NB: I have tried to do several amqp libraries with nodes (and) and it seems that we can not use offline message, so i
< P> I use the introduction:I need to create a mobile backend with realtime socket exchanges, regardless of network loss. / P>
I have searched something and it seems that using a message broker is a good idea. So I documented myself and tried to apply some things. Here, I am using
, the fact is that I can use different queues and exchange types, like fanout, when I have a complete and fixed network connection.
I got some information about changing the type of my queue and setting it to "durable: true" and "auto delet: false", but it does not seem to work Happen.
I need to manage offline message management to work in any way
What I've written:
< / P> var amqp = require ('amqplib'); Requires Var app = ('Express') (); Var requires server = ('http'). Server (app); Var io = requires ('socket.io') (server, {'pingtimeout': 10000, 'ping interval': 5000}); App.get ('/', function (rik, ridge) {res.sendfile (__DIN name + '/ index_');}); Server.listen (8888); Amqp.connect ('amq: // localhost') .then (function (conn, err) {if (err! = Null) {console.log (err);} else {return conn.createChannel (). (Ch, err) {if (err! = Null) {console.log (err);} else {io.sockets.on ('connection', function (socket) {ch.assertExchange ('logs', 'fanout' , {Durable: wrong}}. Then (function () {socket.on ('message', function (msg) {ch.publish ('log', '', new buffer (msg)}}; return ch. AssertQueue ('', {durable: true, auto delet: wrong});}). Then (function (qok) {return ch.bindQueue (qok.queue, 'logs', '') .then (function () { Return qok.queue;});}). (Function (queue) {return ch.consume (queue, quo consommed, {noAck: true});}; function queue processed (msg) {socket.emit (' News', msg.content.toStri Ng ());}}}}} question -
Library offline messaging How can control, how can the socket be timeout? Clearly, how can it handle the timeout and heartbeat of the socket. IO?
In this library, the developer dealt with "channel" which I did not find in the documentation. What is a channel? A user connection?
What should I change to manage a strong and good offline messaging between my backend, a browser and a smartphone?