Saturday 15 March 2014

ruby on rails - Generate multiple XML files based on database -

Does an SQL database provide an example of using Builder to create multiple XML files. I can easily create a whole database here ...

  DIF index response_to do | Format | Format.xml {@rides = Rides.find (: all)} End and  

This will create a file called index.xml, based on a file named index.xml.builder It has the following code

  xml.instruct! Do Xml.rides do @ rides.each Ride | | Xml.item ("togive" => Ride togive, "totake" => Ride totake, "howlong" => Ride howlong, "isoffer" => Ride.Eoffer, "ID "= & Gt;," Contact "= & gt; Ride Contact) End of End  

Here are the only lines of my routes. RB

  map.resources: ride map.connect ': Controller /: Action /: ID' map.connect ': Controller /: Action /: id: format'  

This works fine, but how do I


edit: convert from format.rss to format.xml create a new file

I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve, but you have another way in your controller Which gives the final ride:

  DF When Kiri Uttr_ | Format | Format.xml {@last_ride = Rides.last} End End  

And then in the visual template last.xml.builder you can do something like this:

  xml.instruct! Xml.rides do xml.item ("togive" = & gt; @last_ride.togive, "totake" = & gt; @last_ride.totake etc ...)  

if you From this perspective you will need to modify your config / routes.rb file to add a new list action:

 < Code> map Source: Ride,: Collection = & gt; {: Final = & gt; From this you can access the route using   

Alternatively, you can easily find the Make conditional calls in the index method of the controller so that all the rides or last rides can be found as appropriate, in this case you can see the current index.xml.builder The visual template should be able to reuse because it will only produce an archive that only one ride Switch to it.

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