Tuesday 15 September 2015

javascript - Write text to the bottom of the page depending on window size -

Is it possible to fill text based on window dimensions?

For example, I would like to do something like: A div to the left side of the screen The text of the filling text fills the devils on the left side of the screen. If I want to resize windows then the number of rows of "example text" should be changed.

Unfortunately I do not have any code to show because I do not know how it will start. I think I have to use JS for this, but I'm not sure how JS needs to collect window dimensions.

Many thanks.

You can get the height of javascript with the window:

  Var h = window.innerHeight;  

If you know the line-height of "example text" (you can already put it in CSS or you get it with the document.getElementById ('div_name') .style.lineHyight ), then divide the window height by line-height. This should give you the number of rows that fit in the window.

Alternatively, in CSS, you div to height: 100% (assuming all the basic elements as 100% height) and then an inner div to status: complete; Bottom: 0; Set so that the text starts counting from the top. You do not have to choose the option to show the scrollbar, because the text will essentially exceed div .

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