Friday 15 May 2015

sql - Postgres trigger after insert accessing NEW -

itemprop = "text">

I have a very simple trigger:

  can be created or repositioned FUNCTION f_log_datei ( ) Log back in to TRIGGER $$ (Actions, Tabel, Bennetzer_ID) Value (TGOP, 'Dedan', New. Banner_ID); End; $$ language 'plpgsql'; The process executed by each statement f_log_datei (); After updating or removing or deleting the date, create the logger_log_data.  

My table log is as follows:

  CREATE TABLE logs (ID int primary key default NEXTVAL ('logs_id_seq'), now the title timestamp default (), Ekton Kerr (6), Tabell Warker (32), Alt Varkar (256), Nur Vararar (256), Bennetzer_IndeInte Banner (ID) references);  

After entering something into the files, I get the following error:

  Error: The record "new" is not assigned yet: DETAIL does not have one taple The structure-assigned assign records are uncertain. Context: Enter the SQL statement "Log (Aktion, tabelle, benutzer_id) value (TG_OP, 'files', NEW.benutzer_id)" PL / pgSQL function "f_log_datei" SQL statement line 3 < / Code> 

Why did I get this error? I looked into the documentation and it seems that they use it in a new way the same way.

/ Strong>
For a row-level trigger, enter NEW in line INSERT and UPDATE code> trigger, and / or OLD for the line UPDATE and DELETE . Statement-level triggers There is currently no way to check individual row (s) modified by the statement.

and from:

data type records ; The variable that holds the new database line for INSERT / UPDATE is in the row-level trigger. This variable is for NULL statement level triggers and DELETE functions.

Note that this line-level triggers and statement -live trigger.

You have a statement-level trigger:

  ... process executed for each statement f_log_datei (); Statement-level triggers are triggered once per statement, and one statement can be applied to multiple rows, so that  the affected row  (which is  NEW  and  about OLD  are not applicable). 

If you want to use NEW (or OLD ) in a trigger then you trigger to execute for each affected row And this means that you are a line-level trigger:

  After inserting or updating, you can create TRIGGER log_datei or DELETE RAW out execution process on files for each f_log_datei () ;  

I have just changed for every statement to for each line .

Also need your trigger:

A trigger function should return either NULL or a record / row value The table was properly triggered.
. .]
The return value of a line-level trigger is removed after or a statement-level trigger is removed by first or after are given ; It may also be as null as well, however, any of these types of triggers can still cause an entire operation by lifting the error.

Then you should new Return; or returns zero; In your trigger you have one after the trigger, so no matter what returns you use, but I back new; .

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