Thursday 15 July 2010

WPF Multiline ToolTip with data binding -

In our WPF application we show data bound to GridView , and one of the grid fields The filter field that is a combination of several sub-fields, in the grid, I show a simple string combination of fields, but I need to be the ToolTip to show the formatted presentation of the filter. Formatting can contain some or all of the filter fields.

I can change the class easily into the grid.

Can you recommend a way to bind the ToolTip by adding any field of data, in data, then it displayed well with many lines and indent goes? I want to avoid specifying all those areas that I want in XAML and want to hide them based on the data, but I would probably do that if I do not come with a better approach. Another option might be to create the ToolTip structure in the code in the ToolTipOpening event. Do you have a better idea?

I had the same scenario and using the DataTrigger in the style of tooltip hide and value their Show field in tooltip based on - What's causing duplicate character entry in my web form textboxes in IE? -

We have a fairly strong ASP.NET app that has a lot of use of AJX, Jack & CSS

Using CTRL + N, after opening a new example of the browser, when entering the data in the text box, if the user wants to enter "the", then they get instead of "ffoooobbaarr" is.

We can not separate it in a coherent debugging environment which spreads to machines. However, we can continuously duplicate the issue of specific box images or VM, but not on our developer machines (certainly!) We have a training center where every box has the same image and it is consistent on the basis of exercise. Sometimes this happens, sometimes it does not happen, it is very frustrating.

About these issues there are spotsy evidence around the IE6 related web, but there really is not any solution, as well as we can get IE7 & amp; IE8

How to debug it? Or maybe the answer is anywhere?

It sounds like a very double subscription - if you have to subscribe to events on Javscript page loads For both it will be when the original window is loaded as well for the new ones.

Given that CTRL + N does not create a new environment but creates a new window in the existing environment it is possible that your script is actually subscribing to the wrong window, I mean the new window If this is the case, then incidents will burn twice in the original window and neither in a new situation.

Depending on how the window is located, this browser may be specific or dependent on time.

c# - Return an empty collection when Linq where returns nothing -

I'm using the following statement with the intention of getting all the machine objects from MachineList I'm i of machinestats in the collection (type IEnumerable). The machine list collection will not always be the machine with the status of i .

Sometimes when there is no machine, I want to return a blank archive of MachineStatus i . My call works with ActiveMine (which is used earlier), but does not passive matches .

  Public INMMerable & lt; Machine & gt; ActiveMenance {Return Clients.Machinist. Where (M => M. Mccinstats == "A"); }} Public IEnumerable & lt; Machine & gt; Passive Matches ({Return Customers.MachineList, where (M => M. Mccinstatus == "I"); On the further examination it appears that any enumeration of  machine list  The reason for the subsequent enumeration is: 


: machine list to throw an exeception: Object reference

is not set for the example of the object. Therefore, it does not matter if the call is made MachineList As a problem ActiveMachines or passive matchbox this is particularly troubling because I write it in the clock before being told in the code just by MachineList . The lowest level is applied to machine list is being returned as NHibernate.IQuery a IEnumerable What is the reason for losing its contents after the initial countdown?

< P> Where there is no match, there is a blank sequence ; This is a perfectly valid sequence (not faucet). If you call first and default or SingleOrDefault , then you are the only way to get one tap.

Are you really a bug, where do you think it is?

  int? [] Nums = {1, 3, 5}; Var qry = nums..Where (i => i% 2 == 0); Console.light line (curie == zero); // false console Row (qry.Qount ()); // 0 var list = qry.ToList (); Console.WriteLine (list.Count); // var first = qry.FirstOrDefault (); Console.lightline (first == faucet); // true  

metadata - XML schema/format for representing a generic file format? -

Is there an existing XML schema that can be used to describe common file formats? There is some tag that says "file has a title which is x bytes long", "The first element of the header is a 4 byte unsigned integer, which shows the length of the file", etc. I need a format of this type and wanted to make sure that before I want to come with myself because it can already be out. Unfortunately, my Google searches have not operated me anywhere, but I do not know whether this is because there is nothing or I do not know the correct search terms.

I will consider what has been done for EDI. Their file formats are based on commerce, but what is included in your mind. mvc - MVC Updatemodel and Linq-To-Sql creates new entity instead of updating -

I have a survey form with the following data hierarchy

survey - & lt; Survey Question - & lt; Survey Q & A option

I use the update model to update the survey unit in my saved method which works fine for surveys and surveys, even though survey QuestionOptions updates appear when I Update all variables in the debugger check but I receive a new survey after calling the SubmitChanges QuestionOption records Door is


  & lt;% = HTML. Textbox ("Survey id", Model.Id)%> & Lt;% = Html.TextBox ("Survey.SurveyName", Model SurveyName)%> & Lt;% = Html.TextBox ("survey. Survey question [0] .Id", Model.Id)% & gt; & Lt;% = Html.TextBox ("survey. Survey question [0]. Question", model question)% & gt; & Lt;% = Html.TextBox ("Survey Survey Question [0]. Survey Q & A Options [0] .Id", Model.Id)% & gt; & Lt;% = Html.TextBox ("Survey Survey Question [0]. Survey Q & A Options [0]. Options", Model Options)% & gt; [AcceptVerbs (HttpVerbs.Post)] Public Action Result Service (Int. ID, ILIT & Lt; ChannelForm & gt; Channel Forms, Form Collection FC) {Survey Update Rider = New Survey ( ); // If this is an existing survey, record the record from the database to update (id! = 0) {updateSurvey = surveynRepository.GetSingle (Convert.ToInt32 (ID)); } {// updateSurvey and all child elements UpdateModel (Update Survey, "Survey"); SurveyRepository.Save (); See Return (); } Hold {return see ();}}  

Any help is appreciated

  survey update rider; If (id == 0) {updateSurvey = new survey (); } Other {updateSurvey = Survey Repository. Get SINGLE (convert toInt32 (ID)); } Try {{etetc  

debian package creating needed directories in preinst -

मेरे पास निम्न डेबियन संरचना है:

  • debian / usr / share / test
  • डेबियन / यूएसआर / शेयर / टेस्ट / टेस्ट / बी

dpkg-deb -build का उपयोग कर पैकेज को बनाने और इसे डीपीकेजी -i का उपयोग कर स्थापित करने के बाद, ऐसा लगता नहीं है कि फ़ोल्डर्स अपने आप परीक्षण करते हैं यदि वे मौजूद नहीं हैं। क्या मुझे पहले से स्क्रिप्ट में मैन्युअल रूप से बनाने की आवश्यकता है?

अद्यतनः समस्या थी क्योंकि पूर्व में एक त्रुटि थी, इसलिए इसे खोलने का कोई मौका नहीं मिला।


मेरे का एक उदाहरण देखें।

  debian / DEBIAN debian / usr / bin debian / usr / lib  

आपके पास कुछ विकल्प हैं:

  1. निर्देशिकाओं को से पहले फाइलों में जमा करें पैकेज बनाने (बाइनरी पैकेज)
  2. एक स्रोत पैकेज बनाएं जहां बनाने को पैकेज बनाने और उसे स्थापित करने के लिए कहा जाएगा। < / Li>

पहले मामले में, आपको एक preinst स्क्रिप्ट के माध्यम से निर्देशिका बनाने की आवश्यकता नहीं है: पैकेज पदानुक्रम बनाया जाएगा यदि पैकेज प्रबंधक द्वारा आवश्यक हो पैकेज स्थापित है।

दूसरे मामले में, आपको install चरण के दौरान फ़ोल्डर पदानुक्रम बनाने के लिए mkdir -p का उपयोग करना होगा।

मैं पिछले साल के दौरान डेबियन रिपॉजिटरी के लिए पैकेजिंग के 3 अलग-अलग तरीकों के माध्यम से रहा हूं और मुझे विश्वास है, इन खातों के विवरण कई हैं एक राहत को लॉन्चपैड और उनकी पीपीए प्रकाशन प्रक्रिया के परिचित बनाना था।

swing - How to use Windows 7 Jump Lists in a Java Desktop app? -

As the title suggests, we have a Java (swing) desktop application, and we are capable of doing something Want original access to jump lists (new windows 7 in taskbar)

In particular, we want to add some "User Tasks" to the list - the ability to start others in our application to close the module, perhaps all running modules, etc.

I know that we can do it through JNI or JNA and C API, but this is our last resort option. I hope this can be an easy way - something that the Sun has already implemented, or maybe a third party library or something

Google has not been helping anybody yet anybody have any ideas?

The Java Library provides new Windows 7 features for Java. It is said that you can create your own jump lists with it, of course it also supports "user work".

appstore approval - Does Apple's iPhone App Review Process use a business or calendar day? -

We are trying to plan release of our current and future iPhone app. I see that the App Store reviewed 95% in 14 days from 9/12/2009. I know this is an estimate, but I was wondering if anyone knew whether working with Apple Business Days (M-F) or they were talking about calendar days?

We waited 10 calendar days for the review today. I can only assume that the 14 day estimate starts today.

refers to apple calendar days I had updates of app and approved original presentations on weekends and if They were talking about business days, they would have mentioned it.

Updated by Enemy (6/21/2012: Although the answer was originally at the right time, the process of Apple has changed. According to the .com site, the approval process is referred to as the business day of the estimated time.

java - gwt hyperlink changeEvent -

How do I create a hyperlink to the current page, which fire the event of history change < / P>

For example, there is a token of foo on a hyperlink with a history

Am I at the mercy of the nature of the browser's behavior?

You can add clickthalers on the hyperlink to respond to your app, click the clickthaller app on your app Interface etc. should work to update. History will automatically update the token hyperlink based on the history token set in the history and history of the history. There is no need to call the NewItem () method.

