Sunday 15 January 2012

How to get free impartial code reviews / advice? -

I could not find this question here, so here goes.

Is there a website / service that offers free (or at least cheap) code reviews?

There are a lot of people who write applications in their spare time, to know as new skills and as a recreational activity, how can these people ever know if they do something very bad Or are you using the wrong FTP to reach point A through B?

Is there a site that can cover the following?

  • You can post your source code or link to hosted app
  • Other people can review it
  • You can comment on other people's comments, get the best possible solutions to problems.

Yes, you can comment on other people's comments. The site can be such a reputation system, where you suggest Then, if the reviews are free then there must definitely be something

Where can I get free advice on my applications that I Can I develop in my time?

, so I know where I'm starting a bad practice, and how to improve the techniques?

Edit: In my case, in my case my project is a Java web application, an example of a good review on Google Project Hosting will be DAO, maybe someone will know that I I am using a horrible hibernation query and I am doing it the other way. If you are doing this as a learning project then things picked up very well are very difficult. (Well, reading the appropriate tutorial will help)

I suggest finding a coding friend or mentor You can also view your local user group meeting, ACM meeting, or post on Craigslist.


If this is open source, then a project group is going. Perhaps you can do business with an established project, that you take someone to see your project and you spend several hours setting up the bug and filtering feature requests.

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