I need to manually convert a created spreadsheet into a SQL report. The report is generated through the oracle form (BI One of the suite apps)
is an inbox that is identified with "ticket number"
Each request number system has a help desk ticket. Here is a screenshot of the spreadsheet:
request no. Modules offer (request is being sent, a timestamp) observer (the request has been approved by the supervisor) average observer acceptance period Responsibility average North approval period of training (training approval for approval to complete) Average training acceptance period - Configuration - Depends on whether its PIISM or Iconcommunication Average Config Approved Period Approved Total Total Security Protection Average Protection Approval Period SOD Average SOD Acceptance Period
So whatever I am trying to do is to generate it using some SLP scripts.
One of my problems is that .. I can often find redundant and disputed data in the database for a specific "request number".
Below is my query.
as "select as not", RESPONSIBILITY_NAME "module" request, TO_CHAR hur.reg_request_id (hur.creation_date, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH24: MI: SS ') as "present", TO_CHAR (Hur.last_update_date,' DD-MON-YY YY HH 24: MI: "Supervisor as SS ')", round ((hur.last_update_date - hur.creation_date) , 3) || "Average supervisor Appr duration", / * "responsibility" as the "day", / * "responsibility" like hura.creation_date * /, "Average Resp Appr period" zero "training", "Average training appr period" as zero, hur.LAST_UPDATE_DATE The "average SOD acceptance period" as zero, zero as "configuration", "average security appr period", "SOD" as zero, zero as the "safety", "average config appr period "Zero", "allowed" as hurr.last_update_date, "full overall duration", "hurr.last_updat" E_date - hur.creation_date, 2), join the HHS_UMX_REG_SERVICES fern from "Notes" as NULL fnd_responsibility_vl frt ON (hur.responsibility_id = frt.responsibility_id and hur.responsibility_application_id = frt.application_id) JOIN hhs_umx_reg_requests hurr ON (hurr.reg_request_id = Hur.reg_request_id) / * JoinHHS_axx_action_activity hura * / left outer join hhs_umx_resp_activity at hura (hur.reg_request_id = hura.reg_request_id) - where (hhs_umx_resp_activity hura where hura.created_by = hur.created_by and hura.creation_date & gt; zero selection Add present; hur.creation_date) and hur.reg_request_id ( '263,428', '263,458', '263,473', '264,717', '263,402', '263,404', '262,671', '263,229', '263,268') order by Hur. reg_request_id ASC
The schema here:
** hhs_umx_reg_requests **
one S As an alternative solution, you can simply create rows that add columns together in an SQL command. Some things like "INSERT INTO TABLE ('REQ_NO', 'MODULE) VALUES (A2, B2)" etc. Then you can only use the Excel function which makes a repetitive copy for each line
Another easy solution is to save the spreadsheet as a CSV (play with accurate CSV format) What you think) and after that you can import it only in your SQL table and play around there.
Certainly other advanced solutions like Tomcat said.
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