To handle the arbitrary URL with your potential token, it has been pasted into the URL of the browser or by marking it with your users, you need to implement the Value Change Handler, for example check the document.

Impact Analysis using Eclipse for Java application with framework code -

Can affect analysis in Eclipse? If some sections and methods are required to be changed, then finding the effect of that change on the remaining application code (other classes and methods), the main issue is that when code is in addition to core Java which is XML, JSP, frame code etc. < / P>

One of the most advanced projects on this topic can be .
You can try it and check whether you provide some answers that you are seeing (Note: I have not tested it yet)

X Is an open source software visualization plug-in for the Eclipse framework. It provides system complexity, classroom and package dependency views for a given Java project.


other advanced Tools for finding code dependency (but are not free):

  • SO extraordinaire for the contributor
  • XDepend, (remove the structure of your imagery, applications and Frameworks)

Easiest way (and still free) remains to me for quick dependency analysis:

(Not directly integrated to eclipse, but to use Very easy)


silverlight textbox scrollbarvisibility -

I have a text box with a vertical scrollbar set to Auto, I want to test it to know Is the scrollbar actually appearing during the runtime? I have tried this statement:

If (text box 1. VerticalScrollBarbility == Scolarburbibility. Visual)

But that does not work. Any ideas?

Firstly enter the following extension method in the static category (either place the class in the same namespace as you Code or Namespace contains your code file using statement ): -

  public static IEnumerable & lt; DependencyObject & gt; Dynasty (this dependency object root) {int count = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount (root); (Int i = 0; i & lt; count; i ++) for {var child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild (root, i); Yield returns child; Along with this extension method you can open ScrollViewer inside the scroll bar, which is responsible for the scroll bar and its code  

> Tested> ComputedVerticalScrollBarVisibility . >

  if (textbox1.Descendents (.) OfType & lt; ScrollViewer & gt; (). FirstOfDefault (). ComputedVerticalScrollBarVisibility == Visibility Visible )  

SQL Server Enterprise Manager Download? (Or Windows 7 equivalent?) -

I maintain some older sites running SQL Server 2000 and 2005. On my old XP box, I access SQL Server Enterprise Manager to access them.

Now I am on a Windows 7 box, is that product still available for download / install and will run on Windows 7? I can not seem to find a download for specific component

or is there an option for Windows 7? I tried to install SQL Server 2008 Manager Express, but partly fails on Windows 7. I'm running XP virtual box, so I can get it with Enterprise Manager if I know where to install it.

Enterprise Manager only supports SQL Server 2000. You can not use it to access SQL Server 2005. Instead, you need SQL Server Management Studio you can download Express Edition here:

I'm both running the management studio and Windows 7 well.

For Enterprise Manager, this never is available for download. You had to install it from the media that came with SQL Server. Similarly, if you want a non-expressive version of the management studio, then you have to set it up while setting up for SQL Server.

asynchronous - Use PHP to sync large amounts of text -

There are many laptops in my area which need to get daily information from our servers. Each laptop has the installation of Server 2GO (Originally Apache, PHP, MySQL is running as an executable) which launches a local webpage The webpage calls the URL to our server using the following code:

  $ Handle = fopen ($ downloadURL, "rb"); $ Contents = stream_get_contents ($ handle); Fclose ($ handle);  

$ downloadURL brings a ton of information from a MySQL database on our servers and outputs the results as a tool I currently return the results as my own SQL statements I mean (i.e. - if I query from the database "name by name", then I can return to this tool "Name names in the text names" John Smith) "it takes information from online database and

The problem I have is that the amount of data is too large, the laptop webpage timed out while getting information from the server. I have set the PHP timeout limit too much, but still it is running in problems. Can someone think of a better way of doing this? Should the stream_gate_computers be connected to the server That's it, if I flush the data into smaller sections?

Thanks for any input.

What if you send data and generate SQL on the receiving side? It will save you lots of bytes to transmit you.

Is the data updated incrementally? To wit. Can you send changes only since the last update?

If you need to send a large part of the data, then you want to see seconds or zip methods, and unzip on the other side. (I have not noticed how to do this, but I think it is available in PHP)

perl - How do I find all lib directories under a Windows path? -

I get "no file found" when I run the script:

  File :: Use the basinum; My @dirs = grep {fileparse ($ _) = ~ / ^ [L | L] ib /} split / \ n /, dir e: \\ / ad / b / s; Print @ dirs;  

This is my real code, I will send grep to the full drive lib or Lib names and directories Trying the subdirectory.

If you are using code, then the only thing I can think of can be Is that an external dir.exe does not understand command line options for the cmd.exe underlying dir on your path. For example, with Sigwin's directories on my way, I can not access

 dir: / ad / b / s: no such file or directory 

You should show you the Precise output if you want people to enable help you more effectively.

To ensure that this does not happen, use it:

  Use strict; Use warnings; File :: Use the basinum; My @dirs = grep {fileparse ($ _) = ~ / ^ [LL] ib /} divided / \ n /, `cmd.exe / c dir e: \\ / ad / b / s`; Print "$ _ \ n" for print;  

Focus on backtax `` `. Also note the improvement in the pattern you are using.

c++ - scope of local variables of a function in C -

I have heard about the following scenario when I started programming in C.

" The result of local variables is the error (or the value of the garbage), while trying to reach out. Since the stack turns off when returned from the function "

But the code below my sample value is 50. I am compiling the code with the latest GCC compiler.

  #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int * left (); Int main () {int * p = left (); Printf ("% d \ n", * p); Return 0; } Int * left () {int i = 50; Return & amp; I; }  

Please highlight me on this issue.

Can I know behaviors in C ++ ?? It is similar to C. ..

The second code to print and you will see a different value from the first time compile it with the optimization and you will see another group of values ​​ do anything with the value and you are moving in the undefined area, which means The compiler is free to call the monsters through your nose.

On my system, call me 50 and then 0 ; With optimization, I see 0 and then 32767 .

If you create a local variable static , you can return it to the address since it gets globally (but remember that there is only one example in it is).

When a function returns, the local storage used on this stack is now considered "unused" program, since this stack does not go as high. Generally, however, the values ​​are still there, because there is no urgent need to clean them. Memory is still owned by the program, because at some point there is no point in returning some of the operating system to memory. Therefore, for your specific example, the memory in which you have compiled it has still been honored 50 officially, the value of * p Uncertainty , and an attempt to use it in undefined behavior.

There is an existential crisis of C language that on one side, it does not say anything about the various bits of stack and hexadecimal sludge which make the process of walking; On the other hand, it is necessary to understand those people to save themselves from crash, buffer overflow and undefined behavior. Just remember that you are lucky that the GCC warns about this.

c# - Convert.ToInt32() a string with Commas -

I have a string, which sometimes has to be separated from the number such as "code" 1,500 and I have to change it for any int, it is throwing an exception at present, someone can tell me how to fix this so that sometimes I can remove the input number and other time with commas with a comma and now it is Will also change

You can use and add a flag:

  Int num = int.Parse (toParse, NumberStyles.AllowThousands);  

Or to tell you when the operation is successful:

  int num; Use {// successful pars, 'num'}, if (int.TryParse (toParse, NumberStyles.AllowThousands, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, num))  

jquery - Cufon Nested Hover Problem -

Using multiple lists and hovering says that 'parent' Cufon transforms style child following examples In, when you hover the second level link, it will be replaced by a different weight.

Is there any alternative that nested style remains the same or is this bug / border within Cufon?

  & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Top level & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Top level & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Top level & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Second level & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Second level & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Second level & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Top level & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Top level & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Cufon.replace ('ul li a', {hover: true, fontWight: 200}); Cufon.replace ('ul li ul a', {hover: truth, fontite: 700}); & Lt; / Script & gt;  

Firstly the solution: Use selectors who do not Make matches where the set of elements overlaps.

  // only selects the first level link Cufon.replace ('ul: has (ul)> li a', {hover: true, fontWight: 200}); // Only the second level link selects Cufon.replace ('ul: not (: (ul)) a', {hover: true, fontWeight: 700});  

Explain why your selectors + make cephalon problems

The problem arises from your selectors.

  ul li - - & lt; A & gt; Selects all 8 versions of ULLU-A - & gt; & Lt; A & gt; Selects only 3-second-level frequencies of  

This means that you actually have the second level & lt; A & gt; -Tags for fontWeight has been mentioned twice is regrettable that Cufon does not apply the expression only, which is higher, the behavior will depend on whether the Cufon internal form How to store many matches in this way.

After some tests, it seems that Cufon reverse order changes you to () in the statements. E.g.

If you

  Cufon.replace ('ul li a', {hover: true, font width: 200}); Cufon.replace ('ul li ul a', {hover: truth, fontite: 700});  

All links will appear in blue and the font near the second level link will focus up to 700, then they will get 200 sets of fonts.

If you switch order

  Cufon.replace ('ul li ul a', {hover: true, fontWeight: 700}); Cufon.replace ('ul li a', {hover: true, fontWight: 200});  

Initially the font will be 200 200 in all links, 2-level-link will get 700 sets.

You say the behavior change according to your order.


I do not know what Qufon and I really do not understand what you I'm not particularly sure that if you use the option made by you, in the cufon or if it really means that you set the fall, then when the time is slipping When

there is a difference

  Cufon.replace ('ul li a', {hover: true, fontWight: 200});  


  Cufon.replace ('ul li a', {hover: {fontWeight: 200}});  

200 from the first set and if the element is pressed, sets the font from 200 to 200, which is the fontWeight Changed in that time

Later only converts the element to fontWight 200, while the element is no longer kept.

I'm not sure which one you want to use.

java ee - How do I find absolute URL of an action in Struts 2 -

Assume that I have two actions details and edit

I need to display in a view that is related to the detail action, a link that indicates the action to be edited. The problem is that I should complete this link. How can I get an edit action URL?

