4.0.23? I tried to execute the query, but returned this error message:

    There is an error in your SQL syntax with Tblhits near the 'select count (*) to use the correct syntax for your Check the MySQL server version related manual, where tblhits.target_id = tblmem

    using MySQL A subquery can also be done with.

    php sessions create and destroy on submit? -

    एक php फॉर्म को देखते हुए यह इसे स्वयं के द्वारा, और

    और कुछ html और एक सबमिट बटन

      & lt; लेबल के लिए = "सबमिट करें" & gt; सबमिट करें & lt; / लेबल & gt; & Lt; इनपुट आईडी = "जमा करें" प्रकार = "सबमिट करें" मान = "जानकारी सबमिट करें:" / & gt; & lt; br / & gt;  

    मैं इसे कैसे सेट कर सकता हूँ, जैसे कि जब उपयोगकर्ता ने फॉर्म पर सभी प्रासंगिक जानकारी (एक, form.php) को इनपुट कर दिया है, तो बिना किसी त्रुटि के सत्र समाप्त हो गया है, सबमिट बटन दबाए जाने के बाद।

    मुझे पता है कि यह एक सत्र प्रारंभ करता है:

      & lt;? Php session_start ()? & Gt;  

    फ़ॉर्म के शीर्ष पर।

    और यह सत्र चर को नष्ट कर देता है

      session_destroy ();  

    मुझे इस तरह कुछ करना होगा:

      $ _ सत्र ['जमा'] = 'जमा करें';  

    मैं अपने फार्म पर प्रत्येक वेरिएबल के सत्र बनाने से बचने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, उदाहरण के लिए,




    ऐसा लगता है कि किसी दिए गए फॉर्म पर हर वैरिएबल के लिए सत्र बनाने के लिए बहुत काम होगा, इसीलिए मैं यहां जवाब मांग रहा हूं, इस बीच मैं सत्रों पर और पढ़ूंगा, आप न्यूब से ज्वलंत नहीं होने के लिए धन्यवाद।

    आप सत्रों का उपयोग क्यों कर रहे हैं? यदि यह प्रपत्र प्रसंस्करण के लिए है तो आपको डाक या वैकल्पिक रूप से GET का उपयोग करना चाहिए। सत्रों को कॉन्फ़िगरेशन, एक्सेसलेवल सेटिंग्स, शॉपिंग कारेट्स आदि को स्टोर करने का एक शानदार तरीका है। यदि आप सत्र का उपयोग करने जा रहे हैं, तो आप एक सत्र बना सकते हैं और सभी सत्रों को एक सरणी में संग्रहीत कर सकते हैं, फिर सबमिट करें सरणी $ _ सत्र ["mySession"]

    उदाहरण के लिए यदि आपके पास पृष्ठ पर दिखाने के लिए अधिकतम वेबलॉग है, तो इसे $ _ session ["mySession"] ["max_amount_of_weblogs_per_page"] की तरह पुनः प्राप्त किया जा सकता है। फिर आप को ज़्यादा ज़रूरी है सरणी ("अधिकतम_आम_संख्या _ओफ़्लॉग्स_पर_पृष्ठ" = & gt; 10); से $ _ सत्र ["mySession"] जोड़ें।

    आशा है कि यह आपके लिए उपयोगी है। < / P>

    email integration - send mail in background in iPhone -

    I want to send an email in the background of the application. I do not want to show the MailComposer dialog box to add all the details.

    How can I do this? Thank you.

    You must notify directly with a specified mail server. If you want to send email using iPhone users' email account details, then you have to use Apple's Mail Composer Dialog.

    How to expand particular parent in Jquery -

    I have a menu using jquery. I want that when I click on the parent especially, give only the child all the extension under that child, children hide under other parents.
    I have received the Parent ID, on the basis that I can extend a special guardian.

    My code is as follows.

      & lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {var msg1; var msg14; var msg = false; alert ((document.getElementById ( '' P17_LOCATION_ID '')) value); alert (msg14); $ ( '' Click ( function (event) {msg =! Msg; if (msg) '$ (this). Parent ('. Parent_menu '). (' '. Child_menu' ') Search. Slidedown ( "slow") and $ (' . Child_menu ''). hide (); return back;}); ''}); & Lt; / script & gt;  

    - $ (this) here. Parent ( '' parent_menu ''). ( ''. Child_menu ''). slide down ( "slow"); for parents responsible to slide down the hair menu, but currently all Children expanding menus Whom I want to stop and when I should be shown only to children under certain he clicks on parents so that parents, so I suggest please solve the above statement it could pass to ID

    < / div>

    $ (expr). spinach (SEL). you $ (this) .closest wan't ( '. Parent_menu')

    sql - Searching a tables XML filed using Linq, can it be done? -

    I have a database table with a transaction in one of the fields in the XML message, the field type is "xml" An employee has been filed in XML and this is the area that I have to find. I want to retrieve all the rows that match the employee number given on the runtime, is it possible to do this with Linq?

    Example of XML from one of the rows in the transaction table, here the area is called "message". I need to see the "employee" value and return the line if it is provided by the user Matches the matching mail.

