I have a button, when clicked opens the email and fills the body with the variable it looks very messy Because it all appears in one line, can I just chuck in a BR tag so that it can be within each variable, so that they appear on a new line?
Thanks, here's the code:
$ ("# buttonlink"). Click (function () {window.open ('mailto: sales@beauxcadeaux.co.uk? Theme = my frame & amp; body = my frame type:' + 'type frame' 'my frame background:' + frameback background + 'My Text:' + Your Text '' My Text Design: '+ Text Design);});
I'm thinking something like this:
$ ("# button link"). Click (function () {window.open ('mailto: sales@boakeddex.ca.uk? Theme = my frame and body = my frame type:' + frame type + + & lt; br & gt; + 'my frame Background: '+ Framebackground + +
+' My Text: '+ yourText + & lt; Br & gt; +' My Text Design: '+ Text Design);});
Use ASCII code which can be found in the % 0D% 0A
, Like this:
window.open ('mailto: sales@beauxcadeaux.co.uk? Subject = my frame & amp; body = my frame type:' + frame type + '% 0D% 0A My Frame Background: '+ Frame-Background +'% 0D% 0A My Text: '+ + Your Text' '% 0D% 0A My Text Design:' + Text Design);
White spaces should also be changed by speaking rigidly. Use ASCII code which is % 20
, like this:
window.open ('mailto: sales@beauxcadeaux.co.uk? Subject = My % 20Frame & Body = my% 20frame% 20Type:% 20'Type Frame + '% 0D% 0A% 20My% 20Frame% 20Background:% 20'FrameBackager +'% 0D% 0A% 20My % 20text:% 20' + Your Text + '% 0D% 0A% 20My% 20Text% 20Design:% 20' + Text Design);
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