Friday 15 June 2012

python - How much of NumPy and SciPy is in C? -

Are parts of NumPy and / or SciPy programmed in C / C ++?

And how to call Python from Java to Java and / or C # over overhead to call overhead C?

I am thinking that if the dragon is a better alternative than the Java or C # for the scientific app.

If I see, Python loses at a huge margin but my guess is because they do not use third-party libraries in those standards.

  1. I question any benchmark which is not a source for each implementation Shows (or did I miss something)? It is entirely possible that either the two solutions have been badly coded, resulting in both the improper evaluation of both the performance of the language. Oh, now I see the source. Although others have said that although this is not using NumPy / SciPy libraries, those standards are not helping to make your decision.
  2. I believe most NumPy and SciPy are written in C and wrapped in Python for ease of use.
  3. It probably depends on what you are doing in those languages, how high it is for a particular application. I have used Python for data processing and analysis for two years, so I would say that it is definitely fit for purpose.

    What are you trying to achieve at the end of the day? If you want a fast way to develop the readable code, then Python is an excellent choice and certainly for the first time, any thing is fast enough which you are trying to solve.

    Why not each a small group of your problem and benchmark results in terms of time and run time? Then you can make an objective decision based on some relevant data ... or at least I do this: -)

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