      & lt; Interface & gt; & Lt; Mac & gt; 1452345234 & lt; / Mac & gt; & Lt; Tools & gt; DEVICE1 & lt; / Tools & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; 1234567 & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Terminal & gt; & Lt; Unit & gt; 1 & lt; / Unit & gt; & Lt; Trans & gt; & Lt; Event & gt; A3 & lt; / Event & gt; & Lt; Employee & gt; 3333 & lt; / Staff & gt; & Lt; Time & gt; 2008-10-02T11: 41: 00.0000000 + 00: 00 & lt; / Time & gt; & Lt; / Trans & gt; & Lt; / Terminal & gt; & Lt; / Interface & gt;  

    Yes, it is easily possible with LINQ:

      var matchList = In the transaction where XDocument.Load (new string reader (T. message)). Candidates ("Employee") Country (node ​​= & gt; node value == employee slogan) & gt; 0 select;  

    How i start with msbuild & nant for autobuild -

    I am new to MSbUnd & amp; Nant How do I start it in my envronment: .net3.5

    I think you are confused with two They are both mutually exclusive, Nant is an open source build framework that targets different versions of NAT. On the other hand MSBuild is bundled by Visual Studio

    Both devices create assemblies from the command line and can do many sophisticated things such as depositing in the folder you specify. They both use XML to specify targets, compiler options and so on.

    The best thing to do is to decide which key to use first and stick with it but it will help keep the risk for both tools, then read on it, get many articles and documents like this. Are there. For NAT, there is an offline HTML document that you can download for reading for MSBuild, the funds found on MSDN is money.

    Hope this helps, Best Shubers, Tom.

    deployment - Django redundancy and replication over two VPS accounts -

    I am gradually coming in the situation where one of my Django sites needs some robustness behind it. I am currently running a SQLite database with a Maccache on a single VPS. It's not about things as much as things can get.

    What do I have to do if I buy another VPS account? / P>

    • Replace with MySQL / PostgreSQL? What's the easiest? Replication protects me from a server explosion? What are concurrency downsides?
    • How do I load-balance between the two servers?
    • I also placed the memcatch on the new server, if I have both IPs in the configuration, will it keep a copy of the data on both servers? (I'm thinking about session data - currently stored in the memcatch)
    • I am currently using Cherokee as httpd - I am sure that it has its own problems if you have If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

    Am I going to go wrong on this? Is there an easy way of fast and more robust Django sites? First step: Switch from SQLite to a real production database (I like postgres) before you do it. Think of a second VPS, it should be a long time ago. Squealit does not basically support concurrency. Personally, I can not even consider deploying SQLite on a small site in the first place.

    If your site is running and working on SQLite, then my guess is that you are actually outgrowing your single VPS (unless it's already heavily loaded).

    If / when you have to add another server, then how do you configure things, it depends on where you are actually looking for a barrier. It is likely that this database will be a good step in this case, just take the database to your server (it is believed that you can guarantee low latency between two VPSs) and the database server is equally You can buy as much as you can afford. One of the most responsible for VPS in general disc display is, so one more step to consider is to put DB on raw metal.

    Before I think of DB replication or multiple web-level servers, maybe I would like to see those steps, but it really depends on the outline of your actual matter (and you can demonstrate Versus credibility) / P>

    Is there any Build management tool for Mercurial Repository? -

    I would like to know whether Mercury provides a built-in builder tool for the creation / packaging of source code.

    hg archive program can create a repository of your repo source code ( All metatical metadata and untracted files from zero). For example, to create a tarball:

      $ hg archive - see prefix = myproject / --type = tgz ~ / myproject.tgz  

    HG Support Collection for more information on usage and possible options.

    html - display: inline-block extra margin -

    इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P>

    • 32 जवाब

    मैं एक के साथ काम कर रहा हूँ कुछ div एस जो डिस्प्ले: इनलाइन-ब्लॉक पर सेट हैं और एक सेट ऊंचाई और चौड़ाई है। एचटीएमएल में, यदि प्रत्येक div के बाद एक लाइन ब्रेक होती है तो एक स्वचालित 5px मार्जिन डिव के दायें और नीचे जोड़ता है।


      & lt; div & gt; कुछ पाठ & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div & gt; कुछ पाठ & lt; / div & gt;  

    क्या कोई ऐसी संपत्ति है जिसे मैंने अनदेखा किया है जो मुझे स्वत: मार्जिन को रीसेट करने की अनुमति देगा?


