Friday, 15 July 2011

websocket - WebRTC Serverless DataChannel -

If it is possible to do a text chat, then the room / channel where the URL, such as It would be horrible if it was P2P and encrypted. So though - WebRTC Datachenal, yes!

It looks like there is a server that controls the connection, is that right? Is there any remedy? Back Compatibility There is no concern here. I am also surprised that it will be a problem with many participants WebRTC is a matter of two people.

Sorry if I think I want an answer, but I have actually tried it, but I am confused ... very old information and misunderstandings.

To initiate a Web RTC call, your first customer will have to send the SDP to another one . This includes all mandatory information about communication (). The second customer will have to do this (SDP answer). In addition, they have to exchange their ICE candidates (IP address, port and transport protocol). After this, your client should be able to communicate with the encrypted media (Datachen) in P2P.

But to bring all those information from one browser to another, the easiest way to do it, is to use a server. The AAAI is not a simple solution to do this with browsers. Note, sometimes, P2P wont work (proxy, firewall, restrictive NAT ...), and you can use a current server to relay your media (but it is still encrypted ).

A peer connection A P2P communication (2 clients) However, in your webpage you can create several peer connections.

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