Do anyone know that ActiveMQ 5.11 which jar made me create a new ActiveMQ JMS with IBM Websphere Application Server 8.5? Need to use the provider?
I am getting discussions related to older ActiveMQ versions that are no longer applicable because the way ActiveMQ has been packaged has changed:
Understand this. It is actually really simple in WAS Console, go to the resource -> JMS -> JMS provider and create a new provider:
< Li> C: /activemq-libs/activemq-client-5.10.0.jar
- C: /activemq-libs/hawtbuf-1.10.jar
- C: / activemq-libs / Slf4j-api -1.7.5.jar
- External initial reference factory: org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory
- External provider URL: tcp: //
- JNDI name: jms / myQueueConnectionFactory
- External JNDI name: QueueConnectionFactory
You create a new line Name: MyQueue
JNDI Name: Qi / Maiqui External JNDI Name: Dynamic Quoues / Mayquieu Marton