    < P> मैंने जो पाया है उससे मार्जिन को हटाने का कोई रास्ता नहीं है ... सिवाय इसके कि आपके पास एक ही पंक्ति पर सब कुछ है या, लाइन ब्रेक के बारे में टिप्पणी करने के लिए टिप्पणियां जोड़ें। उदाहरण:

      & lt; div & gt; कुछ पाठ & lt; / div & gt; & lt;! - - & gt; & lt; div & gt; कुछ पाठ & lt; / div & gt;  

    सबसे अच्छा समाधान नहीं है, लेकिन अगर आपके पास कई पंक्तियाँ हैं तो पढ़ने में आसान है।

    डिवीज़ को इनलाइन-तत्वों के रूप में माना जाता है बस के रूप में एक स्थान या दो स्पैन के बीच लाइन-ब्रेक के अंतराल बनाएगा, इनलाइन-ब्लॉक के बीच होता है आप या तो उन्हें नकारात्मक हाशिया दे सकते हैं या आसपास के कंटेनर पर शब्द-अंतर: -1; निर्धारित कर सकते हैं।

    oracle - History records, missing records, filling in the blanks -

    I have a table that has a history of cost by location, these are updated on a monthly basis. For example

      Location 1, $ 500, 01 January -09 for 1, $ 650, 01-Fibi -2009 Area 1, $ 2,000, 01-APR -2009  

    If I query for March 1, then I want to return the price for February 1, not present from March 1. I have written a question using an oracle analytic, but it takes a lot of time (it will be fine for a report, but we use it to allow the user to view data from the front and switch the date Are required, for the very long time the table is something like 1 million rows). Therefore, the next thought was that I had to update the table with just the data while remembering. In the above case, I just add a record like 01-FE-2009, except on the 19-March-09 date.

    I was thinking that this is the best way of thinking of all of you. Do this. My plan is to create a cursor for only one place, bring the first record, bring it next, and if the next record was not for the next month, then enter a record for the missing month.

    A little more information:


    and then I'm using the query will have (the system date and Parklafa ). Table is almost 1 million rows, and, again, when is the right time for a report, it takes way too long for the interactive display

      Choose location, avg_defcost, avg_crv, fciyear fcimonth ,, from (location, avg_defcost, avg_crv, fcimonth, fciyear, fcidate selection fcidate, Max (fcidate) (breakdown service) fcidate more from my_max_date from FCIHIST_BY_MONTH & lt; = '01 December -2008 'and parkalpha = 'Saan') where fcidate = my_max_date;  

    It's the best way to a PL / SQL stored procedure that works Is behind the current and runs the queries that fail to return the data. Each month that fails to return data for this unavailable data it inserts a line.

      The process of creating or replacing fill_in_missing_data is cursor has_data_on_date selection locaiton, TRUNC (date_filed) is_date based on the location from the_table group, Trunc (date_field) sequence by sequence 1; date; Day_offress number; N_days_to_insert number; BEGIN a_date: = trunc (sysdate); For R1 fill_in_missing_data in the loop if r1.have_date & lt; Then a_date - the date inserted into a loop n_days_to_insert: = a_date - r1.have_date; - May be away from 1, test is required. 1 day for DAY_OFFSET .. n_days_to_insert loop - enter the_table (location, the_date, amount) values ​​in the missing day (r1.location, a_date-DAY_OFFSET, 0); End loop; end if; A_date: = r1.have_date; - It's a little tricky - I'm going to test it and update it in a few minutes end loop; End; - Is it possible top opt-out of INamingContainer if it's implemented by a superclass? -

    The UserControl class is inherited from TemplateControl which implements the ININGContainer. Since I was wondering if it is possible that the opt-out

    behavior of this interface brought with it is developing templated control based on a user control I am, and I FindControl (id) . I want to enter the control inside the template without using

    As far as I know it's not possible.

    math - Generating movement based on time t for real time ocean waves from an initial spectrum -

    I've spent the past week or so using a simple ocean using the Jörstner waves, but the tile roof There are problems with it, so I have decided

    Using IFFT, a height field immerses my toes in suspicious water of presentation.

    frequency spectrum

    2) Use it to convert vertical domain to spatial domain by using ifft to create height fields - of time Animating with

    From the beginning of this journey I have learned about things Complex Plane, Complex Exponent Equation, FFT and more detail etc. But after the initial steps to make the initial spectrum (still providing a texture made of the Gusli number with the average 0 filtered 0 and the SD with Philips spectrum) is still completely lost.

    My code is here to create initial data (GLSL):

      Float Phillips spectrum (vec2k) {// kLen is the Line = line of float = length ( Kashmir) depth of vector from center; Float kSq = kLen * kLen; // amp wave dimension; passed as a similar float amp = dimension; // l = velocity * valico / gravity float l = (velocity * velocity) / 9.81; Float dior = dot (normally (wavelength), normal (k)); Return Emp * (Dior * Die) * XP (-1.0 / (KSAC * L * L)) / (KSQ * s); } Zero main () {vec3 amount; // Screenshows are found - From center 0.0 and 0.0 / 0.5 in both directions // vec2 screenpos = VC2 (gl_FragCoord.x, gl_FragCoord.y) / Texys - vec2 (0.5,0.5); // random GUAS number vec2 random gag = vec2 (rand (screenpos), rand (screen grid.Yx)); // Freipal spectrum is used as a filter depending on location in the fractal domain float Phil = sqrt (Philips spectrum); Boat coeff = 1.0 / sqrt (2.0); Color = VC3 (coeff * randomGuass.x * Phil, Cauff * Random Gaussian * Phil, 0.0); }  

    which makes texture like this: Enter image details here

    Now how have I completely lost: a) Get the spectrum in three directions from the initial texture

    b) According to the slides, animate it according to the time described in this paper. 5

    I can be completely stupid and really ignore something - I have seen many letters and only myself Even after getting it lost in the formulas. help please.

    c++ - CImg saving images changes values? -

    So I'm using the CIMG library, which has some fun with images ... the issue is that when When I open a file, change its RGB values ​​and save it, the modified image does not contain changed values ​​or the original value.