Maybe s: URL tags and s: A tags will help? - DNN 5.0 Modules available for Free or less cost -

I'm just planning to work on CMS like blog, forum, chat, broadcast, video, document management, survey , Dashboards, ads, alerts & amp; Reminders, events, tasks, etc.

I am thinking of using DN for development because I think most of the modules are available, so I just need to optimize.

Besides this, what are all the modules available for DNN 5.0?

Please provide the link for this. There is a very good social networking module available for DN 5.x, which is Vivo Social.

You can go to the site to view the demo at and to download you can go to I have used it on my portal and it has many features, many of you want


iphone - Get MP3 info from remote file -

I was playing with the iPhone SDK and I wanted to get MP3 information from a remote file:

  NSString * filepath = @ ""; Seafrrrrf audiofile url = cfrccreative string (zero; (CF stringerf) filp, faucet); AudiofileID audiofile; If (noErr! = Audiofile open URL (audiofile URL, FSRDprim, 0, zero)) {NSLog ("error -: could not open audio file. Path was given:% @", audiofile url); }  

Why does not this work?

This is not possible Remote MP3 files ...: (

64bit - Clearcase Remote Client in Visual Studio 2008 on a 64-bit client? -

I am trying to work on CCRC 7.0.1 client on Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 under Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Customer Right now, it works inside VS 2005 on the same customer. I am following the instructions on, but I have no luck. Did anyone have to work with VS2008 on 64-bit systems with CCRC 7.0.1? What am I missing?

We only see CC7.0.1 work with VS 2008, but only for customers like XP32 ).

All installations and integration moves with VS2008, I know that in this (you mention by the same IBM Texotote), together with some initial advice.

iphone - Objective-C NSURL URLWithString appears to fail when using variable -


then this is my first posting on StackOverflow, so I'm sorry if my request is not made well.

I am trying to load a variable with type NSString in an NSURL with the following line:

  Audioplayer = [[Audioplayer alloc] initPlayerWithURL: [NSURL URLWithString: aArchiveItem.streamURL] Rep: Self];  

And in the Audioplayer implementation I am using:

  - (id) initPlayerWithURL: (NSURL *) URL representative: (id & lt; AudioPlayerDelegate & gt;) aDelegate {self = [Super Init]; Delegate = one delegate; Queue = [[audioquake alooc] initQueueWithDelegate: self]; FileStream = [[audiofilestream allocess] initFileStreamWithDelegate: self]; [Open file stream]; Request = [[[AUDIOUVAVEAST] initRequestWithURL: URL Rep: Self]; Self return; }  

When I populate with a URL string (eg URLWithString: @ "") call to work hardcoded lossless Audioplayer, but when it fails prices aArchiveItem.streamURL To try ..

Am I doing wrong here?

Perhaps before you can use the URL to your url white following spaces:

  Arciveitemkstrimurl = [Arciveitemkstrimurl Stringbitrimmingcrktersinset [Nscractorset Whitspasndnevlinecrkterset]];  

c# - How to specify a generic type should be marked with an attribute? -

I know that I can:

  public class sample class & lt; TSERIALABLE & gt; Where TSerializable: Iserializable  

How can I write a sample class which only accepts classes that are marked instead of SerializableAttribute?

You can not do this on the compiler, such as adding something to FxPP.

The best you can do at runtime (once), probably through a stable manufacturer who verifies the question in T and capturing your unit tests Gives an error to:

  Public class sample class  (); // fine new sample class  (); / / Fail}}  

c# - Negating a method call in an Expression tree -

I am generating the AC # link expression dynamically, which will run the string (below example). Collection Value.

  var dynamicMethod = "include"; Var parameter = expression. Parameter (Typf (Myclass), "Type"); Var Properties = Expression Property (parameter, "mimper per"); Var constantValue = expression Constant ("property value", property type); Var method = property.Type.GetMethod (dynamic method, new [] {property.Type}); Var expression = expression. Call (property, method, continuous view);  

For the above code, I want something equal! Contains.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.

What about it? It would simply be:

  var condition = expression Not (included_call);  

c# - How to unit test the default case of an enum based switch statement -

I have a switch statement in a factory that gives a command based on the value of the ambile. Something like this:

  Create public ICommand (EnumType enumType) {switch (enumType) {case (enumType.Val1): New SomeCommand (); Case (Anom Type Val 2): ​​Return to a New Commands (); Case (enumType.Val3): back some SomeCommand (); Default: Delete new argumentOffer exception ("unknown anonymous type" + ass type); }}  

I currently have a switch case for each value in enum. For each of these cases, I have unit tests. How can I test the unit that in the default case any error occurs? Obviously, at the moment I can not go into an unknown type of anum type, but who says that it will not change in the future. Can I expand or duplicate EnumType purely for unit testing anyway?

Try the following (

It is true that any value you choose for the "default" case may be a valid value one day. Just add a test that it is not in the same place, you check the default.

python - Numpy meshgrid in 3D -

Namsexual meshgrid is very useful for converting two vectors to a synced grid. It is the easiest to extend it to three dimensions. What's the way So given the three vectors X, Y, and Z, the creation of 3x3D arrays (instead of 2x2D arrays) which can be used as coordinates.

postprop = "itemprop =" Meshgrid's source code:

  def meshgrid (x, y): "" "two Return coordinates matrix from coordinating vectors "Parameters ---------- x, y: Two 1-D arrays representing the x and y coordinate of the grid. Returns ------- X, Y For `ndarray vectors` x``,` y 'with `y` length,` `xx`` = lane (x)` `and` `ne = lane (y)` `, return` x', `y ', where` x' And`Y '`` (NE, NX) `` `` `` `` `` ` The element of y, the second for `y`, besides-------- index_tricks.mgrid: using a multi-dimensional" mashgrid "indexing notation index.tricks.ogrid: the creation of an open multidimensional" mashgrid " Examples of using indexing notation -------->>>> X, Y = N. P. Mesegrid ([1,2,3], [4,5,6,7])> Gt; & gt; & gt; X Array ([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]) Yesh array ([4, 4, 4], [5, 5, 5], [6, 6, 6], [7, 7, 7]]) to evaluate the function on the grid; `meshgrid `Very useful & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; X = np.arange (-5, 5, 0.1)> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Y = NP Color (-5, 5, 0.1)> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Xx, yy = np.meshgrid (x, y)> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Z = np.sin (xx ** 2 + yy ** 2) / (xx ** 2 + yy ** 2) "" "x = asarray (x) y = asarray (y) numrows, numCols = lane ), Lan (x) # yeah, back x = x.reshape (1, numcols) x = x.repeat (numres, axis = 0) y = y.reshape (numres, 1) y = y.repeat (numcols, Axis = 1) Returns X, Y  

This is quite easy to understand. I have extended the pattern to an arbitrary number of dimensions, but this code is not optimized in any way ( And not completely error, hope it helps you:

  def meshgrid2 (* AR): arrs = tuple (reverse (aria) )) #edit lens = map (len, ARM) dim = LAN (ARI) sz = 1 in lens s: sz * = s ans = [] i, Earn an ARM: ARA = SLC = [1] * Slow SLC [i] = lens [i] Arr2 = asarray (arr). Receiver for JS (SLC), Siege in Enzરેટ (lens): If J! = I: arr2 = arr2.repeat (sz, axis = j) Ans.append (arr2) returns to (ans)  

c# - Dictionary not deserializing -

I have a problem where a dictionary in my project is either not serializing or deserializing after Deserializing, the data I serialized The bus is not in the object.

Here the relevant cutting of the class is serialized:

  class person: ISerializable {personal dictionary & lt; Relation, from the list & lt; Integer & gt; & Gt; Relationships = New Dictionary & lt; Relationship, list & lt; Int & gt; & Gt; (); ("Relationship", typef (dictionary & lt; relationship, list & lt; int & gt; & gt;);). } Public Zero GetObjectData (SerializationInfo Information, Streaming Conference Reference) {info.AddValue ("Relationships", This Relationships); }}  

Note, this is binary serialization, everything in project series and deserialzes properly.

This works fine for me:

  System usage Tax; Using System.Collections.Generic; Use the system. time. Timeliness; Using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; Using System.IO; Class program {[serializable] class relations {} [serializable] class person {personal dictionary & lt; Relationship, list & lt; Int & gt; & Gt; Relationships = New Dictionary & lt; Relationship, list & lt; Int & gt; & Gt; (); Public person () {} Public Zero AddRelationship () {Relationships. (New connection (), new list & lt; int & gt; ()); } Public int count () {Return relationships; Calculation; } / * Public person (serializationInfo information, streaming contact reference) {this.Relationships = (dictionary & lt; int, list & lt; int & gt; & gt;) info.GetValue ("relationship", typef (dictionary) ; Relationship, list & lt; int & gt; & gt;);; } Public Zero GetObjectData (SerializationInfo Information, Streaming Conference Reference) {info.AddValue ("Relationships", This Relationships); } * * /} Public static zero main () {person person = new person (); Person.AddRelationship (); BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter (); Memorystream stream = new memorystream (); Formatter.Serialize (stream, person); Stream Search (0, SeekOrigin.Begin); Person = (person) formatter.Deserialize (section); Console.light line ("count:" + person. Counts ()); }}  

Note: The other manufacturer and GetObjectData are not required, although adding them can not break anything if I'm making your code bigger, then maybe you do some work You can post a modified version of the Runnabal code that shows the failure you saw. You can either remove things from your code unless it is simple enough to post a compiling version without the need for external sections, or do not reproduce this error until you add things to - whatever your Easy to do

that regenerates the error in the process of creating a simple movable version, so that you can solve the problem.

windows - Examples of Native Apps Using Flash as the UI? -

I'm considering using Flash as a native Windows app UI for several reasons, but before that That I started dive-building, I thought I wanted to find out the community that today a particular person has a good example of this particular approach, just to prove this concept satisfying.

