Sunday, 15 January 2012

Join a string with an array in Javascript -

I do not understand why this test failed:

  This ('concat string and arr', function (done) {var str = "update userprofile set firstname = 'Barbara', last name = 'jensen', cellphone = '5638499', email = '' 'Var' = '[' computer ',' business'] expectation of str + = "interests =" + arr var = "Update userprofile set firstname = 'Barbara', lastname = 'jensen', cellphone = '5638499', email = '', Interests = ['Computer', 'Business'] "(SRR). Uneven (Expected) done ()})  

The test result looks like this:

Join string with array unit tests < / P>

when you do

  "interests =" + arr   

toString will override the object to the toString method, / P>

array overrides the object. For the array object, the toString method joins the array and gives a string in which each array element is separated by commas . For example, the following code creates an array and uses toString to convert the array into a string.

  var monthNames = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'march', 'app']; Var myVar = monthNames.toString (); // Assign 'myVar  

from January, February, March, April, to fix the case of your trial, you have to manually convert the array, such as (",") That

  str + = "interests = [" (function (current string) {return "'" + current string "" ";}) + "]";  

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