      CIMG & lt; Unsigned four & gt; Image_out (img.c_str ()); Image_out (0,0,0) = 253; // New RGB values ​​image_out (0,0,1) = 248; Image_out (0,0,2) = 251; ("out.jpeg");  

    Then when I open the image again, then I get it as new RGB values ​​...

      R: 24 9G : 24 9B: 24 9 I do not really understand why the values ​​set by me are not being saved ... 

    Edit: Sorry, pixels (in relation to RGB) are 255, 255, 255.

    Do not use JPG, it is a destructive image format which does not preserve values ​​due to DCT compression Does. Use PNG or Bmp instead.

    javascript - Why do we need res.on('data'... defined for POST even if we are not doing anything with the data? -

    This issue got the debugging code where the following action was not performed:

      var Req = http .request (option, function (res) {// res.on ('error', CB (mistake)) res.on ('end', function () {cb ();})}} ;  

    Although the following is done:

      var req = http.request (option, function (res) {// res.on ('error' , Cb (err)) res.on ('data', function (chuck) {// why do we need it?}) Res.on ('end', function () {cb ();}); });    

    res is the variable one. If you click on the link and scroll down, you may receive:

    Note that the 'end' event will not fire unless Data is not fully used. / P>

    By adding 'data' event handlers, you use data.

    c++ - Why is the typeid name of this factory function built CRTP class not as expected? -

    I have a factory function that makes an example of an object class. Object class gets from std :: enable_shared_from_this The factory function creates an interim class that receives the object to create it.

    When I output type () to the object class, I get an unexpected result.

    The full example is here and it has been tested with GCC-4.9.2 and Claig-3.5:

    There is a factory function:

      Classroom ObjectBuilder {Public: Template & lt; Typename t, typename ... Args & gt; Fixed std :: shared_ptr & lt; T & gt; Make-Object (erg & amp; algs) {Structure Access: Public T} (Access (RGS & AG ... Algés): T (STD :: Forward & Lt; ARGEE & gt; (RGS) ... ) {// blank}}; // call t producer std :: shared_ptr & lt; T & gt; Ob = std :: make_shared & lt; Login & gt; (Std :: forward & lt; Ergas & gt; (Args) ...); Return ob; }}; Template & lt; Typename t, typename ... Args & gt; Fixed std :: shared_ptr & lt; T & gt; Make_object (Args & ... args) {Return ObjectBuilder :: make_object & lt; T & gt; (Std :: forward & lt; Ergas & gt; (Args) ...); }  

    Here is an object class:

      class object: public std :: enable_shared_from_this & lt; Object & gt; {Friends Class Object Builder; Public: Virtual ~ Object () {} std :: type_info const & amp; GetTypeInfo () {return typeid (* this); }  Protected Object() {} };  

    Creating an object and output it to its typical name:

      std :: shared_ptr  GetTypeInfo () .name ()) & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl;  

    I hope to output one:

      ObjectBuilder :: make_object & lt; Object & gt; () :: Access  

    Instead of a digital output:

      std :: shared_ptr  

    Why is there a std :: shared_ptr in the beginning? What does this represent?

    Besides an interesting / maybe related side note: TIFF is capable of reducing production, but GCC is not. The condensate output is:

      ZN13 objectbuilder 11 mace_object Ii object IEEEEST10 shaver_ctic IT_EDpOT0_E6 access  

    c# - How to use the "On Value Change" in Unity3D Input Field UI component -

    I follow a tutorial on how to work with Unity 3D and I hit a dead end is.

    I believe there is a change in a new version of unity because the tutorial works well as I am doing this.

    I have an input field UI component that I want to make every call to the C # function, I change it.

    According to the tutorial, I need to use the "On Value Change" property of the input field (script) and ask it to call some functions which string as an argument .

      public string player name; Public Zero Setname (string name) {playerName = name; Debug. Log ("Set Player Name:" + name, gameObject); Debug. Logs ("get the player name:" + player name, game object); }  

    However, this is nothing, my playerName property is always empty and I do not get anything in name .

    How can I go about doing this? I have seen the answer to the establishment of a listener in the start () function, and then here we have seen using UnityEvent :

    but there is another Is there any way to use Unity 3D graphical editor to do so that does not include writing this code?

    Yes you can add event handlers through the inspector InputField Select the game object and in the inspector Scroll down to the InputField section. Click + to add a new event handler, then select the received game object and method you want to call.

    Enter image details here

    Maven deployments and git branching hell -

    I am working on a page app and at some point we decided to do a rebranding (new skins and features) And we decided to re-architect our CSS, which has changed our HTML and JS. We should have merged the new branch of Master Lee at the earliest, but now for some marketing issues it has to be postponed for six months. If we merge the owner of the previous skin then it will be broken, which means that we can not deploy any improvement to live ... We are constantly merged with the master to keep the new branch up to date. , But they can not continue for six months ...

