From the Web of Science I have downloaded 500 articles quotes in one I only author 'column ( AU) has been read in R. The variables are seperated by semicolons from 1:
Anceline, L; Fujita, M. This, JF
I want to remove Author1, Author2, Author3 ... AuthorN in different columns. I have 10 authors in my file. There are up to 7 authors in this sample:
# Sample of data data & lt; - c ("Analycin, L.Verga, A; ACS, Z", "ACS, ZJ: ANSELLIN, L.Verga, A", "ANCELIN, L", "FUZITA, M, ASSE, JF", "Turner, RK; Van den Berg, JCJM, Sodrequist, T, Barrendregget, A; Van der Straaten, J. Maltaby, E. van Ireland, EC "," Tallen, E, Analysis, L "," Irwin, Easy Buckstale, NE "," Leggett, CG; Bockstell, NE "," Guimaras, P; Figendo, O; Woodward, D "I have tried many paths: # Method3 - Read the table: Not equal amount of elements Meth3 & lt; - read.table (text connection (data), sep = ";", stringsfactor = FALSE) # Method2 - Separate columns The name Meth2 and lt repeats; -Col (RBID, strutsplit (GSUB (";", "\\ 1NONSENSESPLIT \\ 2NONSENSESPLPL \\ 3", data), "non-SNELPLIT") # Method 5 - Split line entries , Create identifiers and reconnect them later: Math5 <- Straplipit (data, ";") i
Any suggestions for organizing and identifying authors ... The author is warmly welcomed.
Support for:
< Code> read.csv (text = data, header = FALSE, sep = ";") v1v2v3v4v5v6v7a escel N, L. Verga, AAC, Z2 ACS, J.J. Ancillin, L. Verga, A3 N.Cellin, L4 Fujita, M A, JF 5 Turner, RK van den Hughes H, JCJM Soderquist, Tea Barrendregate, A van der Straten , J. Maltby, E Van Irland, EC6 Meal, E. Anslicin, L7 Irwin, EG Bockstell, NE8 Leget, CG Bockstell, NE 9 Guimaras, P Figuendo, O Woodward, D10 Hellen, Benjamin S. McLeod, Karen L. Rosenberg, Andrew A. Crowder, Larry B.
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