Wednesday 15 April 2015

javascript - Node.js print "undefined" in a impossible place -

In my code, everywhere this is printed, it runs this function:

  log = function log (log, message) {if (message!) {Message = LOG; LOG = '\ t'; } Console.log ('@' + NAME + '\ t- \ t' + Resize (Log, 12) + '\ t: \ t' + Message); }  

(Why this function is not a question and is for formatting).

So every new line starts with @ whatever, whatever data is printed after it.

But in my logs, I have this:

  @App - play: ['FC4.mp4', 'ME.mp4', 'ME2 .mp4 ',' MERAP4 ',' PVSAP4 ',' BF3mm4 ',' BF4 ' MP4 ',' BFHAP4 ',' BFH2. MP4 ', [length]: 9] Undefined @ app - game: 2015-03-17_16-56  

To exclude line by line simply undefined appears soon:

  @ app - update: undefined app - play: 2015-03-17_17-08 at  

console.log , does not have any use of the process .stdout.write or writes a function anywhere in the code, and any code is \ n Is not used anywhere in the code.

How does it look like undefined? What could be possible? It only shows me in the same place in the log to see me on the outside, whatever it may be.

I is too late to stop posting a stupid question, but the line oyed director, Came from an NPM module, which I did not fully check before using.

Thank you.

(line is in omxdirector / main.js:

  var sendAction = function (verb) {if (commands [action] & amp; amp; ampx; process } {Try {omxProcess.stdin.write (command [verb], function (mistake) {console.log (mistake);});} hold (error) {console.log (err);}}}  

Once modified, everything is back in general)

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