    One idea is to convert the version of the branch from 1.xx to 2.xx and start making branches of release and branch reasons To tag because The need to deploy private Bitas etc. Which leaves us with Master in Master in 1.xx and with a branch in 2.xx

    Other solutions may be to close the old topic for new CSS architecture, so that the master can For a long time to be able to merge back ...

    Is there any other way to solve such a problem? Can you see other problems with the first approach?

    Since the Jenkins option is turned away, it is viable to have my comment One answer is changed.

    Create a Jenkins job that tries to merge with the master's new branch at every branch in the master's branch. Merge failure does not push the actual merge result anywhere, if the job fails, it indicates that a person should manually merge. In this way, you only have to merge (during the next six months) when there is really some conflict.

    .net - IIS login challenge for ASP.Net applicaction -

    I have a legacy app that has a form based authentication. I need to set up a Dev environment and I have to be a challenge certification so that the site can only be seen by the Dev Team.

    When I add basic authentication to iis, it works, but it sets the context. request. Valid validity as the truth, the problem is that the same reference variables are used in both authentic ways, making them unbelievable. Is there a way to isolate these variables, or any other way to show a challenge login (no code changes) without interfering without an application.

    You can use Windows authentication and only the development team's permission to access the app can give.

    function - Not sure how this output is reached in C -

    I understand why the first print statement outputs -3 5 8 2 . But the second print output is 4 5 8 0 I know that 5 and 8 are because their respective values ​​remain unchanged, but I do not know How does w value 4 and z get the value of 0 I think the pointers in my The understanding can be a bit fuzzy.

      #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Zero mysterious (int * a, int * b, int * c) {* a = * c; * B = * b + * a; * C = * a - * b; } Int main () {int w = 5; Int x = 1; Int y = 3; Int z = 2; Mysterious (and x, and y, and y); Printf ("% d% d% d% d \ n", w, x, y, z); Mysterious (& amp; w; & amp; w; & amp; z;); Printf ("% d% d% d% d \ n", w, x, y, z); Return 0; }  

    If you translate the steps inside the mysterious Do * a , * b , * c going w , w , Z comes out of it respectively:

      w = z; W = w + w; Z = w - w;  

    Step through: z was 2 ; Therefore, w becomes 2 , then 4 ; And finally z becomes 4 - 4 which is 0 .

    php - PDO won't update my data in the database, why? -

    I am trying to use my database of PDOs and it just will not work. I can select data without any hiccup, but updating will not work right now. I do not get any error messages, but there is no change in my database after executing the query.

    This is my code, this method is part of a class, so the peda has been defined but I can modify the whole code here, important bits:

      public function Do ($ q, $ data) {{$ stmt = $ this- & gt; Pdo- & gt; Ready ($ q); $ Stmt- & gt; Execute ($ data); Back true; } Hold (PDOException $ E) {$ this-> Error = $ e-> GetMessage (); return false; }}  


      $ question = new query (base64_decode ($ _ POST ['value']), $ _POST ['question'] $ _POST ['code'], $ _POST ['number'], $ _POST ['ANSWER1'], $ _POST ['ANSWER2'], $ _POST ['answer3'], $ _POST ['answer4'], $ _POST ['correct answer']); $ Array = [': qid' = & gt; $ Question-> Qid, ': question' = & gt; $ Question-> Question, ': Code' = & gt; $ Question-> Code, ': number' = & gt; $ Question-> Number, ': answer1' = & gt; $ Question-> Answer 1, ': Answer2' = & gt; $ Question-> Answer 2, ': Answer3' => $ Question-> Answer 3, ': Answer4' = & gt; $ Questions- & answer; 4; ': Correct_answer' = & gt; $ Question-> Right_arms # 9]; $ Q = 'update question SET question =: question and code =: code and number =: number and ANSWER_1 =: ANSWER1 and ANSWER_2 =: ANSWER2 and ANSWER_3 =: answer3 and answer_4 =: answer4 and correct_answer =: correct_answer where question_id =: QID '; $ Db- & gt; Query ('SET NAMES UTF8'); $ Db- & gt; Modify ($ q, $ array);  


    Separate fields to update the update status, not with commas:

    < Pre = $ q = 'updated question SET question =: question, code =: code, number =: number, answer_1 =: answer1, answer_2 =: answer2, answer_3 =: answer3, answer_4 =: answer 4, right_ answer = : Correct_answer WHERE question_id =: qid ';

    xml - How can I read all data from text plain using xslt in Java? -

    मेरे पास निम्न पाठ फ़ाइल है (.txt):

      IT000000000000000545 पैनकेसीटोस 2 100 ग्राम बिम ओला आईटी000000000000000797 डेलटाटा 45 जी विधायक IT00000000000000001782Quequito अधिकतम 80 ग्राम Arrorico BIM  

    मैंने अपनी फाइल पढ़ ली है और मुझे एक XML मिलता है, लेकिन मेरा कोड केवल पहली पंक्ति पढ़ता है और मुझे सभी डेटा पढ़ने की आवश्यकता है I उदाहरण के लिए:

