Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Mercurial creates changesets without parents -

I had to face a very strange result with Mercurial. I have a repository that automatically merges with changes from a CVS repository to a named branch "someBranch". This is all the script, only the commands used on the extreme sides

  hg C-Au Some Users -M Some Messages Hg Push  

It worked fine for some time today, I have seen that the HG push order has stopped working recently , Is telling me that this is the new remote faces of some branches. Brahmin is.

I tried to know what was happening Synchronization stopped working with the convertible 168091. Receive one with

  hg -logo  


  o changeset: 168092: 88b141ad6ac5 | Branch: Some Branches | User: someUser | Date: Mon Mar 02 16:59:06 2015 +0100 | Summary: Some messages. O Changes: 168091: 9 72642C90D599 Branch: Some Branch Parents: -1: 000000000000 User: Some User Date: Mon March 02 16:58:59 2015 +0100 Summary: Some messages o Changes: 168090: 551d2e1bdbfd | Branch: Some Branches | User: someUser | Date: Mon 02 Mar 16:58:52 2015 +0100 | Summary: Some messages.  

It clearly means that 168091 has not been interpreted as a child of 1680 9, which tells why it is not pushing.

Does anyone know how it can be that the yield is a new root? The behavior seems strange to me and I am thinking that is it a bug of Mercurial? I'm using version 3.2.4.

Are you using repositories on a Windows Share? In some versions a bug with hardlink has been given which causes similar effects. It has been resolved in version 3.3.2.


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