So I think this is a lot of question: Has someone made specially? Or better, a relatively broad distribution reveals an app that reflects the viability of this approach?

Thanks in advance!

Adobe's own creative suite supports flash based panels, in fact, I believe That most panels in Flash CS4 are created with Flash I'm 100% sure that the library is made in Flash, and many other panels are looking the same and it seems that the original OS is definitely not.

When I worked, then the Flash application allows the content app to create flash dashboards using excel data in the original Windows app. The drawing area is a WYSIWYG view of the result that is running on the flash player. The property editing window for each component is also made with Flash I think they are skin-to-screen, but giving some statements of this fact There are indications that they are flash

Cognos LAE Backup Automation (Batch File?) -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text">

7.4 security within Cognos .. All of your users will be able to create a LAE file to export ...

Directions here ...

Now you will notice the bottom. "Finally, it is possible to construct an automated process for this task, but it is beyond the scope of this document. If you think that an automated process is something that your organization does, then it is a technical process with Cognos Planning expertise. It is important to be able to be obtained using Rammarddwara. "

Does anyone have a batch script ... or command line for access manager .. to export a LAE file ? I want automatic backups of my users of a disaster. This can not be requested before.

Tia, Kirby

sub-mast () dim objAuthApp object dim objAuthDoc form In the object dim objLAEConfig the object dim as the object objDSConfig dim as Laef

  laef = "\\ backupsserver \ Backup \ LAEBackup-" & amp; Year (now) & amp; "-" & amp; Month (Now) & amp; "-" & amp; Day (now) & amp; ".lae" objAuthApp = CreateObject ( "Authenticator2.Application") objLAEConfig = objAuthApp.LAEConfigurations.Add (laef) objDSConfig = objAuthApp.DSConfigurations.Add ( "servername", 389, "o = Coogo, DC = com", 0) objDSConfig.DefaultSecuritySource = true objAuthApp.Export ( "default", "admin", "password", true, false) objAuthApp.Quit () objDSConfig = nothing objLAEConfig = nothing objAuthDoc = nothing objAuthApp = anything Not even End Sub  

bash - How to print variable inside awk -

I want to interpret awk as a variable

  #! / Bin / bash file = tau f = 2.54 command = also awk '{sum = = $ 2}; END {print '$ {file} _ $ {f} _ $ {order} _v1.xls', sum / nr}' $ {file} _ $ {f} _ $ {order} _v1.xls & gt; & Gt; Secure / P-State Summary XL  

I want the desired output as follows -

  tau_2.54_even_v1.xls yoga / nr  

Can anyone help me with it?

I think this is what you want: > #! / Bin / bash file = tau f = 2.54 command = also awk "{sum + = \ $ 2}; END {print \" $ {file} _ $ {f} _ $ {order} _v1.xls \ ", sum / Nr} "\ $ {file} _ $ {f} _ $ {order} _v1.xls> & Gt; Secure / P-State-Summary Xls

ruby - What is the best way to match id's against a regular expression in Hpricot? -

Looks beautiful, it is very easy to see how I can remove all elements with a given ID or class using the CSS selector. Is it possible to remove elements from a document based on a match against some regular expressions of some of those elements?

If you want to do something like this: ("// div [@ id = / regex /]")  

So I do not think it can be done. Alternatives are to find all the elements and then remove the results that do not match a regex.

  result = ("// div") results .delete_if (| X | x.to_s! ~ / Regex /)  

Many The alternative approach is I. There are two other suggestions in this thread.

Note, depending on the fact that you are trying to match, you may be able to use the "supported, but different" syntax, for example:

  e [@foo $ = "bar"]  

oop - Using Singletons in PHP -

I want to use a DB singleton in several classes of classes. Is it possible for each method to institute singleton individually, or to make it instant through a __ constructor () and access it with a variable in each method?

Thank you.

Keeping this in mind, a result will be similar: only one example of your DB object will be , And it's always the same.

Therefore, both solutions will work, and produce the same result; At least, if your DB class is made an example of your class every time - and obviously, the performance difference might be negligible.

Still, getting a singleton example in constructor with the solution and using the class variable in other methods is a benefit: your methods will not depend on this singleton, but only one On the class variable ...

... which means it will be very easy (if you want to use only one day then you can modify your __ Construction method And can not do every method of the class) For example, to "fake" "deep" for automated testing purposes.

For more information, you can view this blog post:

mysql - Getting the total amount of results in a paginated query -

In my ROR app, I have a query that can remove 0 to 1000000 results anywhere, that I limited to 16 Provide pagination for and page:

  find (all: conditions => conditions, limit = & gt; limit, offset = & gt; offset)  

I can tell the user how many results they are versus watching. What is the best way to get the total amount of rows without doing some non-limited queries such as the total amount of the result showing "500 of something", which will definitely slow down in the case of big results? I would like to remain a database atheist.

It would appear that I should have used Google something more well In order to calculate a practical database of railways, a class (going to shape) has been made. I've wound up using code like this:

  result = get (all :: conditions => conditions, limit => limit, offset = & gt; offset ) Total_count = count (: terms = & gt; conditions) return {: results = & gt; Result, total_count = & gt; Total_count}  

'Unknown key(s): having' In Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord Find Method -

I have a project that would sort out one of my active record models and return a relevant record Aggregate function is required to be used. The problem is that despite this being used on many rail tutorials, and despite being in the online ActiveRecord documentation, my rail application throws this error on me when the method is called:

  Unknown key):  

Any ideas why?

I'm using it like this (I have : group = & gt; which works before, without: code is implemented properly, Is not filtered - which I want.):

  question.find (: all,: select => ", questions.text, questions.question_type_id, questions. Meta, questions.max_answer_length, real as CAST (COUNT ( / CAST ((from application_forms to SELECT COUNT (*) AS) ASpr1 ",: joins =" ​​Gtc: max_answer_length ",: having => [ "Expr1" = 0. ", 0.75])  

Are you sure That Is the version of your version of ROR updated? ActiveRecord offers support for: (I think) for 2 years now, but maybe you're just using an older version?

If you can not update the environment then you can use HAVING section after adding it to the end of your group.

Best Wishes, Fabian

c# - How do I get Absolute Root Links in ASP.NET MVC 2.0 beta Areas? -

The login link looks like this:

  <% = html ActionLink ("Logon", "Logon", "Account")%>  

which gives the following link in the browser:

  http: // localhost: 2300 / account / logon  

However, if I switch to area , such as content , then the login link looks like this now:

  http: / / Localhost: 2300 / content / account / logon  

... which definitely fails because any account controller in content Code> not> field.

How do I change my call in the ActionLink so that it is http: // localhost: 2300 / account / logon

Try instead.

Pointers in c (how to point to the first char in a string with a pointer pointing somewhere else in the same string) -

If I have an indicator that is pointing somewhere in a string, then we say that it points to the third letter (We know the letter position, basically we do not know that it is the third letter), and we want to point it back to the first letter so that we can tap the string, how do we do it?

> For example:

If we have ascii as an indicator in the ascii string Somewhere pointing out, and how do I do it?

(Note: I tried to say that

  int len ​​= strlen (ascii); ascii - = Len; ascii = '0';  

but this is not working, this is where the indicator is, but not the first letter of 0)

You can not have C and C ++" no hidden costs "rule, which means, except for other things, no one else secretly introduces your strings to you Is going to launch. Another common thing is the array size; You have to store them yourself too.

javascript - Is this an efficient way to convert HTML to text using jQuery? -

I'm trying to convert HTML to plain text, is it efficient? Am I missing something?

  txt = $ ("body"). ("Script, Noscript, Style, Hidden"). Remove (). End (). Text ();  


HTML is text.

Edit Try it ...

  // Get the existing body text html html = $ ("body"). (); // Create a new jQuery object outside body text and delete the desired elements. Var text = $ (html) .remove ("script, noscript, style, hidden"). Text ();  

iphone - how to select multiple photos from photoalbum by programming -

I want to choose multiple photos from photolom by programming, can you tell me how.

Thank you very much

Best regards,


It seems that it is impossible, please check here

css - Center on anchored image after jump? -

When I jump to an expanded (4000px) page on an anchor tag, the anchor image is aligning horizontally to the right . How do I get to align the center? I have tried many things but no one seems to be working. Since I am new here, I am not allowed to post the code, so I hope I am quite clear.

Thank you for your help,

Robert C.

This issue arises because the browser will give the least amount of scrolling necessary to look at the anchor element. Thus, if it goes to the right of the viewable area, when the anchor tag is clicked, it will only scroll enough enough to reveal the whole element.

You can correct this behavior with javascript if this is an option, you will not be able to click it directly with #tancer CSS.

Here's a "solution" by using jQuery. I have a "solution" in the quote because it may be related to the problems you may want. For example, without the forward JS, the back button will not work to go to the previous link.

Turn off this link to the page you link it to & lt; Head & gt; Tags:

  & lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () {$ ("a [href ^ ="]). Click (function (e) {var id = $ (this) .attr ('href'). Substr (1), $ target = $ ('* [Name =' + id + '] img'), $ window = $ (window), offset = $ target.offset (); var left = offset.left - ($ window.width () / 2) + ($ Target.width () / 2); var top = - ($ window.height () / 2) + ($ target.height () / 2); $ ('html, body') ScrollTop (Top) .scrollLeft (left); e.preventDefault (); // Keep the browser from trying}};}); & Lt; / Script & gt;  

This will find all the one tags with the internal link (starts with href # ). Then it finds the goal of receiving that name, and the child grabs the img tag then it defines the img element and the dimensions of the window Does anything math offset with img elements, and it scrolls in the center

How to add django-db-log models to admin panel? -

Just install the django-db-log module and is trying to work it properly. 'Python syncdb' command-built database, it seems that logging works, but there is nothing about it in the admin panel as I have found in the document, it should be added to the admin panel without any additional configuration, But then I added 'djangodblog.middleware.DBLogMiddleware' and 'djangodblog' to INSTALLED_APPS in MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES It seems that nothing happens. What am i doing wrong

Thank you for your solution, I had the same problem that DjangoDodblog table was not shown in my admin interface is.

