Friday 15 April 2011

embedded - Lua certified for use on an airframe or road vehicle? -

Does anyone know if Lua has been certified to run on an airframe or road vehicle? Certification procedures such as DO178B (RTCA) or standardization such as ISO 26262 (road vehicles).

Certification is the case and I will feel more confident of the language which should be realized that another company has successfully processed a process.

I am not making any condition due to GC and dynamic facilities, but I thought I would question the crowd anyway. Cheers.

DO178 level D will be suspicious and will be highly unlikely Lua VM uses a lot of dynamic memory allocation Level A. You need to show the source code to the object code tracability. I do not see you like this in Lua.

In addition to this, you do not have equipment designed for things you need. When you feel the work required for Level C or higher, then doing everything yourself is not an option. Using a recognized device with a ready certification pack makes it very easy. Are there any statement and branch coverage tools for Lua? Is this device worthy?

As you have said that the authentication is like the case and the authorities know the facts and if you use C, then there are not any questions. As soon as you use anything, you are opening yourself to everyone. Types of questions about interpretation and implementation

I would love to use Ruby on an aircraft but I know that This is not going to happen.

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