      & lt; आइटम & gt; & LT; आइटम & gt; & LT; निक & gt; आईटी & lt; / निक & gt; & LT; संख्या & gt; 000000000000000545 & lt; / निक & gt; & Lt; desc & gt; पेंकोसिटोस 2 100 ग्राम बिम ओला & lt; / nick & gt; & Lt; / मद & gt; & LT; आइटम & gt; & LT; निक & gt; आईटी & lt; / निक & gt; & LT; संख्या & gt; 000000000000000797 & lt; / निक & gt; & Lt; desc & gt; दालमता 45 ग्राम विधायक & lt; / nick & gt; & Lt; / मद & gt; ... & lt; / आइटम & gt;  

    यह फ़ाइल पढ़ने के लिए मेरा कोड है:

      & lt; xsl: स्टाइलशीट संस्करण = "2.0" xmlns: xsl = "http: // www / 1999 / XSL / रूपांतरण "& gt; & Lt; xsl: आउटपुट ओमिट-एक्सएमएल-घोषणा = "हां" इंडेंट = "हां" / & gt; & Lt; xsl: चर नाम = "vText" चुनें = "प्रतिस्थापित करें (अप्रभाषित-पाठ ('फ़ाइल: /// सी: / यूज़र / गुणवत्ता / डेस्कटॉप / टेस्ट।' '', '\ R', '')" / & gt; & Lt; xsl: टेम्पलेट नाम = "मुख्य" मैच = "/" & gt; & LT; आइटम & gt; & Lt; xsl: प्रत्येक चयन = "$ vText" & gt; & LT; आइटम & gt; & Lt; xsl: element name = "nick" & gt; & lt; xsl: मान का चयन करें = "substring ($ vText, 1,2)" & gt; & lt; / xsl: मान-की & gt; & lt; / xsl: तत्व & gt; & Lt; xsl: तत्व का नाम = "संख्या" & gt; & lt; xsl: मान का चयन करें = "सबस्ट्रिंग ($ vText, 3,18)" / & gt; & lt; / xsl: तत्व & gt; & Lt; xsl: element name = "desc" & gt; & lt; xsl: मान का चयन करें = "substring ($ vText, 21,40)" / & gt; & lt; / xsl: element & gt; & Lt; / मद & gt; & Lt; / XSL: के लिए-प्रत्येक & gt; & Lt; / आइटम & gt; & Lt; / XSL: टेम्पलेट & gt; & Lt; / XSL: स्टाइलशीट & gt;  

    मुझे लगता है कि आप test.txt को टोकन बनाना चाहते हैं नई सामग्री द्वारा सामग्री और इसे संसाधित करें मुझे उम्मीद है कि यह XSLT मदद करता है:

      & lt; xsl: स्टाइलशीट संस्करण = "2.0" xmlns: xsl = "" & gt; & Lt; xsl: आउटपुट ओमिट-एक्सएमएल-घोषणा = "हां" इंडेंट = "हां" / & gt; & Lt; xsl: चर नाम = "vText" चुनें = "tokenize (unparsed-text ('फ़ाइल: /// सी: / यूज़र / गुणवत्ता / डेस्कटॉप / टेस्ट।' '', '& Amp; #xa;')" / & gt; & Lt; xsl: टेम्पलेट नाम = "मुख्य" मैच = "/" & gt; & LT; आइटम & gt; & Lt; xsl: प्रत्येक चयन = "$ vText" & gt; & LT; आइटम & gt; & Lt; xsl: तत्व का नाम = "निक" & gt; & Lt; xsl: मान का चयन करें = "सबस्ट्रिंग (।, 1,2)" / & gt; & Lt; / XSL: तत्व & gt; & Lt; xsl: तत्व का नाम = "संख्या" & gt; & Lt; xsl: मान का चयन करें = "substring (।, 3,18)" / & gt; & Lt; / XSL: तत्व & gt; & Lt; xsl: element name = "desc" & gt; & Lt; xsl: मान का चयन करें = "उपस्ट्रिंग (।, 21,40)" / & gt; & Lt; / XSL: तत्व & gt; & Lt; / मद & gt; & Lt; / XSL: के लिए-प्रत्येक & gt; & Lt; / आइटम & gt; & Lt; / XSL: टेम्पलेट & gt; & Lt; / XSL: स्टाइलशीट & gt;  

    ios - Page does not resize to iPhone screen -

    I have created a magazine for the iPad and now I would like to make it available for the iPhone. The problem is that the HTML pages of the magazine do not completely change in the width of the iPhone and approximately 30% of pages are hidden on the right and require scrolling / dragging.

    I think the page should fit horizontally by 100% and it must be vertical.

    I already have & lt; Meta name = "viewport" content = "width = 1536" /> and and whenever on the iPad Does not change The iPhone page has been changed to the height of the device and hence it requires even more scrolling on the right.

    This magazine has only portrait mode.

    java - BufferedReader and InputStream wrong read -

    I have a big problem reading data from the stream.

    I have such code:

      BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (inputStream)); String topic = bufferedReader.readLine (); While ((bytesRead = (array, 0, array.length))! = -1) {// do something with the array of bytes}  

    First of all, let me meet The name of the subject, which has expired with one word, after this, I want to read the rest of the figures (I am reading it in section).

    The problem is that return -1 is because everything is read in bufferedReader. How can I fix this?

