Monday, 15 August 2011

angularjs - Angular template not showing in rails app -

So I've been struggling with this problem for the past few days and can not find out its solution. I want to start by saying that I am quite new to both rail and angular, are so bare with me when I try to explain my problem and please tell me that there is any editing which I have I can do more to clarify. / P>

I am trying to add an angle to my current rail app, so I started researching here. As long as I was not trying to route an angle call to load the template everything was going on floating. For whatever reason, when I load the page, I do not get anything. I'm not sure what I'm missing, and I'm sure it's a bit easier.

I created a simple controller to test outside the corner and created a path for the index controller method. Then in my thoughts / angular_test / index.html.erb file, I have created a link for my NG-App and my NG-view:


Then in my app I created the app and configured the controller and route provider:

  testApp = angular.module ('testApp', ['templates', 'NGRUTU', 'controllers',]) testApp.config (['$ Route provider', ($ migration provider) - & gt; $ route provider. When ('/ testangelular', templatesurrel: "TestGueller", Controller: "Testctrl")]) Controller = Angular Module ('Controller', []) Controller. Controller ("TestCtrl", ['$ Range', (Range Scope - & gt;])  

All this is working, As I do not get any errors in my railway server log or in the network log in Chrome. Am I missing something?

  ... Mani 'Kunj-Rail' Mani 'angular -Rel-templates' Can I start this problem solving?  

Group: Development: Testing Mani 'RSPEC-Rail', '2.13.1' Mani 'sqlite3' Mani 'minitest' Mani 'Web-company Ool ',' ~ & gt; 2.0 'and ...

and my boverfile

  property' angular 'asset' angular route 'asset' bootstrap -Safe-official ' 

I appreciate the help and I apologize for such a long post.

Edit 1 I'm just trying to demo it before starting, to actually spend time designing the page, I just need to see just one & lt; h1 & gt; Are visible in my view & lt; / h1 & gt; wrapped my applications html page.

The URL I am trying to view is not the root URL, but the localhost: 3000 / testgable.

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