However, I have recently installed the DNS_log_log-1.5.0-py2.6.egg with Django 1.1.1 version.

I created my Django project in Dijonoblog Directory in Project Dyer, then my admin interface shows the Designblog table.

Thanks and Best Relationship

oop - Finding Perimeter and area of a Rectangle object? (C#) -

I know that the formula to find the area of ​​a rectangle is only the length * width, and peremiter formula 2 (length) + 2 (width) My question is, what is the most effective way of finding the area and perimeter of rectangular object made from other objects?

My code snippet:

  square rectangle {left public line {get; Set; } Public Line Top {Received; Set; } Receive the public line correct; Set; } Public line {received; Set; } Public Rectangle (): This (new line (new point), new point ())} {} public rectangle (line diagonal) {point start_aagonialpoint = diagnose; start; Point endangionpointpoint = diagnostic End Point; Int begXC = beginner GnialPoint XCoord; Int begYC = ExternalDioialPoint ICoord; Int endXC = Finished DeGonel Point.xCoord; Int endYC = Finished DeGonel Point. ICoord; Point Right Sideend = New Point (AndXC, BEGC); Point leftand = new point (BGXC, ANDYC); Right = New Line (Finished Degonial Point, Right Sideend); Left = new line (start application, leftendend); Top = new line (left sideend, end to denotiable point); Down = new line (right sideend, beginning application dagoni); }}  

I want to write two methods, to calculate the area, to calculate another perimeter, how should I go with the objects?

I know that I can take xfinal - yinitial for xinitial coordination and length for xfonal coordinate - width, but there is another / or better way of doing this with objects?

Thank you!

Your circumference is (ANDXC - BQXC) * 2 + (ANDYC ) - begYC) * 2

Your area is (AndXC - BQXC) * (ANDYC - BIICC)

... Poitic X and Y instructions to hold the digits (otherwise < / P>

If the area and perimeter are likely to be called, you can calculate them and store them on the int

wpf - Using a StaticResource SolidColorBrush to define the Gradient Stop Colors -

I am creating some wpf resource dictionaries with all the styles for an application! I have some LinearGradientBrush es, where the color is directly set as L inearGradientBrush in the context of GradientStop s However, I have a predefined color To which I can use the AA reference for each GradientStop , so changing the color scheme for the application is the case of changing values ​​of SolidColorBrush es: < / P>

  & lt; Solid color brush color = "# 5A5A5A" x: key = "colorbrush mammium" /> & Lt; Solid color brush color = "# 222222" x: key = "colorbrush dark" /> & Lt; LinearGradientBrush & gt; & Lt; GradientStop color = "{static resource colorbrushes median}" /> & Lt; GradientStop color = "{StaticResource colorbrushDark}" offset = "1" /> & Lt; / LinearGradientBrush & gt;  

With the above code example, I get the following error:

The value in the attribute can not be changed in the 'color' type of object For 'System Windows.Media.Color' '# 5A5A5A' property is not a valid value for 'color'

This line refers to the line where & lt; GradientStop color = "{StaticResource colorbrushMedium}" /> is defined.

Any thoughts?

OK, I got the problem:

Color and not SolidColorBrush .. < / P>

  & lt; Color x: key = "colorbrush mammium" & gt; # FF5A5A5A & lt; / Color & gt; & Lt; Color x: key = "colorbrush dark" & gt; # Ff 222222 & lt; / Color & gt; & Lt; LinearGradientBrush & gt; & Lt; GradientStop color = "{static resource colorbrushes median}" /> & Lt; GradientStop color = "{StaticResource colorbrushDark}" offset = "1" /> & Lt; / LinearGradientBrush & gt;  

It seems to solve my problem!

javascript - flagging duplicates in an array -

After requesting some user images, I end up with an array like this:


I need to highlight items that have several times in the label array (here:" picture ").

Ideally, there will be a flag (A) for the item whose label is label again later in the array, and for the last event Second flag (B) (i.e. portraits of both John and Jim have been flagged while Jane Becomes B).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but it may be that you Need to collect? Owner: "Jim"}, {Name: "Picture", [name: "Picture", Owner: "John"}, {Name: "Home", Owner: "Jim"} : "Gym"}, {name: "picture", owner: "jane"}, {name: "cat", owner: "jane"}]; Var byName = {}; (Var i = 0, l = data. Length; i & lt; l; ++ i) {ifName [data] .name]) {name [data] .name] = []; } Door [Data [i] .name]. Push (data [i] .owner); } // byName == {Picture: ["John", "Jim", "Jane"], Home: ["Jim"], Cat: [By "Jane"]} By Owner = {}; (Var i = 0, l = data. Length; i & lt; l; ++ i) {if by [[data [i]. Manager]] {by [data [i]. Manager] = [];] Onner [Data [i] .owner]. Push (Data [.]);}

Or maybe you prefer it better: Owner: "Jim"}, {Name: "Picture", Owner: "Photo", [Owner: "John"}, {Name: "Home", Owner: "Jim"}, For Var byName = []; (var i = 0, l = "0"), "Jim"}, {name: "picture", owner: "jane"}, {name: "cat", owner: "jane"}] Data; length; i & lt; l; ++ i) for {var done = false; var j = 0; k = data; length; j & lt; k; ++ j) {if (by Name [j] & amp; Name [j] .name == Data [i] .name) {byName [ja] .data.push (data [i] .owner); did = true;}} If ( Done: {data: [data: [data: [i] .owner]})}} / * ByName == [{name: "picture", data: [" [Name: "cat", data: ["jane"]}] * /

Because posting random codes is fun and you know it!

java - PNG image with transparency on SWT -

I have found a composite and would like to use a png file as the background image. I can do this, the problem occurs when the image uses transparency, it does not work, and instead shows a white color. How about this idea of ​​working?

Thank you!

Does this work help articles?

It talks about an image (although a GIF though) with a transparency canvas ( canvas is expanded overall ).

mapping - IIS 6: client certs renewal of already 1:1 mapped client certs -

If a client certificate that is used for mapping in iis6 is updated. So do I have to upgrade mapping (a mapping!) Also?!?! At least it looks like this! This is the reason? The end of the public key is the same as the duration! I agree that IIS 6 is using public keys for mapping! Can confirm or clarify, please! Unfortunately, authentication against the key is not investigated, but on the contrary, the certificate has been presented as they are mapped certificates are no longer valid (or do not match the certificate used to sign the request), Authentication will not be matched.

Think of a driver's license and certificate like map Certificates like the list of authorized drivers for a particular source, if you renew your driver's license, You will also need to obtain your updated license.

I believe that Microsoft understands this challenge and also has a way to update client certificate mapping, but I do not know details.

Variable inspection in Visual Studio 2008 in IronPython inside a class -

I must inspect the value of a variable inside a class in ASP.NET IronPython in Visual Studio 2008. Visual Studio 2008 inspector does not work for IronPython (If Inspector VS works for ASP.NET IronPython in 2008 and it is working for me plz tell me) and you can not use Response.write - Response .end What can I do to know the value of variables inside a class?

You will need to dig into the dictionary of the object dict field on this object should be there. If the variable is in the class instead, then you will need to dig into class and then in the class dictionary. Unfortunately, it is not painful to fix it now. For the future release of IronPython, it has already improved - the current source is checked in the tree (which will be 2.6.1) Support through proxy that makes it better, so if you are using 2.6 and are ready to build from source then you can get current sources and let one go.

ssrs 2008 - What's the "cheapest" way to check if a report exists on my Reporting Server? -

Looking at a SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services installation, what is the "cheapest" way to check (according to the report ) Name + Report path, such as / myReports / SomeOddballReport is present (or not)?

I look at many potential candidates on the report server web service - which is the fastest and the least amount of a system resource ?? GetReportDefinition ()

  • GetReportLink ()
  • GetProperties ()
  • Is anyone else missing me? Thanks for any hints and hints! I feel a lack of documentation and samples in the reporting service webservice interface, in fact ......

    < P> MS reporting on MS CSC due to ongoing reporting services is an easy choice for you to return the name of the report and see if any report exists. Within SQL Server there is a database called ReportServer that contains a table that is called a catalog within the database. The catalog table stores data sources, reports, and some other important information. The main fields are "Name" and "Type" type A report / There is a difference between a data source / etc. Definitely the name is obvious, this is the name of the report.

    To get all the reports at your reporting service frequency, try:

      to get all data sources 

      Usage Select the report server SELECT name, from the list where list = 5  

    So if you have a name or at least know that a report starts with you, Can query:

      See my blog for more information: 

    Since then As this heat that has been noted is a path field that may include data such as:

    / per Itiim / Department job hours Summary

    Ajax architecture in Django application -

    I am trying to find the optimal architecture for an AJAX-heavy Django application that I'm currently creating . I want to keep a consistent way of form, validation, receiving data, format JSON message, but it is extremely difficult to find a solution that can be used continuously.

    Can anyone tell me right about sharing their thoughts about direction or best practice?

    I do everything as a normal view that is normally displayed in the browser. It contains all the answers to AJAX requests (sub pages).

    When I want to make bits of the site more dynamic then I use jQuery to do AJAX, or in this case load the AJAH and just content one of the pages given in the sub page In the request page.