    Continue to use the buffer reader and do not let the data read from the side / bottom. Buffer is given to the previous reader so it can be read further and the inputstream is empty.

    It's like a pipeline if you start drilling a hole in the middle of it, hope that the oil is already flown with that new hole, so you can get the pipeline in between Can not get it open by opening

    TFS integration in WebStorm (Connection opened by different user) -

    I am trying to add a team foundation server to the webstream (I have enabled optional credentials) but I Receive the error:

      "The connection to the server was opened by a different user".  

    Can anyone help me?

    The problem occurs when "user name (secondary)" is used to enter To not set "user name (secondary)", use current pattern and "username (primary)".

    - View this ticket (Star / Vote / Comment) notified on progress (for a proper fix).

    php - Comparing two strings in XPath lexicographically -

    मेरे पास आइटम्स के साथ एक XML दस्तावेज़ है पुस्तक विशेषता के साथ .id , उदाहरण के लिए .id 'bk100', 'bk102', 'bk105', 'bk112', 'bk130' । मैं एक xpath बनाना चाहूंगा जो केवल उन आइटम्स को लौटा दे जो इस शर्त को संतुष्ट करें:

      .id & gt; 'बीके 104'  

    उस आइटम को .id 'bk105', 'bk112', 'bk130' के साथ वापस करना चाहिए। मेरे पास यह है:

      xpath ("// book [@ id & gt; 'bk112']");  

    लेकिन यह चाल करना नहीं लगता है क्या ऐसा करने के लिए कोई भी संशोधक है या क्या मुझे मैन्युअल रूप से इसे लागू करना है?

    जोड़ा गया था एक्सपैथ 2 में, जो दुर्भाग्यवश उपलब्ध नहीं है।

    आप उस चाल के साथ और कर सकते हैं।


      $ Xml = & lt; & lt; & lt; 'XML' & lt; books & gt; & Lt; पुस्तक id = "bk100" / & gt; & Lt; पुस्तक id = "bk102" / & gt; & Lt; पुस्तक id = "bk105" / & gt; & Lt; पुस्तक id = "bk112" / & gt; & Lt; पुस्तक आईडी = "बीके 130" / & gt; & Lt; / किताबें & gt; एक्सएमएल; $ Dom = नया DOMDocument (); $ Dom- & gt; loadXML ($ एक्सएमएल); $ Xpath = नया DOMXPath ($ dom); $ Xpath- & gt; registerPhpFunctions ( 'strcmp'); $ Xpath- & gt; रजिस्टर नामस्थान ("php", ""); विदेशी मुद्रा ($ xpath- & gt; क्वेरी ("पुस्तक: [php: functionString ('strcmp', @id, 'bk104') & gt; 0]" $ नोड के रूप में) {गूंज $ dom- & gt; saveXML ($ नोड ), "\ N"; }  


      & lt; पुस्तक id = "bk105" / & gt; & Lt; पुस्तक id = "bk112" / & gt; & Lt; पुस्तक आईडी = "बीके 130" / & gt;  

    अन्यथा आपको इसे मैन्युअल रूप से कार्यान्वित करने की आवश्यकता होगी।

    ruby on rails - Limiting CSS styles to one page/view using Bootstrap gem -

    How can I limit the styles to a page / view using the Bootstrap-Asus gem?

    For example, I created an app using GEM, and everything works fine I have created a test scene, and the code added for the bootstrap cover page (). To get the right styles for working I have imported the cover.css file into my property and it application like this. Called in CSS:

      @import "cover";  

    However this effect was that it is global and all my thoughts look like this. How do you limit style like index.html.erb?

    You are very close.

    Depending on your comment, you probably have a ... / app / views / layout / application.html.erb in which line and lt;% = stylesheet_link_tag 'Application', media: 'all'% & gt; . This is good because it covers all your pages for the common style (since the layout gives the visual base template). Alternatively, this row may appear in each of your pages, if they do not have a normal layout, but it is usually less dry.

    To limit a style, with a separate cover_set.scss single line @import "cover"; as you suggested in your OP (There are other ways, but this method is sure to pull in .scss . You can basically use cover.scss if you do not want or It is not required partial preparations.)

    Then if you want to apply that style to that scene (s), then use the following snippet:

      & lt ;% Content_for: header do -%> & Lt;% = stylesheet_link_tag 'cover_set', Media: 'All'% & gt; & Lt;% end -% & gt;  

    If you just want to use the original cover.scss , then simply cover instead of cover_set Code> Use & lt; HEAD & gt; Tags

    content_for structure works for JavaScript and whatever you want & lt; HEAD & gt; tag.

    java - Copy properties of bean containing list with Beanutils -

    मैं बीन ऑब्जेक्ट को Beanutils.copyproperties (कर्मचारी, कर्मचारी DTO) के माध्यम से कॉपी करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं । कॉपी करते समय यह मुझे कोई अपवाद नहीं डालता है, लेकिन जब मैं EmployeeDTO.getPhoneNumber () को पुनर्प्राप्त करने का प्रयास करता हूं, तो मुझे क्लाससेल अपवाद दिखाता है, क्योंकि डीटीओ ऑब्जेक्ट कर्मचारी ऑब्जेक्ट की फोन नंबर सूची दिखाता है।

