Wednesday 15 July 2015

validation - Does Primefaces render invalid HTML? -

In order to create a very simple web app for my company, I am evaluating some web framework including primetime. There is a strict requirement reach, and the fact that HTML should be valid (against it). I played a little with examples and I have found that the HTML provided is not valid. Invalid block is:

  & lt; Input name = "javax.faces.ViewState" id = "javax.faces.ViewState" value = "2042368857675116551: 8104174386673838460" autocomplete = "off" type = "hidden" & gt;  

And the reason for this is:

  line 74 column 15 9 - Error: At this point the attribute on element input is not autocomplete.  

So, can I take some action on the prefix to present a valid HTML code? I was not deep in the primface, but my guess is how control is provided, I have some control over it. Any experience on this problem (validity of HTML provided by PF) and want to share it? Thank you

ViewStat is not something that Prime Minister joins in your submitted HTML but JSF implementation. If you use Moxer, there are some criteria that you can set to tune things (it has not been tested for itself, just a few simple googling for you (hint, sign )) Have done.


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