    This technique works really well - debugging sub pages is very easy because they are just normal pages, and jQuery makes your life so easy that they are able to make a difference to the AJA [XH] Use as part.

    Use a LIKE statement on SQL Server XML Datatype -

    If you have a varchar field, then you can easily find a table with SELECT * where the column '% test% 'Can to see if there is a fixed string in that column.

    How do you do this for the XML type?

    I have the following which is the only 'row' node but I have to search within that node

      from the webpage where the data is located. Axis ('/ PageContent / Text') = 1  

    You do it very easily Should be enabled in:

      SELECT * FROM WebPageContent WHERE data.value (' 

    .value method gives you real value (/ Page content / text) [1] ',' varchar (100) ')' xyz% ', and you can define it to be returned as VARCHAR (), which you will later add to a statement Can check with.

    You note, this is not going to be very fast, so if you have some fields in your XML that you need to inspect a lot, you can do the following:

    • Create an archived function that receives XML and returns the value you are viewing as VARCHAR ()
    • Define a new math field on your table that Call this function, and it's a purse With this, you create std columns

    With it, you basically create "remove" part of MFML in a calculated field, make it sustainable, and then you can use it very efficiently Can search (HECK: You can even do that area!).


    c# - Loading data from a site in Silverlight -

    I am trying to load the data in my Silverlight app, however, when it launches, . As soon as I get a target invocation accession, I get killed. Results:

      Public Menpage () {WebClient wc = new WebClient (); Wc.OpenReadCompleted + = New OpenRed CompletedEventHandler (wc_OpenReadCompleted); Wc.OpenReadAsync (new Uri ("")); } Zero wc_OpenReadCompleted (Object Sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e) {stream st = e.Result; Streamer sr = new streamrider (cents); String result = sr.ReadToEnd (); }  

    Why is this unsuccessful, and what should I do to make this work?

    P, I'm afraid I can not do a local proxy, because the app is going to be positioned as part of an app on ApacheTomack Server, not IIS.



    crosslite on targetlight target domain -Domain policy can not cross-domain request without file If you can not install the proxy, then you will not be able to get data from any domain except for the hosting of your application.

    visual studio 2008 - Mapping POCO to Entity in Entity Framework -

    I use EF for Visual Studio 2008, so I do not have POCO integration with EF.

    Since we have an N-level application, we are continuously mapping POCO to institutions, institutions are not thrown on the upper layers, I also automate and mapping manually .

    Our biggest problem is that when POCOs are mapping to institutions.

    If I am adding a new entity which is concerned with existing institutions (like adding a new account to the existing client), then I have an existing institution, POCO, and databases related to the institutions It is necessary to get (such as client) , it is very slow.

    And my question is: <

    How can I create an entity, properly connected with reference And everything, from a POCO object, without making any calls to the database?

    Set EntityKey instead of loading the relevant code Object (note that EF4 has a better way of doing this; it is for EF1):

      var account = new unit account {name = pokoyaccount. Name, // etc}; // Now instead of accounting. Client = References have chosen. Where (... Account Client Reference. Antitiki = New Entity ("MyEntities.Clients", "Id", pocoAccount.Client.Id);  

    This is not DB access at all .

    backwards compatibility - Known incompatibilities between Java 1.4 to Java 5 -

    A list of potential compatibility issues is provided by the Sun:

    Do you have Java / 5 Against the old-1.4-testing of applications (such as a specific library no longer works ...)?

    Alternate list of backward compatibility issues in all versions of JDK including 1.4 and 1.5 on the following web-sites You can search for:

    • JDK-results at:

      In an ideal world, each JDK version is completely backward with one Will be compatible. As the following table shows, this is not really the case ...

    • The results of the test for JDK:

      This service is aimed at monitoring and analyzing the development of Java libraries. It is looking for new releases of various libraries and they have backward binary and source compatibility ...

    This result is being investigated by the static analysis tool. The brief has been the official compatibility notes can be used with (Sun / Oracle).

    c# - ExecuteNonQuery doesn't throw exception on insert -

    I am using OracleCommand.ExecuteNonQuery () to insert the table. Everything works fine but sometimes the records are not recorded, then is it possible that ExecuteNonQuery () does not include the record and does not even throw exceptions?

    I am not using stored procedures. I am not using a transaction I am logging any exceptions I have been throwing out by ExecuteNonQuery (), but apparently no exception has been thrown ... I also see the return value of ExecuteNonQuery () Strong> no . But is it possible that execution gives more than 1 nanoco value if the insert is successful?

    It should not be ExecuteNonQuery returns an integer that shows the number of affected rows. If no line is entered, then 0 should be returned. Failure to execute the query should throw an exception. E.X .: connection is closed, table does not exist, etc.

    oracle - SQLLDR and skip_unusable_indexes -

    I have a unique index in which I need to load 800,000 rows.

    I changed the index and made it unuseable. I have added the 'Options (Rows = 4000, Bindshies = 512000, Skip_Assassible_indexS = TRUE)' in my control file.

    I still get the form errors:

      ORA-01502: The index 'x_Unique' or the division of such index is in a bad state  

    suggestions are welcome

    You can not do it with a unique index. See:

    However, the indexes which are unique and marked IUs are not allowed to release index maintenance. This rule has been implemented by DML operations and has been implemented by direct route load to suit DML.

    You probably should leave your index and recreate it later.

    firefox - Intercepting and replacing page-level HTTP requests with custom extension-made responses? -

    I am creating a Firefox extension that injects most of the interface into pages. However, if I want a picture in that interface, then I am unable to inject them. So what I am trying to stop specific http requests and replacing them with local images so far I am blocking specific pages and can replace them with others, but I am able to change only one image I'm not. Any ideas?

    You can create a content-friendly package and then see the images by injection to the Chrome URL.

    Is there anyway to place data transfer limits on Amazon S3 so I don't get charged beyond a certain amount? -

    I'm trying to host video and set the data transfer limit on S3 so that I do not charge for more Get 20 GB, any way to do this?

    It is not what I know

    but you have set end dates You can try to issue the query string authentication url for S3 resources. And then use the server login log to track the total downloads. This is missed by GB or can not be spent too much: -)

    c++ - Clickable zone in an image with Qt? -

    Is it possible to create clickable zones in an image with Qt (C ++)? I have an image that I want to load on Qt, and then select the clickable zone for that.


    You can use QGraphicsScene , which is the QGraphicsView Can be displayed by . Add a picture with addPixmap () . You can sub-class the clickable area to complete QGraphicsRectItem and mousePressEvent () . Add this item to the Graphics view from the addItem () You setcursor () .

    can also set a separate cursor for the clickable area

    Reading and writing files in c -

    I want to know that my program is mine. It reads them but I can not manage to input them into an array for later use. Can someone help me understand the better way to read and write files in C, please let me know on this subject , I know that I want to use int instead of chimes because my .txt file has only numbers but for functions like fast, I think for characters only.

      #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main () {FILE * file; Four names [10] = "100.txt"; Four lines [10]; Int n; Four mothers [5]; File = FOPN (name, "RT"); If (file == NULL) {printf ("There is no such file! \ N"); Return 0; } For (n = 0; n & lt; 100; n ++) {fgets (line, 5, file); // put (line); I [n] = line; puts in]); } Fclose (file); Return 0; }  

    If you switch to fscanf, then using int instead of char , And you're parsing a text file that has numbers, which makes it more understandable. Assume that your 100.txt contains 100 numbers different from a white space, it should work:

      int main (int argc, char * argv []) {FILE * file; Four names [10] = "100.txt"; Four lines [10]; Int n; Int numbers are [100]; File = FOPN (name, "RT"); If (file == NULL) {printf ("There is no such file! \ N"); Return 0; } For (n = 0; n & lt; 100; n ++) {fscanf (file, "% d", and numbers around [n]); } Fclose (file); Return 0; }  

    Here is a link to an explanation.


      is another, more elegant solution to use while (fscanf (file, "% d "& Amp; numbers are [n ++]) == 1);  

    In this way, you should be careful in the form of a number of loops (ie programmed by ) through your text file. If the count of numbers in the text file is more than the allocated space for the array.

    To write back to a file:

      FILE * fp = fopen ("out_file. Txt "," w "); // int arrNumSize = open the file to write sizeof (numberArray) / sizeof (int); for (int i = 0; i & lt; arrNumSize; i ++) {FPF , "% D", number too [I]);} Fclose (fpose);  

    How to use Android L Serif Font in TextView -

    I have seen many app content designs implementing serif fonts (noto) but it does not understand that How to do it is a TextView I've already tried to type the Android feature: Typefaces = "Serif", but any help it looks like Default Robo Font would be appreciated!

    c# - TableAdapter Update Fails -

    I am trying to update the user password from the tbUsers table in the user password column.

    I get the following error when I click on "Confirm Button": Object reference is not set to an instance of an object - NullReferenceException was unused

    This It says that I need to install something, but I do not know what is it. I already have the table, the adapter immediately.

    Thank you for your help!

      using System.Data; Using System.Data.SqlClient; Using System.IO; Using Library.DataBase.dsLibraryTableAdapters; Using the library. Database; TbUsersTableAdapter table adapter tools = new tbUsersTableAdapter (); DsLibrary.tbUsersDataTable Datatable Tools; Private Zero btnConfirm_Click_1 (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {tbUsersRow = (dsLibrary.tbUsersRow) dataTableUsers.FindByIdPeopleIdUser (value1, value2); TbUsersRow.userPassword = txtNewPassword.Password.ToString (); & Lt; - Error Table Adapter Here Update (datatable user); }  

    OK, this has solved the problem.

