I have a xcode project that runs some dragon scripts during the creation process. They use some dragon packages (beautiful soup and slim). I'm setting up a project on a new computer, and I'm using a homebrew to install Python, and then using PIP to install two packages.
Unfortunately, I get an error when installing the project
Traceback (most recent call final): File "/ User / SuperSaoth / Code / Project Name / Tool / mergehmtmpc ", line 7, & lt; Module & gt; Import slim import: There is no module called slim
For a while, it was confusing because I know that it is thin during my research, I realized that on my computer two of the dragon Version is
Io: ~ supersloth $ / usr / local / bin / python -v Python 2.7.9 Io: ~ supersloth $ / Usr / bin / python -v Python 2.7.6 Io: ~ / Supersloth $ that dragon / usr / local / bin / python Io: ~ supersloth $ ebb $ PATH / usr / local / bin: / usr / bin: / bin: / default python (/ usr / Local) ex> ['Beautiful soup 4 = 4 .3.2 ',' PIP == 6.0.8 ',' Plei == 3.4 ',' Setup Olouns == 14.3 ',' SlimIT == 0.8.1 ']
and another installation In either (there is no PEP to get the list of packages, no slips in trying to import by hand)
& gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import slimmeth tracebacks (most recent call final): File "& lt; stdin>", line 1, & lt; Module & gt; Import Irrar: No module named slim & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Import Trans Tracebacks (Last Call Last): File "& lt; stdin>", Line 1, & lt; Module & gt; Import error: no modules named PAP & gt; & Gt; & Gt;
This leads me to believe that xcode is trying to use Python 2.7.6 without the package, trying as default for xcode during construction.
the way it is compelled Will be done
#! . Path_to_desired_version
As the first line of each dragon file
In addition, if you face something like this again,
< Code> Joe - a python
will show the options that you have. Without 'A', you will see which is the first in your path.
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