Tuesday 15 June 2010

ruby on rails - Make a JavaScript Auto generator for visitors to my website -

I have a website that stores excerpts and users can add some quotes to their favorites list. I want to be able to generate those JavaScript sprits to put those users on my blog or website, and this JavaScript will tell their favorite quotes 60 seconds at a time of each set period.

Many javascript has come out of the box using Ruby on the railways, so I have not learned any JavaScript library or so in this way.

I was thinking that you know what the easiest way to do this is by using the JavaScript library, Rail plugin or using some external plugin.


Since You probably expect your users to show their quotes on blogs, forums, web sites, etc., so you can not trust the availability of JavaScript. I suggest adopting an IFrame approach: expose the content based on a query string to a page in your site, which can be shown in an iframe. Provide the code to paste the user into the HTML of your site.

Do you want a sample? Do not look forward to this :).

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