Monday, 15 March 2010

visual studio - Load Dev Express data grid row values into textboxes in -

I am trying to load a value from a datagrid in which I have set the text box using the Div Express, When I Related Cells

I can do this by using the usual DataGrid that is VS. 2013 comes with:

  Private Sub DataGrid View 1_CellClick (Sender as Object, and DataGridViewCellEventArgs) DataGridView1.CellClick if E. Randex & gt; = 0 then handles the DataGridViewRow line = Me.DataGridView1.Rows (e.RowIndex) tbID.Text = row.Cells ("id") as a dim line Value.ToString tbFirstName.Text = row value ("first name") . Value.ToString tbLastName.Text = row.Cells ("lastname"). Value.ToString tbAddress.Text = row.Cells ("Address"). Value.ToString End if End Sub  

But I can not find any way to do this same thing in Dev Express' GridView , I would get other such topics These are the ones that show how to do this C # but not .

Take a look at help-article - To get the line cell value, use the method as follows Can:

  tbID.Te Xt = GridView1.GetRowCellValue (2, "id"). ToString ()  

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