Thursday 15 May 2014

geolocation - How can I divide the globe in to small grids such that it allows me to assign each lat/long location to a grid? -

To calculate the approximate locations represented by latitude / longitude, I think about dividing the map into smaller grids It was almost 100x100 meters grid, basically every point would be assigned in the grid.

I understand that instead of using MySQL, I can use the spatial indexes, but I am planning to use non-relational database such as CASANDA, where it is difficult to do the local goods Sequencing on, and therefore some types of grid approximation techniques may be clearer.

What would be the best way to create such a grid system and mapping the 2-D spatial locations?

EDIT 1: It can be perfectly fine if the grid is not exactly the same, so much more around the blocks.

The rectangular grid can be a proper assessment, but only in a relatively small area that can be The poles are not very close. A complete world solution requires a different approach.

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