Saturday, 15 May 2010

java - Way to write a aggregation query with a divide operation on size array in projection -

I would like to use Spring Data Mangodebi for this aggregation query. {"$ Group": {"_id": "$ searchTerm", "dateAddToSet": {"$ addToSet": "$ date"}}}, {"$ project" : {"SearchTerm": "$ _id.searchTerm", "percent": {"$ divide": [{"$ size": "$ dateAddToSet"}, 28]}}})

I can not

Thank you very much ago. Sorry for the delay here is the main problem that Spring Mongo is not a supported operation at this time. . So the only way to build is to use the construction of DBOBK.

But you can add two methods by providing your own wrapper class, such as:

  Public class customization operation Tools Integration Operation {Personal DBObject Operation; Public Castelagration Operation (DBOBject operation) {this.operation = Operation; } Override @DOBiBeject public DobBeject (aggregation option reference) {reference context.getMappedObject (operation); }}  

Therefore, to override the .toDBObject () method in general, simply return the DBObject data which is used by the constructor

Then use it later in the creation of your aggregation:

  aggregation agg = newAggregation (group ("searchTerm New add-ons ("dateAddToSet"), new CustomAgreement Operations ("$ Project", New BasicDBObject ("_ id", 0) .append ("searchTerm", "$ _ id") .append ("percent" , The new BasicDBObject ("$ partition", new object [] {New BasicDBObject ("$ size", "dateAddToSet"), 28})))));  

and it produces a pipeline with the correct form:

  {"total": " __collection__ "$ group": ["$ group": {"_id": "$ searchTerm", "dateAddToSet": {"$ addToSet": "$ date"}}}, {"$ project": {"_id" :, "SearchTerm": "$ _id", "percent": {"$ divide": [{"$ size": "$ dateAddToSet"}, 28]}}}]}  

So there is a way of mixing available builders with custom build so that you can use those methods where no builder is present.

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