Monday 15 February 2010

Server socket programming in Android 1.5, most power efficient way? -

I am doing a project where I also develop an application that listens for incoming events from a service There is also an Android phone with Android SDK 1.5 on that device. At present, services that make event calls apply only the communication trough UDP or TCP sockets. I can solve my problem by setting up a server socket, but I suspect that this is the most power efficient way. This app will be running on Wi-Fi for most of the time, and I also want to reach a longer battery life. I was looking for alternatives on the internet for a while for my question but I did not get a real answer. I have the following questions:

  • What is the most effective way of coming events? Should I Make a ServerSet? Or what are my options?
  • Is there any other implementation that is more powerful?
  • I was also thinking about implementing communication communication XMPP is not sure that this is the best way I have not been forced even a specific implementation. All suggestions are welcome!

    Thanks for the help,


Possible options are listed if the app has to be able to handle events, then it must be run all the time. Afaik does not have a push-notification service that automatically calls your application, such as on the iPhone.

I think using XMPP protocol is the easiest solution to use. Being with your server server will also mean that whenever you are switching to your network, the server will have to send a request for various IPSs.

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