Saturday 15 September 2012

Python concordance command in NLTK -

I have a question about the Python encoded command in the NLTK. First of all, I came through a simple example: already. Now, I have my own .txt file and I want to do the same order. I have a list called "Text List" and I want to search for the word "CNA" so that I enter the command

  textList.concordance ('CNA')  

However, I got the error

  AttributeError: 'List' object does not have any attribute 'Integration'  

In the example, is there any Do not have a list? I wonder what's going on here

.concordance () There is a special nltk function. So you can not call it on any dragon object (like your list).

More specifically: .concordance () is a way

Basically, if you type .concordance () If you want to use, you have to first need to instantize a text object, and then call it on that object.

A text is usually started with a given document or corpus. Like: import nltk.corpus from import nltk.text text moby = text (nltk.corpus.gutenberg.words ('melville-moby_dick.txt'))

Unity (word, width = 79, rows = 25)

Print a uniformity for the word with the specified reference window. Word match is not case-sensitive.

Then I will do something like this (not tested)

  import nltk Text from nltk.text import text textList = text (nltk.corpus) .gutenberg.words ('your file name is here .txt')) textList.concordance ('cnA')  

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