    Thanks everyone!

      using System.Data; Using System.Data.SqlClient; Using System.IO; Using Library.DataBase.dsLibraryTableAdapters; Using the library. Database; TbUsersTableAdapter table adapter tools = new tbUsersTableAdapter (); DsLibrary.tbUsersDataTable Datatable Tools; Private Zero btnConfirm_Click_1 (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {dataTableUsers = tableAdapterUsers.getDataByUserName (lblUser.Content.ToString ()); TbUsersRow = (dsLibrary.tbUsersRow) datatable user Raoz [0]; TbUsersRow.userPassword = txtNewPassword.Password.ToString (); TableAdapterUsers.Update (dataTableUsers); }  

    Php Write Text on the Image, SAVE OPTION -

    ठीक है, यह वही है जो मेरे पास अभी है।

      $ bg = imagecreatefrompng (' bg.png '); $ फ़ॉन्ट = "font.ttf"; $ White = imagecolorallocate ($ बीजी, 255, 255, 255); शीर्ष लेख ("सामग्री-प्रकार: छवि / पीएनजी"); काल्पनिक ($ बीजी, 25, 0, 5, 83, $ सफेद, $ फ़ॉन्ट, दिनांक ('डीएम। वाई')); काल्पनिक चित्र ($ बीजी, 30, 0, 5, 145, $ सफेद, $ फ़ॉन्ट, दिनांक ('एच: आई')); imagepng ($ bg); imagedestroy ($ bg);  

    मैं जानना चाहूंगा कि मैं वास्तव में निर्मित छवि कैसे बचा सकता हूं। मैं ऐसा कुछ करने की कोशिश कर रहा था:

      imagepng ($ बीजी, "/ उपयोगकर्ता / उपयोगकर्ता /");  

    बचाने के लिए है लेकिन यह बिल्कुल भी काम नहीं करता है। तो क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि कैसे छवि को बचाने के लिए?


    दे दो यह एक शॉट:

      imagepng ($ बीजी, "/users/user/bg.png"); imagedestroy ($ bg);  

    sql - How to insert a row with two columns modified -

    इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P>

    • 8 जवाब

    मैंने इसे डिजाइन नहीं किया तालिका; मुझे इसके साथ काम करना होगा और डिजाइन को संशोधित करना वास्तव में संभव नहीं है।

    तालिका में ~ 50 कॉलम हैं। मैं एक पंक्ति की प्रतिलिपि बनाना चाहता हूं, दो कॉलम (एक GUID और एक इंट) को अपडेट करने के लिए, और फिर इसे तालिका में वापस डालें।

    मुझे ऐसा करने के साथ ऐसा नहीं चल सकता लगता < मजबूत> सभी कॉलमों को सूचीबद्ध किए बिना क्या किसी की कोई तकनीक है?

      टेबल_नाम में डालें (डी 1, डी 2, .... ..) टेबल 1 नाम से डी 1, डी 2, ... चुनें, जहां unique_id = 'value'  

    bash - Using cut multiple times and concatenating the results using multiple delimiters? -

    अगर मेरे पास एक फाइल है:

      सी 1 सी 2 सी 3 सी 4 सी 5 सी 5 सी 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18  

    और मैं केवल एक पंक्ति में पहले, दूसरे, चौथे और पांचवें स्तंभों को चाहता हूं, लेकिन अलग-अलग सीमांकनों द्वारा विभाजित किया जाता है ..

    उदाहरण के लिए पंक्ति 1 होगा: 1; 2: 4-5 रेखा 2 होगा: 7; 8: 10-11 रेखा 3 होगी: 13; 14: 16-17

    मुझे लगता है कि एक ही सीमांकक के साथ कमांड की तरह कुछ होगा:

      पेस्ट - delimiter = ':' & lt; (cut -f1 file.txt) & lt; (cut-f2 file.txt ) & Lt; (cut -f4 file.txt) & lt; (cut -f5 file.txt)  

    परिणाम सरणी में होना चाहिए, ताकि प्रत्येक पंक्ति सरणी में एक अलग प्रविष्टि हो

    <पूर्व> आईएफएस = '\ n'; "$ {सरणी [*]}" 1; 2: 4-5 7; 8: 10-11 13; 14: 16-17 को प्रतिध्वनित करें

    मैं सोच रहा हूं कि awk सक्षम हो सकता है इसे प्राप्त करने के लिए, लेकिन मैं इसके साथ आने में असमर्थ हूं ...

    awk प्रिंट करने के लिए प्रत्येक आपके द्वारा निर्दिष्ट की गई पंक्ति,

      awk '{print $ 1 ";" $ 2 ":" $ 4 "-" $ 5} 'फ़ाइल का नाम  

    या, हेडर रेखा को बाहर करने के लिए,

      awk' NR & gt; 1 {प्रिंट $ 1 ";" $ 2 ":" $ 4 "-" $ 5} 'फ़ाइल का नाम  

    उस परिणाम को एक बाश सरणी में प्राप्त करने के लिए:

      जबकि IFS =' \ n ' पढ़ने के लिए लाइन; सरणी + = करें ("$ line"); किया & lt; & Lt; (awk '{प्रिंट $ 1'; "$ 2": "$ 4" - "$ 5} 'फ़ाइल नाम)  

    html - Make Div take up the remaining width -

    Actually I have 2 DIVs in a fixed width. Now I want the other person to take the remaining width.

    I can only get it by putting the flight on a fixed-width-deck - this is right for me, but it only works when I swipe the DIV in my HTML (right one first Comes). I did not like it in this way.

    So is there a way to get this right setup, but without excluding DIV in your HTML?

    & Lt; Div id = "wrap" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "right" & gt; True & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "left" & gt; Left & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt;


      #wrap {width: 300px; } #left {width: 100%; Background color: # ff0000; } #right (float: right; width: 50px; background color: # 00FF00;}  

    You can try and display: flex; , I think this is your desired.

    Extracting multiple webpages (1 Website, Multiple Tabs to select) into Excel with a macro -


    I am new to learning and understanding the macro and am eager to learn a lot!

    I am trying to remove data from tables as a website, but from many pages. Below is the first webpage

    The first webpage -

    I am just trying to remove the table from this webpage .. After that, it has been done, multiple selections on the top right of the table ( Teams) see a drop down box! I want to continue getting the table for each team (then from Abilene Christian -> Youngstown State)

    I hope I have some help and enough clarity to be able to get feedback

    Thank you very much

    Below I was able to do this Is far away! I do not know how to get this loop or I am able to get all the data. It is hosting only 1 of the many webpages I want ...

      Sub-BasketballStats () Dimmed XMLHTTP object as a TRUCOL object, TR. As the object dims in the form of TD_col object, the TD object is formatted as long as the line xmlhttp = CreateObject ("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0") as in the form of col xmlHttp.Open " GET "," ", false xmlHttp.setRequestHeader" content type "html = CreateObject xmlHttp.send as the dim HTML object set "," text / xml ("htmlfile") html.body.innerHTML = tbl = html.getElementById ("curr_table") line as the tbl object set = 1 col = 1 set TR_col = html.getelementsbytagname ("TR") TR_col set TD_col = TR.getelementsbytagname in each TR. ("TD") for each TD in TD_col cells (line, c for c) = TD. Winnertext col = col + 1 next col = 1 line = line + 1 next end sub  

    javascript - How to refresh the CSS so the dynamically generated elements can get styled? -

    I'm dynamically generating some elements with jQuery , but I have There are only classes from the style sheet. (I'm amending an app).
    How can classes be created in dynamic elements?

    The one I found was the way to incorporate all the genre, I do not want this, I want the elements to work with my stylesheet, is there any way?

    You can use Runtime on CSS . Class to add .addclass () function

    $ ("#element") .addClass ("cssClassName");

    For more information see this:

    css on the runtime .css () / Code> Function jQuery Library:

    $ ('.className'). Css ("background-color", color);

    See this for more information:

    Force Google searches to not return results without the search terms -

    So I have occasionally searched Google for some pages and Google will actually return the pages that I searched for For example, if I search for analytical proof dihedral homomorphaphase (I do not really want to actually search for it, this is just an example). It will return some things Everyone is appropriately relevant for everyone However, it also gives the following page:

    The word "analytical" does not include

    However, often when I do something like this I want to make sure that I have searched at least once in the outcome of the result. Is there any way to force Google to "take liberties" in this way? To say that, can I force Google to return only those pages for which I have included every word?

    [edit: By the way, this same basic question was understood earlier on this page.

    However, no one has successfully indicated how to get the desired result.]

    Super users have been replied to the following page:

    The word that is meant to be started in the quotes You want to:

      foo bar "baz"  

    Google will not return the pages without

    php - mysqli_fetch_array()/mysqli_fetch_assoc()/mysqli_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be resource or mysqli_result, boolean given -

    I am trying to select data from a MySQL table, but I get one of the following error messages:

    mysql_fetch_array () parameter 1 is expected to be processed, the boolean given


    mysqli_fetch_array () The value of 1 paragraph mysqli_result, boolean given

    This is my code:

      $ username = $ _POST ['username']; $ Password = $ _POST ['password']; $ Result = mysql_query ('Username Username Where $ Username'); While ($ line = mysql_fetch_array ($ result)) {echo $ line ['first name']; }  

    applies to the same code as

      $ result = mysqli_query ($ mysqli, 'SLECT ...'); // mysqli_fetch_array () parameter 1 is expected to be mysqli_result, while the bullion is given ($ line = mysqli_fetch_array ($ result)) {...  


    < Pre> $ result = $ mysqli-> Query ($ mysqli, 'SELCT ...'); // Call a fetch_assoc () member function on a non-object ($ line = $ result-> fetch_assoc ($ result)) {...


      $ result = $ pdo-> Query ('SLECT ...', PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC); // foreach () foreign currency ($ result as $ line) {...  


