Monday 15 September 2014

python - iPython Notebook in Firefox - Warning: unresponsive script -

I had a long script running on iPython notebook in Firefox for a long time. I came back and looked like this, So I saved it and stopped it.

When I open the script again, I get a dialog box pop up with the following error:

Warning: unresponsive script

This A script may be busy on the page, or it may stop responding stack overflow. You can now stop the script, open scripts in the debugger, or continue the script.

The options are 'continue', 'script script', and 'debug script'. By clicking on any one of these results, the dialog box disappears and the iPython notebook is unresponsive (for example, ctrl + enter creates a line-break in the current cell instead of running it).

However, most of the cells in the lower part of the script were cut off. They were some valuable codes, which seems to have gone away, this is a very bad result!

I have tried rolling back, but the last roll-back point is also revealed below. Any support here very much appreciated!

I have done this work now and leave it in the hope of helping others.

The cause of the problem appears to be longer than one of the cells - everything under this line was cut into the iaththon browser, but I found out that it still exists. The Ipynb file and everything I had to do was removed, some output lines were deleted, and when I lost the file again, without any problems and my code was cut once was available.

Store everything in the notebook JSON format. In my case, I needed to remove the output from a cell that I did:

  1. Browse in your iPython notebook directory (where not ipython.exe resides) - for me they C: \ user \ myname \ document \ IPython notebooks
  2. abusive notebooks. Right-click on the APINB file , and edit in a text editor - my choice is Notepad ++
  3. Scroll to the cell that has generated many output lines from each of these lines Inside the Output property of "output_type" is inside: "stream"
  4. Remove an arbitrary number of these output entries, but Output Remove anything outside the property And make sure to remove it from behind a tailing comma in front of the low comma so that the resultant JSON is made well

A specific line of output looks like this, remove many of them My script is run again in the browser:

  {"output_type": "stream", "stream": "stdout", "text": ["\ n", "now Up to 150000 records have been added "]},  

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