Thursday 15 May 2014

eclipse - LibGDX Particle Effect works on Desktop but not on Android -

I have set up a small test project using GDX-Setup.zer with the "Tools" extension.

Its purpose is to test the effect of particle effects, and when I create the deckstop project, the app fixes and runs fine, and I like particle and everything.

However, when I try to build an Android project the app stops it before it closes and I get an error before loading it, "Unfortunately, the Continent has stopped . "

The Eclipse logcat window gives me the following error:

com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: File could not be loaded: particle.png

I have tried manually copying particle.png after inserting the Gdx-tools.jar file and in the Android / Assets folder, changing the contents of the console ammeter to indicate the contents of /assets/particle.png , But it has no effect.

What is the correct way to get particle emitters working in the Android project, seeing that they already work in the desktop project?

Have you got any answers?

I'm afraid the particle effects are not supported on Android through the standard effects. I have a problem like that and I have found that "gdx-tools.jar" by default is the Android directory Is missing from There is no such chance that Android can know where the kanika is, because it is located in that library.

Enter image details here Additionally, according to the official LibGdx Wiki, "Tools" HTML , IOS are not supported by Android.

I Belive There should be another way to import particle into the Android project. At least non-standard

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