Sunday, 15 January 2012

Can't Install Cordova -

Hello I can not install Cordova from NPM, someone can help me.

  0 information works if it ends with the exact 1 verbose clei ['c: \\ program files \ nod js \\\\ node.exe', 1 verbose cLI "C: \\ program files \\ \\ Nodj Nod_moduls \ \ Npm \\ bin \\ npm-cli.js', 1 verbose CLI 'installation', 1 verbose CLI 'G', 1 verbose Kli 'Cordowa'] 2 information npm@2.5.13 node using node @ v12.0 4 verbose node symlink C: 'Cordoba', 7: \ Program Files \ NodeJS \\ node.exe 5 Silly cache args ['Cor Doba ", null] 6 verbose Cache add imagine Cordoba 7 silly cache area add fool Cache add {raw parse fantasy: zero, 7 Add to fool cache name: Zero 7 Fool cache Add raw Spiisi 'Cordowa, 7 fool cache space Add: "C: \\ users \\ \\ Sarapret Cordowa, 7 fool cache add type" local "} 8 silly addLocalTarball shasum (calculated) da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 9 verbose addTmpTarball C: SarahPrat \ cord \ users \ flight Ba not; \ SarahPrat \ Cordoba 11 verbose resin shell C \ Users :: \ Users \ SarahPrat \ Cordoba 12 Verbose tar open to C: \ Users \ SARAHP ~ 1 \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ NPM-6544 10 verbose addTmpTarball C valid metadata add -89c7caba \ shell -5 a50cbddcae0 13 verbose gentlyRm cleaning C: \ Users \ SARAHP ~ 1 \ AppData \ Local \ temp \ NPM-6544-89c7caba \ shell -5 a50cbddcae0 14 silly gunzTarPerm mode [ '777', '666'] 15 errors Tar .unpack read error C: \ Users \ SarahPrat \ Cordoba error 16 could not install addlocal C: \ Users \ SarahPrat \ Cordoba 17 verbose pile Uti: 0-byte tarball 17 verbose stack please NPM cash clean` 17 verbose stack C run on the `: \ Program Files \ NodeJS \ node_modules \ NPM \ lib \ utils \ tar.js: 126: 14 17 verbose on FSReqWrap.oncomplete Stack (.evalmachine & lt; anonymous & gt; 99: 15) 18 verbose CWD C: \ Users \ SarahPrat 19 error Windows_NT 6.3.9600 20 error argv "C: \\ program files \\ nodejs \\\\ node.exe "" C: \\ Program Files \\ node \\ node_module \\ npm \\ bin \\ nmp-cli.js "install" "-g" "cordoba" 21 error node v0.12.0 22 mistake or npm v2 .5.1 23 error 0-byte tor Error 23 Error If you need help to run 'npm clean cache '24 error, you can report this error here: 24 error & lt; Http: // Issues & gt; Exit 25 verbose [1, true]  

My advice does not bother with everyone You can install Eclipse Thim (Hybrid Mobile) plugin in Eclipse and you can add every Cordova plugin in Eclipse by clicking Left on Project-> Install Cordova Plugin.

This works well for me, hope that it helps.

You can establish eclipse thum these help-> eclappa marketplace-> type eclipse with themem

However, if you do not want to do this, you have to set the node first to use NPM:

Finally, there is an introductory tutorial here:

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