Thursday 15 August 2013

ide - Aptana studio won't load? -

I am using a standalone version of Aptana and I have just finished correcting. When I tried to launch Aptana, I found this error:

The product could not be launched because the specified workspace can not be created. The specified workspace directory is either invalid or read-only.

How can I solve it?

I just went to this same issue. This is due to mapping your "My Documents" folder to a different drive. The installer and program believe that it is located on the C: \ drive and tries to create or open the workspace there.

To fix the problem:

Create a new shortcut for Aptana (or modify existing one) and the path to your workspace folder Add a --Data parameter (under your documents by default) on my system this is such a setup:

  "C: \ Users \ lance \ AppData \ Local \ Aptana Studio 2.0 \ AptanaStudio .exe "-data" E: \ Documents \ Aptana Studio Workspace " 

View error log:

Every time you try is , Is written in a log file program / configuration / folder launch the program. Log files appear as they are in the name of some type of timestamp (1259818956579.log). Inside the log file, there is a detailed error message with the data solution:

Route exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The platform metadata area could not be written: C: \ Users \ Lance \ My document \ Aptana Studio Workspace When the Metadata Platform launches, the platform writes its content under the current content. To specify a separate content area for the platform, use the -data parameter.

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