Monday 15 September 2014

java - Modifying AMF response at runtime - How to? -

I have made a simple Flex application (using blazads) which uses the flex remoting to open the Java service and display the "person" details. Therefore, my person class looks something like this:

  class person {public full age; The name of the public string; As a Java developer, it is my understanding: When I run Front Flex app in my webpad, an RPC call is executed and Blaze's works hard to use properly, getting results as an object, Changing the object to AMF format (serialization) And, then the web / app server sends this response back to the app requesting HTTP. The Flex app now works to distill the object received in AMF format and somehow uses its use. 

Here's my question: I would like to amend the feedback before reaching the Flex application by modifying the person's object's attributes. I have a filter to do this, however, I'm not sure how to delete the AMF stream, modify the object, serial the object back to the stream, or somehow recreate the stream

Is there any way to do this? Where should I start?

If the question was very confusing then this is a small version: How can I modify the AMF-X content type reaction stream before reaching the Flex app before using the Java feature? ?

It is not easy to do CRALizing and AMF on your own, so definitely avoid it. A better way to convert data into the right format in your back-end code. From Flex, call a service method on the back-end, then receives the data and converts it into the correct object structure before sending it back to the flex.

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