Tuesday, 15 June 2010

python - How to configure 448 subplots? -

I have a code that is inputting a total of 448 thumbnail images and displaying them with 64 lines Required 7 columns I have this code but the images are so small that they are completely useless. I have attached this image and I currently have the code. How can I show enough enough to see them as a suggestion? subplots

  import import as NP import plat import as pla CSV Import OS Import IP = IPG Plat for IPG as NP Close ('all') ID = NP. Matrotlib.image as array ([]) cata = csv.reader (open ('last_final_list csv', 'ru')). For plots_acc = np.array ([]) range (plots_acc, 'filt_image /' + id [i] + '' (AD, X [0]) in the range (0, lane) /'+'ugr.png ') # Plots_acc = np.append (plots_acc,' filt_image / '+ id [i] +' / '+' i1.png ') by viewing the file location for each object filter images plots_acc = Np.append (plots_acc, 'filt_image /' + id [i] + '/' + 'z.png') plots_acc = np.append (plots_acc, 'filt_image /' + id [i] + '/' + 'Y .png ') plots_acc = np.append (plots_acc,' filt_image / '+ id [i] +' / '+' j.png ') plots_acc = np.append (plots_acc,' filt_image / '+ id [i] + '/' + 'H.png') plots_acc = np.append (plots_acc, 'filt_image /' + id [i] + '/' + 'ks.png') text = (['ugr', 'i1' 'Z', 'Y', 'J', 'H', 'KS']) Plots_acc for plt.figure () in x run in gE (0, lane (plot_acp)): #Published images subplots of plt.subplot (64,7, x) plots = img.imred (plot_x [x]) plt. # Plt.savefig ('Accepted Object Images'). '+ Str (id [i]) +' Png ') Plt.show ()  

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