Sunday 15 June 2014 - Using IIS 7 Redirect Module or coding your own -

What is the difference between using the IIS redirection module to redirect. Just play with your own coding and response kintext? It does not matter to me, they both do the same thing and it is very easy to use the redirect module in IIS because it is relatively redirected anyway! As this code is doing, it is a global. AS says:

App. response. Status = "301 move permanently"; App response. Adhider ("location", new location);

Am I not right? You can do the same thing in 2 different ways! IIS or code! Use IIS only to web.config in your app:

  & lt; HttpRedirect enabled = "wrong" destination = "" exact destination = "false" httpResponseStatus = "permanent" />  

Good and simple! Accurate determination is false, so it will be redirected to a destination based on a relative basis.

I have to listen to arguments against using one side versus one side because I do not see any argument that would benefit in any way. Both satisfy the same goal.

The way you put it, there is no difference. A coded version allows you to respond to input on the runtime and to redirect people to different pages - use this code for a login.aspx page Can be unsuccessful -page.aspx or login- succesfull-page.aspx . If it's just hard-coded no difference

Remember that the redirects do not mean the sign of permanent rehabilitation of the URL only. . You may want to redirect people to a temporary message (redirect code 307) - for example, if you are working for Apple and Steve Jobs is giving a key word - that is, "Steve Jobs has a redirection to the store. Is giving the main word and we are updating the store "page in this example to give a switch a blow and update your entire web-form to the configuration files of all the IIS servers Instead of choosing the change through runtime logic. Each redirection has its own purpose.

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