Tuesday, 15 June 2010

html - PHP converting URL string to ASCII characters -

I have a letter that has been passed to the URL.

The string consists of a group of letters corresponding to the ASCII code.

When I try to use the string on the page using the command $ _ GET , then it changes the part of the string that is ASCII instead of ASCII code The code is equal to the actual string passing

For example, the string in the URL is name = '% bert%' . But when I get the $ _ GET ['name'] , replace me with '% bert%' instead of '3 / 4rt%' Get. How do I get real text?

You are not running your data properly.

If you want to use % bert% in the URL, you should see your % as % 25 To encode in, create your query string in the value % 25bert% 25 .

% means that the next two characters are going to be some encoded units, so if you want to use it literally, it should be encoded in this way.

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