Friday, 15 July 2011

Zend Gdata php not working -

So I'm trying to connect to a Google spreadsheet, to do that I want to use the Zendetta Framework Going on I try to connect to the Google API like this:

  set_include_path ("$ _ SERVER [DOCUMENT_ROOT] /ZendGdata-1.12.11/ library"); Need_once 'Zend / Loader.php'; $ Service = Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets :: AUTH_SERVICE_NAME; $ Client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin :: getHttpClient (' ',' xxxxx ', $ service); $ Spreadsheet Service = New Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets ($ customer);  

But when I execute the code I get this error: www / ZendGdata-1.12.11 / library Fatal Error: Class 'Zend_Gdata_Spreadsheets' /sites/ I did not find /www/test.php on line 26

I do not know what is going wrong, can you help me? :)

I also checked that the Zend Framework was installed correctly: here Enter the image details

The error indicates that the GDATA library is not available for your PHP file.

If you are working in a local environment, then follow these steps:

  1. Open your "PHP.INI" file and type the string from include_path Get started which looks like this: include_path = ".: Any other library path"

  2. This is a different line than colon and you can finally add your gdata library path the wanted.

  3. Then your last included path should look like this:

include_path = ".: Another library path: your gdata library Path "

Note: Make sure that you want to delete any major semicolon and delete the include_path.

Otherwise, you should not have direct access to the PHP.INI file if you are working on your hosting server. Can you do the following: 1. Open. If not, create new tezt file and add new entry:

php_value include_path ('full path to your GDATA library');

Save the .htaccess file to the root directory of your server

That's it! done!

Note: If you still get the same error, make sure that you have edited the correct php.ini file and double check the path to your GDATA library.

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