Wednesday, 15 February 2012 - Alternate between hiding and showing different controls on form -

I am working on a small project so that dynamically add a form to a browser and add them to the timer Alternatively, a tick can be seen from visible = false and changes in other changes, but I can not take life to know how to do it.

  some variable dim browser () WebControl Dim XMLFile as String = "\\ ******** .xml" Dim Controllist New ArrayList Dim BrowserCount Integer Private Sub Left_Load (ByVal This System OBject, as inVil E System.EventArgs) as the MyBase.Load 'set form property handles Me.Location = New Point (Screen.AllScreens (0) .Bounds.X, Screen.AllScreens (0) .Bounds.Y) Me.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized Me.TopMost = Try to True 'Load XML URL Dim xmlDoc New XmlDocument Dim NodeList as XmlNodeList = XmlDoc.SelectNodes file ("// BottomLeft / U RL ") define numb xmlDoc.Load (XMLFile) URL based on the XML dim numberOfBrowsers as the browsers ER = integer = nodeList.Count + 1 ReDim Browser (numberOfBrowsers) 'URL put in an array New ArrayList Debug.WriteLine Later to use Dim UrlList ("Browser number is:" & amp; numberOfBrowsers) added for each Inst XmlNode nodeList UrlList.Add (inst.InnerText) Debug.WriteLine (for as "Array" Gaya: "& amp; Inst.InnerText) Add the Browser to NumberOfBrowsers - Set Debug.writeLine ("Start to Include Browser") Browser (Counter) = Debug Browser (Counter) - For next set 'properties and counter integer = 0 WriteLine ("Properties Setting"). Dock = DockStyle.Fill .Name = "New Browser" with Browser "&" the counter. Source = New Yury (Counter) if counter = 0 then Visual = True Els. Adding the actual browser after installing properties with Visual = Fell and End and End and Exploration. Control Add (Browser) (Adder Browser) (Adder) AddHandler Browser (Counter). LoadingingFrameComplete, AddressOf All_Browsers_Loaded Debug.WriteLine (". The browser is added is the current calculation:" & amp; counters) Exception Debug.WriteLine (Pre) Try ending 'for all the added browsers calculate the optional AllWebBrowser between them, as the new list (control) of Webcontrol (AllWebBrowser, I, GetType (Webcontrol)) in each Web FindControlRecursive as Debug.WriteLine ("Webcontrols on the Form:" & amp; Web.Name) Start the timer to turn on BrowserCount = +1 Next 'Timer Timer 1 Interval = 1000 timer 1. Start (and End) Private Sub All_Browsers_Loaded (ByVal, as ByWal E. Awesomium.Core.FrameEventArgs) as the System.Object. Browser Browsing Browser.Zoom = "80" as Webcontrol = DirectCast (Sender, Webcontrol) .WriteLine ("Browser is now zoomed out?") End Sub Public Function For ChangeBrowser () I have the integer = 0 as browser with BrowserCount (I), then browser (I) .Visible = true Then the browser (I) .Visible = false changed = true end then changed to changed boolean = It is true then the browser (I) .Visible = true = false end then if I = BrowserCount then browser (0) .Visible = Continue for true termination Next return ending with false end function  Then 

I am trying to get the first view browser in the ChangeBrowser () function and it is not making it visible. Then set the modified boolean to the right.

Is that the best way to handle it?

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