Friday 15 August 2014

android - Webrtc Mobile kurento client -

I want to create a mobile application where one of the interactive users can broadcast audio and video to other participants and the session Has been recorded. I know that it is possible to use an MCU and have done a lot of research in particular, especially if I read a lot about Curino, how can I implement a Curatorio client on iOS and Android.

What steps should I take to implement a Curino Client app?

For example I?

WebRTC can be used to create applications is not very different to make standard WWW applications normally , A webRTC application that you are describing, such as 3 layers: client layer, application server layer and media server layer.

For your specific needs, the Curanton Media Server can provide you the Media Server level (you can record and be able to provide group communications through MCU and SFU models) However, The media server does not provide you two other layers.

When the Curatoro Media Server Media Server Layer, if you base it in Java or Javascript technologies, then the server server layer becomes simpler. This is due to the fact that Kurento offers Javascript off to Kurento Client API (API Control Trickle capabilities) and Shelf. Therefore, you can make your application logic, such as where a standard WWW application and the only difference is that instead of using an API to access any DD.BB (As is usually done in WWW applications) you will use the Kurento Client API to access media server capabilities.

For client side (and this goes straight to the point of your question), you are compatible with any WebRTC standard client technology, that means that the support for the Kurno Media Server WebRTC standards, in addition to the client platform Nothing about it. Therefore, if your app works correctly on WWW browsers, then it should work correctly on smartphone native applications with support of WebRTC. You do not need support for the Quaranto Client API on the client device. The Kurento Client API is only going to be used on the application server layer.

Closing this discussion in a practical perspective, your best option is to create a native smartphone client application for your service. WebRTC stacks out there Specifically, you can use the stack (one of Google's) or the stack (one of Ericsson). You should compile them and complement them with signaling capabilities to interoperate with your application server.

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