      $ stmt = $ mysqli-> Invalid argument was provided for; Prepare ('Choose ...'); // a non-object $ stmt-> gt; Call bind_param () to bind_param (...)  


      $ stmt = $ Pdo-> Prepare ('SLECT ...'); // Call a member-item bindParam () on non-object $ stmt-> A bind pattern (...)  

    A query may fail for many reasons, whose In case both mysql_ * and mysqli extensions will return false to their respective functions / methods. You must test for the condition of that error and handle it accordingly.


    Note and deleted in Php version 7. Check $ result before going to mysql_fetch_array

    . You will find that this is wrong because the query is unsuccessful. See the documentation for suggesting possible return values ​​and how to deal with them.

      $ username = mysql_real_escape_string ($ _ POST ['username']); $ Password = $ _POST ['password']; $ Correction = mysql_query ("user name" 'user name' ');; if ($ result === incorrect) {dead (mysql_error ()); // TODO: better error handling} while ($ row = Mysql_fetch_array ($ result)) {echo $ line ['FirstName'];}  

    procedural style :

    $ username = mysqli_real_escape_string ($ mysqli, $ _POST ['user name']); $ Result = mysqli_query ($ mysqli, "Select * from user where 'username' '$ username'" ); // mysqli_query if wrong goes wrong in query if ($ result === FALSE) {yourErrorHandler (mysqli_e Rror ($ mysqli));} Else {// php 5.4 mysqli_result as transable, you can use it with foreach foreach ($ $ as the $ result) {...

    oo-style :

      $ username = $ mysqli- & gt; escape_string ($ _ POST ['username']); $ result = $ Mysqli- & gt; query (select 'user username' on user name from "user"); If ($ result === FALSE) {yourErrorHandler ($ mysqli-> error;); // or $ mysqli- & gt; Error_list} executes 5.4 mysqli_result as the other {// php}, so that you can use it with foreach foreach ($ $ as the $ line of results) {...  
    < P> using a prepared statement:

      $ stmt = $ mysqli-> Prepare ('Select from users where the user name is?'); If (! $ Stmt) {yourErrorHandler ($ mysqli-> Error;); // or $ mysqli- & gt; Error_list} and if (! $ Stmt- & gt; Dam_rem ('s', $ _POST ['username'])) {yourErrorHandler ($ stmt-> error); // or $ stmt-> Error_list} and if (! $ Stmt- & gt; Execute ()) {yourErrorHandler ($ stmt-> Error;); // or $ stmt-> Error_list} and {$ result = $ stmt-> Get_result (); // php 5.4 mysqli_result as a tool traversable, you can use it with foreach foreach ($ $ as the $ result) {...  

    Example should be what should be for example (error handling), how to do it The output code should not be used when output to HDM, otherwise it will generate (at least) invalid HTML. Additionally, the database error message should not be displayed to non-administrator users, as well.

    html - Picturefill not working in Internet Explorer; not recognizing srcset? -

    I have used picturefill to load some images on my web page, but they display correctly in chrome Internet Explorer 8 does not display at all.

    Here's a sample of my code:

      & lt; Link href = "styles css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / modernizr.custom.11641.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script async = "true" src = "js / picturefill.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / response.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div class = "wrapper" & gt; & Lt; Header class = "x-padding in-b-padding" & gt; & Lt; H1 class = "nocontent outline" & gt; Baseball for busy people & lt; / H1> & Lt; Picture class = "logo" & gt; & Lt ;! - [If IE 9]> gt; & Lt; Video style = "display: none;" & Gt; & Lt ;! [AndIf] - & gt; & Lt; Source srcset = "images / logo.png" media = "(minimum-width: 750px)" & gt; & Lt ;! - [If IE 9] & gt; & Lt; / Video & gt; & Lt ;! [AndIf] - & gt; & Lt; Img srcset = "images / logo-small.png" alt = "baseball for busy people" & gt; & Lt; / Pictures & gt;  

    (I'm including the top part in adding my file) is part of the problem.

    I can see the demo in IE 8. But the images on my page are not working.

    Here's what I tried:

    1. I have copied the code from the demo in my page and pasted it (Completely changing the image path) - they were not displayed. / Li>
    2. I received a & lt; Picture & gt; The script has been added to create an element (though I'm using Modernin, so it should not be necessary).
    3. I've added an SRCR path for the IMG tag, which has worked, but I've read that PictureFill does not recommend it.

    I know that this question was asked very long ago, but it may be that Help others too who walk on the same issue. I had the same problem where the picturefile images were not being loaded in browsers on my website, which does not support it originally (for example IE9 - IE11). It was decided to make sure that PictureFill () was called when the element was added to the page (I told it in an instruction in Kangaroo and in the reaction item component).

    java - Spring loses the BindingResult and don't sent globalErrors to the view -

    What happens: When I put a global error on binding result (using reject ). In my opinion

    My Controller:

      @RequestMapping ("register / manageCliente /") public string newClienteDo (@ModelAttribute ("formCliente") {Validate Cliente formCliente, BindingResult bResult, model model} are exceptions {throws} {try {// do something} hold (SQLException e) {logger.error ("not newClienteDo:" (bResult.hasErrors (!) + E) ; // This works, error appears in my log4j; bResult.reject (e.getMessage ());}} if (bResult.hasErrors () || bResult.hasGlobalErrors ()) {model.addAttribute (. " MsgError ", bResult.getAllErrors () toString ()); // This works, if I go to the model "Register / Management Client / Nuclealte" in the return of the mine;} Model.addAttribute ("formCliente", formCliente); Return "Redirect: / Register / Management Client / Catalog Client";}  

    On my mind, I put & lt; form: errors & gt; in such a way:

    form: form = "Nucleante Do "method =" post "model attribute =" formclante "commandname =" formclient "& gt; & Lt; Form: Errors & gt; & Lt; / Form: Errors & gt; & Lt; / Form: Form & gt;

    I tried & lt; Form: Errors Path = "*" & gt; do not work too much.

    It is not showing any error, I am using log4j = DEBUG active it does not show any errors



    This is about the four requests of the scene, never rejecting me, I tried to work with the post-redirect-gate and did not do too much work.

    Edited 2

    Since this was an emerging problem, I print errors with a model.addAttribute and EL in my view. But this is not correct, so if there is a better solution then I will keep this post open.

    I am tring to get an .xslt to output to a .txt -

    I am trying to get the .xslt script so that the output can output to the .txt file. The .xslt file is making an .xml file I was looking for it for a while. What am i doing

      & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Xsl: stylesheet version = "1.0" xmlns: xsl = "" xmlns: message = " 01 / Documents / Messages "xmlns: Bank PosyPay =" "& gt; & Lt; Xsl: output method = "text" indent = "yes" encoding = "UTF-8" omit-xml-declaration = "yes" /> & Lt; Xsl: template match = "/" & gt; & Lt; XSL: Text & gt; & Lt; / XSL: text & gt; & Lt; Header & gt; & Lt; Record & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Select for each = "// Bank's positive payment: BankPoceptive Pay / BankPostive Pay: Bank AccountTable / BankPostive Pay: Bankable" & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "BankPoceptive Pay: Account ID" / & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "Bank Respondent: Khatunum" / & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "BankPoceptive Pay: CheckStatus" /> & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "Bank Positive Pay: Checkedum" /> & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "BankPoceptive Pay: Rashiqrur" /> & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "BankPoceptive Pay: Trans Deseat" /> & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "BankPoceptive Pay: Recipient's Charter" / & gt; & Lt; XSL: Text & gt; & Lt; / XSL: text & gt; & Lt; / XSL: for-each & gt; & Lt; / Record & gt; & Lt; / Header & gt; & Lt; / XSL: Templates & gt; & Lt; / XSL: stylesheet & gt; I like to see the textile file as it is 000000000011111111110000000000MMDDYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP I hope That's what you want.   

    No, I'm scared that this is not telling us a lot.

    XSLT 1.0

    XSLT 1.0

      & lt; Xsl: stylesheet version = "1.0" xmlns: xsl = "" xmlns: bank postpay = "http: // / Documents / BankBositivePay "& gt; & Lt; Xsl: output method = "text" encoding = "UTF-8" /> & Lt; Xsl: template match = "/" & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Select for each = "// Bank's positive payment: BankPoceptive Pay / BankPostive Pay: Bank AccountTable / BankPostive Pay: Bankable" & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "BankPoceptive Pay: Account ID" / & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "Bank Respondent: Khatunum" / & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "BankPoceptive Pay: CheckStatus" /> & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "Bank Positive Pay: Checkedum" /> & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "BankPoceptive Pay: Rashiqrur" /> & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "BankPoceptive Pay: Trans Deseat" /> & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "BankPoceptive Pay: Recipient's Charter" / & gt; & Lt; / XSL: for-each & gt; & Lt; / XSL: Templates & gt; & Lt; / XSL: stylesheet & gt;  

    This solves all your values ​​in a glitch text block (as above for your example). If it is not what you want, then insert the appropriate separator using xsl: text , for example:

       & Lt; Xsl: text & gt;, & lt; / Xsl: text & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "Bank Positive Pay: Checkedum" /> & Lt; Xsl: text & gt;, & lt; / Xsl: text & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "BankPoceptive Pay: Rashiqrur" /> & Lt; Xsl: text & gt;, & lt; / Xsl: text & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "BankPoceptive Pay: Trans Deseat" /> & Lt; Xsl: text & gt;, & lt; / Xsl: text & gt; & Lt; Xsl: Select Value = "BankPoceptive Pay: Recipient's Charter" / & gt; & Lt; XSL: Text & gt; & Amp; # 10; & Lt; / XSL: text & gt; & Lt; / XSL: for-each & gt; & Lt; / XSL: Templates & gt;