      सार्वजनिक वर्ग कर्मचारी सीरियलजबल {निजी स्ट्रिंग नाम; निजी स्ट्रिंग वेतन; निजी सूची & amp; फ़ोन नंबर & gt; फोन नंबर = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; PhoneNumber & gt; (); ....} सार्वजनिक वर्ग कर्मचारी DTO सीरियलजबल {निजी स्ट्रिंग नाम लागू करता है; निजी स्ट्रिंग वेतन; निजी सूची & amp; फ़ोन नंबर & gt; फोन नंबर = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; PhoneNumber & gt; (); बीन यूटिल्स के माध्यम से सूची को कॉपी नहीं किया जा सकता है ...}  

    mysql - Cloud SQL PHP login -

    बस एक त्वरित प्रश्न:

    मेरे पास एक Google ऐप इंजन (वेबसाइट) और क्लाउड एसक्यूएल उदाहरण है इसके साथ संलग्न। मेरे पास एक डेटाबेस है जो वेबसाइट से जुड़ा है।

    इसके लिए एक PHP लॉगिन करने का सबसे आसान तरीका क्या है? उदाहरण के लिए क्लाउड एसक्यूएल उदाहरण पर एक उपयोगकर्ता डेटाबेस मुझे पता है कि यह कैसे सामान्य रूप से करना है लेकिन मैं अभी क्लाउड पर शुरुआत कर रहा हूं, इसलिए शुरू करने में कैसे अनिश्चित है।

    धन्यवाद अग्रिम!

    python - Get related order_id in function of wkf button with Odoo -

    मेरे पास sale.order.recpay

      वर्ग प्राप्त हुआ है (osv.osv): _name = '' बिक्री विक्रय.रेकपये '' _description = "प्राप्तकर्ता भुगतान" _columns = {'name_type': fields.selection ([('क्रेडिट कार्ड', 'क्रेडिट कार्ड'), ('बैंक ट्रांस्फर', 'बैंक ट्रांसफर'), (' ('अन्य', 'अन्य प्रकार')], 'प्रकार', जरूरी = सत्य, 'सीसी बुकिंग', 'सीसी बुकिंग', ('ccunbocked', 'cc unbooked'), ('नकद', 'नकद'), ('नोट'), 'डेटपे': fields.datetime ('दिनांक', चयन करें = "1"), 'रिकॉईवर्ड_टाउंट': फ़ील्ड.फ्लोट ('राशि', आवश्यक = सत्य), 'रिक्रिएव्हर्ड_ नोट' ), 'Payyment_id': fields.many2one ('sale.order', 'भुगतान', ondelete = 'cascade', आवश्यक = सच, चुनें = "1"), 'user_idpay': fields.many2one ('res.users' , 'तिथि', आवश्यक = सच, चुनें = "1")}} _defaults = {'user_idpay': लैम्ब्डा ओबीजे, सीआर, यूआईडी, संदर्भ: यूआईडी, 'डेटपे': लैम्ब्डा * a: time.strftime ('% Y-% m-% d% H:% M:% S '),}  

    वृक्ष Sale.order xml

    और एक वर्कफ़्लो बटन

      & lt; बटन का नाम = "signal_sale_fullpay_fnct" प्रकार = "ऑब्जेक्ट" राज्य = "प्रीपेयियॉइड, प्रीवॉइटिंग" Class = "oe_highlight"] स्ट्रिंग = "पूर्ण राशि प्राप्त हुई" / & gt;  

    और विंडो के लिए फ़ंक्शन

      डीईफ़ संकेत_सैले_पूर्ण_पए_फंक्ट (स्वयं, सीआर, यूआईडी, आईडी, संदर्भ = कोई नहीं): अगर आईडी नहीं: वापसी [] डमी, View_id = self.pool.get ('')। Get_object_reference (cr, uid, 'bcs_bus_gmbh9', 'view_payments_bcs_form_dialog') sale_obj = self.pool.get ('sale.order') paym = self.browse रिटर्न {'नाम': _ ("पंजीकरण करें"), 'दृश्य_मोड': 'फ़ॉर्म', 'दृश्य_आईडी': दृश्य_आईडी, 'व्यू-टाइप': 'फ़ॉर्म', रिटर्न {'नाम' 'Res_model': 'sale.order.recpay', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'nodestroy': सच है, 'लक्ष्य': 'नया', 'डोमेन': '[]', 'संदर्भ' : {'Payyment_id':,}}  

    सभी ठीक काम कर रहे हैं, लेकिन एक समस्या है! मुख्य समस्या ब्राउज़ करने के लिए है (विक्रय आदेश से जहां मैं इन रिकॉर्ड बना देता हूं) फ़ील्ड 'विक्रय आदेश' को डिफ़ॉल्ट के रूप में

    ! [ये बिक्री-क्रम में पॉपअप हैं, जहां मुझे इसकी आवश्यकता है कि डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से भर दिया जाएगा पुष्टि के क्षेत्र ()] [1]

    मैंने ऊपर से संदर्भ का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की है, लेकिन वह काम नहीं करता है

    कोई विचार?!