Sunday, 15 January 2012

python - Django Tastypie create API with complex calculation on database fields -

I'm new to Djnago / Tastypie and create an API with complex The problem is calculation . The model is similar to:

  Class customer (models.Model): '' 'Customer details.' 'Name = model.carfield (max_length = 200, ft = true, empty = true) latitude = model.Diskel field (default = 0, decimal_file = 10, max_digitas = 15, empty = true, zero = true) longitude = model. The decimal time (default = 0, decimal_fill = 10, max_digates = 15, empty = true, zero = true)  

is now the task of creating APIs that latitude, longitude , The radius and we will have to calculate all those customers whose latitude and longitude come at the requested point in the given radius.

So far, I have only had the experience of creating simple APIs using TESTIPP. Can anyone suggest a potential resource class for this or any Django / Tastypie Tutorial which can be useful for creating this API?

Both potential approaches in a standard ModelResource

  Class MyResource (ModelResource): Class Meta: queryset = MyModel.objects.all () ...  

Do all the work of creating an object and add the bundle you return to:

def obj_create (self, bundle, request = none, ** kwargs): ref = ['ref'] value = complex calculation bundle here. Obj = MyModel.objects.create (referee = ref, value = value) return bundle

Use parent class to create an object and put it in bundle and then modify the value :

  Df OBG_create (self, bundle, request = none, ** quargs): bundle = super (myrassource, self) .boz_create (bundle, request, user = request. User) bundle .bz.value = complex calculation here bundle () return bundle  

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