I am new to iOS Swift Development, I am implementing a Peripheral Handler in which I am starting an example of CBPherpal Manager. I have implemented the required representative methods but still showing this error
'type peripheralHandler - & gt; () - & gt; PeripheralHandler! 'CBPeripheralManagerDelegate does not confirm it.
Foundation Import Import Core Bluetooth Class Periferlhandlr: Ansobijekt, Sibeeprfeyrlmanejrdileget {var myPerifheralManager = CBPeripheralManager (Representative: self-line: zero) func peripheral Mandkadikrit management (peripheral: Sibeeprferl manager PrintLn ( "BLE on") case CBPeripheralManagerState.Unknown: println ( "" known as) "(printable)" (println ( "peripheralManagerDidUpdateState called !!!") switch peripheral.state {case CBPeripheralManagerState.PoweredOff: println ( "BLE OFF") Case CBPeripheralManagerState.PoweredOn: Println ("BLE Not Summer Default "): println (" error ")}}}
/ div>
this is a confusing error message that you can not
you can use a lazy variable:
lazy var myPerifheral Manager: CBPeripheralManager = {return CBPeripheralManager (W Ratinidi: self-line: zero)} ()
When you first log in myPerifheralManager
, this block will be called, and it made object to your Will give